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STRESS presented by Dr navas

Stress can be defined as a demand on our psychological and physical functioning that threatens an individuals adaptation to a given situation.



#ny event or situation that give rise to stress is called a stressor. Different stressors differ in a number of !ays.for e$ample%some stressors li&e illness%robbery has short term effect%!hereas %others li&e death of loved one%poverty etc%have long term effects.some stressors li&e death of loved one%criminal victimi'ation etc affect only a fe! individuals%other stressors li&e hurricane%earth(ua&e etc affect large number of people obviously%these differences offer several bases for classifying stressors
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#larm reaction/ it is the bodys response !hen it is suddenly e$posed to stimuli to !hich it is not adapted.this reaction has t!o phases.

Shoc& phase 0 it is the initial and immediate reaction to the no$ious stimulus.various signs of in1ury such as rapid pulse%decreased temperature%lo!er blood pressure and loss of muscle tone are typical symptoms.
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3ounter phase/ this is a rebound reaction mar&ed by the mobili'ation of defensive forces of the body%during !hich the adrenal corte$ is enlarged.

Stage of resistance 0 here%the person is fully adapted to the stress and the conse(uent improvement or disappearance of symptoms this stage %there is a concurrent decrease in resistance to fresh no$ious stimuli and stress.
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Stage of e$haustion/ sets in if the stress is sufficiently severe and prolonged because bodys adaptability to stress is limited and e$haustion ine$orably follo!s.various symptoms or diseases appear and if stress is unabated %death follo!s.
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#ccording to la'arus and cohen%stressors can be classified into follo!ing three types6 7ac&ground stressors. ,ersonal stressors. 3ataclysmic events.


7#39*"O:ND ST"ESSO"S are hassles of every day life.they are the persistant nagging %irritations at home%school and !or& that affect us all. E$amples6


you are in sleep%the phone bell constantly rings and it is repeatedly a !rong number.
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#t !or& your boss or a particular colleague is in a habit of irritating you.

7y themselves these bac&ground stressors are not harmful.ho!ever%the effect of stress accumulate. # brief e$posure to any one of them !ould have little or no affect on any one.prolonged e$posure to them ho!ever%can leave the individual to stress disord
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The cumulative effect of bac&ground stressors is harmful.bac&ground stressors also include positive events li&e election to an office %promotion at !or&%vacations%marriage etc.
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,E"SON#+ ST"ESSO"S are inevitable in the lives of all of us .in some individuals many personal stressors may occur one after the other and cause considerable stresses !hereas in others personal stressors may occur after long periods of time giving an opportunity to overcome them gradually.
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are6 separation 6 1ob transfer%marriage%change of residence%divorce%death etc.seperation is a stressful e$perience because it leads to loss of companionship %comfort and emotional support.
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of the common stressors

Transition stress6 in the course of developing from infant to child to adolescent to adult %the individual e$periences a series of ne! stressors. Eg.leaving home for !or&%retiring . :nemployment



7ereavement6 death of a spouse is the most po!erful stressor on the life stress scales.bereavement is particularly a common problem among the !omen in our older population %because of the greater longevity of !omen.



3riminal victimi'ation6 in this case%the degree of stress depends upon the severity of crime commited upon us. 3onflict6 conflicting motives are important source of personal stress.



There are four ma1or types of conflicts. #pproach/#pproach 0 in these type of conflict a person is facing t!o attractive alternatives%only one of !hich can be selected.they are usually easy to resolve.#pproach/#pproach conflicts become serious only if the choice of one alternative means the loss of an e$tremely attractive alternative.



#voidance/#voidance conflict 0 it involves t!o negative goals. Eg. ?omen must !or& ata 1ob she intensley disli&es or ta&es the chance of loosing her income



#pproach/#voidance conflict/ it is often the most difficult to resolve %because %in these type of conflict%a person is both %attracted and repelled by the same goal ob1ect.because of the positive valences of the goal%the person approaches it%but as it is approached%the negative valence become stronger.people in these conflicts approach the goal until the negative valence becomes too strong% then they bac& a!ay from it.
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Double approach/avoidance or multiple approach/ avoidance conflicts/ in this type%several goals !ith positive and negative valences are involved.



