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A Seminar Report On


Ravindra Bhaskar Mali B.E. (MECH) Atul Suresh Sonawane T.E. (MECH)

Guided by !ro". M. #. $a%arhalli

&E!ARTME$T '( MECHA$)CA* E$G)$EER)$G S.R.E.S+S C'**EGE '( E$G)$EER)$G, -'!ARGA'$ . /01231 4$)#ERS)T5 '( !4$E

Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________

6e are aware that in early "uture the world will su""er "ro7 the shorta%e o" 8onventional "uels. !ollution "ro7 these 8onventional "uels is 8ausin% the %lobal war7in%, o9one de:letion this 7akes it essential to sear8h the renewable, :ollution "ree alternative "uel. Hydrogen see7s to be 7ost :ro7isin% alternative "uel. Hydro%en when burns :rodu8e 8lean ener%y. Hydro%en 8an be :rodu8e easily. Hydro%en is li%htest "uel and ri8hest in ener%y :er unit 7ass (;03 <33 k=>k%). !etrol va:or 8ree:s alon% the %round while Hydro%en %oes u: in the air so it is relatively sa"e. Hydro%en 8an be stored as 8o7:ressed %as, li?uid or by 8he7i8al bondin% (i.e. Metal Hydride). So7e alloys stores Hydro%en at a higher density than :ure Hydro%en even hi%her than the li?uid Hydro%en. Hydro%en, like :etrol, diesel and natural %as, burns well in internal 8o7bustion en%ines. However, in Reciprocating engine during the suction stroke if the Hydrogen is expose to the red-hot particle or spark plug and pre-ignition takes place then it can burst entire fuel tank. Solution to these :roble7s is to use the Hydro%en in the Wankel rotary engine, whi8h has advanta%es like hi%h :ower to wei%ht ratio, e@tended :ower stroke, and lesser 7ovin% :arts. Rotor dire8tly o:ens and 8loses :orts, so 8orre8t ti7in% o" intake and e@haust is 7aintain even at hi%h s:eed with "lat tor?ue 8urve. #ibration is very low be8ause :er"e8t balan8in% is :ossible. Cooler 8o7bustion 7eans fewer oxides of nitrogen. Separation of co bustion region fro region is good for Hydrogen fuel. Ma da be%an a two years trial :eriod "or its e@:eri7ental low.:ollution Hydro%en rotary en%ine vehi8le in !""#. The $appella $argo %an 7odel vehi8le will burn a Hydro%en "uel and will not e7it 8arbon dio@ide. Ma&da lent the vehi8le to the Hirohata Steel Mill "or use as their 8o7:any van and drove it "or at least '()((( kilo eters on public roads. Hydro%en was stored as etal hydride. intake

Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________

Sr. "o& Chapter 'a(e "o.
1 / / A A 2 < < B C C ;3 ;3 ;3 ;0 ;1

;. !ntroduction 0. )ydro(en $ner(y* A Brief !ntroduction

0.; 0.0 0.1 0./ 1.; 1.0 1.1 1./ /.; /.0

(ro7 8arbon to hydro%en Generatin% Hydro%en Storin% the Hydro%en Hydro%en in internal 8o7bustion en%ines Glossary o" ter7s 6orkin% o" 6ankel en%ine Advanta%es &isadvanta%es Ma9da HR.D 8ar Test results Bi.lio(raphy

1. +an,el en(ine

/. Ca-e Study&


Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter& / !ntroduction& All o" us are aware that in "uture the world will su""er "ro7 the shorta%e o" 8onventional "uels like 8oal, :etroleu7 and its :rodu8ts. *%er the last fi%e years the world used '+ billion barrels of oil each year) while annual disco%eries a ounted only , billion barrels. (ollowin% 8hart shows, the oil dis8overed worldwide every "ive years. (Refer fi(ure /./)
250 Volume of oil (Million Barel)-----> 200 150 100 50 0 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year ------>

Volume of oil dis o!ered "orld"ide e!ery 5 years (Million Barel)

0i(ure "o& /./ Trend in volume of oil di-covered 1orld1ide a- per international ener(y a(ency2- a--e--ment

