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"WEEK 2" 'WEEKLY TEST' Marks 50 40 + 10 (Test paper + activity on t e pa!

e" # $%estions & 1 'on%s $%estion( Ti)e *i)it+ 24 rs Ti)e nee,e, to -rite+ .5)ins(

1( /i** in t e '*anks+ 0 (. Marks" S(1(W( sai,2 "(W oever per3or)s any prayer in - ic e ,i, not 444445)) 1* $%ran444442 t en is prayer is inco)p*ete(" 6e sai, it t rice" 7M%s*i)8 T e 9rop et (peace :e %pon i)" a*so sai,+; T e o:*i!ation - ic separates %s 3ro) t e) (t e non0:e*ievers" is t e 44444prayer<sa*a 4444 an, e - o reno%nces it :eco)es a ,is:e*iever= (>e*ate, :y ?)a)s 1 )e, an, M%s*i)" 1t 3irst t e 9rop et S(1(W( %se, to -ork as 44444s ep ar, an, t en as a tra,er<)erc ant44444(

2( @o)p*ete t e 6a,it $%,si+ 0 (10 Marks"

(All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of existence.) Allah Says, __my servant praised me____________________________________

(The Most racio!s, the Most Mercif!l.)

Allah Says, ___my servant "lorified me___________________________________

(The #$ner of the %ay of &ecompense.) Allah Says, __my servant related all matters to me____________________________________

!" # !
('o! (alone) $e $orship, and 'o! (alone) $e ask for help.) Allah Says, __this is bet$een me and my servant and he shall attain $hat he $ill is seekin"____________________________________

' $ % & 0 % ( " ) , * + - * + . / ( 1

( !ide !s to the strai"ht path). (The $ay of those on $hom 'o! have "ranted 'o!r "race, not (the $ay) of those $ho earned 'o!r an"er, nor of those $ho $ent astray), Allah Says, __this is for my servant and he shall "et $hat he asked____________________________________

(. )nlist any * Merits of the +,alimah+. (* Marks) a. the best of remembrance is La -laha -lla Allah (,alimah) b. the kalimah is heavier than all the seven heavens and that $hich is in it, other than Allah. .. /hat are the 0 conditions of Shahadah (La -laaha -ll Allah). (%oesn1t have to be in order). (0 Marks) 2. ,no$led"e of meanin"s of shahadah *. 3aith in it and perfect kno$led"e $itho!t do!bt or s!spicion (. sincerity .. tr!thf!lness 4. love for shahadah

5. s!bmission to its re6!irements and performin" its d!ties $ith sincerity for the pleas!re of Allah 0. acceptin" it by heart.

4. /hat are the essential and vol!ntary acts of /!doo17 (58* 9 : Marks) Essential 2. $ashin" the f!ll face once, rinsin" mo!th and sniffin" nostrils *. $ashin" both arms once (. annointin" the f!ll head (hair) and ears once .. $ashin" feet, incl!din" ancles 4. ens!rin" the proper se6!ence of $ashin" 5. $ashin" all these parts so that the next part is $ashed before the previo!s "ets dry ($itho!t a pa!se) Voluntary acts 2. be"innin" $ith the name of Allah *. $ashin" both hands incl!din" $rists

5. )nlist the ri"hts of Allah on his servant (dont have to $rite the details) (4 marks) 2. believin" in there is none other $orthy of $orship except Allah *. T$o be $orshiped in all forms alone. (. bein" "ratef!l and thankf!l to ;im .. ;avin" both fear and hope of ;im at the same time. 4. ;avin" love for ;im

0. &ead the <assa"e on the Seerah of <rophet (S.A./.) and ans$er the =!estions "iven belo$. M>;AMMA%+S ?-&T; A@% 3#&T' ')A&S <&-#& T# <&#<;)T;##%

