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1he statements made |n th|s presentat|on have not been eva|uated by the Iood and Drug Adm|n|strat|on.

products d|scussed are not |ntended to d|agnose, treat, cure or prevent d|sease.

8|oenerget|cs: 1he Sc|ence 8eh|nd Lssent|a| C||s

1he Lffect of 8|oenerget|cs, Sp|nn|ng Lnergy, and Lssent|a|
C||s |n Improv|ng nea|th and Susta|n|ng We||ness

by Dr. Car|os Crozco,* hD**

1h|s handout, wh|ch |s an out||ne of the ta|k g|ven by Dr. Car|os Crozco at the Internat|ona|
Grand Convent|on of oung L|v|ng, h|gh||ghts the re|at|onsh|p between b|oenerget|cs,
sp|nn|ng energy, and |ts effect |n the b|o-energet|c quantum f|e|d us|ng essent|a| o||s. Such a
re|at|onsh|p has profound effects upon the structure and funct|on of ||v|ng organ|sms. 1h|s
a||ows a process of transformat|on to restore hea|th by generat|ng and ma|nta|n|ng a state
of we||ness.

oung L|v|ng essent|a| o||s have spec|f|c frequenc|es that |ncrease the natura| ab|||ty of the
human body to repa|r |tse|f through a b|ophys|ca| and b|ochem|ca| hea||ng process. 1o do so,
the frequenc|es of essent|a| o||s are transferred by sp|nn|ng energy to the body through a
vortex, wh|ch |s the u|t|mate express|on of the quantum energy f|e|d. narmony |s then
estab||shed and we||ness becomes susta|nab|e.
*College of naLural Medlclne, AusLrallan lnsLlLuLe of Applled Sclences, SLones Corner 4131, 8rlsbane, AusLralla, ark 8oad Medlcal
CenLre, MllLon 4161 8rlsbane, AusLralla. L-mall carlosorozcomdphd[
**SclenLlflc Advlsor Symphony Lo 1ree Le. LLd., kuala Lumpur, Malaysla. and 8urzylnskl Cllnlc, PousLon
1exas, uSA.


1he auLhor wlshes Lo express hls appreclaLlon Lo Cod, naLure, and Lo veronlka 8oss.


LveryLhlng ln Lhe cosmos splns and vlbraLes aL cerLaln frequencles.
1 Lo 3
lrequencles apply Lo PerLzlan waves
and are measured ln cycles per second (cps) or PerLz (Pz). When Lwo waves share Lhe same frequency, a
counLerclockwlse spln ls generaLed resulLlng ln Lhe formaLlon of a vorLex. 1he energy generaLed by Lhe spln
Lo form Lhe vorLex ls known as zero polnL energy, Lhe energy of Lhe vacuum, scalar energy, or splnnlng
. 1he space LhaL lL ls made of ls known as Lhe quanLum energy fleld.

naLure always works wlLh efflclency, LhaL ls, lL applles Lhe mlnlmum amounL of energy Lo geL Lhe maxlmum
. ln Lhls respecL, Lhe word quanLum ls a word LhaL descrlbes Lhe mlnlmum amounL of energy
needed Lo generaLe naLural changes wlLhln llvlng organlsms. ?oung Llvlng essenLlal olls have Lhe hlghesL
frequencles among all subsLances from llvlng organlsms and lL ls Lhrough resonance LhaL Lhey are able Lo
pass Lhem onLo humans and anlmals.

1he statements made |n th|s presentat|on have not been eva|uated by the Iood and Drug Adm|n|strat|on. 1he
products d|scussed are not |ntended to d|agnose, treat, cure or prevent d|sease.

1he Numero|ogy of Nature

1he followlng ls a llsL of 10 numbers used by naLure Lo allow for splnnlng energy Lo flow freely.

1. Parmony 6. lsomerlsm
2. uuallLy 7. Cycle
3. SLablllLy 8. erfecLlon
4. CommunlcaLlon 9. loundaLlon
3. CraLlLude 0. Crlgln
What |s Sp|nn|ng Lnergy?