There"ore, there is need o" the alternative "uels, whi8h will over8o7e the above :roble7s. There are 7any alternative "uels like 7ethanol, ethanol, bio.diesel, hydro%en et8. Hydrogen see7s to be 7ost :ro7isin% alternative "uel. )t is an energy dense) pollution free renewable "uel. Hydro%en and ele8tri8ity are the only ener%y 8arriers available that 8an be 8o7:letely :ollution "ree. Ele8tri8ity has already :roved its value but is not a use"ul "or7 o" ener%y in re7ote areas or in trans:ort, :ri7arily due to di""i8ulties o" stora%e. 6hile Hydro%en is also di""i8ult to store and trans:ort, over lon% distan8es it be8o7es 7ore e""i8ient to use Hydro%en than ele8tri8ity.

Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________

Chapter& 2 )ydro(en $ner(y * A Brief !ntroduction

#rom ar$on %o &ydro'en 4ntil the industrial revolution, the 7ain sour8e o" ener%y "or 7ost :eo:le was wood . a hydro8arbon "uel. )7:roved te8hnolo%y led to wides:read use o" 8oal (7ore Hydro%en, less 8arbon), and then to oil and natural %as. Hydro%en burns to :rodu8e water. Hydro%en is relatively -afe be8ause it vents u:wards. Gasoline (:etrol) is 7ore dan%erous be8ause its va:ors 8ree: alon% the %round. Hydro%en has the hi%hest ener%y 8ontent :er unit wei%ht o" any known "uel.A0,333 Btu>lb (/3243544 ,67,(). 6hen Hydro%en is burned with o@y%en, the only by:rodu8ts are heat and water. Hydro%en is a 8olorless, odorless, tasteless, "la77able and nonto@i8 %as at at7os:heri8 te7:eratures and :ressures. )t is the li%htest %as known, bein% only so7e seven one hundredths as heavy as air. Hydro%en is :resent in the at7os:here, o88urrin% in 8on8entrations o" only about 3.3; :er 8ent by volu7e at lower altitudes.

'ropertie- of )ydro(en&
Auto i%nition te7:erature &ensity &i""usivity (la7e te7:erature S:e8i"i8 %ravity S:e8i"i8 volu7e
Properties Chemical Formula Molecular Weight

A03 3C (C2B 3() 3.3B1/0 k%>71 ;.2C< 70>hr 01;B 3C (/030./ 3() 3.2C23 (air E ;) ;;.CC 71>k% (;C;.CB s8">lb)

Gasoline Diesel Methano Ethanol Natural Gas Propane Hydroge Fuel l (CNG) n C4 to C12 C3 to C25 CH3OH 100105 200 370 650 ....... 32.04 14# 107 #8 165 1;A./23 52 /00 C2H5OH 46.07 172 ;3B $115 55 422 C3H8 44.1 $44 ;;0 $305.8 $100 to $150 454510 CH4 16.04 $25# ...... $2#6 $300 540 H2 2.02 $423 ;13F $435 $$ 565$580

Boili g 80437 tem!erature "F Octa e o Free%i g !oi t 0 C Fla&h !oi t' clo&e( cu!' "F )uto$ig itio #0100 $40 $45 0A<

Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________

tem!erature' "C

Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________

2.2 (enera%in' %)e )ydro(en&

2.2.1 Hydrogen from water . The 7ost 8o77on way o" s:littin% water is by ele8trolysis, thou%h it 8an also be done usin% a ther7o8he7i8al rea8tion or si7:ly by heatin%. 2.2.2 Hydrogen from hydrocarbons: - The 8hea:est way o" 7akin% Hydro%en at :resent is by re"or7in% it "ro7 natural %as. Most o" the Hydro%en in use today is 7ade by this 7ethod. )n order to s:lit the Hydro%en "ro7 the 8arbon in the natural %as (7ainly Methane, CH/) a :ro8ess 8alled Gstea7 re"or7ationH is used. *%orin' %)e &ydro'en + - Sin8e Hydro%en is one o" the li%htest ele7ents and has very s7all 7ole8ules, it 8an es8a:e "ro7 tanks and :i:es 7ore easily than 8onventional "uels. However, i" it is to be used as a "uel "or trans:ort or :ower %eneration then there 7ust be ways o" storin% it 8ost.e""e8tively. Storin% Hydro%en 8an be done in three 7ain ways, 8o7:ressed "or7, in *i?uid "or7 and by 8he7i8al bondin% (i.e. Metal Hydride). - gra of Hydrogen gas occupies about !! liters (0.C %allons) o" s:a8e at

