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Acetaminophen is safe RIGHT?!?!? What is the maximum lifetime dose of acetaminophen & ibuprophen?

I am continually in shock at the sheer volume of people that are taking pain killers. You know over the counter pain relievers not to mention prescription strength pain killers!! People carry them in their purse like they are some sort of candy. We even let teenagers & preteens have their own bottle. We make it into a li uid form for children & give it to our babies in a syringe!! I get it! it can be confusing!! I was right there with you. I remember the nurse giving my babies "ylenol before they gave them vaccines so they wouldn#t spike a fever later in the day!!! $$$gghhh!! I look back now & think! %W&Y would I let them do that!!!' I know the answer. "he reason I do what I do today(it is the reason W&Y I teach all over the $)*. I +I+,#" -,.W *,Y /0""01. When Y.$ are done with this article! Y.$ can#t say that anymore. .nce you know a thing! you can#t un2know it!! You have to make a decision. You have to decide what is best for Y.$1 children & your life 3ust as we did!! "he sad truth! *44 of the drugs I referred to are e5tremely dangerous. "hey have been proven to cause renal failure! vision issues & they are the number one cause of liver disease in the $nited )tates. I do not e5pect you to believe me6 I have included multiple reprints from medical 3ournals. I also include healthy options for the pain that we are all in( sickness happens! what are Y.$ going to do for your health7 According to the Ne !ngland "ournal of #edicine! there is a lifetime ma5imum dosage of all of these drugs combined. "hat is 8 per day for a year! or 8999 tablets in a lifetime. "his will increase chances of kidney failure by double within :9 years. 05ceed ;999 tablets and it will increase your chances by <99 percent! "hey are the leading cause of dialysis every year. "hey are the leading cause of liver damage in children =>:!999 cases per year? "hey cause 8@!999 deaths each year from AI bleeding! ="hat is the same number as die from *I+) each year? In $%%&' researchers from "ohns Hop(ins #edical )chool published in the Ne !ngland "ournal of #edicine an article noting *$+, Ris( of -idne. /ailure Associated 0 use of Acetaminophen' Aspirin' and Non1steroidal Anti1inflammator. 2rugs 11 Ne !ngland "ournal of #edicine 2ecember 33' $%%&4 8. %People who take analgesic drugs fre uently may be at increased risk of end2stage renal disease =0)1+?.' :. %&eavier acetaminophen use was associated with an increased risk of end2stage renal disease in a dose2dependent fashion.' >. "hose who took 89; >B; acetaminophen pills per year had a C9D increased risk of end2stage renal disease compared to those who took : 89C acetaminophen pills per year. Eor some! the risk of end2 stage renal disease was as great as a 8C9D increased risk. C. Eor those who took more than >B; acetaminophen pills in a year! the increased risk of end2stage renal disease was 889D. Eor some! the increased risk of end2stage renal disease was as high as :@9D. ;. Eor those who took more than 8999 pills containing acetaminophen in their lifetime =compared to those who took fewer than 8999 acetaminophencontaining tablets?! their increased risk of end2stage renal disease was 899D. Eor some! the increased risk of end2stage renal disease was as high as ::9D. B. Eor those who took more than ;!999 pills containing acetaminophen in their lifetime! their increased risk of end2stage renal disease was 8C9D. Eor some! the increased risk of end2stage renal disease was as high as ><9D. @. "he increased risk for end2stage renal disease noted in this study was ad3usted for race! se5! age! and intake of other analgesic drugs. <. "he authors noted that < 89 D of the overall incidence of end2stage renal disease is attributable to acetaminophen use. "he authors concluded! %People who often take acetaminophen have an increased risk of end2stage renal disease.'