Lnergy allows everyLhlng Lo resonaLe Lhrough vlbraLlon and frequencles
2, 3, 3
and Lhus exlsL as we know lL,
Lhls ls whaL maLLer ls. Splnnlng energy also known as zero polnL energy
3, 6
ls energy LhaL sLarLs a vorLex,
allowlng for lnsLanL or sponLaneous change. Zero polnL energy ls Lhe polnL where splnnlng energy ls acLually

Splnnlng energy ls Lhe energy of Lhe beglnnlng LhaL generaLes Lhe momenLum Lo produce a LwlsL beLween
sLandlng waves, also known as zero polnL energy, ground energy, or Lhe energy of Lhe vacuum
. lL ls Lhe
energy aL zero polnL beLween sLandlng waves LhaL resulLs ln Lhe generaLlon of a vorLex, and lL ls reached aL -
273C or 0k
12, 13, 19
. lL ls Lhe energy LhaL valldaLes Lhe Pelsenberg's uncerLalnLy rlnclple
8, 13
, also known as
7, 13
. Pelsenberg's prlnclple sLaLes LhaL lL ls lmposslble Lo predlcL Lhe exacL poslLlon of an elecLron
aL any glven Llme, as elecLrons spln around Lhe nucleus of aLoms aL speeds equal or greaLer Lhan Lhe speed
of llghL (300,000 km per second)
3, 13
. ln oLher words, Lhe speed ls very fasL and lL can generaLe enormous

erhaps Lhe mosL relevanL appllcaLlon of splnnlng energy ls lLs ablllLy Lo fully opLlmlze Lhe body's molecular
and cellular funcLlons and remlnd Lhe body of lLs own self-heallng capablllLy. 1o do so, splnnlng energy
allows for harmony Lo be resLored beLween Lhe body and lLs envlronmenL, known as Lhe zero polnL fleld
1hls force can be very powerful, wlLh a loL of energy generaLed from Lhe spln. lndeed, Lhls force can be so
powerful and able Lo produce lnsLanL changes LhaL supporL Lhe body's naLural heallng ablllLles

1he zero polnL fleld connecLs everyLhlng ln Lhe unlverse, and we are parL of Lhls vasL, dynamlc cobweb of
energy exchange. 1herefore, splnnlng energy connecLs space and Llme
. 1hls concepL has Lremendous
lmpllcaLlons, as our bodles do have Lhe capaclLy for self-heallng. lL ls a maLLer of synchronlzlng and
modulaLlng lnLernal frequencles Lhrough vlbraLlon
3 ,9,10,12

Cnce Lhe lnformaLlon ls recelved, decoded, and LranslaLed by Lhe organelles LhaL make up Lhe cell, Lhe
lnnaLe ablllLy for self-heallng occurs almosL sponLaneously or ln a shorL perlod of Llme
4, 14
. All LhaL ls needed
ls communlcaLlon (flow of lnformaLlon) beLween Lwo PerLzlan waves, whlch are an expresslon of energy
1hls happens Lhrough Lhe generaLlon of a counLer-clockwlse spln LhaL ls able Lo allow Lhe expresslon of Lhe
quanLum energy fleld LhaL resulLs ln Lhe formaLlon of a vorLex
4, 16 Lo 19
. ?oung Llvlng essenLlal olls ralse Lhe
frequency of Lhe human body Lhrough resonance. ln dolng so, Lhey Lransfer splnnlng energy LhaL allows Lhe
body Lo repalr lLself
4, 19,20

1he statements made |n th|s presentat|on have not been eva|uated by the Iood and Drug Adm|n|strat|on. 1he
products d|scussed are not |ntended to d|agnose, treat, cure or prevent d|sease.