at7os:heri8 :ressure, so "or 8onvenien8e the %as 7ust be intensely :ressuri9ed to several hundred at7os:heres and stored in a :ressure vessel. )n li?uid "or7, Hydro%en 8an only be stored under 8ryo%eni8 te7:eratures. These o:tions are not :ra8ti8al "or everyday use. The solution to these di""i8ulties is stora%e o" Hydro%en in hydride "or7. This 7ethod uses an alloy that 8an absorb and hold lar%e a7ounts o" Hydro%en by bondin% with Hydro%en and "or7in% hydrides. (Refer fi(ure 2./ 8 2.2)

0i(ure "o& 2.2 Metal )ydride -tora(e unit 0i(ure "o& 2./ Metal hydride tan, <

Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________

Stored 9olume #i-char(e 're--ure Ma:imum 0lo1 Rate Rechar(e Time 9e--el Material #imen-ion+ei(ht Overpre--ure 'rotection 'rice & & & & & & & & & C3 standard 8ubi8 "oot (0AA3 liters at low :ressure 13 :si% (;<B k!a) in a7bient air, 0A3 :si% (;./B M!a) in hot water ; "t1>7in (0B *iters>7in) / hours in a7bient air, /A 7inutes in 2Bo( (03oC) water body . stainless steel, valve . stainless steel 0/I *on% by ;0I Hi%h and by 1I &ee: (23.C287 @ 13./B87 @ <.2087) B3 :ounds (12 k%) Ra:ture &is8 and Relie" #alve J;1,A33

So7e alloys (in bold"a8e in the table below) store Hydro%en at a hi%her density than :ure Hydro%en (even hi%her than the li?uid Hydro%en). Material H0 %as, 033 bar (0BA3 :si) H0 li?uid, 03 - (.0A1 3C) H0 solid, /.0 - (.02C 3C) M(H0 M(2"iH/ 0eTiH0 ;a"i<H2 H.ato7s :er 871 (@ ;300) 3.CC /.0 A.1 2.A A.C 2.3 A.A K o" wei%ht that is Hydro%en ;33 ;33 ;33 <.2 1.2 ;.BC ;.1<

Another :ro:erty o" Hydro%en stora%e alloys is that they release heat when absorbing hydrogen and absorb heat when releasing hydrogen. This :ro:erty allows their use in heat :u7:s, heaters and air 8onditioners. So their absor:tion and release rates 8an be 8ontrolled by adLustin% te7:erature or :ressure. The Hydro%en stora%e alloys in 8o77on use o88ur in "our di""erent "or7s ABA (e.%., *a$iA), AB (e.%., (eTi), A0B (e.%., M%0$i) and AB0 (e.%., Mr#0). &ydro'en in ,n%ernal -om$us%ion en'ines Drawbacks of conventional Reciprocating engine: Hi%h wei%ht to :ower ratio, More vibrations, *ow e""i8ien8y due to re8i:ro8atin% :arts and valve 7e8hanis7, As Hydro%en is hi%hly "la77able, so in 8ase o" re8i:ro8atin% en%ine !re.i%nition is 7aLor :roble7, .ackfiring 8han8es in8ase o" Hydro%en as a "uel are 7ore. /n Reciprocating engine during the suction stroke if the Hydrogen co es in contact with the red hot particle or spark plug and if pre-ignition takes place then it can cause the fire in fuel line and burst entire fuel tank Solution to these proble s is to use the Hydrogen in the Wankel rotary engine.

Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter "o& =

+an,el en(ine

Two Ger7an en%ineers (eli@ 6ankel and 6alter (roed have develo:ed the rotary en%ine whi8h is known as 6ankel en%ine. (Refer fi(ure =./)

=./ >lo--ary of TermApe: $ccentric Shaft $pitrochoid & & & 'ne o" the three ti:s o" the rotor. the rotors 7ove around it. )t has se8tions that are o""set "ro7 the 8enter. )t The 8urve that de"ines the inner sur"a8e o" the peripheral housing is called as

su:er8edes the 8ranksha"t o" :iston en%ine. epitrochoide. )t is %enerated by rollin% a 8ir8le around another 8ir8le. !erha:s should 7ore 8orre8tly 8alled :eritro8hoid (Refer 0i(ure =.2).

