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Business English Assignment

By 2nd Group : Dini Hanifa Fiki Amaliyya Sherlly Anggraini Tia Yandita

THE STUDY !"G!A##E "F E$G%&SH EDU'AT&"$ THE S'H""% "F TEA'HE! T!A&$&$G A$D EDU'AT&"$ THE U$&(E!S&TY "F #UHA##AD&YAH !"F) D!) HA#*A +A*A!TA 2,-.
A) A %etter of En/uiry -) The Definition of &n/uiry %etter

A letter of inquiry is a letter of interest, sent to companies that may be hiring, but haven't listed specific job. A considerable number of companies require their potential employees to submit a two-page letter of inquiry before they are given the chance to write and submit a full proposal. The inquiry letter helps the company or organisation to save time developing application material for unlikely projects. 2) The "utline of &n/uiry %etter Fir0t aragraph This should tell the reader what you want! e.g. "lease send me... # would be grateful if you could tell me... # am writing to enquire whether... # would especially like to know... $ould you also... Se1ond aragraph This paragraph tells the reader why you are contacting his or her organisation, and gives further detail of the enquiry. There are two reasons why you may contact an organisation ! . you have contacted this organisation before, and want to again. %. you have not contacted this organisation before, but you have heard about them. &ou should describe from where, such as from an advert or a recommendation' e.g. a. # saw your advert in the () *aily on Thursday, + ,ctober %+ -. b. &our company was recommended to me by .s. /lsie 0ong of 1ar /astern 2ogistics. 2

Final aragraph This paragraph should contain a polite e3pression and4or an e3pression of thanks to the reader. The degree of politeness 5and therefore the length6, depends on how unusual or difficult your request is. "ossible language includes ! Thanks. # look forward to hearing from you. # am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your assistance. Thank you very much for your kind assistance. # appreciate that this is an unusual request, but # would be very grateful for any help you could provide. # look forward to hearing from you. #f you think the reader might have further questions, you can suggest that he or she contact you' e.g. '#f you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me'. /3ample !2


Rich Lucky Tra in! "ompany 34#$ %athan R $ &owloon$ '.&. 14 (cto)er 2*13 'i-fashion +arment Lt ,nit 3-. /hek &ip 0ei 1n ustrial 2state 3ear /ir or 0a am Request for Catalogue 4lease sen me your current catalo!ue. 5our company was recommen e to me )y 0s. 2lsie 6on! of 7ar 2astern Lo!istics. (ur 8frican customer is intereste in importin! a ran!e of printe 1**9 cotton cloth. 1 look forwar to hearin! from you. 5ours K.K. Chan &.&. "han 0erchan iser

B) A %etter A1kno2ledging an En/uiry -) The Definition of A1kno2ledging En/uiry %etter Acknowledgement letter is a type of letter that is written to recogni8e or reply someone9s efforts towards your objective. That someone can be an individual, individuals or an organisation. A letter of acknowledgement is a document that intends to convey sincere acknowledgement for someone's support that they gave to someone else. These letters are more formal and sincere than a standard thank you note. 2etters of acknowledgement should be written with the utmost sincerity and graciousness so

that the reader greatly appreciates the acknowledgement. The letter may be acknowledging . 2) The "utline of A1kno2ledging En/uiry %etter A1kno2ledging re1eipt of an en/uiry3re/ue0t - Thank you for your letter of ... regarding 4 concerning 4 in connection with ... - # refer to your enquiry about 4 relating to ... - # have received your letter of ... requesting information about ... E4plaining a1tion taken a0 a 1on0e/uen1e of the en/uiry - # have 5reviewed our available stock6 ... - 0e held a meeting on % :anuary to discuss possible solutions. - # have checked4looked into4investigated 5the possible approaches6 ... #aking 0ugge0tion0 3 5u0tifying re1ommendation0 3 pointing out pro0 and 1on0 3 hedging - The best choice would be ... since ... - # highly recommend ... as 4 due to the fact that ... - ... would probably be more suitable because ... - ... seems to suit you better although ... - "erhaps you should choose ... even though ... - # suggest that you 5should6 choose ... - # recommend this item since ... - #n view of the fact that ..., # would strongly recommend ... as ... Apologi6ing and re5e1ting propo0al0 - 0hile # appreciate your firm's need for this information, # regret that ... - #t will not be possible to ... for legal reasons. 0e are bound to ... - &our proposal is of interest to us, and we have had consultations about it. - (owever, we feel that it will not be in our interests to ... for reasons of .. - 0e are concerned that ... Stipulating a1tion re/ue0ted or to 7e taken - 0e shall arrange for ... by the latest.

- # shall see to it that ... - ,ur company will arrange for ... E0ta7li0hing good2ill and 0ugge0ting 1onta1t - # hope this suggestion4information will be useful to you. - # hope this information will prove useful to you. - # hope that this information will help you to make decisions on your order. - # look forward to hearing from you. - # look forward to receiving your confirmation of ... - # look forward to doing business with your company in the future ... - "lease feel free to contact me again if you have any further queries on ... - *o contact me on %;< =>-% if you need further information. - "lease do not hesitate to contact me on %;< =>-% if # can be of further assistance.
/verlong ?atteries @

E4ample of A1kno2ledging En/uiry ; , $hoi (ung %etter Aoad !

