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1 - What is Globalisation

2 - What has caused it? (3) 3 - Process of Globalisation? (3) Steps, What happens? 4 - What will it cause? Should Cause? (3) Policies? (1)-> Affects women (1)Decentralisation (1)Uneven Developement, Regionalism, offloads responsibility for revenue to provinces (1)Causes Provinces to make agreements (1)Comparative advantage? Further regionalism decentralisation (2)limits governments control (1)->Highlights and exasberates current problems (1) Government cant control due to Colonial Heritage, Late transition to Capital, Reliance staples export, US relations(Nationalist View) (1)explain |^, prepare for banks (1)explain importance of finance capital, mncs (1) Marxist view, dependant industrialisation (1)Combine both views (1)Countries send population, use as commodity, rss, to bring revenue ba ck in ways it couldnt generate (1)Whats the character of government? 233 - > What are the governmen ts motives (1) Talk about citzen ship, loss of state/citizen relations, loss of sta te responsibility

-interenationalising itself, capital internationalised, mobile production is now internationalised, mobile Produces a WORLD commodity West consumes mostly intlised and mobile production example, apple design in poor contry, manufacture in periphery MNC doesnt want to be restricted anywhere it moves it capital, fins a cheaper pl ace to produce its rubber doesnt want to be confined to manufacture in one spot, wants to be free to take advantage of producing other places dependant on 123 cheaper raw materia ls cheaper rss less governmental regulation including environmental and labour r egulations wants less restrictions MNCs competing, nike adidas, Strong labour regulations strong environmental legislations are bad for process post 45-gatt-agreed on tarrifs trades but globalised world- gatt was replaced with WTO wto - favourable to mncapital - established raw materials and labour were subjec

t to mnc and, intl trade rules, SERVICES and INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY subject to trade and c ommerce 45-established gatt post war(intl organisation), world bank, and imf Everyone operating in the global economic capitalist system was subject to rules /regulations of these instution gatt world bank imf individual nation states are subject to the rules and regs of national economy, which are subject to rules regs intl instution one dominates the other, national r r s subordinated by intl rules and regs nation states tend to lost(take long time) control over own national economy, on ce we hit globalisation it takes full course 1970 globalised period, not only is capital intlised, production intlised, but F INANCE is intlised therefore intl rules and regs governing FINANCE->standardiasation os rules of co mmerce of banking systems of accounting why important? If intl capital wants to move capital intlly, we need a universal common standard in banking system, so capital intlised and production intlised, but FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS INTLISED, a llows mnc to moe financial assets inout of other countries unless we standardise systems of intl finance, cnat do that developing developed world trying to attract mnc, most national economy are depe ndant upon, want investment intl capital, by offering cheapest raw material cheapest labour post 45-keynesiam globalised, tearing this apart, mnc is dominant, now we all need mnc to invest, foreign investment countries competing for mncs how dismantle all of post 45 keynesiam, bringing neoliberalism->New capital would ha ve a centralised accumulation within own country canadan capital would take dismantled capital, privatising, capitalists labour relations achievements, gone.classes manufacturing has drifted to periphery Globalisation involves not only outsourcing but deconstructure of keynesian welf are state and primarily the mncorps are the new centre of accumlation which leads to this process of internationalisation of capital->production > finance > debt colonialism, absence of deve countries who best attract mnc are countries who already have infrastucture deve ment, makes it easier for mncs exasperates uneven development in world, other countries can only sell labour, o verseas trying to build inrasture, therefore they must also dismantle welfare state CONSUMED ALL OVER THE WORLD->production is converged, therefore consumption is c onverged occurs with dominance of mncorps LABOUR VIEWS-1900-20, fordism, GLOBALISATION - > Dominance of MNCorps, Centre of accumlation is outside nationa l borders, internationalised, that mncorps produce commodity in different parts of the world, internationalisation of capital, production, finan ce, debt, markets. leads to demand of keynesian, neoliberalism. all national economies want to attract mncapital. Limited perspective: 1900-20, fordism, involves assebly line especiall y in automobile-scientific management, tech+science used for branches of industr y. Tried to study optimal time structures, reduce time for manufactured. Scientific

Management. initial stages of mass prod/consumerism, mass consumption, 40-50, advanced fordi sm-result of wartime tech, new developed techs for war purposes. transfered to manufacture private sector, allowed increased growth and wages--c ooperation between labour capital, more wages, more productivity, keynesism national capital still dominant. FDI foreign direct investment 70s, Labour, emergence of computerisation, robotisation, automation part of prod uction process transforms labour process, makes it weaker, increasingly replaced by machinery, advanced machinery consequence->west are consumers, not producers, more of a service economy Canada staples economy, when you dismantle a keynesian state, dismantling labbou r legisations before 1970 ND environmental legislation Canada is strognly emphasised the impotantce of rss, we dont protect our rss, do nt have very good environmental legislations, then longterm capacity to make use of those rss as a base for the economy will not last reprocussion, pushes canada to eliminate environmental legisation used to protec t poor nature of our economy Our govt currently dismantling environmental policies trying to attract foreign investment especially in oil gas industry - most of our oil/gas sector is governed by MNC a nd EVEN foreign labour hinders our ability to control our national economy environmental responsibility of federal govt who do these rrs belong to in first place? what is relationship established by globalisation on relationship between citize n and govt? Whose interest are they operating in? our interest? or interests of global capital? other aspect->deregulation dismantlement, result>transfer of responsibility for social programs to the provinces 1implication, state increasingly removes itsself in globalisation of canada, add ress problems of inequality, individual and regional not a problem therefore, no consistancy or universality in terms of standards of healthcare an d state roles? market priorities. cant help aboriginals anymore, they should rely on market and sell its rss no longer concerned with regressive social inequalities, n state tries to remove responsibilities, tries to assume different intervene market policy rather than collective policies state is removing itself from responsiblity, but takes more responsibility in di smantling the keynesian state rederick: State is less interventionist, but no, its more interventionist-it is promoting policies which is more consistent with globalisation and the market decreasing abilitity for federal govt to have control of national economy promoting limits on own actions

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