0i(ure "o& =./ +an,el en(ine

0i(ure "o& =.2 $pitrochoid curve (eneration method



The rotor is the :art o" the en%ine that re8eives the :ower i7:ulse o" the

e@:losion and 8o7bustion o" the "uel air 7i@ture. )t supercedes the piston o" old internal 8o7bustion en%ines. )t so7eti7es loosely 8alled a Irotary :istonI.

Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________ Stationary >ear & This %ear is "i@ed to the side housin%. )t 7eshes with a %ear inside the rotor so that the 7otion o" the rotor is 8onstrained.


Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________


+or,in( of +an,el en(ine&*$onstruction 0 working of Wankel Rotary

engine is as in fi(ure =./ Rotor havin% e?ilaterateral trian%ular sha:e rotates in lobe sha:ed 8ha7ber as well as revolve on e88entri8 sha"t .As rotor rotates volu7e en8lose between Rotor and 8ha7ber de8reases and in8reases uni"or7ly a88ordin% to its :osition, whi8h 8auses 8o7:ression and e@:ansion o" the 8har%e. As 1 8ha7ber are "or7ed on 1 sides o" rotor we %et 1 e@:ansion or :ower stroke "or ; revolution o" rotor .There are 1 revolution o" e88entri8 sha"t i.e. out :ut sha"t. Thus we %et ; :ower stroke "or ea8h revolution o" out :ut sha"t. )nternal %ear o" Rotor 7eshes with e@ternal %ear, whi8h is "i@ed to 8asin% o" en%ine, whi8h re%ulates the 7otion o" Rotor to 7aintain 8onta8t between rotor and 8asin%. Ea8h :hase o" ther7odyna7i8 8y8le o88ur "or C33 revolution o" rotor, those "or 0<33 revolution o" out:ut sha"t.


Advanta(e- of Rotary Com.u-tion $n(ine-&

The 7ain advanta%e is the hi%h :ower to wei%ht ratio, *i%htwei%ht and 8o7:a8t,

S7ooth no re8i:ro8atin% 7otion. E@tended :ower IstrokeI rotation o" the out:ut sha"t 0<3 3 vs. the ;B33 o" a :iston, As rotor rotates, it dire8tly o:ens and 8loses :orts. So 8orre8t ti7in% o" intake and e@haust is 7aintained even at hi%h s:eed. #ibration is very low be8ause :er"e8t balan8in% is :ossible. S7ooth 7otion, less 7e8hani8al losses, 8o7:a8tness, Cooler 8o7bustion 7eans fewer oxides of nitrogen. Catalyti8 8onverters lessen this advanta%e, Se:aration o" 8o7bustion re%ion "ro7 intake re%ion is %ood "or Hydro%en "uel. *ower o@ides o" nitro%en ($'D) e7issions, 'ne stroke is o" 0<33 rotation o" out :ut sha"t.


#i-advanta(e- of Rotary Com.u-tion $n(ine-&

Hi%h sur"a8e to volu7e ratio in 8o7bustion 8ha7ber is less ther7odyna7i8ally e""i8ient. The 6ankelNs lon% and narrow 8ha7ber 7akes "or lon% "la7e travel, but this is 8ountered by the Ma9daNs two s:ark :lu%s (three on so7e ra8in% en%ines). Hi%her "uel 8onsu7:tion in naive desi%ns. This is relative to the a::li8ation be8ause the hi%h :ower o" the en%ine 7ust be 8onsidered.


Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter "o& ?

Ca-e Study

Ma da be%an a two.year trial :eriod "or its e@:eri7ental low.:ollution Hydro%en rotary en%ine (RE) vehi8le in !""#. The $appella $argo %an 7odel vehi8le will burn a Hydro%en "uel. Ma&da lent the vehi8le to the Hirohata Steel Mill "or use as their 8o7:any van and drove it "or at least '()((( kilo eters on public roads. The "uel was stored as etal hydride. )n order to evaluate the :ossibilities o""ered by the Hydro%en "ueled rotary en%ine, dyna7o7eter tests were 8ondu8ted with a s7all (0.0 k6) 6ankel en%ine "ueled with Hydro%en. The en%ine was o:erated unthrottled and :ower out:ut was 8ontrolled by ?uality %overnin%, i.e. by varyin% the "uel.air e?uivalen8e ratio on the lean side o" stoi8hio7etri8. 1he ability to operate with 2uality go%erning is fla ability li its of Hydrogen-air ade possible by the wide ixtures. $'D e7issions are on the order o" A ::7 "or :ower

