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Successful Resolution and Sabotage by Tamil Stooges!

S. V. Kirubaharan for Has the USA now proved that they can manage anything and everything in that region without the help of ndia! "a#istan and $hina% &"A' S( - )ith so many discussions! obstacles! sabotages and hidden agendas! the resolution on Sri *an#a in the +,th session of the Human 'ights $ouncil - H'$ has finally gone though. .wo days before the vote! as predicted in an interview to one of the media! the final result was for the resolution /0es1 +23 against the resolution /No1 4+3 neither /yes nor no1! abstentions - 4+. n general! during the run-up to the voting! the observations made were that the resolution would go through. n fact more countries would have voted in favour! but four stooges who travelled all the way from 5affna sabotaged it. .heir position amounted to being in favour of 'a6apa#sa1s government. .hese stooges suffered humiliating defeat in the last parliamentary &April +747( elections in Sri *an#a and are now determined to damage the lives of .amils who never voted for them. n 8eneva - 9any states! nternational organisations and solidarity organisations were disappointed with these stooges! who presently live with the motto: ;)e don1t mind losing our noses! as long as it is a bad <men for those who never voted for us=. .here is no difference between their position and "resident 'a6apa#sa1s who says that ;the people in the North and >ast never voted for me and why should be bothered about them=. .he stooges sabotaged the lobby! side events and interventions in the H'$. 9any witnessed it. 4 -.hose who cannot read and understand a resolution were feeding venom to the .amils! especially among the diaspora. <ther than blaming the .amil National Alliance - .NA for everything let those four stooges advice the .amils of an alternative way in place of supporting this resolution. + - <ne of the champions of the /right to self-determination1 at home3 registered his name in the H'$ to spea# under the agenda item ,. According to the Annotation to the agenda A?H'$?+,?! under item five - Human rights bodies and mechanisms! /@orum on 9inority issues1 is one of the sub6ects. f this had been done by anyone from the .amil National Alliance

- .NA! these stooges would have spread the news of it li#e wild-fire. Aefore 9ay +77B! none of us ever spo#e under this agenda item. "resently we spea# under it as an opportunity for advancing our cause from Cero to something better in the future. Aut we never pretend to the people that we are the /8uardian of the right to self-determination1. Aut those who claimed they left the .NA because it never had the right to self-determination in their program were preparing to spea# under 9inority issues. .his is real hypocrisy. 2 - However! as this agenda item was postponed to +7th 9arch! this stooge could not spea# in the plenary forum because the date clashed with one of their so-called press conferences. D - Euring the H'$! on @riday +7th 9arch! there was a briefing organised by a pro-'a6apa#sa organisation! ; nternational Auddhist @oundation - A@=. 'ight from the beginning of the +,th session! many #new in advance about this meeting. However every participant of the H'$ #new about it! at least 2 days before it too# place. IBF meeting and the press conference Aut these stooges organised a so-called press conference outside the UN building! on the same day! same hour that the A@ held its meeting in the UN buildingF .his move created a scene. <ut of nearly D7 .amils! only 2 were able to attend this meeting. f .amils fail to attend the A@ meeting! and fail to counter the A@ lies and unrealistic facts about the .amil struggle! the .amils1 time is wasted in the H'$. Anyone who does not #now the situation in Sri *an#a and the North >ast of the island would get a wrong picture about the .amil struggle. t was well #now that only three .amils including myself attended this meeting. n fact! a .NA 9.". wanted to attend it but as #new the outcome of this briefing! advised him to stay away from it. However! we three managed to debate and argue with the organisers with facts and figures challenging the spea#ers. .here was a .amil who is a member of a paramilitary group living in SwitCerland! who also spo#e on behalf of the A@. Sabotage , - "ress conferences can be held outside the UN building at any time during the year. Aut the A@ or any N8< cannot hold briefing meetings as and when they want to! in the UN building. t is a very rare opportunity for .amils to prove the genuineness of the .amil political struggle! to people within the UN building! especially in a meeting organised by the li#es of A@. &a( .he Guadruple stooges pre-planned their press conference very well! in order to ensure the A@ meeting went unchallenged. &b( f the date and time was so important for this press conference! let us as# ourselves! how many foreign or Swiss media covered it% &c( Euring their "ress conference! a @rench pedagogue 9r 5ean-9ari 5U* A who received a ;$hevalier= award from the @rench "resident raised many reasonable Guestions! about the stooges1 position and the future of the .amils in the island of Sri *an#a. mmediately! the live telecasting of this press conference and all other local recording were switched off. @rom that time onwards! neither Guestions nor answers were shown to the public? diaspora .amils by any media. &d( Also one of the panellists said in this conference that HUS should be congratulated for bringing this resolutionH. .his was also censured by these stooges. .hese are the people who are Guestioning democracy within the .NA. <ne of the famous lawyers from US said in her interview to a media that! /it was not a press

conference! it was a seminar1F Division )ith all these ups and downs! these stooges managed to show delegates in the UN that a section of the .amils are against this resolution. .his made a few countries presume that when there is an ob6ection from the .amils themselves and the Sri *an#an government3 why they should support a resolution against Sri *an#aF .hese states never #new the fact that these stooges represent only ,777 people and they have the support of only a handful of diaspora who can1t thin# and act freely. .hese stooges must listen to the deliberations before and after the vote! of States li#e "a#istan! $hina! $uba and others! to #now the value of this resolution on Sri *an#a. Some told us that their policy is very simple. Since these people were defeated by the .NA! they oppose anything and everything that is supported by the .NA. n fact! they did nothing productive nor constructive for the .amils! other than finding fault with the .NA. f anyone doubts this! they can refer to many "ress conferences they held in the past. n conclusion! would li#e to say that out of nearly D7 to ,7 .amils who attended the +,th session of the H'$! a few wor# directly or indirectly for 'a6apa#saIs government. Some wor# with institutions which collect information about the .amils. >veryone will realise these facts soon. f this resolution had failed! would these stooges have been in a position to safeguard the .amils from the impending danger of full-scale Sinhalisation in the North and >ast% .here is a proverb in .amil! ;as long as there are people to be fooled3 people who fool them also remain=. Sovereignty and integrity n the resolution! which was indeed successfully passed! one of the preamble paragraphs refers to the sovereignty! independence and integrity of Sri *an#a. )hether this is mentioned or not! every UN resolution contains this policy as a matter of course. After all! 'ussia wal#ed into U#raine with no concern for the sovereignty! independence and integrity of U#raine. Sri *an#a supported the 'ussian position. .herefore this paragraph can be considered null and avoid. .he resolution was watered down! especially because of the activities of the stooges mentioned earlier. .hey gave eJtra leverage to the hands of those who wanted to protect Sri *an#a from this resolution. Anyone who claims that they studied law or teaches law! should get some lessons from eJperts on how to read and understand UN resolutions. f anyone is ready to discuss or debate on the successfully passed resolution in any media! there are many waiting to participate in such discussions. Some predicted that! now the tas# of these stooges is to find fault with the implementation of this resolution. 9any were highly disappointed with the ndian position in the final voting and also their vote along with "a#istan! $hina! 'ussia! $uba! VeneCuela and < $ countries for suspending the discussion on this resolution and for the removal of operational paragraph 47. >ven without a positive ndian vote! the resolution has gone through. Aut the speech made by the ndian Ambassador! before the vote in the H'$ was an eJaggerated version! motivating

other states to change their decision. Has the USA now proved that they can manage anything and everything in that region without the help of ndia! "a#istan and $hina% &>nd( S. V. Kirubaharan @rance 74 April +74D

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