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Corporate Brand & Identity Guidelines

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2 Brandmark 3 Brandmark Integrity 4 Brandmark Sizing 5 The Swoop 6 Brand Photography 7 Color Palette 8 Typography 9 Questions? 13


Master Mark
Our identity system is designed to be flexible so you can communicate effectively with different audiences. But our logo (symbol and wordmark) always remains the same. The Silver Spring Networks brandmark (logo) should never be modified. Do not alter the logos form or rendering. Do not de-couple the Silver Spring Networks logos symbol and wordmark. 1/2 X 1/2 X X


Clear Space




Maintain the Integrity of the Brandmark

The Silver Spring Networks logo has been carefully designed to reflect our brand personality and it should always appear in its original form with sufficient clear space surrounding it. The Silver Spring Networks type is a custom design and does not belong to any standard font family. Do not reset the Silver Spring Networks type or alter it in any way. Do not alter the overall shape of the Symbol or the gradient shading. To ensure the impact and preserve the integrity of the logo, any deviation from the established standard usage is prohibited. The examples at right show improper usage of the Silver Spring Networks logo.
Never distort the logo in any way that would compromise legibility Do not put the logo in a containing shape or background Never change the logo color(s)

Never place the logo against a background texture that would inhibit legibility

Never place the logo against a background color that would inhibit legibility

Silver Spring
Never add graphic effects to the logos elements Never recreate the logo using other typefaces

Maintain the Legibility of the Brandmark

The Silver Spring Networks logos required lock up means the logo can not be reduced below certain sizes for print and digital reproduction. For typical print instances, the logo may not be reduced below 1 inch width. In certain print mediums, such as embroidery or silk-screen, the minimum sizing for legibility of the word NETWORKS may be larger. Where the logo is used in digital form, such as for software or the web, the logo may not be reduced below 100 pixels. At any size in digital form, producing optimal legibility of the word NETWORKS requires pixel-by-pixel retouching and/or other techniques, such as duplicate layers. For reproduction of the logo outside of these size requirements, please contact:

< 1

Preferred Sizing


100 pixels

100 pixels

< 100 pixels

Software Logos

The Swoop
The Silver Spring Networks Swoop is a key element of our brand identity system. The Swoop is inspired by the movement and energy found in our logo. The swoop may be used as a line, a color field, a photo crop, etc. Use the swoop as a visual design accent where appropriate.

Brand Photography
Photography is an important element of our visual style. It reinforces our values and helps bring the Silver Spring Networks brand to life. Be bold. Be authentic. Be Brilliant. Whether you are staging a shoot or using stock photography, strive for images that sparkle with life and color. Avoid generic business metaphors and overly staged photos. Diversity of ethnicity, age and gender should also be kept in mind

Brand Color Palette

Nothing differentiates a brand like color. It creates context and sets a mood. It creates a lasting impression and is an instantly recognizable part of a brand. Thats why so much careful thinking went into the Silver Spring Networks palette. The palette is broken down into three categories: Primary, Secondary and Neutral. These colors have been selected for what they say individually and in combination with each other. And it is very important that they be used in the right way, and given the right prominence. Using the brand colors correctly is important. But its also important to use them creatively. Color lends another opportunity to amplify your design; you can use brighter colors or or more muted colors from the palette, depending on your audience and the message you are trying to convey.
Primary Brand Colors

Type Colors

Ring Gradient Colors

Primary Logo Colors

PMS 302

PMS 2925

PMS 302

C100 M25 Y0 K50 R0 G85 B129 HEX #005581

C85 M24 Y0 K50 R3 G151 B214 HEX #0397D6

C100 M25 Y0 K50 R0 G85 B129 HEX #005581

PMS 376 PMS 302

C100 M25 Y0 K50 R0 G85 B129 HEX #005581

PMS 3282

PMS 376

PMS 377
C45 M0 Y100 K24 R120 G162 B47 HEX #78A22F C50 M0 Y100 K0 R141 G198 B63 HEX #8DC63F C100 M0 Y46 K15 R0 G149 B144 HEX #009590 C50 M0 Y100 K0 R141 G198 B63 HEX #8DC63F

