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Avenue Hassan II, IO ox 104

Ifrane 53000, Morocco } OHN R. } ORDAN


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2011-12 /0123435 '16272823 09 '12341:2701:; .28<736 Monlerey, CaIifornia
Masler of Arls in Teaching IngIish lo Seakers of Olher Languages
3.96 Grade Ioinl Average
Meril SchoIarshi, 2011-2012
2009 /7<=362 &3:>?34 &4:7171@ A40@4:B Madison, Wisconsin
Teacher lraining comonenl of lhe Wisconsin IngIish as a Second Language Inslilule
five-veek, 130-hour leacher lraining and TIIL cerlificalion rogram
2002-06 #17C346725 09 D:16:6 Lavrence, Kansas
acheIors of Science in }ournaIism
3.78 Grade Ioinl Average, gradualed Wilh Dislinclion
DuaI minors in IlaIian and Arl Hislory
&!%$E')F !GA!H'!)$!
08/13-on !1@;76? '16248>204 0'$12'1+ 3+$4+%5 67 68#')'9$ :$;<+%,;49 Ifrane, Morocco
CurrenlIy inslrucl inlensive universily-rearalion Academic IngIish courses
=%'..'% -"2%,+: SuIemenl lexlbooks vilh ro|ecl-based and muIlimedia
assignmenls lhal buiId sludenls' abiIily lo use IngIish Grammar aulhenlicaIIy
>+'&;$1 -"2%,+: Increase sludenls' skiIIs lhrough noveIs, academic vocabuIary
deveIomenl, and crilicaI ro|ecls
?%;4;$1 -"2%,+: Teach senlence-IeveI slruclure, aragrah and essay vriling skiIIs
2013, '12 %<I81>2 -:>8;25 @"$4+%+9 A$,4;424+ "B A$4+%$'4;"$'7 C42&;+, Monlerey, CaIifornia
summer A$4+$,;<+ D$17;,# E%"1%'., F DC0 E%"1%'.
IIanned and inslrucled inlensive lexlbook-free ISL courses in Reading/Wriling,
OraI Communicalions, Reading SkiIIs, and InlernalionaI IoIilics
DeveIoed research/cilalion skiIIs and crilicaI lhinking vhiIe exosing sludenls lo
assorled aulhenlic maleriaIs in conlenl-based InlernalionaI IoIilics course
IaciIilaled buiIding beginning and inlermediale-IeveI sludenls' reading slralegies
and skiIIs vhiIe deveIoing vocabuIary lhrough ro|ecls and aulhenlic readings
2013 !., '16248>204 :$;<+%,;49 "B 3'7;B"%$;'GA%<;$+ DH4+$,;"$ Irvine, CaIifornia
}an-}une A$4+%$'4;"$'7 E%"1%'.,5 A$4+$,;<+ DC0 E%"1%'.
Taughl Reading, Lislening & Seaking, and Grammar & Wriling
Led inlermediale-IeveI sludenls lo buiId resenlalion, Iislening/nole-laking skiIIs
Taughl high beginners aragrah-vriling skiIIs and deveIoed grammar
knovIedge lhrough communicalive form-focused aclivilies, limed vrilings,
|ournaIs, and muIlimedia use
Avenue Hassan II, IO ox 104
Ifrane 53000, Morocco } OHN R. } ORDAN

2010-11 !1@;76? ,:1@8:@3 '16248>204 6.;&+',4FI2$;,;' Sousse, Tunisia
Led 20-hour TOIIL re course and roclored TOIIC and TOIIL exams
Taughl 40-hour usiness IngIish courses, in smaII cIasses and one-on-one
2009-10 %>>366 %>:<3B5 -:>8;25 6,;'$ :$;<+%,;49 B"% ?".+$ Chillagong, angIadesh
DeveIoed and execuled academic Ianguage courses for re-coIIegiale vomen
from 11 differenl counlries al a veslern-slyIe LiberaI Arls universily
HeIed sludenls buiId nole-laking, summarizing, and Iislening skiIIs vilh
inslruclion using NIR, YouTube, lhe C, and more
Used in-cIass ro|ecls lo heI sludenls asses, and deveIo lheir use of grammar
Designed and imIemenled Inlroduclion lo }ournaIism course lhal Iaunched lhe
universily's firsl schooI nevsaer, I#+ 6:? I;.+,
Slarled and coached schooI's firsl baskelbaII leam, lhe Iacemakers
2006-08 A3:>3 $04J6 K0;812334 E+'-+ 3"%*, @'&'1',-'% Ankazoabo, Madagascar
Taughl IIL al middIe schooIs and high schooIs in ruraI soulhern Madagascar
Worked vilh cIasses of 30-75 sludenls using onIy chaIk, ens, and aer
Organized and Ied IngIish cIubs lhal connecled sludenls vilh en aIs and
crealed aclivilies lo heIed sludenls undersland American cuIlure
%$%"!/'$ AH(L!$&.M AH!.!)&%&'().M %)" %--','%&'().
E%+,+$4'4;"$, The RoIe of IIL Teacher as Main Irovider of Aulhenlic Inul, al CeIebraling
Ioreign Language Iducalion: A Monlerey ay Symosium (Sring 2012)
IDCJ0 A$4+%$'4;"$'7, Currenl member.
36IDCJ0 C4+;$K+-8 3#'*4+%. Allended Oclober 22, 2011, vorksho on ro|ecl-based curricuIum
al Monlerey IeninsuIa CoIIege, and Sleinbeck chaler sociaI evenls
=%'&2'4+ ?"%8:
DeveIoed eighl-veek, 240-hour curricuIum for IrofessionaI and usiness IngIish
(CurricuIum Design, Sring 2012) and vrole and iIoled oraI skiIIs diagnoslic assessmenl
and business emaiI achievemenl exam for Azerbai|an DiIomalic Academy curricuIum
(Language Assessmenl, Sring 2012)
Designed induclive Iocus-on-Iorm Iesson on reIalive ronoun usage using I#+ LMNN
3"..;,,;"$ >+*"%4 (Slruclure of IngIish, Sring 2012)
Crealed and imIemenled inlensive reading Iesson on ersonaI narralives using
O+),)++8 arlicIe by Arelha IrankIin (Teaching of Reading, Sring 2012)

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