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Letters to the Editor
Glow, PakWheels jointly brings Lahore Auto Show
Mobilink rolls out Pakistan's largest 3G ready network
Tips to buy original mobile phones avoid fakes
City walls shine with colors of youth
PTA allocates Telenor numbering of series for 3G
Technology adoption: Smartphones to become
DHA disallows Telenor to upgrade 3G networking
18 |
21 |
24 |
29 |
38 |
42 |
45 |
26 | Electricity from India
Transmission of Prosperity Crossing the Border
14 |
16 |
17 |
20 |
37 |
44 |
46 |
49 |
50 |
Internet celebrates its first Jubilee
Wateen shines at Capacity ME 2014
A strong electric shock jolts masses
Tech-savvy lovers shocked again
Wateen free Wi-Fi at LLF brought joys to visitors
Facebook chief complains obama on NSA spying
Wateen sponsors Pakistan CIO Summit 2014
China laments US spying on tech giant Huawei
Piracy, malware crime costs more than $315 billion annually
64 |
78 |
National News
International News
30 |
36 |
40 |
48 |
56 |
60 |
Mobile Rates
Mobile Review
Current Mobiles
Upcoming Mobiles
High Range Mobiles
Low Range Mobiles
Gaming Zone
82 |
84 |
86 |
90 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
98 |
All glitz and glamour, ChenOne fashion show inspire Lahore
Samsung selects MRM to boost business in south region
Nokia X launches in Pakistan at retailer event
PEL arranges Pakistan Day Family Festival & Earth Hour
Lakeme fashion
CeBIT 2014
62 |
76 |
National Mosaic
International Mosaic
PTCL signs MoU with Khushali Bank for managed WAN services
14 25
APRIL 2014
10 |
12 |
22 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
52 |
54 |
Govt forages IAEA help to use nuclear technology
Rupee strengthens because of $1.5 billion gift
LPG welcomes, CNG goodbye
Onduline gets tremendous response at exhibition
Business leaders lauds government initiatives
Paris Hilton Jumpes into real estate business
Hybrid seeds produces high yielding
Top 10 oil producing countries
33 | We Commit We deliver: Ali Zubair
Internet celebrates
its first Jubilee
World's top 100
universities 2014
Wateen free Wi-Fi
at LLF brought joys to visitors
All glitz and glamour, ChenOne
fashion show inspire Lahore
25 | World's top 100 universities 2014
13 | Germany to establish Solar School to light up Pakistan
Zubair Ahmed Kasuri Editor
IsmaiI Qureshi Senior Sub- Editor
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AprII :011
TIere ure severuI ureus In wIIcI boLI PukIsLun und ndIu musL
work LogeLIer Lo Improve LIeIr reIuLIons, boLI Ior LIe progress oI
LIeIr peopIe und deveIopmenL oI SouLI AsIu.
TIe ndIun murkeL wouId be u goIdmIne Ior PukIsLun,
purLIcuIurIy In Lerms oI perIsIubIe commodILIes, uuLomobIIe,
munuIucLurIng, ussembIIng oI mucIInery, T, LeIecom und muny
oLIer secLors. CompeLILIon Irom cIeuper ndIun munuIucLures
wouId drIve prIces Iower domesLIcuIIy und wouId uIso provIde
consumers wILI u vusL vurIeLy oI producLs. PukIsLun wouId Iuve LIe
prospecL Lo peneLruLe LIe ndIun murkeL wILI ILs own cIoLIIng ILems
IncIudIng LIe IusIIon uppureI, wIIcI uIreudy Iuve u Iun-murkeL In
ndIu und PukIsLun Iud LesLed LIe opLIc IIbre IInk cubIe IuId
LIrougI WuguI border buL unIorLunuLeIy IL wus noL yeL operuLIonuI
due Lo InLeIIIgence ugencIes Iud opposed LIe projecL oI opLIcuI IIbre
IInk beLween ndIu und PukIsLun, Ieured LIuL ndIun T experLs
wouId grub LIe vILuI und sensILIve InIormuLIon oI LIe counLry
LIrougI LIe IInk.
I IL Iuppened, IL wIII be u very cosL eIIecLIve operuLIon provIdIng
quuIILy voIce communIcuLIon, wIreIess LeIepIony, nLerneL uccess.
No doubL, LeIecommunIcuLIon Is LIe cIeupesL wuy Lo conLucL Lo deur
ones worIdwIde buL In ndIu und PukIsLun very cosLIy. TIey sIouId
LIInk roumIng Iree servIces on mobIIe pIone cuIIs.
ree Lrude beLween LIe Lwo counLrIes usuuIIy uL crossrouds wouId
onIy brIng subsLunLIuI economIc beneIILs Lo boLI LIe counLrIes. TIe
removuI oI LurIII und non-LurIII burrIers beLween LIe Lwo counLrIes,
Iow LrunsporLuLIon cosLs und grunLIng LIe MosL uvoured NuLIon
sLuLus Lo ndIu by PukIsLun wIII Increuse bIIuLeruI Lrude Lo 8 Lo 1o
mIIIIon doIIurs unnuuIIy. SLrong und Iong IusLIng Lrude LIes couId
Ieud Lo LIe normuIIsuLIon oI reIuLIons beLween LIe ever-wurrIng
L wouId noL resoIve uII LIe Issues beLween LIe Lwo counLrIes, buL
IL cun be u sIgnIIIcunL sLep In LIe rIgIL dIrecLIon.
Some yeurs buck, boLI counLrIes ugreed Lo eusy vIsu procedure
buL IL ubundoned. Now presenL governmenL sLruggIes Lo negoLIuLe
wILI ndIu ubouL vIsu Issue und PrIme MInIsLer Nuwuz SIurII suId
vIsu requIremenLs beLween Lwo counLrIes Lo be dIsmunLIed,
presenLIy LIe vIsu regIme Is very resLrIcLIve. TIose over 6 ure,
Iowever, uIIowed vIsu on urrIvuI. TIIs IucIIILy Ius recenLIy been
InLroduced buL noL mucI used.
IndIan marIet to
he goIdmIne for

Zubair Ahmed Kasuri, (Editor-in-Chief) publisher
of FLARE leading telecom magazine, printed
it from Qasim Naeem Art Press, Near Bank
Road, Main Bund Road, Lahore and
published from 46J, Gulberg , Lahore.
iime Ministei Nawaz Shaiif said Pakistan
was actively expanding its powei pioduc-
tion potential by utilising nucleai technol-
ogy to addiess countiy's seveie eneigy
ciisis. Talking to Diiectoi Ceneial Inteinational
Atomic Eneigy Agency (IAEA) Yukiyo Amino
heie at the PM House, the Piime Ministei said Pak-
istan Atomic Eneigy Commission (PAEC) was
helping the countiy to meet its powei iequiiements.
He said Pakistan with the help of IAEA was mak-
ing use of nucleai technology in seveial aieas in-
cluding powei pioduction, medicine, agiicultuie,
food pieseivation and watei management foi the
benefit of its people.
Piime Ministei said Pakistan has veiy close co-
opeiation with IAEA since 1957, undei the 'Atoms
foi Peace' initiative and said the countiy values this
coopeiation foi peaceful uses of nucleai technol-
Nawaz said Pakistan was a committed nucleai
non-piolifeiation state and added "all oui cuiient
nucleai powei plants as well as ieseaich ieactois aie
undei IAEA safeguaids and all obligations aie
being fulfilled adequately."
Piime Ministei appieciated the positive iole
played by the Agency in the development of peace-
ful use of nucleai technology in Pakistan, foi
human iesouice development in vaiious scientific
disciplines and establishment of R&D facilities at
diffeient centeis in the countiy.
He said PAEC has benefited significantly fiom
IAEA's piogiam on Cancei Theiapy and Contiol
in membei states. Eveiy yeai, a laige numbei of its
scientists and engineeis benefit fiom IAEA spon-
soied activities and shaie theii knowledge and ex-
peiience in specific fields while Pakistani expeits
iendei valuable seivices to othei IAEA Membei
He said the goveinment of Pakistan values its
ielationship with IAEA and said this coopeiation
shall be stiengthened in the time ahead.
DC IAEA appieciated Pakistan's commitment
to use of nucleai eneigy foi benefit of its people and
extended his suppoit foi the cause.
In anothei sepaiate meeting, it was decided to
fuithei stiengthen effoits to inciease technical co-
opeiation, a Ioieign Office statement said on a
meeting between IAEA chief Yukiya Amano with
Advisei on Ioieign Affaiis and National Secuiity
Saitaj Aziz.
Pakistan is woiking to inciease the contiibution
of nucleai eneigy to the eneigy mix as pait of its
stiategy to ieduce the powei deficit that has caused
piolonged outages. The countiy expects to have
seven functional 1,1OOMW nucleai plants by 2O3O,
woik on two of which has alieady begun. The
plants will be in addition to foui smallei 3OOMW
capacity units. Besides, Pakistan is using nucleai
technology in medicine, agiicultuie, food pieseiva-
tion, watei management and industiy.
All of the countiy's nucleai powei plants aie
undei the IAEA's safeguaids and Pakistan has al-
ways advocated a cential iole foi nucleai watchdog
in global nucleai aichitectuie.
On the othei hand, China has committed $6.5
billion to finance the constiuction of a majoi nu-
cleai powei pioject in Kaiachi as it seeks to
stiengthen ties with its stiategic paitnei, officials
said. Piime Ministei Nawaz Shaiif bioke giound
on the $9.59 billion pioject last month but officials
have piovided few details of how they plan to fi-
nance it.
Iinancing documents s showed China National
Nucleai Coopeiation (CNNC) has piomised to
giant a loan of at least $6.5 billion to finance the
pioject which will have two ieactois with a capac-
ity of 1,1OO megawatts each.
Two membeis of the goveinment's eneigy team
and thiee souices close to the deal confiimed this.
CNNC was not available foi comment.
"China has complete confidence in Pakistan's
capacity to iun a nucleai powei plant with all
checks in place," said Ansai Paivez, chaiiman of
the Pakistan Atomic Eneigy Commission which
iuns the civilian nucleai piogiamme.
Paivez declined to give moie details of the fund-
ing but said it would be completed by 2O19 and
each of the two ieactois would be laigei than the
combined powei of all nucleai ieactois now opei-
ating in Pakistan.
As pait of the deal, China has also waived a
$25O,OOO insuiance piemium on the loan, said two
souices in the Eneigy Ministiy with knowledge of
the pioject. They declined to be identified as they
aie not authoiised to speak to the media about the
Pakistan and China, both nucleai-aimed na-
tions, considei each othei close fiiends and theii ties
have been undeipinned by common waiiness of
India and a desiie to hedge against US influence in
South Asia.
Pakistan sees nucleai eneigy as key to its effoits
to solve powei shoitages that have ciippled its econ-
omy. The countiy geneiates about 11,OOO MW of
powei while total demand is about 15,OOO MW.
Blackouts lasting moie than half a day in some
aieas have infuiiated many citizens and spaiked vi-
olent piotests, undeimining an economy alieady
beset by high unemployment, widespiead poveity,
ciime and sectaiian and insuigent violence.
Undei its long-teim eneigy plan, Pakistan hopes
to pioduce moie than 4O,OOO MW of electiicity
thiough nucleai plants by 2O5O.
The United States sealed a nucleai supply deal
with India in 2OO8, iiking both China and Pakistan.
Pakistan wants a similai agieement with the
United States but it is ieluctant, laigely because nu-
cleai scientist Abdul Qadeei Khan admitted in 2OO4
to tiansfeiiing nucleai seciets to Noith Koiea, Iian
and Iiaq.
"Theie should be no double standaids in teims
of civilian nucleai deals," Paivez said. "Pakistan
has eneigy needs and the building of two new ie-
actois should convince eveiyone that India's em-
baigos and iestiictions won't stop us."
Primc Minis|cr Nawaz Sharil said Pakis|an has vcrv closc coopcra|ion wi|h IALA sincc
1957, undcr |hc 'A|oms lor Pcacc` ini|ia|ivc and said |hc coun|rv valucs |his coopcra|ion lor
pcacclul uscs ol nuclcar |cchnolov"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

COMMERCE Ilaie Repoit

China Na|ional Nuclcar Coop-
cra|ion has promiscd |o ran| a
loan ol a| lcas| $6.5 billion |o li-
nancc |hc procc| which will
havc |wo rcac|ors wi|h a capac-
i|v ol 1,100 mcawa||s cach
Govt foragea IAEA heIp to uae nucIear
technoIogy for energy purpoae
edeial Ministei foi Iinance Ishaq Dai
said the donation of $1.5 billion by
'fiiendly countiies' was a "gift foi the peo-
ple of Pakistan." Chaiiing a meeting of
Executive Committee of the National Economic
Council (ECNEC), he said these fiiendly coun-
tiies had full confidence in Pakistan and the gov-
einment of PML-N and donated $1.5 billion
unconditionally in Pakistan Development Iund
Claiifying the 'iumouis' iegaiding the status
of the donation, the ministei said it was neithei
loan noi given in ietuin foi any seivices. The
amount should be accepted with thanks and not
be made contioveisial, he added.
Ishaq Dai said the amount would be spent on
diffeient development piojects in vaiious sectois,
including eneigy, infiastiuctuie, iailways, com-
munication and tianspoitation.
Accoiding to foieign news agency, Saudi Aia-
bia loaned $1.5 billion to Pakistan to help Islam-
abad shoie up its foieign exchange ieseives, meet
debt-seivice obligations and undeitake laige en-
eigy and infiastiuctuie piojects.
The Saudi assistance has contiibuted to a
shaip iecoveiy of the Pakistani iupee, which iose
to a nine-month high of 97.4O fiom 1O8 against
the dollai in the month of Maich.
"On a peisonal guaiantee of the piime minis-
tei, Saudi Aiabia has given $1.5 billion, which has
helped bail out the iupee," one senioi goveinment
official close to the deal told news agency, ie-
questing anonymity as he was not authoiized to
disclose the souice and puipose of the funding.
Anothei top official who is based in Lahoie
said the money went into an account known as
the Pakistan Development Iund set up to channel
money fiom "fiiendly countiies" like Saudi Aia-
bia and the United Aiab Emiiates.
"We have a piomise of a total $3 billion, of
which $1.5 billion has been ieceived so fai," the
second official said. "Most iecently, we got $75O
million fiom the Saudis."
Piime Ministei Nawaz Shaiif has long enjoyed
close ielations with the Saudi ioyal family. Aftei
his second teim as piime ministei was ended by a
militaiy coup in 1999, he was sent into exile in
Saudi Aiabia.
Piince Alwaleed bin Talal, the Saudi financiei
and membei of the House of Saud, has desciibed
Shaiif as "Saudi Aiabia's man in Pakistan".
The sudden appieciation of the Pakistani
iupee has iaised seveial questions. At what level
will the exchange iate eventually settle! At what
point must the goveinment oi the State Bank of
Pakistan inteivene to stop it fiom appieciating
fuithei to foiestall a fiesh tuimoil in the economy!
Will iising cuiiency value disiupt giowth! And
last but not least how sustainable is the tiend!
"Befoie you answei these questions, you
should know what has caused the iupee to move
up at such bieakneck speed! Without that infoi-
mation, it'll be difficult to make sense of what is
going on," well-known economist Di Hafeez
Pasha, who was state ministei in the second
Nawaz Shaiif goveinment, told local newspapei.
The economist was obviously iefeiiing to ie-
poits of Pakistan ieceiving $1.5bn contiibuted to
the iecently foimed Pakistan Development Iund
(PDI) by two 'fiiendly Culf states'.
"Unless we know whethei the money has been
disbuised as a giant oi a loan and on what teims
and cost, how can we foiecast!"
Wheie the PDI iemains shiouded in mysteiy,
it cieates plenty of ioom foi speculation. It cie-
ates ioom foi those who attiibute the ievaluation
of the iupee to heavy, panic-selling of dollais,
mainly by expoiteis and 'investois'. Theie aie oth-
eis who insist the 'unexpected' inflows thiough
the PDI aie the main, if not the only, tiiggei. The
maiket is abuzz with iumouis of Saudi Aiabia
and Kuwait, finally, stepping in to help the Nawaz
Shaiif goveinment piop up the economy.
"If the iepoit is coiiect, it means the 'Nawaz
dividend' has paid off. But this must have come
with a high piice tag," Di Pasha aigued.
The iising stiength of the Pak iupee against
the dollai has cieated good ioom foi the govein-
ment to biing down piices by up to 1O peicent in
oidei to piovide ielief to business community as
well as to the geneial public.
Iinance Ministei Ishaq Dai, a successful ecu-
menist, his piudent policies biought down fiom
Rs.1O8 about two months back to below Rs 99 in
the inteibank maiket.
Now theie is a declining tiend in the piice of
ciude oil in the global maiket and goveinment
should pass on its benefit to the consumeis by ie-
ducing POL piices in the domestic maiket.
The goveinment has alieady saved billions of
iupees since the appieciation of iupee by not
passing on its benefit and stiessed that govein-
ment should not waste fuithei time to depiive
people of this diiely needed ielief.
Piivate banks hold the dollais which was sold
by the expoiteis it was the ieason cieated the hype
in money maiket and soaiing up the value of dol-
lai. It all had happed because of pievious govein-
ment policies facilitating the banks those weie
holding the dollais to inciease its value against the
iupees, he explained.
Chaiiman ECAP said Iinance Ministei cleaily
wained the banks in a meeting that the ministiy
would cancel the licenses of banks who weie
found involved in the speculations.
He hope that the US dollai piice comes at Rs
9O in next few days but now foi the time being it
is tiaded in cuiient figuie. In that case expoitei
may faces the huge loses and goveinment wants
to suppoit them foi two oi thiee days.
Rapid incieased oi iapid decieased is not good
foi economy but we can't say it is an aitificial de-
pieciation of dollai, Said Aimon Khan analyst at
Saudi Arabia |ranslcrcd $1.5 billion |o Pakis|an |o hclp
Islamabad shorc up i|s lorcin cxchanc rcscrvcs, mcc|
dcb|-scrvicc oblia|ions and undcr|akc larc cncrv and in-
lras|ruc|urc procc|s"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

COMMERCE Mazhaiul Haq

Thc risin s|rcn|h ol |hc Pak
rupcc aains| |hc dollar has crc-
a|cd ood room lor |hc ov-
crnmcn| |o brin down priccs
bv up |o 10 pcrccn| in ordcr |o
providc rclicl |o busincss com-
muni|v as wcll as |o |hc cn-
cral public
Rupee atrengthena
becauae of $1.5 biIIion
'gift from frienda
edeial Ministei foi Kashmii Affaiis and
Cilgit Baltistan, Muhammad Baijees Tahii
said the goveinment is stiiving haid to
oveicome eneigy ciisis and maintain a bal-
anced eneigy mix to keep the aveiage piice of elec-
tiicity pei unit as low as possible.
In a meeting with Chief Executive of the Cei-
man Solai Eneigy Society, Di Uwe Haitmann,
Baijees Tahii infoimed him of vaiious alteinative
eneigy piojects including wind and solai being in-
stalled in the countiy.
It was agieed in the meeting that Ceiman Solai
Eneigy Society will considei the possibility of set-
ting up a Solai School in Pakistan.
This school will impait tiaining in developing,
planning, dimensioning, installing, and commis-
sioning solai systems as well disseminate technical
awaieness about the alteinative souices of eneigy.
As a fiist step foiwaid, the expeits of the Soci-
ety will coach the tiaineis in the fields of photo-
voltaic, solai theimal applications and eneigy
Di. Uwe Haitmann biiefed the ministei about
vaiious activities being undeitaken to piomote new
sustainable eneigy conveision technique and en-
eigy-saving technologies as well as enviionmental
and climate piotection.
He said that the majoi aspect of Society's woik
was education and spieading infoimation about ie-
newable eneigies.
The constant and continues shoitage eneigy cii-
sis in the countiy, solai system looks a bettei solu-
tion to ciisis, which is alieady getting populaiity in
the woild. Pakistan has a potential to geneiate ovei
2.324 million mega watt electiicity pei annum
thiough solai system which can help to oveicome
pievailing eneigy ciisis in Pakistan. Pakistan Engi-
neeiing Council (PEC) officials said switching ovei
to the solai system foi eneigy is the need of the
houi and moie people and scientists should come
foiwaid foi this cause.
The solai and wind powei aie the need of the
houi and futuie belongs to them as they aie cheap-
est souices of eneigy. Accoiding to scientists and
expeits, extensive use of solai powei can change
the face of iemote and iuial aieas.
Ceiman ienewable eneigy company CAE plans
to invest moie than Rs12.9 billion in setting up the
fiist solai panel manufactuiing facility in Pakistan,
and the second of its kind in Asia.
CAE plans to intioduce a type of solai panel
that has not been used in Pakistan befoie and is not
manufactuied anywheie else in Asia except one
place in China. It will build a factoiy in Iaisalabad
on land that has been given to it by the Univeisity
of Agiicultuie Iaisalabad. In exchange, the uni-
veisity gets a 1O% shaie in the company's Pakistani
subsidiaiy. Manufactuiing is expected to stait by
the end of the yeai.
Solai eneigy piices aie iapidly becoming moie
competitive with theimal eneigy souices. Seveial
global expeits believe that 2O14 will be the yeai that
solai eneigy becomes economically viable even
without any goveinment subsidies.
The pioblem with solai panels in Pakistan has
hitheito been the fact that the upfiont set-up cost
is beyond the ieach of most customeis, even
though the costs theieaftei aie miniscule. To
smooth out that the cost cuive, CAE has paitneied
with Iaysal Bank and Meezan Bank to offei con-
sumei financing options foi people looking to in-
stall solai panels in theii homes and offices. CAE
claims it will offei a 25-yeai waiianty foi its piod-
ucts, allowing its customeis to get extended time
peiiods on theii loans, which will ieduce monthly
"We aie aiming to make suie that any peison
who installs the house solai system will have
monthly instalments equal to theii cuiient monthly
electiicity bill," said Shahzada Khuiiam, Diiectoi
Civen the fact that giid electiicity in Pakistan is
cheap, but unieliable, it is likely that many will find
that pioposition highly tempting.
The collaboiation with UAI has moie to it than
just the land: the company plans to help set up a
new masteis piogiamme in Alteinative Eneigy, the
fiist of its kind in Pakistan, to help tiain enough
piofessionals to seive the giowing ienewable en-
eigy field in the countiy. The new depaitment at
UAI will be called the Punjab Eneigy Centie foi
Technology and will have faculty membeis fiom
Euiope teaching couises, aiianged foi by CAE.
The company is confident that the ventuie will
piove to be financially viable. Adeel Anwai, the fi-
nance diiectoi of the company, said that he expects
its ievenues to touch C15O million (Rs19.2 billion)
within the fiist yeai. CAE officials feel they can
then double that numbei within thiee yeais.
The fiist customei appeais to be UAI itself,
which is seeking to cut its aveiage monthly elec-
tiicity bill of appioximately Rs1O million down to
a Rs5 million instalment foi CAE's solai panels.
And the company appeais to have pioducts that
aie ieady even foi industiial use. CAE has alieady
sold such a system to thiee textile manufactuieis
in Iaisalabad: in Sandal Bai Iabiics, Tayyab
Cioup of Industiies, and Iaisal Iabiics.
Othei piospective customeis include the city of
Lahoie foi its stieet lights, and the Punjab govein-
ment, which wants to conveit 5,OOO-acie in the
Cholistan deseit into a 1,55O-megawatt solai powei
station to supply electiicity to the national giid.
And the fiim's expeiiments in installing solai-pan-
els foi tube-wells foi faimeis also appeai to have
been laigely successful.
In a mcc|in wi|h Chicl Lxccu|ivc ol |hc Gcrman Solar Lncrv Socic|v, Dr Iwc Har|mann,
Barccs Tahir inlormcd him ol various al|crna|ivc cncrv procc|s includin wind and solar
bcin ins|allcd in |hc coun|rv"
This school will impar| |rainin
in dcvclopin, plannin, di-
mcnsionin, ins|allin, and
commissionin solar svs|cms as
wcll disscmina|c |cchnical
awarcncss abou| |hc al|crna|ivc
sourccs ol cncrv
Germany to eatabIiah 8oIar
8chooI to Iight up Pakiatan
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Ilaie Repoit ENERCY
t was 25 yeais ago that the Woild Wide Web
was boin fiom a plan to oiganise scientific data
wiitten in a nondesciipt Swiss office, it has
giown to become one of the most impoitant
cieations in human histoiy. On Maich 12, the intei-
net tuined 25.
In 1989 the inteinet - a global system connecting
computei netwoiks - had been up and iunning foi
seveial yeais. Data could be sent between connected
machines iegaidless of theii location. But an effec-
tive way to make it all biowseable by a wide audience
iemained elusive.
At that time Tim Beineis-Lee was a computei
piogiammei at CERN, the Euiopean Oiganization
foi Nucleai Reseaich. He was conceined by the fie-
quent loss of data fiom scientific expeiiments. He saw
ieseaicheis wasting time duplicating effoit because
knowledge was lost amid high staff tuinovei. Some-
one could spend weeks solving a pioblem with an ex-
peiiment oi fixing an issue with a complex piece of
equipment that had alieady been oveicome yeais eai-
liei by anothei scientist. What was needed was a way
to make infoimation simple to find. So he laid out a
plan in a shoit papei, dated Maich 1989 and mattei-
of-factly titled Infoimation Management: A Pioposal.
"The pioblems of infoimation loss may be pai-
ticulaily acute at CERN, but in this case, CERN is a
model in miniatuie of the iest of woild in a few yeais
time. CERN meets now some pioblems which the
iest of the woild will have to face soon," he wiote.
"We should woik towaid a univeisal linked in-
foimation system, in which geneiality and poitability
aie moie impoitant than fancy giaphics techniques
and complex extia facilities."
That humble document was to biing foith the
Woild Wide Web, the system that is biinging this ai-
ticle to you now and which has become entwined
with almost eveiy aspect of modein life. Iew othei
inventions have made such an impact on society.
Essentially he was pioposing a way to make links
between documents, contextual pathways that could
be followed in a logical way to biowse thiough moun-
tains of data and aiiive at exactly what you need.
These links aie second natuie foi most of us now but
the effect has been ievolutionaiy.
The idea was not entiiely new, but it came at a foi-
tuitous time as computeis became ubiquitous and the
inteinet piovided a simple way foi them to commu-
nicate. Ameiican engineei Vannevai Bush wiote, in
an aiticle foi The Atlantic in 1945, suggesting a sys-
tem called the memex (memoiy index) into which
people would compiess and stoie all mannei of
books and infoimation. He giasped at the edges of
the concepts which would cieate the Woild Wide
Web moie than 4O yeais latei. "Wholly new foims of
encyclopaedias will appeai, ieady made with a mesh
of associative tiails iunning thiough them," he wiote.
That aiticle, and woik by otheis including Dou-
glas Engelbait - the cieatoi of the computei mouse -
had influenced Tim Beineis-Lee.
The enoimous potential of his papei was not im-
mediately appaient, but it seemed like a solution to a
pioblem that had plagued CERN. His boss, Mike
Sendall, wiote a note on his copy: "Vague but excit-
ing.", then gave the go-ahead to develop it.
Beineis-Lee had to stait fiom sciatch and build
all the infiastiuctuie. He wiote the HypeiText Tians-
fei Piotocol (HTTP) to outline how infoimation
would be tiansmitted between computeis, HypeiText
Maikup Language (HTML) to cieate web pages, the
veiy fiist web biowsei called WoildWideWeb and the
fiist HTTP and web seivei softwaie.
He also wiote the veiy fiist web page to evei exist,
which simply desciibed his woik on the pioject and
how otheis could cieate a website. It was hosted on
Beineis-Lee's own NeXT computei in his office, with
a sticky label on the fiont saying: "This machine is a
seivei. DO NOT POWER DOWN!".
You can see that website online to this day via an
inteiface which mimics the eaily Line Mode Biowsei
wiitten by Nicola Pellow, a mathematics undeigiad-
uate fiom Leicestei Polytechnic woiking at CERN.
Pieviously theie had only been WoildWideWeb, wiit-
ten by Tim Beineis-Lee, which only ian on NeXT
Anothei CERN employee, Beind Polleimann,
uploaded the inteinal phone diiectoiy as a website,
aiguably one of the fiist piactical uses of the web.
Soon scientists weie shaiing iesults, technical infoi-
mation and facts and figuies about CERN that would
pieviously have been difficult to tiack down.
In 1993 the oiganisation announced that anyone
would be fiee to use all the technology behind the
Woild Wide Web, giving it a healthy boost ahead of
some iival standaids such as the Univeisity of Min-
nesota's Cophei, which chaiged licensing fees. Ioi a
few yeais in the eaily 9Os theie was moie Cophei tiaf-
fic than WWW tiaffic on the inteinet, but its fate was
In 1une that yeai anothei tuining point foi the
web was ieached when the Mosaic biowsei was ie-
leased to the public. Oiiginally wiitten foi Unix, theie
weie Windows, Macintosh and Amiga veisions avail-
able by the end of the yeai. It was a moie elegant and
giaphical biowsei than had pieviously been available
- images weie shown in the text of websites, iathei
than in sepaiate windows. It set the tone foi the di-
iection of the web and piovided it with a massive
boost. Wiied magazine said in 1994 that it allowed
useis to "tiavel thiough the online woild along paths
of whim and intuition".
In 1989 |hc in|crnc| - a lobal svs|cm conncc|in compu|cr
nc|works - had bccn up and runnin lor scvcral vcars. Da|a
could bc scn| bc|wccn conncc|cd machincs rcardlcss ol |hcir
loca|ion. Bu| an cllcc|ivc wav |o makc i| all browscablc bv a
widc audicncc rcmaincd clusivc"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

I NSI CHT Waleed Akhtai

A| |ha| |imc Tim Bcrncrs-Lcc
was a compu|cr prorammcr
a| CLRN, |hc Luropcan Or-
aniza|ion lor Nuclcar Rc-
scarch. Hc was conccrncd bv
|hc lrcqucn| loss ol da|a lrom
scicn|ilic cxpcrimcn|s
Internet ceIebratea
ita 8iIver ]ubiIee
eading ICT seivice piovidei, Wateen Tele-
com successfully concluded its paiticipa-
tion in the event, Capacity Middle East
2O14, iecently held in Dubai, UAE.
Capacity confeiences hold a seiies of events
aiound the globe annually, focused on building a
multilateial platfoim foi biinging telecom compa-
nies togethei.
Now in its 9th yeai, Capacity Middle East 2O14
has developed into a highly iegaided global event
that unites leading inteinational caiiiei executives.
This yeai ovei 1O58 delegates fiom aiound 435 com-
panies attended the event, including top Middle
Eastein and Inteinational Caiiiei executives, to dis-
cuss ICT stiategies foi the iegion.
Wateen Telecom not only showcased its top-
notch netwoik that links Pakistan to inteinational
gates, but also its technical expeitise in the woild of
Wateen Telecom was iepiesented at the event by
1unaid Sheikh, CM Clobal Caiiiei Business Unit.
This avenue also piovided the ideal oppoitunity foi
the Wateen team to exploie and devise new busi-
ness oppoitunities within the caiiiei community in
collaboiation with top executives of leading opei-
atois and caiiieis fiom the iegion.
1unaid Sheikh, CM Clobal Caiiiei Business
Unit at Wateen Telecom said, "Capacity Middle
East was an excellent oppoitunity to exchange
ideas, build futuie paitneiships and to identify piof-
itable giowth oppoitunities within the iegion and
Wateen Telecom was delighted to be a pait of the
Oui commitment is to piovide oui giowing cus-
tomeis a ieliable and high quality seivice, which is
evident in oui constant upkeep with the most ad-
vanced netwoik technology," he fuithei added.
Va|ccn Tclccom no| onlv showcascd i|s |opno|ch nc|work |ha| links Pakis|an |o in|crna-
|ional a|cs, bu| also i|s |cchnical cxpcr|isc in |hc world ol |clccommunica|ions"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

I NSI CHT Ilaie Repoit

This vcar ovcr 1058 dclca|cs
lrom around 4`5 companics a|-
|cndcd |hc cvcn|, includin |op
Middlc Las|crn and In|crna|ional
Carricr cxccu|ivcs, |o discuss
ICT s|ra|cics lor |hc rcion
Wateen ahinea at Capacity ME 2014
he masses have expiessed fiustiation
and angei ovei the latest iaise of powei
taiiff by Rs 2.24 pei unit. It seems that
the piesent goveinment tiies its best
level to buiy the alive the masses and given electiic
shock till death.
The people had expected the PML (N) govein-
ment to piovide ielief but hopes had dashed to the
giound duiing the honeymoon peiiod one by one.
The 185 million people in the countiy weie beai-
ing the tyiannies. The piices of essential goods
had incieased many times duiing the last nine
Aftei appioval incieased in powei taiiff, Na-
tional Electiic Powei Regulatoiy Authoiity
(NEPRA) has incieased powei taiiff by Rs 2.24
pei unit. The notification in this iegaid was issued
by Nepia on Maich 25.
Nepia had appioved inciease in powei taiiff on
Maich 13 that would be chaiged undei monthly
fuel adjustment. The incieased taiiff would be
passed on to consumeis in the electiicity bills of
The Cential Powei Puichasing Agency (CPPA)
had iequested NEPRA to allow the inciease foi
the next billing month on account of highei gen-
eiation cost duiing the month of 1anuaiy this yeai.
What was inteiesting to note was that the Cen-
tial Powei Puichasing Agency (CPPA) had sought
a taiiff inciease of Rs2.19 pei unit, but the iegu-
latoi had incieased the piice by Rs2.24 pei unit.
The highei taiiff will be ieflected in the con-
sumei bills of Maich.
The cash-stiapped Pakistan Muslim League
(PML) goveinment of Piime Ministei Nawaz
Shaiif had piomised to implement all the IMI's
demands. Agieeing to the IMI's policy demands
was a majoi pait of Shaiif 's election piogiamme
to win the backing of global investois and Pak-
istani big business.
The Inteinational Monetaiy Iund (IMI) ap-
pioved a $6.64billion bailout loan to inciease Pak-
istan's foieign exchange ieseives and it ieleased
the fiist installment of loan woith $54O million
and second installment of loan $556 million to
The pievious Pakistani People's Paity (PPP)-
led goveinment obtained $11.3 billion fiom the
IMI in 2OO8 to aveit a balance of payments ciisis.
As the PPP failed to implement all the IMI's con-
ditions, the IMI withheld $3.7 billion, agieeing to
a new loan only aftei Shaiif publicly declaied he
was ieady to adheie to its policies. He took some
measuies, such as incieasing fuel piices, to con-
vince the IMI of his loyalty.
Inflation will iise due to devaluation of the
iupee and subsidy cuts and taxes will inciease the
cost of living unbeaiably, undei conditions wheie
the masses aie alieady living in diie poveity.
Twenty five peicent of Pakistanis live below a
poveity line of $1 pei day. Accoiding to a defini-
tion of poveity established by the United Nations
Development Piogiamme, which defines poveity
as being depiived of a numbei of key goods oi so-
cial needs, 49.4 peicent of Pakistanis live in
When the issue of electiicity shoitage ciopped
up in the 199Os, the authoiities opted to meet the
deficit by commissioning fuinace oil fiied theimal
powei stations. The pei unit cost of pioducing
electiicity by oil fiied stations is moie than double
than obtaining it fiom cheapei souices like hydio,
coal, natuial gas, synthetic gas, etc.
In Pakistan, till 199Os, eneigy geneiation was
a mix of two-thiids hydio and one-thiid theimal.
As the cost of hydio electiicity is much less, the
eneigy mix pievailing till mid-199Os, enabled the
goveinment to piovide electiicity to consumeis at
cheapei iates. Howevei, ill-planned commission-
ing of oil-fiied theimal stations in the late 199Os
diastically changed the eneigy mix to two-thiid
theimal and one-thiid hydio. The ieveisal of the
iatio of eneigy mix pushed-up the aveiage pei unit
cost of electiicity substantially. Heie a question
aiises why did the authoiities decide to opt foi oil-
fiied stations when electiicity could have been ob-
tained fiom cheapei souices!
Since oil-fiied theimal stations take less time
to commission, may be this factoi contiibuted to
the goveinment's decision to set up oil-fiied sta-
tions! Being unsustainable in the long iun, how-
evei, the decision to install oil-fiied powei stations
could have been a stop-gap aiiangement and not a
long-teim solution to the eneigy ciisis. But, con-
tinuous and piolonged ieliance on oil-fiied powei
stations has cieated multiple pioblems (including
the vice of ciiculai debt, taiiff hike, loadshedding,
ielocation of some industiial conceins to othei
countiies), negatively impacting the national econ-
omy and job situation in the countiy.
Even Iinance Ministei Ishaq Dai agiees that
the cuiient inflation and piice hike is mainly due
to inciease in inteinational fuel piices. In othei
woids, the mothei of the cuiient economic moiass
in the countiy is its too much ieliance on oil im-
poits. Howevei Dai claims: "The goveinment is
sensitive to the haidships of the people and is on
an aveiage pioviding a subsidy of aiound Rs2.2
billion eveiy month just to lessen the buiden of the
iise in fuel piices on the common man." But, in-
stead of holding those peisons accountable whose
bad policies and wiong decisions have led to this
ciisis, the goveinment is now punishing the peo-
ple by substantially iaising the electiicity taiiff at
a time when the citizens aie alieady gioaning
undei the weight of double digit inflation.
Al|cr approval incrcascd in powcr |arill, Na|ional Llcc|ric Powcr Rcula|orv Au|hori|v
(NLPRAi has incrcascd powcr |arill bv Rs 2.24 pcr uni|. Thc no|ilica|ion in |his rcard was
issucd bv Ncpra on March 25"
NLPRA had approvcd incrcasc
in powcr |arill on March 1` |ha|
would bc charcd undcr
mon|hlv lucl adus|mcn|. Thc
incrcascd |arill would bc passcd
on |o consumcrs in |hc clcc-
|rici|v bills ol March
A atrong eIectric ahock joIta maaaea
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Azhai 1aved I NSI CHT
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

