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our Ha""iness and #wesomeness $% &ays to Im"rove !our Body Language 'y Henri( )d'erg* Print In this article will e+"lore ,ust a -ew o- many "ointers on how to im"rove your 'ody language* !ou can learn much more a'out im"roving your social li-e and relationshi"s in my Sim"licity course .there is a written guide that is close to /0 "ages long 1 a social s(ills wor('oo( included in that course2 and in The Power o- Positivity* Now3 im"roving your 'ody language can ma(e a 'ig di--erence in your "eo"le s(ills3 attractiveness and general mood* There is no s"eci-ic advice on how to use your 'ody language* &hat you do might 'e inter"reted in several ways3 de"ending on the setting and who you are tal(ing to* !ou4ll "ro'a'ly want to use your 'ody language di--erently when tal(ing to your 'oss com"ared to when you tal( to a girl5guy you4re interested in* These are some common inter"retations o- 'ody language and o-ten more e--ective ways to communicate with your 'ody* 6irst3 to change your 'ody language you must 'e aware o- your 'ody language* Notice how you sit3 how you stand3 how you use you hands and legs3 what you do while tal(ing to someone* !ou might want to "ractice in -ront o- a mirror* !eah3 it might seem silly 'ut no one is watching you* This will give you good -eed'ac( on how you loo( to other "eo"le and give you an o""ortunity to "ractise a 'it 'e-ore going out into the world* #nother ti" is to close your eyes and visuali7e how you would stand and sit to -eel con-ident3 o"en and rela+ed or whatever you want to communicate* See yoursel- move li(e that version o- yoursel-* Then try it out* !ou might also want o'serve -riends3 role models3 movie stars or other "eo"le you thin( has good 'ody language* 8'serve what they do and you don4t* Ta(e 'its and "ieces you li(e -rom di--erent "eo"le* Try using what you can learn -rom them* Some o- these ti"s might seem li(e you are -a(ing something* But -a(e it til you ma(e it is a use-ul way to learn something new* #nd remem'er3 -eelings wor( 'ac(wards too* Iyou smile a 'it more you will -eel ha""ier* I- you sit u" straight you will -eel more energetic and in control* I- you slow down your movements you4ll -eel calmer* !our -eelings will actually rein-orce your new 'ehaviours and -eelings o- weirdness will dissi"ate* In the 'eginning easy it4s to e+aggerate your 'ody language* !ou might sit with your legs almost ridiculously -ar a"art or sit u" straight in a tense "ose all the time* That4s o(* #nd "eo"le aren4t loo(ing as much as you thin(3 they are worrying a'out their own "ro'lems* 9ust "lay around a 'it3 "ractice and monitor yoursel- to -ind a com-orta'le 'alance* $* :on4t cross your arms or legs ; !ou have "ro'a'ly already heard you shouldn4t cross your arms as it might ma(e you seem de-ensive or guarded* This goes -or your legs too* <ee" your arms and legs o"en*

