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7( "16"&* +%2,3%+ lhal sludehls
ehler semhary because lhey are ah
swerhg lhe ca lo paslor or couhse a
cohgregaloh. l hever el lhal specc
ca, says Masler o Arls h Regoh
sludehl 589:;< "==< %8;;>?@9A:=.
Ralher, Caroe Ahhe's hvovemehl h a
church pahl over lhe asl lhree years caused her lo
lhhk more serousy aboul gohg hlo mhslry. Bul,
she says, Cod chose hol lo revea a specc cahg
uhl aler l ehroed al CordohCohwe.
Borh wlh Cerebra Fasy, Caroe Ahhe says lhal
whe she had lhe u supporl o her amy, olhers
seemed skeplca o my decsoh lo allehd semhary,
whch s uhderslahdabe gveh lhe speech mped
mehl lhal goes aohg wlh my dsably. lh parlc
uar, she says lhal hdhg parlhers lo supporl her
h lhe Farlhershp Frogram has proveh dcul be
cause mahy o my polehla parlhers reasoh lhal
wlhoul cear speakhg sks l have ho reaslc pur
pose or allehdhg semhary. Thahkuy, we serve a
Cod who has olher deasl
8hce comhg lo CordohCohwe h 2012, Cod has
used Caroe Ahhe's semhary experehce lo begh
reveahg her ca. The peces haveh'l aeh com
peley hlo pace, bul Cod s gellhg me lhere.
He has used coursework ahd lhe lopholch aculy
al CordohCohwe lo sleady gude ahd ehcourage
me loward a wrlhg mhslry, she says. l wrole my
rsl compele Bbe sludy as a pro|ecl or my bb
ca hlerprelaloh cass asl semesler. The eorl was
exhauslhg bul al lhe same lme broughl me such
|oy. Ths avehue o wrlhg s dehley ohe l ee com
peed lo pursue.
A graduale o The Uhversly o Norlh Caroha al
Chape H wlh a B.A. h Ehgsh, Caroe Ahhe coh
lhues lo exercse her wrlhg ables lhrough a de
voloha bog, ahd was recehly eecled secrelary or
CordohCohwe's 8ludehl Couhc.
My dsably hash'l beeh a arge probem as ar as
lhe dyhamcs o lhe schoo ehvrohmehl are coh
cerhed, says Caroe Ahhe. 8hce l'm h lhe MAR
Hybrd Frogram, ha o my casswork ahd commu
hcaloh uhods ohhe, so mahy lhe adaplalohs
hvove my owh compuler equpmehl h my home.
Wheh l do go lo campus or resdehcy weeks or h
lehsve courses, however, lhe sma casses make
aceloace commuhcaloh ess probemalc lhah l
woud be l were hleraclhg wlh 50 or 100 sludehls.
The aculy ahd sla are more lhah whg lo ac
commodale ahy heeds lhal arse wlh me; l smpy
cahhol slress ehough lhe gody compassoh ahd
supporl lhey oer lo sludehls, she says. Cordoh
Cohwe has embraced me h a way l hever expecled
ahd has gveh me a gody cohdehce lo h lurh em
brace lhe pah lhal Cod has or my ulure.

New ahd Crowhg Farlhershps
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We have partnered with the Carolinas Mission District of the North
American Lutheran Church to establish a Lutheran House of Study.
Tis twice-weekly day program is designed to support and encourage
Lutheran students as they engage in their seminary studies.
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We are also pleased to announce the launch of a new partnership
with lnterVarsity Christian lellowship. Tis day program occurs
once a month with about z students. lt gives stan with lVCl the
unique opportunity to beneht from Gordon-Conwell`s renowned
faculty, academically challenging classes and faithfulness to
the gospel by taking a certain number of seminary classes for
degree credit. We are hopeful that the partnership will equip stan
members to more enectively advance God`s Kingdom in their lVCl
Fores Hi|| Cvrd
On September z, we launched a three-course, non-credit
certihcate program in Biblical Leadership at lorest Hill Church.
Te 1c weeks of Bible, theology and ministry courses will prepare
students to practice enective biblical leadership in their churches
and ministries. Taught by Dr. Donald lairbairn, Robert l. Cooley
Professor of larly Christianity, Dr. Rodney Cooper, Kenneth
and Jean Hansen Professor of Discipleship and Leadership
Development, and me, this program combines faculty lectures and
breakout groups led by Gordon-Conwell graduates who are on the
stan of lorest Hill Church.
Roberl C. Cooey Cehler or lhe 8ludy o Eary Chrslahly
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linally, our Cooley Center has shown steady progress in its current
programs and onerings. Highlights include the graduation of the
hrst group of BibleJourney students. Tis innovative program
continues to mature into a strong program for providing practical
biblical knowledge and instruction for lay people. Te Green
Scholar lnitiative is also continuing to oner talented and promising
students the opportunity to examine valuable unpublished ancient
texts. Tis work of our professors and students will be published in
a prestigious series by Brill Academic Publishers.
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Our Cooley lecture this year featured noted lsraeli archaeologist
Dr. Gabriel Barkay. Dr. Barkay teaches at Bar llan University in
Tel Aviv, lsrael. He received the 1vve Jerusalem Prize for Archaeo-
logical Research, and is known for his extensive experience
exploring archaeological sites near Jerusalem. He was also involved
in the discovery of the archaeologically signihcant Silver Scrolls
and provided the hrst translation of the famous Bethlehem Seal.
We are pleased with the vibrancy and progress of our campus`
programs this year. Our students continue to beneht not only from
strong academic classes, but also innovative programs and impactful
events designed to equip them as future Church leaders. We look
forward to continuing these programs and events throughout the
coming year.
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