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Sector Qualification Title Unit of Competency Module Title

: : : :

Agriculture and Fi !er" #$rticulture NC II C$nduct Pre-#$rticultural Far% O&erati$n C$nducting Pre-#$rticultural Far% O&erati$n



Welcome to the module in Conducting Pre-Horticultural Farm contain! training material! and acti#itie! for you to complete"
*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ ( (e#i!ion 2 --

peration!" Thi! module

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&ou are re3uired to go through a !erie! of learning acti#itie! in order to complete each learning outcome of the module" )n each learning outcome are )nformation Sheet!, Self-Chec4!, peration Sheet! and 5ob Sheet!" Follo6 the!e acti#itie! on your o6n" )f you ha#e 3ue!tion!, don7t he!itate to a!4 your trainer8facilitator for a!!i!tance" The goal of thi! cour!e i! the de#elopment of practical !4ill!" To gain the!e !4ill!, you mu!t learn ba!ic component! and terminology" For the mo!t part, you7ll get thi! information from the )nformation Sheet! and T'S*% 6eb!ite 666"te!da"go#"ph" Thi! module 6a! prepared to help you achie#e the re3uired competency, in 9Horticulture $C )):" % per!on 6ho ha! achie#ed thi! Qualification i! competent to be+ Horticultural Farm %ide Horticultural Farm Careta4er Coffee Farmer Fruit Tree Farmer Cacao Farmer ;egetable Farmer

Thi! 6ill be the !ource of information for you to ac3uire 4no6ledge and !4ill! in thi! particular competency independently and at your o6n pace, 6ith minimum !uper#i!ion or help from your in!tructor" Re%e%)er t$: Wor4 through all the information and complete the acti#itie! in each !ection" (ead information !heet! and complete the !elf-chec4" Sugge!ted reference! are included to !upplement the material! pro#ided in thi! module" Mo!t probably your trainer 6ill al!o be your !uper#i!or or manager" He8!he i! there to !upport you and !ho6 you the correct 6ay to do thing!" &ou 6ill be gi#en plenty of opportunity to a!4 3ue!tion! and practice on the <ob" Ma4e !ure you practice your ne6 !4ill! during regular 6or4 !hift!" Thi! 6ay you 6ill impro#e both your !peed and memory and al!o your confidence" U!e the !elf-chec4, peration Sheet! or 5ob Sheet! at the end of each !ection to te!t your o6n progre!!" When you feel confident that you ha#e had !ufficient practice, a!4 your Trainer to e#aluate you" The re!ult! of your a!!e!!ment 6ill be recorded in your Progre!! Chart and %ccompli!hment Chart"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ ( (e#i!ion 2 -*ocument $o" )!!ued by+ Page , of ,/

$o" Unit of Competency Core Competencie!

." 2. /" ?" @" Conduct pre-horticultural farm operation! Produce #egetable! Produce fruit bearing crop! Perform po!t har#e!t operation! of ma<or tropical fruit! Perform po!t har#e!t operation! of ma<or lo6land and !emitemperate #egetable crop!

Module Title
Conducting pre-horticultural farm operation! Producing #egetable! Producing fruit bearing crop! Performing po!t har#e!t operation! of ma<or tropical fruit! Performing po!t har#e!t operation! of ma<or lo6land and !emitemperate #egetable crop!

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M *U1' *'SC()PT (


+ Thi! unit co#er! the 4no6ledge and !4ill! re3uired to a!!i!t in farm operation! including the preparation of the tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment and perform routine operation!"

$ M)$%1 *U(%T) $

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. *ocument $o" )!!ued by+ Page / of ,/ (e#i!ion 2 --


H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration!

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Upon completion of thi! module the !tudent!8 trainee! 6ill be able to+

ELEMENTS ." Prepare tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment for horticultural operation!

PERFORMANCE CRITERIA .". %ppropriate tools, farm implements and !imple equipment are identified and !orted according to it! u!age" .", 0a!ic pre-operati#e chec4ing of tool!, farm implement! and e3uipment i! performed in accordance 6ith manufacturer7! manual" ."/ Tool! 6ith 6ear and corro!ion! are !egregated and treated according to maintenance plan and procedure!" ,". Wor4place !a*ard and en#ironmental implication! a!!ociated 6ith maintenance procedure! are controlled in line 6ith farm re3uirement! ,", Maintenance acti#itie! are performed efficiency and effecti#ene!! of facilitie! to maAimiBe

,"Prepare and maintain Farm Facilitie!

