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Aerobics: The Big Fat Lie

As a personal trainer, I'm pretty well known for going against the grain with my approach to e ercise an! n"trition# I$m also known as the personal trainer who transforms his clients faster than anyone else by teaching them to !o the opposite of what they ha%e always been tol! to !o&
Kasper V. Christensen

' The Basics '

(ar!io is short for car!io%asc"lar e ercise: e ercise which re)"ires work from the heart an! l"ngs contin"o"sly for a prolonge! time# *ogging, r"nning, swimming, spinning an! aerobic classes all in%ol%e car!io%asc"lar e ercise# It is commonly tho"ght that car!io%asc"lar e ercise + incl"!ing aerobics + is a goo! way to b"rn calories an! lose weight#

The problem with cardiovascular exercise is simple... ...It isn't actually a ood way to lose body fat.


The ,%i!ence
Cardiovascular exercise isn't ood at burnin fat. The evidence is all around us. !al" into any commercial ym in the world and you will find endless rows of treadmills# stair climbers# bi"es and other cardio machines. Commercial yms and fitness centres offer aerobic classes with exotic names li"e $fatburner% or spinnin classes where do&ens of people peddle their hearts out on bi"es. 'o ically# all of these thin s are reat for anyone who wants to lose wei ht. Cardio burns calories and aids fat loss# ri ht( )ll these classes and yms are pac"ed with people desperately huffin and puffin away in an effort to shed a few pounds. They can't all be doin the wron thin # surely(

Take A Look Aro"n!&

If only all these people would *ust open their eyes. They don+t even have to loo" far, They *ust need to lance to their side at their fellow sufferers or strai ht in front them - at the instructors of these classes themselves. .ost of them are strai ht up overwei ht or s"inny fat. They step# spin and dance away for sometimes hours a day# yet there+s no definition whatsoever to be found on their bodies. They never seem to actually et any more ripped# toned# or defined, If you as" people who )/0 ripped and toned how they achieved their physi1ue# they will tell you that they do heavy liftin besides their classes and watch what they eat. !hy is it that people thin" they will et results# when the instructors themselves don+t( They "eep slavin away hours after hours hopin that some ma ic will happen# and the lo ic will start to wor".


I once read a pretty ood definition of insanity.

Insanity is !oing the same thing o%er an! o%er again an! e pecting !ifferent res"lts#
- )lbert 0instein I don't need to tell you that 0instein was a smart uy. !hy don+t people 1uestion their $lo ic% when it isn't producin results( If cardio is such a reat way to lose wei ht# why does it fail so many people(

(on%entional -is!om
It ama&es me that most people *ust copy what everyone else is doin # even when it obviously isn't wor"in . 0ven personal trainers. !hat you hear about cardio seems to add up on paper. In practice# cardio doesn't produce results and sometimes even bac"fires# leavin people even more overwei ht. 2ou have to wonder# if cardio isn't wor"in now for these people# when is it oin to start wor"in ( The simple answer is: never. .ore of the same won+t help. 3ften# it will ma"e the problem even worse. This e-boo" is about how bad aerobics or cardiovascular trainin is for fat loss# so that+s what I+m oin to use as an example to illustrate my point. .ost people know the following facts abo"t car!io# (ar!io b"rns calories !"ring the act"al session# (ar!io b"rns calories after the session# (ar!io raises the bo!y$s metabolic rate# (ar!io p"ts the bo!y into a calorie !eficit# An! all in all, it s"ppose!ly b"rns bo!y fat#

The underlyin lo ic is appealin 4 you are told that aerobics and cardio burn calories# and you have to burn calories to loose fat. )nd this is absolutely correct. 2ou need a calorie deficit to lose body fat. The problem is that the body is a lot smarter than people ive it credit for. The body only thin"s in terms of survival: your body doesn't ive a damn about how you want it to loo", The body will burn as few calories as possible to ma"e this