1. 8eLLlehelm, lredrlck eL al. lnLroducLlon Lo Ceneral, Crganlc ChemlsLry and 8lochemlsLry. nlnLh edlLlon.
8rooks/Cole. uSA. 2010.
2. Palllday, 8esnlck, Walker: lundamenLals of hyslcs, LlghL LdlLlon. uSA 2007.
3. Sylver, nenah. 1he 8lfe Pandbook of lrequency 1herapy wlLh a PollsLlc PealLh remler. ueserL CaLe
roducLlons. honlx Arlzona uSA. 2009.
4. Mlcozzl, Marc. lundamenLals of ComplemenLary and lnLegraLlve Medlclne. 1hlrd edlLlon. Saunders
Llsevler, SL Louls Mlssourl, uSA 2006.
3. !. Mehra and P. 8echenberg. 1he PlsLorlcal uevelopmenL of CuanLum 1heory. Sprlnger-verlag, 1982.
6. A. LlnsLeln. uber elnen dle Lrzeugung und verbeauLy wandlung des LlchLes beLreffenden heurlsLlschen
CeslchLspunkL (Cn a heurlsLlc polnL of vlew concernlng Lhe producLlon and LransformaLlon of llghL). Annalen
der hyslk 17 (1903) 132-148 (reprlnLed ln Lhe collecLed papers of AlberL LlnsLeln, !ohn SLachel, edlLor,
rlnceLon unlverslLy ress, 1989, vol. 2, pp. 149-166, ln Cerman, see also LlnsLeln's early work on Lhe
quanLum hypoLhesls, lbld. pp. 134-148).
7. .A.M. ulrac. 1he rlnclples of CuanLum Mechanlcs, Clarendon ress, Cxford, 1930.
8. hLLp:// 8eLrleved. 22 !une 2011.
9. Mllonnl, eLer W. 1he CuanLum vacuum: an lnLroducLlon Lo CuanLum LlecLrodynamlcs. new ?ork:
Academlc ress. 1994.
10. 1.S. kuhn. 8lack-8ody 1heory and Lhe CuanLum ulsconLlnulLy. 1894-1912, Clarendon ress, Cxford,
11. Cengel, ?unus, and 8oles, Mlchael. 1hermodynamlcs an Lnglneerlng Approach. lourLh edlLlon. uSA. 2001
12. hLLp://moonl.fcc[.org/~eLhall/quanLum/quanL.hLm. 8eLrleved 11 uec 2010.
13. ! von neumann. MaLhemaLlsche Crundlagen der CuanLenmechanlk, Sprlnger, 8erlln, 1932 (Lngllsh
LranslaLlon: MaLhemaLlcal loundaLlons of CuanLum Mechanlcs, rlnceLon unlverslLy ress, 1933).
14. hLLp:// 8eLrleved 2010-10-13.
13. CreensLeln, Ceorge, Za[onc, ArLhur (2006). 1he CuanLum Challenge: Modern 8esearch on Lhe
loundaLlons of CuanLum Mechanlcs, Second edlLlon. !ones and 8arLleLL ubllshers, lnc. p. 213. lS8n 0-7637-
2470-x. hLLp://, ChapLer 8, p. 213.
16. hLLp:// 8eLrleved 24Lh !une 2011.
17. SLryer, L. 8lochemlsLry. 1hlrd edlLlon. SLandford unlverslLy, WP lreeman and Company. 1988.
18. hLLp:// 8eLrleved 2 !uly 2011.
19. hLLp:// 8eLrleved 8 !uly 2011.
20. koroLkov, konsLanLlne. Puman Lnergy lleld SLudy WlLh Cuv 8loelecLrography. 8ackbone ubllshlng Co.
lalr Lawn new !ersey uSA. 2002.

About the Author:

ur. Carlos Crozco has over 23 years of experlence ln blomedlcal and cllnlcal research and over 30 years
Leachlng aL Lhe graduaLe and posLgraduaLe level aL CrlfflLh unlverslLy ln 8rlsbane, AusLralla, and aL Lhe klng
khalld unlverslLy PosplLal ln Saudl Arabla, where he held Lhe poslLlon of assoclaLe professor ln gynecology
and ferLlllLy. Pe has been an assoclaLe researcher aL Lhe karollnska lnsLlLuLe ln SLockholm, Sweden, Lhe
Woman's Cllnlc ln 1ublngen, Cermany, Lhe naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of nuLrlLlon ln Mexlco ClLy, Mexlco, Lhe
naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of 8esplraLory ulseases ln Mexlco ClLy, Mexlco, and he ls a member of Lhe new ?ork
Academy of Sclences. Pe has publlshed ln ma[or peer-revlewed medlcal and sclenLlflc [ournals. ur. Crozco
pracLlces naLural and energeLlc medlclne speclallzlng ln quanLum heallng, oncology, ferLlllLy, sleeplng, and
nuLrlLlon. Pe holds a docLoraLe from Lhe School of 8lomedlcal Sclences aL CrlfflLh unlverslLy ln 8rlsbane,
AusLralla. Pe has been Lralned ln experlmenLal blology, ma[orlng ln blophyslcs and blochemlsLry,
lmmunology, nuLrlLlon, acupuncLure, naLuropaLhy, and allopaLhlc medlclne. Pe lecLured ln chemlsLry,
blochemlsLry, cosmeLlc chemlsLry, anaLomy and physlology, and nuLrlLlon aL Lhe College of naLural Medlclne
from Lhe AusLrallan lnsLlLuLe of Applled Sclences ln 8rlsbane, AusLralla. Pe ls a consulLanL ln quanLum
heallng aL Lhe ark 8oad Medlcal CenLre ln 8rlsbane, AusLralla. Pe ls Lhe prlnclpal sclenLlflc advlsor of
1he statements made |n th|s presentat|on have not been eva|uated by the Iood and Drug Adm|n|strat|on. 1he
products d|scussed are not |ntended to d|agnose, treat, cure or prevent d|sease.

CuanLum lnLelllgence, a nanoLechnology-based company ln kuala Lumpur, Malaysla, as well as Lhe sclenLlflc
advlsor of Lhe Symphony 1ree Le. LLd., ln kuala Lumpur, Malaysla. Pe also serves as a medlcal and sclenLlflc
advlsor Lo Lhe 8urzynskl Cllnlc ln PousLon, 1exas. 8ecenLly he Look up Lhe offer Lo serve aL Lhe medlcal and
sclenLlflc commlLLee of ?oung Llvlng.

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