,"/ (ele#ant information 6ith regard to the maintenance acti#itie! are identified and noted follo6ing !tandard procedure! /" Secure tool!, farm /". Simple repair and modification! of tool!, farm implement!8e3uipment implement!8e3uipment and facilities i! conducted follo6ing and facilitie! !tandard procedure!" /", Pre#enti#e !tructure! are in!talled during inclement 6eather /"/ 0a!ic po!t-operati#e chec4! of tool!, farm implement! and e3uipment i! conducted in accordance 6ith manufacturer7! manual /"? Tool!, farm implement! and e3uipment are !tored according to appro#ed practice!"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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LEARNING E+PERIENCES C$nduct Pre-#$rticultural Far% O&erati$n Learning Acti,itie

(ead )nformation Sheet .".-.on 0a!ic =ardening Tool! Film ;ie6ing %n!6er !elf-chec4 .".-. ." ," /" ." ," /"

S&ecial In tructi$n
Compare your an!6er 6ith %n!6er Cey '#aluate your o6n 6or4 u!ing the Performance Criteria Pre!ent your 6or4 to your trainer for e#aluation Compare your an!6er 6ith %n!6er Cey '#aluate your o6n 6or4 u!ing the Performance Criteria Pre!ent your 6or4 to your trainer for e#aluation Compare your an!6er 6ith %n!6er Cey '#aluate your o6n 6or4 u!ing the Performance Criteria *ocument $o" )!!ued by+ Page @ of ,/ (e#i!ion 2 --

(ead )nformation !heet .".-, on Farm Fir!t %id Cit %n!6er !elf-chec4 .".-,

(ead )nformation !heet .".-/ on 0e =ood to &our =arden Tool! and They7ll 0e =ood to &ou" (ead ta!4 !heet .".-/ on Film ;ie6ing Perform Ta!4 !heet .".-/ on

." ,"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

Perform 5ob Sheet .".-/ on


Pre!ent your 6or4 to your trainer for e#aluation

In-$r%ati$n S!eet ./.-.

Ba ic Gardening T$$l
Learning O)0ecti,e: %fter reading thi! information !heet, you mu!t be able to+ ." )dentifie! appropriate tools, farm implements and !imple equipment and !ort! according to it! u!ageD ," Perform! ba!ic pre-operati#e chec4ing of tool!, farm implement! and e3uipment in accordance 6ith manufacturer7! manual" /" Segregate! and treat! tool! 6ith 6ear and corro!ion! according to maintenance plan and procedure!"

There are many different type! of gardening tool! a#ailable, both hand and po6er operated" Y$u d$n1t !a,e t$ )u" t!e %$ t e2&en i,e t$$l a,aila)le 3!en tarting t$ gardenD if you find later that you either donEt need a !pecific tool, or donEt care for gardening a! an acti#ity, you 6ill not ha#e lo!t a large in#e!tment" 1ater you can upgrade to the better 3uality tool!, if de!ired"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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#andle :

1ong-handled tool! u!ually offer greater le#erage and reach, and often allo6 6or4ing from a !tanding po!ition" The handle may be either !traight or ha#e a *-!haped hand grip on the end" With !ome tool!, !uch a! long-handled pruner!, handle eAten!ion! may be a#ailable"

Short-handled tool! are lighter in 6eight, u!ually le!! eApen!i#e, more compact to !tore than the long-handled #arietie!, and allo6 one to 6or4 efficiently in confined !pace! or 6hile 4neeling" Common !hort-handled tool! include hand pruner! and clipper!, hoe!, garden tro6el!, and culti#ator!"