happen. The more calories preserved# the better durin times of famine. /emember# our current standard of livin is a recent development which evolution hasn't cau ht up with. 56#666 years a o there were no supermar"ets on every corner, The muscles in our bodies are the powerhouses that primarily dictate our metabolism. 3ur body is li"e a car. .uscle tissue is the most metabolically expensive tissue we have in the body# so it doesn+t ta"e a enius to fi ure out that if we build muscle throu h stren th trainin we put a bi er en ine in the body which will in turn re1uire more fuel 7calories8 4 even at rest. ) bi er en ine in a car burns more fuel. 9imilarly# the more muscle you have# the more calories your body re1uires to function. That+s the beauty of buildin muscle 4 it increases our metabolism which allows us to eat more without ainin body fat, It also allows us to burn body fat more easily if we have a ne ative calorie balance. :ow bac" to the lo ic that if you perform cardio you burn calories. :o ar uments there. The ;I< problem is that a lot more is oin on. Cardio doesn't wor" in our favour when fat loss is the ob*ective. 'et's find out more...


The / Big 0roblems -ith , cessi%e (ar!io

It !oesn't b"rn a lot of calories# It !estroys m"scle mass# It ca"ses in1"ries# (ar!io b"rns carbohy!rates, not fat& 2o ,03( 4, cess 0ost', ercise 3 ygen (ons"mption5
Let's ha%e a closer look#


0roblem 67 It 8oesn't B"rn A Lot 3f (alories

Cardio e1uipment usually as"s you to punch in your wei ht before you start your wor"out. 2ou start the wor"out and continue until you have burned# for example# =66 calories accordin to the machine. This will ta"e around >6 min if you burn ? calories per minute. :ow# have you ever wondered why the machines want to "now your wei ht( If you answered to calculate how many calories you burn you are ri ht. !hat you most li"ely failed to consider is the main reason it needs your wei ht is to calculate your basal metabolic rate. 'et+s say a person maintains his wei ht on about @A66 calories a day. That means they need 56A calories an hour at rest. 9o the =66 calories burned are :3T calories burned above your basal metabolic rate# they are calories burned I:C'BCI:< your basal metabolic rate. 9o for your time on the treadmill# you burned about 5DA calories above your baseline. If you did this every ni ht for a wee"# you wouldn't burn enou h calories to e1ual the amount stored in one pound of fat.

Think abo"t it###if we were so metabolically efficient as to b"rn 9:: calories at the rate the e ercise e)"ipment says yo" !o, wo"l! we e%er ha%e s"r%i%e! as a species;

The calories that would be burned huntin and atherin would have caused us to die of starvation before we could ever have found anythin to eat - at that rate of calorie burn# we would barely have enou h metabolic economy to survive a trip to the rocery store. 'et us assume that you have the determination and time to do such a wor"out E days a wee". If we ta"e the =66 calories burned and subtract the basal metabolic rate of 56A calories# we are left with 5DA calories burned. There are =#A66 calories in a pound of fat. If you "ept a stable calorie inta"e# it would ta"e you 5? days to burn off 3:0 pound of fat with the extra activity. That+s nearly three wee"s and a total of 5@ hours to burn 3:0 F3B:C 3G G)T, This is assumin that no other variables are present. Bnfortunately there is a bi variable that almost no-one accounts for....B9C'0 '399H


0roblem 6< It 8estroys ."scle .ass

In order to exercise lon enou h to burn =66 calories you have to perform cardiovascular activity at an intensity you can "eep up for a prolon ed time. 9uch intensity does not place much demand on the muscles# that is why it can be carried out for so lon . The only thin the body senses is that its master demands travelin reat distances. 2our body settles down for a lon period of slow exertion and be ins doin somethin that many people don't expect...

!hen you perform this type of exercise your body can adapt by actually losing m"scle# ma"in its en ine smaller so it can preserve calories. )dditional muscle is perceived as dead wei ht when you are on the move for a lon period of time muscle itself burns calories# so when the oin ets tou h your body responds by ettin rid of as much muscle mass as possible to "eep you oin 4 a survival mechanism. The body often responds in a way that seems counter-intuitive. Con+t drin" any water( 2our body tries to retain water. Coes wei ht trainin build muscle( :o it doesn+t. !hat actually occurs is a brea"down of muscle tissue and the body )C)FT9 by buildin muscle. 9o# if you burn of calories doin aerobic trainin # that same body adapts to aerobic exercise by slowin your metabolism and allowin your body to store more fat. This means that as the body ets rid of muscle mass our metabolism is lowered and re1uires fewer calories to run. Continuin with the example above# the person in 1uestion now only re1uires @@66 calories to maintain their wei ht# as their muscle mass has deteriorated than"s to intense cardio. .ost people et confused. !hy isn+t cardio helpin me lose wei ht( I run every day and I only seem to maintain my wei ht. 9ome days# I seem to a ain wei ht, Feople# "nowin that cardio burns calories# blame themselves for not doin enou h. They increase the amount of trainin they do# ma"in the problem even worse,