TELEPEDI A Usman Yaqoob

t is shocking iepoit foi tech savvy that the auc-
tion of 3C oi 4C licenses to be auctioned on
Apiil 7 has been postponed and will be auction
on Apiil 23 while sealed bids will be submitted
to Pakistan Telecommunication Authoiity (PTA)
fiom Apiil 14. The goveinment will hold spectium
auctions on the given date because pievious and pies-
ent goveinments have given many timefiame in this
Iinance Ministei Ishaq Dai and Ministei of State
foi Infoimation Technology and Telecommunication
Anusha Rehman should take the notice of undue
delay of spectium auctions which losses million of iu-
pees pei day. Mostly people hold iesponsible to Min-
istiy of Infoimation Technology and
Telecommunication and Pakistan Telecommunication
Authoiity (PTA). They have just hold the meetings
but did nothing because elapsed of nine yeais people
of the countiy depiived of 3C technology. Tuikey,
Saudi Aiabia, Qatai and Spain aie inteiesting in bid-
ding of 3C/4C spectium auctions.
South Koiea, Ceimany, UK and 1apan aie using
5C mobile inteinet seivice, quick enough to download
a full length featuie film in less than a second but Pak-
istan would not launch 3C/4C. The Nawaz Shaiif
goveinment completed nine months in office but
failed to launch 3C/4C in Pakistan. Who is iespon-
sible of undue delay, it is big question maik to the pies-
ent goveinment.
Chief Executive Officeis (CEOs) of cellulai mo-
bile opeiatois met the Spectium Auction Advisoiy
Committee membeis and discussed theii suggestions
on the diaft Infoimation Memoiandum. They ob-
jected some points and ieseivation. The committee
consideied theii iecommendations foi inclusion in the
final Infoimation Memoiandum. CEOs cellulai mo-
bile opeiatois demanded the goveinment to accept
spectium fee and bank guaiantees in Pakistani iupees
and not in US dollais.
Although, the CEOs expiessed theii satisfaction
ovei the auction piocess and expiessed theii commit-
ment to piovide high quality 3C/4C seivices to the
people of Pakistan.
The goveinment is all set to launch long-awaited
auction of 3C/4C telecommunications licences by
Maich 2O14 but delayed and extended till Apiil 2O14,
in the hoping to geneiate $2 billion with the sale. The
decision was taken at a meeting of the Spectium Auc-
tion Licence Committee held in Islamabad chaiied by
Iinance Ministei Ishaq Dai.
Telenoi, Zong and Pakistan-based Mobilink have
alieady shown inteiest in bidding foi the 3C licences.
Pakistan is battling to oveicome macioeconomic piob-
lems thiough piivatisation of state-iun enteipiises and
a spate of fiscal-tightening measuies.
Ministei of State foi Infoimation Technology
Anusha Rehman also confiimed that the auction of
3C spectium will be completed soon.
3C system enhances the seivices such as multi-
media, high speed mobile bioadband, inteinet access
with the ability to view video footage on mobile hand-
set. Expeits say the launch of 3C seivices could assist
in minimizing the "digital divide" in Pakistan, a coun-
tiy being pooily seived by bioadband Inteinet seiv-
ices compaied to globally. Iinance Ministei,
Mohammad Ishaq Dai said that Pakistan Telecom-
munication Authoiity (PTA) should ensuie the best
inteinational standaids foi quality of seivice piovided
to the consumeis. He emphasized that the consumeis
should get state of the ait next geneiation mobile seiv-
ices in line with the inteinational best piactices.
He said this while chaiiing a meeting of the Spec-
tium Auction Advisoiy Committee at the Iinance
Ministiy, said a piess ielease issued heie.
Iinance Ministei emphasized that the whole
piocess should be completed with tianspaiency and
diligently and expiessed his satisfaction ovei the
piogiess. He expiessed the hope that PTA will con-
duct competitive auction foi deployment of next gen-
eiation mobile netwoik. PTA was also diiected by the
committee to launch a public awaieness campaign.
He concluded that with the intioduction of new
technology the local telecom industiy will benefit
fiom tiansfei of technology and useis will also have
new seivices and applications thiough the intioduc-
tion of mobile bioadband.
Chaiiman PTA Di Syed Ismail Shah biiefed the
Committee on the piogiess made so fai on the auc-
tion of 3C/4C licenses. He infoimed that the new
spectium will piovide incieased download speed and
multiple new applications will be available to the con-
sumeis, and will also geneiate employment oppoitu-
The meeting was also attended by Ministei foi Sci-
ence and Technology Zahid Hamid, Anusha
Rehman, MoS Infoimation Technology, Di. Waqai
Masood, Iinance Secietaiy, Secietaiy Ministiy of In-
foimation Technology, Ikhlaq Taiai and senioi offi-
cials of Ministiies of Infoimation Technology and
Meanwhile, Ministei of State foi Infoimation
Technology, Ms Anusha Rahman and Woild Bank
Countiy Diiectoi Rachid Benmessaoud Thuisday dis-
cussed mutual collaboiation, coopeiation and oppoi-
tunities to stiengthen the IT industiy in Pakistan.
She said she would welcome collaboiation and
technical assistance fiom the Woild Bank in the es-
tablishment of Technology Paiks on stiategic loca-
tions aiound the countiy.
Anusha Rahman said that hei objective was to
fuithei enhance the shaie of Pakistan's IT industiy
in the global aiena and numeious steps been taken
in this iegaid. She highlighted the acceleiated pio-
giam foi e-Coveinance implementation, Multipui-
pose Community Tele-centeis and entiepieneuiship
piogiams foi the youth. The Ministei of State foi IT
emphasized the need foi the establishment of the
state-of-the-ait Technology Paiks as being instiu-
mental to piomote collaboiation, digitization and
innovation in both tiaditional socio-economic sec-
tois and new emeiging technologies.
The Ministei appiised Benmessaoud steps to ac-
celeiate the giowth of IT and Telecom industiy in
Pakistan. She stated that Pakistan's IT industiy has
seen steady piogiess despite global iecessions and
iegional setbacks. The goveinment is pioviding a
complete package of incentives to the local IT in-
dustiy that weie foimulated aftei extensive discus-
sions with ielevant stakeholdeis. The Countiy
Diiectoi appieciated the effoits of the Ministiy of
IT undei hei leadeiship and stated that adoption of
Infoimation and Communication Technologies is
immensely impoitant foi the development of any
countiy as has been pioven thiough positive coiie-
lation between adoption of ICT and macioeco-
nomic indicatois.
The Countiy Diiectoi assuied that the Woild
Bank would actively look into pioviding technical
assistance to the Ministiy of Infoimation Technol-
ogy foi establishment of the state-of-the-ait Tech-
nology Paiks in Pakistan.
Sou|h Korca, Gcrmanv, IK and Japan arc usin 5G mo-
bilc in|crnc| scrvicc, quick cnouh |o download a lull lcn|h
lca|urc lilm in lcss |han a sccond bu| Pakis|an would no|
launch `G/4G. Thc Nawaz Sharil ovcrnmcn| complc|cd
ninc mon|hs in ollicc bu| lailcd |o launch `G/4G in Pakis|an.
Vho is rcsponsiblc ol unduc dclav, i| is bi qucs|ion mark |o
|hc prcscn| ovcrnmcn|"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

I NSI CHT Ismail Quieshi

Iinancc Minis|cr Ishaq Dar
and Minis|cr ol S|a|c lor Inlor-
ma|ion Tcchnolov and
Tclccommunica|ion Anusha
Rchman should |akc |hc no|icc
ol unduc dclav ol spcc|rum
auc|ions which losscs million ol
rupccs pcr dav
Tech-aavvy Iovera
ahocked again
obilink has set up the laigest cellulai
netwoik in the countiy with the best
voice and data seivices piovided to cel-
lulai useis of Pakistan foi 2 decades.
Mobilink has consistently invested in its netwoik
and ensuied that it will not only iemains the most
iobust netwoik of Pakistan but also the most well
spiead. Continuing with the commitment that Mo-
bilink made in Pakistan 2O yeais back, Mobilink has
iecently announced the completion date of its net-
woik modeinization foi a 3C-ieady netwoik.
Mobilink will complete the 3C ieadiness of its
netwoik of moie than 9OOO cell sites acioss the
countiy by 1une 2O14. The initiative was enabled
with investments by VimpelCom made on vaiious
fionts including netwoik modeinization and cus-
tomei ielationship management and has taken the
total investment in Pakistan to moie than $4.3 bil-
lion - the highest in Pakistan's telecom industiy. The
new netwoik is moie spectium-efficient and en-
hances the capacity foi optimum peifoimance. It
holds multiband capability and piovides best quality
ovei ieduced numbei of nodes. It is also enviion-
ment fiiendly and will function on up to 33% less
powei than its piedecessoi technology. The netwoik
modeinization will be completed by mid-2O14 and
will piovide seivice excellence and customei satis-
faction in both voice and data pioducts. This invest-
ment is gieat news foi customeis and fuithei evi-
dence of Mobilink's commitment to delivei the best
evei netwoik. Ioi consumeis, this is anothei im-
poitant step towaids the aiiival of oui 3C seivice
latei this yeai. It is also gieat news foi the countiy as
Mobilink has invested in vital national infiastiuctuie
that can help play an impoitant iole in suppoiting
giowth in the widei economy. Mobilink is woiking
haid to make theii netwoik even biggei, bettei and
fastei, so that customeis nevei miss a moment as
they continue to touch Hai Dil. Hai Din.
In oidei to celebiate this achievement, Mobilink
launched a majoi communication diive acioss main-
stieam TV, iadio, piint and social media to empha-
size the company's biggei, bettei and fastei netwoik
supiemacy so that theii customeis nevei miss a mo-
Thc modcrnizcd nc|work will
comprisc ol morc |han 9000 `G
rcadv ccll si|cs across Pakis|an
MobiIink roIIa out Pakiatan'a
Iargeat 3G ready network
Mobilink is workin hard |o makc |hcir nc|work cvcn bicr, bc||cr and las|cr, so |ha| cus-
|omcrs ncvcr miss a momcn| as |hcv con|inuc |o |ouch Har Dil. Har Din"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Ilaie Repoit TELEPEDI A
he goveinment piomotes compiessed
natuial gas (LPC) in automobile indus-
tiy as OCRA issued 4O licenses foi con-
stiucting LPC auto iefuelling stations
acioss the countiy.
The question is that aftei few months, the gov-
einment will ban the LPC foi automobile indus-
tiy when the people conveited theii vehicles into
LPC kits because the people have bittei expeii-
enced in this iespect when Nawaz Shaiif became
piime ministei in Novembei 199O and his gov-
einment had encouiaged setting up of CNC
pumps and waived off duties and taxes on impoit
of kits.
The goveinment launched CNC as an altei-
native fuel to ease on the massive oil impoit bills
but CNC was a veiy cheap fuel and the cash
staived people quickly switched to CNC and that
had been the iising tiend evei since until in the
pievious goveinment, it was ievealed with full in-
tent that the goveinment plans to shut down the
entiie CNC business as to battle the shoitfall and
fiistly, be able to piovide natuial gas to industiial
and domestic useis.
Although the LPC business foices have geaied
up to open LPC auto iefuelling stations countiy-
wide, with opening of fiist 15 outlets of the seiies
in thiee months.
"It is high time to clinch maiket when the gov-
einment finds it haid to piovide CNC to the sta-
tions to open LPC outlets and the same has been
line of thinking among the LPC maiket elements
and the initiative would help piovide cheapei and
enviionment fiiendly fuel to consumeis," LPC
distiibutois association chaiiman Iifan Khokhai
He said aiound 15 iefuelling stations would be
functional in thiee months and the numbei was
expected to iise to 5O outlets by diffeient compa-
nies, enabling consumeis to have access to envi-
ionment fiiendly fuel foi theii vehicles," he said.
Khokhai was of the view the initiative would
be encouiaged at official level, the goveinment
could not affoid to supply gas to the CNC sectoi,
which had no futuie in a countiy wheie domestic
consumeis weie suffeiing and powei shoitage was
hitting the masses haid.
"We have high hopes fiom goveinment to take
effective steps foi piovision of ielief to common
people by piomoting the LPC and encouiaging
to opening iefuelling stations, acioss the coun-
tiy," he obseived.
He said the LPC association would be fully
coopeiating with the goveinment by pioviding
woikable pioposals to it foi iesolving issues, foi
piomotion of LPC to extend ielief to consumeis
who weie alieady faced with high piices of daily-
use commodities.
Howevei, he called upon the goveinment to
take notice of fiequent iaises in piices of the
commodity to extend ielief to consumeis who
weie alieady oveibuidened with ciippling infla-
He said the Oil and Cas Regulatoiy Authoiity
(OCRA) should also play its iole by taking action
against the unethical foices in the LPC sectoi that
weie extiacting money thiough unjustified iaises.
He said the local pioduction's volume was ex-
panding with new supplies including 45O metiic
fiom a MOL field, which will be followed by an-
othei pioduction of 8O metiic ton fiom Sanjuio
field soon, he said.
He was of the view pioduction fiom seveial
othei fields weie also expected to be added to the
LPC maiket and the countiy's total pioduction
would go up by moie 53O metiic ton by 1une, this
Thus, with the massive local supply, the piice
of LPC would deciease fuithei, and in futuie no
question aiose about hiking piices of the com-
modity, he added.
He also appieciated the goveinment measuies
foi extending ielief to LPC consumeis, saying as
a iesult of the goveinment's piudent policies the
two majoi LPC pioducing companies- Oil and
Cas Development Company Limited (OCDCL)
and Pak Aiab Refineiy Company (PARCO) kept
theii base stock piices unchanged at Rs 75,OOO pei
ton foi this month.
The All Pakistan CNC Association (APCNCA)
said authoiities have hastened theii effoits to de-
stioy the Rs 45O billion CNC sectoi which is pio-
viding economical fuel to masses, cheap
tianspoitation to commuteis and jobs to millions.
Piime Ministei should take note of the situation
as conspiiacies aie being hatched to huit the sec-
toi which is contiibuting billions of iupees in
taxes and ieducing oil impoit bill as well as com-
bating pollution, said Chiyas Abdullah Paiacha,
Chaiiman Supieme Council APCNCA.
He said that CNC filling stations have been
closed in the aieas fiom wheie the iuling paity
got most of the votes while the aieas that sup-
poited paities othei than PML-N aie getting nat-
uial gas without inteiiuption.
Paiacha noted that SNCPL and ministiy of pe-
tioleum have been committing atiocities to bene-
fit some sectoi on the cost of tens of millions of
masses which is unacceptable.
Aftei wintei gone, the CNC stations would ie-
main open daily in Punjab fiom 1O am to 4 pm
fiom Apiil 1, while gas would be available on
Sundays fiom 6am to 12 am, announced Iedeial
Ministei foi Petioleum and Natuial Resouices
Shahid Khaqan Abbasi.
Talking to the media aftei a seminai by the All
Pakistan CNC Association, he said the countiy
had the best CNC industiy in the woild, which
the goveinment consideied it an impoitant stake-
holdei in the national development.
Al|houh |hc LPG busincss lorccs havc carcd up |o opcn LPG au|o rclucllin s|a|ions
coun|rvwidc, wi|h opcnin ol lirs| 15 ou|lc|s ol |hc scrics in |hrcc mon|hs"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

COMMERCE Ilaie Repoit

APCNGA said au|hori|ics havc
has|cncd |hcir cllor|s |o dcs|rov
|hc Rs 450 billion CNG scc|or
which is providin cconomical
lucl |o masscs, chcap |rans-
por|a|ion |o commu|crs and
obs |o millions
LPG weIcomea, CNG goodbye
heie is an easy way to check the oiiginality
of youi mobile phone and how to veiify
youi handset is oiiginal oi fake because all
details aie given and aftei ieading you can
easily undeistand all pioceduie.
Iake phones aie often piactically the same fiom
genuine ones, since they aie made with the intention
of misleading buyeis that they have the ieal pioduct
while fake pioduct aie made to look as close as pos-
sible like the ieal ones but have a twist, only notice-
able at closei look.
In Pakistani maiket, fake mobile business iatio in-
ciease day-by-day because when we puichase any
mobile phone then mostly we do not know how to
check mobile oiiginal oi fake and this is the ieason in
maiket bianded mobile phone available with biand
tags but inside ieal stoiy is they aie fake and not oiig-
inal it looks like bianded mobile. Today you can get
this inteiesting infoimation all pioceduie available foi
you and you can easily undeistand how to puichase
oiiginal mobile phone so iead it and stay with us. On
below side we give some featuies if you undeistand
all these featuies then you can moie cleai:
Check these features when handset purchased:
In fiist stage check mobile waiianties iemembei
bianded mobile give 12 month waiianty and othei
fake manufactuie not give you 12 month waiianty.
Check waiianty caid with date and signatuie of shop-
keepei also with shop stamp. Do not believe oial wai-
iant agieement because fake mobile sellei focus on
piofit and they foice you to get mobile with low piice
without any waiianty caid.
2nd step is when you puichase any bianded mo-
bile then check biand name Spelling because mostly
one woid add in oiiginal spelling and you cannot
check it if you puichase this face mobile then oiiginal
company not iesponsible give you waiianty claim.
Ioi exam if you puichase Nokia mobile then fake
mobile have Nokiia spelling mostly you cannot focus
on this. 3id step is if you want any mobile phone then
use it in details check memoiy stoiage, keypad, call
tune, iing tune if any mobile is fake then you face
some difficulties like slow speed etc. one impoitant
thing iemembei fake mobile sellei encouiage you to
puichase mobile without any checking they apply
many tiicks so do not tiap youiself.
4th step is check mobile appeaiances like logo
coloi, mobile body coloi, weight, scieen size batteiy
look and quality contiol Stickeis if any mobile fake
then minei change you can get so iemembei all these
Aftei all these featuies you can must get IMEI
numbei that numbei show you mobile quality but
IMEI code have few meaning so you can undeistand
all digit meaning that given below now befoie the we
give you one code dial this code thiough mobile key-
pad and get IMEI code:
Dial *#06#
Unlock you mobile phone if it lock type *O6
and piess dial button then you can get this code.
When you dial you can get code like this that
given below but not same it must be diffeient. The In-
teinational Mobile Station Equipment Identity oi
IMEI is a numbei usually unique to identify 3CPP
and iDEN mobile phones, as well as some satellite
phones. It is usually found piinted inside the batteiy
compaitment of the phone, but can also be displayed
on scieen on most phones by enteiing *O6 on the
dial pad oi alongside othei system infoimation in the
settings menu on smaitphone opeiating systems.
IMEI Cndc:
3 6 9 3 9 5 0 1 2 3 5 5 6 7 8
Those numbei in available in ied coloi that is 7th
and 8th digit both numbei have meaning and it show
youi mobile quality with manufactuied countiy
If these two digits aie OO then it means youi mo-
bile phone is manufactuies in Oiiginal Iactoiy that
means youi mobile quality is best.
If these two digits aie 13 it means youi mobile
phone is assembled in Azeibaijan and quality of mo-
bile is bad and it is haimful foi youi health.
If these two digits aie O2 oi 2O that means youi
mobile phone is assembled in Emiiates and mobile
quality is veiy pooi.
If these two digits aie O3, 3O, O4, 4O then it means
youi phone made in china and mobile quality is
If these two digits aie O5 oi 5O its means youi mo-
bile manufactuied in Biazil oi USA oi Iinland.
If these two digits aie O6 oi 6O it means youi mo-
bile phone manufactuied in eithei Hong Kong,
China oi Mexico.
If these two digits aie O8 oi 8O it means youi mo-
bile phone is manufactuied in Ceimany and quality
of youi mobile is faii not good.
Iakc phoncs arc ol|cn prac|icallv |hc samc lrom cnuinc oncs, sincc |hcv arc madc wi|h |hc
in|cn|ion ol mislcadin buvcrs |ha| |hcv havc |hc rcal produc| whilc lakc produc| arc madc |o
look as closc as possiblc likc |hc rcal oncs bu| havc a |wis|, onlv no|iccablc a| closcr look"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

TELEPEDI A Ilaie Repoit

Chcck warran|v card wi|h da|c
and sina|urc ol shopkccpcr
also wi|h shop s|amp. Do no|
bclicvc oral warran| arccmcn|
bccausc lakc mobilc scllcr lo-
cus on proli| and |hcv lorcc vou
|o c| mobilc wi|h low pricc
wi|hou| anv warran|v card
Tipa to buy originaI mobiIe
phonea and avoid fakea
aivaid Univeisity has ietained its num-
bei one spot on the Times Highei Ed-
ucation's woild ieputation ianking of
univeisities, with US institutions tak-
ing eight of the top 1O positions.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
and Stanfoid follow to make up the top thiee.
Cambiidge and Oxfoid aie both down one place
on last yeai's iankings which puts them in fouith
and fifth place iespectively. The Univeisity of Cal-
ifoinia, Beikeley, Piinceton, Yale, Califoinia Insti-
tute of Technology and the Univeisity of
Califoinia, Los Angeles takes the iemaining places
in the top 1O.
The US, with 46 institutions in the top 1OO, is
named as "undisputed supeipowei when it comes
to univeisity biands" by the cieatois of the list. In
the ielease, they also highlight what they call "woi-
iying evidence of ieputational decline among UK
As in the past with these iankings, the UK has
the second highest numbei of top 1OO iepiesenta-
tives and they've actually incieased since last yeai
- up one fiom nine in 2O13. But the Times Highei
Education aigue, the UK's oveiall showing has
woisened since 2O11, when it had 12 iepiesenta-
tives and wains of "polaiisation between the
'golden tiiangle' (London, Oxfoid and Cambiidge)
and the iest of the UK." Six London univeisities
make the top 1OO - moie than any othei city in the
Both Impeiial College and the London School
of Economics and Political Science (LSE) have
moved up a place, to 13th and 24th iespectively
while Univeisity College London (UCL) has
diopped five places to 25th. King's College Lon-
don is one of the most impioved institutions in this
yeai's tables, iising fiom the 61-7O band to joint
43id. The Univeisity of Edinbuigh iemains at 46th
position, while the Univeisity of Manchestei has
diopped fiom 47th in 2O13 to the 51-6O band. The
London Business School and the London School
of Hygiene and Tiopical Medicine aie both new
entiies to the list.
Commenting on the iankings, Bahiam
Bekhiadnia, piesident of the UK's Highei Educa-
tion Policy Institute, said: Civen the UK's size, this
suivey suggests we aie still punching above oui
weight as fai as ieseaich peifoimance is conceined:
at moie than foui times oui size, the US has only
aiound foui times the numbei of univeisities in the
top 1OO. What is woiiying though is the appaient
deteiioiation in the ieputation of a numbei of oui
univeisities. At a time when despite economic
pioblems otheis have sought to piotect theii ie-
seaich investment, we have seen a ieal-teims de-
cline, which could amount to ovei 2O pei cent in
1O yeais. We should expect oui ieseaich output to
follow: it is difficult to imagine why not.
"While ieputation suiveys do not tell you any-
thing objective about quality, they neveitheless do
ieflect visibility and awaieness by otheis of a uni-
veisity's activities: academics aie likely to be moie
awaie of those with whom they've iecently collab-
oiated, those with iecent ielevant aiticles and those
piesenting at confeiences. So a ieputation suivey
such as this is likely to be a haibingei of things to
come and a piedictoi of subsequent tiends.
The iankings also highlight a big impiovement
foi Ceimany which now has six univeisities iepie-
sented in the top 1OO - the thiid highest iepiesen-
tation in the list behind the US and the UK.
The annual woild ieputation iankings, a sub-
sidiaiy of the Times Highei Education woild uni-
veisity iankings, aie based on the iesults of the
Academic Reputation Suivey caiiied out by Ipsos
MediaCT foi Thomson Reuteis. The full method-
ology foi the iankings along with the individual
scoies by univeisity can be found on the Times
Highei Education site.
Heie aie some othei findings fiom the ielease:
Iive countiies aie iepiesented in the top 2O: the
US, UK, 1apan, Canada and Switzeiland and ovei-
all 2O countiies aie iepiesented in the top 1OO
The Univeisity of Tokyo at 11th place is the
highest ianking univeisity outside of the UK oi US
(down two places on last yeai's iankings).
Thiee institutions included in the ieputation
iankings fail to make the top 2OO of the Times
Highei Education Woild Univeisity Rankings:
Moscow State, Middle East Technical and So
King's College London is Euiope's biggest iisei
up fiom 61-7O to joint 43id.
Harvard has oncc aain |oppcd |hc Timcs Hihcr Lduca|ion`s
rcpu|a|ion rankin ol worldwidc univcrsi|ics, wi|h IS ins|i|u-
|ions |akin almos| hall ol all |hc placcs on |hc |op 100 lis|"
As in |hc pas| wi|h |hcsc rank-
ins, |hc IK has |hc sccond
hihcs| numbcr ol |op 100 rcp-
rcscn|a|ivcs and |hcv`vc ac|u-
allv incrcascd sincc las| vcar -
up onc lrom ninc in 201`
WorId'a top 100
univeraitiea 2014
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Umaii Munawai EXCLUSI VE
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

COVER STORY Zubaii Kasuii

Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

ndia and Pakistan electiicity deal may fi-
nally be on the hoiizon as Pakistan sub-
mitted a diaft powei tiade deal to India ie-
cently. The move comes amid iepoits that
Pakistan will imminently giant India most-fa-
voied nation (MIN) status and as the Woild
Bank confiims that it will finance the feasibility
study and tiansmission line foi implementing
the deal, which would see a tiansfei of 1,2OO
megawatts of eneigy fiom India to Pakistan.
Accoiding to goveinment souice cited by
Ilaie, "the Woild Bank has also offeied to fi-
nance a feasibility study along with the tians-
mission line to impoit 1,2OO MW powei fiom
India." Pakistan has piesented a diaft Memo-
iandum of Undeistanding (MoU) to the Indian
side duiing a iecent meeting in New Delhi, the
two sides have fuithei cooidinated technical
woiking gioups ieviewing the initial implemen-
tation phase of the deal. In the initial phase of
the deal, Pakistan would impoit 5OO MW fiom
India, to be enhanced to 1,2OO MW at a latei
Eneigy-staived Pakistan has been looking be-
yond its boideis to meet its eneigy needs. The
fate of a pipeline pioject with Iian that would
see the tiansfei of Iianian natuial gas to Pak-
istan has become incieasingly unceitain aftei
Iian cancelled a scheduled loan to Pakistan that
would allow it to complete the paits of the
pipeline that iun within its teiiitoiy. Pakistan
has also consideied impoiting 1,OOO MW of
electiicity fiom Tajikistan.
Stiategically, the deal would add an inteiest-
ing dynamic to the still enduiing iivaliy between
India and Pakistan, despite a ielative thaw in ie-
cent months. The 1,2OO megawatt Indian en-
eigy link would become an impoitant caiiot foi
any Pakistani civilian goveinment to pievent an
escalation of a militaiy conflict with India.
Civen Pakistan's inteinal eneigy situation, the
1,2OO megawatt inflow will be ciitical and can-
not simply be tuined off and ieplaced by othei
souices. India, foi its pait, could punish Pak-
istan foi seiious boidei violations oi unpiovoked
attacks using this mechanism as well.
The stiategic viability of leveiaging the elec-
tiicity tiansmission line as a geopolitical tool
also hinges on the level of tiade between the two
neighbois. India and Pakistan tiade ties have
significantly impioved since 1anuaiy, and the
Composite Dialogue Piocess between the two
neighbois is slated to iestait soon. Civen that
the completion of the eneigy pipeline is cui-
iently slated foi 2O16, tiade ties and the bilateial
peace piocess could make seiious advances in
the inteiim.
The Cabinet meeting had discussed the issue
foi almost an houi and most of the ministeis op-
posed the pioposal, paiticulaily its timing, and
said it would have a "negative symbolic impact"
at a time when India was taking steps to de-
piive Pakistan of its watei by building dams on
iiveis assigned to this countiy.
Moieovei, they said, it would be taken in
bad taste by the nation and influential quaiteis
as the Indian aimy chief had iecently confessed
to having killed Pakistani tioops on the Line of
Contiol and thieatened to do the same in case of
futuie violations of the LoC.
It was aigued that allowing the bilateial elec-
tiicity deal soon aftei ielaxation on tiade iela-
tions would piovide the opposition paities an
oppoitunity to gain public suppoit.
The two countiies had agieed to keep the
Wagah boidei opened foi 24 houis foi tiade and
iemove non-taiiff baiiieis.
Cabinet membeis like Iinance Ministei
Ishaq Dai and Watei and Powei Ministei
Khwaja Mohammad Asif spoke in favoui of the
electiicity impoit fiom India. Khwaja Asif was
of the opinion that technically it was quite a fea-
sible option.
The ciux of the two ministeis' aiguments
was that whatevei might be the pievailing cii-
cumstances, at the end of the day if the govein-
ment failed to ensuie powei supply to people it
would be politically difficult to face them.
Theiefoie, the goveinment should exploit all op-
tions to inciease powei supply iiiespective of its
Piime Ministei Nawaz Shaiif suppoited this
view and allowed the watei and powei ministiy
to go ahead with the signing of MoU between
Pakistani and Indian companies.
India expoited iaw cotton woith $27O mil-
lion to Pakistan duiing the peiiod, up by 313 pei
cent fiom last yeai. The expoit of man-made
yain incieased by 11O pei cent, plastic by 32
pei cent, cotton yains and fabiics by 222 pei
cent, petioleum by 6O8 pei cent and pulses by 3O
pei cent.
Similaily, impoit of gypsum fiom Pakistan
incieased by 957 pei cent, iaw cotton by 148 pei
cent and iaw wool by 99 pei cent.
"As pait of the iefoim of the tiade iegime, in
the pievious letteis of intent, the Pakistan have
said that they will seek as pait of this thiee
yeais piogiamme (with IMI) noimalisation of
tiade ielationship with India," said 1effiey
Iianks, IMI Mission Chief foi Pakistan, Middle
East and Cential Asia Depaitment.
Noimalisation of tiade ielations, he empha-
sised, does not mean just gianting the Most
Iavouied Nation status to India.
"It is question of opening of boidei ciossing,
eliminating non-taiiff baiiieis. It's a compie-
hensive appioach that the two countiies would
have to take to lowei both taiiff and non-taiiff
baiiieis. Cains could ceitainly be substantial
foi both countiies," he said.
His iemaiks came as the Inteinational Mon-
etaiy Iund ieleased its annual iepoit in which it
has ievised Pakistan's CDP giowth foiecast up-
waid slightly to 3.1 peicent fiom 2.8.
In a confeience call with iepoiteis, Iianks
said iecent studies have shown that theie would
be significant specific economic gains foi the
two countiies due to noimalisation of tiade ie-
lationship between India and Pakistan.
Pakistan plans to giant India Non-Disciimi-
natoiy Maiket Access (NDMA) status, a
nomenclatuie chosen by it to avoid political
iamifications of giving India the MIN status.
"In eveiy study the gains aie substantial foi
both countiies," he said.
Responding to questions, Iiank said Pak-
istan has not given any time fiame to this ie-
The oiiginal lettei of intent said this in the
context of tiade iefoims that it would woik to-
waids noimalisation of tiade ties with India,
he said.
"I do not think theie has been any develop-
ment since then ovei the last few months," he
Eailiei, in his assessment of the secuiity sit-
uation in Pakistan, in paiticulai extiemism,
Iiank said the countiies aiound the woild that
have substantial secuiity pioblems, theie is
cleaily significant economic effect that could be
suffeied by those countiies.
"We do considei that the woisening of the se-
cuiity situation in Pakistan is potentially, iela-
tively a potentially iisk factoi going foiwaid," he
Howevei, iefeiiing to the inteinational ex-
peiience, Iiank said it also shows that even
countiies suffeiing veiy seiious secuiity pioblem
can have sustained economic giowth if theii
economic policies aie iight and if they continue
to puisue theii economic policies consistently
ovei a peiiod of time.
"Regaidless of the secuiity condition, pui-
suing good economic policies would biing divi-
dend in long teim," he said.
The IMI cuiiently has a thiee yeai extended
fund facility with Pakistan, undei which IMI
has agieed to piovide USD 6.78 billion, the
thiid disbuisement of USD 555.6 million was
ieleased this week.
"The oveiall economic situation in Pakistan
Zubaii Kasuii COVER STORY
Thc |wo sidcs havc lur|hcr coor-
dina|cd |cchnical workin roups
rcvicwin |hc ini|ial implcmcn-
|a|ion phasc ol |hc dcal. In |hc
ini|ial phasc ol |hc dcal, Pakis|an
would impor| 500 MV lrom In-
dia, |o bc cnhanccd |o 1,200
MV la|cr in |hc s|ac
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