=* Have eye contact3 'ut don4t stare ; I- there are several "eo"le you are tal(ing to3 give them all some eye contact to create a 'etter connection and see i- they are listening* <ee"ing too much eye>contact might cree" "eo"le out* Giving no eye>contact might ma(e you seem insecure* I- you are not used to (ee"ing eye>contact it might -eel a little hard or scary in the 'eginning 'ut (ee" wor(ing on it and you4ll get used to it* ?* :on4t 'e a-raid to ta(e u" some s"ace ; Ta(ing u" s"ace 'y -or e+am"le sitting or standing with your legs a"art a 'it signals sel->con-idence and that you are com-orta'le in your own s(in* @* Aela+ your shoulders ; &hen you -eel tense it4s easily winds u" as tension in your shoulders* They might move u" and -orward a 'it* Try to rela+* Try to loosen u" 'y sha(ing the shoulders a 'it and move them 'ac( slightly* /* Nod when they are tal(ing ; nod once in a while to signal that you are listening* But don4t overdo it and "ec( li(e &oody &ood"ec(er* B* :on4t slouch3 sit u" straight ; 'ut in a rela+ed way3 not in a too tense manner* C* Lean3 'ut not too much ; I- you want to show that you are interested in what someone is saying3 lean toward the "erson tal(ing* I- you want to show that you4re con-ident in yoursel- and rela+ed lean 'ac( a 'it* But don4t lean in too much or you might seem needy and des"erate -or some a""roval* 8r lean 'ac( too much or you might seem arrogant and distant* %* Smile and laugh ; lighten u"3 don4t ta(e yoursel- too seriously* Aela+ a 'it3 smile and laugh when someone says something -unny* Peo"le will 'e a lot more inclined to listen to you i- you seem to 'e a "ositive "erson* But don4t 'e the -irst to laugh at your own ,o(es3 it ma(es you seem nervous and needy* Smile when you are introduced to someone 'ut don4t (ee" a smile "lastered on your -ace3 you4ll seem insincere* D* :on4t touch your -ace ; it might ma(e you seem nervous and can 'e distracting -or the listeners or the "eo"le in the conversation* $0* <ee" you head u" ; :on4t (ee" your eyes on the ground3 it might ma(e you seem insecure and a 'it lost* <ee" your head u" straight and your eyes towards the hori7on* $$* Slow down a 'it ; this goes -or many things* &al(ing slower not only ma(es you seem more calm and con-ident3 it will also ma(e you -eel less stressed* I- someone addresses you3 don4t sna" you4re nec( in their direction3 turn it a 'it more slowly instead* $=* :on4t -idget and try to avoid3 "hase out or trans-orm -idgety movement and nervous tic(s such as sha(ing your leg or ta""ing your -ingers against the ta'le ra"idly* !ou4ll seem nervous and -idgeting can 'e a distracting when you try to get something across* :eclutter your movements i- you are all over the "lace* Try to rela+3 slow down and -ocus your movements* $?* Ese your hands more con-idently instead o- -idgeting with your hands and scratching your -ace use them to communicate what you are trying to say* Ese your hands to descri'e something or to add weight to a "oint you are trying to ma(e* But don4t use them to much or it might 'ecome distracting* #nd don4t let your hands -lail around3 use them with some control* $@* Lower your drin(* :on4t hold your drin( in -ront o- your chest* In -act3 don4t hold anything in -ront o- your heart as it will ma(e you seem guarded and distant* Lower it and hold it 'eside your leg instead* $/* Aealise where you s"ine ends ; many "eo"le .including me until recently2 might sit or stand with a straight 'ac( in a good "osture* However3 they might thin( that the s"ine

ends where the nec( 'egins and there-ore crane the nec( -orward in a Montgomery Burns>"ose* !our s"ine ends in the 'ac( o- your head* <ee" you whole s"ine straight and aligned -or 'etter "osture* $B* :on4t stand too close ;one o- the things we learned -rom Sein-eld is that every'ody gets weirded out 'y a close>tal(er* Let "eo"le have their "ersonal s"ace3 don4t invade it* $C* Mirror ; 8-ten when you get along with a "erson3 when the two o- you get a good connection3 you will start to mirror each other unconsciously* That means that you mirror the other "erson4s 'ody language a 'it* To ma(e the connection 'etter you can try a 'it o"roactive mirroring* I- he leans -orward3 you might lean -orward* I- she holds her hands on her thighs3 you might do the same* But don4t react instantly and don4t mirror every change in 'ody language* Then weirdness will ensue* $%* <ee" a good attitude ; last 'ut not least3 (ee" a "ositive3 o"en and rela+ed attitude* How you -eel will come through in your 'ody language and can ma(e a ma,or di--erence* 6or in-ormation on how ma(e yoursel- -eel 'etter read $0 ways to change how you -eel* !ou can change your 'ody language 'ut as all new ha'its it ta(es a while* )s"ecially things li(e (ee"ing you head u" might ta(e time to correct i- you have s"ent thousands odays loo(ing at your -eet* #nd i- you try and change to many things at once it might 'ecome con-using and -eel overwhelming* Ta(e a cou"le o- these 'ody language 'its to wor( on every day -or three to -our wee(s* By then they should have develo"ed into new ha'its and something you4ll do without even thin(ing a'out it* I- not3 (ee" on until it stic(s* Then ta(e another cou"le o- things you4d li(e to change and wor( on them* Share

