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A review on Wallstreet: Money never sleeps BRIEF SUMMARY Out of prison for seven years since 2001 due

to securities fraud and insider trading !ordon !e""o is pro#oting $is ne% &oo" 'Is !reed !ood( %$ic$ catc$es t$e attention of )aco& Moore * a young pro#ising proprietary trader at +e,,er -a&e, Invest#ents .+-I/ and &oyfriend of !ordon(s estranged daug$ter 0innie !e""o1 )aco& Moore is passionate on funding a fusion researc$ pro2ect for c,ean energy %$ic$ needed 3100M and is under t$e #entors$ip of 4ouis -a&e, #anaging director of +-I1 0it$ a sudden turn of 506 do%n on t$e va,ue of +-I stoc"s 4ouis -a&e, tries to s#oot$ t$ings for +-I fro# ot$er &an"s yet fai,ed %it$ t$e efforts of riva, fir# 7$urc$i,, Sc$%art8 $eaded &y Bretton )a#es1 Eig$t years &efore t$e +-I #e,tdo%n -a&e, refused to &ai,out 7$urc$i,, Sc$%art81 4ouis -a&e, is t$en seen ta"ing suicide due to depression1 A,t$oug$ fee,ing un%e,, of %$at $as $appened to $is #entor )aco& successfu,,y proposes #arriage to 0innie1 Mean%$i,e )aco& is seen attending one of !ordon(s ta,"s regarding $is &oo"1 )aco& approac$es !ordon in ,ieu of %$at $e "no%s a&out t$e +-I incident and $is re,ations$ip %it$ 0innie1 )aco& e9p,ains t$at t$e #e,tdo%n is &roug$t &y untrue reports of +-I(s e9posure to to9ic de&t1 As suc$ !ordon proposes t$at )aco& s$a,, try to reconci,e 0innie and !ordon(s fat$er* daug$ter re,ations$ip %$i,e !ordon s$a,, gat$er infor#ation to destroy Bretton )a#es and to avenge for t$e deat$ of 4ouis -a&e,1 :$ey found out t$at Bretton )a#es &enefited fro# t$e #e,tdo%n and so to avenge )aco& Moore spreads a ru#or a&out t$e nationa,i8ation of an African oi, fie,d o%ned &y 7$urc$i,, Sc$%art81 ;aving trac"ed t$e cu,prit do%n )a#es as"s Moore for a spot in $is co#pany %$ic$ t$e ,atter accepts to continue $is p,ans of revenge for t$e for#er #entor1 4i"e%ise continuing $is pursuit on funding t$e c,ean energy pro2ect Moore c,oses a dea, %it$ 7$inese investors to t$e de,ig$t of )a#es1 Mean%$i,e t$e econo#y starts to go un%e,, and t$e 7$inese investors opt to%ards &un" so,ar pane,s and fossi, fue,s instead of t$e fusion researc$ #uc$ to t$e dis#ay of Moore1 Anot$er see#ing $urd,e for Moore is 0innie(s pregnancy1 )aco& Moore confides %it$ !e""o a&out $is predica#ent and so !e""o proposes t$at 0innie and )aco& go to S%it8er,and and ta"e t$e 3100M trust fund $e $ad accu#u,ated in t$e 1<=0s for $is daug$ter to &e used for )aco&(s c,ean energy pro2ect1