COVER STORY Zubaii Kasuii

is giadually impioving. We see indicatois of
giowth that aie ielatively stiong enough," Iiank
Ioi fiscal 2O14-15, giowth is foiecast to ac-
celeiate to about 3.7 peicent, and will continue
to acceleiate in the medium-teim as fiscal ad-
justment eases and stiuctuial iefoims help alle-
viate binding constiaints in the eneigy sectoi,
impiove efficiency, and enhance the investment
climate, the IMI iepoit said.
Inflation is piojected to hovei aiound 1O pei-
cent in the iemaindei of this fiscal yeai befoie
easing to aiound 5-7 peicent in futuie yeais.
The cuiient account deficit is expected to be
about 1 peicent of CDP.
Piessuies aie building on the goveinment to
weaken key aspects of its commitment to
bioaden the tax net and gieatei exchange iate
flexibility, the iepoit said.
Accoiding to the iepoit, Taliban-ielated vi-
olence has picked up in iecent weeks in diffeient
paits of the countiy, complicating public ad-
ministiation in some aieas.
"The PMLN-led national goveinment ietains
a stiong commitment to theii economic iefoim
piogiamme, but political iesistance is stiong,
paiticulaily to gieatei exchange iate flexibility
and to some difficult stiuctuial iefoims. The
authoiities also confiont challenges in theii ad-
ministiative capacity in caiiying out many com-
plex iefoims simultaneously," it said.
Pakistan has ieach natuial iesouices, if it ut-
lise piopeily than no need to expoit electiicity,
LPC, natuial gas. Coal is the only available in-
digenous and inexpensive alteinate eneigy ie-
souice, which has the potential to not only en-
suie self-sufficiency in eneigy sectoi but also
tuin Pakistan into a powei expoiting countiy.
Clobally, the coal component contiibutes 41 pei
cent in electiicity geneiation.
This was the upshot of the piesentation given
at a seminai on 'Coal-the futuie fuel of Pakistan
It was veiy unfoitunate that at a time when
the coal is extensively being used foi powei gen-
eiation all ovei the woild, in Pakistan it is undei
utilized despite the fact that the woith of Thai
coal ieseives is moie than oil ieseives in Saudi
Aiabia and Iian having a collective quantity of
appioximately 375 billion baiiels.
They also appieciated the Punjab govein-
ment foi giving incentives foi the establishment
of coal-fiied plants and expiessed the optimism
that the goveinment would ensuie one-window
opeiations foi the successful completion of Pun-
jab goveinment initiative. The policy incentives
like coal logistics thiough Pakistan Railways,
powei evacuation by National Tiansmission and
Dispatch Company and land acquisition by
Punjab goveinment would help attiact piivate
sectoi investment.
Coal expeit Asad Wasi said that Pakistan
was pioducing a veiy little poition of the total
electiicity being consumed when only two pei
cent of the Thai Coal can geneiate 2O,OOO MW
of electiicity foi next 4O yeais without a single
second of load-shedding, and one can well
measuie that how much eneigy Pakistan would
have on utilization of the entiie coal ieseive.
He said that moie than 32 countiies includ-
ing Ameiica, China, Austialia and Russia aie
piesently pioducing powei thiough coal while
the UK geneiates 16 pei cent shaie of electiic-
ity thiough coal, China 67 pei cent, Canada 24
pei cent and India 64.6 pei cent.
Coal gasification is a pioven technology foi
small scale pioduction and theie is no technical
ieason as to why it cannot succeed on a medium
to laige scale. We should suppoit those compa-
nies which aie spending money and time to find
a cost-effective way to geneiate electiicity.
He said that a numbei of industiies including
cement, steel, papei, textile, glass, ceiamic and
biick had alieady staited utilizing coal foi powei
geneiation but still theie was a ioom foi cieat-
ing awaieness about this gieat iesouice.
On the othei hand, the goveinment consideis
to legalise Diiect-To-Home (DTH) tiade with
India It is estimated that aiound thiee million
DTH connections in Pakistan and Indian busi-
nessmen eained aiound Rs 67 billion annually
via DTH seivices. The goveinment must legalise
DTH business in Pakistan and stop illegal
amount to India without any tax deduction.
Recently Pemia's spokespeison said: "The
fact that DTH will come to Pakistan does not
mean cable system will be demolished fiom
giass ioot levels. Both seivices will be employed
simultaneously by useis".
These Indian DTH seivices offei a total of
99 channels, out of which almost 5O aie foieign
news channels, while 35 otheis aie iegional In-
dian channels. Only 15 channels aie what Pak-
istanis get against such hefty investments.
The leadeis of Cable Opeiatois Association
of Pakistan, Abdul 1abai Khan, Chufian
Mustafa and otheis said that at least 3 million il-
legal Indian DTH systems sold in Pakistan
thiough which the banned Indian channels weie
being seen in the countiy.
They pointed out that India was eaining bil-
lions of iupees thiough these illegal DTH de-
vices. They said PEMRA (Pak Regulatoi) had
issued licences to cable opeiatois aftei they had
got themselves iegisteied with the goveinment,
but DTH/ Dish TV devices weie being illegally
sold in Pakistani maikets.
Pakis|an has rcach na|ural rc-
sourccs, il i| u|lisc accordinlv
|han no nccd |o impor| clcc-
|rici|v, LPG, na|ural as. Coal is
|hc onlv availablc indicnous
and incxpcnsivc al|crna|c cn-
crv rcsourcc, which has |hc
po|cn|ial |o no| onlv cnsurc
scll-sullicicncv in cncrv scc|or
bu| also |urn Pakis|an in|o a
powcr cxpor|in coun|rv
vei 5OO young aitists gatheied fiom dif-
feient paits of the countiy at Rawalpindi
6th Road iecently. These talented young-
steis painted theii thoughts on the city
walls expiessing theii feelings, theii stiength of
hope as being united, and expiession of theii ambi-
tions to add gieat value to Pakistan with theii con-
tiibutions as tiue Pakistani.
Thioughout the day, all the aitists woiked so
haid, eventually making city walls, not only beauti-
ful but glowing with the veiy positive social mes-
sages foi the public. Eveiy ait piece is an effoit and
a mastei piece in itself as it's somehow touching the
positive side of life. It was one of the laigest events
that took place in 2O14, which was all togethei, a
gieat demonstiation of Pakistani talent, closely and
nicely touching many social taboos along with the
message of hope and couiage. These youngsteis
colouied ovei 9O walls, coveiing appiox. 16OOft aiea
while the total aiea estimated coveied in the contest
was appiox. 39,OOO sq. ft.
The wall painting contest was the pait of Clow
Ciaffiti Contest phase-II which is suppoited by
Clow, the most loved cellulai youth biand of Pak-
istan that is always a step ahead in suppoiting the
young talents of Pakistan.
Theie aie ovei 4,OOO youngsteis paiticipating in
the contest fiom top 1OO univeisities and colleges
acioss Pakistan, coveiing 8OO canvases and 4OO walls
all togethei. Launched back in Dec'13, the contest
has successfully completed its phase1 and this wall
painting contest is the fiist laigest event of phase 2
which will also move to othei paits of the countiy.
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Ilaie Repoit TELEPEDI A
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

EVENT Ilaie Repoit

henOne, the pioneei in lifestyle and fash-

ion, put its best foot foiwaid once again
with its exclusive fashion show iecently.
This mega event biought the fashion ietail
chain foiwaid with exhibits that instantly clicked
with the ciowd as countiy top models walked down
the iamp. The iange included summei 2O14 collec-
tion. The collection was edgy and highly fashion
fiiendly. Moieovei, it also exhibited ChenOne's daz-
zling line of Pie End and Paieesa, CiCi, Pietty Iit
and Bonita.
The show was well attended by people fiom
acioss boaid. The who's who of the town gatheied
to watch the latest tiends in fashion being offeied by
ChenOne. Ambassadois including 1espei Mollai
Soiensen, the Danish Ambassadoi, Mian Habibul-
lah fiom the Cypius Consulate and Clemens Pieben
CEO Pie End also biaced the event with theii pies-
ence. Celebiities and socialites weie all piesent and
added the iight spice to make the event a suie shot
The CEO of ChenOne Mian M. Kashif Ashfaq
stiessed that such event aie a bieath of fiesh aii and
ChenOne would keep exhibiting its best woiks so
that people fiom all ovei Pakistan can stay in tune
with the latest tiends in inteinational fashion. He
fuithei stiessed that ChenOne stands foi quality and
the whole chain would keep pioviding excellence.
The inteinational biands intioduced in the fashion
show aie a tiue testimony of the ChenOne. The
show as a mega success and we hope to see
ChenOne biing even moie such events fiom the
countiy in the futuie.
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

COMMERCE Ilaie Repoit

he exhibition of Livestock, Daiiy, Iish-
eiies, Poultiy and Agiicultuie held at
Kaiachi Expo Centei, Kaiachi iecently.
Onduline Aviasya, A.S Tuikey, the woild
leadei in cellulo-mineial and bitumen based ioofing
and siding sheets, actively paiticipated in the exhibi-
tion. Onduline piesented Onduline HR ioofing
sheets and Onduvilla ioofing tiles. The laige numbei
of visitois showed keen inteiest and placed oideis foi
daiiy and poultiy ioof sheds. Onduline ioofing sheets
aie heat pioof, sound pioof, watei pioof, lightweight,
iesistance to UV iays, easy installation pioceduie.
As a iesult of continuous ieseaich and develop-
ment activities, Onduline Aviasya, A.S Tuikey keeps
the piinciple of seiving the maiket by offeiing a laige
but innovative iange, made of complementaiy piod-
ucts common with each othei.
System OnduIIne HR
The main component of Onduline Roofing Sys-
tem is the Onduline HR ioofing sheet. The Onduline
HR (High Resistance) sheets aie manufactuied using
oiganic fibeis which aie being impiegnated with bi-
tumen and pie-pigmented with a special iesin. The
paint is impiegnated into the sheet togethei with iesin
by employing a special technique to ensuie the On-
duline HR colois ietain theii oiiginal chaiacteiis-
tics even undei extiemely seveie conditions.
System OnduvIIIa
Onduvilla is a lightweight ioofing mateiial pio-
viding a ioof textuie similai to tiles oi shingles. It
is manufactuied fiom bitumen satuiated oiganic
fibeis undei intense piessuie and heat. Its mateiial
composition is identical to Onduline ioofing sheets
which aie manufactuied with "High Resistance"
technology and in compliance with the Euiopean
Noim EN 534.
eal estate has been a hot cake foi yeais
in Pakistan and still it has the potential
to make a big change in oveiall develop-
ment activities. It is estimated that ovei
US$ 3 billion investment is being made by local
and foieign investois in the countiy, specially the
oveiseas Pakistanis.
The Hashoo Cioup, a giant in domestic hos-
pitality industiy and now keen to highlight them-
selves with the same place in the Real Estate
sectoi. "Peail Real Estate Holdings Piivate Lim-
ited" looks aftei the iesidential and commeicial
ieal estate development of the gioup. The most
impoitant tiait of PREH is that they aie focusing
on the small cities iathei than the tiaditional ovei-
ciowded uiban centeis.
Now-a-day's ieal estate industiy is on boom
with housing needs incieasing with changing so-
cial and demogiaphic dynamics. The ioadmap foi
Peail Real Estate holdings is quite inteiesting by
buckling the old tiend of housing schemes in the
"Ilaie" got a chance to talk with Ali Zubaii,
geneial managei opeiation of Peail Real Estate
Holdings Piivate Limited to know moie about the
activities and philosophy of the company in de-
Duiing the inteiview Ali Zubaii told that
Hashoo Cioup is one of the top investoi gioups in
Pakistan and still planning to do maivels thiough
its well thought and well planned investment in
the countiy to make a socio-economic change in
geneial. "We aie focusing on geneiating the eco-
nomic activities within the piemises of the pioj-
ect, so that the oveiall economy of the cities can
also impiove." Ali Zubaii added.
Cuiiently undei Peail Real Estate Holdings
Piivate Limited, PC Hotel commeicial towei,
community centei and modein iesidential villas
aie being constiucted in Multan in the name of
Peail City. Total 31O villas will be completed until
1une this yeai. This pioject will set a milestone foi
othei piojects with woild class facilities and mod-
ein life style. This pioject is shaping up at a vast
pace and a land of ovei 5O acies. The concept
and design woik is being completed undei
ienowned aichitects and engineeis with ovei
decades of expeiience woildwide.
Suiveys aie being conducted foi the iest of the
cities and papeiwoik has been initiated in few
cases. The company is dedicated to piovide simi-
lai facilities to all cities and will modify its plans
accoiding to the demogiaphics and individual
needs. We aie a pait of Hashoo Cioup and oui
piimaiy concein is to delivei on oui commitments
to the people. PREH is undeitaking all the con-
stiuction qualities as pei inteinational standaid
which makes us diffeient fiom otheis.
Peail Real Estate Holdings Piivate Limited is
also woiking to open a new bianch of Hotel -One
which will be a new chain of hospitality by HC.
This chain will have ovei 25 Hotels in the countiy
till the end of 2O15.
He told that we aie also planning modein ies-
idential societies in small cities like Rahim Yaai
Khan, Bhawalpui, Muiiee, Abbottabad, Miipui
A1K. We aie also planning to build a 2OO ioom
PC hotel in Miipui A1K. We will be soon in Cu-
jianwala, Abbottabad, Sakaidu, Sahiwal and
Muiiee in the shape of Hotel One and some
new iesidential schemes.
Hashoo Cioup wants to make a social-eco-
nomic change in these cities and piovide jobs to
local with woild class iesidential piojects. This
will also extend the tiust of oui millions of cus-
tomeis, he added.
Diiectoi Pioject, Peail Real Estate Holdings
Piivate Limited Mi. Aatif Masood told The Ilaie
that all these piojects aie being completed on
woild standaid with veiy good design and well
planning. We have ienowned engineeis at oui
seivices and this will make oui pioject a distin-
guish position and populai among masses.
Thc Hashoo Group, a ian| in domcs|ic hospi|ali|v indus|rv wan|s |hc samc placc in |hc Rcal
Ls|a|c scc|or. Pcarl Rcal Ls|a|c Holdins Priva|c Limi|cd" looks al|cr |hc rcsidcn|ial and
commcrcial rcal cs|a|c dcvclopmcn| ol |hc roup."
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Ilaie Repoit I NTERVI EW
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

COMMERCE Ilaie Repoit

amsung Electionics Company Ltd., a
global leadei in technology has appointed
MRM Tiadeis as its official distiibutoi foi
the south iegion in Pakistan (Sindh and
Balochistan) foi consumei electionics.
Samsung Electionics is a leading innovatoi in
technology, continually evolving its pioducts fiom
TVs, smaitphones, peisonal computeis, piinteis,
cameias, home appliances, medical devices, and
LED solutions. The excellence that is demanded
fiom a fiont line company such as Samsung is of
gieat impoitance foi MRM Tiadeis who will con-
tinue to delivei this excellence with its unpaial-
leled vision and passionate team.
CEO Mohammed Rauf Moosa's immaculate
vision and dynamic style leads MRM Tiadeis
with moie than a decade of expeiience in the elec-
tionics industiy with an exceptional tiack iecoid
foi excelling the industiy noim and geaiing the in-
dustiy foi a moie valuable and piogiessive futuie.
MRM Tiadeis will distiibute Samsung's most
famous home appliances and TV's, including the
UHD TV with ciystal-cleai display and sensa-
tional cuived OLED scieen, an innovation in cin-
ematic enteitainment. Customeis will cash fiom
the pioficiency of sales teams to choose the iight
home appliances foi theii needs, which will in-
clude washing machines, iefiigeiatois (side by
side, top mount), vacuum cleaneis, aii-condition-
eis, miciowave ovens etc. Customeis will also
benefit fiom the expeitise of piofessional aftei
sales seivices with a netwoik of moie than 15
seivice centeis in the south iegion, making suie
customei delight is given utmost impoitance.
The collaboiation of Samsung Electionics
with MRM Tiadeis is an exciting new ventuie
into the challenging but evei-giowing Electionics
industiy within Pakistan. A milestone in a seiies
of achievements, MRM's bioadly expeiienced
team is piepaied to delivei and exceed expecta-
tions to fulfill customei needs and enhance sales
with piofessionalism and dedication.
Samsun Llcc|ronics is a lcadin innova|or in |cchnolov, con|inuallv cvolvin i|s prod-
uc|s lrom TVs, smar|phoncs, pcrsonal compu|crs, prin|crs, camcras, homc applianccs,
mcdical dcviccs, and LLD solu|ions"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

EVENT Ilaie Repoit

CLO Mohammcd Raul
Moosa's immacula|c vision and
dvnamic s|vlc lcads MRM
Tradcrs wi|h morc |han a
dccadc ol cxpcricncc in |hc
clcc|ronics indus|rv wi|h an cx-
ccp|ional |rack rccord lor cx-
ccllin |hc indus|rv norm and
carin |hc indus|rv lor a morc
valuablc and prorcssivc lu|urc
8amaung aeIecta MRM to booat
buaineaa in aouth region
onveiged communication seivices
piovidei, Wateen Telecom once again pio-
vided inteinet connectivity by deploying
high speed Wi-Ii hotspots at 2nd Lahoie
Liteiaiy Iestival (LLI). The second LLI was held at
the Alhamia Aits Complex with endeavois to ievi-
talize the spiiit of ait and cieativity in Lahoie. Ap-
pioximately aiound 5O,OOO visitois attended the
thiee-day festival.
Wateen Telecom continues its suppoit foi the fes-
tival and Lahoie's ievival as Pakistan's cultuial capi-
tal piovided guests and visitois at the event with
non-stop high-speed wiieless bioadband. Moie than
65,OOO visitois attended thiee-day festival and about
5,OOO visitois and guests used Wateen Telecom's fiee
nonstop high-speed wiieless bioadband to download
and upload content at the Alhamia Aits Complex.
Commenting on Wateen's involvement with the
Iestival, Chief Executive Officei (CEO) Wateen Tele-
com Naeem Zamindai said: "The second Lahoie Lit-
eiaiy Iestival was an excellent event foi all of us
especially foi the people of Lahoie and I believe it
was a huge success. All of us weie lucky enough to at-
tend some amazing sessions on liteiatuie, cultuie, his-
toiy and ait. We at Wateen Telecom aie delighted
that we piovided much needed inteinet to those who
attended the Iestival by enabling them to blog, tweet,
post pictuies and shaie videos fiom the festival with
theii fiiends, loved ones, and eveiyone acioss the
Morc |han 65,000 visi|ors a||cndcd |hrcc-dav lcs|ival and abou| 5,000 visi|ors and ucs|s uscd
Va|ccn Tclccom`s lrcc nons|op hih-spccd wirclcss broadband |o download and upload con|cn|"
CLO Va|ccn Tclccom Naccm
Zamindar said wc arc dclih|cd
|ha| wc providcd much nccdcd
in|crnc| |o |hosc who a||cndcd
|hc Ics|ival bv cnablin |hcm |o
blo, |wcc|, pos| pic|urcs and
sharc vidcos lrom |hc lcs|ival
wi|h |hcir lricnds, lovcd oncs,
and cvcrvonc across |hc lobc
Wateen free Wi-Fi at LLF brought
joya to viaitora
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Ilaie Repoit I NSI CHT
akistan Telecommunication Authoiity
(PTA) has appioved the allocation of Te-
lenoi 9.92 million numbeis foi its 3C cel-
lulai mobile seivices in Pakistan, Azad
1ammu and Kashmii and Cilgit Baltistan.
Telenoi Pakistan had applied foi numbei allo-
cations in piefix O34O in 1anuaiy 2O14 while Pak-
istan Telecommunication Authoiity (PTA) has
allocated on Maich 25.
Telenoi Pakistan announced that its all 7,5OO
cell sites aie ieady foi 3C as this upgiadation
would help iesolve seivice quality ielated com-
The opeiatoi claimed that it is seiving its cus-
tomeis with one of the most modein netwoiks
available in the woild, Chief Technology Officei,
Telenoi Pakistan Cyoigy Kollei said.
He explained the scope of swap and mentioned
that company's entiie netwoik (including moie
than 7,5OO cell sites, MSCs, tiansmission tianspoit
netwoik including miciowave, fibei equipment, all
the coie-netwoik elements like HLR, VLR, mobile
switches, media gateways, packet-switch coie ele-
ments, value added platfoims like iing-back tones
and otheis, all the opeiating suppoit systems that
manages, monitois and contiols the netwoik) weie
ieplaced with end-to-end IP netwoik.
"Aftei this netwoik upgiadation, Telenoi hopes
that all - oi at least majoiity of - seivice quality ie-
lated complaints will get iesolved," he said.
He emphasised that upgiadation of netwoik
was piimaiily aimed at impioving customeis ex-
peiience to achieve 3C/4C ieadiness and to get
moie gieenei netwoik with lessei eneigy con-
sumption and ievealed that netwoik quality ie-
lated KPIs have alieady shown positive tiends.
Cyoigy Kollei said Telenoi's entiie netwoik is
3C ieady, howevei, minoi upgiadation at coie
level is iequiied to get 4C deployments done.
When asked that how many sites will go 3C
aftei the license will be auctioned in Apiil, the
CTO said this is something that would depend on
vaiious factois including cost of license, maiket
dynamics, customeis uptake, license obligations
and management decisions.
Cyoigy Kollei - who is company's CTO foi last
thiee yeais, said Telenoi's upgiaded netwoik con-
sumes 25 pei cent lessei eneigy than the pievious
He said that this is especially beneficial foi a
maiket like Pakistan wheie eneigy ciisis ieaches
its peak with 14-2O houis of powei cut in a day
duiing summeis.
Hinting about the magnitude of the pioject,
Cyoigy said that this was one of the biggest, most
complex and most difficult swap within Telenoi
Cioup's histoiy.
Howevei, the entiie swap pioject - which was
challenging in vaiious ways - was completed in
iecoid duiation of 13 months.
The entiie cellulai netwoik with moie than
21,OOO elements weie upgiaded and ieplaced with
33 million live customeis and without a single day
of down-time.
When asked that how does Telenoi iespond to
ciiticism foi selecting ZTE ovei Euiopean netwoik
vendois, the CTO said that he has facts to piove
the nicety of the decision and explained that two
of the Chinese infiastiuctuie vendois aie amongst
the best in the woild and this can be seen by visit-
ing theii pioducts in peison.
He said that quality, futuie ieadiness, modei-
nity and KPIs of ZTE infiastiuctuie cannot be
About his opinion of having moie than one in-
fiastiuctuie vendoi on-boaid at a time, Cyoigy
said that idea of woiking with two vendois in pai-
allel was populai duiing eaily days of cellulai de-
ployments foi continuous competition. Howevei,
in cuiient days oi in maikets like Pakistan it is ex-
tiemely expensive to opeiate with two netwoik
vendois due to economy of scale and the scope of
woik iequiied to get done in cuiient-day netwoiks.
Cyoigy confiimed that Telenoi has fuithei
plans to expand its netwoik and believed that Pak-
istani maiket is still giowing and theie aie un-
tapped iegions - with 25 pei cent population and
5O pei cent geogiaphical locations uncoveied -
wheie Telenoi is consistently iolling out cell-sites
to get moie customeis.
He said that this need foi new sites will also in-
ciease with intioduction of next-geneiation li-
censes, adding that 3C netwoik gives 1O-2O Mbps
speeds pei base station while 4C netwoik gives
1OO-2OO Mbps speeds pei base station.
Now as the numbei of customeis on 3C and
4C netwoiks would inciease - within a base sta-
tion - theie would emeige the need of adding moie
base stations in that paiticulai aiea.
Cyoigy said that majoi netwoik optimization
ielating to swap has been completed, howevei, con-
tinuous optimization is an on-going piocess that
may caiiy-on till the life-cycle of the netwoik.
Thc opcra|or claimcd |ha| i| is scrvin i|s cus|omcrs wi|h onc ol |hc mos| modcrn nc|works
availablc in |hc world."
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

TELEPEDI A Ilaie Repoit

Tclcnor Pakis|an had applicd
lor numbcr alloca|ions in prclix
0`40 in Januarv 2014 whilc
Pakis|an Tclccommunica|ion
Au|hori|v (PTAi has alloca|cd
on March 25
PTA aIIocatea TeIenor numbering
of aeriea for 3G
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

EVENT Ilaie Repoit

s pait of its on-going diive to fuithei

stiengthen business ielation with ie-
taileis and distiibutois, Nokia Pak-
istan has aiianged a get togethei in
Lahoie at a local hotel.
Hundieds of ietaileis and distiibutois
acioss the Punjab attended the event and shaie
theii obseivations and expeiiences iegaiding
Nokia's pioducts and seivices.
Nokia Pakistan piesented attiactive piizes
thiough a lucky diaw to the paiticipants. Re-
tail paitneis weie also biiefed about the com-
pany's business stiategy, futuie pioduct
offeiings, and emphasis on customei centiic
Countiy Head, Nokia Pakistan Mobile
(Pvt) Ltd, Aiif Shafique and othei senioi offi-
cials also spoke on the occasion
okia's new affoidable smaitphone, Nokia
X, based on the Andioid open souice pioject
launched in Pakistan. The device is pait of the
new Nokia X family of smaitphone, unveiled
at the Mobile Woild Congiess in Baicelona in
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Ilaie Repoit EVENT
he ioll out of the
next-geneiati on
mobile inteinet
seivices will
change a lot foi eveiyone
even the common man. But
its biggest impact would be
on smaitphone sales in the
countiy. It is undeistood
that once the 3C seivice
kicks off in Pakistan, smait-
phone penetiation is likely
to inciease with its sales
also going highei.
United Mobile Diiectoi
Ejaz Hussain ievealed that
cuiiently smaitphones foim
less than a fifth of the com-
pany's monthly impoits but
the numbei will go up.
"Only 15% of oui
monthly mobile phone im-
poits aie smaitphones. This
numbei can inciease by
5O% within a yeai once 3C
seivice is available in the
countiy," Hussain told The
Expiess Tiibune.
The iollout of 3C tech-
nology, Hussain says, will
piovide a stiong boost to
Pakistan's smaitphone mai-
ket. Since the maiket
laigely iemains untapped,
he says eveiy single playei
will benefit fiom this tech-
nology. The countiy's smaitphone maiket is only
15% of the mobile industiy but it is giowing iap-
idly. With a couple of opeiatois ieady to launch
the seivice shoitly aftei the auction of the 3C
spectium due next month the demand foi
smaitphones is likely to shoot up. It is, peihaps,
this positive outlook that United Mobile, which
had been one of the countiy's majoi distiibutois
foi Nokia, launched its own smaitphone iecently.
The optimism of mobile phone makeis ahead
of the spectium auction is also ieflected in the
countiy's telecom impoits. Mobile phone impoits
foi the month of Iebiuaiy, 2O14 the latest
month foi which data was publicly available in-
cieased 2O% to Rs6 billion compaied to Rs5 bil-
lion in Iebiuaiy, 2O13.
Mobile phone makeis opeiating in the coun-
tiy including QMobile, Nokia, Huawei, Voice and
C'Iive have incieased theii maiketing expendi-
tuie manifold, while iunning aggiessive adveitis-
ing campaigns to inciease theii maiket shaie.
"We aie investing heavily in the Pakistani mai-
ket in the coming yeais," said Huawei's Head of
Maiketing Iaiaz Malik Khan. "I believe that aftei
the launch of 3C it will be an exponential giowth.
We have conducted smaitphone penetiation ie-
seaich in Pakistan and the iesults aie fantastic."
Nokia Pakistan, which once dominated the
countiy's mobile phone maiket, has also been ac-
tive in an attempt to iegain its maiket shaie. Last
month, the Iinnish mobile phone makei launched
two phablets a mobile device that combines the
functions of a mobile phone and a tablet. The
company is all set to launch its fiist evei Andioid-
poweied smaitphone latei this month as well.
"The 3C technology will give the iequiied
boost to the Pakistan's telecom industiy," Countiy
Ceneial Managei foi Nokia Pakistan and
Afghanistan Aiif Shafique said. "It is only the
next, natuial step foi the Pakistani maiket to be-
come 3C-enabled. This would make the Pakistani
mobile phone useis feel moie empoweied when
using theii smaitphones."
Publicly available data shows mobile phone
impoits by value and not by units, making it dif-
ficult to figuie out company-wise impoits and
maiket position of each playei.
Howevei, maiket souices said that Pakistan's
monthly mobile phone impoits aie between 2 to 3
million units aiound 85% of these handsets aie
basic and featuie phones and only 15% can be cat-
egoiised as smaitphones. The estimates aie based
on the tax ieceipts of the Iedeial Boaid of Rev-
enue, souices say.
Besides legal impoits,
industiy souices say that up
to 15O,OOO mobile phones,
including high-end biands
like iPhones and BlackBei-
iys entei the countiy
thiough the giey (illegal)
While mobile compa-
nies iefiain fiom disclosing
theii impoit volumes,
souices said that QMobile
is the laigest impoitei with
neaily a million units fol-
lowed by Nokia Pakistan
that impoits up to 4OO,OOO
mobile phones each month.
Among othei biands, in-
dustiy souices say Samsung
impoits up to 1OO,OOO mo-
bile phones on aveiage,
Voice Mobile impoits
aiound 2OO,OOO and
Huawei Technologies Pak-
istan impoits up to 4O,OOO
mobile phones. Huawei im-
poits only smaitphones.
Though the bieakdown
of impoited units gives
some idea of the maiket's
cuiient position, it will be
too eaily to piedict as to
which company will benefit
the most once 3C is avail-
QMobile aiguably the highest-selling smait-
phone biand has ceitainly established a biand
name duiing the last few yeais but the smait-
phone maiket is still in its infancy, say industiy
souices. The local smaitphone maiket piovides
enough ioom foi giowth to eveiy playei. About
15 million people access inteinet thiough mobile
phones but many of them use featuie phones,
they say.
Smaitphones weie once out of ieach foi most
of the Pakistani mobile phone useis. Howevei, the
advent of new companies that have ieached a
widei maiket by playing on piice, the competition
has iisen.
United Mobile Diiectoi Hussain said the com-
pany offeiing the best combination of piice and
quality would stand out with the laigei maiket
shaie, insisting that smaitphones woith $1OO oi
below aie likely to help in this iegaid.
Ccurtcsy. Thc Exprcss Trtbunc
Thc coun|rv`s smar|phonc markc| is onlv 15 ol |hc mobilc indus|rv bu| i| is rowin
rapidlv. Vi|h a couplc ol opcra|ors rcadv |o launch |hc scrvicc shor|lv al|cr |hc auc|ion
ol |hc `G spcc|rum"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

TELEPEDI A Ilaie Repoit

Mobilc phonc makcrs opcra|-
in in |hc coun|rv includin
QMobilc, Nokia, Huawci,
Voicc and G`Iivc havc in-
crcascd |hcir markc|in cxpcn-
di|urc manilold, whilc runnin
arcssivc advcr|isin campains
|o incrcasc |hcir markc| sharc
TechnoIogy adoption: 8martphonea
to become the need of the hour
acebook Chief Executive (CEO) Maik
Zuckeibeig blasted the US goveinment's
electionic suiveillance piactice, saying
he'd peisonally called Piesident Baiack
Obama to voice his displeasuie.
"When oui engineeis woik tiielessly to im-
piove secuiity, we imagine we'ie piotecting you
against ciiminals, not oui own goveinment,"
Zuckeibeig said in a post on his peisonal Iace-
book page.
"I've called Piesident Obama to expiess my
fiustiation ovei the damage the goveinment is cie-
ating foi all of oui futuie. Unfoitunately, it seems
like it will take a veiy long time foi tiue full ie-
foim," the 29-yeai-old Zuckeibeig continued.
The phone call and Zuckeibeig's 3OO-woid
missive came amid a seiies of ievelations about
contioveisial goveinment suiveillance piactices
that weie leaked by foimei National Secuiity
Agency contiactoi Edwaid Snowden.
"The piesident spoke with Maik Zuckeibeig
about iecent iepoits in the piess about alleged ac-
tivities by the US intelligence community," a
White House official said.
The official declined fuithei comment and ie-
feiied to the National Secuiity Agency's statement
ieleased saying iecent media iepoits that allege the
NSA has infected million of computeis aiound the
woild malwaie and that the NSA is impeisonating
US social media oi othei websites aie inaccuiate.
Iacebook, which opeiates the woild's No. 1 In-
teinet social netwoik with 1.2 billion useis, de-
clined to comment beyond Zuckeibeig's post.
Seciet documents published on news website
The Inteicept on Wednesday showed that the NSA
impeisonated Iacebook web pages in oidei to
gathei infoimation fiom taigets. When those peo-
ple thought they weie logging into Iacebook, they
weie actually communicating with the NSA. The
agency then used malicious code on the fake page
to bieak into the taigets' computeis and iemove
data fiom them.
Last yeai, Iacebook moved to enciypt all its
pages, making such impeisonation moie difficult.
Pievious media iepoits based on leaked Snow-
den documents detail how the goveinment may
have tapped into communications cables that link
data centeis owned by Coogle Inc and Yahoo Inc,
inteicepting usei data without the companies'
knowledge oi coopeiation. "The US goveinment
should be the champion foi the inteinet, not a
thieat. They need to be much moie tianspaient
about what they'ie doing, oi otheiwise people will
believe the woist," Zuckeibeig said in his post.
Meanwhile, Twittei also thieatened to launch a
legal battle with Obama administiation ovei gag
oideis that pievent it fiom disclosing infoimation
about suiveillance of its useis.
The statement puts Twittei at odds with othei
technology giants including Coogle, Miciosoft,
Yahoo, and Iacebook, who all stiuck a deal with
the goveinment last month to diop theii lawsuits
in exchange foi loosei seciecy iules.
"We think the goveinment's iestiiction on oui
speech not only unfaiily impacts oui useis' piivacy,
but also violates oui Iiist Amendment iight to fiee
expiession and open discussion of goveinment af-
faiis," 1eiemy Kessel, Twittei's managei of global
legal policy, wiote in a blog post.
He said the company has piessed the 1ustice
Depaitment foi gieatei tianspaiency and is also
"consideiing legal options we may have to seek to
defend oui Iiist Amendment iights."
Coogle, Miciosoft, Yahoo, and Iacebook all
sued the 1ustice Depaitment last yeai, saying theii
iights weie being violated by legal oideis baiiing
them fiom ievealing statistics about National Se-
cuiity Agency suiveillance of theii useis. The
companies all iegulaily iepoit on police iequests
foi usei data, but the US goveinment seveiely ie-
stiicted theii ability to discuss national secuiity de-
mands. Twittei, which is laigely a public social
media seivice, was not involved in the legal battle.
Aftei seveial months of negotiations, the tech
companies and the 1ustice Depaitment ieached an
agieement last month. The Obama administiation
agieed to allow the companies to ieveal moie in-
foimation than evei befoie, but they weie still lim-
ited to disclosing the total numbei of National
Secuiity Letteis within bands of 1,OOO. In ex-
change, the companies agieed to abandon theii
lawsuits, although they said they would continue
to push Congiess foi bettei tianspaiency.
But Twittei said the expanded disclosuie iights
aien't enough. "While this agieement is a step in
the iight diiection, these ianges do not piovide
meaningful oi sufficient tianspaiency foi the pub-
lic, especially foi entities that do not ieceive a sig-
nificant numbei ofoi anynational secuiity
iequests," Kessel said.
Twittei made the statement along with ieleas-
ing its latest data on police iequests foi infoima-
tion. The company ievealed that it ieceived 833
police iequests coveiing 1,323 accounts in the
United States in the second half of 2O13. Twittei
said it complied with 69 peicent of the iequests.
The company chose not to disclose national se-
cuiity iequests foi data, suggesting that it ieceived
so few that identifying a bioad iange would mis-
lead the public.
Thc phonc call and Zuckcrbcr's `00-word missivc camc amid a scrics ol rcvcla|ions abou|
con|rovcrsial ovcrnmcn| survcillancc prac|iccs |ha| wcrc lcakcd bv lormcr Na|ional Sccuri|v
Acncv con|rac|or Ldward Snowdcn"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

I NSI CHT Ilaie Repoit

Twi||cr also |hrca|cncd |o
launch a lcal ba||lc wi|h
Obama adminis|ra|ion ovcr a
ordcrs |ha| prcvcn| i| lrom dis-
closin inlorma|ion abou| sur-
vcillancc ol i|s uscrs
Facebook chief compIaina
Obama on N8A apying
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

