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tony fernandes He paved the way for budget air travel in Asia, he manages an F1 team, he formed the ASEAN

Basketball eague and he owns an English football !lub" He is none other than #an Sri #ony Fernandes, the $roup %E& of AirAsia" 'n this session of the $lobal (alaysia Series, brought to you by the E!onomi! #ransformation )rogramme *E#)+, ,mapagan Ampikaipakan of BF(-s Evening Edition will speak to #an Sri #ony about. / #he lessons he learnt from both his su!!ess and his failures as he looks ba!k at his 0ourney of going global / 1hat it takes to build su!!essful partnerships and what are some of the sa!rifi!es that he made to keep partnerships strong" / 2oing business in the different ASEAN !ountries and the potential impa!t that the 3415 ASEAN E!onomi! %ommunity will have on (alaysian businesses ' mentioned how storytelling is powerful for influen!ing others" Stories are also powerful for influen!ing and inspiring yourself" #he stories we tell ourselves shape our attitude, per!eptions, behaviors and ultimately our results" leadership

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2E6E &)(EN# How should %oa!hing be used to a!!elerate the 2evelopment of leadership talent7 How do we support 2evelopment7

- e are trusted advisors on shaping the future through leadership development" &ur business is developing
!urrent and future leaders and leadership teams to build the !apability for fulfilling the strategi! vision of their enterprise" 'dentifi!ation, retention and development of leaders are !riti!al to business su!!ess" %onta!t us for innovative and proven approa!hes for e8e!utive and high potential talent management, su!!ession planning and a!!elerated leadership development"

In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. - Eric Hoffer

courage why you need courage to reach your goal?

1e all know that setting ambitious goals helps us to move ourselves forward" &ur really ambitious goals 9 the ones we keep to ourselves 9 often present us with opportunities to be !ourageous" 1e need a plan to mitigate these risks and edu!ate physi!ians about managing patients with an at:risk profile"; 't took !ourage for her to trust her own 0udgment, rather than yielding to these pressures" 't took !ourage to rea!h out and build bridges with thought:leaders in other parts of the organi<ation that would see and support her point of view" 't took !ourage to oversee the work of !olleagues who did not report to her and push for the right

!hoi!es, rather than easy, !onventional or popular re!ommendations" And she did all of this at a time when she was still getting a!!limated to the new !ompany and did not yet have the tra!k re!ord or !redibility to stand out and take a different position" #heir five !ourage a!tivators are the very heart of !areer growth. Purpose. Having the big pi!ture perspe!tive to support your ambitions" Will. #he willingness to fa!e adversity with =!an:do; enthusiasm and to adapt to !onditions that will further your purpose" Risk. Stepping out to support your team, going out on a limb and !reating opportunities for yourself and others" Rigor. 'nventing better solutions for !ontinuous improvement and taking a!tion on them" Candor. Asking the tough >uestions and giving straight and dire!t !ommuni!ation" 2emonstrate !ourage on the outside, even when you don?t feel it on the inside" 1e are all afraid on o!!asion 9 that is 0ust part of being human" 'f you are going to lead people through ambiguity, you will need to show more !ourage than fear" 1hen dire!t reports read worry and !on!ern on the fa!e of a leader, they begin to lose !onfiden!e in the leader?s ability to lead"

What Trait are necessary for developing leadership strength

At the heart of every su!!essful business are leaders who?ve not only mastered their !hosen field of endeavor, but have developed the management@!ommuni!ations skills ne!essary to truly inspire a team" 1hat >ualities do these individuals have that separate them from =the masses;7 Are they inborn or !ultivated through hard work7 By studying the traits that are !ommon to developing leadership strength, those >uestions will be answered" et?s begin with what must be !onsidered as the foundation for developing leadership strength. earning trust" Strong leaders are reliableA other people !an !ount on them and feel se!ure in following their dire!tives" #hey also have integrity, are a!!ountable and are true to their word" Now we?ll dig a little deeper and look at four spe!ifi! attributes ' find !riti!al to developing leadership strength.