Handle! are commonly con!tructed of 6ood Fre3uire! !ome additional maintenance to 4eep !plinter-freeG, fibergla!! or pla!tic Fchec4 for crac4!G, and !ometime! metal Fchec4 for corro!ion and crac4!G" I- a !andle $r an" $t!er &art $- t!e t$$l i da%aged $r l$$ e4 it !$uld )e re&aired $r re&laced i%%ediatel"/ Pay particular attention to 6here the handle fit! into the tool for loo!ene!! or damage"

#and T$$l :
)n no particular order, !ome of the more common hand gardening tool! are li!ted belo6 Fthe !ame tool may ha#e !e#eral different common name!G" Thi! i! only a ba!ic li!t, for there are many !tyle! and #ariation! of the!e and other tool! a#ailable to the home gardener"

S&ading F$r5/ The!e ha#e hea#y, flat tine! and often a *-!haped handle" They are u!ed to open up the ground, dig bulb!, incorporate !oil amendment!, and turn compo!t"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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#$e/ % hoe i! u!ed for 6eeding and !craping the !urface of the !oil" =arden hoe! include the traditional flat !craping8chopping type!, along 6ith the ne6er loop, !cuffle or !tirrup !tyle!"

Pitc!-$r56Manure F$r5/ Pitchfor4! and manure for4! ha#e long, thin tine! 6hich are not a! hea#y a! tho!e on a !pading for4" They are u!ed for pic4ing up and mo#ing loo!e material!"

R$und-n$ ed S!$,el/ U!ed for hea#y digging and miAing, !uch a! 6hen incorporating !oil amendment! or preparing planting hole!"

S7uare-n$ ed S!$,el/ The flat blade allo6! it to be u!ed to !coop up material!, le#el high !pot! in the !oil, and cut !traight line! through !od and !oil"

Matt$c56Pic5a2e/ The mattoc4 i! a hea#y, flat-bladed tool de!igned to dig or grub in the !oil" The pic4aAe, 6ith it! !harp point!, i! u!ed to brea4 up hea#y or roc4y !oil!" ften a combination tool i! found, 6hich ha! a mattoc4 on one end of the tool head, and a pic4aAe on the other end"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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B$3 $r Garden Ra5e/ Thi! i! a hea#y ra4e 6ith !hort, !tiff tine! !upported by a flat or bo6!haped metal frame" )t i! u!ed for ra4ing hea#y material!, remo#ing roc4! and other debri! from the !oil, and !moothing the !oil in preparation for planting"

Lea- Ra5e/ % light ra4e 6ith long, thin, fleAible tine! de!igned to gather lea#e! or other light material!"

Culti,at$r/ % tool 6ith hea#y cur#ed or bent tine!, or !ometime! multiple !pinning blade!, de!igned to open up and aerate the !oil" The culti#ator !tyle! 6ith tine! are al!o u!ed to miA material! and to effecti#ely loo!en 6eed root!"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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#and Pruner/ U!ed for remo#ing flo6er!, light-6eight foliage, and !mall branche!" They may ha#e either an#il or bypa!! blade!"

L$ng-!andled Pruner6L$&&er/ The!e are long-handled #er!ion! of hand pruner!, and pro#ide greater reach and le#erage, allo6ing for larger item! to be cut" They may ha#e either an#il or bypa!! blade!, and !ome of the hea#y-duty #er!ion! ha#e ratchet mechani!m! for additional po6er"

Pruning Sa3/ The!e are hand !a6! de!igned for efficient garden pruning" They may be either a !ingle blade 6ith a handle, or utiliBe a metal or 6ood frame" Pruning !a6! may al!o be mounted on long handle! 6hich allo6! higher branche! to be cut from the ground Fthe!e !tyle! often ha#e a rope-controlled lopper in addition to the !a6G"

Garden 8ni-e/ U!eful for cutting t6ine and plant tie!, opening bag!, plant propagation, opening up plant root ball!, and general garden u!e" The !afe!t !tyle! ha#e a !turdy fiAed blade Foften 6ith !erration!G 6hich 6ill not collap!e on your finger! during u!e"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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A2e6#atc!et/ %Ae! and hatchet! are u!ed to do rough chopping" Some aAe! ha#e a double blade, other! a flat end on the head 6hich i! u!ed to carefully dri#e 6ooden !ta4e! Fnot metal, 6hich might ma4e the tempered aAe head chipG, 6hile other! ha#e a flat, tran!#er!e grubbing blade on the head for the remo#al of root! Fthe!e are called a Pula!4i, garden or grubbing aAeG" Hatchet! are !maller, !hort-handled #er!ion! of aAe!"