In $%%5' researchers from the 2epartment of Internal #edicine' 6ni7ersit. of Texas )outh estern #edical 8enter' published in the Ne !ngland "ournal of #edicine an article noting *3+, Acetaminophen Toxicit. in an 6rban 8ount. Hospital 11 Ne !ngland "ournal of #edicine 9ctober $:' $%%5 8. *cetaminophen ingestion accounts for 8:D of all patients hospitaliFed with drug overdoses. :. *cetaminophen ingestion accounts for C9D of patients with acute liver failure. In 3;;&' Tim 2a7ern' #2' a li7er transplant specialist at the 6ni7ersit. of 8alifornia' )an /rancisco' published *<+, The 2anger 9f #ixing 8and. And =oison 11 )an /rancisco 8hronicle August $&' 3;;& 8. %Eirst +o ,o &arm' is a cornerstone of modern medicine. :. %I think the practice of combining acetaminophen ="ylenol is one popular brand? and an opiate! such as hydrocodone bitartrate! together as a single drug =as Gicodin does? defies logic! if not common sense.' >. *cetaminophen is a %potent dose2dependent poison for the liver6 simply stated! if you take too much! your liver dies.' C. *cetaminophen overdose is the %leading cause of acute liver failure in the $nited )tates today.' ;. .n the other hand! opiates! such as hydrocodone bitartrate and codeine! while safe for the liver! are highly addictive. B. %Gicodin is currently the most popular prescription drug in the $nited )tates.' @. )ome patients become addicted to the opiate component of Gicodin and consume increasing amounts of acetaminophen! %ultimately leading to acute liver failure.' <. %With overwhelming liver in3ury from acetaminophen! what follows is a particularly grisly death punctuated by bleeding! confusion! coma! brain swelling! damage and death.' H. %Patients typically take too much acetaminophen for fever or pain over several days! not realiFing the potential for liver damage.' 89. %Iany are unaware that acetaminophen is contained in doFens of over2the2counter cold and flu preparations.' 88. %"his situation is particularly tragic in young children accidentally overdosed with acetaminophen! typically in the setting of a flu2like illness! by well2intentioned but misinformed parents.' 8:. *cetaminophen packaging should have better warning labels! and should not be sold in 8!999 pill mega2bottles. 8>. *cetaminophen2opiate combinations Jlike GicodinK should be removed from the market. 8C. %"he prescription rules in Lalifornia have made it far easier for physicians to prescribe an acetaminophen2opiate combination! such as Gicodin! than a pure opiate! such as codeine! although the former is far more dangerous.' 8;. "he E+* banned 0phedra! which %contrasts with its puFFling! relatively meager efforts to prevent acetaminophen hepatoto5icity! which kills far more *mericans each year than 0phedra.' In 3;;:' regular =ARA2! columnist Isadore Rosenfeld' #2' publishes *&+, Ta(e This =ain(iller 8arefull. #edical Ne s That #atters )econd 9pinion >. Isadore Rosenfeld' #2 =arade' /ebruar. $%' 3;;:' pg4 : 8. %*cetaminophen! whose best know brand name is "ylenol! is one of the most widely used non2 prescription painkillers is the $). :. %.verdosing with it is the leading cause of serious poisoning in this country.' >. %0very year! too much acetaminophen accounts for ;9!999 emergency room visits! C:D of liver failures! and an average of C;< deaths.' C. %,ever take more than C!999mg a dayMeight ;99mg e5tra2strength capsules.' ;. ,umerous other drugs also contain acetaminophen! including ,y uil! )udafed! *lka2)eltFer! )inutab! Lontac! *ctifed! etc. B. %If you have two or three alcoholic drinks or more a day! be sure to consult your doctor before taking "ylenol.' @. %"he symptoms of acetaminophen overdose are nausea! vomiting! abdominal pain and lack of appetite.' J,."0N these are symptoms that some may take "ylenol for! flu2like symptoms.K

<. %"he specific antidote is ,2acetylcysteine =,*L?.' H. ,2acetylcysteine =,*L? works to save the liver following acetaminophen poisoning because it elevates levels of the antio5idant and deto5ifier! glutathione In 3;;?' researchers associated ith Har7ard #edical )chool published in the American Heart Association @ournal H.pertension' an article noting *:+, Non1Narcotic Analgesic 2ose and Ris( of Incident H.pertension in 6) Women H.pertension )eptember 3;;? 8. *cetaminophen J"ylenol! *tasol! *nacin2>! Panadol! 05cedrin Ohas acetaminophen! aspirin! and caffeinePK! is one of the most commonly used drugs in the $nited )tates. :. Lompared with women who did not use acetaminophen! older women who took Q;99 mg per day had a H>D increased risk of hypertension. >. Younger women who took Q;99 mg per day of acetaminophen had a HHD increased risk of hypertension. C. Lompared with non2users of acetaminophen! older women who consumed Q;99 mg per day for headache had a :C9D increased risk of hypertension. ;. Lompared with non2users of acetaminophen! younger women who consumed Q;99 mg per day for headache had a >@9D increased risk of hypertension. B. &igher daily doses of acetaminophen significantly increase the risk of hypertension in women. @. *cetaminophen J"ylenol! etc.K impairs renal function by depleting glutathione! leading to renal endothelial dysfunction. <. Llinicians commonly do ,." understand that acetaminophen is ,." safe! and causes significant hypertension. "here are things you can do if you have already started damaging your kidneys & liver. "here are things you can do for the pain you are e5periencing. We need to find the cause so you no longer have the pain. If you have been on pain pills for a long time! there are things we can do to help your kidneys & liver. &ere are some great products to help with pain and inflammation. 8. ,ingRia 1ed B. :. 1ain +rops 0ssential .il -it @. >. Gitamin + <. C. )ulfurFyme H. ;. .megaAiFe References
8? Perneger "G! Whelton P-! -lag IT6 1isk of kidney failure associated with the use of acetaminophen! aspirin! and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs6 ,ew England Journal of Medicine; Dec. 22, 1994;331(25):1675 9. :? )chiodt EG! 1ochling E*! Lasey +4! 4ee WI6 *cetaminophen to5icity in an urban county hospital6 ,ew 0ngland Tournal of Iedicine6 .ct 8B! 8HH@6 8B6 >>@=8B?N888:2@. >? +avern "6"he +anger .f Ii5ing Landy *nd Poison6 )an Erancisco Lhronicle6 *ugust 8C! :99C. C? 1osenfeld I6 "ake "his Painkiller Larefully6 Iedical ,ews "hat Iatters! )econd .pinion6 Parade! Eebruary 8H! :99B! pg. B. ;? Autman T6 Alutathione! Your /ody#s Iost Powerful Protector! Lommunications! :99:. B? Eorman TP! )tampfer IT6 Lurhan AL6 ,on2,arcotic *nalgesic +ose and 1isk of Incident &ypertension in $) Women6 &ypertension6 )eptember :99;6CBN;99.

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