;-S ?-&T;A M!hammad (<eace be !pon him), the Master of <rophets, $as born in ?ani ;ashim lane in Makkah on Monday mornin", the ninth of &abiB AlCA$$al, the same year of the )lephant )vent, and forty years of the rei"n of ,isra (,hosr! @!shir$an), i.e. the t$entieth or t$entyCsecond of April, 402 A.%., accordin" to the scholar M!hammad S!laimDn AlCManso!rp!ri, and the astrolo"er MahmEd <asha. (Accordin" to scholars the date is not confirmed b!t the day is) -bn SaBd reported that M!hammad1s mother saidA F/hen he $as born, there $as a li"ht that iss!ed o!t of my p!dend!m and lit the palaces of Syria.G Ahmad reported on the a!thority of BArbadh bin Sariya somethin" similar to this. ;is mother immediately sent someone to inform his "randfather BAbd!lCM!ttalib of the happy event. ;appily he came to her, carried him to AlC,aBbah, prayed to AllDh and thanked ;im. BAbd!lCM!ttalib called the baby M!hammad, a name not then common amon" the Arabs. ;e circ!mcised him on his seventh day as $as the c!stom of the Arabs. The first $oman $ho s!ckled him after his mother $as Th!yebah, the conc!bine of Ab! Lahab, $ith her son, Masro!h.

?A?';##%A -t $as the "eneral c!stom of the Arabs livin" in to$ns to send their children a$ay to bedo!in $et n!rses so that they mi"ht "ro$ !p in the free and healthy s!rro!ndin"s of the desert $hereby they $o!ld develop a rob!st frame and ac6!ire the p!re speech and manners of the bedo!ins, $ho $ere noted both for chastity of their lan"!a"e and for bein" free from those vices $hich !s!ally develop in sedentary societies. The <rophet (<eace be !pon him) $as later entr!sted to ;aleemah bint Abi %h!aib from ?ani SaBd bin ?akr. ;er h!sband $as AlC;arith bin BAbd!l B>HHa called Abi ,abshah, from the same tribe. Traditions deli"htf!lly relate ho$ ;aleemah and the $hole of her ho!sehold $ere favo!red by s!ccessive strokes of "ood fort!ne $hile the baby M!hammad (<eace be !pon him) lived !nder her care.

related by Anas in Sahih M!slim, abriel came do$n and ripped his chest open and took o!t the heart. ;e then extracted a bloodCclot o!t of it and saidA FThat $as the part of Satan in thee.G And then he $ashed it $ith the $ater of IamHam in a "old basin. After that the heart $as Joined to"ether and restored to its place. The boys and playmates came r!nnin" to his mother, i.e. his n!rse, and saidA FKerily, M!hammad (<eace be !pon him) has been m!rdered.G They all r!shed to$ards him and fo!nd him all ri"ht only his

face $as $hite.

?AL, T# ;-S L#M<ASS-#@AT) M#T;)&A After this event, ;aleemah $as $orried abo!t the boy and ret!rned him to his mother $ith $hom he stayed !ntil he $as six.

?AL, T# ;-S L#M<ASS-#@AT)


BAbd!lCM!ttalib bro!"ht the boy to Makkah. ;e had $arm passions to$ards the boy, his orphan "randson, $hose recent disaster (his mother1s death) added more to the pains of the past. BAbd!lCM!ttalib $as more passionate $ith his "randson than $ith his o$n children. ;e never left the boy a prey to loneliness, b!t al$ays preferred him to his o$n kids. /hen M!hammad (<eace be !pon him) $as ei"ht years, t$o months and ten days old, his "randfather BAbd!lCM!ttalib passed a$ay in Makkah. The char"e of the <rophet (<eace be !pon him) $as no$ passed on to his !ncle Ab! Talib, $ho $as the brother of the <rophet1s father. Ab! Talib tookthe char"e of his nephe$ in the best $ay. ;e p!t him $ith his children and preferred him to them. ;e sin"led the boy o!t $ith "reat respect and hi"h esteem. Ab! Talib remained for forty years cherishin" his nephe$ and extendin" all possible protection and s!pport to him. ;is relations $ith the others $ere determined in the li"ht of the treatment they sho$ed to the <rophet (<eace be !pon him).