Cli&&er6S!ear / The!e are u!ed to remo#e a layer of #egetation from the !urface of a planting, hedge, or turf gra!!" =ra!! clipper! trim turf gra!!, and hedge !hear! are u!ed to !hape hedge! and !hrub!"

Sic5le / % cur#ed, hand-held agricultural tool typically u!ed for har#e!ting cereal crop! or cutting gra!! for hay" The in!ide of the cur#e i! the cutting edge, and i! !errated"

.J-@"H?"? %ncient iron !oc4eted !ic4le

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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(!eel)arr$36Garden Cart/ The!e are not only u!ed to mo#e hea#y and8or bul4y material! !uch a! !oil, garden debri!, compo!t and plant!, but al!o a! portable miAing container! for material! !uch a! !oil amendment! and e#en concrete"

Garden #$ e/ U!ed to pro#ide !upplemental 6ater to your plant!, clean item!, and !ometime! to a!!i!t in applying fertiliBer! or pe!ticide!"

(atering Can/ $o home or garden 6ould be complete 6ithout a high 3uality 6atering can" Perfect for 6atering indoor plant! and 6indo6 boAe! a! 6ell a! hard to reach outdoor plant! and flo6er bed"

P$3er T$$l :
When u!ing po6er tool! read and follo6 all u!e and !afety in!truction!, 4eep them in good 6or4ing condition, and remember that hot !urface!, !pinning blade!, eAce!!i#e noi!e, and thro6n material may cau!e !eriou! in<ury to the operator and tho!e nearby" U!e eye and ear protection, and be !ure to 4eep children, other per!on!, and pet! a6ay from the!e tool! 6hen in u!e" With electric tool! be careful not to damage the cord or get thing! 6et, and al6ay! u!e and !tore ga!oline and other li3uid fuel! in a !afe location and manner"

La3n M$3er/ The!e are u!ed to cut turf gra!!" Wal4-behind mo6er! may be po6ered by ga!oline or electricityD !ome po6er mo6er! may be either !elf-propelled or riding mo6er!" Po6er mo6er! often can be configured to mulch or Kgra!!cycleK clipping! Freturning the clipping! to the la6nG" 1arge 6heel, hea#y-duty #er!ion! are a#ailable for cutting 6eed!"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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Tiller6Culti,at$r/ The!e are u!ed to brea4 up large area! of compacted !oil and to 3uic4ly incorporate !oil amendment!" They may al!o be u!ed to loo!en the !oil prior to grading"

La3n Edger/ The!e are u!ed to trim the edge of a la6n or bed"

String Tri%%er/ The!e de#ice! u!e a hea#y !tring Fu!ually pla!ticG on a re#ol#ing head to trim gra!! and light plant material"

Lea- Bl$3er/ =a!oline or electric, the!e u!e forced air to pu!h light material"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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Electric Cli&&er6Tri%%er6S!ear / The!e are often u!ed to trim turf gra!!, hedge! and !hrub!" They may u!e a cord or battery"

General Sugge ti$n :

Here are !ome general !ugge!tion! to con!ider 6hen purcha!ing and u!ing garden tool!+