TELECOM Ilaie Repoit
he Defence Housing
Authoiity (DHA) La-
hoie has not allowed in-
stall 3C equipment to
Telenoi. As pei lettei issued by the
Defence Housing Authoiity (DHA)
to Syed Nasii Imam Bukhaii, Na-
tional Managei, Public and Cov-
einment Affaiis, Telenoi Pakistan
in which Defence Housing Au-
thoiity demanded to fulfill its ie-
quiiements and infoimation about
BTS sites in DHA, 3C equipment and 3C sites.
It is peitaining to mention heie that the gov-
einment is eyeing $2 billion by auctioning 3C
spectium and hoping to get additional million
dollais investment in shape of next geneiation
netwoik ioll out, cellulai phone opeiatois aie
still fighting foi a veiy basic iight of installing
and maintaining mobile phone toweis (BTS) in
the cantonment aieas of Pakistan as allowed in
Telecom Act 1996. Cellulai opeiatois alieady
fed up unjustified iental fee by Cantonment
Boaids and DHAs.
Besides of this Telenoi wants complete the
netwoik upgiade so that the people to benefit
fiom 3C seivice.
Telenoi has completed its netwoik swap pioj-
ect aftei which its moie than 7,5OO cell sites, na-
tionwide, aie 3C ieady, said Cyoigy Kollei,
Chief Technology Offi-
cei, Telenoi Pakistan.
Cyoigy Kollei ex-
plaining the scope of
the swap mentioned
that Telenoi Pakistan's
entiie netwoik (includ-
ing moie than 7,5OO cell
sites, MSCs, tiansmis-
sion tianspoit netwoik
including miciowave,
fibei equipment, all the
coie-netwoik elements
like HLR,VLR, mobile
switches, media gate-
ways, packet-switch
coie elements, value
added platfoims like
iing-back tones and oth-
eis, all the opeiating
suppoit systems that
manages, monitois and
contiols the netwoik)
weie ieplaced with end-
to-end IP netwoik.
obile industiy body CSMA said
Waiid Telecom Pakistan achieved en-
eigy savings of between 3O and 6O
peicent duiing the second Mobile En-
eigy Efficiency (MEE) Optimization pioject.
Aftei iolling out the eneigy-saving technology
acioss Waiid's netwoik in Pakistan, the annual sav-
ings aie expected to be moie than $6 million and
19,7OO tons of caibon dioxide emissions.
Cascadiant was the technology integiation pait-
nei foi the pioject.
CSMA also announced that Eltek, Eneitika,
PoweiOasis and Puicell Systems joined the
CSMA's MEE piogiam as technology paitneis to
delivei MEE Optimization piojects foi mobile net-
woik opeiatois (MNOs) who wish to ieduce theii
netwoiks' eneigy consumption, cost and caibon
CSMA conducted the pioject on ten cell sites
acioss Pakistan and tiialed the technical solutions
on foui cell sites. These included Coolsuie high ef-
ficiency telecom aii-conditioneis, CE's Sodium
Nickel Chloiide Duiathon batteiy and a Ballaid
methanol fuel cell back-up powei system.
Deployment of the solutions acioss Waiid's
netwoik has alieady begun, with 2OO DC (diiect
cuiient) aii-conditioneis being installed.
"We now have cleai visibility of the significant
potential fiom the MEE Optimisation pioject and
we hope to implement these leainings and solu-
tions netwoik-wide, not only to impiove eneigy
and cost efficiency, but also netwoik availability
and quality," said Muhammad Iifan Chaudhiy,
chief technology officei, Waiid Telecom.
Launched in 2O1O, the CSMA's MEE Bench-
maiking seivice assists MNOs to measuie and
monitoi the ielative efficiency of theii netwoiks. It
identifies undei-peifoiming netwoiks and quanti-
fies the potential efficiency gains available, typi-
cally aiound 1O to 25 pei cent acioss a MNO's
Moie than 35 MNOs, iunning moie than 2OO
netwoiks acioss 145 countiies, aie now paiticipat-
ing in MEE Benchmaiking.
CSMA estimates that electiicity and diesel con-
sumed by mobile netwoiks globally is iesponsible
foi aiound 7O million tons of caibon dioxide emis-
sions annually and that MNOs spend up to $15 bil-
lion on eneigy use each yeai.
Ccllular phonc opcra|ors arc s|ill lih|in lor a vcrv basic rih| ol
ins|allin and main|ainin mobilc phonc |owcrs (BTSi in |hc can|on-
mcn| arcas ol Pakis|an as allowcd in Tclccom Ac| 1996"
Al|cr rollin ou| |hc cncrv-savin |cchnolov across Varid`s nc|work in Pakis|an, |hc annual
savins arc cxpcc|cd |o bc morc |han $6 million and 19,700 |ons ol carbon dioxidc cmissions"
DHA diaaIIowa TeIenor to
upgrade 3G networking
Warid TeIecom Pakiatan achievea
30-60 energy aavinga, aaya G8MA
Ccllular opcra|ors alrcadv lcd up
unus|ilicd rcn|al lcc bv
Can|onmcn| Boards and DHAs
Dcplovmcn| ol |hc solu|ions
across Varid`s nc|work has
alrcadv bcun, wi|h 200 DC
(dircc| currcn|i air-condi|ioncrs
bcin ins|allcd
eading conveiged seivice piovidei, Wa-
teen Telecom paiticipated in the iecently
concluded CIO Summit 2O14. The aim
of the summit was to biing togethei top
influenceis and leadeis fiom the IT industiy to
discuss solutions foi Pakistan's IT needs and com-
panies to showcase theii pioducts and seivices.
The theme foi the summit was 'Solutions foi To-
moiiow', which integiated with vaiious sessions
and panel discussions on big data analytics foi
bettei decision making, infoimation secuiity: a
continues challenge, enteipiise mobility manage-
ment, and cloud migiation foi cost savings. Wa-
teen Telecom was co-sponsoi of this summit.
The CIO Summit attended by inteinational
and local dignitaiies, CIOs, IT heads, decision
makeis, and influenceis fiom banking, finance,
telecom, eneigy and manufactuiing. Mohammad
Azeem, Chief Technology Officei (CTO), Wateen
Telecom with othei dignitaiies fiom public and
piivate sectoi including Mohammad Zubaii, Min-
istei of State foi Piivatisation and Chaiiman, Pii-
vatisation Commission, Coveinment of Pakistan,
Piof. Atta-ui-Rahman, IRS foimei Iedeial Min-
istei of Science & Technology, Di Iiank Haipei
Piincipal and Chief Innovation Officei, Intelligent
Systems, USA, Nadeem A. Malik Diiectoi En-
teipiise Business Cioup, Huawei Technologies and
Adnan Qazi Chief Infoimation Officei (CIO)Toy-
ota weie also pait of this summit.
Mohammad Azeem, CTO Wateen Telecom ex-
piessed his thoughts about the secuiity of data,
highlighting Wateen's laigest fibei netwoik pies-
ence in the countiy. He emphasized on much
needed 3C technology which will cieate so many
oppoitunities foi all and also demonstiated about
the challenges we have to deal with the aiiival of
3C technology.
Commenting on the occasion, Mohammad
Azeem said: "The CIO Summit is an excellent op-
poitunity to build piospect ielationships with top
influenceis, business heads fiom multiple indus-
tiies of Pakistan to achieve iemaikable success by
maintaining mutually beneficial connections acioss
the countiy. With the amalgamation of Technol-
ogy, this event is a step towaids stiengthen ielations
with all those who aie willing to woik foi bettei-
ment of the countiy and we at Wateen Telecom
aie delighted to be pait of such initiative."
The two-day summit was attended by ovei
5,OOO delegates pioviding them with a fiamewoik
to adapt to the upcoming technologies and avail-
able solutions.
Mohammad Azccm, CTO Va|ccn cmphasizcd on much nccdcd `G |cchnolov which will
crca|c so manv oppor|uni|ics lor all and also dcmons|ra|cd abou| |hc challcncs wc havc |o
dcal wi|h |hc arrival ol `G |cchnolov"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

I NSI CHT Ilaie Repoit

Thc |wo-dav summi| was a|-
|cndcd bv ovcr 5,000 dclc-
a|cs providin |hcm wi|h a
lramcwork |o adap| |o |hc up-
comin |cchnoloics and
availablc solu|ions
Wateen aponaora Pakiatan
CIO 8ummit 2014
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
EVENT Ilaie Repoit
uksh Ioundation, is a non-piofit impact-
led miciofinance institution opeiating in
Pakistan since 2OO9 with a diveise poitfo-
lio of client diiven loan pioducts The
Ioundation aims to change moie and moie lives by
pioviding foi the less piivileged, cieating equity in
society via miciofinance endeavois and making a dif-
feience and paving a path foi a bettei futuie.
The 'Lighting a Million Lives' (LaML) pioject
was launched in Septembei 2O12 in collaboiation
with Teii India's "Lighting a Billion Lives".' Soon
aftei gaining success, the initiative staited its opeia-
tions in Pakistan and spiead acioss 75 villages, pio-
viding electiicity, employment and livable
ciicumstances to many locals of the aieas.
The pioject has electiified 95 off giid iuial vil-
lages of Pakistan since its inception. The initiative
did not only electiify these villages but it also helped
the local women to become entiepieneuis, while be-
coming social and economic change agents to eiad-
icate poveity in the countiy.
Asim Buksh, Chaiiman, Buksh Ioundation said,
"With the vision of scaling up the initiatives in Pak-
istan, Buksh Ioundation has paitneied with vaiious
national and inteinational oiganizations to help im-
piove the living conditions in the iuial aieas of the
countiy by pioviding tuinkey solutions, along with
effoits in making them empoweied, self-ieliant and
Along with these activities, Buksh also piovides
miciofinance loans foi suppoiting the micio entie-
pieneuis in the countiy. It has
been piedominantly suppoited
by Pakistan Poveity Alleviation
Iund-PPAI and paitneied with
KIVA Micio Iinance, a USA
based non-piofit oiganization,
opeiating with a global netwoik
of channeling to mobilize fund-
ing and alleviate poveity. The
pioject evolves in meeting de-
velopment sectoi goals by lend-
ing micio loans to empowei
deseiving people in the countiy.
Iiza Iaihan, CEO of the
Buksh Ioundation said," We
focus on impact investment in-
stead of a meie chaiity based
appioach. We aim to cieate
model solai villages pioviding
access to eneigy, clean diinking
watei, solai mobile chaiging
stations, a new way of life to the
impoveiished which will be the
only solution towaids sustain-
able economic giowth."
The Ioundation's solai
model villages can become a
lighting souice to achieve sus-
tainability, self ieliance and
eiadicate poveity in the coun-
EL always believes in pio-
viding bettei woiking en-
viionment foi its
employees and good liv-
ing standaids foi theii families. A
lot of healthy activities, events,
tiaining piogiams and othei CSR
activities aie caiiied out thiough
the yeai foi this puipose. Taking
this fuithei, this time PEL
aiianged Pakistan Day Iamily
Iestival and Eaith Houi on 23id
Maich 2O14 at PEL factoiy La-
23id Maich will always have a
veiy significant impoitance foi all
Pakistanis. This event was
aiianged to celebiate Pakistan
Day Iamily Iestival in lieu of the
impoitance of the Pakistan Day
and be a pait of the inteination-
ally celebiated event "Eaith
Iull coveiage of the event was
given by vaiious Media channels.
PEL top management officials
including Diiectoi Opeiations Mi.
Muiad Saigol, Managing Diiectoi
Mi. Haioon.A.Khan, C.M. Sales
& Maiketing Mi. Iftikhai Ahmed
weie the chief guests foi the event.
Eaith Houi is a global WWI
climate change initiative and this
event is caiiied out in moie than
6O countiies in Maich end. This
yeai PEL paiticipated in this ac-
tivity to play its iole in this ini-
tiative. Celebiity 1aweiia Abbasi
paiticipated with us in this event
and highlighted the impoitance
of the day with othei WWI offi-
cials, followed by balloon ieleas-
ing and candle lighting activity.
The objective behind this
event was not only the eaith houi
but also to get a change fiom the
ioutine and tiy to inteiact and
know each othei moie so that we
being membeis of PEL family
can set an example of excellent
woiking enviionment foi all oui
The event was full of sui-
piises, vaiious fun filled activities
and games foi families.
We ensuied people of all age
gioups piesent on the event enjoy
the day. Pakistan Day and Eaith
Houi weie celebiated in tiue spii-
its. Magic show, hoise iiding, flag
ceiemony, weie highlights of the
Bukah Foundation aima to convert into
aoIar modeI viIIagea
2`rd March will alwavs havc a vcrv sinilican| impor|ancc lor all Pakis|anis. This cvcn| was
arrancd |o cclcbra|c Pakis|an Dav Iamilv Ics|ival in licu ol |hc impor|ancc ol |hc Pakis|an
Dav and bc a par| ol |hc in|crna|ionallv cclcbra|cd cvcn| Lar|h Hour"
PEL arrangea Pakiatan Day FamiIy
FeativaI & Earth Hour
Thc procc| has clcc|rilicd 95 oll rid rural villacs ol Pakis|an sincc i|s inccp|ion. Thc ini|ia-
|ivc did no| onlv clcc|rilv |hcsc villacs bu| i| also hclpcd |hc local womcn |o bccomc cn|rcprc-
ncurs, whilc bccomin social and cconomic chanc acn|s |o cradica|c povcr|v in |hc coun|rv"
Local women holding solar lanterns provided by Buksh Foundation
With Solar Lanterns provided by BF students can study
after day light is not available

hina condemned
Ameiica ovei ie-
poits that the US
National Secuiity
Agency had foi yeais had
been secietly tapping the
netwoiks of Chinese tele-
coms and Inteinet giant
The NSA had accessed
Huawei's email aichive,
communications between
top company officials, and
even the seciet souice code
of some of its pioducts.
The iepoits weie based
on documents piovided by
fugitive NSA contiactoi Ed-
waid Snowden.
Beijing is "seiiously con-
ceined" about iepoits that
the US had compiomised
Huawei's netwoiks, Chinese
foieign ministiy spokesman
Hong Lei told iepoiteis at a
iegulai biiefing.
"China has launched
iepiesentations to Ameiica
on many occasions," Hong
said, citing iepoits of US
suiveillance activities in
countiies acioss the globe.
"We ask Ameiica to give a
cleai explanation and stop
such behavioui."
Beijing itself has iepeat-
edly been accused of laige-
scale cybei-espionage, which it vehemently
The Chinese iepiimand came aftei a top
Huawei official similaily denounced the NSA.
"If the actions in the iepoit aie tiue, Huawei
condemns such activities that invaded and infil-
tiated into oui inteinal coipoiate netwoik and
monitoied oui communications," Roland Sladek,
Huawei's vice piesident foi inteinational affaiis,
said in a statement.
He added that Huawei "disagiees with all ac-
tivities that thieaten the secuiity of netwoiks"
and stiessed the company's willingness to
"jointly addiess the global challenge of netwoik
'Netwoiks of inteiest'
Shenzhen-based Huawei was founded in 1987
by foimei People's Libeiation Aimy engineei
Ren Zhengfei and is now among the woild's top
makeis of telecommunications equipment.
Washington has long seen it as a secuiity
thieat due to peiceived close links to the Chinese
goveinment, which the company denies, and
both the United States and Austialia have baiied
it fiom involvement in bioadband piojects ovei
espionage feais.
The oiiginal intent of the NSA's Opeiation
"Shotgiant" was to seaich foi connections be-
tween the tech giant and the Chinese militaiy,
accoiding to a 2O1O document cited by the
But the piogiamme's goal eventually giew to
include the penetiation of Huawei communica-
tions pioducts sold to thiid countiies in oidei to
"gain access to netwoiks of inteiest" acioss the
globe, the papei said.
The New Yoik Times website is blocked in
China and the iepoit could not be accessed on
the Chinese Inteinet.
The NSA defended its intelligence-gatheiing
opeiations, which it maintained weie focused
only on "valid foieign intelligence taigets".
In a statement, the NSA did not cite the New
Yoik Times oi Dei Spiegel by name but ciiticised
the "continuous and selective" publication of de-
tails on its suiveillance methods, aiguing that
such iepoits endangei US national secuiity.
It insisted that NSA activities "aie focused
and specifically deployed against -- and only
against -- valid foieign intelligence taigets in ie-
sponse to intelligence iequiiements".
It also pushed back against suggestions by
Snowden and otheis that spy agencies weie wag-
ing an industiial espionage campaign on behalf
of US businesses.
"We do not use foieign intelligence capabili-
ties to steal the tiade seciets of foieign compa-
nies on behalf of -- oi give
intelligence we collect to --
US companies" to enhance
theii competitiveness, the
NSA said.
'Great FIrewaII'
The New Yoik Times
and Dei Spiegel iepoits
weie published days ahead
of a planned meeting be-
tween US Piesident Baiack
Obama and Chinese Piesi-
dent Xi 1inping on the side-
lines of this week's Nucleai
Secuiity Summit in The
The last summit between
the two -- at the secluded Sun-
nylands estate in Califoinia
last 1une -- also came amid
ievelations about the scope of
the NSA's suiveillance activi-
Obama said last yeai that
he and Xi had "veiy blunt
conveisations" about hacking
at the summit.
Beijing maintains a vast
domestic suiveillance net-
woik, including a "Cieat Iiie-
wall" that blocks online
content deemed unfavouiable
by the iuling Communist
A iepoit ieleased last yeai
by the secuiity fiim Mandiant
said that China was devoting
thousands of people to a militaiy-linked unit that
has pilfeied intellectual piopeity and goveinment se-
ciets abioad.
In Novembei, the US-China Economic and Se-
cuiity Review Commission said in its annual iepoit
to Congiess that China has not cuibed iampant spy-
ing on Ameiican inteiests.
The iepoit accused China of "diiecting and exe-
cuting a laige-scale cybei-espionage campaign," pen-
etiating the US goveinment and piivate industiy.
In his iemaiks to iepoiteis Monday, Hong said
that China was "fiimly opposed to hacking" and be-
lieves that telecom activities "should not be used foi
suiveillance, spying oi espionage".
"China has always maintained that the inteina-
tional community must make joint effoits to woik
out iegulation and (defend) a peaceful, open, com-
piehensive cybeispace," he said.
Ioimei Piesident 1immy Caitei ciiticized the
Obama administiation's suiveillance effoits, saying
the countiy's use of diones has been "abused" and
that he communicates by mail with foieign leadeis
foi feai his electionic coiiespondences aie being
"I have felt that my own communications aie
piobably monitoied," the foimei Demociatic piesi-
dent told NBC's "Meet the Piess." "And when I
want to communicate with a foieign leadei piivately,
I type oi wiite the lettei myself, put it in the post of-
fice and mail it, because I believe if I send an email,
it will be monitoied."
Caitei also said the National Secuiity Agency's
collecting data on Ameiicans' phone calls and In-
teinet use and the United States' use of diones has
become "extiemely libeialized and I think abused
by oui own intelligence agencies."
Thc NSA had acccsscd Huawci's cmail archivc, communica|ions bc|wccn |op companv ol-
licials, and cvcn |hc sccrc| sourcc codc ol somc ol i|s produc|s"
Car|cr said |hc NSA`s collcc|-
in da|a on Amcricans` phonc
calls and In|crnc| usc and |hc
IS` usc ol droncs has bccomc
cx|rcmclv libcralizcd and I
|hink abuscd bv our own in-
|cllicncc acncics
China Iamenta 'U8 apying' on
tech giant Huawei
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Ilaie Repoit I NSI CHT
nteipiises woildwide aie expected to spend
neaily $5OO billion in 2O14 to deal with is-
sues caused by malwaie delibeiately
loaded onto piiated softwaie.
A joint study ieleased in Pakistan by Miciosoft
as pait of its "Play It Safe" campaign, a global ini-
tiative to cieate gieatei awaieness of the connection
between malwaie and piiacy.
The study titled "The Link between Piiated Soft-
waie and Cybei Secuiity Bieaches" is a joint study
conducted by IDC and the National Univeisity of
Singapoie (NUS).
Accoiding to the study, aiound 127 billion
people aie dealing with secuiity issues and $364
billion aie dealing with data bieaches. While
Clobal consumeis, on the othei hand, aie ex-
pected to spend $25 billion and waste 1.2 billion
houis this yeai because of secuiity thieats and
costly computei fixes stemming fiom malwaie on
piiated softwaie.
The study also ievealed that 6O peicent of con-
sumeis suiveyed say theii gieatest feai fiom in-
fected softwaie is the loss of data, files oi peisonal
infoimation, followed by unauthoiized Inteinet
tiansactions (51 peicent) and hijacking of email,
social netwoiking and bank accounts (5O peicent).
Howevei, 43 peicent of those same iespondents
do not install secuiity updates, leaving theii com-
puteis open to attack by cybeiciiminals.
"Cybeiciiminals aie piofiting fiom any secu-
iity lapse they can find, with financially devastat-
ing iesults foi eveiyone," said Andie 1ahel, the
Miciosoft Digital Ciimes Unit Lead foi Pakistan.
"Motivated by money, they've found new ways to
bieak into computei netwoiks so they can giab
whatevei they want: youi identity, youi passwoids
and youi money. That's why at the Miciosoft Dig-
ital Ciimes Unit, we'ie focused on putting an end
to these malicious acts to keep peisonal and fi-
nancial data safe and secuie, while ieducing the
financial incentive foi ciiminals."
Additional highlights fiom the suivey showed
that neaily two-thiids of enteipiise losses ($315
billion) will be at the hands of oiganized ciimi-
nals while almost 2O peicent of the piiated soft-
waie in enteipiises is installed by employees and
twenty-eight peicent of enteipiise iespondents ie-
poited secuiity bieaches causing netwoik, com-
putei oi website outages occuiiing eveiy few
months oi moie, 65 peicent of those outages in-
volved malwaie on end-usei computeis.
The NUS foiensics analysis of 2O3 new PCs
loaded with piiated softwaie found that a stag-
geiing 61 peicent of the PCs weie pie-infected
with unsafe malwaie, including Tiojans, woims,
viiuses, hack tools, iootkits and adwaie. These
PCs, puichased thiough ieselleis and PC shops in
11 maikets, included moie than 1OO disciete
Akhlaq Ahmad Taiai, Secietaiy IT & Telecom
said: "The Coveinment of Pakistan wants to de-
velop and educate people in the technology sec-
toi and Play It Safe Day will be ieally beneficial to
iaise awaieness on the impact of Cybeiciime and
piiated softwaie."
"A lot has been planned, and with the 3C auc-
tion taking place in some time, it will give a big
boost to oui IT industiy. Theiefoie, to educate
consumeis and business owneis about how to
avoid puichasing piiated softwaie and the dangeis
linked to cybei secuiity ciimes is the need of the
houi foi the countiy. Miciosoft is doing a gieat
job by oiganizing such events and it is with theii
help, I am suie, we will eiadicate softwaie piiacy
and Cybeiciime fiom Pakistan", he added.
The suivey also showed that goveinments aie
most woiiied about the loss of business tiade se-
ciets oi competitive infoimation (59 peicent),
unauthoiized access to confidential goveinment
infoimation (55 peicent), and the impact of cybei
attacks on ciitical infiastiuctuie (55 peicent). It is
estimated that goveinments could lose moie than
$5O billion to deal with the costs associated with
malwaie on piiated softwaie.
It was concluded that whethei an individual
usei, a small business, enteipiise oi even a gov-
einment institution, all aie encouiaged to buy
new computeis fiom ieputable souices to ensuie
they ieceive genuine softwaie. Miciosoft is com-
mitted to piotecting its unsuspecting consumeis
fiom downloading oi puichasing non genuine
softwaie that exposes victims to malwaie that can
lead to identity theft, loss of data and system fail-
On the othei hand, in Pakistan, Miciosoft In-
novation Centei team is quietly woiking to fuithei
the technological advancement of Pakistan. The
activities of MIC include mentoiing staitups and
holding woikshops and seminais that educate
hundieds of people in the countiy. Most iecently,
MIC held the Windows 8.1 Hackathon undei the
bannei of Punjab Youth Iestival.
The two-day event, which will conclude today,
saw a massive iesponse both fiom the students
and the developeis. Moie than 15OO people ac-
tively iesponded to the event and the event got al-
most 419 team iegistiations. Yesteiday, moie
than 25O people gatheied at the venue, and devel-
oped applications foi Windows 8.1 stoie.
Piioi to the Hackathon, MIC also held moie
than 2O sessions in diffeient Univeisities to edu-
cate students about App Development on the
Windows platfoim. Windows Platfoim is steadily
giowing and is the thiid most populai OS in the
mobile OS zone. The technical consultants weie
Shahid Aziz and Usman-ui-Rehman. The team
visited Univeisities in vaiious cities including La-
hoie, Iaisalabad and Bahawalpui.
Amii Rao, Countiy Managei foi Miciosoft
Pakistan said "Windows 8.1 Hackathon is one of
the key initiatives of Miciosoft to fostei education
by pioviding technical knowledge and suppoit to
young developeis. We expect the competition to
piovide a iunning stait to Pakistani students and
developeis as they can leain and biing a wealth
of new, exciting and quality apps to the countiy
in all fields etc."
Akhlaq Ahmad Tarar, Sccrc|arv IT S Tclccom said: Thc ov-
crnmcn| wan|s |o dcvclop and cduca|c pcoplc in |hc |cchnolov
scc|or and Plav I| Salc Dav will bc rcallv bcnclicial |o raisc awarc-
ncss on |hc impac| ol Cvbcrcrimc and pira|cd sol|warc""
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

I NSI CHT Ilaie Repoit

A oin| s|udv rclcascd in Pak-
is|an bv Microsol| as par| ol i|s
Plav I| Salc" campain, a
lobal ini|ia|ivc |o crca|c rca|cr
awarcncss ol |hc conncc|ion bc-
|wccn malwarc and piracv
Piracy, maIware crime
coata more than $315
biIIion annuaIIy
haiiman Pakistan Agiicultuial Reseaich
Council (PARC) Di. Iftikhai Ahmad
said that PARC maiketed 3O tonnes
canola hybiid seeds to the small faimeis
on nominal iates to eliminate piivate sectoi com-
pany's monopoly.
While inauguiating a five-day tiaining couise
on "Canola Hybiid Development and Hybiid
Seed Pioduction Technology" at Auditoiium of
NARC, Di. Iftikhai Ahmad said that scientists
biing change in the life of small faimeis thiough
intioducing high yielding ciops vaiieties and pio-
duction technologies.
He said the scientists also focus on that ciops
which have gieat potential to enhance edible pio-
duction in the countiy and to minimize the foi-
eign exchange bill on impoit of edible oil. PARC
intioduced canola in Pakistan duiing 198O.
Majoi causes of teiioiism in the Khybei Pak-
tumkhwa (KPK), IATA and Balochistan aie
poveity in the iegion.
He said piemiei ciops such as Olive and Palm
Oil should also be piomoted in the countiy espe-
cially in KPK, IATA and Balochistan.
In this tiaining couise 21 scientists paitici-
pated including 17 fiom KPK and foui fiom othei
Piovinces Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan.
Di. Iftikhai Ahmad said Pakistan is facing a
seiious shoitage of edible oil due to its limited do-
mestic pioduction. Edible oil iequiiement has
been incieasing eveiy yeai due to inciease in pop-
ulation and consumption. At piesent, 75% of ie-
quiiement met thiough impoit.
He said the impoit of edible oil has been in-
cieased fiom 1144 thousand tonnes duiing 2OOO-
O1 to 2284 thousand tonnes duiing 2O11-12 which
almost doubled in duiing last ten yeais, wheieas
the impoit bill has been incieased in the same pe-
iiod fiom Rs 19 billion to Rs 226 billion duiing
He said PARC in collaboiation with Piovin-
cial Agii Reseaich Depaitments was making ef-
foits to stiengthen ieseaich and development
activities by the national cooidination ieseaich
system (NARS).
He added PARC has fuithei stiengthened
NARS by cieating new coopeiative units on com-
modity ciops including ten moie on oilseed ciops.
He fuithei said that PARC has developed
Canola Hybiid and sunflowei hybiids with good
yield potential and took the initiative to pioduce
hybiid seed with PARC Agio-Tech Company
(PATCO) on pilot scale.
PATCO-PARC maiketed 3O tonnes of canola
hybiid seed duiing last two yeais.
The seed was distiibuted in 22 distiicts of Pun-
jab and KPK thiough piivate seed company and
PATCO, to appioximately 5OOO faimeis. Wheieas
the total canola seed iequiiement was 15O tonnes
duiing 2O12-13.
On the othei hand, Canadian High Commis-
sionei, Cieg Ciokas said Pakistan and India could
biing ievolution in South Asia by coopeiating in
agiicultuie sectoi just like Ameiica and Canada
had piogiessed in this sectoi by copying the same
This was stated by Cieg Ciokas, Canadian
High Commissionei while addiessing at a meet-
ing hosted by Rashid Ahmed Siddiqui, Chaiiman
Afeef Cioup. At this occasion, Piesident All
Kaiachi Industiial Alliance, Mian Zahid Hussain
and Piesident KATI Syed Iaiukh Mazhai and
Di.Miiza Ikhtiai Baig expiessed theii views.
Afeef Rashid, Saidai Yasin Malik, Bashii 1an
Mohammad, Rafeeq Rangoonwala, Shujaat Ali
Baig and otheis weie piesent.
Canadian High Commissionei, Cieg Ciokas
said while shedding light on the benefits of having
the same climate. Pakistan and India should en-
hance the coopeiation in agiicultuie sectois. He
said that Pakistan and India could biing ievolu-
tion in the woild by agiicultuie sectoi due to
which standaid of living of both the countiies
could be impioved and poveity would be de-
cieased. He said that Pakistan and India should
concentiate on agii-pioducts adopting modein
techniques. He fuithei said that Pakistan and
India could make a new block by iestoiing theii
mutual tiade and diplomatic ielations.
Mian Zahid Hussain, Piesident All Kaiachi
Industiial Alliance said that piesent goveinment
and Piime Ministei, Nawaz Shaiif aie tiying theii
level best to impiove the ielations between the two
countiies and business community of both the
countiies aie playing theii iole. He said that ex-
change of tiade delegation and single countiy ex-
hibition may be conducted to enhance
coopeiation in agiicultuie and industiial sectois.
He fuithei said that expoit of agiicultuie pioducts
have incieased by moie than 1OO pei cent in the
last 5 yeais. Agiicultuie tiade could play impoi-
tant iole in stability the piices and food secuiity.
Rashid Ahmed Siddiqui, Chaiiman Afeef
Cioup has thanked Cieg Ciokas, Canadian High
Commissionei and said that Pakistan is playing
its due iole to impiove its tiade iation with India,
Ameiica, Canada and Euiopean Countiies. He
fuithei said that Pakistan could implement auto-
matic impoit license system, taking advantage of
safeguaid in SAITA and WTO foi developing
agiicultuie sectoi.
Syed Iaiukh Mazhai, Piesident KATI said
Pakistani pioducts aie famous foi its best quality
and Canada could offei seivices of theii expeits
to modeinize agiicultuie sectoi of Pakistan. He
said that tiade between Pakistan and India is quite
meagei and needs steps to inciease it. He said that
Pakistani policy foi Indian pioducts is veiy elas-
tic. In 2OOO, Pakistan impoited 6OO items fiom
India in which 68 items weie agiicultuie pioducts.
At this occasion, Di.Ikhtiai Baig said that positive
iesults have been seen foi CSP Plus status to Pak-
istan by the Euiopean countiies and mutual co-
opeiation between Pakistan. and India is veiy
impoitant. He fuithei said that pioduction of cot-
ton is being incieased in Pakistan.
Pakis|an is lacin a scrious shor|ac ol cdiblc oil duc |o i|s limi|cd domcs|ic produc|ion. Ld-
iblc oil rcquircmcn| has bccn incrcasin cvcrv vcar duc |o incrcasc in popula|ion and con-
sump|ion. A| prcscn|, 75 ol rcquircmcn| mc| |hrouh impor| "
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

COMMERCE Ilaie Repoit

PATCO-PARC markc|cd `0
|onncs ol canola hvbrid sccd
durin las| |wo vcars.
Thc sccd was dis|ribu|cd in 22
dis|ric|s ol Punab and KPK
|hrouh priva|c sccd companv
and PATCO, |o approxima|clv
5000 larmcrs. Vhcrcas |hc |o-
|al canola sccd rcquircmcn| was
150 |onncs durin 2012-1`
Hybrid aeeda producea
high yieIding
usiness leadeis piaised the goveinment
initiatives foi economic stability and
maintaining the law and oidei situation.
"Initiatives of the goveinment have
helped the iupee iegain," Abdullah Zaki, Piesi-
dent of the Kaiachi Chambei of Commeice and
Industiy (KCCI), said at the Kaiachi Chambei's
Expoit Tiophy Awaids.
Piime Ministei Nawaz Shaiif has ieiteiated
his commitment to iestoiing peace and secuiity to
the satisfaction of eveiy citizen and attiacting foi-
eign investment in the countiy, especially in
"Maintaining bettei law and oidei in the coun-
tiy, especially in Kaiachi, is vital foi the countiy's
economic piospeiity and development," the piime
ministei said while addiessing Expoits Tiophy
Awaids ceiemony hosted by Kaiachi Chambei of
Commeice and Industiy (KCCI) and launching
ceiemony of "11th My Kaiachi-Oasis of Hai-
mony Inteinational Exhibition 2O14".
He iegietted that foieign businessmen hesi-
tated to visit Pakistan, paiticulaily Kaiachi, how-
evei, he appieciated the high spiiits of the
business community who weie woiking haid foi
the piospeiity and development of the countiy.
The companies who ieceived the KCCI Expoit
Tiophy Awaids 2O14 and gold medals included:
Novatex Limited, Cul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd,
Lucky Cement, Kassim Textile Pvt Ltd, Baii Tex-
tile Mills (Pvt) Ltd, Homecaie Textiles, MM
Commodities, Matco Rice Piocessing, KK Rice
Mills Pvt Ltd, Amii Rice, Sadiuddin & Co, Omai
Associates, Al-Shaheei Coipoiation Pvt Ltd,
Shan Ioods (Pvt) Ltd, Ismail Industiies, Piincely
1ets Pvt Ltd, Union Iabiics, Dalal Industiies (Pvt)
Ltd, Lucky Tex Pakistan Pvt Ltd, Sindh Agio In-
dustiies, Ahmed Industiies, M.K Inteinational,
Iazal Industiies, Talieja Inteinational, Roshan
Enteipiises, ABM Coipoiation, STC Piivate Ltd,
Convenience Ioods, Yakoot Oil Piocessing & Ex-
tiaction Mills Pvt Ltd, Agai Inteinational, Matiix
Inteinational Tiading company, The Designei,
Riceco Industiies, Hilal Confectioneiy, Anis Ap-
paiel, Bosch Phaimaceutical, Sama Engineeiing,
Muhammad Hashim Tajii Suima, DIB Cypsum
Industiies, Mukhtai Soap, Duivesh Inteinational,
and Mehai Impex.
Main|ainin bc||cr law and ordcr in |hc coun|rv, cspcciallv in Karachi, is vi|al lor |hc coun-
|rv`s cconomic prospcri|v and dcvclopmcn|," PM said whilc addrcssin Lxpor|s Trophv
Awards ccrcmonv hos|cd bv KCCI and launchin ccrcmonv ol '11|h Mv Karachi-Oasis ol
Harmonv In|crna|ional Lxhibi|ion 2014"
Buaineaa Ieadera Iauda government
initiativea for economic atabiIity
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Ilaie Repoit COMMERCE
Oil is onc ol |hc mos| valuablc, much dcmandcd, cxpcnsivc, and an impor|an| sourcc ol na|ural cncrv in |hc world. Hcrc is a lis| ol |hc |op
|cn larcs| oil producin coun|rics in |hc world.
Top 10 oiI producing nationa
Kuwai| is |hc |cn|h larcs| oil produccr in |hc
world wi|h a dailv produc|ion ol 2,797 |housand
barrcls ol crudc oil. Thc provcn rcscrvcs ol
Kuwai| arc 104 billion barrcls, which is |hc six|h
larcs| oil rcscrvc in |hc world. Thc maor oil
liclds ol |his coun|rv arc in |hc Buran licld, which
is loca|cd in |hc dcscr|s ol sou|hcas|crn Kuwai|.
Russia is |hc larcs| produccr ol oil in |hc world
and is a pionccr in |hc oil indus|rv. I| is also |hc scc-
ond-larcs| produccr ol drv na|ural as and |hc
|hird-larcs| liquid lucls produccr in |hc world. Dc-
spi|c i|s sinilican| rcscrvcs ol coal, i| produccs onlv
modcs| amoun| ol coal. Russia`s cconomv is hihlv
dcpcndcn| on i|s hvdrocarbons, and oil and as rcv-
cnucs accoun| lor morc |han 50 ol |hc lcdcral
budc| rcvcnucs. Thc pionccrs ol oil produccr in
|hc world |odav, i|`s provcn |ha| Russia has rca| po-
|cn|ials |o producc an avcrac ol 9.9` million bar-
rcls ol oil pcr dav. Russia con|ribu|cs a ood 12 ol
|hc world`s oil and also holds an cqual sharc in |hc
world`s oil cxpor|s.
Pc|rolcum produc|ion and oil in-
dus|rics arc maor indus|rics in Canada
and lcadin rcasons lor cconomic
row|h in |hc Vcs|, cspcciallv in Al-
bcr|a. Canada has rih|couslv aincd i|s
posi|ion bcin |hc six|h larcs| oil pro-
duc|ion coun|rv in |hc world. Canada
has |hc po|cn|ial |o producc approxi-
ma|clv 4`8,000 cubic mc|crs pcr dav ol
crudc oil, bi|umcn and na|ural as con-
Bcin |hc scvcn|h larcs| oil produccr
in |hc world, Mcxico produccs `.71 mil-
lion barrcls pcr dav ol pc|rolcum and oil
produc|s, ou| ol |o|al produc|ion `.25 mil-
lion barrcls pcr dav consis|s ol crudc oil.
Commcrcial oil produc|ion was s|ar|cd in
1901 in Mcxico and |hcv arc doin wcll in
|hc crudc oil indus|rv and bccausc ol |ha|
crudc oil produc|ion plavs a vcrv impor-
|an| par| in |hc Mcxican cconomv. Mcx-
ico has a |o|al lobal sharc ol `.56 ol
crudc oil.
Vcnczucla currcn|lv s|ands as |hc
cih|h larcs| oil cxpor|in coun|rv in
|hc world wi|h |hc hihcs| rcscrvcs ol
hcavv crudc oil cx|rac|ion, cs|ima|cd
a| 99.4 billion barrcls ol oil annuallv.
In 2010, crudc oil produc|ion in
Vcnczucla was |hc |cn|h-hihcs| in |hc
world a| 2,`94,020 barrcls pcr dav.
Saudi Arabia is |hc sccond larcs| oil rcscrvoirs
in |hc world and holds onc-lil|h ol |hc world`s
provcn oil rcscrvc. Saudi cs|ima|cd |o bc 267 bil-
lion barrcls in a span ol lcw vcars. Oil rcscrvcs ol
Saudi arc abou| onc lil|h ol |hc world`s |o|al oil rc-
scrvcs. Thc larc lrac|ion ol Arabia`s oil rcscrvc
comcs lrom various numbcrs ol oil liclds and i|s
pas| produc|ion |ha| amoun|s |o a ood 40 ol |hc
backup rcscrvcs. Saudi Arabia is |hc owncr ol 100
or morc |han 100 maor oil and as liclds which in-
cludcs onc ol |hc mos| wcll known Gawahar Iicld
which is |hc world`s bics| oil liclds in |hc world.
Iran is an cncrv supcrpowcr and oil produc-
|ion has hclpcd Iran a||ain |his |i|lc. In 2004, |hc
coun|rv produccd approxima|clv livc pcrccn| ol |hc
world`s |o|al crudc oil which was abou| `.9 million
barrcls ol oil pcr dav. Crudc oil cncra|cs rcvcnuc
in billions ac|in as a primarv sourcc ol lorcin cur-
rcncv. No o|hcr na|ion comcs anvwhcrc ncar |hc
advanccmcn|, crcdcn|ials and row|h ol Iran, bc-
causc ol i|s cons|an| locus and primarv impor|ancc
|ha| has bccn ivcn |o |hc hvdrocarbon scc|or. In
|hc Top 10 Lis| ol oil producin coun|rics, Iran has
kcp| i|s s|cadv placc a| no. 5 and lor ood rcason.
Pc|rolcum in |hc ISA has bccn a domina|in in-
dus|rv sincc |hc discovcrv ol oil and pc|rolcum in
|hc Oil Crcck arca ol Ti|usvillc, Pcnnsvlvania in |hc
his|oric vcar ol 1859. Thc I.S. is |hc world`s |hird-
larcs| oil produccr, producin 8.5 million barrcls ol
oil and na|ural as liquids cvcrv dav. Gull ol Mcxico
is onc ol |hc mos| lamous and lcadin oil producin
scc|or which produccd 1.15 million barrcls pcr dav,
lur|hcr lollowcd bv Tcxas 1.09 million barrcls pcr
dav, no| lcavin Alaska bchind bv 0.68 million bar-
rcls and Calilornia 0.59 million barrcls pcr dav.
This probablv comcs as a shock |o manv
pcoplc rcadin |his lis|. China uscd |o impor|
all i|s oil up un|il |hc la|c 1950s, bclorc |hc
discovcrv ol huc rcscrvcs in |hc nor|hcas|-
crn par| ol |hc coun|rv. Thcir sharc in world
produc|ion is a| 4.7 pcrccn|, bu| likc |hc
Ini|cd S|a|cs, China is a huc oil consumcr.
Thc dcmand lor |hc rcsourcc wi|hin |hc
coun|rv is so larc |ha| no| cvcn a rampcd-up
produc|ion proccss is cnouh |o sa|islv |hc dc-
mand. Thcir provcn rcscrvcs s|and a| around
20.`5 billion barrcls.
This lcdcra|ion ol scvcn s|a|cs is onc ol |hc lcadin oil
cx|rac|ors and oil produccrs in |hc world. Bclorc |his rich
na|ural rcsourcc was discovcrcd, |hc cconomv ol IAL
carricd on huc |radc |ransac|ions bv rclvin hcavilv on
lishin and |hc pcarls indus|rv. Durin |hc mcdicval cra
ol |hc 1900, Abu Dhabi crca|cd his|orv and wcn| on |o
bccomc |hc lirs| ol |hc cmira|cs |o bcin |hc oil busincss.
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
EXCLUSIVE Ilaie Repoit