) ood car is one that is economic with fuel. )s you do aerobic activity to burn fat# your body becomes more economical. 'i"e a ood car# it needs less fuel to run 4 which means you burn less fat the better you become at aerobic activity, This is hardly the reason why people start doin it, )s you pro ress# eventually you'll need to do a hu e amount of trainin *ust to "eep your wei ht stable and "eep the accumulation of fat at bay. Gurthermore# the stress hormones that result from such overtrainin also stimulate fat stora e and wea"en the immune system which opens the door infections. Iave you noticed how often lon distance athletes complain of colds and sore throats( )nyone who has attempted such a pro ram of wei ht loss can will end up feelin washed out# moody# and 7worst of all8 fatter. The truth is this: you cannot use physical activity to ne ate excess caloric inta"e. Coes muscle mass really matter so much( 2es. The amount of lean muscle on your body directly helps dictate the speed of metabolism and how much food you can $ et away with% eatin .

, tensi%e car!io# Less m"scle mass, slower metabolism, smaller engine# B"rns less calories#

.ore lean m"scle mass, faster metabolism, bigger engine# B"rns more calories#


Thin" about what happens when you hit your =6+s. /emember when you were a teena er and could eat everythin in si ht and not et fat( 9omewhere in your =6's thin s chan ed. :ow it seems li"e *ust loo"in at food can ma"e you fat. !hat happened( The answer is simple: your muscle mass started to decline. This is natural. )s we a e we lose muscle mass unless we ive it a reason to stay. )nd as stated many times now 4 with reduced muscle mass our metabolism oes down. 9o if you+re past =6# you+re acceleratin the a ein process even more if you throw prolon ed cardio into the fray.

=o"r weight loss goals are like a carrot on a stick, an! yo" are act"ally !estroying the %ery thing that b"rns calories ro"n! the clock + m"scle mass# Tip: 2ou can find a be inners uide to wei ht trainin that will help you build muscle mass at innerstrainin . 9uitable for both men and women.

In wei ht trainin # as you et better# you add more wei ht or more reps and there is literally no finish line. In aerobic trainin # it will ta"e less wor" to run A miles as you et fitter. 9o to continue to improve can you either o further 7do more wor" for the same amount of calories8 or you can run faster. <oin further "ind of defeats the purpose. !hy run >6 minutes to burn the calories you once burned in =6 minutes( !hat "ind of pro ression is that( It+s the law of diminishin returns, )nd oin faster isn't a solution either. Fretty soon you will run into another problem. 2ou can+t "eep on increasin intensity - you have to slow down sooner or later. 9o# if we accept that muscle mass is a ma*or factor in your fat burnin en ine and aerobic trainin ma"es that en ine smaller 7i.e. it reduces the amount of muscle on your body8 and more efficient at burnin fat 7remember more efficient means it burns '0998 - how can you hope to lose wei ht when the very activity that is supposed to burn fat ma"es you a smaller# more efficient fat burnin 7you burn less of it,8 machine(


0roblem 69 It (a"ses In1"ries

'on slow aerobic trainin remains the bi est practical *o"e in fitness. If you do lon # slow cardio# it+s only a matter of time before you end up in a physiotherapist+s office with all the others that do too much of the same thin . !hether it+s runnin or spin classes# overuse in*uries are far too common in the cardio world. I "now of many people who run to et fit yet they have bac" pain# "nee in*uries# shin splints# muscle imbalances and other problems,