' e t!e c$rrect t$$l -$r t!e 0$)/ U!ing the 6rong tool for a ta!4 i! not only inefficient, but may damage the tool and endanger the u!er" For eAample, mo!t !ho#el! are de!igned for digging, but if you u!e one for prying it may fail, cau!ing an in<ury" Tr" t$ elect t$$l t!at n$t $nl" -it t!e ta 54 )ut al $ -eel g$$d in "$ur !and / &ou may be u!ing the!e tool! for a long time, and a tool that feel! good 6ill ma4e your gardening eAperience more en<oyable" T$$l !$uld )e 5e&t clean/ *irty tool! are harder to hold and u!e, are le!! !afe, may deteriorate fa!ter, ma4e it more difficult to !ee any tool damage, bring dirt into your tool !torage area, and may tran!mit di!ea!e! and pe!t! to other part! of your garden" ften a 3uic4 6ipe do6n or rin!e 6ith a garden ho!e 6ill remo#e mo!t of the grime" (emember to di!infect your tool! after 6or4ing 6ith di!ea!ed plant! or !oil! F!ee belo6G" Edged t$$l !$uld )e 5e&t !ar&/ Sharp tool! re3uire le!! effort to u!e, ma4ing them both !afer and more efficient" Ho6e#er, donEt ma4e your tool! raBor-!harp, for too fine of an edge 6ill chip or dull 3uic4ly under hea#y u!e" 'dged tool! include aAe!, hoe!, !hear!, !a6!, mo6er!, garden 4ni#e!, and !ho#el! F!ho#el! KcutK into the !oilG" Pr$tect "$ur t$$l / (ain, !un, chemical!, impact! and eAce!!i#e temperature! can damage your tool!" Ceep them in a protected location and maintain them properly"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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8ee& "$ur garden t$$l a3a" -r$% c!ildren and &et / Many garden tool! are !harp, pointed and8or hea#y, and children may hurt them!el#e! if they handle the!e tool! 6ithout !uper#i!ion" Pet! may al!o be harmed by !harp tool!, and may che6 on ho!e! and handle!" Be a3are $- "$ur urr$unding 3!en u ing t$$l / (emember that other! may be 6or4ing nearby or 6al4 up uneApectantly, there may be o#erhead 6ire! or other ob!truction!, and there may al!o be underground utilitie! or other item! buried in the ground" (!en "$u et "$ur t$$l d$3n4 d$ $ in a &lace and %anner t!at 3ill &re,ent accidental in0ur" $r da%age/ Purc!a e and u e a&&r$&riate &er $nal &r$tecti,e e7ui&%ent , !uch a! glo#e!, !un protection, eye and ear protection, 6or4 !hoe!, 4nee pad!, and bac4 brace! for u!e in hea#y lifting" %#oid loo!e-fitting clothing and dangling hair 6hen 6or4ing around po6er tool!" Di in-ect t$$l and e7ui&%ent a-ter 3$r5ing 3it! di ea ed &lant " *i!ea!e! may be tran!mitted to uninfected plant! #ia contaminated garden tool! and e3uipment" *i!infect your tool! by fir!t 6a!hing them 6ith !oap and 6ater, then 6iping them do6n 6ith either rubbing alcohol or a fre!hly-miAed .-L bleach !olution in 6ater"

Sel--c!ec5 ./.-.
*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ ( (e#i!ion 2 -*ocument $o" )!!ued by+ Page .@ of ,/

True $r Fal e: Write the 6ord True if the !tatement i! correct and 6rite Fal e )f the !tatement i! 6rong" Write your an!6er! on your an!6er !heet" ." % culti#ator i! a tool 6ith hea#y cur#ed or bent tine!, or !ometime! multiple !pinning blade!, de!igned to open up and aerate the !oil" ," %Ae! and hatchet! are u!ed to do rough chopping" /" Sho#el! are de!igned for digging, but if you u!e one for prying it may fail, cau!ing an in<ury" ?" % clipper8!hear i! a cur#ed, hand-held agricultural tool typically u!ed for har#e!ting cereal crop! or cutting gra!! for hay" @" (ain, !un, chemical!, impact! and eAce!!i#e temperature! can damage your tool!"

An 3er9 5e"
." True ," True
*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ ( (e#i!ion 2 -*ocument $o" )!!ued by+ Page .> of ,/

/" True ?" Fal!e @" True

In-$r%ati$n S!eet ./.-.a Far% Fir t Aid 8it

1earning b<ecti#e+ %fter reading the information !heet the trainee can farm fir!t aid 4it"
*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ ( (e#i!ion 2 -)!!ued by+ Page .H of ,/

identify the ba!ic

*ocument $o"