F $C trac('ac(s G meneame*net May =3 =00C at $H?C am Li-e in student ministry May =3 =00C at BH0B "m Stu"id 'ody language ti"s -rom the world4s to" / articles I Jision #dvancement May =D3 =00D at DH@? am 8rgani7e IT Aeca"H Im"rove !our Body Language3 Com'at Clutter &ith Landing Stri"s #nd Ma(e !our 8--line Li-e )asier > Practical advice on "ersonal develo"ment3 "roductivity and GT: 9une $?3 =00D at DH$/ "m CSP: K Blog #rchive K $00 s(ills you should learn .-or -reeLL2 Novem'er ?3 =00D at CH@C "m S(ills to Learn &hile Enem"loyed to Ma(e !oursel- More )m"loya'le Need # 9o'? Novem'er C3 =00D at =H@$ am Best &ee(end Aeading 6rom #round the &e' Novem'er ?03 =00D at $0H=@ am D Ti"s 6or Becoming # Better Listener > &or( smart3 "lay smart :ecem'er @3 =00D at $$H@% am )nglish 'ody language 9?7y( angiels(i dla (a?dego 9anuary $03 =0$0 at DH$@ "m 8"en Insights =% ; High #vaila'ility Heavyweight Internet Grou" 6e'ruary /3 =0$0 at CH0/ am 8"en Insights ?0 ; Crowdsourcing Heavyweight Internet Grou" 6e'ruary /3 =0$0 at CH0B am 8"en Insights =D ; Mainroads or Sidestreets Heavyweight Internet Grou"

March $3 =0$0 at @H== am /0 Body Language Secrets !ou Need to Succeed in Li-e > Career 8verview #"ril ?03 =0$0 at /H?= am /0 Body Language Secrets !ou Need to Succeed in Li-e I &or(3 )m"loyment M 6uture S(ills #"ril ?03 =0$0 at =H0= "m /0 Body Language Secrets !ou Need to Succeed Boomers Ne+t Ste" #"ril ?03 =0$0 at ?H?= "m 6irst im"ressions* &hat4s yours? I shiroii corner 9une $=3 =0$0 at @H$C "m &arning3 how to avoid Credit Crunch Stress and im"rove your li-e Motivation Strategies 9uly $?3 =0$0 at $0H// am F ?0/ comments G N Previous Comments

$ #MIT #ugust C3 =00D at $$H@$ am Great ti"s O**de-inately it will wr( in my im"rovement o- BL Than(s

= #nonymous #ugust =B3 =00D at $$H$C am Aight* Aeading through these reminds me o- many "eo"le where some o- this comes naturally* 8r does it?

? Nic(y* #ugust ?03 =00D at @H$0 am Hey3 these are some great "ointers* <ee" em coming3 they hel" a lot*

@ nona Se"tem'er $3 =00D at $=H@/ "m it4ts very very great article it 'en-it me more than( you very much

/ Ni(hil Se"tem'er /3 =00D at $0H$? am I learned a lot o- things It is very much interesting L

B -i Se"tem'er $%3 =00D at %H$% "m i thn( its gud advices enough it may hel" "eo"le a lot

C (iran Se"tem'er =03 =00D at CH00 "m Aeally good here this and i will try -or the results soon*Than(s a lot -or this nice stu--

% Priyan(a Se"tem'er =03 =00D at %H@@ "m Jery good #rticleO*<ee" u"loading more ti"sO* Than(s

D richa Se"tem'er =@3 =00D at $$H@0 am very nice articleO its gonna hel" me a lot and i m sure many others tooOO

$0 naga 8cto'er %3 =00D at %H@% "m -antastic oneL I really li(e itL !ou im"roved my BL

$$ Shashi 8cto'er =C3 =00D at $=H/D "m Good oneO <nowledgea'le* I have also written something on 'ody language* chec( it out hereH htt"H55dondonts*'logs"ot*com5 Loo(ing -orward -or ur comments

$= Sachin <umar Gautam 8cto'er =%3 =00D at $0H?? am i hv a 'ad ha'it to tem"er* how can i im"rove my "ro'lem "l7 give me any solution

$? L88S)A 8cto'er ?$3 =00D at %H=B am Its a great article* than(sO i- in my -ront any 'eauti-ul ladyO then how i control myseland which 'ody language I should "er-orm*

$@ #nonymous May %3 =0$0 at $H/= "m control u r sel-

$/ Ted Novem'er @3 =00D at DH@@ "m These are great hints -or "eo"le to learn -rom* Sim"le things ma(e a di--erence* Here is something i have done on 'ody language and i have ,ust started htt"H55thesuccess-ulmale*'logs"ot*com5* Ho"e to hear the -eed'ac(* Than(s*

$B rana Novem'er $B3 =00D at BH=? "m it is a 'eauti-ul su',ect nice** greatt 'ooooooooooooossO

