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Old Time Strongmen Training and Resources A quick writeup and list of recommended sites By Owen Johnston http://owenjohnstonkarate.

.com This article was originally posted on the author s Odd O!ject Training !log " http://oddo!jecttraining.! The old time strongmen from the #$%%s and early #&%%s were known for many legendary feats of strength. 'any of these feats ha(e not !een replicated since) They used many kinds of training that are not commonly known* much less used* in +modern+ gyms. Odd o!ject training ,such as an(ils* sledgehammers* sand!ags-* progressi(e calisthenics* and (arious types of strongman training are coming !ack into fashion* howe(er. The old time strongmen tended to not let any part of the !ody slip !ehind in strength* either " they trained the neck* forearms* cal(es* e(ery muscle of the !ody. The !enefits of this kind of training include coordination and agility* +all o(er strength+ " power from head to toe* achie(ing a well !alanced physique and a healthy !ody* !uilding up insane grip strength and !ulletproof joints* and well " learning how to do some awesome strength feats) .ome of the types of training that strongmen took up included kettle!ell work* sprinting and o(erall endurance training* the art of hand !alancing and other gymnastics style training* lifting !arrels* kegs* and sand!ags/ there were e(en mental training methods used. 0ompound lifts such as deadlifts* presses* snatches and other such +!ig mo(ements+* many of which are still used today* were also trained. The old time strongmen were indeed into many different types of training that would !enefit them in some way. Of course* they also understood the importance of reco(ery and proper nutrition. They also understood that you don t necessarily ha(e to go through super long* protracted workouts e(ery single day to !ecome insanely strong* or machines* or a gym. The most important things are to understand proper e1ercise techniques to work each part of the !ody* how to work at enough intensity to force the !ody to adapt* with enough frequency to produce lasting gains. Of course* dedication to the training and a long term outlook are also among the most important factors. 2e(er rush your training " milk each e1ercise for all the strength gains you can possi!ly get out of it !efore mo(ing up in intensity or load. As you progress in your training* whate(er type of training you are into* remem!er to plan ahead. The more ad(anced you !ecome* the more important it is to adjust frequency ,how often you train* or how often you perform particular workouts-* (olume* e1ercise selection* intensity* and other factors. 3ere is a list of the many types of strength feats strongmen were known for* and fortunately the knowledge of training methods for these is still around. The !elow we!page links out to articles that descri!e these feats. 4ouTu!e (ideos* as well as !ooks and 565s are a(aila!le through this page. 7eats of strength ""of"strength/ .ee the ne1t page for a quick list of useful resources on the old time strongmen and their style of training. ,Books* (ideos* and more.-

Old Time Strongmen Training and Resources 8esource 9ist 0lick on a !lue underlined title of your choice to open that resource in your !rowser. :seful ;57 !ooks on the art of hand !alancing " The True Art and .cience of 3and Balancing !y ;rofessor ;.3. ;aulinette The 4ork 3and!alancing 0ourse <# The 4ork 3and!alancing 0ourse <= > own an official print edition of the !ook !elow* and > highly recommend it " 3and !alancing for muscular de(elopment !y Bill 3in!ern .ome other (ery useful links " 'ore lessons from the old timers ?illiam Boone s #&@A Training ;rogram Old Time .trongman 5iet Old Time .trongman Training Bugen .andow and The Colden Age of >ron 'en " the online physical culture museum Arthur .a1on on conditioning Old time strongman !ooks and courses 8ecommended !ooks* (ideos* and equipment 4ouTu!e 6ideo ;laylist " Odd O!ject Training This playlist includes tutorials on many different types of training. 4ouTu!e 6ideo ;laylist D 3and Balancing There are plenty of great tutorials and e1ercise progressions included. 5inosaur Training " 9ost .ecrets of .trength and 5e(elopment " +'A.TB8 T3B T8A>2>2C .B08BT. O7 T3B .T8O2CB.T 'B2 ?3O B6B8 9>6B5 " A25 B:>95 'O8B .T8B2CT3* ;O?B8 A25 ':.09B T3A2 B6B8 BB7O8B)+

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