'#ery farm !hould ha#e a ba!ic fir!t aid 4it readily a#ailable" ne per!on !hould be de!ignated to chec4 it regularly and re!toc4 !upplie! a! needed" (eadily a#ailable mean! !e#eral 4it! placed in !trategic location!, !uch a! on the mo!t fre3uently u!ed tractor!, other har#e!ting machine! li4e combine!, and in the 6or4 !hop, mil4 hou!e, and home" Fir!t aid material! !hould be 4ept in an enclo!ed container that 4eep! out dirt and 6ater" The follo6ing i! the li!t of item! to !toc4 in your 4it" Handboo4 of Fir!t %id and 'mergency Care F%M%G Phone number! for local emergency re!cue !er#ice, family phy!ician, Poi!on Control Center .I-ounce !terile 6ater %nti!eptic Soap to 6a!h 6ound! F0etadineG %nti!eptic or antibiotic !pay Fpump bottle preferredG 0actine e3ui#alent , - ?K or >K %ce-!tyle Wrap! ? - ,K by ,K !terile compre!! bandage! or gauBe !ponge! ? - ?K by ?K !terile compre!! bandage! I - >K A .-K pre!!ure bandage! , - ,K roll! of cling gauBe . boA a!!orted adhe!i#e bandage! , - ,K roll! of athletic tape , - ,K role! of ela!tic tape 0andage !ci!!or!, hea#y duty to cut clothing material Sterile eye6a!h !olution Fla!hlight 6ith fre!h batterie! Cardboard arm !plint (oad flare! . garbage-!iBed pla!tic bag , 4itchen-!iBed garbage bag , 3uart-!iBed Biploc4 bag! for proper !torage8tran!portation of amputated limb! or ti!!ue http+88666"public-health"uio6a"edu8ica!h8re!ource!8fir!t-aid-4it-li!t"html

In-$r%ati$n S!eet ./.-.) Be G$$d t$ Y$ur Garden T$$l and T!e"9ll Be G$$d t$ Y$u
We all 4no6 ho6 important it i! to ha#e the right tool for the <ob, but many of u! don7t realiBe ho6 important it i! to ta4e proper care of the tool !o that it continue! to perform at it! pea4" Thi! hold! true for all tool!""" e!pecially garden tool!"