3#T#3+-S.I3 E@ENT is a momentous %violent%sudden happenings%affecting many people such as natural disasters and is a po!erfull stressor. T!o broad categories of cataclysmic events6 reaction to disaster. ?ar and combat

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,ost traumatic stress disorders are acute psychological reactions to intensely traumatic events/events much more disturbing than most ordinary human troubles.these include assault%natural disaster such as floods and droughts%accidents and !artime traumas such as torture and bombing.symptoms of post/ traumatic stress disorder generally appear shortly after the trauma%and symptoms clear up by themselves !ithin about si$ months.
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Important features
"e e$periencing the traumatic event either in pained reaction or in nightmares Diminished responsiveness to their present surroundingsAemotional anaesthesia


,hysical symptoms li&e insomniadecreased se$ drive and heightened sensitivity to sound.psychologically%they suffer from depression%an$iety and intence irritability %e$ploding over the slightest frustration. .emory disturbances/ long and short term memory is affected Survival guilt

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3oping is facing and finding effective means of overcoming problems and difficulties .there are individual differences !ith respect to ho! effectively individuals cope !ith stress.some individuals can cope !ith stress very effectively !hereas others brea&do!n during stress situations.
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at times %!e can cope !ith one stressful situation very effectively but brea&do!n !hile coping !ith another different stressful situation.individuals personality factors also contributes to ho! effectively !e cope !ith stress.the behaviour of people !ho cope effectively !ith stress have five primary characteristics.


information see&ing. Direct action. Inhibition of action. Intrapsychic processes. Fle$ibility.



=.Social support/ coping is more successful if certain types of social support are available.the important types of social supports are Family/ families that are integrative and responsive to the needs of all their members can increase the li&elihood that the child !ill gro! up to become a competent adult.
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#gencies of community and government 0 these can be informal%such as friends and neighbors !ho come to the aid of people in distress%or they may be formalAeg.!omens !elfare organi'ation%handicapped childrens society etc


Transcendetal meditation programme 0 developed by maharshi .ahesh yogi and his follo!ers.the person learning T. techni(ue is given a special sound to repeat !hile in sitting in a rela$ed position . #n instructor helps the student to learn to repeat the sound mentally !ith out concentration or effort% so the thin&ing process can become more andmore deeply settled and (uiet.
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During this meditation%the heart rate and breathing rate slo!s do!n% consumption of o$ygen decreases% muscle tension is reduced% blood vessels of lactose and cortisol% !hich respectively% are associated !ith an$iety and stress% decreases the resistance of s&in to the passage of a !ea& electric current% ie the galvanic s&in response or *S" rises A this is also a sign of rela$ation D and several changes in the EE* indicative of rela$ation occurs.
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). Using imagery : this can be a very refreshing and pleasant !ay of meditating. Bere% you create a mental image of apleasant and rela$ing place in your mind. 2. Deep breathing 6 deep breathing is a simple but effective !ay of rela$ation. It is a core component of everything from the Eta&e ten deep breathF approach to calming someone do!n% right through to yoga rela$ation and meditation. It !or&s !ell in con1unction !ith other rela$ation methods such as progressive muscular rela$ation% rela$ation imagery and meditation to reduce stress.
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To use the techni(ue ta&e a no.of deep breaths and rela$ your body further !ith each breath. 4. Progressive muscular relaxation ( PMR 6 It is used for rela$ing your body !hen your muscles are tense. The idea behind ,." is that you tense up a group of muscles so that they aretightly contracted as possible. Bold them in a state of e$treme tension for a fe! seconds. Then% rela$ the muscles to their previous state

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Then% rela$ the muscles to their previous state. Finally% consciously rela$ the muscles even further so that you are as rela$ed as possible. E$periment !ith ,." by forming a fist% and clenching your hand as tight as you can for a fe! seconds. Then rela$ your hand to its previous tension% and then consciously rela$ it again so that it is as loose as possible. -ou should feel deep rela$ation in your hand muscles. For ma$imum rela$ation you can use ,." in con1unction !ith breathing techni(ues and imagery.
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!risis intervention :The primary ob1ective of crisis intervention is to help the person to cope !ith the crisis situation through counseling. It is based on the assumption that the individual facing crisis situation is provided !ith a supportive% encouraging and motivating environment% then the individual learns the !ay of dealing !ith stress





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