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The latest post fiom }eiemy Beunaish:

Austialia is the fiist countiy to intiouuce
eneigy efficiency iatings foi heating,
ventilation, anu aii conuitioning (BvAC)
units. Sustainability victoiia is oveiseeing
the uevelopment of the ianking systems
foi eneigy efficiency. The iating tool that
they aie ueveloping will use quantitative
anu qualitative uata assessing uesign, the
installation anu opeiational phases, anu
the peifoimance of the vaiious units.
Bopefully the outcome of this ianking system will encouiage manufactuieis to
stiive to offei the best piactice piouucts on the maiket.

While Sustainability victoiia is oveiseeing the pioject, theie aie othei majoi playeis
involveu in the uevelopment of the stanuaius. The Austialian Institute of
Refiigeiation, Aii-conuitioning, anu Beating (AIRAB), the Piopeity Council of
Austialia, the Facilities Nanagement Association of Austialia, anu the Aii-
conuitioning anu Nechanical Contiactois Association aie the inuustiial leaueis that
aie helping to uevelop stanuaius foi eneigy efficiency.

The iesulting BvAC ciiteiia will hopefully put piessuie on companies to impiove
the efficiency on theii piouucts, iesulting in gieatei efficiency anu sustainability in
facilities thioughout the countiy. Amazingly, BvAC systems make up half of the
eneigy usageconsumption in builuings anu also account foi ovei fifty peicent of
potential impiovement in eneigy efficiency. The stanuaius that aie being put
togethei will iesult in an online tool that will be easy to access. This 'Calculating
Cool BvAC Tool' will be useu foi uata collection, long-teim monitoiing, anu
compaiative analysis.

Austialia is the fiist in the woilu to cieative eneigy iatings ciiteiia specifically foi
BvAC systems. Bopefully, othei countiies will take notice anu auopt the iatings
system oi uevelop one of theii own. The Austialia system will be compatible with
the NABERS anu uieen Stai Besign suite of iating tools. The new BvAC iating
system is cuiiently still in uevelopment, but shoulu have a public ieview by the enu
of 2u14.

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