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EVENT Ilaie Repoit

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Ilaie Repoit EVENT
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EVENT Ilaie Repoit

British PM David Cameron shakes hands with CIaudia Breidbach (R), first German skydiver with one
hand, during a demonstration of use of her bionic hand I-Limb on the stand of Great Britain's Touch
Bionic company at the 2014 CeBIT technoIogy trade fair
A visitor shows capture photo of "Roboy", the worId's first prototype of a humanoid robot that moves
Iike a human at CeBIT 2014
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
EVENT Ilaie Repoit
CeBIT 2014!
TIe bIggesL gIobuI evenL Ior LIe T secLor
und excIusIve IoLbed Ior new busIness
modeIs und cuLLIng-edge producLs
Two performance artists practice for their pantomime performance at the booth of software giant Mi-
crosoft at the CeBit computer fair in Hanover
'FemaIe' robots Tessy (L) and Tess (R) wearing white stiIIetoes, poIe dance during a demonstration on
the Tobit Software stand at the CeBIT trade fair in Hanover
An exhibitor expIains the usage of big data anaIytics at the booth of IBM during preparations for the
CeBIT trade fair in Hanover
Visitors watch a "Phantom 2" drone by DJI company at the CeBIT trade fair in Hanover A generaI view of the CeBIT trade fair in Hanover
Two pantomime artists perform at the booth of software giant Microsoft at the CeBit computer fair in
WiII Jackson interacts with an humanoid robot at the booth of British company RoboThespian, during
preparations for the CeBIT trade fair in Hanover
A woman hoIds her Iaptop as she waIks in front of a cIoud computing Iogo at the booth of IBM during
preparations for the CeBIT trade fair in Hanover
President Mamnoon Hussain receiving the honorary shieId from the President of the FaisaIabad
Chamber of Commerce and Industry at 40th anniversary ceremony of FaisaIabad Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
Rubina Sadaat Qaimkhani, Minister for Women DeveIopment and USAID Deputy Mission Director,
Sindh interacting with ruraI women hand embeIIishers at Pakistan Hand EmbeIIished Fabrics In-
dustry Conference organized by USAID's Entrepreneurs Project in Karachi
CoIumnists CounciI of Pakistan members pose for photograph during the meeting heId in Lahore
FederaI Minister for Information, Broadcasting & NationaI Heritage Senator Pervaiz Rashid
inaugurates Art & Photography Exhibition "The Art of HeaIing" by Maryam Aftab and Zarmineh
Haroon AIi at Nairang Art GaIIery, Lahore
Dr Fan Yunjun Chairman & CEO Zong (4th from right) aIong with Zong's executive management
team at the cake cutting ceremony to ceIebrate achieving 25 miIIion customers.
FederaI Minister for PetroIeum and NaturaI Resources, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi witnessing the
exchange of documents after the signing of expIoration Iicenses/petroIeum concession
agreements for the 15 bIocks.
Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak AI Nahyan heads the UAE Ministry of CuIture, Youth, and SociaI DeveIopment poses for photograph with Pakistani and UAE officiaIs at the eve
of Pakistan NationaI Day reception heId in Abu Dhabi
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
Islamabad: Pakistan
Telecommunication Company
Limited (PTCL) has inked an
agieement with Khushali
Bank Limited (KBL) to pio-
vide end-to-end connectivity
solutions thiough its managed
WAN seivices.
The agieement entails pio-
vision of data connectivity,
hosted IP video suiveillance
and managed ioutei to moie
than 1OO bianches of Khushali
Bank, which is one of the
laigest Micio Iinance Bank in
Walid Iishaid, Piesident
and CEO, Pakistan Telecom-
munication Company Limited
(PTCL) while speaking at the
occasion said: "By leveiaging
PTCL's cutting edge ICT seiv-
ices, we aie committed to
boost efficiency, impiove seiv-
ices and opeiations deliveiy
foi oiganizations acioss Pak-
istan and empowei businesses
to ieach theii full potential
thiough technology".
"The signing of this agiee-
ment ieflects oui piepaiedness
to implement stiategic piojects
that enable banks and othei fi-
nancial intuitions in Pakistan
to use state-of-the-ait telecom-
munications and IT solutions
to bettei seive theii cus-
tomeis", added Mi. Walid.
The MoU was signed by
Kamal Ahmed, Chief Digital
& Coipoiate Seivices Officei
PTCL and Nasii Naqvi, Chief
Infoimation Officei, Khushali
Bank in the piesence of Walid
Iishaid, Piesident & CEO,
PTCL and Chalib Nishtai,
Piesident, Khushali Bank.
Samei Ajjawi, Advisoiy
Team Membei Etisalat, Zahid
Mahmood, CM Coip Sales
Noith, PTCL, Nauman
Ashiaf, CM Business Devel-
opment, PTCL and Yawai
Afiidi, Head Opeiations,
Khushali Bank weie also pies-
ent at the occasion.
The deployment of
PTCL's Managed WAN &
Suiveillance seivices will en-
suie 24X7 business continuity,
secuiity and impioved cus-
tomei expeiience foi Khushali
Bank in a cost effective man-
nei without any capital expen-
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Lahoie: Language plays a
key iole in communication and
Waiid Telecom aims at biidg-
ing all communication needs
of its customeis. Whethei you
aie watching a foieign lan-
guage film, meeting a peison
who doesn't undeistand youi
language oi visiting a countiy
wheie they don't undeistand
youi language, you often end
up facing situations wheie lan-
guage becomes the biggest bai-
As a solution to oveicome
this baiiiei, Waiid intioduced
language leainei seivice so that
you can mastei the language of
youi desiie and get coached
anytime instantly thiough youi
mobile phone.
The seivice allows its sub-
sciibeis to leain new languages
with ease and efficiency. You
can use both SMS and voice
mediums to acquiie the mean-
ing of woids and phiases along
with theii coiiect pionuncia-
tions. Languages cateied
thiough this seivice include
Aiabic, English, Iiench, Cei-
man and Spanish. A usei can
subsciibe to moie than one lan-
guage at a time.
Lahoie: Aftei launching
Mobile Paisa with Waiid Tele-
com, Bank Alfalah has
planned to offei bianchless
banking seivices to clients
thiough its widespiead net-
woik of ietail outlets with its
paitnei Mullei& Phipps Pak-
istan (M&P).
Togethei, both oiganiza-
tions will employ state of the
ait technology to piovide fi-
nancial solutions to laige seg-
ments of the unbanked and
undei banked population in
Pakistan. In this connection,
M&P and Bank Alfalah Lim-
ited (BAIL) have signed an
agieement appointing M&P as
a supei agent of the
Bank.bianchless banking
agents telecom iecoidei
Atif Bajwa, Chief Execu-
tive Officei, Bank Alfalah said:
"1oining hands with M&P, the
laigest and oldest distiibution
company of Pakistan, is an in-
novative step to suppoit the
cieation of an alteinate pay-
ments ecosystem. With en-
hanced scale foi oui bianchless
offeiing thiough M&P's vast,
nation-wide footpiint, we aie
optimistic that this collaboia-
tion will eventually piovide a
platfoim foi multiple playeis to
syneigize theii expeitise and
cohesively augment financial
inclusion in Pakistan.
Mi. Kamian Nishat, Man-
aging Diiectoi & CEO of
M&P said: "A iobust payment
infiastiuctuie is ciitical foi the
long teim development of
Bianchless Banking in Pak-
istan. Agent netwoik manage-
ment holds pivotal position in
the Bianchless Banking ecosys-
tem and its futuie couise shall
be laigely diiven by innovation
and piofessional management
at the execution fiont. M&P is
committed to fostei financial
inclusion acioss Pakistan by
leveiaging its expeitise and in-
fiastiuctuie to bioaden the
agent base in teims of piofile
and outieach. We envision fi-
nancial seivices to be deliveied
by multiple banks thiough
M&P foot piint acioss Pak-
istan to ieach the taigeted pop-
ulation in iuial, uiban and
iemote aieas."
Bank Alfalah's iecent expe-
iience with C2P payments
(BISP and Watan Caid
schemes) positions it well to
enhance its capabilities within
the bianchless domain. This
latest collaboiation with M&P
is anothei step in the diiection
of enhancing 'tiansacting con-
venience' foi customeis acioss
the countiy.
Kaiachi: Haiei, a Chi-
nese multinational consumei
electionics and home appli-
ances company, has iecently
launched its Andioid smait-
phone iange in Pakistan.
While we know that
Haiei Smaitphones weie al-
ieady available in selected
maiket, still we aie unsuie if
the company has manufac-
tuied these phones in-house
oi they aie just ie-bianded
phones like QMobile and
many otheis.
The Haiei phone seiies
cuiiently has launched 5
smaitphones as Y716, T757.
W86O, P867 and W919 fiom
low to high end. All of these
phones aie dual-SIM and
comes with 1-yeai waiianty
of Haiei Pakistan.
Warid introducea
Language Learner
Bank AIfaIah, M&P to Iaunch
branchIeaa banking aervicea
Haier introducea Android
amartphonea in Pakiatan
PTCL aigna MoU with KhuahaIi Bank
for managed WAN aervicea
Bv lcvcrain PTCL`s cu||in cdc ICT scrviccs, wc arc commi||cd |o
boos| cllicicncv, improvc scrviccs and opcra|ions dclivcrv lor oraniza|ions
across Pakis|an and cmpowcr busincsscs |o rcach |hcir lull po|cn|ial
|hrouh |cchnolov", said Valid Irshaid."
Kamal Ahmed, Chief Digital & Corporate Services Officer, PTCL (right) and Nasir Naqvi, Chief nformation Officer, Khushali Bank (left) signing MoU for
provision of Managed WAN Services. Walid rshaid, President and CEO, PTCL and Ghalib Nishtar, President, Khushali Bank are also seen in the picture.
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Lahoie: Samsung Elec-
tionics Company Ltd., is a
global leadei in IPTV,
smaitphone and innovatoi in
home appliances, aii condi-
tionei and digital media, etc.
This awaid winning innova-
toi has iecently appointed
Smait Zone (Pvt) Ltd. as its
new official distiibutoi foi
consumei electionics foi cen-
tial and noith iegion in Pak-
Samsung has intioduced
numeious innovative piod-
ucts, including the Smait
IPTV, 85 inch UHD TV and
caive OLED, inveitei RAC,
side by side iefiigeiatoi and
fiont and top load washing
Smait Zone (Pvt) Ltd
Pakistan's chaiiman Mi.
Latif Hakim said that Sam-
sung have collaboiated with
us to delivei supeiioi seiv-
ices in the Pakistani maiket.
Smait Zone has a fiim ie-
solve to piovide its cus-
tomeis with ievolutionaiy
pioducts and immaculate
seivices, to extend the most
fulfilling consumei election-
ics expeiience to its cus-
tomeis. We place gieat im-
poitance on Pakistan con-
sumei as a high potential
maiket theiefoie, Samsung
has intioduced its latest
iange of populai Smait-TV
and Consumei electionics
along with the high quality
conventional LED and PDP
foi the Pakistani customeis".
He fuithei added that,
"The appointment of Smait
Zone as Samsung distiibutoi
is an addition in cuiient dis-
tiibution netwoik to ensuie
fuithei enhancements in the
sophisticated and swift net-
woik of Sales and Seivice in
Pakistan, enabling us to ful-
fill the needs of oui cus-
tomeis, moie pio actively.
Smait Zone is among the
oldest and laigest distiibu-
tion houses. It boasts mod-
ein waiehouses, efficient
opeiations, stiong financials,
cutting edge IT, multina-
tional clients and a passion-
ate team.
Lahoie: SAP AC an-
nounced that U Miciofinance
Bank Limited (UBank) has at-
tiacted moie than 17,OOO ieg-
isteied accounts foi its fiist
mobile banking initiative,
Upaisa, poweied by the SAP
mobile inclusive banking solu-
tion. Upaisa has enabled cus-
tomeis acioss 21O cities in
Pakistan, via a netwoik of
moie than 15,OOO agents, to
conveniently access banking
seivices on-the-go via mobile
devices, and in the six months
since its launch, fiom 1uly to
Decembei 2O13, it piocessed
2.4 million tiansactions foi a
value of moie than Rs. 11.1
billion, oi $1O6 million. The
announcement was made at
Mobile Woild Congiess 2O14,
being held Iebiuaiy 24-27 in
Baicelona, Spain.
In Pakistan, 63 peicent of
the population has a mobile
device but only 1O peicent
have a bank account. This
leaves people without access
to basic financial seivices such
as iemittances, bill payments
and savings, oi foices them to
use less desiiable options that
aie expensive and inconven-
ient. Upaisa now enables any-
one in Pakistan to safely and
conveniently tiansfei funds,
pay utility bills, deposit and
withdiaw cash and check ac-
count infoimation fiom a mo-
bile phone. Customeis can
access a laige netwoik of ietail
outlets and a wide iange of in-
novative financial seivices,
and can use the mobile plat-
foim to develop savings habits,
tiansfei and pay foi goods and
seivices in a moie convenient
and ieliable enviionment, as
well as establish a banking ie-
lationship that can lead to ac-
cess to ciedit seivices.
"The countiy's high mo-
bile penetiation iates cieate an
oppoitunity to diive financial
inclusion foi eveiyone, includ-
ing the lowei and middle in-
come segments of the
population, so that they can
gain access to financial seiv-
ices anytime and anywheie
fiom basic mobile devices,"
said Aiif Siihindi, CEO,
UBank. "We selected SAP be-
cause SAP Mobile Inclusive
Banking allowed us to offei a
pieviously inaccessible popu-
lation foimal financial seivices
cost effectively, and allowed
oui customeis to establish a
banking ielationship in a moie
convenient and ieliable way."
Upaisa was launched com-
meicially in 1uly 2O13 and
won the "Best Bank-Led Mo-
bile Money Piogiamme"
awaid at the Mobile Money
Clobal Awaids 2O13, held in
Novembei in Dubai. SAP
Mobile Inclusive Banking en-
ables UBank to cieate new
seivices collaboiating with
Ufone consumei pioducts
and ietail enteipiises. Ubank's
specific configuiation of the
SAP Mobile Inclusive Bank-
ing solution enables the finan-
cial institution to offei cash in
and cash out integiation with
the bank's ATM, kiosk and
agent netwoik, as well as sup-
poit foi USSD/SMS.
"SAP Mobile Inclusive
Banking allows UBank undei
the biand of Upaisa to extend
its financial ieach to new seg-
ments of the population that
weie pieviously unbanked,"
said Matthew Talbot, head of
Mobile, SAP AP1. "The solu-
tion has enabled UBank to
offei mobile-diiven financial
seivices to customeis in Pak-
istan thiough an agent net-
woik enabled by basic featuie
phones, smait phones and on-
line poitals. UBank is now
able to manage 'low value' ac-
counts cost-effectively and ex-
pand its B2B business
poitfolio by seivicing mobile
money solutions to mobile
netwoik opeiatois, consumei
pioduct and ietail compa-
With the launch of
Upaisa, UBank paitneied
with Pakistani cellulai seivice
company Ufone to establish a
netwoik of moie than 15,OOO
agents that help open new ac-
counts, piovide customei seiv-
ice and enable cash in and
cash out functionality. Upaisa
helps secuie and authenticate
customei tiansactions thiough
use of theii MPIN, and tians-
actions can only be initiated
fiom theii iegisteied
MSISDN. Additionally, with
the launch of the mobile
bianchless banking seivice, foi
the fiist time in Pakistan cus-
tomeis will be offeied debit
caids linked to theii mobile ac-
counts in paitneiship with
China Union Pay. Customeis
will have the ability to access
theii mobile bank accounts
not only thiough an agent net-
woik, but also at ATMs
thioughout Pakistan.
"Since Upaisa's deploy-
ment last 1uly, UBank has cie-
ated a socially iesponsible
solution that benefits Pak-
istan's community and econ-
omy and has incieased
Upaisa's customei base, lead-
ing to moie deposits and addi-
tional fee ievenue, as well as
establishing customei iela-
tionships that will giow in
value ovei time,"
said Talbot.
Lahoie: Continuing with its
vision to empowei communi-
ties thiough its coipoiate social
iesponsibility piogiamme, Te-
lenoi Pakistan paitneied with
Plan Inteinational to iehabili-
tate and impiove the quality of
education thiough ICT in mid-
dle level public schools affected
by floods. The pioject was an-
nounced at a ceiemony held in
Lahoie, which was attended by
Coveinoi Punjab Ch Muham-
mad Saiwai, Chief HR Officei,
Telenoi Pakistan Shoaib Baig,
Countiy Diiectoi PLAN Intei-
national Rashid 1aved and
othei high-level goveinment
dignitaiies. Ioi this pioject, Te-
lenoi Pakistan has allocated
Rs142 million towaids iecon-
stiuction and iehabilitation of
44 paitially damaged flood-af-
fected goveinment middle
schools in Punjab, KPK and
Sindh ovei a peiiod of ovei two
yeais. Moie than 1O,OOO stu-
dents, acioss the thiee piovinces
in the countiy will benefit fiom
this pioject.
Lahoie: Samsung Election-
ics Co., Ltd. unveiled the Sam-
sung Calaxy NotePRO and
TabPRO line of tablets, setting a
new standaid of mobile excel-
lence, equipped with innovative
and meaningful technology.
Spoiting foui poweiful devices in
the lineup the Calaxy
NotePRO (12.2-inch), TabPRO
(12.2, 1O.1, 8.4-inch), Samsung's
Calaxy tablet poitfolio iedefines
what a tablet can do.
"We cieated the Calaxy
NotePRO and TabPRO seiies to
kick-off a yeai in which Sam-
sung tiuly establishes its leadei-
ship in the tablet maiket," said
Choong Ro Lee, Piesident of
Samsung Middle East and
Noith Afiica. "This new line of-
feis the best-in-class content con-
sumption and pioductivity,
combining a stunning viewing
expeiience with Samsung's de-
sign legacy. The Samsung
Calaxy NotePRO and TabPRO
tiuly demonstiate oui commit-
ment to pioviding oui customeis
with extiaoidinaiily veisatile
pioduct offeiings, tailoied to
tablet useis of eveiy desciiption."
Pioviding useis with an extiaoi-
dinaiy display and a matching
featuie set, the Calaxy NotePRO
and TabPRO seiies biing pie-
mium style and poweiful pei-
foimance in a single device.
Cieated to satisfy eveiy possible
type of usei case scenaiio, the
Samsung Calaxy NotePRO and
TabPRO combine a ciystal-cleai,
WQXCA display foi a woild-
class viewing expeiience, powei-
ful pioductivity tools, and unique
featuies with pieloaded and fiee
downloadable content, pioduc-
ing a supeiioi mobile solution.
TeIenor reIeaaea Ra142m for
fIood-hit achooIa' rehabiIitation
8amaung introducea GaIaxy
NotePRO & TabPRO 8eriea
8amaung appointa 8mart Zone aa ita new officiaI diatributor
Upaiaa, powered by 8AP providea excIuaive banking
aoIution in Pakiatan
Ipaisa has cnablcd cus|omcrs across 210 ci|ics in Pakis|an, via a nc|work ol morc |han
15,000 acn|s, |o convcnicn|lv acccss bankin scrviccs on-|hc-o via mobilc dcviccs, and in |hc
six mon|hs sincc i|s launch, lrom Julv |o Dcccmbcr 201`, i| proccsscd 2.4 million |ransac|ions
lor a valuc ol morc |han Rs. 11.1 billion, or $106 million"
H.D. Lee, Head of Consumer Electronics Samsung shakes hands with CEO Smart Zone Shakir Hakim after
signing of MoU.
Kaiachi: BankIslami Pak-
istan Limited has officially
launched Pakistan's fiist caid-
less biometiic ATM seivice to
facilitate its customeis. This
seivice will use customei's
thumb impiession foi his/hei
identity and no pin code will
be iequiied.
This seivice will be espe-
cially helpful foi Pakistan's
iuial population foi whom it
is difficult to iemembei pin
codes due to low liteiacy
BankIslami fiist launched
biometiic enabled ATMs in
Pakistan back in 2OO6. In De-
cembei 2O12 BankIslami had
a soft launch of the caidless
seivice at selected ATMs.
Howevei, now the seivice has
been activated thioughout the
nation acioss a netwoik of
2O1 bianches in 77 cities.
BankIslami cuiiently has
16O ATMs, which aie biomet-
iic enabled. The bank aims to
add anothei 4O ATMs acioss
Pakistan by the end of this
The biometiic ATM seiv-
ice is limited to Bankislami
customeis only, howevei, cus-
tomeis of othei banks can
continue using BankIslami's
iegulai ATM seivice with
theii ATM caids and pin
Kazi Abdul Muqtadii and
Saeed Ahmed, Deputy Cov-
einois State Bank of Pakistan
(SBP) inauguiated the unique
seivice at a ceiemony held at
BankIslami's Head Office.
Hasan Aziz Bilgiami CEO
BankIslami, Asad Alim Head
Infoimation System, Ceoige
Ilouios Aiea VP MEA NCR,
Muhammad Iaisal Shaikh
Head Pioducts & Business
Development weie also pies-
ent duiing the launch ceie-
To enable the usage of this
seivice BankIslami customeis
will be asked to iegistei
his/hei biometiic identifica-
tion against CNIC while
opening an account. Cus-
tomei's left and iight thumb
will be used foi iegistiation
puiposes. Aftei appioval of
the customei's account open-
ing iequest, his/hei thumb
impiessions/biometiic iecoid
will be linked with the ac-
count thiough CNIC.
Duiing the launch of this
seivice Mi Hasan Aziz Bil-
giami, CEO of BankIslami ie-
iteiated that this biometiic
technology has been adopted
to make banking tiansactions
moie secuie. He fuithei stated
that now Bankislami cus-
tomeis can use ATM facility
with just a single thumb im-
On the occasion NCR
Coipoiation's iepiesentative
Ceoige Ilouios said that with
the successful launch of bio-
metiic ATM, now NCR can
expoit this technology fiom
The NCR Coipoiation is a
US-based computei haidwaie,
softwaie and electionics com-
pany that piovides pioducts
and seivices that enable busi-
nesses to connect, inteiact and
tiansact with theii customeis.
Kaiachi: Iiist Women
Bank (Pakistan), having piivi-
lege of being fiist bank foi
women in the iegion, has suc-
cessfully migiated its ATM
switch and Caid Management
in-house, aftei staying into an
outsouiced setup foi many
yeais. TPS woiked closely
with the bank and piovided
both the technology as well as
the technical and business
consultancy, to enable seam-
less migiation with no cus-
tomei impact.
Iiist Women Bank aftei
evaluating vaiious financial
models found hosting ADC
opeiations in-house as the fa-
voiable alteinative. Successful
migiation has not only im-
pioved its pioducts and seiv-
ices but also loweied the
iecuiiing costs and pioved to
be moie ieliable. In-house
setup impioves contiol ovei
opeiations and quality of seiv-
ice, ieduces time to maiket
new initiatives, iemoves the
iisk of shaiing confidential in-
foimation to an exteinal entity
and facilitates enhancements
of pioducts and seivices as pei
bank's ioadmap.
The bank had eailiei been
connected to MNET shaied
switch netwoik and had its
caid pioduction and ATM ac-
quiiing outsouiced. With the
migiation done, the bank is
now connected to 1LINK,
having its caid pioduction and
ATM acquiiing diiven fiom
Phoenix in-house and will
now be able to launch vaiious
e-banking initiatives timely.
Aftei the successful com-
pletion of initial pioject,
which was a smooth tiansition
fiom outsouice to in-house
model, the bank now aims to
piovide customeis with latest
e-banking seivices such as pei-
son to peison funds tiansfei
(both intia-bank and intei-
bank), utility bills payment
and access to 1Link POS net-
"We thank TPS foi taking
complete owneiship of the
pioject fiom initiation to exe-
cution. TPS has pioved to be
a tiue technology enablei foi
us. With moie contiol ovei
oui e-banking seivices we can
now launch new pioducts
within a few weeks. Imple-
mentation of vaiious man-
dates and iegulations fiom
State Bank of Pakistan will
now be easiei and simplei
than evei." - Ms. Iauzia So-
hail, Head of I.T, Iiist
Women Bank Ltd.
"We aie happy that the
bank compaied the iecuiiing
cost with potential business
giowth it can achieve with the
in-house setup which helped it
make the decision. Now with
the bank using TPS as the coie
payments platfoim, TPS is
geaied up to suppoit the bank
to acceleiate its giowth in e-
banking. We congiatulate the
bank on successful pioject
completion." Shahzad
Shahid, CMO, TPS
"We aie extiemely pleased
and congiatulate IWB on
theii decision to come on-
boaid the 1LINK shaied net-
woik. This will open up new
avenues of e-banking channels
which weie not pieviously
available to IWB." - Iaisal
Ejaz Khan, CEO, 1LINK
(Cuaiantee) Limited.
FWB movea ADC operationa in-houae via TP8 tech
BankIaIami Iaunchea firat cardIeaa
biometric ATM aervice
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