out:uts u: to <3K o" the 7a@i7u7 attainable on Hydro%en "uel. Thus, by o:eratin% with very lean 7i@tures, whi8h e""e8tively derates the en%ine, %ery low 3*4 e issions can be achie%ed. The Hydro%en Miata is /33 k% (BB3 lb) heavier than the standard 8ar. This is :artly be8ause a 133 k% (223 lb) H0 "uel tank re:la8es the standard A3 k% (;;3 lb) "or a "ull %asoline tank. Thus it is en8oura%in% that it :er"or7s as well as it does. )ntri%uin%ly, the :rototy:e has a le"t side driver (4S). Ma9da also has an ele8tri8 :rototy:e usin% "uel 8ells, also with a /33 k% in8rease in wei%ht Power (HP) Top Speed kmh (mph) 0-40 kmh (2 mph) sec 0-!00 kh ("2 mph) sec #e$%eling time Gasoline 120 183 (114) 2.5 9.4 3 minute? Hydrogen 110 150 (93) 2.9 13.0 15 minutes Electric 130 (81) 4.2 21.5 hours?

Ma da +ei(h- 'lan-&

Ma9da is wei%hin% :lans to 7arket a Hydro%en

"ueled auto said to out:er"or7 ele8tri8 vehi8les. Ma9da says ti7in% o" the laun8h hin%es on a %overn7ent :ro%ra7 to develo: a Hydro%en "uel distribution network. Ma9da 8lai7s its Hydro%en vehi8le . based on a 6ankel rotary en%ine . has a range of ',( k and a top speed of !#( k 5hr. By 8o7:arison, the auto7aker says, ele8tri8 vehi8les ty:i8ally 8an travel no 7ore than ;B3 k7 without re8har%in% and a8hieve to: s:eeds o" ;13 k7>hr, while %asoline "ueled 8ars have ran%es as hi%h as AC3 k7 and to: s:eeds o" ;B1 k7>hr.


Ma da )R*%

Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________ Specification- of )R*% car

Trans7ission (uel Tank Ca:a8ity Crusin% ran%e &i7ensions 6ei%ht Seatin% Ca:a8ity &is:la8e7ent Ma@. 'ut:ut (net) Ma@. Tor?ue (net) /AT (EC.AT) H0 1< $71 033k7 1,BA3 77 lon% @ ;,<33 77 wide @ ;,/A3 77 hi%h ;,023 k% 0 :lus 0 /CC 88 @ 0 ;33 H! at 2,A33 r:7 (tar%et) ;1.3 k%7 at /,333 r:7 (tar%et)


Te-t Re-ult-& Results o" the trial on the Hydro%en (ueled Rotary En%ine and the

8onventional re8i:ro8atin% en%ine are as "ollows,

Output po1er& The fi(ure ?./ shows the 8orrelation between e@8ess air ratio and

out:ut :ower at 0A33 r:7. !ower is enhan8ed as the value o" e@8ess air ratio (O) %oes down. Rotary en%ine "un8tioned satis"a8torily to the e@tent e@8ess air ratio OE;, and naturally a8hieved a hi%h out:ut :ower. $e@t, 0i(ure ?.2 shows the 7a@i7u7 :ower ratio o" the Hydro%en en%ine to the %asoline en%ine. 6hile the Hydro%en driven Re8i:ro8atin% en%ine (:re.7i@ed 7ethod) 8ould yield only A3K o" the :ower attainable by %asoline s:e8i"i8ations, the Hydro%en driven Rotary en%ine a8hieved 21K by the :re.7i@ed 7ethod and <AK by the indu8tion.8y8le.inLe8tion.