Core Brand Colors Supporting Brand Colors

PMS 302
C100 M25 Y0 K50 R0 G85 B129 HEX #005581

PMS 376
C50 M0 Y100 K0 R141 G198 B63 HEX #8DC63F

PMS 5395
C100 M44 Y0 K76 R0 G38 B76 HEX #00264C

PMS 1665
C0 M68 Y100 K0 R244 G115 B33 HEX #F47321

Secondary Brand Colors

PMS 300
C100 M44 Y0 K0 R0 G121 B194 HEX #0079C2

PMS 378
C34 M0 Y100 K60 R86 G108 B17 HEX #566C11

PMS 202
C0 M100 Y61 K43 R152 G1 B46 HEX #98012E

PMS 1235
C0 M29 Y91 K50 R253 G186 B49 HEX #FDBA31

PMS 5405
C58 M17 Y0 K46 R58 G111 B143 HEX #3A6F8F

Neutral Brand Colors

PMS Process BlackC PMS Black 6C

C0 M0 Y0 K100

R0 G0 B0

HEX #000000 HEX #666666 HEX #A7A9AC

C0 M0 Y0 K60

R102 G02 B102

PMS Cool Gray 4C

C0 M0 Y0 K40

R204 G204 B204

Fonts & Typography

Font Family: Avenir
To help unite the great volume of Silver Spring Networks communications into a consistent and recognizable look, we use Avenir LT Standard (Avenir) as our type font family.

Proper leading is determined by adding 5 point leading to the point size of the font. For example, a 12 pt. font would require a 17 pt. leading. Kerning begins at a baseline of -3 for 911 point fonts. Tighten the kerning by 1 for each increase of 3 point sizes. Refer to the chart for specific kerning. Always use discretion to ensure that copy has a consistent look and feel across your document and with other documents that use the Silver Spring Networks visual identity system. Leading and kerning for point sizes larger than 32 will need to be determined by the individual designer of the document, maintaining consistency with the Silver Spring Networks visual identity system.

Primary Font Weights

The Silver Spring Networks brand uses Avenir Roman for heads and Avenir Light for body copy.

Secondary Font Weights

Our secondary font weights are Avenir Book and Heavy. These additional font weights may be used to dial emphasis up or down.

Secondary Font
The serif font, Weiss, should only be used as headline text, in long, text-intensive documents such as books, to help with legibility, or in formal applications such as invitations.

Digital Font
For digital communications where the Avenir Family is not an option, such as websites, software user interfaces, or presentations, it is recommended to use Arial, which is an HTML default type.

Primary Font Weights

Avenir LT Standard Light and Roman
35 Light

Secondary Font Weights

Avenir LT Standard Book & Heavy
45 Book

A BCDE FGH I JKL M NOPQR STUV W X Y Z abcdefghijklm n o p q r s t u v w x y z12 3 4 5

35 Light Oblique

A BCDE FGH I JKL M NOPQR STUV W X Y Z abcdefghijklm n o p q r s t u v w x y z12 3 4 5

45 Book Oblique

A BCDE FGH IJKL M NOPQR STUV WX Y abcdefghijklnopqrs t u v w x y z12 3 4 5

55 Roman

A BCDE FGH IJKL M NOPQR STUV WXY Z abcdefghijklm n o p q r s t u v w x y z12 3 4 5

65 Heavy

A BCDE FGH I JKL M NOPQR S TU V W X Y abcd fghijklmnopqrst u v w x y z12 3 4 5

55 Oblique

A BCDE FGH I JKL M NOPQR S TUV W X Y Z abcdefghijklm n o p q r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5

65 Heavy Italic

ABCDEFGH IJ KLM N OPQR STUV W X Y abcdefghijklmnopqrst u v w x y z12 3 4 5

A BCDE FGH IJKL M N OPQR STUV WX YZ abcdefghijklm n o p q r s t u v w x y z12 3 4 5


Digital Font

A BCDE FGH I JKL M NOPQR STUV W X YZ abcdefghijklm n o p q r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5


A BCDE FGH I JKL M NOPQR STUV W X Y Z abcdefghijklm n o p q r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5


A BCDE FGH I JKL M NOPQR STUV W X Y Z abcdefghijklm n o p q r s t u v w x y z12 3 4 5

Bold Italic

A BCDE FGH I JKL M NOPQR STUV W X Y Z abcdefghijklm n o p q r s t u v w x y z 12 3 4 5


Body Copy Leading and Kerning

Point Size Kerning Point Size Kerning Point Size Kerning Point Size Kerning Point Size Kerning

04 pt 05 pt 06 pt 07 pt 08 pt


09 pt 10 pt 11 pt 12 pt 13 pt 14 pt


15 pt 16 pt 17 pt 18 pt 19 pt 20 pt


21 pt 22 pt 23 pt 24 pt 25 pt 26 pt


27 pt 28 pt 28 pt 30 pt 31 pt 32 pt







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If you need more information on the brand guidelines, please email If you need access to templates, photos or logos, please visit the Brand Tool Kit page on SilverNet: Last modified: May 21, 2012


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