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Aim To acquaint the knowledge of various thermal models considering conduction mode of heat transfer; and a comparative study

to estimate crater depth, profile due to heat source. Objectives 1. . ". #. To study various accepted thermal models in Electrical Discharge Machining process To understand the effect of variation of pulse time, leading towards variation in desired output in conte!t with various thermal models To acquire knowledge regarding erosion characteristics in EDM To study the temperature distri$ution along the crater depth Prerequisites %or $etter understanding of the e!periment a candidate should acquire following knowledge 1. . ". #. +. Modes of &eat transfer. 'asic knowledge of Electrical Discharge Machining (arious terminologies related to pulse. )nderstanding of various relevant terms vi*. latent heat of melting, latent heat of vapori*ation, latent heat of evaporation. ,ome hands on e!perience for M-T.-' programming.


E!perimental ,etup




0onclusion Theory: -mong the various models developed $y different researchers, the $asic accepted Thermal models are represented here along with assumptions. Snoeyss Model 112314 ,noeys proposed a first ever widely acknowledged thermal model for EDM process and %igure ".1 shows graphically representation of the model. %eatures 1. . ". &eat source is assumed to $e of disk shape on the surface of electrode. 0athode surface is assumed to $e insulated at the outer area. 5adius at insulated surface is assumed 166 times, the radius of disk heat source.

&eat source assumed to $e e!istent for the pulse7on7time with the gradually increasing and then decreasing heat source radius.

%igure ".1 ,noeys8s model %raction of discharge energy transferred to cathode is assumed to $e +69 1%c : 6.+4. 'ased on the assumptions used, the temperature distri$ution at the cathode is given as equation

1".14 ;here,

Van Dijcks Model 1123#4 the model which accounts for the two7dimensional nature of the heat flow is solved for two cases, finite and infinite dimension in the z direction. &owever, the latter case is similar to ,noeys8s model. The first case of a finite dimension in the z direction is simplified than infinite case. %eatures 1. . ". The fraction of the energy transferred to the cathode is taken as +69 1Fc : 6.+4. The entire electrode and workpiece surfaces were assumed to $e insulated outside the heat source. The whole medium is assumed to $e initially at am$ient temperature.


- method to account the change in radius of heat source with time is proposed.

The schematic diagram of (an Di<ck8s model is illustrated in the %igure ". .

%igure ".

(an Di<ck8s model

The superposition principle and separation of varia$les were applied to the partial differential equation and the solution of the temperature distri$ution is given as

1". 4 %or,

ecks Model 112=14 is also another disk heat source model. This mode is not developed specifically for the EDM process $ut resem$les to the one. %igure "." shows the schematic representation of the model. %eatures 1. - disk shaped region over material surface is considered to $e heated $y heat flu!.

The entire electrode surface is considered to $e insulated; e!cept over the circular region where the heat flu! strikes the material surfaces.

-s the model is not developed specifically for the EDM process, the heat flu! did not take into account the fraction of energy transferred to the cathode.

%igure "." 'eck8s model The temperature distri$ution is given $y equation 1"."4,

1"."4 ;here;

!ilanis Model 112=", 12=>4 and /.0. /andey of )niversity of 5urkee proposed a thermal model of EDM in 12=". %igure ".# shows the schematic representation of the model.

%igure ".# ?ilani8s model %eatures 1. . This model assumes that the heat from the plasma channel is transferred to the workpiece or tool only $y conduction. The electrode is a semi7infinite $ody with radius ro.

". #. +. >.

-$out 269 of the total energy li$erated is conducted to the discharge gap and it was distri$uted equally $etween the anode and cathode 1%c : 6.+4. The plasma channel has $een considered to $e a disk heat source situated $etween two semi7infinite $odies 1tool and workpiece4. The radius of heat flu! is considered constant regardless of the discharge conditions. The electrode surfaces are completely insulated e!cept for the portion where the heat flu! strikes the material surfaces.

The temperature distri$ution was derived using an infinite num$er of instantaneous point heat sources distri$uted round the circle, and it is given $y equation 1".#4.

1".#4 @n order to reach a reasona$le degree of appro!imation, the model takes into account the effect of plasma channel growth through a constant surface temperature approach. Thus, the temperature at the center of the cathode spot was assumed to remain constant throughout the pulse on duration and equal to the $oiling temperature of the cathode material. The $oiling temperature of cathode material which is used to determine the crater radius is given as equation 1". +4A

"#$%& Di itontos Model 112=24 of Te!as -BM )niversity, -merica conducted a series of e!periments in association with -C@E 0orporation, a leading EDM manufacturer. %igure ". 6 illustrates the spherical symmetry resulting from assumptions as well as the melt front radius 1r-crater4 of the material. %eatures 1. )nlike all previous models, this model assumed a point heat source 1/&,M4 instead of a disk for conduction into its interior. This is $ecause the plasma radius at the cathode was assumed to $e much smaller than that at the anode. . The energy distri$uted to the cathode for erosion is assumed to $e 1=9 1Fc : 6.1=4.