The reason for this is that the o%erwhelming ma1ority of people mo%e poorly# -hen yo" take a bo!y that mo%es poorly an! mo%e it this way for an e ten!e! perio! of time ' a!! in gro"n! reaction forces ' yo" make lots of physical therapists happy#

)erobics are an extremely dama in form of exercise# yet for some stran e reason# the ability to withstand pain has become associated with athleticism. The epitome of withstandin punishment by way of aerobic overload is the marathon. The story behind the .arathon /un is based on an ancient <ree" le end of the soldier# Fheldippides# who ran @J miles to tell the emperor that their army was victorious in battle over the Fersians. Then he dropped dead. )s much as I may admire the physical and mental tou hness it ta"es to finish a marathon# it has little to do with one's health or appearance. It certainly won't enhance it. The ability to tolerate punishment and dama e is not a very accurate au e of one's health or stren th. )n activity such as runnin # besides bein unnaturally stressin to the "nees# an"les# and lower bac"# will also increase free radical dama e due to the hi her in estion of oxy en. That means you a e faster,


0roblem 6>

(ar!io b"rns carbohy!rates, not fat&

!hen you+re active you burn calories. .any people believe that they burn fat when they perform prolon ed aerobic activity. This is where the theory of the fat burnin &one comes from. -e ha%e three energy systems that the bo!y "ses# Fat'base!: Bsed in low intensity slow activities such as wal"in and the muscles preferred fuel at rest. AT0'base!: Bsed in hi h intensity activities such as sprintin for very short distances or liftin heavy thin s. 3ur third ener y system is carbohy!rate or glycogen base!: used in medium intensity activities such as runnin # cyclin or *o in for lon distances. It+s an inefficient and costly affair for the body to use this ener y system. Carbohydrates or lyco en is stored in muscles and the liver# which can only hold A66-J66 rams of lyco en - fuel for about an hour of continuous wor". !hen these stores are empty# you will start cannibali&in your own muscle tissue for fuel. 2ou can also eat some simple su ars that hit the bloodstream fast deliverin immediate ener y. ;ut why eat durin exercise if fat loss is the ob*ective( We just weren't designed to operate at medium intensity for long periods of time. We evolved to walk long distances, gathering food, tracking prey etc, sprinting occasionally to escape a predator or catch an animal to eat, climbing, throwing and lifting heavy things. We're meant to alternate periods of kicking back with short periods of kicking ass conserving as much energy as possible not running to keep the heart rate up or reach some type of fat burning/aerobic zone. ?ow many animals 1og; 2one& They walk an! sprint occasionally#


2es# the body burns some fat durin aerobics# but most of the ener y that+s burned is carbohydrates. Iave you ever noticed bi"e riders and marathon runners always have their little ener y els with them( These are simple su ars that ive instant ener y to the muscles. If the primary fuel was fat# they would have eaten oils instead. :ow# if you burn so much su ar durin the activity# what do you thin" the body craves after the wor"out( 2ep# su ar. )nd lots of it. .eanin that you will easily eat the amount of calories burned durin the actual session...and probably more,


0roblem 6> 2o ,03( 4, cess post'e ercise o ygen cons"mption5

If you compared a >A-minute cardio session to a >A minute resistance trainin session# you'd find that you burn more calories minute-to-minute doin cardio than you do liftin wei hts. This is why most people are under the assumption that cardio burns more calories overall and is the most efficient approach to fat loss. Iowever# what many trainees don't ta"e into consideration is 0F3C# which describes the calories you burn )GT0/ you train. 3nce a ain# the cardio $lo ic% be ins to fail when we loo" at thin s in more depth, Iow many calories you burn durin a trainin session is only a small part of a bi picture. er

To et a real idea of what a trainin session is doin # you need to ta"e a loo" at the total number of calories you burn in the @>->? hours afterwards. The common cardio $lo ic% doesn't ta"e this into account. .ost people simply thin" of the ym as an isolated experience in the day and i nore what happens after. !hen you run# step# spin or other cardio activities you burn some calories# but as soon as you stop doin these thin s# nothin more will happen. There+s no dama e to the muscles 4 that+s why you can do it every day. The time and calories re1uired for the body to repair the dama e are minimal. !hen you train with wei hts# you brea" muscle tissue down. 2our body needs ener y 7calories8 to repair and build them up a ain. Compare this to steady-state cardio# where there is little to no Kspar"K as far as metabolism is concerned and you can see which is more effective in terms of overall fat loss. 9o# in order to really burn body fat and not muscle the "ey is to thin" not *ust how many calories we can burn durin exercise# but about how many calories we can force the body to burn round the cloc".