(ung (om, (ong )ong Tel41a3 %%-= %>>B > ,ct %+ -

.r : 0ong "urchasing ,fficer 1ortune Coods - ; ,rchard Aoad Dingapore

*ear .r 0ong /n/uiry a7out Batterie0 Thank you for your letter of 1riday, ,ctober %+ - regarding making copies of the sample battery you sent us. 3 http://elc.polyu.e # have investigated the situation and found that your specifications are e3actly the same as the ; design of a proprietary camera battery manufactured by a large :apanese electronics company. 0e feel that it would not be in our interests to supply this type of battery. (owever, # would like to thank you for considering our company as your supplier. # look forward to doing business with your company in the future

David Choi *avid $hoi

*istributions .anager

') A %etter of !efu0al -) The Definition of !efu0al %etter A refusal letter is meant to convey rejection of a job offer, an invitation for a seminar or event, a business proposal, etc. As this letter contains something negative, people who are responsible for writing such a letter usually find themselves in a fi3.

This is because they have to find a way of writing through which, they can convey the message without hurting the sentiments of the addressee. (ence, it is important to choose appropriate words while drafting a rejection letter.> 2) The "utline of !efu0al %etter Fir0t paragraph 8a1kno2ledging letter9 : -0e thank you for your application requesting an e3tension of your credit for the payment E -Thank you for your detailed letter of E..

Se1ond paragraph 8e4pre00ing regret9 : - 0e regret to inform you that E.. we will not be able to E.. -we regret that we are unable to EE

Third paragraph 8en1ouraging 7ut gi:ing a rea0on for refu0al9 : -#n theory, your project is an e3citing one but we fear that E.

Fourth paragraph 8offering an alternati:e : a 1ounter propo0al9 : -(owever, if you would like to reconsider the project, you might prefer to act as a distributor E..

Fifth paragraph 8ending on a 2arm note;perhap0 they 2ill 1ooperate in the future9 : -Thank you again for your enquiry.

http://www.)<;.3;.html .

- 0e hope that we will be able to work together in the future. 0e once again thank you for investing your time and interest in Acetek $ompany. E4ample of refu0al letter :

Refusal of Credit to Vendor Mr. 6ill Taylor 4urchase 0ana!er - Coom 0otors 1<$ >ackson /treet Los 8n!eles

3ear 0r. 6ill Taylor$

6e thank you for your application requestin! an e:tension of your cre it for the payment of D1**$*** a!ainst 2*$*** spare parts supplie in %o?em)er$ 2*12 for a uration of three months.

6e re!ret to inform you that un er the current situation of the economy$ we will not )e a)le to !i?e you any further cre it. 8s you know$ we ha?e alrea y offere you fle:i)le payment terms of ;* ays$ post the ate of eli?ery. 'owe?er$ owin! to the Rejecting Proposal of are?ise New Vendor market ownturn$ we ha?e all our cre it policies an ha?e resorte to work on Eimme iate paymentE )asis$ as we are also o)li!ate to pay our ues on time. Mr. >oshua 0ason /ales mana!er - /er?icepro 6e$ at 8:lepro "ompany$ ?alue your lon!-term support an acknowle !e that you 13#$ 6illow ha?e always a /treet here to our payment terms without efaultin!. 8s soon as the economy shows an upwar tren $ we will resume our cre it policies as earlier. 6e @oston sincerely hope that you will consi er our situation$ an continue to share a stron! )usiness relationship. 3ear 0r. >oshua 0ason$

E4ample of refu0al letter :

/incerely$ Thank you for offerin! an interestin! proposal for the ser?icin! an o?erhaulin! of machinery in 8cetek "ompanyAs new manufacturin! facility. 0arie >aco) /ales 0ana!er (ur ?en or mana!ement team has re?iewe your proposal carefully to ensure that 8:lepro "ompany it meets our requirements. 'owe?er$ we re!ret to inform you that we will )e una)le to take it ahea $ )ecause of our companyAs strin!ent ?en or an cost policies. 6e alrea y ha?e a pool of ?en ors who are offerin! us similar ser?ices at cost-effecti?e rates. 6e hope that we will )e a)le to work to!ether in the future. 6e once a!ain thank you for in?estin! your time an interest in 8cetek "ompany.

4aul 7or 3irector - Ben or 0ana!ement 8cetek "ompany

D) De01ri7ing 'ompany %o1ation

E4ample :

(ur new %orwe!ian 'otel is in 8lesun . 1t is situate in an area which is sche ule for leisure an recreation$ two hun re kilometres south of Tron heim an three hun re an twenty kilometres 1* west of (slo.

Arranging of De01ri7ing a Bu0ine00 "ffi1e %o1ation : $ountry ,rgani8ation Town *istance

,ur new $anadian Fature "ark is in *og $reek. #t is situated in an area which is scheduled for conservation, four hundred kilometres north of Gancouver and one hundred and fifty kilometres east of Daskatchewan.


http!44www.ask.com4question4what-is-a-letter-of-enquiry http! http!




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