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Appendix B Documentation of Teaching-Learning Process Teaching-Learning Activities Introduction to topic

Stages Set induction

Implementation I use grammar translation method to explain poem.

Reflection For my lesson introduction, I introduced the topic and asks the pupils about their pets. Pupils are able to answer all my questions. What I can reflect are the pupils in my class high level of speaking skills. They able to know name of the animals that difficult to remember such as hippotamus. They also able to answer my question about animals habitat.


Introduction of

I used pictures book to attract the pupils attention. By using this method, I able to attract the pupils and me able to develop their speaking skills.

Presentation animals using Animal Pictures Book.

Suggestion for improvement: In this stage, I was supposed to manage my time because during this stage, I had used my 2 or 3 minutes extra time for answering the students question. While/ Practice Activity B: Pupils Sings a Song Since pupils are able to recite with good pronunciation, rhythm and intonation, this session is done to enhance their pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. Pupils From this activity, I able to detected pupils weaknesses. Some of them are shy and not confident when I asked them to speak. For activity in this stage, I had divide them into a group and asked them to change the name of the animals to others

Appendix B able to sing the songs without problem. At first, I sing the song first because the songs are adapted from the original song, Five Little Ducks. animals. They are able to complete my tasks without my guide. I conclude that, pupils in this class are having high knowledge about animals. After change the names of animals in the song, I asked them to sing the songs.

Suggestion for improvement: To identify each pupils ability, I should call all groups to sings their edited songs. Unfortunately, I am not able to call all groups to sing their song. This is because; I had lack of time to call all groups. So just manage to call one group to sing their song. Post/ Production Activity C: Art Work Pupils are asked to colour a mask. After this stage, I found out that the majority of the pupils can draw very well. This activity can improve their creativity. Suggestion of improvement: For this stage, I feel that I could do better after the post-meeting session that I have with the English teacher by creating a mask. At first, teacher just asked me to let them create their own masks. However, if pupils creating their own masks, it would need a lots of time. So

Appendix B to solve the problem, I had created a mask and just let them colour it. Closure Moral Values Since most of the students are love about art, they are taking long time than I expected, so I just let them to do it as their homework. Before ending the class, I had asked them about moral values that we should do to care about animal and nature. After around 1 minute moral values sharing, we sing a song. Production stage took a longer time to complete since not every pupil was able to finish their arts by the time allocated. Therefore, before the class ended, I had decided to share to them about moral values.

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