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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=arden tool! are probably the mo!t neglected of tool!" We u!e them, abu!e them, and put them a6ay dirty and 6et only to !ee them ru!t and lo!e their effecti#ene!! o#er time" 0ut 6ith proper maintenance and a little time !pent, your tool! can la!t and be effecti#e for many year! to come" Pr$&er T$$l St$rage The be!t ad#ice ) can gi#e you regarding garden tool! i! to put them a6ay" *o not lea#e them out!ideM $ot only 6ill proper !torage 4eep unnece!!ary moi!ture a6ay from your tool!, it 6ill al!o protect your #aluable tool! from theft" '#en 6hen rain i! not in your foreca!t, tool! left out!ide are eApo!ed to moi!ture from 6et gra!! and de6" When !toring your tool!, 4eep them off the ground !o they7re not eApo!ed to moi!ture on your garage or !hed floor" Hanging rac4! li4e the one pictured are a con#enient 6ay to hang !e#eral long-handled tool! in one !mall area" They al!o help pre#ent damage to !harpened edge!" For !maller tool!, try u!ing a pegboard !y!tem to hang your tool!" $ot only 6ill it 4eep your tool! off the ground, but it 6ill help you 6ith good tool organiBation" )f each tool ha! a !pace, it7! more li4ely that the tool 6ill get put a6ay after u!e" % pegboard !y!tem al!o help! you identify if you ha#e any mi!!ing tool!" )f a peg i! empty, you 4no6 to ta4e another <og around the yard before calling it a night" Clean and Dr" T$$l 0ecau!e mo!t garden tool! are eApo!ed to dirt and moi!ture, thi! i! the fir!t place to !tart 6hen it come! time for tool maintenance" Cleaning and drying your garden tool! 6ill 4eep them in good 6or4ing order" For !ho#el!, ra4e! and tro6el! that come in contact 6ith !oil, 6a!h the dirt off 6ith the !trong !pray from your ho!e" )f the dirt i! ca4ed on, 4eep a bru!h nearby for a good !crubbing" Mo!t importantly, dry your tool! thoroughly before putting them a6ay" ) in!talled a hoo4 in my garage near my garden tool! !o ) could 4eep an old to6el handy for drying" &ou7ll al!o 6ant to be !ure to 6ipe do6n !maller tool!, li4e pruner! and !hear!, before putting them a6ay" Thi! 6ill help you remo#e any moi!ture, a! 6ell a! !ap, from the blade!" Turpentine i! an effecti#e !ol#ent for remo#ing !tubborn !ap" (emember, be careful a! you 6ipe the blade! a! they are #ery !harp" %nd once again, be !ure to properly dry your tool before !toring" Pre,ent Ru t While proper !toring, cleaning and drying are important to the condition of your tool, it7! !till important to pre#ent ru!t" The mo!t effecti#e 6ay to pre#ent ru!t i! to pro#ide !ome type of protecti#e coating to the !urface" =i#en the high co!t of 3uality garden tool!, it7! important to ta4e thi! !tep to en!ure many producti#e hour! in the
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garden" &ou can u!e 0oe!hield T-J, a con#enient aero!ol !pray or 0ull Frog (u!t 0loc4er 6hich i! non-polluting and biodegradable" General T$$l Maintenance Some general maintenance i! al!o handy for 4eeping your garden tool! in good !hape" There are !e#eral tip! 6e recommend+ Fir!t, for 6ood-handled tool!, !and the handle if it become! rough" Thi! 6ill help pre#ent !plinter!" %nd for all 6ood-handled tool!, apply a light coating of boiled lin!eed oil to help pre#ent the 6ood from drying out and crac4ing" Second, you 6ill 6ant to apply !ome type of lubricant li4e 0oe!hield T-J to your pruner!, lopper!, and !imilar tool!" Thi! 6ill en!ure !mooth operation of mo#ing part! and 6ill al!o help pre#ent ru!t from forming" Third, remo#e ru!t that ha! already formed" 0ecau!e many of u! ha#e not practiced proper tool maintenance, 6e7re probably facing a garage full of ru!ty tool!" )f that7! the ca!e for you, do not 6orry, there i! !till hope" There are !e#eral type! of ru!t remo#al product! a#ailable" '#apo-(u!t i! a !afe and ea!y-to u!e on item! that can be !oa4ed" 0ull Frog (u!t (emo#er i! an organic, non-toAic gel that al!o protect! the tool again!t future ru!t formation" )t 6or4! particularly 6ell in hou!ehold application! a! it doe! not contain any har!h chemical! or emit !trong odor!" 8ee& Y$ur T$$l S!ar& %nother 4ey to garden tool maintenance i! 4eeping your tool! !harp" Sharp tool! not only are more effecti#e, but they reduce your fru!tration" % !harp pruner 6ill cut through a branch 6ith ea!e, and a !harp !ho#el 6ill dig into hard clay !oil!" Sharpening garden tool! re3uire! <u!t a t6o !imple tool!, a mill file and a !mall handheld !harpener" The bigger tool! li4e !ho#el!, !pade! and hoe! only re3uire the u!e of a mill file" Mill file! are a#ailable in ba!tard, !econd, and !mooth cut" The ba!tard cut i! the mo!t aggre!!i#e 6hile the !mooth cut lea#e! the fine!t fini!h" 'ach cut i! a#ailable in different !iBe!" 0ecau!e larger file! are cut coar!er, 6e recommend a .-: !econd cut or an I: ba!tard cut for garden tool!" %nother #ital piece of a file i! the handle" The!e are !old !eparately but ma4e the !harpening proce!! much ea!ier and !afer" 0efore you u!e the file, !ecure your tool !o you do not ha#e to cha!e it around 6hile you are trying to !harpen it" nce !ecured, find the angle 6here the tool 6a! pre#iou!ly !harpened" $o6 u!e your mill file held at that angle and pu!h the tool acro!! the edge" *o not pu!h the file bac4 and forth on the toolM File! 6ere meant to cut on the pu!h !tro4e, and pulling 6ill only !er#e to dull the file" Continue thi!
SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ ( (e#i!ion 2 -*ocument $o" )!!ued by+ Page ,- of ,/