@pot The 8ifference&

The principles described so far can be seen everywhere. Ta"e a loo" at the followin two men:

.arathon r"nner In my opinion he loo"s sic".

@printer 9tron # lean# powerful and healthy loo"in ,

Iave you ever noticed how stron # ripped and powerful sprint and power athletes loo"( In comparison# lon distance athletes appear thin# worn and older than they actually are.


0veryone wants to loo" li"e a sprinter# and sprinters do almost L0/3 continuous aerobic wor"# yet they have less body-fat than lon distance runners. $'o ic% tells us this shouldn't be the case. )ccordin to the common cardio lo ic they should be fat.

Think abo"t this: few people want to look like a marathon r"nner, b"t the common a!%ice is that to look like a sprinter, yo" nee! to train the way a marathon r"nner !oes# ?ow weir! is that;

!e can even transfer this to the ym. If we loo" around the ym# where do we find the lean# muscular or toned physi1ues( In the wei hts room, :3T in the cardio section# spinnin or aerobic classes. 9tren th trainin is a lot li"e sprintin . 9hort burst of maximum intensity followed by rest. /unnin on a treadmill or steppin away in a class# is directly proportional to a lon distance race.

,%ery year tho"san!s of o%erweight people complete triathlons an! marathons# This alone pro%es that the nat"re of aerobic acti%ity in%ol%e! in s"ch a p"rs"it has a limite! or Aero effect on fat b"rning#


(ase @t"!y 67: *amie ,ason

*amie ,ason, seen on the left# has the "ind of body most women dream of. .ost people assume she must spend every wa"in moment in the ym doin ruelin cardio, Iere's what she has to say:

$I'm not a hu e fan of cardio. I prefer to eat clean. .ost women overdo the cardio and avoid wei hts for fear of ettin too bi . That is a hu e misconception, I tell women all the time that they can do cardio and diet all day lon but they're never oin to achieve the KtoneK they're after. !ithout incorporatin wei hts# they will li"ely end up *ust a smaller version of themselves.%
9ome women# li"e /achel Cos rove# ta"e Mamie's advice to heart... 7next pa e8

Tip: 3f course# diet also plays an inte ral part in wei ht loss. I have written a complete nutrition uide which you can find on my website. This will help you ain muscle and lose wei ht without ever feelin hun ry,


(ase @t"!y 6<: *amie ,ason

/achel Cos rove used to do over @6 hours of cardio wor" a wee".

$I wor"ed my way up to doin over twenty hours of endurance trainin a wee". I also "ept trac" of every calorie I ateN ma"in sure my nutrition was ri ht on trac". I thou ht I'd be able to eat whatever I wanted# but I couldn't. I had to watch myself to "eep from ainin any wei ht. I now have first-hand experience that steady-state aerobics is absolutely# completely# utterly ineffective for fat loss. )fter wor"in my way up to twenty trainin hours a wee"# I can tell you that lon # steady-state endurance is not the answer for a defined# lean physi1ue and it's a waste of time if your oal is fat loss. It's only the answer if your oal is to complete an endurance event.%
Today# /achel spends A hours a wee" wei ht and interval trainin to maintain her $toned% loo".