?A;-&A, T;) M#@,A /hen the Messen"er of AllDh (<eace be !pon him) $as t$elve years old, he $ent $ith his !ncle Ab! Talib on a b!siness Jo!rney to Syria. /hen they reached ?!sra ($hich $as a part of Syria, in the vicinity of ;o$ran !nder the &oman domain) they met a monk called ?ahira (his real name $as eor"es), $ho sho$ed "reat kindness, and entertained them lavishly. ;e had never been in the habit of receivin" or entertainin" them before. ;e readily eno!"h reco"niHed the <rophet (<eace be !pon him) and said $hile takin" his handA FThis is the master of all h!mans. AllDh $ill send him $ith a Messa"e $hich $ill be a mercy to all bein"s.G Ab! Talib askedA F;o$ do yo! kno$ that7G ;e repliedA F/hen yo! appeared from the direction of BA6abah, all stones and trees prostrated themselves, $hich they never do except for a <rophet. - can reco"niHe him also by the seal of <rophethood $hich is belo$ his sho!lder, like an apple. /e have "ot to learn this from o!r books.G ;e also asked Ab! Talib to send the boy back to Makkah and not to take him

to Syria for fear of the Me$s. Ab! Talib obeyed and sent him back to Makkah $ith some of his men servants. M>;AMMA%+S )A&L' M#?A M!hammad (<eace be !pon him), had no partic!lar Job at his early yo!th, b!t it $as reported that he $orked as a shepherd for ?ani SaBd and in Makkah. At the a"e of *4, he $ent to Syria as a merchant for ,hadiJah (May Allah be pleased $ith her) -bn -sha6 reported that ,hadiJah, da!"hter of ,h$ailid $as a b!sinessC$oman of "reat hono!r and fort!ne. She !sed to employ men to do her b!siness for a certain percenta"e of the profits.

;-S MA&&-)A ) T# ,;A%-MA;A /hen he ret!rned to Makkah, ,hadiJah noticed, in her money, more profits and blessin"s than she !sed to. ;er hirelin" also told her of M!hammad1s "ood manners, honesty, deep tho!"ht, sincerity and faith. She realiHed that she homed at her tar"et. Many prominent men had asked for her hand in marria"e b!t she al$ays sp!rned their advances. She disclosed her $ish to her friend @afisa, da!"hter of Maniya, $ho immediately $ent to M!hammad (<eace be !pon him) and broke the "ood ne$s to him. ;e a"reed and re6!ested his !ncles to "o to ,hadiJah1s !ncle and talk on this iss!e. S!bse6!ently, they $ere married.


ALC,A+?A; A@% T;) A&?-T&AT-#@ -SS>)A

/hen the Messen"er of AllDh (<eace be !pon him) $as thirty five, =!raish started reb!ildin" AlC,aBbah. That $as beca!se it $as a lo$ b!ildin" of $hite stones no more than 5.(N metres hi"h, from the days of -shmael. -t $as also roofless and that "ave the thieves easy access to its treas!res inside. -t $as also exposed to the $earin" factors of nat!re O beca!se it $as b!ilt a lon" time a"o O that $eakened and cracked its $alls. The chiefs of =!raish decided to !se only licit money in reb!ildin" AlC,aBbah, so all money that derived from harlotry, !s!ry or !nJ!st practices $as excl!ded. /hen they started reb!ildin" its $alls, they divided the $ork amon" the tribes. )ach tribe $as responsible for reb!ildin" a part of it. The $ork $ent on in harmony till the time came to p!t the sacred ?lack Stone in its proper place. Then strife broke o!t amon" the chiefs, and lasted for fo!r or five days, each contestin" for the hono!r of placin" the stone in its position. %a""ers $ere on the point of bein" dra$n and "reat bloodshed seemed imminent. L!ckily, the oldest amon" the chiefs Ab! #maiyah bin M!"heerah AlC MakhH!mi made a proposal $hich $as accepted by all. ;e saidA FLet him, $ho enters the Sanct!ary first of all, decide on the point.G -t $as then AllDh1s /ill that the Messen"er of AllDh (<eace be !pon him) sho!ld be the first to enter the Mos6!e. #n seein" him, all the people on the scene, cried $ith one voiceA FAlCAmeen (the tr!st$orthy) has come. /e are content to abide by his decision.G Lalm and selfCpossessed, M!hammad (<eace