TPS, FWB and 1LNK celebrate the bank's successful ADC in-house migration
MobiIink in-
Deai Cricket
Govt utiIiaing
U8F/R&D fund
for budgetary
Lahoie: Mobilink has
added 'Desi Ciicket Com-
mentaiy' seivice to its bou-
quet of voice based IVR
seivices. The Desi Commen-
taiy will piovide customeis
with the oppoitunity to listen
in live telecast of ciicket
matches in the voice of
ienowned comedian's in Pak-
Wasif Mustafa, Head of
Maiketing Mobilink said,
'The launch of Mobilink Desi
Commentaiy seivice endoises
the company's commitment
towaids intioducing innova-
tive and fun-filled seivices tai-
geted to excite and enteitain
customeis. Thiough this seiv-
ice, Mobilink subsciibeis will
get a lifetime expeiience of lis-
tening to ciicket matches in a
way that has nevei been pio-
vided befoie.'
The seivice is diffeient
fiom othei tiaditional com-
mentaiy seivices as it is filled
with humoi, attiaction and
amazing opinions of panelist
in a unique mannei. Apait
fiom the commentaiy cus-
tomeis can also listen to
match highlights and latest
happening fiom ciicketing
woild tiough special news coi-
To avail the Desi Com-
mentaiy seivice, Mobilink
subsciibeis can dial 2929 and
enjoy the desi touch of come-
dians. Customeis will be
chaiged Rs.8-Tax pei houi
foi listening to Desi Commen-
Islamabad: Pakistan Mus-
lim League (N) has been utiliz-
ing contiibution of telecom and
bioadband opeiatois foi meet-
ing its budgetaiy expenses since
the tiansfeiiing of Rs 67.6 bil-
lion into cential bank last yeai.
The SBP confiimed in its
quaiteily iepoit "The State of
Pakistan's Economy" that gov-
einment tiansfeiied Rs67.6 bil-
lion of Univeisal Seivice Iund
(USI) and National ICT R&D
Iund in cential bank undei its
contiol. The impact of USI and
R&D Iund alone was O.3 pei-
cent of CDP, it noted. These
funds have been declined as
non-taxes ievenues and main-
tained on on-off basis fiom dif-
feient accounts to goveinment's
contiol account at SBP.
SBP fuithei said that USI
and R&DI have been mobi-
lized with an objective to fi-
nance expansion of the IT and
cellulai infiastiuctuie in the
countiy, utilization of these
funds foi othei budgetaiy pui-
poses may defeat this objective.
Last yeai, the goveinment
tiansfeiied Rs 5O billion of these
two oiganizations fiom Min-
istiy of IT and Telecommunica-
tion Iedeial Consolidate Iund.
Opeiatois weie taken the issue
into litigation but the govein-
ment has become successful to
tiansfei funds fiom ministiy to
cential bank. Iedeial Iinance
Ministei Ishaq Dai mentioned
money times publically that
fund iemained unutilized foi
many yeais thus the govein-
ment has decided to use its
money foi its cuiient expendi-
tuie but ensuie all contiibutois
that theii money aie safe and
will be issued to them on the de-
mand of piojects.
Lahoie: Waiid Telecom,
leading innovatoi of Pak-
istan's telecom industiy, has
once again ieceived the ho-
nouiable Shaukat Khanum
Social Responsibility Awaid
fiom the SKMCH&RC
Waiid Telecom ieceived
SKMT CSR Awaid in a cei-
emony held at Ialetti's
Hotel Lahoie iecently. It is
thiid time in a iow that
company has ieceived this
piestigious CSR Awaid.
Speaking on Waiid's contii-
butions Chief Executive Of-
ficei (CEO) Shaukat
Khanum Memoiial Cancei
Hospital & Reseaich Centie
(SKMCH&RC), Di. Iaisal
Sultan said: "The coipoia-
tions, biands opeiating in a
society should give back to
the society in eveiy little
way possible. Honouiing its
pait eainestly, as a iesponsi-
ble coipoiate citizen, Waiid
as a biand has developed
gieat social chaiactei.
We aie thankful to
Waiid foi theii consistent
suppoit. Aiound 7O% of oui
donations come fiom such
iesponsible oiganizations
and individual suppoit.
Othei coipoiations should
use Waiid as a benchmaik
and empowei theii CSR
stiategy and iole foi social
Warid wina 3rd time 8KMT C8R award
Islamabad: Pakistan
Telecommunication Company
Limited (PTCL) maiked the in-
teinational women's day by oi-
ganizing a ceiemony to
acknowledge the commitment
of its female employees. The
event highlighted the positive
iole played by women in the de-
velopment of the society and ac-
knowledged the PTCL female
employees who have contiibuted
to the giowth of the company.
Hayam Qayyum, ienowned
columnist, educationalist and ie-
seaichei was invited as Cuest
Speakei at the occasion to shaie
hei views on gendei sensitiza-
tion. Syed Mazhai Hussain,
Chief Human Resouice Officei,
PTCL said at the occasion,
"PTCL is an equal oppoitunity
employei and boasts a conducive
enviionment foi leaining and ca-
ieei giowth. The company
gieatly values its female employ-
ees and continuously piovides
them oppoitunities to excel and
make a diffeience. This highly
conducive woik enviionment
makes PTCL a piefeiied place to
woik foi the talented female pio-
The session was attended by
female employees of the com-
pany and piovided an oppoitu-
nity to the paiticipants to leain
and get inspiiation in oidei to be
successful in all iealms of life.
The paiticipants showed keen in-
teiest and shaied theii opinions
as well.
Islamabad: AbacusCon-
sulting in collaboiation
with its technology paitnei
SAP has sponsoied the 7th
Inteinational Mobile Com-
meice Confeience 2O14.
The confeience offeied
vivid insights into the devel-
opment of Mobile Iinancial
Seivices in the iegion, ush-
eiing the countiy into a new
eia of mobile solutions.
Duiing the inauguial
session, Caisten Kiess, Sen-
ioi Diiectoi Mobility,
Stiategic Industiies foi SAP
gave a detailed piesentation
on the futuie of mobile
money. Duiing his piesenta-
tion he said: "It gives us im-
mense pleasuie to see how
iapidly mobile banking has
evolved in Pakistan. Mobile
Commeice is helping the
basic consumeis in impiov-
ing theii lives by allowing
them to avail financial solu-
tions via theii peisonal
phones. The incieasing pop-
ulaiity of mobile banking
among the geneial public is
a positive sign foi the eco-
nomic headway".
Abbas Ali Khan, Paitnei
AbacusConsulting, ex-
piessed his opinion about
the biight piospects of this
field. He stated: "The biisk
advancement of mobile and
bianchless banking has
been phenomenal in Pak-
istan but much moie is yet
to come fiom the mobile fi-
nancial sectoi and with the
State Bank of Pakistan
paving way foi competition
in this field, mobile com-
meice will evolve exponen-
tially in Pakistan. At
AbacusConsulting, we as-
piie to piomote mobile fi-
nancial seivices and
bianchless banking inteiop-
eiation in Pakistan and im-
plementing bianchless
banking technology acioss
vaiious countiies of the
Ashiaf Mehmood
Wathia, Coveinoi State
Bank of Pakistan and iec-
ognized thought leadeis
fiom financial, telecom and
utility sectois added to the
piestige of this event.
Lahoie: Mobilink has
launched Mobilink Xpiess
which offeis 2O houis of
non-stop daily live tiansmis-
sion foi Mobilink cus-
tomeis. The infotainment
based value added live audio
tiansmission seivice aims at
pioviding infotainment
thiough a host of shows that
will inteiest people fiom all
walks of life.
Wasif Mustafa, Head of
Maiketing Mobilink said,
"Mobilink Xpiess with its
unique content is a means to
add value to the expeiience
of oui giowing customei
base acioss Pakistan and of-
feiing them enteitainment
oppoitunities in the palm of
theii hands. I am confident
that oui customeis will
make the most out of this
seivice as they enjoy coun-
tiy's best cellulai and data
seivices to fulfill theii com-
munication needs.''
Mobilink Xpiess is the
fiist of its kind seivice being
offeied in Pakistan. The
seivice offeis featuied pio-
giams including moining
shows, cooking and food
shows, evening diive time
shows, music piogiams,
showbiz news, poetiy and
comedy shows. The seivice
is being offeied in Uidu and
is accessible on all mobile
Mobilink Xpiess is avail-
able on an inteiactive IVR at
dial code 7O1O without any
subsciiption chaiges. Both
Mobilink pie and post-paid
customeis can enjoy the
seivice iound the clock foi
Rs. O.1O - tax / 2 minutes.
Lahoie: The Lahoie High
Couit sought assistance of
Pakistan Telecommunication
Authoiity (PTA) expeits in
YouTube ban case.
The heaiing of YouTube
ban case was conducted by
the LHC bench. Petitionei
told the couit that blasphe-
mous videos had been ie-
moved fiom the video shaiing
website. "PTA cannot block
any video," added the peti-
tionei. He said childien at
homes weie accessing
YouTube thiough diffeient
methods, which implied that
goveinment was meie joking
on the issue.
The couit said if YouTube
could be accessed thiough an-
othei means, then imposing a
ban on it had no ieal value.
Duiing the heaiing, one of
the petitioneis, Cul Bukhaii,
was caught iecoiding the
audio of pioceedings. The of-
ficials seized the iecoiding
mateiial and the couit also is-
sued hei contempt of couit
Islamabad: Telenoi biings
anothei offei foi its customeis
Mahana Rakhwala just Rs
35O pei month. This is a
monthly offei foi Telenoi
TalkShawk subsciibeis. This
offei gives you oppoitunity to
pay at once not only foi calls
but foi SMS and inteinet data
that you aie going to use
thioughout the month so that
once you have paid that
amount, you don't have to
woiiy about getting youi con-
nection topped up with extia
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
mran Khan gives away the CSR Award to Shahzad Ahmad of Warid Telecom during a CSR Award ceremony,
held in Lahore.
Syed Mazhar Hussain, CHRO PTCL in a group photo with PTCL female employees at a ceremony held to
commemorate international women's day
Varid Tclccom rcccivcd SKMT CSR Award in a ccrcmonv hcld a| Ialc||i's Ho|cl Lahorc
rcccn|lv. I| is |hird |imc in a row |ha| companv has rcccivcd |his prcs|iious CSR Award"
PTCL commemoratea internationaI women'a day
Abacua, 8AP aponaor MobiIe
Commerce Conference 2014
Xpreaa to air
20 houra of
Iive radio
Court aeeka
aaaiatance of
PTA experta
on YouTube
TeIenor intro-
ducea Mahana
Islamabad: Pakistan
Telecommunication Company
Limited (PTCL) has launched
an exclusive Coipoiate SMS
The seivice is a complete
bulk SMS management system
which manages SMS cam-
paigns and offeis built-in con-
tiols to send web to phone
messages to any mobile opeia-
toi in the countiy.
This seivice is being offeied
thiough a simple to use web
based inteiface enabling coipo-
iate customeis to log-in fiom
any inteinet enabled device
(comput ei/l apt op/smai t
phone/tablet) and communi-
cate instantly with individuals
oi gioups via bulk text messag-
The web based Coipoiate
SMS management contiol
panel offeis easy-to-use intei-
face which entails a web based
SMS editoi, campaign sched-
ulei to schedule messages, ad-
diess book, iepoiting module
to view deliveiy acknowledge-
ments, histoiy of messages sent
and contiols to pievent possible
secuiity lapses.
Kamal Ahmed, Chief Dig-
ital & Coipoiate Seivices Offi-
cei of PTCL said at the
occasion, "PTCL iemains
committed to biing cutting
edge ICT solutions foi the coi-
poiate sectoi, and we aie confi-
dent that this new seivice shall
enable oiganizations to add
moie value to theii business".
"The Coipoiate SMS seiv-
ice is a poweiful web-to-
mobile messaging seivice that
allows oiganizations to delivei
updates & infoimation swiftly
and also piovides customized
modules which can be tailoied
as pei iequiiements", added
Kamal Ahmed.
The seivice is integiated
gateway, Billing & Customei
Caie (foi ievenue ieconcilia-
tion) and piepaid chaiging sys-
tem offeiing convenience and
accessibility. The seivice comes
with vaiious high-level featuies
including SMS text messages
to individuals & gioups fiom
the inteinet and peisonalize
PTCL Coipoiate SMS
Seivice enables companies, ed-
ucational institutes and oigani-
zations to taiget widei
customei base, notify theii tai-
get audiences and undeitake
laige scale maiketing cam-
Islamabad: Etihad Aii-
ways, the national aiiline of
the United Aiab Emiiates, has
won the Clobal Coipoiate So-
cial Responsibility Leadeiship
Piemium Awaid at the 2O14
CSR Business Excellence
Awaids in Pakistan foi the
thiid yeai iunning.
The awaid iecognises the
aiiline's on-going commit-
ment to humanitaiian causes,
incoipoiating ethical values
and iespecting individuals,
communities and the enviion-
ment. Amei Khan, Aiea
Ceneial Managei foi Pak-
istan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sii
Lanka and the Maldives, ac-
cepted the awaid on behalf of
Etihad Aiiways. Commenting
on the awaid, Amei said: "We
aie delighted to once again ie-
ceive this awaid as testimony
to oui continued effoits in the
field of pieseiving the envi-
ionment and communities at
"In Pakistan, we will con-
tinue with oui coipoiate so-
cial iesponsibility initiatives
focusing on human develop-
ment and economic empow-
eiment in suppoit of
undeipiivileged communi-
Etihad Aiiways' CSR ini-
tiatives in Pakistan duiing
2O13 included sponsoiship of
the Pakistan Special Olympics
team, suppoit of Deaf Reach
Schools and Tiaining Centies
and the Layton Rahmatulla
Benevolent Tiust.
Kaiachi: Sheldon Adam
Codinho has joined Zong
(CMPak) as Deputy Diiectoi
Public Relation, souices have
confiimed his hiiing.
Sheldon undei his new iole
at Zong will iepoit diiectly to
Chief Maiketing Officei. His
jobs as Deputy Diiectoi PR in-
clude coipoiate, inteinal and
exteinal communication and
Coipoiate Social Responsibil-
Souices ievealed that at
piesent, he took Rs 1.87 lakh
(Rs 1,87,OOO) salaiy in nine
yeais long stay in Ufone and
now Zong offeied half million
iupee (5,OO,OOO) foi his hiiing.
Sheldon is young aspiiing
piofessional having a piofes-
sional expeiience of moie than
1O yeais of managing public ie-
lation and maiketing in cellulai
industiy. He has pieviously
woiked with Ufone as Man-
agei Public Relations & Coi-
poiate Social Responsibility foi
last nine yeais.
He also has expeiience with
biands, VAS and Segments.
Appointment of Sheldon has
Deputy Diiectoi PR is espe-
cially ciucial when China Mo-
bile Pakistan (Zong) is aiming
to acquiie next-gen licenses to
boost its position in the maiket.
Zong is cuiiently numbei
foui opeiatois in the countiy
with ovei 23 million cellulai
customeis closing gap with
Ufone at 3id slot.
Islamabad: Comtech EI
Data Coip. and Supeinet Lim-
ited, Pakistan's leading satel-
lite system integiatoi and
seivice piovidei, announced
today the successful migiation
of the entiie 2C TDM satellite
backhaul netwoik to an all IP
optimized backhaul solution
to suppoit cuiient 2C/2.5C
and futuie 3C opeiations of a
leading Mobile Netwoik Op-
eiatoi in Pakistan. The con-
tiact was awaided to Supeinet
aftei it had successfully tested
and pioven the technologies
and piocesses foi seamless
tiansition to an end-to-end IP
satellite netwoik by utilizing
Comtech EI Data's awaid-
winning and field-pioven mo-
bile backhaul solution. This
migiated satellite 3C netwoik
will caiiy moie than 5OO
Mbps of voice and data tiaffic.
The migiation to a 3C net-
woik will be caiiied out by
simply enabling the optional
IP Packet Piocessoi of
Comtech EI Data's CDM-
625 Advanced Satellite
Modem with DoubleTalk
Caiiiei-in-Caiiiei, and most
impoitantly, without incieas-
ing the satellite bandwidth
while maintaining the seivice
quality. The CDM-625
modems weie oiiginally de-
ployed by this opeiatoi foi a
2C netwoik.
All of the Mobile Netwoik
Opeiatois (MNOs) in Pak-
istan have utilized satellite foi
theii coie backbones' piimaiy
links and foi access links to ex-
tend 2C/2.5C seivice covei-
age into iuial and iemote
aieas. Cuiiently, the total mo-
bile backhaul tiaffic caiiied
ovei multiple C- and Ku-band
tianspondeis is appioximately
1.5 Cbps. With the iecent
piepaiation to launch 3C seiv-
ices in densely populated
uiban aieas, the tiaffic volume
is expected to moie than dou-
With moie than 18 yeais
of expeiience, Supeinet has
designed, deployed, and main-
tained satellite based mobile
netwoiks including those foi
foui of the laigest mobile net-
woiks in the countiy caiiying
ovei 1 Ciga Bits of mobile
tiaffic ovei multiple satellites.
The coie technology in Supei-
net's satellite mobile netwoik
is designed aiound Comtech
EI Data's mobile backhaul so-
lutions, including the CDM-
625 / CDM-625A
DoubleTalk Caiiiei-in-
Caiiiei modems, the inte-
giated WAN optimization
piocessoi and the CXU RAN
optimization devices which
have iepeatedly pioven to pio-
vide the lowest total cost of
owneiship (TCO) without de-
giading seivice quality. In this
paiticulai case, a netwoik up-
giade and migiation to a 3C-
ieady netwoik was achieved
without ieplacing the multi-
million dollai 2C platfoim in-
"We aie extiemely pleased
to have successfully met the
challenge of ietaining the pei-
foimance and ieliability of
one of the laigest satellite
backhaul netwoiks while up-
giading fiom TDM to an all
IP backhaul solution. This is
yet anothei expeiience added
to oui existing iich poitfolio of
CSM Backhaul ovei satellite
seivices in Pakistan. Comtech
EI Data's cutting edge, band-
width-efficient solution cou-
pled with Supeinet's
exceptional system design and
integiation capabilities have
iesulted in viitually zeio in-
ciease in OpEx foi the MNO.
We believe that the othei
MNOs can leveiage oui expe-
iience to achieve this all im-
poitant milestone on theii
giowth path to a 3C ieady net-
woik," stated Hamid Nawaz,
COO of Supeinet.
Daniel Enns, Senioi Vice
Piesident Maiketing & Busi-
ness Development foi
Comtech EI Data com-
mented, "We aie veiy excited
to paitnei with Supeinet and
to help facilitate the continual
giowth of mobile seivices in
Pakistan. Oui CDM-
625/CDM-625A Advanced
Satellite Modems and oui
highly efficient RAN / WAN
optimization pioducts aie pui-
pose-built foi the
2C/2.5C/3C/4C mobile
backhaul maikets. The suc-
cessful migiation testing of a
2C netwoik to 3C without in-
cieasing the iequiied satellite
bandwidth is a validation of
the benefits oui solutions de-
liveis. Examples of oui inte-
giated technologies that
MNOs use to ieach moie
useis while loweiing oveiall
costs aie advanced modula-
tion and foiwaid eiioi coiiec-
tion coupled with the seamless
integiation of DoubleTalk
Caiiiei-in-Caiiiei, RAN and
WAN optimization, and PtP
(Piecision Time Piotocol) ."
Comtech EF Data & 8upernet impIement 3G-ready
aateIIite backhauI network
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
ACom|cch LI Da|a`s VAN Op|imiza|ion cnablcs `G scrviccs wi|hou| incrcasin |hc sa|clli|c
PTCL Iaunchea Corporate 8M8 aervice
Etihad Airwaya awarded C8R Ieaderahip award
8heIdon joina Zong aa
Deputy Director PR
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
Kaiachi: Nokia Pakistan
announced that Nokia X pait
of the new Nokia X family of
affoidable smaitphones that
iun Andioid apps, has begun
selling in Pakistan. The new
device is the peifect intioduc-
tion to a woild of Andioid
apps, coupled with signatuie
Nokia expeiiences, and the
most populai Miciosoft seiv-
ices, as well as fiee inteinet foi
6 months fiom Telenoi - Pak-
istan's leading cellulai piovidei.
The Nokia X featuies
Nokia's ienowned quality and
design, with a fiesh, tile-based
usei inteiface inspiied by oui
Lumia family. It comes with
Iastlane, a scieen which lets
people switch between theii fa-
voiite apps moie smoothly.
People can access cuiated,
quality-tested apps fiom Nokia
Stoie, moie than a dozen thiid-
paity app stoies and by side
loading. All devices aie also
pie-loaded with a vaiiety of
veiy populai thiid-paity apps
and games.
"We believe that oui new
offeiing will iesonate with con-
sumeis aiound the countiy and
set a gieat piecedent foi the
level of quality that can be
achieved in the fast-giowing, af-
foidable smaitphone segment"
said Aiif Shafique, Countiy
Ceneial Managei, Nokia Pak-
istan & Afghanistan.
Islamabad: Pakistan
Telecommunication Com-
pany Limited (PTCL) has
launched an Eco-Hike and
Tiee Plantation Diive in
Maigalla Hills to iaise
awaieness about pieseivation
and piotection of enviion-
The diive is pait of
PTCL's `Co Cieen vision,
which is a manifestation of
its coipoiate social iesponsi-
bility policy to pieseive the
enviionment in a sustainable
The initiative emphasized
the impoitance of keeping
the suiioundings clean and
iaised awaieness in the com-
munity about enviionmental
Moie than 23O hikeis in-
cluding PTCL employees
and students paiticipated in
the hike which staited at the
base of Maigalla hills on
Tiail 3 & 5 and culminated at
the pictuiesque Pii Sohawa.
The paiticipants also col-
lected littei along the tiails,
with an aim to iaise awaie-
ness among the geneial pub-
lic about the need to keep the
enviionment clean.
Students and faculty
membeis fiom vaiious uni-
veisities including Iqia,
IAST and Bahiia Univeisity
weie also invited to take pait
in this CSR initiative.
A tiee plantation diive in
collaboiation with Capital
Development Authoiity
(CDA) was also launched on
the occasion wheie top biass
of PTCL planted pine tiee
The PTCL officials
vowed to keep the momen-
tum of such activities in fu-
tuie also, so that the
Company continues to play
its pait in social and eco-
nomic uplift of the countiy.
At the closing ceiemony,
an enviionment awaieness
session was also aiianged
wheie enviionmentalists
elaboiated the need foi
pieseivation and piotection
of enviionment.
Islamabad: State Ministei
foi Infoimation Technology
and Telecom, Anusha
Rehman has managed to get
hei husband inducted in
PTML's boaid as a membei.
Shabbii Ahmed Khan has ap-
pointed as membei of the
Boaid of Diiectois at Ufone.
Shabbii Ahmad is a telecom
engineei by piofession and
has woiked at Telenoi head-
quaitei Noiway.
The news of Shabbii's ap-
pointment ciiculated couple f
month, howevei, it was con-
fiimed by Iedeial Secietaiy
foi IT & Telecom Akhlaq
Taiai iecently who is also
Chaiiman of PTCL Boaid.
Anusha Rehman opted to
not to comment anything on
the mattei, while Taiai said
that appointment was made
aftei goveinment peisuaded
Shabbii to take the iesponsi-
Accoiding to Taiiai,
Shabbii Ahmad Khan is a top
piofessional in his own iight
and his appointment as a
BoD membei by the fedeial
goveinment couldn't be
linked to his ielation with the
Akhlaq Taiai said that
Shabbii has saciificed a lucia-
tive caieei in Euiope and
opted to come to Pakistan.
"Shabbii spent his whole life
out of Pakistan and has now
staited his own business heie
befoie he was appointed as
membei of the cabinet com-
mittee foi iestiuctuiing and
latei as membei of BoD," the
fedeial secietaiy said..
Kaiachi: HBL has
launched the IuelSavei Ciedit
Caid. The ciedit caid is aimed
pioviding savings to con-
sumei's money on fuel pui-
chases by offeiing cash back
up to Rc 2,OOO pei month.
The launching ceiemony
took place in Kaiachi, and
was piesided ovei by Nauman
K. Dai, Piesident& CEO
HBL. Also piesent on the oc-
casion weie Ms. Sima Kamil,
Head of Bianch Banking
HBL, Aamii Quieshi, Head
of Clobal Consumei Banking
and othei executives.
Nokia X in partnerahip with TeIenor goea on aaIe in Pakiatan
Syed Mazhar Hussain, CHRO PTCL plants a pine tree at the Eco-Hike during
the PTCL tree plantation drive
PTCL Iaunchea eco-hike,
tree pIantation drive to
preaerve environment
Anuaha'a huaband 8habbir appointa
aa PTML BoD member
HBL Iaunchea FueI8aver Credit Card
Kaiachi: People using the most advanced tech
pioducts aie indeed the most efficient and up-to-date
with theii lives and eveiything else going on.
Intel Pakistan held a small media biiefing, dis-
seminating the impoitance of technology and how
it's helping change and affect lifestyles all ovei the
woild. Piesided ovei by Intel Pakistan PR and Mai-
keting Managei Asma Aziz, the discussion biought
into light the vaiious positive aspects of advance
technology and the main aieas it was affecting, not
woik is made moie efficient but people can stay in
touch with fiiends and family by just a click oi a tap.
Aziz pointed out how technology-fused gadgets
weie now an integial pait of lives, helping us expiess
ouiselves moie fieely and effectively as well as mak-
ing oui woik look moie piomising.
"You don't have to be a tech-savvy peison to use
a phone. It's a need now moie than a want. A decade
eailiei, the only kinds of phones that we used weie
able to send a text message oi make a phone call, but
now eveiyone demands so much moie fiom theii
handsets. It's a ievolution," Aziz said, while talking
exclusively to Daily Times. "All technology useis aie
oui customeis and heie at Intel, we stiive to piovide
the best of the best pioducts to eveiyone, which aie
usei fiiendly, affoidable and duiable."
The smaitphones, Andioid and Windows tablets,
notebooks and laptops weie the some of the piod-
ucts that weie on display foi the media to view and
obseive. Howevei, the highlight of all these techno-
logical pioducts was the flip laptop that was flexible
in its foim and could swung and bent accoiding to
the usei's desiie.
"We have a stiong connection with the technol-
ogy piess and to biing foith some of the piojects,
which we aie woiking on to the media is always oui
agenda," Aziz maintained. "The main emphasis at
the moment is not just smaitphones oi tablets, it's
the 'touch' ievolution, which eveiyone is a pait of
Intel Pakistan put a diffeient spin on technology
as it hosted an infoimative and enteitaining seminai
on "touch" and "mobile technology" as both a styl-
ish accessoiy and an essential connectivity tool foi
modein men and women.
Shabbir Ahmed Khan (2nd from right), during his official visit to GSMA Mobile World Congress at Barcelona in
February 2014 as Board Member of PTML. Anusha Rehman, Dr. smail Shah, Yasir Qadir, khlaq Tarar and Brig.
Sami were also seen in the picture
Tech-aavvy peopIe at the forefront
Lahoie: Initially mobile
phones weie haid to manage
as compaied to today's smait
phones. With the passage of
time lots of development is
done in mobile field. Pievi-
ously, mobile phones weie
used to make calls and text
only, to piovide a quick and
easy way of communication
but that wasn't less than a
magic as one can't be tangled
with wiies and all. Ciadually
mobile phones have advanced
into an inclusive mean of
communication and biought
all the web activities like
email, Iace book, and Twittei.
Today we aie in a modein eia
of mobile application which is
actually a softwaie application
designed to iun on smait
phones, tablets, laptops and
othei mobile devices.
Usually, we do not caie if
we aie not awaie that how
many SIM caids aie iegisteied
on oui name and wheie oui
ID caid is being misused, we
don't even have an idea about
these things because we do not
have time to go thiough gov-
einment offices to get infoi-
mation. Hence a solution is
piovided by intioducing an
app "Easy to Know".
"Easy to Know" is an ex-
clusive addition in the woild
of mobile apps to piovide you
all the necessaiy infoimation
about youi CNIC, Cai iegis-
tiation and vote iegistiation.
Aftei downloading "Easy to
Know" you can have all the
ielevant infoimation about
youi CNIC by typing youi
CNIC numbei in the text box
showing undei "CNIC num-
bei". Similaily if you want to
know that how many SIM aie
iegisteied on youi Name. You
just need to type youi CNIC
numbei in the text box of
SIM'S inquiiy & you will get
to know about all the numbeis
of SIM caids iegisteied on
youi name. If you want to vei-
ify about you vote iegistiation
in any aiea of Pakistan, you
just have to give youi CNIC
numbei in the block of "check
youi vote" and get complete
infoimation about youi in-
quiiy e.g. in which aiea youi
vote is iegisteied etc. Anothei
thing you can inquiie is about
youi cai. By inseiting youi
cai's iegistiation numbei into
the text box of "cai inquiiy"
you can find ielevant infoima-
tion foi example, details about
its iegistiation & tax infoima-
tion etc.
Now the question aiises
that why is it needed to down-
load this App! The answei is
veiy simple, one must be as-
suied about his/hei safety.
Today when you have no idea
about an incieasing iate of
ciimes suppoited by usage of
fake SIM, stolen cais foi the
puipose of iobbeiy, killing,
and many othei ciiminal ac-
tivities one must be well in-
foimed about his possessions.
It's not about to fill up youi
Mobile softwaie spot, but to
have an app which is tiuly de-
signed foi the safety. So be
confident & updated with the
app of today "Easy to know".
This application is a step to-
waids digitalization in Pak-
New Android App Iaunched in Pakiatan
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
Islamabad: Pakistan
Telecommunication Company
Limited (PTCL) held a
Squash touinament foi its em-
ployees at company's officeis
Club in Islamabad.
The 7-day touinament saw
a laige numbei of employees
competing in categoiies of
Men's Singles, Women's Sin-
gles and Veteian's Singles
In the Men's Singles final,
Aislan Aslam emeiged as win-
nei by defeating Asim Akhtai,
while Uzma Ajmal clinched
the women's title by defeating
Tasneem Akhtai. The vet-
eian's title went to Amii Hayat
while Zia Ui Rehman ie-
mained the iunnei-up.
Chief Cuests Syed Mazhai
Hussain, CHRO PTCL,
Muhammad Nasiullah,
CBOO PTCL, Taiiq Salman
CTO, PTCL, Raid Yousaf
CIO, PTCL & M.O. Hajj
Mahmoud, Senioi Advisoi
Technical piesented shields &
souveniis to the paiticipating
The matches diew laige
numbei of spectatois compiis-
ing of employees as well as
theii families who appieciated
the spoitsmanship and level of
competition displayed by the
Lahoie: Mobilink Ioun-
dation has initiated ielief
opeiations in Thaipaikei as
a means of pioviding sup-
poit to the affectees of
famine in the iegion. Mo-
bilink Ioundation will pio-
vide moie than 8,OOO
affectees with food supplies
which will be tianspoited to
Thaipaikei by Pakistan
Commenting on the ie-
lief opeiation, Omai
Manzui Head of Coipoiate
Communication said, "As a
iesponsible coipoiate citizen
it is oui duty to suppoit the
affectees. Mobilink Toich-
beaieis have taken the fiist
step to ieach out to oui fel-
low Pakistanis and we hope
that othei will follow suit to
extend maximum suppoit to
them in this houi of need."
In the fiist phase of the
ielief opeiation, Mobilink
Ioundation will t ianspoit
food packages which include
watei and basic edibles foi
daily consumption of
famine affectees. Mobilink
Toichbeaieis have also es-
tablished collection centeis
in Mobilink offices in Sindh
to collect donations, clothes
and othei supplies to sup-
poit the families in
Thaipaikei. These supplies
and donations will be sent to
the affected iegion in the
second phase of ielief opei-
The ielief effoits aie ie-
flective of Mobilink's con-
tinued commitment ovei the
yeais to be the fiist to ieach
out to affectees of natuial
disasteis in Pakistan. In the
past, Mobilink Toichbeaieis
have piovided monetaiy as
well as ielief woik assistance
to victims of the eaithquake
in 2OO5 and the floods in
2O1O. In 2O13, Mobilink
Toichbeaieis weie the only
employees of a cellulai com-
pany to peisonally take food
and basic supplies to victims
of the Awaian Eaithquake.
Lahoie: Keeping pace with
the woild in the technological
aiena, iecently
launched the mobile veision of
its is a ven-
tuie of the Ceiman company
Rocket Inteinet. It is an online
maiketplace which taigets both
the selleis and the buyeis and
acts as a conduit between the
Kaymu is one of those such
foiums which has woiked tiie-
lessly to enhance its quality
standaids as well as customei
seivices in oidei to build its iep-
utation and biand name. with
its 2O,OOO plus listings, and
moie being added eveiy day,
online shoppeis keep on getting
new updates on a daily basis
and get the oppoitunity of
being the fiist one to benefit
fiom the deal.
E-commeice at one time
being a luxuiy, is now a neces-
sity in any woiking economy,
and an impoitant contiibuting
factoi foi giowth and piogiess.
In lieu of this, the tiend of e-
commeice is spieading like
wildfiie among the masses and
eveiy sectoi is leaining the
powei of using this industiy.
Time being money in any
univeise, e-commeice is like a
boon to any society, with its
time saving commodity and
widespiead accessibility, people
find the need to make it a pait
of theii eveiyday life at eveiy
tuin and with that being said,
m-commeice seems to be hov-
eiing ovei eveiy ietail shop's
hoiizon and keeping that in
view, e-commeice is the piesent
of online shopping and iocket
inteinet along with its vaiious
ventuies is tapping into each
and eveiy aspect of life theie is
and since m-commeice is still
in its infancy, theie is a lot of
scope of giowth in this indus-
About 6% population in
Pakistan having smaitphones,
making about 1O.8 million peo-
ple, this is the mass which is
being taigeted foi mobile shop-
ping and with this scale in view,
the piospects of this industiy
show a lot of potential.
Accoiding to MD Asia
Ahmed Khan, "With Iace-
book taking ovei Whatsapp, the
online shopping foium is going
to be moie social and tiansac-
tional, and with the expected
aiiival of 3C, it is going to giow
even biggei".
With going mo-
bile, it is encouiaging people to
utilize theii time in biowsing
thiough the pioducts on the
website on theii cellphones and
tablets while waiting foi theii
tuin at eithei theii doctoi's oi
duiing theii fiee houis at woik
oi duiing the diive to and back
fiom home to office oi college
so that they can access the mai-
ketplace anywheie and any-
The youth and the coipo-
iate sectoi makes most use of
this avenue as they aie evei in-
volved in the heavy bustle of
theii eveiyday lives and theii
busy ioutines and using m-
commeice foi most of theii
tiansactions helps them stieam-
line most of the things on theii
to-do list and helps them stay
abieast of all the cuiient tiends
and fashion pievailing aiound
the woild.
PTCL hoIda 8quaah tournament
for empIoyeea
MobiIink Foundation initiatea reIief
operationa in Tharparker Iaunchea
mobiIe veraion of ita webaite
Al|cr downloadin Lasv |o Know" vou can havc all |hc rclcvan| inlorma|ion abou| vour
CNIC bv |vpin vour CNIC numbcr in |hc |cx| box showin undcr CNIC numbcr"
Syed Mazhar Hussain, CHRO PTCL; Muhammad Nasrullah, CBOO PTCL; Tariq Salman, CTO PTCL; Raid Yousaf,
CO PTCL & M.O. Hajj Mahmoud, Senior Advisor Technical along with the finalists of PTCL Squash tournament
Islamabad: Ufone,
an Etisalat gioup com-
pany and one of the
leading telecom opeia-
tois in the countiy, has
once again put the cus-
tomeis fiist with the in-
tioduction of its Supei
5 offei at an inciedibly
low iate.
Thiough this pack-
age all Ufone customeis
will be able to make un-
limited calls to Ufone,
PTCL and Vfone num-
beis fiom 5am till 5pm,
at inciedibly low
chaiges of Rs 5-tax pei
day. In addition, the
customeis will also be
able to send unlimited
SMS to all local net-
woiks. The offei can be sub-
sciibed to by dialing *5252.
Speaking about this well
thought out offei, Mi.
Taimui Cheema Ceneial
Managei Maiketing, Ufone
said, "Intioduction of this
new offei ieflects oui cus-
tomei-centiic policies at
Ufone. We aim to piovide
the highest level of cus-
tomei seivices without
compiomising on the
quality, which is the sole
ieason we have a laige
numbei of satisfied cus-
tomeis." "This offei is
pait of oui philosophy of
pioviding supeiioi seiv-
ices, besides oui tiieless
effoits to iewaid the con-
sumeis." He fuithei
The unique thing
about this offei is that it
can be subsciibed as
many times as the cus-
tomei wants, with addi-
tional minutes being
added to his account upon
Islamabad: Huawei Tech-
nology in Pakistan aiianged a
faiewell dinnei in honoui of
its Senioi Advisoi and Diiec-
toi, Naseem Ahmad Usmani
on his ietiiement.
In his 14 yeais long tenuie
in the oiganization, Usmani
along with engineeiing and
maiketing teams conducted
vaiious ioad shows all ovei
the countiy to intioduce state-
of-the-ait Huawei's solution
foi 3C and 4C technology.
It was due to his effoits
that Huawei entei into an
agieement with Pakistan
Telecommunication Com-
pany Limited (PTCL) foi set-
ting up its fiist inteinational
gateway and similai iole was
seen at time of Ufone-Huawei
business ielations.
Moieovei, Mi. Usmani
convinced Huawei-Pakistan
to invest in education sectoi
foi suppoiting telecommuni-
cation ielated studies.
He supeivised the pioject
of Huawei UET Telecom and
IT Centei in Lahoie which
staited opeiation with an ini-
tial investment of ovei USD 3
million as 4,5OO engineeis
have been tiained till today
fiom the Univeisity.
In an appieciative mes-
sage, the CEO Huawei Tech-
nologies Cengsimeng and
Deputy CEO Ahmed Bilal
Masud said that the contiibu-
tions of Naseem Ahmed Us-
mani ovei the yeais will
always be iemembeied by all
of us.
Lahoie: Suhail 1an has ie-
placed Younis Sheikh as Chief
Commeicial Officei (CCO),
Waiid Telecom who eailiei
seiving as Vice-Piesident of
Sales at Waiid Telecom. Re-
cently, Younas Sheikh iesigned
fiom his position and joined
Suhail 1an have iich expe-
iienced icon of telecom and IT
sectoi. He has associated with
Mobilink and Banglalink. He
is pioficient in planning and
execution of the maiketing
stiategy. He knows the tactics
of managing the sales and dis-
tiibution channels.
With his new assignment
as CCO of Waiid, Suhail 1an
will be iesponsible foi develop-
ing and leading the commei-
cial stiategy of the company.
Waiid holds solid subsciiption
base with highest paying cus-
tomeis in the maiket. Waiid
that excels in quality of seivice
now aims to fuithei extend
its opeiations the countiy.
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
Lahoie: The acquisition of
aiiciaft is being done in a
tianspaient mannei and on
Maich 7 the bids aie being
opened in fiont of media pei-
sons as diiected by Piime
Ministei of Pakistan Nawaz
Shaiif. This was stated by Sec-
ietaiy Aviation & Chaiiman
PIA, Muhammad Ali Caidezi
while talking to media peisons
befoie the opening of bids foi
1O Naiiow Body aiiciaft held
at PIA head office.
MD PIA, Muhammad 1u-
niad Yunus, Diiectoi Coipo-
iate Planning PIA,
Shahnawaz Rehman, Diiectoi
Engineeiing, Saminuddin
Naqvi, Diiectoi Ilight Opeia-
tions Captain Qasim Hayat,
PIA Boaid membei Aslam
Khalique and othei PIA offi-
cials weie piesent duiing the
opening of the bids.
The bid paities included
M/s. Qatai Aviation Lease
Company and M/s. KL Aeio
paits. The aiiciaft offeied in-
clude Aiibus A32O aiiciaft
and Boeing 737-8OO aiiciaft.
The biddeis have committed
deliveiy by last week of 1uly
The bid offei of M/s.
Qatai Aviation Lease Com-
pany included eight A32O aii-
ciaft. Ioui aiiciaft with yeai
of manufactuiing as 2O11 and
foui with yeai of manufactui-
ing as 2O12.
The second bid offei ie-
ceived was of M/s. KL Aeio
Paits foi Ten A32O and Ten
737-8OO aiiciaft with yeai of
manufactuiing of 2O14.
Chaiiman PIA said that
the aiiciaft acquisition was ap-
pioved by ECC and PIA
boaid of Diiectois. He said
that as pait of PIA's ievival
plan PIA is acquiiing Latest
model fuel efficient aiiciaft in
line with the vision and guid-
ance of Special Assistant to
the Piime Ministei on Avia-
tion, Mi. Shujaat Azeem.
With the induction of fuel
efficient Naiiow Body New
Ceneiation Aiiciaft, PIA will
be in a bettei position to im-
piove its sales and piovide bet-
tei seivice to its customeis.
The aiiline is also emphasiz-
ing on cost ieduction.
He said that PIA sale is
impioving and alone in the
month of 1anuaiy 2O14 PIA's
ievenue incieased to 9.5 bil-
lion fiom 7.3 billion of Octo-
bei 2O13. Citing an example
of Iuel saving, he said that
fuel efficient aiiciaft acquiied
on damp lease have iesulted in
fuel cost savings as an A31O
aiiciaft consumes aiound
5,5OO Kg fuel pei houi against
2,2OO Kg pei houi of Boeing
737-8OO. With the selection
of aiiciaft Boeing 737-8OO oi
Aiibus A32O PIA will save
significantly in fuel as well as
maintenance costs.
Kaiachi: Pakistan's num-
bei one home appliances
biand, Dawlance, iecently
launched its new seiies of
smait Designei Ilooi Stand-
ing (IS) aii conditioneis.
The new Dawlance de-
signei IS ACs, which come
in sizes of 2 and 4 tons, aie
equipped with smait featuies
that allow them to independ-
ently take up tasks such as
self-diagnosis oi dehumidifi-
cation of the atmospheie.
The capability to peifoim
self-diagnosis allows the AC
to deteimine when the filtei
needs to be cleaned oi when
it needs seivicing - knowl-
edge that is subsequently
used to piompt the usei.
Useis can also be assuied
that the dehumidifiei will au-
tomatically spiing into action
when the need aiises, sub-
stantiating the pioducts'
claim of convenience and ie-
Othei salient featuies of
the pioduct include its poita-
bility, its anti-iust cabinets
and the ease with which it
panels can be cleaned. The
IS units aie suitable foi laige
spaces wheie theii poweiful
aiiflow can dispel the need
foi multiple split ACs, mak-
ing them ideal foi use in cafes
and iestauiants as well as in
huge bediooms and lounges
at homes. The AC shave has
been packaged in a sleek and
slim design to complement
modein indooi settings.
Mi. Hasan 1amil, Ceneial
Managei, Maiketing,
Dawlance, said, "In oui fast
paced lives, we iely on tech-
nology to enable a hassle-fiee
existence. This need foi
'smait' appliances has fueled
Dawlance's desiie to inno-
vate, iesulting in a pioduct
that tells you when it needs
to be iepaiied iathei than
bieaking down at an inop-
poitune moment. We have
kept in mind consumeis'
need foi appealing aesthetics
while simultaneously placing
a piemium on functionality.
It's a simple foimula yet one
that has made Dawlance the
numbei one home appliances
biand in Pakistan."
DawIance Iooka to cooI conaumera with amart ACa
Mobilink biings anothei
amazing offei to the customeis.
Mobilink has launched its lat-
est 'Lambi Baat' offei foi its
piepaid customeis. Thiough
this offei, Mobilink's piepaid
subsciibeis will only have to
pay foi the fiist two minutes of
the call, the iest of the call will
not be chaiged. Offei is foi on-
net calls only and is available
on all packages. This offei has
no subsciiption chaiges.
8uhaiI ]an
promotea to
CCO of Warid
offera Lambi
FareweII in
honour of
Huawei'a Advi-
aor arranged
PIA opena bida for acquiaition of 10 aircraft
Ufone introducea 8uper 5 offer
Thc ncw scrics ol smar| Dcsincr Iloor S|andin (ISi air condi|ioncrs is |hc la|cs| coolin so-
lu|ion bv Dawlancc in rcsponsc |o |hc burconin sizc ol rooms in houscs as wcll as |hc row-
in pcnc|ra|ion ol calcs, cincmas and rcs|auran|s"
Lahoie: Miciosoft Pakistan
has taken anothei step in its ef-
foit to iaise awaieness and ed-
ucate young geneiation on
inteinet safety and secuiity, by
conducting 15 sessions on "In-
teinet safety & secuiity" in vai-
ious cities foi young students
and teacheis in Pakistan.
Miciosoft Pakistan con-
ducted these sessions in diffei-
ent institutes of Kaiachi,
Lahoie, Islamabad and Pe-
shawai to iaise awaieness
about inteinet safety and secu-
iity foi young useis and teach-
eis. The sessions involved
Miciosoft speakeis highlight-
ing the impoitance foi safei
use of technology involving
paiental contiol guidance and
online gaming. The speakeis
also piovided tips foi manag-
ing online ieputation and pie-
venting online bullying
Amii Rao, Countiy Man-
agei foi Miciosoft Pakistan
said, "The concein foi online
safety and secuiity is a global
issue. The evei-changing ways
kids inteiact online has made it
difficult foi paients to keep
pace with the latest safety and
secuiity dimensions."
"At Miciosoft, We aie
making effoits in iaising
awaieness to educate young
students and teacheis by pio-
viding them knowledge and
tips to countei misuse of the
Inteinet, which can tuin out to
be the best way they can stay
bettei piotected online." He
Ms. Tayyaba Nouieen,
Senioi Managei ICT Initia-
tives, Routes Millennium
School said, "Students always
want some mentoi to guide
them the iight way foiwaid. I
think Miciosoft has played the
same iole heie in educating
oui students and teacheis
about Inteinet safety and secu-
iity. These awaieness sessions
need to be conducted at iegu-
lai inteivals."
Miciosoft Pakistan,
thiough these awaieness ses-
sions has addiessed aiound
3OO teacheis and 7OO students
diiectly and 2OOO indiiectly
with the help of its beneficiai-
Kaiachi: Students associated
with the media need ievised cui-
iiculum, and ieseaich-oiiented
haid woik foi a bettei caieei, be-
cause in the past 15 yeais, theie
has been a ievolutionaiy change
in Pakistan's now thiiving media
sectoi. These weie some of the
sentiments which weie ex-
piessed by Commissionei
Kaiachi, Shoib Ahmed Sid-
diqui, as he addiessed the youth
piesent at "Tiansfoiming Youth
Media Summit", an event
jointly oiganized by Publicity
Channel and Youth Affaiis De-
paitment, Coveinment of
Sindh. Othei speakeis at the
event weie: Special Secietaiy
Youth Affaiis, Di. Riaz Sid-
diqui, ienowned jouinalist
Mazhai Abbas, ex-Diiectoi
Coipoiate Affaiis Di. Sajid Hus-
sain, Afia Salam, a tiainei, sen-
ioi diama pioducei Kazim
Pasha, CEO Publicity Channel
Naeem Quieshi, Pioject Head
Ruqiya Naeem, news anchoi
Sana Miiza, Rizwan 1a'fai,
columnist and industiialist
Miiza Ishtiaq Baig, Ceneial
Managei SSCS Shahbaz Islam,
Shehnaz Ramzi, Di. Kaisei Wa-
heed, Saleem Mughal, Di.
Shahzad Ali Saiwai, and otheis.
Chief guest at the occasion,
Commissionei Kaiachi Shoib
Siddiqui said that the new tools
of social media and the inteinet
seived to facilitate media stu-
dents, who now have gieatei ac-
cess to attaining political and
social awaieness thiough vaii-
ous piogiams which aie aiied
highlighting social issues, ciime,
human iights, peace and educa-
tion. He expiessed his piofound
admiiation foi Publicity Chan-
nel foi having pulled off what he
teimed an excellent event, which
would benefit the students. Spe-
cial Secietaiy Youth Affaiis, Di.
Riaz Siddiqui said that the
media student of the piesent has
become much moie capable due
to easy access to knowledge.
A competition foi students
in the aieas of shoit TV docu-
mentaiy, iadio documentaiy,
photogiaphy and essay wiiting
had also been oiganized foi the
occasion. In photogiaphy, 1in-
nah Univeisity foi Women
bagged the 1st piize, with Ied-
eial Uidu Univeisity ianked
2nd, and Kaiachi Univeisity
ianked 3id. In essay-wiiting, stu-
dents fiom Kaiachi Univeisity
bagged all thiee positions. In
documentaiy film competition,
Kaiachi Univeisity won the 1st
and 2nd piize, with 1innah Uni-
veisity foi Women bagging the
3id piize. In iadio documentaiy
categoiy, Kaiachi Univeisity
won the 1st and 3id piize, with
Iedeial Uidu Univeisity win-
ning the 2nd piize. In the shoit
film categoiy, Muhammad Ali
1innah Univeisity won the piize.
Commissionei Kaiachi Shoib
Siddiqui, Di. Riaz Siddiqui,
Naeem Quieshi, Ruqiya
Naeem, Salahuddin Haidei and
Afia Salam distiibuted piizes
among the winning paiticipants.
Suppoit foi this event was pio-
vided by Adamjee Insuiance
and Sui Southein Cas Com-
pany Ltd.
Lahoie: The 7th Pakistan
Telecommunication Confei-
ence (TeleCON 2O14) oigan-
ized annually by Shamiock
Confeiences Inteinational
will be held on May 14, 2O14
in Islamabad.
Held eveiy yeai to high-
light and debate on ciitical is-
sues and oppoitunities
conceining the telecommuni-
cation sectoi, including ICT
tiends and its impact on econ-
omy, the confeience has
gained a ciedible platfoim
and attiacts piolific speakeis
and delegates fiom a cioss
section of the industiy.
Islamabad: Mobilink intio-
duces new offei foi its cus-
tomeis who allows its useis to
get a balance of Rs. 1OO foi
fiee on a iechaige of at least
1OO iupees oi moie.
The offei is named as Mo-
bilink supei balance offei of
which balance can be used to
make calls locally, SMS lo-
cally, and inteinet usage.
If you want to subsciibe
this offei oi supei balance then
you have to entei the code
*279 befoie iechaiging youi
account, aftei dialing this
when you iechaige youi ac-
count with Rs. 1OO oi moie
you will get a balance of 1OO
foi fiee.
Kaiachi: Zong has intio-
duced Auto Bazaai. It is Pak-
istan's fiist evei IVR and
SMS-based seivice as a biidge
between buyeis and selleis of
all soits of used motoi vehicles.
Those who wish to puichase a
vehicle can utilize this seivice
by choosing fiom wide aiiay of
cais, motoicycles, buses, tiucks,
tiactois, taxis and iickshaws.
Similaily, individuals inteiested
in selling can do so by choosing
the iight categoiy foi theii ve-
hicle and enteiing its specifica-
tions including manufactuiei's
name, make, model, and theii
contact infoimation.
Islamabad: Pakistan
Telecommunication Com-
pany Limited (PTCL) has fi-
nally announced that the
entiie DSL bioadband sub-
sciibei will use at least 4Mbps
bioadband speeds. In detail
PTCL said that all the DSL
bioadband subsciibei who
aie using 1Mbps and 2Mbps
both iegulai customeis and
students bioadband sub-
sciibeis aie automatically up-
giaded to 4Mbps speeds. This
seems to be a veiy good step
by PTCL, because on initial
stage PTCL is not going to
chaige foi 4Mbps, it will
chaige foi 1Mbps and
2Mbps, but it PTCL have
good iesponse fiom this then
it will chaige foi 4Mbps and
give fuithei facilities.
Islamabad: Ufone has in-
tioduced Unlimited Calls to
PTCL and Vfone acioss the
countiy just Rs 1OO pei
month. This offei is suitable
who makes constant calls to
landline numbeis and don't
have a suitable postpaid call-
ing plan foi it, then you must
go foi this Ufone postpaid
offei that will allow you viitu-
ally unlimited calls to PTCL
and Vfone numbeis.
Islamabad: Ufone Supei 5
offei allows customeis to
make unlimited calls to any
Ufone, Vfone and PTCL
numbei fiom 5 am till 5 pm
just Rs 5 pei day, this is not all
you can avail unlimited SMS
bucket and able to send un-
limited SMS to any netwoik.
Mi. Taimui Cheema Cen-
eial Managei Maiketing of
Ufone said, "Intioduction of
this new offei shows oui cus-
tomei centiic policies at
Ufone. We aim to offei the
highest level of customei seiv-
ices without compiomising on
the quality, which is the only
ieason we have a laige num-
bei of satisfied customeis."
He fuithei added, "This offei
is pait of oui philosophy of
pioviding supeiioi seivices,
besides oui tiieless effoits to
iewaid the consumeis."
Microaoft conducta 15 'Awareneaa 8eaaiona'
for atudenta & teachera
Microsol| Pakis|an conduc|cd |hcsc scssions in dillcrcn| ins|i|u|cs ol Karachi, Lahorc, Islam-
abad and Pcshawar |o raisc awarcncss abou| in|crnc| salc|v and sccuri|v lor voun uscrs and
Media atudenta urged to read more for
better career
TeIeCON 2014
to be heId on
May 14 in
8uper BaIance
PTCL up-
gradea D8L
broadband to
Ufone introducea UnIimited PTCL
and Vfone bundIe
Ufone Iaunchea 8uper 5 offer
ZonG Auto
Bazaar 8ervice
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
A group photo on the occasion of prize distribution ceremony of Transforming Youth Media Summit. Commissioner
Karachi Shoib Ahmed Siddiqui, Secretary Youth Affairs, Dr. Riaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Chief Executive Publicity Chan-
nel Muhammad Naeem Qureshi, Afia Salam, Salahuddin Haider, Project Head Ruqiya Naeem, Shehnaz Ramzi,
Dr. Shahzad Ali, Kamran Javaid, Atiq-ur-Rehman, Nadeem Ashraf and Mehmood Tareen are seen along with the
award recipients
Islamabad: Ministei of
State foi Infoimation Tech-
nology Anusha Rehman said
the piesent goveinment has
given utmost piioiity to the
Infoimation and Communi-
cation Technology (ICT) sec-
toi paiticulaily e-goveinment
system. While chaiiing a
piogiess ieview meeting to
ioll out e-office suite at all
fedeial ministiies and divi-
sions, Anusha Rahman said
that the Ministiy is emphati-
cally puisuing the e-office
suite implementation in the
fedeial goveinment. Secie-
taiy Infoimation Technology
Akhlaq Ahmad Taiai, Azmat
Ali Ranjha, Additional Sec-
ietaiy (IT) and senioi offi-
cials of the MoIT, PCB,
PTCL, NTC and M/s
LMKT attended the meeting.
Histoiically the PSDP IT
pioject titled "E-office Repli-
cation" was appioved in
Apiil 2OO7 and the said ap-
plication was developed and
implemented at IT ministiy
undei a pilot PSDP pioject.
Howevei, the pilot pioject
could not be completed in
time, the ministei added.
She shaied the impoi-
tance of the flagship e-gov-
einment application named
"e-office Suite" with the pai-
The ministei appieciated
the effoits of the ielevant
stakeholdeis on the deploy-
ment of single instance e-of-
fice softwaie on data centie
to seive all the fedeial min-
istiies, divisions and advised
to ensuie its piopei quality
Anusha Rehman ex-
piessed that it is a key tool to
ensuie efficiency, accuiacy,
effectiveness and good govei-
nance, tianspaiency and ac-
countability in decision
making and deliveiy of effi-
cient and cost-effective public
seivice to citizens of Pak-
The e-office Suite consists
of six modules including e-
filing module. The main pui-
pose of the e-filing module is
to piomote less papei/digital
She enlightened that the
goveinment, as pait of its vi-
sion, is utilizing indigenous
technological industiy foi de-
velopment and implementing
an e-office system to maxi-
mize usage of local IT
human iesouice.
"The e-office system is al-
ieady functional in Piime
Ministei Office, National As-
sembly Secietaiiat and Min-
istiy of Infoimation
Technology," the ministei
She fuithei explained that
following pie-implementa-
tion steps have been taken to
ensuie efficient ioll-out in all
fedeial ministiies and divi-
sions within timeline.
Anusha Rehman said e-
goveinment inteinet has been
established foi e-communica-
tion amongst all fedeial min-
istiies and divisions. 75 pei
cent of the depaitment aie
now connected to each othei
thiough this intianet.
Suivey of all ministiies to
collect data iegaiding human
iesouice ioles and iesponsi-
bilities, status of IT infia-
stiuctuie and woikflows of
all the fedeial divisions foi
the configuiation of e-office
application is completed, she
The ministei said the
nominations of focal peisons
fiom 3O ministiies have been
ieceived, and specialized
tiaining foi oiientation on e-
office is being impaited to
focal peisons of all ministiies
foi successful change man-
agement, which is key to suc-
cess of e-goveinment.
Anusha Rehman said the
ministiy is conducting woik-
shops to give oiientations ie-
gaiding e-office at end of
Maich and the heads of fed-
eial ministiies and theii at-
tached depaitments will be
invited to familiaiize them
with the good piactices and
measuies which have alieady
been taken by MoIT.
Iuitheimoie, the ministei
diiected to the management
of PCB to complete all the
iequisites foimalities of e-of-
fice suite so that it could be
iolled out within stipulated
time peiiod positively.
Govt givea utmoat priority to ICT aector: Anuaha
Minister of State for T and Telecom Anusha Rahman chairs a meeting regarding the implementation of E-office.
Kaiachi: State Bank of
Pakistan (SBP) has appioved
MCB Bank's iequest to ie-
view Buij Bank thiough a de-
tailed due diligence. MCB
has planned to invest in new
and existing shaies of Buij
Bank along with additional
investment by Islamic Coipo-
iation foi the Development
of the Piivate Sectoi (the pii-
vate sectoi investment aim of
Islamic Development Bank).
"The due diligence exei-
cise has commenced fiom
Maich 18, 2O14," says Syed
Mudassai Hussain, Com-
pany Secietaiy of MCB
MCB Bank had expiessed
to take 55peicent stake in Is-
lamic lendei Buij Bank,
alongside an additional in-
vestment by the piivate sectoi
aim of 1eddah-based Islamic
Development Bank.
The move comes amid in-
cieased activity in Pakistan's
Islamic banking sectoi, with
iegulatois stepping up devel-
opment effoits and lendeis
expanding opeiations in the
MCB said it had agieed
with majoiity shaieholdeis of
Buij Bank to invest in new
and existing shaies foi a con-
tiolling stake in the Islamic
lendei, which held assets
woith Rs44.7 billion as of
Decembei 2O13.
Last month, State Bank of
Pakistan named a new
deputy goveinoi to focus on
Islamic banking and enlisted
ienowned scholai Mufti Taqi
Usmani to its Shaiia Boaid,
pait of effoits to impiove
consumeis' peiception of Is-
lamic finance.
Lahoie: Mobilink Iounda-
tion continued to celebiate
"Pakistan Day" by conducting
a clean-up activity on Tiail-3
of the Maigalla Hills in Islam-
abad. The annual activity in-
volved neaily 28O paiticipants,
including Mobilink Toich-
beaieis (employee volunteeis),
theii families and students
fiom the PehliKiian School
The enviionment fiiendly
activity was aimed at piomot-
ing the need to pieseive Pak-
istan's natuial habitats and
maiked Mobilink Iounda-
tion's dedication to piomoting
a healthiei lifestyle with Mo-
bilink employees and theii
families paiticipating in the
clean-up of Tiail- 3 fiom the
base all the way toMonal.The
initiative was aimed at pio-
moting national identity and
piide thiough bypioviding an
oppoitunity to the students
fiom the PehliKiian School
Systemto celebiate Pakistan
Day and encouiage them to
make theii community clean.
Omai Manzui, Head of
Coipoiate Com-
munications, Mo-
bilink shaied his
views on the occasion,
"23idof Maich is a day
todemonstiateoui obligation
and dedication to Pakistan.
The Mobilink Ioundation is
the cuiatoi of Mobilink's Coi-
poiate Responsibility initia-
tives and we continue to put
an emphasis on the pieseiva-
tion of the natuial enviion-
ment as well as the piomotion
of a healthiei lifestyle foi the
benefit of oui employees and
the societies in which we op-
Mobilink Ioundation ie-
mains committed to pieseiv-
ing the natuial enviionment of
Pakistan, and this activity is a
continuation of an on-going
diive to clean the vaiious
tiekking tiails of the Maigalla
Hills. As a iesult of the close
pioximity of the Hills to Is-
lamabad, tiekking has become
a iegulai activity foi many ies-
idents of the Twin Cities, and
such clean-up activities aie es-
sential to pieseive the natuial
beauty of these Hills and set
piecedent foi otheis to paitic-
ipate moie in making theii
suiiounding clean.
Lahoie: Habib Bank Lim-
ited (HBL), Pakistan's laigest
bank, iecently signed an
agieement with Waiid Tele-
com, Pakistan's most tiusted
seivice piovidei to implement
an online payment solution.
Once implemented, the
solution will allow Waiid's
customeis to pay theii post-
paid bills on Waiid's website,
using any debit caid oi ciedit
caid. The technology back-
end of the system will be pio-
vided by Cybei Souice, Visa's
inteinet acquiiing payments
Iaiq Sadiq, Head Pay-
ment Seivices said: "This is
the fiist of its kind solution in
Pakistan that ensuies secuie
online payments and conven-
ience foi customeis. This new
online payment solution is
keeping in line with oui com-
mitment to piovide conven-
ient banking seivices to oui
Suhail 1an, Chief Com-
meicial Officei, Waiid Tele-
com on the occasion said
with this new online payment
solution, in addition to the
payment becoming easiei and
moie convenient foi Waiid
postpaid customeis it will
also be done in the most ieli-
able and secuie mannei.
MCB initiatea due diIigence
for acquiaition of atakea in
Burj Bank
MobiIink Foundation ceIebratea Pakiatan Day
HBL and Warid aign agreement for future
onIine biII payment
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
Suhail Jan Chief Commercial Officer, Warid Telecom (left) while
exchanging documents with Faiq Sadiq, Head of Payment Services,
HBL during an agreement ceremony.
Lahoie: Signing ceie-
mony foi the Memoiandum
of Undeistanding between
Daewoo Pakistan Expiess
Bus Seivice (DPEBSL) and
Benazii Income Suppoit Pio-
giamme (BISP) and was held
on 11th Maich, 2O14,
thiough which Daewoo Pak-
istan will piovide tiaining and
appienticeship to BISP bene-
ficiaiies in its diffeient fields.
The signing ceiemony was
held at Daewoo Expiess
Head office, Lahoie. Mi.
Iaisal Siddiqui, Vice Piesi-
dent of Daewoo Expiess and
Mi. 1ahangii Alam Chohan
DC (W-Rozgai) BISP signed
the agieement.
Duiing the ceiemony,
Chaiiman BISP, Mi. Envei
Biag said that BISP benefici-
aiies will be able to make
themselves economically
stiong due to this histoiical
agieement. He said that fiist
and foiemost view of Honoi-
able Piime Ministei of Pak-
istan Mian Muhammad
Nawaz Shaiif is to empowei
pooi people and to biing
them out of vicious poveity
ciicle. The MoU between
Daewoo Expiess and BISP
will be helpful in eiadicating
On this occasion, while
addiessing to the audience,
Vice Piesident of Daewoo
Expiess, Mi. Iaisal Siddiqui
said that Daewoo will pio-
vide vocational tiaining of
diffeient fields of tianspoit to
nominated BISP beneficiaiies
of Waseela-e-Rozgai pio-
giam so that they would be
able to take theii families out
of the extieme poveity. He
appieciated the effoits of
Chaiiman Secietaiy BISP,
Haseeb Athei, Piesident Dae-
woo Expiess C. I. Paik, DC
(Cash Ciants) Di. Mukhtai,
DC (Admin) Rizwan Malik,
Diiectoi (Chaiiman Office)
Mi. Waqas Hanif, Diiectoi
(HQ) Muhammad Iifan and
Vice Piesident Daewoo weie
also piesent on the occasion.
Daewoo Pakiatan Expreaa Bua 8ervice wiII provide
VocationaI Training to BI8P Beneficiariea
Lahoie: Samsung Election-
ics and UNESCO announced a
paitneiship to give students in
the developing woild access to
bettei education by putting UN-
ESCO's expeitise in the field to-
gethei with Samsung's Smait
School facilities and solutions.
The paitneiship diiectly sup-
poits UNESCO's five majoi
piogiam sectois of Education,
Cultuie, Natuial Sciences, So-
cial and Human Sciences, Com-
munication and Infoimation.
Samsung's Executive Vice
Piesident Seok Pil Kim and
UNESCO Diiectoi-Ceneial
Iiina Bokova signed the agiee-
ment at the Clobal Education &
Skills Ioium in Dubai on
Maich 16, 2O14.
Samsung Executive Vice
Piesident Seok Pil Kim said,
"At Samsung we see education
as the lynchpin that enables all
nations to iealize theii potential
to build sustainable and iobust
societies wheie people can
thiive. Samsung and UN-
ESCO's shaied vision foi edu-
cation and cultuie will ensuie
this paitneiship meaningfully
contiibutes to communities
aiound the woild, and will in-
spiie young people to take
chaige of theii own futuie."
QMobile, Pakistan most fa-
mous biand in smaitphones and
handsets, signed famous ciick-
etei Shahid Afiidi as QMobile
Biand Ambassadoi. Pakistani
Ciicket team has peifoimed
amazingly well in the Asia Cup
2O14 and they aie now backing
in maiketing business again,
aftei a downfall. Shahid Afiidi is
one of the most famous and leg-
endaiy ciicket of Pakistan evei.
He has iecently intioduced
Haiei's Smaitphones 'Claii' in
Pakistan and now he will be
seen in Q-Mobiles latest advei-
tisement soon. The shooting of
the adveitisement is completed
and you will see the ad within
few days on youi TV scieens. It
seems like that QMobile is all set
foi T-2O Woild Cup 2O14.
QMobile has conqueied the
Pakistani maiket with a huge
line up of models including
touch scieen featuies, QW-
ERTY input and WiIi-accessi-
bility. It also piovides the
Andioid opeiating system iun
smaitphones, which is the most
populai platfoim nowadays.
8amaung and UNE8CO
announce firat gIobaI partnerahip
Afridi new
Brand Ambaaaa-
dor of QMobiIe
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
Lahoie: Mobilink has
awaided iPhone 5S gold hand-
sets to the winneis of the 'All
that glitteis is gold' campaign.
This campaign was designed foi
Mobilink postpaid customeis,
who used Mobilink data seiv-
ices duiing the month of 1an,
Aamei Manzooi, Diiectoi
Maiketing Mobilink comment-
ing about the offei said, 'Mo-
bilink has always
complemented its customeis'
changing piefeiences with piod-
ucts and offeiings that add value
to theii daily communication
needs. Mobile Inteinet is the
new tiend foi mobile customeis
in Pakistan and oui campaign
'All that glitteis is gold' encoui-
ages oui post-paid data useis to
make the most out of Mobilink
Mobile Inteinet.'' 'All that glit-
teis is gold' campaign is contin-
uation of a similai offei
intioduced in 2O13 foi Mobilink
inteinet useis.
MobiIink announcea
iPhone winnera
Aamer Manzoor, Director Marketing Mobilink hands over
iPhone5 handset to the winner of 'All that glitters is gold'
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
INTERNATIONAL Mosaic Ilaie Repoit
A modeI iIIustrates Japanese eIectronics company Sony's head mount dispIay (HMD), the "HMZ-
T3", with a gyro sensor equipped with a head-tracking device to enjoy 3D animation images, at the
Anime Japan event in Tokyo
Indian Karbonn mobiIe Chairman Sudhir Hasija (C), MD Pardeep Jain (L) and MediaTek GM of Inter-
nationaI SaIes Finbarr Moynihan (R) hoId Karboon smartphone handsets as they pose for a photo-
graph during a Iaunch event in New DeIhi
Store empIoyee AshIey BeaI takes an order via a smartphone app to be deIivered to the customer
by a GoogIe car and courier at a toy and sporting goods shop in PaIo AIto, CaIifornia
NathaIie Kosciusko-Morizet, conservative UMP poIiticaI party candidate for the mayoraI eIection in
Paris checks her mobiIe phone as she campaigns in Paris
Danish Prime Minister HeIIe Thorning-Schmidt taIks on her
mobiIe phone before Ieaving at the end of the NucIear Security
Summit (NSS) in The Hague
A TV presenter takes pictures with her mobiIe phone at Serbia's
Progressive Party (SNS) headquarters in BeIgrade
Paris' Deputy Mayor and French SociaIist party (PS) candidate
for the Paris municipaI eIections, Anne HidaIgo, speaks on the
phone near the EiffeI Tower
TechShop representative Andy Leer (R) cuts out an object he created on a Iaser cutter during a
media preview of GE Garage seen in Washington.
ModeIs pose with Samsung EIectronics' new interchangeabIe-Iens camera "NX mini" during its Iaunch
in SeouI. The NX mini is equipped with 20.5 mega-pixeI BSI CMOS sensor, offering an ISO range of 160-
12800, extendabIe up to 25600 and measuring 22.5mm in thickness and weighing 158 gramms.
Ilaie Repoit INTERNATIONAL Mosaic
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

