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CONJUNCTIONS Conjunction is a word which is used to link a word or a group of words to the other part of the sentences and

it shows the relationship between them. There are four kinds of Conjunction as follow: 1) Coordinating Conjunctions 2) Correlative Conjunctions 3) Subordinating Conjunction 4) Adverbial Conjunctions !in"ing Adverbs

1) COO#$INATIN% CONJUNCTION Coordinating conjunction is used to join a single word like noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, phrase or clause. There are seven Coordinating conjunctions that are called FAN !"#. The$ are For, And, Nor, ut, !r, "et and #o. &or'ula( #entence % , % FAN !"# % #entence &'ample: (. #he stares at me, for she loves me. ). * know $ou, and * pit$ $ou, too. +. ,e can-t dive a car, nor can $ou dive it. .. #he is honest with him, but he doesn-t believe her. /. 0on-t move, or * will kill $ou. 1. The$ didn-t learn their lessons, $et the$ passed their lessons. 2. 3e are tired, so we stopped pla$ing football. &or( is used to show a reason or a cause. &'ample: 3e come here, for we want learn &nglish.

And( is used to show additional information. &'ample: #he misses me, and she also loves me. Nor( is used to show impossible result. &'ample: #he doesn-t love $ou, nor does she pit$ $ou. )ut( is used to show the differences. &'ample: The$ have man$ friends, but he still feels lonel$. Or( is used to show another choice. &'ample: #tudents must learn their lesson, or the$ will fail the e'ams. *et( is used to show une'pected result. &'ample: 3e stud$ hard, $et we still fail our e'ams. So( is used to show the result. &'ample: #he is ver$ beautiful and friendl$, so ever$ bod$ falls in love with her.

2) CO##+!ATI,+ CONJUNCTION Correlative conjunctions are conjunctions which are used in pair and the$ emphasi4e the elements that join together. There are four pairs of Correlative conjunctions as follow: (5 oth .........................and............................... )5 &ither .......................or................................. +5 Neither.....................nor................................ .5 Not onl$ ..................but also......................... &'ample: 6 * drink both wine and beer. 7noun with noun5 6 #he either eats cake or drink beer. 7verb with verb5 6 ,e is neither famous nor popular. 7adjective with adjective5

6 #he speaks not onl$ s-eetl. but also so/tl.. 7adverb with adverb5

3) SU)O#$INATIN% CONJUNCTION #ubordinating conjunctions are a word or phrase which is used to join the une8ual elements. !ne element is called 9main clause: and another is called 9subordinate clause: which cannot stand alone. Those #ubordinating Conjunctions are: A/ter0 alt1oug10 as0 as 'uc1 as0 because0 be/ore0 1o-0 i/0 in order t1at0 since0 t1an0 t1at0 unless0 until0 -1at0 -1ere0 -1en0 -1ic10 -1.0 -1o0 -1o'0 -1ose0 -1oever0 -1atever222 &'ample: 6 #he is honest although she is poor. 6 * hope to see $ou before $ou go somewhere tomorrow. 6 ,e will kill himself unless she loves him. 6 #he loves whoever is humble and kind.

4) A$,+#)IA! CONJUNCTIONS !IN3IN% A$,+#)S Adverbial conjunctions;<inking adverbs are the adverbs that are used to join two independent clauses. Adverbial conjunctions;<inking adverbs show the relationship between two sentences= and in general, adverbial conjunctions;linking adverbs e'press the result, contrast, or continuation. >esults Accordingl$ As a result Contrast Nevertheless ,owever Continuation Furthermore Further *n addition Also eside ?oreover

As a conse8uence Nonetheless Therefore Thus ,ence Conversel$ *nstead !n the other hand

Formula: #entence % = % <inking Adverb % , % #entence &'ample: 6 The$ have never learned their lessons= as a result, the$ fall their lessons. 6 ,e tries to satisf$ her= however, she doesn-t love him. 6 "ou pit$ me= moreover, $ou give me some mone$. 6 @lease stop chatting= otherwise, * will punish.


*nterjections are words or phrases which are used to e'press emotion or to catch the reader-s attention. *nterjections are rarel$ used in formal or business writing. The$ usuall$ use interjections in advertising, fiction, informal writing and personal letter.

1) CO44ON INT+#J+CTION 5O#$S A10 alas0 congratulation0 good grie/0 great0 1el60 1e.0 1oora.0 1urr.0 '. goodness0 never0 no0 no -a.0 o10 oug10 outstanding0 ug10 -o-7 &'ample: 6 CongratulationA "ou pass $our e'am. 6 !uchA * cut m$ finger. 6 ,elpA *-m going to fall down.

