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Westminster International College

Module Title: Business Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Programme: BABS Semester: Two

Academic Year Period: February 2014

Lecturer: Ra!esh Sarpal

ay 2014

Date of Completion and Submission: 1" April 2014 Submission Method: #nline $ia Turn It In
Assessment T pe: %n&i$i&ual assi'n(ent Assignment !uestion:

Tas" )ou are re*uire& to e+a(ine the CS# strategies o, any public liste& co(panies in alaysia)ou shoul& e+a(ine the types an& ,or(s o, CSR strate'ies applie& by the co(pany- )ou shoul& then criticall e$aluate their CS# strategies .'i$in' e(phasis to sustainable (ar!etin'/ usin' appropriate theories that you ha$e learnt in this (o&ule)ou are also re*uire& to (a!e proper recommendations and suggestions on how the CSR strate'ies can be i(pro$e&- )ou are then re*uire& to write a report .base& on your obser$ations an& usin' appropriate aca&e(ic re,erences/ o, appro+i(ately %&''' (ords on the scope an& para(eter o, CSR i(ple(entations within the &i,,erent in&ustries in alaysiaStructure0 12341"%ntro&uction 110 wor&s 12 o, (ar!s CSR strate'ies i(ple(ente& "40 wor&s 302 o, (ar!s Critical e$aluation "40 wor&s 302 o, (ar!s Reco((en&ations 400 wor&s 4 302 o, (ar!s Conclusion 110 wor&s 12 o, (ar!s Re,erences

5a'e ) o, *

Assessment A 'oo& case stu&y shoul& e+hibit the ,ollowin' traits6 Identif ing the ethical and go$ernance issues+ Stu&ents shoul& pro$i&e a 'eneral e+planation o, corporate 'o$ernance in alaysia particularly the CC7 2008 an& other control (echanis(s un&er the 9istin' Re*uire(ents in the :9SECritical discussion of the main ethical and go$ernance issues in case stud Stu&ents are then re*uire& to ;usti,y the reason ,or the selection o, the co(panies ,or case stu&ies- Stu&ents are then re*uire& to i&enti,y the CSR acti$ities con&ucte& by the sai& co(panies,$aluation of the conditions that enabled the issues to arise - Stu&ents nee& to i&enti,y operati$e ,actors .,or e+a(ple the 5ESTE9 en$iron(ent/ which pressure the co(panies to en'a'e in CSR acti$ities- )ou nee& to be aware that CSR is a response to society<s &e(an& ,or responsible corporations#ecommendations to the compan on (a s to impro$e or sustain practice and the reasons (h + Stu&ents shoul& be able to 'rasp the 'aps o, CSR i(ple(entations within these or'anisations an& ,in& ,or ways on how their CSR strate'ies can be i(pro$ise& or i(pro$e&Discussion supported b reliable and credible references- Sa(e as abo$e-ar$ard referencing+ Sa(e as abo$e Clear and comprehensi$e (riting st le+ Sa(e as abo$e-

Guidelines: =ote6 > > > > > ?se Ti(es =ew Ro(an@ 12 nor(al ,onts1-1 sin'le spacin'=u(bere& the pa'es .at the botto( centre/ e+cept ,or the Co$er 5a'eTables@ 'raphs an& other &ia'ra(s re,erre& to an& source& Appropriate Aar$ar& re,erencin'- Footnotes (ay be use& to &irect rea&ers to appropriate appen&ices

Mala sian !ualifications Agenc Learning .utcomes: E+plain accountin' con$entions an& concepts@ an& the uses o, accountin' in,or(ation an& its li(itations0 E+plain the types o, ,inancial transaction to'ether with the relationship o, the boo!s o, ori'inal entry an& le&'ers6 5repare T4accounts ,ro( a list o, ,inancial transactions5repare the ,inancial state(ents ,ro( a trial balance at the en& o, a ,inancial perio&0 E+plain an& apply a&;ust(ents to the accounts0 E+plain an& apply (etho&s o, &epreciation0 E+plain the $arious types o, (ultiple ownership an& the accountin' con$entions ,or eachCalculate stan&ar& accountin' ratios &eri$e& ,ro( the ,inal accounts an& e$aluate ,inancial aspects o, business per,or(ance5repare a si(ple cash bu&'et-