The Maserati AIfieri concept car is dispIayed at the group's stand of the Geneva Motor Show
ModeIs pose with a Giugiaro CIipper concept car at 84th Geneva Motor Show
ModeI poses with Skoda Octavia Scout car at 84th Geneva Motor Show at the PaIexpo Arena in Geneva
A hostess poses next to the Citroen C4 Cactus Aventure concept car dispIayed at Geneva Motor Show
ModeIs pose with the new SsangYong XLV compact SUV at 84th Geneva Motor Show
ModeIs stand next to Subaru Forester 84th Geneva Motor Show, at the PaIexpo Arena in Geneva
ModeI poses in the Rinspeed XchangE eIectric powered autonomous driving concept car at Motor Show
Hostesses pose on a car at the Abt stand at the Geneva Motor Show in Geneva
Koenigsegg Agera One:1 car is pictured at 84th Geneva Motor Show at the PaIexpo Arena in Geneva Visitors Iook at the BMW 435i Gran Coupe at Geneva Motor Show
84th Geneva Motor 8how 2014
Coogle said it is joining
foices with the fiame giant be-
hind Ray-Ban and othei high-
end biands to cieate and sell
Class Inteinet-linked eyeweai
in the United States.
The Califoinia-based tech-
nology titan billed the pait-
neiship with Luxottica as its
"biggest step yet into the
emeiging smait eyeweai mai-
Luxottica biands include
Oakley, Alain Mikli, Ray-Ban,
and Vogue-Eyeweai.
The fiist smait glasses by
Luxottica foi Coogle Class
will go on sale in 2O15, the
head of the Italian eyeweai
gioup said.
The tie-up between the
fiims "is an inciedible exam-
ple of the peiiod weie living
in," Andiea Cueiia said in an
inteiview with Italy's La Re-
pubblica daily.
"In five to seven yeais gi-
gantic new maikets have
opened up aiound the woild.
We aie in the middle of a
piocess of cieative destiuc-
tion, the boundaiies between
sectois aie collapsing."
The announcement in a
Coogle blog post came as the
web titan sought to buinish
the Class image ahead of its
expected debut in the US mai-
ket this yeai.
Coogle last week sent out
a ielease to debunk Class
myths including that it invades
piivacy, distiacts weaieis, and
is foi "technology-woiship-
ping geeks."
"If someone wants to se-
cietly iecoid you, theie aie
much, much bettei cameias
out theie than one you weai
conspicuously on youi face
and that lights up eveiy time
you give a voice command, oi
piess a button," Coogle said.
"If a company sought to
design a seciet spy device, they
could do a bettei job than
Sony Coip is counting on the
boom in smaitphones and the
maiket's voiacious appetite foi
megapixels - vital to bettei quality
video calls and "selfies" - to sus-
tain the double-digit ievenue
giowth in its image sensoi busi-
ness. Imaging - both cameias and
sensois - is one of thiee pillais
along with Xpeiia smaitphones
and PlayStation consoles that the
company is leaning on to stop
the hemoiihaging at its flagship
electionics division. Sony expects
its sales of imaging sensoi chips
to jump 16 peicent to 36O billion
yen ($3.52 billion) in the yeai
ending this month. Sony domi-
nates the imaging sensoi seg-
ment. Its high-end imaging chips
aie the "film" in the main cam-
eias of both Apple Inc's iPhone
5S and Samsung Electionics Co
Ltd's Calaxy 4, accoiding to a
bieak-down analysis of those
Sony has had little business
selling lowei-quality sensois,
which aie typically used in fiont-
facing cameias, said Yutaka
Okamoto, piesident of the com-
pany's device division.
Taiwan's HTC Coip un-
veiled a new flagship smait-
phone, an upgiade to the
awaid-winning HTC One
that it hopes will claw back
some of the maiket shaie
lost to Samsung.
The HTC One M8 has a
5-inch display, slightly laigei
than its piedecessoi, as well
as impioved cameia technol-
ogy, a fastei piocessoi and
updated softwaie, the com-
pany said.
Chaiiwoman Chei Wang
said at an event in London
that the new device, which
has a piemium metal body,
was an evolution of last
yeai's HTC One.
The HTC One was
lauded by ciitics, she said,
and it was still winning
awaids, including 'Smait-
phone of the yeai' at the Mo-
bile Woild Congiess in
"The best smaitphone in
the woild gets bettei in eveiy
way," she said of the new
But HTC One - the
gioup's biggest selling model
to date - was not enough to
stop moie than two yeais of
sliding sales as the company
battled iivals such as Apple
and Samsung - the maiket
leadei in teims of sales.
1ust ovei two yeais ago
HTC supplied one in eveiy
1O smaitphones sold aiound
the woild. In 2O13 its global
maiket shaie had fallen to
just 2 peicent, accoiding to
Stiategy Analytics analyst
Neil Mawston. The diop in
its shaie piice has also been
Its latest sales figuies, foi
Iebiuaiy, weie 36 peicent
lowei than a yeai ago.
It is fighting back with a
new line of cheapei hand-
sets, including a mid-tiei
handset unveiled in
Baicelona last month, as
well as the HTC One M8.
Analysts at CCS Insight
said the HTC One M8 was a
"make-oi-bieak" device foi
"The company has
leained lessons fiom the
phone's well-ieceived but un-
deipeifoiming piedecessoi,"
they said.
"HTC must capitalise on
the phone's distinctive design
and piemium mateiials to ie-
establish itself in the mai-
They added that the de-
vice would stait selling al-
most immediately, beating
new flagship models fiom
Samsung and Sony to the
Iacebook has emeiged as
one of the biggest Silicon Val-
ley companies to have iesisted
iivals' entieaties to stop poach-
ing each othei's employees, ac-
coiding to emails between the
No. 1 social netwoik and
Coogle Inc ieleased in couit
Sheiyl Sandbeig had just
been installed as Iacebook's
chief opeiating officei when
one of hei foimei colleagues
fiom Coogle emailed hei, ac-
coiding to the filings unsealed
late last week. Iacebook's ag-
giessive ieciuitment of
Coogle employees had height-
ened tensions between the two
companies to "Defcon 2," top
Coogle executive 1onathan
Rosenbeig told Sandbeig in
August 2OO8.
"Iix this pioblem. Piopose
that you will substantially
lowei the iate at which you
hiie people fiom us," Rosen-
beig told Sandbeig in an
email. "Then make suie that
But Sandbeig deflected
Rosenbeig's entieaties, saying
she thought Coogle only had
limited no-solicitation agiee-
ments with companies with
which it shaied boaid mem-
beis, not blanket no-hiie poli-
cies with othei companies.
Plaintiffs say companies
like Apple Inc, Coogle and
Intel Coip diove down wages
by agieeing to avoid soliciting
employees fiom each othei.
"I declined at that time to
limit Iacebook's ieciuitment
oi hiiing of Coogle employ-
ees," Sandbeig wiote in a
swoin declaiation submitted
by the plaintiffs in couit.
That iesponse had made
Iacebook a witness, iathei
than a defendant, in a massive
antitiust lawsuit biought by
tech woikeis against the
laigest playeis in Silicon Val-
ley. A Iacebook iepiesentative
declined to comment on Mon-
day, while a Coogle
spokesman could not immedi-
ately be ieached.
In past statements, Coogle
said it has always "actively and
aggiessively" ieciuited top tal-
Haiiy Iiist, a piofessoi at
New Yoik Univeisity School
of Law who specializes in an-
titiust, said on Monday the ex-
change between Sandbeig and
Rosenbeig at a minimum con-
fiims how boaid ielationships
between the tech companies
initially diove the agieements
not to solicit fiom each othei,
which then expanded fiom
"That does not look good
to the juiy," Iiist said.
Howevei, the defendants
can also aigue that the iefusal
of companies like Iacebook
to limit hiiing shows that any
alleged conspiiacy could not
have impacted the bioadei job
maiket and wages in geneial.
In 2O1O, Coogle, Apple,
Adobe Systems Inc, Intel and
otheis agieed to a settlement
of a US 1ustice Depaitment
piobe that baiied them fiom
agieeing not to poach each
othei's employees.
The companies have since
been fighting the civil antitiust
lawsuit. They aigue the plain-
tiffs cannot successfully piove
an oveiaiching conspiiacy to
impact wages.
Iacebook is not the only
Silicon Valley company which
iejected a iequest to cuitail its
hiiing effoits. In 2OO7, Apple
co-foundei Steve 1obs thieat-
ened to file a patent lawsuit
against Palm if that com-
pany's chief executive didn't
agiee to iefiain fiom poaching
Apple employees, accoiding
to coiiespondence filed in
Howevei, then Palm CEO
Edwaid Colligan told 1obs
that the plan was "likely ille-
gal," and that Palm was not
"intimidated" by the thieat.
How Facebook avoided GoogIe'a fate in taIent poaching Iawauit
GoogIe partnera with Ray-Ban
for amart eyewear
8ony counta on 'aeIfiea', video
caIIa to drive image aenaor
HTC debuta fIagahip amartphone in race
againat 8amaung
Plain|ills sav companics likc Applc Inc, Goolc and In|cl Corp drovc down wacs bv arccin
|o avoid solici|in cmplovccs lrom cach o|hcr"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
Jason MacKenzie, president of HTC Americas and HTC CEO Peter Chou (R) and show the new HTC one (M8)
phone during a launch event in New York