Yet it &oi,s do%n to !e""o $ood%in"ing $is o%n daug$ter and $er fianc>1 !e""o did not invest t$e #oney on t$e pro2ect rat$er used it to 2u#pstart a $edgefund*,i"e co#pany1 Reve,ations arise and 0innie and )aco& coo, t$e re,ations$ip off1 :rying to #a"e t$e situation &etter )aco& %rites a piece stating t$e infor#ation re,ated to t$e +-I #e,tdo%n and t$e invo,ve#ent of 7$urc$i,, Sc$%art81 )aco& proposes to 0innie t$at s$e pu&,is$ t$e piece on t$eir %e&site $oping t$at in effect it %i,, garner t$e# pu&,icity and credence1 Bretton )a#es is t$en under govern#ent scrutiny and !ordon !e""o gets a &i,,ion*do,,ar invest#ent1 In ?e% Yor" )aco& is t$en seen pursuing 0innie trying to reconnect %it$ $er and t$eir son1 !ordon t$en appears and infor#s t$e coup,e t$at $e anony#ous,y gave 3100M to t$e c,ean energy pro2ect and t$at $e as"s t$e coup,e(s forgiveness for $is treac$ery1 After a year t$ey are t$en seen $appy %it$ friends in a party for &a&y 4ouis( first &irt$day1 REF4E7:IO? :$e #ovie is en,ig$tening %it$ its focus on ro#antic re,ations$ips fa#i,y and financia, issues1 More on t$e financia, issues I %ou,d ,i"e to discuss $o% t$e #ovie presents .1/ t$e ,ife of a %$ite*co,,ar e9*convict .2/ t$e nature of S%iss accounts .5/ t$e nature of financia, gossips and .@/ t$e et$ics of financia, trading per se1 First issue on $and regards t$e portraya, of a %$ite*co,,ar e9*convict1 As a vie%er Auite "no%,edgea&,e of finance I a# g,ad t$at !ordon !e""o is portrayed %it$ a su&t,e defiance B t$at t$ose %$o co##it %$ite*co,,ar cri#es are rat$er no*&etter t$an any t$ief on t$e street1 It raises a%areness of socia, responsi&i,ity and professiona, et$ics t$at any person s$a,, not i#p,ore $i#se,f %it$ an overuse of po%er1 7orruption is persecuted &y ,a% and no one is a&ove it1 Second issue on $and is t$e nature of S%iss accounts1 As a vie%er t$e #ovie re#inded #e of t$e $ig$,y re,ia&,e secrecy #andate of S%iss &an"s1 So#e years ago even sca##ers in t$e C$i,ippines used t$e S%iss &an"ing syste# in t$eir pursuit to de,ude potentia, investors1 I "no% a person %$o #ay $ave fa,,en prey to t$e sca#1 ?onet$e,ess #y argu#ent ,ies on t$e pre#ise of a need for transparency &y t$e internationa,i8ation of &an"ing po,icies1 :$ere are #any cases of accounts a&road ,aundered fro# different p,aces &y peop,e of po%er for persona, gain1 :$ere $ave &een ru#ors of our o%n for#er president Ferdinand Marcos and $is fa#i,y $aving S%iss accounts t$at up to t$is day cannot &e seAuestered &y t$e C$i,ippine govern#ent due to t$e foreign &an"s( po,icies1

;ence t$e interna,i8ation of &an"ing po,icies %ou,d #erit transparency and &etter forensic operations for cases of fraudu,ent activities1 :$e t$ird concern I $ave raised is %it$ regard to financia, gossips1 I fe,t ta"en a&ac" %it$ gossips running t$e va,ue of stoc"s of co#panies t$ere&y causing t$eir #e,tdo%ns1 +no%ing fu,,y %e,, t$at stoc"s are va,ued &y perceived va,ue B &ased on investors( de#and pu,,s and ot$er factors t$e argu#ent of standardi8ation of va,uation of stoc"s is rat$er futi,e1 :$us t$e &est so,ution to #itigate t$e do%ngrading effects of financia, gossips &oi,s do%n to strengt$ening et$ica, standards a#ong financia, professiona,s1 4ast,y t$e fourt$ concern is %it$ regards to et$ics on financia, trading1 A,t$oug$ #uc$ $as &een said a&out et$ics to reiterate does not $urt at a,,1 A strong set of et$ica, standards #a"es a professiona, co##unity as t$e financia, instru#ents trading industry &eco#e stronger co#petent and %i,,ed %it$out direct,y o&,iterating ot$ers1 7O?74USIO? In conc,usion 0a,,streetD Money ?ever S,eeps present a strong case of fi9ing re,ations$ips as #uc$ as fi9ing ordea,s %it$ %or" and #oney1 :$ere can &e trut$ to t$e saying t$at 'Money is evi,(1 Ceop,e can &e at constant searc$ for #oney t$at t$eir re,ations$ips %it$ ,oved ones as daug$ter to a fat$er and &oyfriend to a gir,friend are ruined1 Yet t$ere can a,%ays &e $ope and 2ust as #oney ruins it can $e,p #a"e &ridges and fi9 %$atever is ruined1 Moreover financia, de&ac,es faced &y co#panies are a,so &roug$t &y stiff co#petition1 ?o one in t$is ga#e of ric$es %i,, give #uc$ %ay for t$e ot$er1 ;ence it is a constant #ove for vigi,ance and %$at #ost industries and professiona, organi8ations cou,d do is 2ust ignite t$eir efforts for socia, responsi&i,ity and et$ics1

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