$C #nonymous :ecem'er ?$3 =00D at %H0@ am i reali7ed more -rom this article

$% u,wala :ecem'er $=3 =00D at $$H0= am Ti"s r really hel"-ul** i4ll de-enitely try thoseO

$D Aaghu :ecem'er $/3 =00D at DH0= am The Ti"sPs #re Jery Ese-ul to Es to :evelo" the BL and Live in Citys3 I :i-enitely Try3

=0 m#nQiL sHr)sTh# :ecem'er =/3 =00D at $=H$@ "m Than(s a lot LL

=$ anandh 6e'ruary D3 =0$0 at @H=/ "m su"er very well

== #hmed 6e'ruary =$3 =0$0 at DH0? "m so nice article O than(s very much 'ut i thin( it hel" us to 'e not honest with others ** ,ust a"ersonal o"inion 'ut really i love it

=? "rithi(a 6e'ruary =C3 =0$0 at %H/= am it4s li(e a mom4s advice wit concern L thanR L

=@ Shreyas 6e'ruary =%3 =0$0 at $$H?? am awesome** thn+ a lot** it hel"ed me a L8T**

=/ avinash March =3 =0$0 at DH$B "m its good atticle* than(sO**

=B i March =B3 =0$0 at $=H?/ am haha whoo"s is this -or guys? it seems li(e it**HP its still good though eitherr way lolLLH2

=C 'ramhaiah March =C3 =0$0 at DH@% am these ti"s are very use-ul to im"rove any "erson 'odylanguageOOOOOOOOOOO thans 'yeOOO**

=% ar'aa7 March ?$3 =0$0 at @H@D "m dude these ti"s ,ust roc(O*(ee" u" the good wor(

=D 9enni-er #"ril B3 =0$0 at ?H0@ "m I am ,enny3"eo"le say iam Ruite 'ase on the way i wal( and 'ehave3 "ls how do i change it

?0 Christa #"ril =03 =0$0 at $H/D "m &hen I was loo(ing -or Sim"rove your 'odyP3 I was awaiting wor(out ti"s3 'ut now a-ter having read this articlesH &e should 'e conscious o- our 'ody language3 i- we want to attract anyone or anything* Than( you -or reminder*

?$ as,ad #"ril ==3 =0$0 at %H$B am Its a 'eauti-ul and nice article* It is the 'egining -or any one to 'e con-ident and success-ul in conversation* The "eo"le who really understand will a""reciate* Its "ositive one* Than(ssssssssssssssLLLLLLL

?= aaa #"ril ?03 =0$0 at BH0$ "m Hello I4m training on this "rogrammH htt"H55www*youcan'etteryour'ody*com and have good results*

?? 'andana 9une $3 =0$0 at $H@/ "m what i learn -rom this is that any 'ody can ventilate his 5her views to any 'ody in a lucid manner with in a lesser time * than(s 'andana

?@ v*swathi May %3 =0$0 at $H/B "m it4s very hel"-ul -or me*than(s

?/ #nonymous May $$3 =0$0 at $=H0D "m i4ll try ma 'est

?B G M B May $?3 =0$0 at $H@C "m GreattL E ve ,ust got me set to interact more e--ectively $0+

?C &indows Ti"s and Tric(s 9une %3 =0$0 at @H@$ "m It is de-initely a very nice articleO its gonna hel" a lot o- "eo"le*

?% "arthasarathy 9une $B3 =0$0 at $H@? am I am a reader o- :)SM8N: M8AAIS O i li(e good articles ** it was really nice reading your article O* i really a""reciate your e--ortO (ee" doing good * My wishesO regards "arthasarathy

?D )lena 9une $B3 =0$0 at BH// am Seems li(e common sense3 'ut really I needed someone to tell me these things* 8nce you learn a'out "ower o- eye contact -or e+am"le3 it is tem"ting to stareO lol Than( you3 very use-ulL

@0 goutam 9une =C3 =0$0 at %H?% "m i am really ha""y3 a-ter reading this ti"s*its very much heal"-ul me*i ll a""ly tomorrow in my "resentation*

@$ navneet 9uly @3 =0$0 at $0H0? am iam realy ha""y these $% ste"s are wor( "ro"erly iam ha""y to see my sel- in a new way than(s

@= :ominic Har"er 9uly $C3 =0$0 at /H/D "m HeyL Than( you very much -or this "ost* !ou really ma(e some very im"ortant "oints and I am surely coming 'ac( to read more o- your "osts* Body Language is an im"ortant su',ect3 es"ecially in our wor( li-e* I ,ust started my own 'log a'out it this wee(* It ,ust has one "ost so -ar3 'ut I am wor(ing on itO #ll the 'est3 :ominic