Building and sustaining relationships. No one operates in a vacuum, so people who are going to be successful in leadership roles must be good relationship builders. Strong leaders have the ability to listen with empathy and connect with whats in colleagues hearts and minds. They communicate in an empowering way that helps align people behind a common purpose or objective. Theyre also self-awarehaving a strong emotional intelligence uotientand they appropriately ac!nowledge the contributions made by those around them. Forming partnerships. Ta!ing relationship-building one step farther, strong leaders are able to develop strategic alliances, perhaps even across boundaries, i.e., finance and "T, #$% and &#, etc. They !now who the !ey sta!eholders are and understand whose inclusion will be most valuable. Theyre also collaborative, interested in giving and receiving input, and approachablenot intimidating, but responsive.

Having presence. This can easily be confused with being charismatic, but having presence goes a bit deeper than that, encompassing everything from e'pression, tone and demeanor to style and dress. Strong leaders have a warm and welcoming way about them, and an energy thats contagious. Theyre self-confident, !now the business, support their assertions with evidence, and arent afraid to be decisive.

Walking their talk. Thin! of this as being true to your word on steroids. Strong leaders are congruent in their communications( they have a stand and a place theyre going, and they share it with those to whom it matters most. Theyre good with in uiries and arent afraid to as! provocative, on-point uestions that encourage people to get to their best new thoughts and own their answers.

Fine:tuning these traits leads to developing leadership strength" E>ually important, and something that affe!ts them all, is self:knowledge9sin!e strong leaders are able to leverage their strengths to give ba!k by !oa!hing and developing others, perhaps serving as a mentor, and also making a differen!e outside the business in the greater !ommunity"

emotional intelligence
Su!!essful leaders have many things in !ommon, and one of the traits they share is a high degree of emotional intelligen!e" 1hat that means, in a nutshell, is that they have the !apa!ity to re!ogni<e feelings9both theirs and others?9and use that knowledge to motivate, inspire, and manage" (any people have derailed their !areers be!ause they?re defi!ient in emotional intelligen!e" 1hile they possess the s!holasti! intelligen!e re>uired to be su!!essful, they may fail in leadership roles if they aren?t keenly aware of how their behavior and !ommuni!ation styles affe!t their !olleagues and subordinates" Emotional intelligen!e is a key building blo!k to developing self:awareness and self:!onfiden!e, and it?s important for leaders to have both those >ualities" #hose who are self:aware and self:!onfident are able to a!!omplish what we e8pe!t of leaders, in!luding.

)uilding partnerships *ollaborating +aining followers ,'uding e'ecutive presence eaders who are la!king in emotional intelligen!e will have a hard time being su!!essful doing any of those

things" Sin!e they?re not !lear about the emotions driving themselves or those around them, they often make 0udgment !alls that aren?t !ongruent9and that !an seem like they?re not fulfilling their promises" Even more signifi!antly, the failure to be a!!essible and fully present9something !ommon in those with low emotional intelligen!e9may !ome a!ross as being unemotional or un!aring" #hat?s the unfortunate result of failing to establish a !onne!tion, and it?s a re!ipe for disaster for leaders" Every time '?ve asked people to tell me what !hara!teristi!s their best bosses have had, the list is pretty mu!h the same.

Supportive ,mpathetic &as my bac! -air .uthentic -le'ible "nspiring +ives feedbac! /a!es me feel involved

Similarly, the list of !hara!teristi!s their worst bosses have had doesn?t vary mu!h.

#igid "nsincere &as to be right 0udgmental %oesnt listen Self-absorbed %oesnt provide positive feedbac! Ta!es credit "doli1es himself

How are those two lists related7 #he !hara!teristi!s seen in the best bosses all re>uire emotional intelligen!e, while those noted on the worst bosses list refle!t a de!ided la!k of it" #hose who e8hibit =bad boss; behaviors are not in tou!h with how their a!tions are landing around them" #he importan!e of emotional intelligen!e, espe!ially as refle!ted in greater self:awareness, is widely a!!epted" A re!ent Harvard Business Review blog noted that the most important thing leaders !an do to improve their effe!tiveness is be!ome more aware of what motivates them and their de!ision:making" #hose with strong self: awareness have a better than 54@54 !han!e of being su!!essful leaders, while those without it have virtually no !han!e at all"

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