be !pon him) received the commission and at once resolved !pon an expedient $hich $as to conciliate them all. ;e asked for a mantle $hich he spread on the "ro!nd and placed the stone in its centre. ;e then asked the representatives of the different clans amon" them, to lift the stone all to"ether. /hen it had reached the proper place, M!hammad (<eace be !pon him) laid it in the proper position $ith his o$n hands. This is ho$ a very tense sit!ation $as eased and a "rave dan"er averted by the $isdom of the <rophet (<eace be !pon him).

A &A<-% &)K-)/ #3 M>;AMMA%+S ?-# &A<;' ?)3#&) L#MM-SS-#@-@ T;) <&#<;)T;##%A


<rophet M!hammad (<eace be !pon him) $as, in his yo!th, a combination of the best social attrib!tes. ;e $as an exemplary man of $ei"hty mind and fa!ltless insi"ht. ;e $as favo!red $ith intelli"ence, ori"inality of tho!"ht and acc!rate choice of the means leadin" to acc!rate "oals. ;is lon" silence helped favo!rably in his habit of meditation and deep investi"ation into the tr!th. ;is vivid mind and p!re nat!re $ere helpf!lly instr!mental in assimilatin" and comprehendin" $ays of life and people, individ!al and comm!nityC$ise. ;e sh!nned s!perstitio!s practices b!t took an active part in constr!ctive and !sef!l dealin"s, other$ise, he $o!ld have reco!rse to his selfC consecrated solit!de. ;e kept himself aloof from drinkin" $ine, eatin" meat sla!"htered on stone altars, or attendin" idolatro!s festivals. ;e held the idols in extreme aversion and most abhorrence. ;e co!ld never tolerate someone s$earin" by AlCLat and AlCB>HHa. AllDh1s providence, no do!bts, detached him from all abominable or evil practices. )ven $hen he tried to obey his instinct to enJoy some life pleas!res or follo$ some irrespectable traditions, AllDh1s providence intervened to c!rb any lapse in

i) ;o$ did <rophet S.A./. solve the disp!te amon"st the Tribes for p!ttin" the Sacred Stone7 (( Marks) ;e (s.a.$.) asked to brin" a piece of cloth and b!t it on "ro!nd. ;e (s.a.$.) then placed the sacred stone in the middle over it and asked the representatives of all tribes to "rab the ed"e of cloth and raise the stone. $hen it $as raised to proper level, he (s.a.$.) placed in its place, and so, he (s.a.$.) resolved the disp!te amon"st the tribes ii) -t $as the "eneral c!stom of the Arabs livin" in to$ns to send their children a$ay to bedo!in $et n!rses so the prophet $as entr!sted to __;aleema_______ (2 Mark)

iii) /hat did ?ahira the Monk say abo!t the <rophet S.A./ 7 (* Marks) ;e saidA PThis is the master of all h!mans and Allah $ill send him $ith a Messa"e $hich $ill be a mercy to all bein"sP.

-t is allo$ed to "o back to the passa"e for the ans$ers b!t please do not copy paste rather $rite it in yo!r o$n $ords -nshaAllah.

?on!s = (Lan b !sed as a replacement to any ans$er $orth ( Marks or less is not kno$n or incorrect) /hat $as the name of the Mother of <rophet Mohammed S.A./.7 @ame of mother of <rophet M!hammad (SA/) $as Amina

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