$I eliminated all steady-state endurance exercise. :o runnin # bi"in # swimmin # or anythin else in the steady-state. In an ei ht-wee" period my body returned to bein stron # defined# and lean. I no lon er loo"ed li"e a flabby endurance athlete# and I did it in a 1uarter of the time# compared to the aerobic trainin . <et off the treadmill# stop spinnin your wheels# and push yourself in the ym if you want to lose some serious fat.%


(ase @t"!y 69: .e B .y Cirlfrien! *oan

I ot into the best condition of my life in @66J where I placed = rd in a competition a ainst @5 other competitors. The only cardio I did was for the last > wee"s where I did intervals = times a wee" to prepare for a A66 meter row that was a part of the competition. I did the same thin in 5DDD when I reached a very similar condition. Gor the competitions in-between I did a lot of various cardio but never reached the condition I wanted. It was when I s"ipped the cardio that I was able to reach really low body fat levels without losin muscle in the process. I trained my irlfriend 7pictured on the ri ht8 for the @66? athletic fitness competition which she won. 9he did the exact trainin as I did for my competition in @66E: the conclusion is that my trainin wor"s perfectly for woman as well. 79ee next pa e8 Today I maintain a condition close to the picture at left. I hit the wei hts hard = times a wee" and some intervals or complexes 5-@ times a wee".


Cyms B The Fat Loss Form"la

Cyms nee! members to s"r%i%e# It+s a lot easier and inexpensive to char e someone O=6 per month and show them how to press '1uic" start' on a cardio machine than it is to teach them how to train with free wei hts while simultaneously improvin their diets, Co you thin" they could "eep the low membership fee# if they should learn every member correct trainin and nutrition habits( If they even "now how, @o what works; If you haven't fi ured it out by now# resistance trainin is G)/ superior compared to lon duration aerobics or steady-state cardiovascular exercise for fat loss. It increases your metabolism not only by rebuildin of dama ed muscle tissue but also the increase in muscle mass which raises your metabolism @> hours a day. The more muscle you build the more your metabolism oes up. The *ury+s still out on how much a pound of muscle actually boosts your metabolism# but the results can+t be ar ued with, These are the "eys to burn body fat and "eep it off. )s you have *ust leaned cardio trainin decreases it. Lifting weights is far more important to yo"r long term fat loss s"ccess an! to reshaping yo"r bo!y# If you+re female don't worry about becomin the next female version of The Incredible Iul". .uscle is a lot denser than fat. )s you loose fat you become smaller even when you build muscle. This will ive the toned loo" the ma*ority of woman wants. 9tren th trainin increases cardiovascular fitness as well# but if you absolute want to ma"e sure that you+re covered in that department# all you have to do is throw some hard intervals into your routine. 2ou've now almost finished readin this boo" 4 it+s my hope that you have learned what not to do if fat loss is your oal. 9ome exercise is better than none# so of course I do not recommend people stop their activity. I *ust want people to thin", Puestion their $lo ic%, 3pen their eyes and see what happens ri ht in front of them,


)erobics Q cardio trainin are rossly over-rated and over abused. 3ver rated for health# over rated for performance and definitely over rated for fat loss. Iow sad it is that aerobics will not do what everyone is expectin it to do( It is :3T healthy. It will :3T increase your lifespan. It will :3T improve flexibility. It will :3T row muscle. It will :3T stren then your heart any more than wei ht trainin . It will :3T improve your appearance. )nd most of all# it will :3T help you lose fat. )erobics are ood for one thin and one thin only: they ma"e you better at doin aerobics. D# Can+t I *ust throw stren th trainin upon our cardiovascular activity( A# :o# because we have to ta"e overtrainin into consideration. 2ou have to be really careful with your trainin economy. 9tren th trainin is hard for the body to recover from. Throw a lot of cardio in to the mix# will *ust have a ne ative impact on your results. )nd why bother. If 56 hours accomplish nothin # @-= hours won+t add anythin . D# I already lift wei hts but I cant 1uite seem to build any more lean muscle mass. I feel li"e I'm stuc" in a rut. !hat should I do( A# This is a common complaint. I have a whole boo" dedicated to advanced trainin techni1ues# desi ned to help you start ma"in pro ress a ain# on my website. 2ou can find it at . Iead over and have a loo",

The form"la for fat loss s"ccess is pretty straightforwar!:

If you do these @ thin s correctly and with discipline# these simple steps will prove successful beyond your expectations and you'll blow away all of those poor souls stompin away in the cardio area. The sooner that's reali&ed# the sooner you'll be on your way toward better pro ress. I "now it's tou h to accept. ;ut chan in a bad habit is a lot smarter than defendin it. In my e-boo"s I presents the methods I have found to be the most successful to rip fat of your body and build muscle in record time. 9ave yourself time and learn the strate ies to reach your oals 4 G)9T,


-ell 8one&
!0'' C3:0 for readin this free e-boo". ;y downloadin and readin this free eboo"# you've shown an interest in your own physi1ue and your own future. 2ou've "ept an open mind and already you've learnt some solid principles that will save you countless hours of frustration in the future. 2ou're ready to ta"e the next step. 8eci!e which e-boo" below is best for you.