2) +8C!A4ATION ST#UCTU#+ &'clamations are often constructed with 9how, what, so and such:. a5 &'clamation with 9how: Formula(: ,ow % Adjective % A &'ample: 6 AppleA ,ow niceA 6 BohnA ,ow handsomeA Formula): ,ow % Adjective;Adverb % #ubject % Cerb % A +9a'6le( 6 ,ow hot it isA

6 ,ow beautifull$ she singsA b5 &'clamation with 9what: &or'ula1: 3hat % a;an % Adjective % #ingular Countable Noun % A +9a'6le( 6 3hat a lovel$ girlA 6 3hat an honest friendA &or'ula2( 3hat % Adjective % @lural Noun;Dncountable Noun % A +9a'6le( 6 3hat clever studentsA 6 3hat nice soupA Formula+: 3hat % !bject % #ubject % Cerb % A &'ample: 6 3hat a beautiful smile she hasA 6 3hat a friendl$ student he isA c5 &'clamation with 9so: Formula: #o % Adjective;Adverb % A &'ample: 6 ,e walks so fastA 6 The$ are so generousA

d5 &'clamation with 9such: Formula(: #uch % a;an % 7Adjective5 % #ingular Countable Noun % A &'ample: 6 #he is such a mean girlA 6 ,e is such a talkative personA Formula): #uch % 7Adjective5 % @lural Noun;Dncountable Noun % A &'ample: 6 The$ have such lovel$ childrenA 6 ,e drinks such strong coffeeA

3) :UNCTUATION #trong interjections are punctuated with an e'clamation point. 73owA !uchA ,oora$A5. The first word following the e'clamation point is capitali4ed since it is the first word in a new sentence. ?ilder interjections are set off b$ commas and often introduce a sentence 7indeed, $es, well5. The word following the comma is not capitali4ed because it is a continuation of the same sentence. #trong interjection: 6 +9cellent; That was a perfect dive. 6 "ou ma$ be sa$ing, 9,e$A 3h$ is the office coldE: ?ild interjection: 6 No, we can-t visit $ou this summer. 6 5ell, * just thought *-d ask.


$+&INITION( @reposition is a word that is used to place before noun or pronoun to show the relationship between them. There are man$ prepositions in &nglish. The$ are: In0 Into0 Out o/0 On0 Onto0 Onto o/0 At0 O//0 Inside0 Outside0 Above0 )elo-0 Over0 Under0 Underneat10 In /ront o/0 )e1ind0 O66osite0 )et-een0 Near0 Ne9t to0 )eside0 ).0 Along0 Across0 T1roug10 U60 $o-n0 :ast0 Around222 3e divide prepositions into three important kinds. 1) :re6osition o/ :lace 2) :re6osition o/ 4ove'ent 3) :re6osition o/ Ti'e

1) :#+:OSITION O& :!AC+ There are man$ kinds of preposition of place like *n, At and !n... +9a'6le 6 * like swimming in the sea. 6 #he meets me at the station. 6 ,e puts the picture on the wall.

2) :#+:OSITION O& 4O,+4+NT There are man$ kinds of preposition of movement like *nto, !ut of, !nto, !ff... +9a'6le 6 * fall into the river. 6 ,e comes out of the room. 6 A cat jumps onto the table.

6 A woman jumps off the bridge.

3) :#+:OSITION O& TI4+ There are three kinds of preposition of time. The$ are At, *n and !n. 3e use At with 7Clock, ?eal, >eligious, Festival...5 +9a'6le 6 3e have breakfast at 1 o-clock. 6 At breakfast the$ talk a lot. 6 All m$ friends come to meet each other at m$ birthda$. 3e use *n with 7#eason, ?onth, "ear, Centur$, @art of the da$...5 +9a'6le 6 *t rains a lot in rain$ season. 6 The$ will come back in Bune. 6 opha gets married in )FF2. 3e use !n with 70a$, 0ate...5 +9a'6le < * fl$ to the D#A on #aturda$. 6 #he makes an appointment with me on the )nd of ?a$. NOT+( 3e do not use *n, !n and At before these words 7Ne't, <ast, &ver$, Toda$, Tomorrow, #till, &ach, #ome, An$ and !ne5. There are some prepositions that are the same meaning but the usage is different. Those prepositions are Above, elow, !ver, Dnder, !n time, *n time, At the end, *n the end... 3e use 9!ver and Dnder: for thing that is higher or lower than another thing and it is direct vertical.

+9a'6le( 6 The mirror is over the sink. 6 The sink is under the mirror.

3e use 9Above and elow: for thing that is higher or lower than another thing but it is not direct vertical relationship. +9a'6le( 6 The mirror is above the toilet. 6 The toilet is below the mirror.

3e use 9!n time: to mean Gat e'actl$ the right time-. +9a'6le( The bus leaves at 1:FF ever$ da$, so the bus leaves on time. 3e use 9*n time: to mean Gearl$ enough-. +9a'6le( * stud$ &nglish at 2:FF and ever$da$ arrive at school at 1:.F, so * come to stud$ in time. 3e use 9At the end: mean Gat the point where something stops-. +9a'6le( At the end of the film * felt ver$ happ$. 3e use 9*n the end: to mean Gfinall$ or after some time-. +9a'6le( * don-t know where to go toda$, but in the end * decided to sta$ at home.

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