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1. Calculate the effective area of /2 antenna with operating frequency of 1.5 GHz. 2.

How an elementary dipole differ from infinite imal dipole. !. """""""""""""""""" i the area over which the power i e#tracted from incident wave.$rite the e#pre ion. %.&raw the radiation pattern of 2 point ource eparated 'y /2.

5."""""""""""""""""" i the radiation re i tance of an antenna with current of 1( amp and radiated power of 5)$. *.$rite the e#pre ion for array factor. +.&raw radiation pattern and mention it lo'e. ,.- it po i'le to tran mit horizontally polari ed wave a urface wave. $hy.

/.Give the e#pre ion for refractive inde# in an iono phere. 1(.$hat i the proce of plitting of radio wave. 0i t the component.

11.$hich antenna ha the length 1/2 time the wavelegth. 1'tain 234242r for the ame. 12.How will you relate the antenna parameter directivity 4effective length and radiation re i tance. 1!.0i t out the parameter of antenna. 2#plain any four. 1%.i56tate and prove -17-2 if 2127221 and e#plain how it i applied to an antenna. ii56olve inhomogeneou vector wave equation if current den itie are in # and y direction . 15.68etch the radiation pattern u ing the e#pre ion of the radiated field of an antenna who e length i half of the wavelength. 1*.2#plain an antenna with radiating coil of any hape with one or more turn . 1+.&raw the field pattern of two point ource with 27co 9:/2 co 35 and d7/2 'y calculating ma#ima4minima and H;<$. 1,.&e cri'e the theory of propagation of 2= wave through the iono phere in the pre ence of e#ternal magnetic field and how that the medium act a dou'le refracting cry tal. 1/.&i cu a'out the propagation where uper refraction occur .

2(.$hen the ma#imum electron den ity of the iono phere layer corre pond to refractive inde# of (./2 at the frequency of 1( =Hz.>ind the range if the frequency i =?> it elf.@he height of the ray reflection point on the iono pheric layer i %(( )m.A ume flat earth and negligi'le effect of earth magnetic field.

1.Give the ignificance of radiation re i tance of an antenna. 2.-f the radiation re i tance of an antenna i *5 ohm and lo efficiency. !.&efine the type of impedance. re i tance i 1(( hm 4>ind it

%.0i t the application of loop antenna. 5.6tate pattern multiplication. *.$hich array i Han en woodyard array.&efine it. +.A uniform linear array con i t of 2( i otropic radiator with the pacing of /2.Calculate directivity of 'road ide ca e. ,.&efine >araday rotation. /.$rite the e#pre ion for 8ip di tance and define it. 1(.what i the critical frequency for reflection at vertical incidence if the ma#imum value of electron den ity i 2B1(*cm "! . 11.;rove that for a current element Cr7,(:29dl/5 2 12.6olve the wave equation for uniform plane wave in an infinitely e#tending conducting medium. 1!.&i cu a'out the field of an antenna which i referred a infinite imal dipole antenna.

1%.6ide lo'e are eliminated in an array. Du tify and draw the radiation pattern after uperimpo ition. 15. .$rite hort note on i568ip di tance ii5=?> iii5Critical frequency iE5Gyro frequency. 1*.&erive the e#pre ion for amplitude of magnetic and electric field inten ity and radiation re i tance of antenna who e length i 1/% of wavelength. 1+.68etch the radiation pattern of n element array with principle ma#ima ma#7/( or 2+( degree 'y o'taining the minor lo'e ma#ima 4minor lo'e minima and 'eam width of maFor lo'e. 1,. $here doe duct are formed and how it i u ed for microwave propagation. 1/.-n which propagation we u e high frequency wave . 2#plain. 2(. ? ing a peedy method 4 8etch the re ultant radiation pattern of % and , i otropic element .

1.=a#imum power den ity to the average power i called a """""""""""""""""""""""""""".$rite the e#pre ion. 2.$rite the ignificance of gain of an antenna.


directivity in term effective area.

%.$hy loop antenna i called a magnetic dipole. 5.$rite the e#pre ion for pattern multiplication and draw the pattern. *. Calculate radiation re i tance of /, wire dipole in free pace. +. """"""""""""""""""""""""""" i 'road ide and """"""""""""""""""""""" i endfire array.

,.&efine critical frequency. /.How fading i compen ated. 1(.>ind the ma#imum di tance that can 'e covered 'y a pace wave when the antenna height are 5(m and 1((m. 11. Give e#planation for Cadiation pattern4Antenna temperature4&irectivity42ffective aperture42quivalence of radiation pattern with re pect to antenna. 12. 1'tain the field quantitie of an infinite imal i olated conductor carrying uniform alternating current. 1!. Calculate the component 2r423424Hr4H34H and Cr of an antenna who e length i G time the wavelength. 1%. &raw the pattern of n element array with principle ma#ima ma#7( or 1,( and 7( degree 'y o'taining the minor lo'e ma#ima 4minor lo'e minima and 'eam width of maFor lo'e. 15.An antenna array con i t of 2 identical i otropic radiator paced 'y a di tance of d7/% m and fed with current of equal magnitude 'ut with the pha e difference H.2valuate the re ultant radiation for H7( and there'y identify the direction of ma#imum radiation. 1*.A hort dipole antenna of length 0 i po itioned at the origin and i aligned along the z a#i .-t carrie the current varying inu oidal with time and it amplitude.Calculate the total field at di tance point ; and it impedance. 1+.&erive the e#pre ion for magnetic potential A and electro tatic potential E of a inu oidal current element for a time varying ca e. 1,.i5A free pace 016 microwave lin8 operating at 1( GHz con i t of a tran mit and a receive antenna each having a gain of 25 d<.@he di tance 'etween the two antenna i !( )m and the power radiated 'y the tran mit antenna i 1($.Calculate the path lo of the lin8 and the received power. ii5-f the critical frequency of an ioni ed layer i 1.5 =Hz find the electron den ity of the layer. 1/.i5&erive the e#pre ion for the horte t di tance for the 8y wave from a tran mitter to reach the receiver. ii5fmuf7fc ec i. Du tify. 2(. ;rove that the relative dielectric con tant of the iono phere depend on the ratio of pla ma frequency and the wave frequency.

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