@? Ao' 9uly $D3 =0$0 at CH/% "m Hi Henri(3 I love your 'log and your writing styleO nice wor(* I agree with your 'log a'out the im"ortance o- how you -eel and your "ostureO the 'ody5mind connection is so o'vious to see* The only "ro'lem with trying to change your "hysical movements is that it creates su'conscious tension within the 'ody as this is your 'odies o"timum "osture* I have develo"ed a system to su'consciously change your S:ynamic Body LanguageP that the 'ody acce"ts within seconds and holds -orever* I have a -ree video and re"ort here i- your interested htt"H55www*Code8-TheNatural*com

'est regards Ao'

@@ shalu 9uly =?3 =0$0 at BH?@ am i l(e so much and it was 'id encurge @r meOand i wll im"ve alsoOOOOO*than( you5

@/ suresh 9uly =@3 =0$0 at @H/@ am this wat iam loo(ing -orO** thnR soooo much

@B a,in(ya 9uly =B3 =0$0 at BH/C "m nice*vry nice* Ruite interesting*sim"le yet so uniRue ti"s

@C cha(ravarthy #ugust $3 =0$0 at =H=@ "m its niceOOOOO*i hav to try tisLLLLLLLLL

@% Sean :urham #ugust $@3 =0$0 at $=H?@ "m Aeally good "oints to -ollow3 I thin( Seye contactP and SmirroringP are two o- the most "ower-ul ways to enhance your 'ody>language* (ee"ing a strong eye contact during conversation is a very natural way o- showing great interest in what the other "erson is saying ; it4s when we are not tal(ing and some'ody stares that it 'ecomes cree"yL Mirroring is a very natural 'ody language that we all use and learn to some e+tent throughout li-e* It hel"s us -it>in with the grou" and elicits trust -rom the "erson we are communicating with* Most animal grou"s Mirror3 it4s how they -orm grou"s "artly* &e do it and the results are sometimes Ruite astonishing* Mirroring creates ra""ort and there-ore more trust* Good "ost3interesting stu-- 3than(s Henri(*

@D li-e coaching in manchester #ugust $D3 =0$0 at @H$D "m great article ; Mirroring wor(s well in a ,o' interview

/0 organic green #ugust =03 =0$0 at $$H@0 "m &hen you visuali7e the (inds o- interactions you want and then remain o"en to having them anywhere you go .you can 'e o"en 'y ac(nowledging the "resence o- others around you and have the intent to 'e (ind2Oyou3 also3 'ecome more aware and notice o""ortunities -or -urther contact .using the ti"s a'ove li(e eye contact3 casual conversation3 etc2*

/$ Harish #ugust =$3 =0$0 at CH/B "m The ti"s are really great O I Ho"e I4ll de-initely im"lement some o- the ti"s** Jery hel"-ul** Than(s

/= :an #ugust =/3 =0$0 at ?H@B am I haven4t read that many guides on 'ody language 'ut this seems li(e one o- the 'etter ones*

/? sa(ti #ugust =%3 =0$0 at $0H/$ am really su"er''' N Previous Comments Comments on this entry are closed* Previous "ostH B reasons to im"rove your 'ody language Ne+t "ostH Personal :evelo"ment Carnival -or this wee( 9oin @B%DD Aeaders

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* #'out This &e'site HiL I4m Henri( )d'erg and I am the author o- the Sim"licity course3 The #rt o- Aela+ed Productivity and The Power o- Positivity* I write "ractical stu-- a'out sim"li-ying your li-e and im"roving your social s(ills3 ha""iness3 "roductivity and awesomeness* 6eel -ree to 'e-riend me on Twitter3 to 'ecome a -an on 6ace'oo( and to download my -ree e> 'oo(* Po"ular on The Positivity Blog :o !ou Ma(e These $0 Mista(es in a Conversation? C Ha'its o- Highly Ine--ective Peo"le Gandhi4s To" $0 6undamentals -or Changing the &orld $B Things I &ish They Had Taught Me in School Bruce Lee4s To" C 6undamentals -or Getting !our Li-e in Sha"e Mar( Twain4s To" D Ti"s -or Living a <ic(>#ss Li-e Su'scri'e to Blog E"dates To" o- 6orm Get 'log u"dates via emailH
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