8on't Enow -here to Begin;

8on't Enow ?ow to ,at -ell;

2ot .aking 0rogress in The Cym;

Time is more valuable than money. 3nce spent# time is one forever. 9top wastin your time and start seein ains wee" on wee" by trainin properly. 9tart seein pro ress# start ettin excited about the body that is only a short read away...

0very sin le person started Common sense eatin advice where you are now. 'earn from from me. This manual ives my failures and leap fro you an easily followed blueprint everyone else with superior# for success. Gat loss# muscle easily followed advice at hand buildin H diet is the "ey to all from Cay 5. 2ou've read this free your oals. !ith this e-boo" e-boo" and started your *ourney4 your body will have no choice ta"e the next step. but to loo" as reat, be innerstrainin /advancedtrainin m/nutritionmanual


Testimonials for Forti"sFitness

0ven clearer was the results when we loo"ed ourselves in the mirror. The muscles were bi er and clearly defined and left were two very satisfied customers.

Meppe 9a

au 'ond o .orten .elander Fetersen - @5 years

;efore I started with Kasper I trained J-E times a wee" and ot nowhere. :ow I train every other day and I can see si nificant difference. I lost a lot of "ilos and be an to build muscle.

)li )hmad )miri - @5 years

I had set myself a oal - In ? wee"s I would et my bodyfat down before I went on vacation. I must say that it came. Grom =6 to @=R. Im so I+m happy. It *ust shows that Kaspers fitness and diet pro ram wor"s.

.arie ;rendstrup - @J years

;asic thin s li"e the way we all believe we must wor" out to build muscle and lose fat chan ed suddenly. It too" him a lon time to convince me of some of the stuff# but he succeeded and I won because of that.

Moan 'an 4 winner of athletic fitness @66?

2ou can read more testimonials from satisfied clients here:


Abo"t The A"thor

As a certifie! personal trainer an! n"trition specialist, Easper F# (hristensen has more than <: years of coaching e perience an! has traine! o%er 7:,::: clients from all walks of life# Kasper V. Christensen is the founder of GortiusGitness which offers online personal trainin and eboo"s that share Kasper's techni1ues and methods with anyone who wants to build a stron # lean# toned or muscular physi1ue - the natural way, 3nce an insecure# 5=6 pound s"inny youn man# Kasper is now a muscular 5?6 pound professional fitness coach# ma a&ine model# ym owner and seasoned fitness competitorN achievin top placin s in E separate fitness competitions without the aid of performance enhancin dru s of any "ind. Iis success story has made him a hi hly sou ht after personal trainer and today his trainin and nutrition pro rams help others obtain mind blowin results in record time. Ie currently resides in the wonderful city of Copenha en# Cenmar"# with his beautiful irlfriend Moan.

If you'd li"e me to create a personali&ed nutrition and trainin plan for you# you can email me at " =o" can also fin! Forti"sFitness on Facebook& Visit http://www.faceboo".com/pa es/Gortius-Gitness/5>5AD?>DD5D>A6D to show your support and help spread the word.

AEROBICS: THE BIG FAT LIE 8isclaimer The information in this boo" is meant to supplement# not replace# proper exercise trainin . )ll forms of exercise pose some inherent ris". The author advises readers to ta"e full responsibility for their own safety and "now their limits. ;efore practicin the exercises in this boo"# be sure that your e1uipment is well-maintained. /eco ni&e your own physical limitations and do not exercise beyond the safe level dictated by your own experience and aptitude. Gollow any dietary re imen recommended by your doctor or physician. ;efore chan in your diet or be innin any new exercise pro ram you should consult your doctor or physician.

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