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Unit 3 Section 1 Notes The US Constitution

1) What is a Preamble? A preamble is the introduction to the constitution.

Preamble to the US Constitution We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tran uilit!, pro"ide for the common defence, promote the #eneral Welfare, and secure the $lessin#s of %ibert! to oursel"es and our Posterit! , do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

&) 'ill in the Chart $elo( Directions: 'or each phrase of the preamble #i"e an e)ample of ho( our #o"ernment tries to reach that #oal on the ri#ht side of the column. An e)ample is #i"en for *+stablish ,usticePhrase +stablish ,ustice .nsure domestic tran uilit! Pro"ide for the common defence Promote the #eneral (elfare Secure the $lessin#s of %ibert! +)ample Create courts +nforce %a(s /aisin# a 0ilitar! Pro"idin# Ser"ices Protect 'reedoms

1) 2o to the follo(in# (ebpa#e

http344librar!.thin5 uest.or#4116784basis4outline.htm 9he US Constitution is made up of : Articles. +ach articles describes ho( a different part of #o"ernment is suppose to function. 'ill in the chart belo( that sums up (hat each Article means. Use the (ebsite abo"e to help !ou identif! those important parts. US Constitution Article . Article .. Article ... Article .; Article ; Article ;. Article ;.. Summation %e#islati"e $ranch +)ecuti"e $ranch Judicial $ranch <o( states (or5 Amendin# the Constitution Supremac! Clause /atif!in# the Constitution

=) >e! 9erms3 1. Cate#ori?e them into the articles that addresses them &. +)plain (hat each term belo( means (ith thorou#h detail 1. Ans(er the uestion, *Wh! is this important?+lastic Clause@ Con#ress can create an! la( that is, *Aecessar! and properSupremac! Clause@ 9he US Constitution is the Supreme %a( of the countr! Writ of <abeas Corpus@ 2o"ernment must tell !ou (h! !ou are char#ed for a crime. $ill of Attainder@ What is not allo( in the Constitution@ cannot declare #uilt! (ithout a trial. +) Post 'acto@ Cannot be char#ed (ith a crime after a la( is (ritten. +)pressed Po(ers Ba5a +numerated Po(ers)@ Po(ers #i"en to the pres., Con#ress, or the Supreme Court e)plicitl! in the Constitution. .mplied Po(ers@ Assumed po(ers that president, con#ress, or SC has. Pri"ile#es and .mmunities Ba5a Comit! Clause)@ All US Citi?ens are treated e uall!. +)tradition@turnin# o"er of criminal from one countr! to another. /epublic@ .nstead of all citi?ens ma5es all choices. We elect /+Presentati"es that ma5e our choices.

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