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It is a complex issue in which there is a contest between US and West on one sid e and Russia on the other side. Many parts need to be understood.Historically Russia has close linkage with Ukra ine. The very birth of Russia took place from Kiev which is the present capital of Ukraine.It is believed that in 13th century due to quarrel between Russian n obility and Mongol invation the center of gravity was changed to Moscowite Rus.S tart from Kievian Rus.Starting from eastern slavik civilisation or Russian civil isation and then shifted to moscovite civilisation ,13-14 th century during Mongol rule.Russia in sist since then Moscow became center of civilisation.But Ukrainian historian say since then Ukraine has evolved into a seperate nationality,civilisation and ide ntity.Moscowite Rus became center of Russian civilisation.After that Ukraine bec ame a part of Poland,Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth,part of Ukraine was part of Austro Hungarian empire.Part of it was part of Russia's largest empire. At end of 18th century Russia was able to tottally incorporate Ukraine.But some part of it remained in Austro-Hungarian empire till the end of 1st world war.Eas t Ukraine has longer association with Russia whereas Western Ukraine has longer association with Europe.So there is differences in their world view,aspirations and desire.Start of the problem is tussle between east and west,east Russia west US,and within Ukraine between East and West. q.US accuse Putin to be aggressive military action in Ukraine which is not good for the world?Is his action justified? We need to peep into history.Crimea was part of Russia till 1954.In the time of 300TH anniversary of Ukraines association with Russia since 1654 .Russia gifted Crimea to Ukraine.Even after that Sevastopol,Crimea remained headquarter of Russ ia's black sea fleet.After independence in 1991 there was conflict over control of Crimea n Sevastpol.Finally agreement between Russia and Ukraine.Russia to kee p 80% black sea fleet along with Sevastopol.There was this possibility Russia ev ictedstopol from Sevastopol from Crimea.But Russia had its military n Navy placed in Sevas topol,in control of Black sea fleet.In 1997,Russia was allowed to keep 25000 mil itary personal in Crimea.60% of Crimea ,Russian speaking population want closer association with Russia.Crimea is part of Ukraine and any military activity whic h goes against Ukraine can be considered as illegal,but we must understand when we go to Russian website ,Russia believe present Ukraine government is illegetim ate because Yanukovich was democratically elected president of Ukraine in 2010 w as declared by western powers.He might be unpopular ,but to remove a president b ased on street protest can be questioned.Russia was invited by Yanukovich to est ablish peace in Ukraine. In western media failure to sign trade pact.There is conflict 1/4 th Russian spe aking in Ukraine,not like Ukraine part of NATO.Ukraine is very divided country.Y anukovich real and substantive reason not go with EU ,he taught relation with EU will damage economy,agricultural sector.Unfortunately Ukranian nationilist did not want to be closer to Russia.Matters of ethinicity interest overlap that of national interest. q.Obama -sanction against Moscow? Harm Moscow.But harm Europe more.More than 50% energy supplies come from Russia. Gas and Oil.In case sanction come Europe also affected.US not very happy with Ge rmany stand on Ukraine.There may be divisions in western camp.All western countr ies may not go along with US due to intimate economic ties Europe has with Russi a. q.India's stand. Not taken any issue.Traditional tie with Russia ,remain strong in military.Recen t year tie with US improving.India dont want to antogonise Russia also not go ag ainst US.If part of country region is allowed to join 1 side based on popular op inion unhealthy precedant against India.

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