Com.u-tion Characteri-tic- at 'art load&

The 8o7bustion 8hara8teristi8s in indu8tion.8y8le.inLe8tion 7ethod Rotary en%ine at

:art load was e@a7ined re%ardin% indi8ator dia%ra7, 8o7bustion "lu8tuation, ther7al e""i8ien8y and e@haust %as e7ission. The test were 8ondu8ted at $ (en%ine s:eed) E;A33 r:7 and !e (BME!) E 3.; M!a or 3.0C M!a. 0i(ure*?.= indi8ates the 8o7bustion "lu8tuation ratio. This "i%ure shows that Hydro%en Rotary en%ine %ets stable 8o7bustion even i" the e@8ess air ratio (O) is over /. 0i(ure*?.? shows e@8ess air ratio vs. brake ther7al e""i8ien8y. The 7a@i7u7 value at !e E 3.; M!a is around O E 1.


Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________


Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter "o& ?

)t 8an be 8on8luded "ro7 this se7inar that Hydro%en is the best :re"erred alternati%e for con%entional fuel in every as:e8t. By usin% Hydrogen we 8an develo: e8ono7i8al and e""i8ient vehi8le and industrial :lants. 4se o" Hydro%en in the rotary i.e. 6ankel en%ine is inherently ba8k"ire :reventin% and 8an "un8tion throu%h a wide o:eratin% ran%e at e@8ess air ratio O E ;. )t was e@:eri7entally :roved that the :re.7i@ed Hydro%en Rotary en%ine a8hieved and '>! :ower u: to 21 K o" %asoline s:e8i"i8ations, while the Hydro%en Re8i:ro8atin% en%ine with :re.7i@ed 7i@ture 7ethod 7arked only A3 K o" %asoline s:e8i"i8ations. (urther, in 8ase o" Rotary en%ine, the indu8tion.8y8le.inLe8tion 8ould be i7:le7ented easily with an a8hieve7ent o" an out:ut :ower o" <A K o" %asoline s:e8i"i8ations. 6hen o:erated around e@8ess air ratio O E 0P1 in the :artial load ran%e, it was :roved that a hi%h ther7al e""i8ien8y to%ether with 8lean e@haust %as was attainable. 'ne o" the %reatest advanta%es o" Hydro%en as an alternative "uel is that it is they are renewable and environmental friendly.


Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine _______________________________________________________________________

Boo,- and 6ournal-&


Mathur M. ;. 3 Sharma R. '.,;CC0, QA Course in )nternal Co7bustion

En%ines+, G1he Wankel Rotary $o bustion EngineH, Ch. 2=3 !%. $o. B00 &han:at Rai and Sons :ubli8ation, $ew &elhi. 0. 'rof. BhaCuria '. R., =uly ;CB;, GHydrogen-Fueled Spark /gnition Engine-

/ts 6erfor ance and E ission $haracteristics7) !h. &. Thesis, ). ). T., $ew &elhi 1. ). 6. 'la--3 0. DEcono ics of hydrogen as a Fuel for Surface

1ransportationH S.A.E. Lournal, !%. $o. 121.12B /. BenCi Morimoto3 Ta,afumi Teramoto3 and AuCi Ta,amori3 G$o bustion

$haracteristics in Hydrogen Fueled Rotary Engine7) So8iety o" Auto7otive En%ineers technical paper 8"'(,(' !%. $o. /<C./BA

+e.-ite addre--e-&
;. 0. 1. /. A. 2. <. B. C. ;3. ;;. ;0. ;1. htt: >>www.e.sour8es.8o7>hydro%en> htt: >>www.8sa.8o7>hotto:i8s>hydro%en>overview.ht7l htt: >>>Pser8>%eneration8enter.ht7l htt: >> htt: >>www.eere.ener%y.%ov>hydro%enand"uel8ells>hydro%en>basi8s.ht7l htt: >>>"a8ts>ar8hives>"otw03A.sht7l htt: >>www.air:rodu8ts.8o7>!rodu8ts>*i?uidBulkGases>Hydro%en htt: >>www.enaa.or.L:>6E.$ET>re:ort> htt: >>www.no7i8os.8o7 htt: >>www.ani7Bor.8o7>%allery>%allery;0>7a9da.ht7l htt: >>www.7onito.8o7>wankel>biblio.sae.ht7l htt: >>www.7onito.8o7>wankel>r@.evolv.ht7l htt: >>www."or7al.stan">:ub>L78>:ro%ress>batteryswa:


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