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Calculate the brea!4e$en point o, pro&uction/otes on Plagiarism 0 -ar$ard #eferencing: Plagiarism 5la'iaris( is passin' o,, the wor! o, others as your own- This constitutes aca&e(ic the,t an& is a serious (atter which is penalise& in assi'n(ent (ar!in'5la'iaris( is the sub(ission o, an ite( o, assess(ent containin' ele(ents o, wor! pro&uce& by another person.s/ in such a way that it coul& be assu(e& to be the stu&ent<s own wor!- E+a(ples o, pla'iaris( are6

the $erbati( copyin' o, another person<s wor! without ac!nowle&'e(ent the close paraphrasin' o, another person<s wor! by si(ply chan'in' a ,ew wor&s or alterin' the or&er o, presentation without ac!nowle&'e(ent the unac!nowle&'e& *uotation o, phrases ,ro( another person<s wor! an&Bor the presentation o, another person<s i&ea.s/ as one<s own-

Copyin' or close paraphrasin' with occasional ac!nowle&'e(ent o, the source (ay also be &ee(e& to be pla'iaris( i, the absence o, *uotation (ar!s i(plies that the phraseolo'y is the stu&ent<s own5la'iarise& wor! (ay belon' to another stu&ent or be ,ro( a publishe& source such as a boo!@ report@ ;ournal or (aterial a$ailable on the internet-ar$ard #eferencing The structure o, a citation un&er the Aar$ar& re,erencin' syste( is the authorCs surna(e@ year o, publication@ an& pa'e nu(ber or ran'e@ in parentheses@ as illustrate& in the S(ith e+a(ple near the top o, this article

The pa'e nu(ber or pa'e ran'e is o(itte& i, the entire wor! is cite&- The authorCs surna(e is o(itte& i, it appears in the te+t- Thus we (ay say6 DEones .2001/ re$olutioniFe& the ,iel& o, trau(a sur'ery-D Two or three authors are cite& usin' Dan&D or D&D6 .Geane@ S(ith@ an& Eones@ 1HH1/ or .Geane@ S(ith & Eones@ 1HH1/- ore than three authors are cite& usin' et al. .Geane et al- 1HH2/An un!nown &ate is cite& as no date .Geane n-&-/- A re,erence to a reprint is cite& with the ori'inal publication &ate in s*uare brac!ets . ar+ I1J"8K 1H"8@ p- H0/%, an author publishe& two boo!s in 2001@ the year o, the ,irst .in the alphabetic or&er o, the re,erences/ is cite& an& re,erence& as 2001a@ the secon& as 2001bA citation is place& where$er appropriate in or a,ter the sentence- %, it is at the en& o, a sentence@ it is place& be,ore the perio&@ but a citation ,or an entire bloc! *uote i((e&iately follows the perio& at the en& o, the bloc! since the citation is not an actual part o, the *uotation itsel,Co(plete citations are pro$i&e& in alphabetical or&er in a section ,ollowin' the te+t@ usually &esi'nate& as DLor!s cite&D or DRe,erences-D The &i,,erence between a Dwor!s cite&D or

5a'e 1 o, *

Dre,erencesD list an& a biblio'raphy is that a biblio'raphy (ay inclu&e wor!s not &irectly cite& in the te+t

All citations are in the sa(e ,ont as the (ain te+t-

,2amples E+a(ples o, boo! re,erences are6

S(ith@ E- .2001a/- Dutch Citing Practices- The Aa'ue6 Aollan& Research Foun&ationS(ith@ E- .2001b/- Harvard Referencing- 9on&on6 Eolly 7oo& 5ublishin'-

%n 'i$in' the city o, publication@ an internationally well4!nown city .such as 9on&on@ The Aa'ue@ or =ew )or!/ is re,erence& as the city alone- %, the city is not internationally well !nown@ the country .or state an& country i, in the ?-S-/ are 'i$enAn e+a(ple o, a ;ournal re,erence6

S(ith@ Eohn

aynar&- DThe ori'in o, altruis(@D Nature 3H3@ 1HHJ@ pp- "3H40-

An e+a(ple o, a newspaper re,erence6

Bowcott@ #wen- DStreet 5rotestM@ The Guardian@ #ctober 1J@ 2001@ accesse& February 8@ 200"-

5a'e * o, *

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