proce!! until the entire edge of your tool i! !harpened" &ou 6ill 4no6 it i! !harpened 6hen the entire edge loo4! li4e bright, !hiny metal" Mill file! can be found at almo!t any hard6are !tore or at 666"!harpening!upplie!"com" The !maller tool! li4e pruner!, lopper!, and !hear! re3uire a 4eener edge to perform their dutie!, !o 6e recommend a !mall diamond !tone for !harpening" )f you !harpen a #ariety of garden tool!, 6e ha#e found that the *MT *ouble Sided *iafold 6or4! effecti#ely" With a coar!e and a fine grit, it 6ill 3uic4ly !harpen dull tool! on the coar!e !ide, and put a nicely honed edge on the tool on the fine !ide" )f you !harpen mo!tly pruner! and lopper!, another alternati#e i! the *MT Mini-Hone" The!e are !mall enough to !harpen pruner! and lopper! 6hile the blade i! !till in the tool" Sharpening u!ing a diamond !tone i! much li4e a file" Secure the blade of your toolD a !mall #i!e 6or4! 6ell if you ha#e one" $eAt find the angle 6here your tool 6a! pre#iou!ly !harpened" )f you ha#e trouble finding the angle try thi! tric4+ U!e a permanent mar4er and apply the mar4er to the blade edge" (ub your !tone acro!! the edge at your !elected angle" )f you remo#ed the mar4er behind the blade edge, you need to !harpen at a !teeper angle, if you only remo#ed the mar4er from the front edge you need to reduce the angle" nce you7#e found a good angle <u!t rub the diamond !tone bac4 and forth 6ith your coar!e !ide until all your edge i! uniformly !harp" $o6 !6itch to your fine !ide and !harpen u!ing the !ame angle" &our edge i! no6 ready for u!e" )f you feel the edge !tarting to get dull again, you can !4ip the coar!e grit and <u!t u!e a fe6 !tro4e! 6ith the fine !tone to 4eep your tool in eAcellent !hape" *MT diamond !tone! can be found at 666"!harpening!upplie!"com" With a little effort and time your garden tool! 6ill be tip-top !hape for year! to come" '#en tool! that ha#e been neglected can be nur!ed bac4 into !hape" Proper !torage, cleaning and drying, general maintenance, and !harpening 6ill re!ult in more effecti#e tool! and more producti#e time in the garden" .asp!

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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Ta 5 S!eet ./.-. : ./.-.a Title : Cla i-icati$n $- tools, farm implements and i%&le equipment. Performance b<ecti#e: %fter reading the information !heet, the trainee !hould be able to+ ." )dentifie! appropriate tools, farm implements and !imple equipment and !ort! according to it! u!ageD ," Perform! ba!ic pre-operati#e chec4ing of tool!, farm implement! and e3uipment in accordance 6ith manufacturer7! manual" /" Segregate! and treat! tool! 6ith 6ear and corro!ion! according to maintenance plan and procedure!"

Su&&lie 6Material Ste& 6Pr$cedure:

+ Tools, farm implements and i%&le equipment.

." )dentifie! appropriate farm tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment! according to re3uirement!8u!e!" ," Chec4! farm tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment! for damage! and defect!" /" Perform! pre#enti#e maintenance of farm tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment! ?" Select and operate farm tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment! according to it! manufacturers manual. @" )dentifie! the ba!ic farm fir!t aid 4it"

A e %ent Met!$d: ral 3ue!tioning, Performance Criteria Chec4li!t

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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Per-$r%ance Criteria C!ec5li t Ta 5 S!eet ./.-. : ./.-.a


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Criteria *id the Student ." ," /" ?" @" )dentified appropriate farm tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment! according to re3uirement!8u!e!O Chec4ed farm tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment! for damage! and defect!O Performed pre#enti#e maintenance of farm tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment!O Selected and operated farm tool!, farm implement! and !imple e3uipment! according to it! manufacturers manual? )dentified the ba!ic farm fir!t aid 4itO





*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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;$) S!eet ./.-.

Title Per-$r%ance O)0ecti,e+ :

Su&&lie 6Material E7ui&%ent Ste& 6Pr$cedure:

pad, paper, pen +

A e %ent Met!$d: *emon!tration, Performance Criteria Chec4li!t

*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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Per-$r%ance Criteria C!ec5li t ;$) S!eet ./.-.

Trainee7! $ame+ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN *ate+ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Criteria *id the Student ." ," /" ?" @" >" H" I" J"
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*ate *e#eloped+ September ,-.. SU$%S Q% S&ST'M H (T)CUU(' $C )) Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm peration! *e#eloped by+ 0 0 *%(&1 %" %$T'$ (

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