%igure ".+ Di$itonto8s model The temperature distri$ution was given $y 0arslaw and ?aeger in12+> as,

This equation assumes constant current @ during the pulse. -t the melt radius 5,

-long the interface where the phase change takes place 1

4 the equation 1".=4 holds


: heat of fusion,

: molten cavity volume.

'$ Salonitiss Model 1 66>4 %eaturesA @t is assumed that the distance from the workpiece surface at which the temperature e!ceeds the melting point coincides with the crater depth, neglecting the formation of a recast layer. @t is completely new and simple approach of thermal modeling where new concept of erosion front velocity is introduced and %igure ".> represents the schematic diagram for the model

%igure ".> ,alonitis8s Model

The crater is assumed to have circular para$oloid geometry and its diameter on the surface is determined from the empirical relations in equation 1".24.

1".24 where, 5a is average surface roughness. &eat $alance equation at the erosion front was given $y equation 1".164. 1".164 where, , and -nd the velocity on erosion front is stated as D 1".114

Summary: %rom the literature survey carried out it has $een o$served that the models developed can $e widely classified into two su$ groups depending upon the geometry considered of the heat source 1vi*. point and disk heat source4. The geometry of the heat source considered will finally affect the profile of the crater o$tained. The resultant material removal rate o$tained will $e estimated from the volume of these individual craters. En the $asis of these estimates one can compare the models with each other and further with the e!perimental results o$tained. &ence this e!periment emphasi*es on the comparative study of ,aloniti8s model 1disk heat source4 and Di$itonto8s model 1point heat source4. %urther the predicted results are compared with the e!perimental ones.

()*erimental Setu* %or the purpose of machining, Electra7Ecocut #7a!is wireEDM with $rass wire of diameter "66Fm was used with deioni*ed water as dielectric. @t employs a ME,%ET type pulse generator

with three chief controlling parameters vi*. Ton, Toff, Toff1. -ppropriate machining operation is achieved with the help of adequate wire feed control and dielectric flushing rate. ,urfce roughness of machined component was measured using Taylor7&o$son surface roughness tester 1ModelA ,urtronic7 +4. ;eight of the material was taken on -fcoset Electronic 'alance 1ModelA %G7#664. Tektroni! TD, 61 model digital oscilloscope was connected to the machine to measure num$er of pulses.

+ire (lectric Dischar,e Machine S*eci-ications: (oltage sta$ili*ers 1" /hase4 1. . ". #. +. >. 3. E0E0)T @nput voltage Eutput voltage A 3.+ H(-, I#1+ ( line to line A "16 ( to #1> ( line to line, i.e. 1=67 36 (Jphase A #1+ ( line to line, i.e. #6 ( phase to neutral A K 19J phase of output voltage

Eutput voltage regulation

(oltage correction rate A "+ (J sec Termination Everload thermal protection A + ways socket on rear door 1 6 -4 A ;ith ,@EMEL, contactor and " phase

overload relay A ,ingle phasing presetter, over7voltage trip


Ether protection

T5-(E. 5-LCE -G@, E0E0)T G .ELC@T)D@L-. ) M .-TE5-. ( (E5T@0-. N .1+mm 66mm K1+mm "+6mm +6mm

;E5H/@E0E ,@NE Ma!. ;E5H/@E0E ,@NE Ma!. ;E5H/@E0E ;t

E0E0)T +3+ O ="+ O 66mm 3+ Hg

Main ta$le feed rate =6 mmJmin 5esolution ;ire feed rate 6.661 mm 6716 mJmin

Main ta$le feed rate =6 mmJmin

;ire guide type

Diamond closed

;ire electrode diameter 6. +, ,TD, 6. E/T@EL-.

Ma!. Taper -ngle Taper cutting K +PJ166mm

Procedure - comparative study of an point and disk heat source model is presented herewith. The workpiece material considered for the e!periment is 0opper with following properties. /roperty 1. . ". #. .m .v Tm T$ (alue 13> k?Jkg +6>+ k?Jkg 1"+3.33H =#6.1+ H

+. >. 3. =.

