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Schools of Michigan taking the direction of the Granholm Governor


The Governor Jennifer Mr. Granholm has a vision for the state of Michigan
and the schools of Michigan. In 2005, the cherry Commission on a higher e
ducation recommended that the state must double its number of graduates of
university in order to compete with economically. Granholm took this reco
mmendation and developed its small initiative of college for the schools o
f Michigan.

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Schools of Michigan

The Governor Jennifer Mr. Granholm has a vision for the state of Michigan
and the schools of Michigan. In 2005, the cherry Commission on a higher e
ducation recommended that the state must double its number of graduates of
university in order to compete with economically. Granholm took this reco
mmendation and developed its small initiative of college for the schools o
f Michigan.

She believes that smaller colleges make it possible students to develop repo
rts/ratios and to more act one on the other with their professors, creating
later an atmosphere for more rigorous students of coursework and graduation
which are dependant for the university.

One proved it through the nation that smaller colleges with smaller classes
make a great difference in the lives of the students. The governor, with the
base of Skillman, encourage the schools of Michigan to create, increase and
develop smaller colleges. The base is support in an encouraging way and org
anizing basic initiative.

Specific schools of Michigan are aimed initially for a smaller development of

school and classroom. Any college which was lacking with the federal goals o
f achievement of student under the child of not left the act and/or are locat
ed in the zones with high rates of marginality are first on the list of the g
overnor for the rebuilding.

After the recommendations of the cherry Commission, the governor invited le

gislators of state to pass the legislation to facilitate it so that the sch
ools of Michigan renovate and for build new schools. Under the Governor wor
k programs today, which places public projects necessary of improvement, zo
nes of schools of Michigan can borrow up to $180 million over one three yea
rs period to renovate or build new buildings, as long as the schools of com
pletion do not place more than 400-500 students each one.

Other incentives within the framework of the program of the governor inclu

• A new purse proposed of merit for Michigan informs the students, who go
to the university and finish at least two years successfully - these student
s of schools of Michigan will receive a minimum of $4.000 in the support of
purse of the state and the federal sources.
• The governor claimed an obligatory programme of studies per state for t
he schools of Michigan - rigorous and the suitable coursework will be inclu
ded to make sure that students are been willing to continue their education
after college.
• Starting with the class of 2008, of the students of schools of Michigan
will be necessary to take the examination of entry nationally identified of
university of ACT (American test of university) - another recommendation of
the cherry Commission to prepare the ground so that students deal with the u

The schools of Michigan want to prepare each student for success in the univ
ersity, the work place, and the life. The governor helps the higher levels
of range of schools of Michigan with his initiative. The governor and the sc
hools of Michigan believe that lit which helps all the students reach and re
main a successful way that leads to a degree of university is the most impor
tant goal. They wish to help of the students to look at a degree of universi
ty like drank possible and being motivated in go after him.

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