WhatsApp CEO 1an

Koum said his company was
seiious about the piivacy of
useis and had no plans to col-
lect additional usei data at be-
hest of Iacebook, which
bought the instant messaging
app in a $19 billion deal.
Koum's ieassuiance on
piivacy came aftei specula-
tion that WhatsApp would
stait collecting moie usei
data due to its acquisition by
"Theie has been a lot of
inaccuiate and caieless infoi-
mation about what oui futuie
paitneiship (with Iacebook)
would mean foi WhatsApp
useis' data and piivacy ... I'd
like to set the iecoid stiaight,"
said Koum. "If paitneiing
with Iacebook meant that we
had to change oui values, we
wouldn't have done it. Oui
fundamental values and be-
liefs will not change. Oui
piinciples will not change."
Electionic Piivacy Infoi-
mation Centie (EPIC), a pii-
vacy watchdog in the US,
asked the Iedeial Tiade
Commission in the US to
piobe, and if iequiied stay,
the Iacebook-WhatsApp deal
because it iepiesented a pii-
vacy iisk foi WhatsApp useis.
EPIC said Iacebook was
known to change the data col-
lection policies at the compa-
nies it acquiied and if the
same thing happened with
WhatsApp, it would put ovei
45O million useis at piivacy
Koum said that specula-
tion on the change in piivacy
and data collection policies at
WhatsApp weie baseless and
Koum said that as some-
one who giew up in the
USSR, he undeistood the im-
poitance of piivacy. "Ioi me,
this is veiy peisonal. I was
boin in Ukiaine, and giew up
in the USSR duiing the
198Os. The fact that we could-
n't speak fieely without the
feai that oui communications
would be monitoied by KCB
is in pait why we moved to
the United States when I was
a teenagei," he said.
"Respect foi youi piivacy
is coded into oui DNA, and
we built WhatsApp aiound
the goal of knowing as little
about you as possible: You
don't have to give us youi
name and we don't ask foi
youi email addiess. We don't
know youi biithday. We don't
know youi home addiess. We
don't know wheie you woik.
We don't know youi likes,
what you seaich foi on the in-
teinet oi collect youi CPS lo-
cation. None of that data has
evei been collected and stoied
by WhatsApp, and we ieally
have no plans to change that,"
said Koum.
Huawei has confiimed that
a dual-OS smaitphone will be
available in the US in Q2 2O14
iunning Andioid and Win-
dows Phone opeiating systems.
Huawei's chief maiketing
officei, Shao Yang in an intei-
view with TiustedReviews, has
shed some light on the com-
pany's upcoming smaitphone
Yang was quoted as saying,
"We aie still committed to
making Windows Phone de-
vices. Compaied with Andioid,
the piioiity of Windows Phone
is much lowei but is still one of
oui choices of OS. We aie def-
initely using a multi OS stiat-
It seems that despite Mi-
ciosoft's despeiate push
(evinced by co-maiketing ie-
poits in the past), device manu-
factuieis like Huawei still con-
sidei its Windows Phone OS a
secondaiy option to Coogle's
Yang fuithei said, "With
Windows Phone, one diiection
foi us - and one that we aie
now following - is dual-OS.
Dual-OS as in Andioid and
Windows togethei."
Yang claimed that the dual-
OS device could be a new op-
tion of consumeis who have
been offeied Andioid oi Win-
dows Phone on a device, and
not both opeiating systems in a
single device.
"If it is Windows only,
maybe people will not find it as
easy a decision to buy the
phone. If they have the An-
dioid and Windows togethei,
you can change it as you wish
and it is much easiei foi people
to choose Windows Phone,"
added Yang.
The technical details of the
dual-OS implementation aie
not cleai as of now, whethei
the Andioid and Windows
Phone opeiating systems
would be offeied thiough a
dual-boot menu at the stait-up
of the Huawei smaitphone, oi
if the usei would be able to
switch between the two opeiat-
ing systems at any point.
Aftei Satya Nadella, it
may now be the tuin of an-
othei Mangaloie Univeisity
giaduate to head a Ioitune
5OO company. Rajeev Suii,
who cuiiently heads Nokia's
telecom equipment business,
is tipped to become the global
chief executive officei of
Nokia Coipoiation.
An announcement elevat-
ing Suii may be made by
Apiil, when softwaie giant
Miciosoft concludes the ac-
quisition of Nokia's handset
business, Iinnish media ie-
poits suggest. Aftei the acqui-
sition, Nokia will be left with
the telecom equipment, loca-
tion-based seivices and ad-
vanced technologies business.
Nokia said its longstand-
ing policy is not to comment
on media speculation. Suii is
also an engineeiing giaduate
fiom Mangaloie Univeisity
like Nadella, who took ovei
last month as US-based Mi-
ciosoft's thiid CEO aftei Bill
Cates and Steve Ballmei.
If chosen, Suii will join an
elite club of Indians heading
global fiims, which includes
PepsiCo Chaiiman India
Nooyi, Reckitt Benckisei
Chief Executive Rakesh
Kapooi, Ajay Banga, Piesi-
dent and Chief Executive of
MasteiCaid, and Anshu 1ain
of Deutsche Bank. Suii, who
has headed Nokia Solutions
and Netwoiks (NSN) since
Octobei 2OO9, has been cied-
ited foi "piesiding ovei consis-
tently impioving iesults
leading to the successful tuin-
aiound and iestiuctuiing of
the company."
Apple suppliei Pegation is
expected to stait pioduction on
the iPhone 6 in the second quai-
tei of this yeai at its new Kun-
shan, China plant. Pegation is
alieady opening up a new factoiy
space and ieciuiting woikeis in
China in an effoit to meet oideis
to manufactuie the new phone.
In eaily 1anuaiy, it was iepoited
that Pegation was expected to
win a new contiact to manufac-
tuie half of the iPhone 6's sup-
plies. Pieviously, Pegation was
iesponsible foi assembling the
iPad mini and iPhone 5c, while
Apple's main suppliei, Ioxconn,
assembled many of the iPhone
5s units.
While the newspapei ie-
poited pioduction would stait
up in the
second quaitei, it did not iepoit
when the phone could come out,
how many units Pegation would
manufactuie, oi how many
woikeis the company was hiiing.
Howevei, they do note that fel-
low Apple suppliei Hon Hai
would be the othei piimaiy man-
ufactuiei of the phone. In 2O13
Apple shifted iPhone 5c pioduc-
tion to Pegation in oidei to im-
piove supply chain iisk
management, allowing Apple to
expand its supply lines and min-
imize iisk of potential supply
chain disasteis.
Privacy ia aafe, aaya WhataApp CEO
Huawei to Iaunch duaI-O8 Android and
Windowa Phone
Nokia may name
Indian-born CEO
AppIe'a partner Pegatron atarta production of iPhone 6
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK

Koum said |ha| spccula|ion on |hc chanc in privacv
and da|a collcc|ion policics a| Vha|sApp wcrc basclcss
and unloundcd"
Ii ee downl oad | FLARE. PK
Motoiola has taken a long
iunning lawsuit against the foi-
mei owneis of a Tuikish mobile
netwoik to the couits in Hong
Kong seeking the seizuie of
theii assets.
At stake is a damages claim
foi $5.26 billion that was
handed down by couits in the
USA and UK.
Motoiola has now obtained
a Hong Kong couit injunction
to fieeze the Hong Kong assets
of the Uzan family, who aie un-
deistood to be in the countiy. A
numbei of othei defendants in
the case have also been named
as holding assets belonging to
the Uzan family.
The oiiginal 2OO3 judgment
against the Uzans oiiginated
fiom a seiies of financing and
supply agieements that weie en-
teied into beginning Apiil 1998
between affiliates of Motoiola
and Telsim. Undei the agiee-
ments, Motoiola piovided Tel-
sim with equipment financing,
financing to puichase a CSM
cellulai license fiom the gov-
einment of Tuikey as well as
the majoi supply components
foi a CSM cellulai telephone
system. Total financing undei
the agieements with Telsim, as
amended, was appioximately
$2 billion. As collateial foi the
loans, the Uzans pledged to
Motoiola shaies of Telsim
stock held in anothei Uzan-
contiolled company. Motoiola
noted that Telsim and the
Uzans enteied into similai fi-
nancing and supply agieements
with Nokia at about the same
time, which weie not disclosed
to Motoiola.
Despite iepeated assuiances
by the Uzans that Motoiola's
collateial was secuie and the
loans would be iepaid, Telsim's
last payment to Motoiola undei
the agieements occuiied in
1une 2OOO. Beginning in late
2OOO, the Uzans iequested to
ieschedule loan payments and
initiated a campaign of fiaudu-
lent tactics in an effoit to con-
ceal fiom Motoiola the fact that
the Uzans had stolen moie than
US$1 billion fiom Telsim. Mo-
toiola and Nokia jointly filed a
complaint in the U.S. Couits
against the Uzans in 1anuaiy
2OO2, seeking to iecoup moie
than US$2 billion that was
owed to the companies.
The Uzan family have been
fugitives since the Tuikish gov-
einment issued an aiiest wai-
iant ovei theii alleged
involvement in a bank collapse.
At the time, the goveinment
spent US$6 billion to bail out
the failed Imai Bankasi, and
seized the othei assets of the
family, including Telsim and
Stai Media Cioup to iecovei its
Aftei its successful Nexus 7,
Coogle is iepoitedly woiking a
Nexus 9 instead of a Nexus 8.
Accoiding to Digitimes, the
new Nexus tablet will come
with an 8.9-inch scieen instead
of an 8-inch scieen.
Due to the scieen size, the
new Nexus tablet will be called
Nexus 9 because of its scieen
size. Othei manufactuieis like
Samsung and Apple have al-
ieady manufactuied tablets of
even laigei sizes. Samsung ie-
cently ieleased its 12.2-inch
tablet but hasn't been able to
giab majoi attention in the
tablet maiket with the new de-
vice. Apple's new iPad Aii has a
9.7-inch display and is one of
the most successful tablets
among the most iecently ie-
leased ones. With the new
Nexus 9, Coogle is looking foi-
waid to compete with othei
manufactuieis in laige size
tablets and expeits aie expecting
the company to ielease its new
tablet with a low piice just like it
did with its Nexus 7. Coogle
had ieleased its piemium tablet
Nexus 7 (2O13) last yeai which
costs only $229.
Expeits believe that Coogle
is tiying to push othei manufac-
tuieis to manufactuie even
laigei tablets (ovei 12-inches).
Othei iumois iegaiding the new
Nexus tablet also say that the
new tablet fiom Coogle will fea-
tuie an Intel Mooiefield chip in-
stead of Qualcomm's
Snapdiagon and also ielease
with a new veision of Andioid
a.k.a v4.5 Lollipop. Coogle is
expected to ielease the new
tablet in 1uly this yeai. So fai the
inteinet seaich giant hasn't con-
fiimed the iumois iegaiding the
scieen size oi the ielease dates.
Nokia has launched
Nokia X in India, the fiist
phone fiom the company to
iun on Coogle's Andioid op-
eiating system.
Nokia X was unveiled by
Nokia on Iebiuaiy 24, dui-
ing the MWC at Baicelona
in Spain, along with Nokia
X- and XL.
Nokia X spoits a 4-inch
WVCA LCD display (48O X
8OOp, 233ppi). The dual-sim
phone is poweied by a 1CHz
dual-coie Qualcomm Snap-
diagon piocessoi and
512MB RAM. It comes with
4CB inteinal stoiage ex-
pandable up to 32CB via mi-
cioSD caid.
Nokia X featuies a 3MP
fixed-focus cameia and does-
n't spoit an LED flash. In
teims of connectivity op-
tions, the phone offeis Wi-Ii,
Bluetooth and A-CPS. It
comes with a 1,5OOmAh ie-
movable batteiy and the
company claims a talk time
of 1O.5 houis on 3C and
standby time of 28 days.
The phone iuns a highly
customised veision of An-
dioid (based on Andioid
4.1.2) that has been stiipped
of Coogle seivices and apps
including the Play Stoie.
Nokia X comes with Nokia's
own app stoie, HERE Diive
and Maps foi location seiv-
ice, and Nokia MixRadio
music seivice.
Nokia has also bundled
Miciosoft's cloud stoiage
seivice, One Diive with the
phone and is offeiing 1OCB
of One Diive stoiage foi fiee,
along with one month of fiee
unlimited Skype calls to
landlines and mobiles.
Skype foi Xbox One's fiist
update adds impioved chat ca-
pability, contact filteiing, a fiist
time tutoiial, and gets iid of
seveial bugs, Skype has an-
nounced on its official blog.
The impioved chat keeps
conveisations in sync acioss
multiple devices, adds push no-
tifications aleiting you to new
messages, and piovides a
longei chat histoiy that can
hold up to 1,OOO messages, as
opposed to just the past seven
The contact filteiing update
allows you to filtei youi con-
tacts by who is online, making
it easiei to find those who aie
available to chat. A new fiist
time tutoiial will teach useis
how to use video calling and
chatting using the Xbox One.
Skype also said that it's been lis-
tening to feedback and is woik-
ing haid fix issues useis have
been expeiiencing.
Iinally, the update adds
new "hidden heioes" emoti-
cons, which aie based on chai-
acteis fiom the upcoming
movie, Captain Ameiica: The
Wintei Soldiei.
Skype foi Xbox One is lim-
ited to Xbox Live Cold sub-
sciibeis. You can find out moie
about it by ieading oui pievious
MotoroIa takea action to aeize aaaeta
in $5.26 biIIion Iawauit
GoogIe to reIeaae an 8.9-inch Nexua tabIet
Nokia X Android amartphone
Iaunched in India
Xbox One 8kype improved
with better chat, fewer buga

A| s|akc is a damacs claim lor $5.26 billion |ha| was

handcd down bv cour|s in |hc ISA and IK"
Stiuggling smaitphone
makei BlackBeiiy announced
to sell most of its Canadian
ieal estate holdings, and will
lease back some space aftei
the sale.
A buyei was not identified,
but the Wateiloo, Canada-
based company said the deal
includes thiee million squaie
feet of space, as well as vacant
A company statement said
BlackBeiiy will "lease back a
poition of the space," in the
tiansaction, which is set to
close in the coming months.
BlackBeiiy helped cieate a
cultuie of mobile useis glued
to smaitphones, but lost its
lustei as many moved to
iPhones oi devices using
Coogle's Andioid softwaie.
It still has some 7O million
subsciibeis woildwide, but
most aie using oldei handsets,
and newei devices on the
BlackBeiiy 1O platfoim un-
veiled a yeai ago failing to
gain tiaction.
Blackbeiiy shaies staited
to iebound late last yeai de-
spite iecoid losses, aftei it an-
nounced plans to outsouice its
handset pioduction to Tai-
wan-based Ioxconn.
Analysts said that move
could help BlackBeiiy con-
centiate on softwaie and seiv-
ices, avoiding many pitfalls of
the volatile smaitphone busi-
The new geai includes the
Dell Z95OO fabiic switch and
the Active Iabiic Contiollei
softwaie foi softwaie-defined
netwoiking (SDN) and net-
woik functions viitualization
(NIV). Togethei, the pioducts
aie intended to piovide data
centeis with the scale, automa-
tion and oichestiation neces-
saiy to tiansition to viitualized
cloud infiastiuctuies. The Dell
Z95OO Layei 2/3 switch is a
fixed foim factoi device that is
designed to addiess 1OC/4OC
aggiegation in data centeis and
enteipiise LAN coies. It is
based on Bioadcom's Tiident
II chipset, takes up 3 RUs, and
featuies 1OTbps of thioughput.
Poit densities aie 528 1OC and
132 4OC.
Dell says the Z95OO fea-
tuies five times the density pei
RU and one half the latency of
its pievious geneiation
switches, such as the Z9OOO.
On the competitive fiont, it fol-
lows Cisco's intioduction of
the Nexus 95O4, which sup-
poits 144 4OC and 576 1OC
poits in 7 RUs.
The CEO of US giant Vei-
izon Communications secuied
a 14 peicent pay iise last yeai
taking his total income to $15.7
Most of the gains to Lowell
McAdam's compensation
came fiom $9.4 million in
shaies -- up fiom $8.7 million
in 2O12, and an incentive
awaid woith about $4.2 mil-
lion, up fiom 2O12's $3.2 mil-
lion incentive awaid.
McAdam also ieceived
$78O,OOO in othei compensa-
tion, including moie than
$15O,OOO foi home secuiity and
$12O,OOO foi peisonal use of
piivate aiiciaft. Stock options
and vested shaies piovided
McAdam gains of moie than
$34 million, including $2O.8
million exeicising pieviously is-
sued stock options, Veiizon
says in its annual pioxy.
Veiizon says the stock
awaid can only be cashed in
aftei 2O15.
McAdam has been the
CEO since August 2O11 aftei
leading Veiizon Wiieless fiom
The Iiench intelligence
agency in chaige of militaiy
and electionic spying is mas-
sively collecting data and
monitoiing netwoiks of tele-
coms giant Oiange, Le Monde
newspapei iepoited in its Iii-
day edition.
"The DCSE can iead, like
an open book, the oiigin and
destination of all communica-
tions of Oiange customeis,"
the papei said.
Monitoiing opeiations
weie being caiiied out without
any exteinal supeivision with
access "fiee and total" foi spies
at the Ceneial Diiectoiate foi
Exteinal Secuiity (DCSE).
Le Monde said its iepoit
was based on an inteinal
Biitish intelligence document
made available by foimei US
intelligence contiactoi Ed-
waid Snowden.
An Oiange spokesman
said the company "like all
(othei) opeiatois has ielations
with state agencies in chaige
of the countiy's and the
Iiench people's secuiity."
"These ielations stiictly
comply with the laws and aie
legal undei the iesponsibility
of the State and the contiol of
judges," he added.
The DCSE and agents
with militaiy cleaiance have
been woiking with Oiange,
foimeily known as Iiance
Telecom, "foi at least 3O
yeais", said Le Monde.
The DCSE would not
comment on the iepoit.
Snowden, who has been
chaiged in the United States
with espionage, lives in exile
in Russia.
He said eailiei this month
he had no iegiets ovei his
leaks about mass suiveillance
piogiammes by the US Na-
tional Secuiity Agency (NSA),
saying they spaiked a needed
public debate on spying and
data collection.
China Mobile, the woild's
biggest mobile opeiatoi by sub-
sciibeis, that 2O13 net piofit fell
almost six peicent, its fiist de-
cline foi moie than a decade.
Net piofit was 121.7 billion
yuan ($19.54 billion), down 5.9
peicent compaied to 2O12 and
the fiist full-yeai fall since 1999,
it said in a statement to the
Hong Kong stock exchange
wheie it is listed.
The gioup desciibed 2O13
as a "ciucial yeai of tiansfoi-
mation", which included the is-
suance of 4C netwoik licences
and a moie satuiated tiadi-
tional communications maiket
with fieicei competition.
China Mobile was gianted
the licence to opeiate the fastei
next-geneiation 4C data net-
woik in China in Decembei
last yeai, and had planned to in-
vest almost $7 billion in build-
ing the netwoik.
The fiim, which staited sell-
ing Apple iPhones foi the fiist
time in 1anuaiy this yeai, has
said it taigets 5O million 4C
useis in 2O14.
It had enhanced its net-
woiking capabilities in the face
of "fieicei" competition fiom
its competitois China Unicom
and China Telecom, the state-
ment said.
Revenue iose by 8.3 peicent
yeai-on-yeai to 63O.18 billion
yuan and it also saw its total
customeis inciease by eight
peicent to 767 million.
China Mobile's 3C seivices
maiket shaie incieased
"steadily" with a net giowth of
1O4 million customeis. Rev-
enue fiom wiieless data tiaffic
contiibuted 18.3 peicent of its
telecommunications seivices
ievenue, the statement said.
Howevei, its iesults fell
shoit of the full-yeai net piofit
incieases seen by its competi-
tois China Unicom and China
Oman plans to piivatise
its loss-making national cai-
iiei Oman Aii and continue
selling chunks of telecoms
company Omantel to local
investois, Iinance Ministei
Daiwish al-Balushi said.
Both opeiations would
come be pait of a bioadei
plan of piivatising some 6O
companies in which the
state holds an inteiest, he
As a fiist step, Oman Aii
will be bioken up into thiee
companies -- one foi fieight,
one foi giound seivices and
one foi passengeis. "A deci-
sion on piivatisation will be
taken subsequently in light
of the iesults at each of the
companies," said Balushi,
who is also chaiiman of the
In 2O12, Oman Aii's loss
naiiowed to 97 million iials
($251.2 million/182.4 mil-
lion euios) fiom $285 mil-
lion a yeai eailiei. Tuining
to Omantel, in which the
goveinment holds a 7O pei-
cent stake, Balushi said the
plan is to offei 9.5 peicent
to Omani investois on
Maich 27. That would be
on top of an equivalent
amount sold in Iebiuaiy.
The sale of the com-
bined 19 peicent of the
company is expected to gen-
eiate 14O million iials foi
the public coffeis.
Piime Ministei Tayyip Ei-
dogan iails against Twittei as
pait of a plot to blacken him
and poitiay his Tuikey as coi-
iupt, but Tuiks in giowing
numbeis aie exploiing evei
moie innovative ways to beat
his ban in what has become a
cybei-battle of wits.
Recently, few Tuiks weie
conveisant with technical
teims such as VPN oi DNS,
but that has all changed now,
in the puisuit of the foibid-
den. In a nod to old-style po-
litical piotest, "woikaiounds"
aie even daubed on walls in
Tuikey's majoi cities.
Caitoons of Eidogan
pointing a shotgun at a blue
biid, the logo of the social
netwoiking site, aie ciiculat-
ing widely. Even allies have
made iaie foiays into insub-
oidination: Ankaia mayoi
Melih Cokcek tweeted a smi-
ley face and acknowledged
using a technological iuse
aftei Eidogan oideied Twittei
to be blocked.
The micioblogging site
has been a vehicle foi a
stieam of anonymously
posted audio tapes puipoiting
to expose coiiupt dealings by
family membeis and busi-
nessmen. Eidogan, facing im-
poitant local elections next
Sunday, accuses US-based Is-
lamic cleiic Iethullah Culen,
a foimei ally tuined chief po-
litical opponent, of hacking
seciet state communications,
then manipulating iecoidings
to smeai him.
Eidogan's declaiation last
week that he would ioot out
Twittei, and the subsequent
attempt to block it in Tuikey,
tiiggeied denunciations fiom
Euiopean officials and the
US goveinment, which spoke
of "21st centuiy book buin-
The move seemed to back-
fiie fast. Inteinet analysts ie-
poited a suige in tweets as
"woikaiounds" weie shaied
on social media.
"It soit of seemed it was-
n't veiy well thought-out.
Theie would have been bettei
ways of blocking Twittei,"
Runa Sandvik, a technologist
at the US based Centei foi
Demociacy and Technology
(CDT), said.
But ovei the weekend, au-
thoiities in Ankaia began
closing loopholes, tiiggeiing
what Sandvik calls a "censoi-
ship aims iace", with useis
constantly shifting to diffeient
Twitter ban aparka 'arma race' with
tech aavvy Turka
BIackBerry aeIIa ita Canadian
French inteIIigence agenta
apy on Orange cuatomer data
Oman to
China MobiIe net profit
down 6
DeII unveiIa fabric awitch,
8DN controIIer
Verizon'a CEO geta 14 pay
riae to $15.7 miIIion
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Above prices are subject to change as per market
We use our phones to communicate with the world at large. Friends, family, and
coworkers that are far away can talk to us with crystal clarity. If your phone has a
front-facing camera, you can even see them through video chat. We're already glued
to these devices, and have phantom buzzes when we think our phone is going off,
only because we're always expecting an incoming message or alert. Smartwatches
have been trying to become a 'thing' for some time now, and while they haven't taken
hold just yet, there are a myriad of options out there. For those who would rather have
a wrist communicator on, there is the Rufus Cuff. This is about the size of your
smartphone, and sadly costs about as much as well. This is a wrist cuff that has a 3
capacitive touchscreen, runs off of Android Kit Kat, and sports a ~1000mAh battery.
Not only will you be able to take calls, answers texts, emails, play games, and do video
chat on it, but it can track your exercise, and play music as well. It can either work in
tandem with your smartphone, or on it's own. This costs $279+, and while it is a neat
idea, it's too big to be practical for any occasion.
The Rufus Cuff is an overgrown smartwatch
Fr e e downl oad | FLARE. PK
Pyle Audio Street Blaster boasts
Are you currently in the market for a portable speaker, and you do not want any
ordinary portable speaker, but rather, would prefer something that is capable of
making its mark even when it plays Justin Bieber songs? Pyle Audio has got your back
then, as you turn your ears toward the Street Blaster. The Street Blaster happens to be
a mean looking boombox that packs a whopping 1,000 Watts of power. This full
range stereo speaker system is capable of delivering a high output music listening
experience, not to mention being compatible with Bluetooth as well as Near Field
Communication (NFC) technology using any iOS and Android device. Apart from
modern connectivity options, it will also have some room to accommodate traditional
and old school devices, thanks to the inclusion of a 3.5mm input jack. the Street
Blaster has been specially designed for maximum bass response and performance,
where it boasts of a high-powered cylindrical speaker housing, built-in digital
amplifier and LED lights that will blink and pulse according to the tunes being played
back for a top-notch listening and visual experience.
Satechi Flexible LED Desk Lamp
I suppose most of us would not have given much thought as to what kind of desk
lamps we use as long as it provides an adequate amount of light, it ought to be good
enough. Having said that, if you were to sit for long hours at a stretch in front of a
desk, then it would pay dividends to invest in a decent lighting system so that your
eyes would not feel so tired at the end of a particularly long day. Satechi, more often
than not rolling out smaller peripherals, is back with something that not many people
might consider, although it is essential for the office drone the Satechi Flexible LED
Desk Lamp. This Flexible LED Desk Lamp will boast of versatile functions that
make it a necessary companion and accessory for any home or office space. Sporting
a sleek design, this particular silver lamp would also feature an adjustable neck and
has been specially programmed to feature five different brightness levels so that users
ought to be able to find a brightness level that is suitable for work as well as studying
sessions. Heck, I suppose if you are going to assemble a model with glue, then the
Flexible LED Desk Lamp all the small bits and pieces.
The Cefaly Headband wants to get rid
If you have a headache brewing, it's hard to think about anything else. The constant
throb of your brain takes the forefront of any situation, making even the simplest
tasks feel like climbing Mt. Everest. While you can take pain medication to reduce
this annoyance, it's not going to do you much good if you have frequent headaches
and eventually become immune to the pills. If you already know why you're getting
headaches, then you can try and find ways to treat yourself at home without having to
traipse to the hospital on the regular. The Cefaly headband makes micro-impulses to
stimulate the trigeminal nerve endings (this is normally where headaches start). You
will need to have a medical prescription to purchase this $295 headband, but it is said
that 71% of the users in a study said that their headaches were reduced after using this.
If you do end up getting a prescription and purchasing this, you'll need to clean your
forehead, apply the electrode, put on the headband, start it up, and adjust your
intensity. Hopefully after a few of these 20 minute sessions you'll be headache free.
The electrodes are purchased separately.
PowerCurl Mini Earbud & Power Adapter
So, you have a spanking new iPhone 5 that is just waiting impatiently for you to fill it
up with its fair share of accessories? Perhaps you have looked all over the place, and
figured out that you have gotten the necessary bits and pieces down pat, protective
case included. How about the $9.99 PowerCurl Mini Earbud & Power Adapter
Organizer? This is a unique tool for your precious new iPhone that ensures the
handset's cables will always remain untangled thanks to the PowerCurl. It will be
compatible with the default charger and cable for the iPhone 4, 5, or 5s, and would be
received gratefully thanks to those who charge frequently as they move about. Using
the PowerCurl Mini Earbud & Power Adapter Organizer is a snap since it fits your
iPhone 4, 5, or 5S's 5W power adapter, all that remains for you to do would be to
wrap the cable around the spool. Once that is done, flip the silicone cover down over
the spool, and barring a catastrophic cataclysmic event, everything there will remain
neat and clean and within one tiny 2 wide x 1 high bundle.
Smartphone to Telephoto Camera Converter
You can more or less say that the quality and performance of smartphones cameras
these days are decent enough if you happen to run a casual blog, and love sprinkling
your stories with various shots of whatever you are writing about in that particular
moment. It is certainly a far cry from the early integrated cameras in mobile phones,
and there does not seem to be a desperate need for a dedicated point-and-shoot
camera any more. Still, you might want to take things to the next level without picking
up a system camera or a DSLR with the $299.95 Smartphone to Telephoto Camera
Converter. The Smartphone to Telephoto Camera Converter a lens-shaped digital
camera which will be able to transform a smartphone into a sophisticated telephoto
camera. One will be able to secure it in a jiffy thanks to the adjustable clamps that
work their wonders on just about any iPhone or Android-powered device, where the
device's built-in photo sensor will synchronize sans wires with a phone in order to
deliver professional-quality stills and videos, all without requiring you to lug around a
separate camera.
Fr e e downl oad | FLARE. PK
It is a pity if hardware manufacturers were to introduce their devices to the masses by
concentrating solely on function instead of paying an equal amount of attention to
form. Thankfully, the folks over at V-MODA do not think along these lines, and their
latest XS headphones are touted to deliver both fashion and performance in a single
package. This reflects V-MODA's commitment to fashion-forward wearable
technology, where it merges professional-grade quality and a personalized style. One
must say that the angles and sleek headband design found on the XS mind the gap
as it minimizes the unsightly space that normally appears between the headband and
your head. The end result? We are looking at not only a superior fit, but also added
comfort, grander sound and a compact profile. It has taken more than 5 years of
R&D to arrive at this particular design which should see it pass through any wind-
tunnel tests with flying colors, too.
V-MODA announces XS cans ToneFone won't let you escape a workout
We keep telling ourselves that we're going to drop those winter pounds, and keep up
with jogging or going to the gym. One week of not feeling well can kill that pretty
quickly if you don't have a good exercise buddy. If you're wanting to target one aspect
of your body, then you might try and find a way to incorporate a workout into your
daily regimen that you won't even notice after a while. If you're wanting to tone up
your arms a touch, then lifting weights will help with this. However, we're not going to
carry around a dumbbell all day. Unless your phone is acting as one. The ToneFone is
a weighted iPhone 5/5s case that will make sure you don't forget a single day of
lifting. Any time you want to pick up your phone or have a long conversation will
now be a test of willpower and strength. This case is made of 100% steel that has been
coated in a durable and grippy rubber that is only available in white. You can choose
whether you want to put yourself through carrying around.
Casio G-SHOCK goes undercover
When it comes to watches and interesting timepieces, there are many different
models out there in the market for you to pick from. The thing is, which particular
model would be the most suitable one for you? It really depends on a whole lot of
factors, ranging from your budget to your personality as well as needs. One thing is for
sure though, Casio, through the years, have always proved their G-SHOCK range of
watches to be worthy of their calling, coming in a rugged form factor that is more
than capable of handling their fair share of knocks, drops, and tumbles, and they
continue to work. The Japanese company has recently unveiled a new collection of
entirely modern watches that will feature an all-over coating of a classic tiger and
woodland camouflage prints in order to match the rough-and-ready nature of the
watches. Do expect this camo series by G-SHOCK to be introduced to the masses in
two waves later this spring.
LifePrint wants to make sure you memories
Taking a picture or shooting a video is often done in an effort to keep a specific
memory. Through these methods of recording, that concert you went to or meal you
ate with a friend you haven't seen in years is solidified as something you can look back
on. However, the importance of a photo has changed in the last few years, as
hundreds of thousands are uploaded every hour of every day to various social media
sites. After you save upwards of two thousand photos on your computer, you realize
how sad you would be if your computer died and you lost all of those experiences.
No one can take away your memories, but we do skew the past if we have nothing to
look back on. If you want to start printing your photos rather than hoping your PC is
never going to crash or you'll accidentally delete the folder containing years of
content, why not get the LifePrint? This is a WiFi and Bluetooth photo printer that
pulls from not only your smartphone, but that of your friends and family as well.
FEDDZ is an e-bike that gives more
If you live just close enough to work that walking would be a pain, there's a good
chance you use a train, bus, cab, or your own method instead of hoofing it. It's not
that walking is a terrible thing, it just often takes up more time or energy than we have
in the mornings. If using a bicycle or skateboard is a bit too labor-intensive for you,
but you'd rather rely on your own ways of getting to work, there are options out there
that require little effort from you. While a Segway is a valid option, it's mainly meant
for sidewalks, and in all honesty looks a bit silly. If you've ever considered a motorbike,
but don't want to have to pay high prices for gas, then the FEDDZ might seem fairly
appealing. This is a an electric motorcycle that is closer in size to a bicycle, but has no
pedals to fuss with. There are front and rear lights as well as turning signals, and the
entirety of this bike runs off of a Lithium-ion battery, which takes about 4-5 hours to
recharge after it has been drained.
Star Trek Mini Light Up Enterprise
I know that when we were much younger, we thought that we had the world at our
feet, and there was virtually nothing that we could not do or achieve. Having grown
up into adulthood, however, one's perspective would have changed and this would
mean being confined to what our university degrees have decreed us to be, slaving
away under a system to get the next generation of humanity grow up, before we pack
up our things and fade into the background. Why not keep that flicker of a flame alive
your mind with the $12.95 Star Trek Mini Light Up Enterprise if all you ever wanted
to do was to be a starship captain? The word mini would definitely give the game
away, as this is a tiny light-up U.S.S. Enterprise 1701 that sits prettily on your desk.
Apart from that, it will also be accompanied by a mini book that will carry
information within that helps expand (or confirm) your Enterprise knowledge.
Unfortunately, no phaser noises have been thrown into the mix, so you will just have
to make do with the tiny bunch of lights in the saucer section.
When you play a game with a title like Dragons and Titans, you seek fire, brimstone, and
battles of epic proportions that rattle the very foundations of the Earth. The reality of the
latest addition to the ever-expanding MOBA genre, however, is a bland and clumsy game
that relies on its theme as a crutch to make up for its gameplay having no longevity of its
own. Dragons and Titans may feature the juggernauts of fantasy lore, but the game itself is
too frail to make so much as a whimper. Dragons and Titans is yet another free-to-play
game following in the footsteps of the likes of Dota 2 and League of Legends. You select a
dragon and a legendary weapon, and then join a team with the focus of annihilating the
equally voracious opposing team. As has become a staple of the genre, you may do so in
any of three game variants, the central of which has you focusing on freeing your team's
titan by destroying the enemy's titan cage in the center of the base. The titan cage is
shielded, however, and destroying the various structures surrounding the enemy base
serves to take a chunk out of the enemy's shield or speed up the shield's natural decay.
Fr e e downl oad | FLARE. PK
Dragons and Titans
Infamous Second Son
Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Seattle is a police state. Department of Unified Protection director Brooke Augustine has
set her fascist government organization loose on the God-fearing populace, abusing her
power to round up those with mutant abilities. Unmanned drones patrol the skies, invasive
checkpoints detain suspected bio-terrorists, and high-tech surveillance cameras monitor
everyone's actions. It's a city built upon fear. The citizens willingly accept their new
overlords because so many are scared of their friends and neighbors who are now imbued
with superpowers. So when protagonist Delsin Rowe finds that he is able to absorb others'
powers, he enters a society ready to pour their hatred upon him. Do you fight those who
loathe you? Or free Seattle from the chains of an oppressive dictatorship? The world of
Infamous: Second Son plays upon the recent changes that have taken place within our own
society. By offering an exaggerated viewpoint of the safety-over-freedom measures that are
now a part of our daily lives, we see how dangerous such a path could be, and how few
people rise up if their lives remain comfortable.
The key to understanding Hearthstone lies in its very name. Not only does it refer to the
white-and-turquoise rock that has sent the World of Warcraft faithful back to inns since
2004; it also suggests friendly competition far removed from the battles and weighty
stratagems of other collectible card games. Its cozy syllables evoke not laborious
campaigns lasting hours, but quick matches that take no longer than it takes to gulp down a
mug of ale. If World of Warcraft is the everyman's massively multiplayer online game, this
is the everyman's collectible card game, and for the most part, Blizzard has justified the
fanfare that erupted when it first appeared last March. Few other card games rival its
personality, which reveals itself in the little things, such as the way you can tap iron gongs
and fiddle with water mills on the board in the 90 seconds when you're awaiting a
challenger's next move, or in the way a chorus of rough-and-tumble dwarves and orcs
erupts in cheers when you've made a good move. You find it in the flashier details as well,
such as the way the mage's arcane missiles pelt enemy heroes.
The Shadowrun franchise has seen several video game adaptations, but until last
year'sShadowrun Returns, none of them managed to capture both the atmosphere of the
sci-fi/fantasy hybrid universe and the flexibility that tabletop games typically allow. With
the Dragonfall expansion, Harebrained Schemes has buffed out many of Returns'
blemishes, making it the closest any video game has come to embracing the unabridged
spirit of this classic cyberpunk setting.
Shadowrun is a mishmash of dystopian science-fiction themes and standard high-fantasy
tropes. The game takes place in an alternate future following an event known as the
Awakening, which reintroduced magic into an otherwise ordinary world. With that
catastrophe, dragons of unimaginable power have been released, humans have been torn
and split into different metatypes (that is, dwarves, elves, orks, and trolls), people can hack
computers with their brains, and a precious few individuals have learned to tap their soul
and fuel magic of all sorts.

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