Density 0p Ht a

=2#6 kgJm" "=" ?Jkg.H "=+ ;JmH 1.1 "#O167#m Js Table /: Pro*erties o- co**er 0/1

1. .

,amples of copper were cut to a length of 3.6 mm with each cut $y manual programming.

mm apart. The cut was set

Electronic $alance was set up for sta$ili*ation nearly "6 minutes $efore the operation. -fter the cut, the workpiece was properly dried and weighed on the $alance to find out mass of machined material.

". #.

Digital oscilloscope was connected to the machine wire and machine ground to measure num$er of pulses using sampling method. Machine settings were changed after every cut to o$serve effect on performance and all the relevant factors were noted down.

/ Pulse measurement Measurement of num$er of pulsesA Q Q Q %or the measurement of pulses, Techtroni! oscilloscope is used. /ro$es are connected to anode 1wire electrode4 and cathode 1workpiece7 ta$le4 and voltage pulse train is captured. Lum$er of pulses is counted on the hori*ontal scale ad<usting it to 1666 readings are taken for each cut and then average is found out. Total machining time is counted using a stop watch. %rom this, num$er of pulses for total machining time is found out using following formula D . %ive such

2 3alculations usin, Di itontos Model 5adius of crater predicted $y this model was calculated using following relation R#S

This equation was solved for calculating 5 using numerical methods.

M44 calculation (olume of crater, (c was calculated using following relationA

# 3alculations usin, Salonitis Model 5adius of heat source was calculated using following equationA )sing the constants - and ' used $y 5e$elo et al. radius of crater was calculatedA #$/ M44 calculation %or copper, -:13#", ':6."3 R S (olume of a single crater was calculated $yA Material removal rate was calculated using the equationA

#$2 Sur-ace 4ou,hness A**roach: ,alonitis also proposed a different approach which esta$lished relationship $etween radius of crater and surface roughness. 'ased on the para$olic geometry of the crater, which is the $asic assumption of this model, following relationship was proposedA

-fter cutting, surface roughness of the machined component was measured on Taylor7&o$son surface roughness tester. 'ased on those values, new crater radius were estimated.

3onclusion The 0onclusions deviveried from the e!periment are summari*ed as $elowA

1. . ".

/oint heat source model is one of the easiest thermal models for determining stock removal rate corresponding to temperature gradient within the surface. &eat transfer is assumed to $e uniform in three directions giving a hemi7spherical temperature profile. The disk heat source thermal models are considered to $e more nearer to the actual processes 1those involving higher pulse frequencies4. %orm this one can predict the recast layer, recrystali*ed depths which can predict the appro!imate surface topography and integrity 1qualitatively4.

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. Dekeyser ;. .., and ,noeys, 5., 112=24, TCeometrical accuracy of ;ire EDMU, /roceedings of the @nternational ,ymposium for Electro Machining, 1@,EM724 Lagoya, pp. >7 " . ". Dhanik ,andeep, ?oshi ,uhas, 1Lovem$er 66+4, TModeling of a ,ingle 5esistance

0apacitance /ulse Discharge in Micro7Electro Discharge MachiningU, ?ournal of Manufacturing ,cience and Engineering, (ol. 1 3 J 3+2. #. %rankel ?. @., 'rain (ick, E*isik, M. L., 112=34, TCeneral formulation and analysis of hyper$olic heat conduction in composite mediaU, @nternational ?ournal of &eat and Mass Transfer, (ol. "6, Lo.3, pp. 1 2"71"6+. +. ?ennes, M., ,noeys, 5., and Dekeyser, ;.,1?anuary 12=#4, T0omparison of various approaches to model the thermal load on the EDM7 wire electrodeU, -nnals of 0@5/, (ol. "", pp.2"7 2=. >. ?ilani ,.T., /andey, /.0. 112= 4, T-nalysis and modelling of EDM parametersU, /recision Eng. # 1#4, pp. 1+D 1.

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1". ;ang ;. M., and 5a<urkar H. /., 1122 4, TMonitoring ,parking %requency and /redicting ;ire 'reakage in ;EDMU, -,ME special volume on ,ensors and ,ignal /rocessing for Manufacturing, /ED (ol. ++, pp. #27>#. 1#. ;iggert D. 0., 112334, T-nalysis of early7 time transient heat conduction $y method of characteristicsU, -,ME ?ournal of &eat Transfer, (ol. 22, pp. "+7#6. 1+. Meo ,. &., Hurnia ;., Tan /. 0., 1 66=4, T0ritical assessment and numerical comparison of electro7thermal models in EDMU, ?ournal of Materials /rocessing Technology, (ol. 6", pp. #1D +1.

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