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Right from of verbs

mwVK I mykLj fve Sentence MVbi Right from of verbs Gi wbqg Rvbv AZvekK| Kvib Grammar G verb K mwVKfve MVb KiZ bv cvij Kvb Sentence MwVZ !e bv| Zv verb K ejv !q Sentence Gi soul ev c"vb| GKw# $%v!ib w%j we&qw# Zvgiv ey'Z cvie| - I go to school - He goes to school $cii Sentence %yw#i c"(gw#Z go verb Gi subject First person singular number !Iqvi Kvib verb Gi mv( s ev es )vM Kiv !qwb | Avevi w*Z+q sentence w#K go verb Gi subject third person singular number !Iqvq go verb Gi mv( es )vM Kiv !q,| gb ivLZ !eK$ )w% Gw# bv Rvb ) subject )w% third person singular number !q Zv!j verb Gi mv( s ev es )vM !q - Zv!j m w*Z+q sentence w# wbf./j fve wjLZ cvi bv| Zv Right form of verb Gi wbqg Rvbv c"ZKi Rb AZ+e c"qvRb+q| Gevi Avgiv wewfb0 Tence Gi wewfb0 ee!vii c"wZ wK fve sentence Gi A12M/Z verb Gi mwVK i3c wbi3cb Kiv )vq m m45K/ we62vwiZ Avjv7bv Kiev| Rule - 1 8 Kvb Assetive Sentence Gi subject )w% Third person I singular !q Zv!j present indefinite tence Gi verb Gi k& s ev es )vM KiZ !q| egative sentence Gi g.j verb Gi c.e/ dose not A(ev doesn!t em| Introgative Sentence Gi subject Gi c.e/ dose em| )gb 8 "a# Fahad ple$s cric%et "b# He does not li%e football "c# &oes he li%e football ' Rule -( 8 Al)a$s* regularl$* everda$* dail$* ever$ time* some time* seldon* often* generall$* usuall$* normall$* occasionall$* fre+uentl$* )hen-ever Zvw%Adverb 9jv Aw:Kv;k present indifinet tence G ee<Z !q| )gb 8 "a# He al)a$s spea% the truth, "b# Rasel goes to school ever$da$,

"c# He seldom comes here, "d# I usuall$ get up from bed at -,.. am, "e# Sometimes he reads the Sama%al, Rule -/ 8 0niversal truth =w7i12b>- havitual fact =AfvmMZ Kg/>historical fact=?wZ!vwmK @#bv> Zvw% ev'vbvi !q| G Subject third person I singular number !j verb Gi k& s ev es )vM KiZ !q| )gb 8 "a# The sun ruse in the east "b# Rafi+ )or%s for a mile ever$ in the morning "c# 1abar defeats Ibrahim laid at 2anipath, Rule -3 8 Interogative Sentence )w% 4hat* 4hen* ho)* )hich* )ho* )here* )hose* )hom Zvw% *viv Ai3 !q Zv!j Subject Gi tence c.e/ I person Abymvi Au5iliar$ verb ee<Z !q| )gb8 "a# 4hat do it )ant to do ' "b# 4h$ are $ou ma%ing a noice ' "c# 4hen did he 6ome ' Rule -7 8 8odel au5iliar$ verbs )gb shall* should* )ill* )ould* can* could* ma$* might Zvw% au5iliar$ verb Gi cieZ+/ main verb Gi base form ee<Z !q | )gb 8 "a# Fahad )ill go to &ha%a, "b# He can do the )or%, "c# I shall pla$ football "d# He could do the )or%, Rule -- 8 Kvb Sentence G no)* at this moment* at present* Zvw% mgq BvcK )ord ee<Z !j m verb Aw:Kv;k Gi present continues tence !q| )gb 8 "a# Sooma$$a is going to school, "b# oman is pla$ing cric%et at this moment, "c# At present the$ are living in &ha%a,

Rule -9 8 Kvb Sentence G au5iliar$ verb w!mve )w% have* has* had ee<Z !q Zv!j g.j verb Gi past perticple form em| )gb 8"a# 1a%htaran has completed has lessons, "b# the$ have started the ne) business, "c# Shompa had done the )or% easil$, Rule -: 8 Kvb sentence G )w% Adverb of time A(/vC just* just no)* alerd$* recentl$* latel$* ever* $et Zvw% )ord 9jv ee<Z !q- Zv!j G mKj sentence 9jv mv:vibZ present perfect tence G wjLZ !q| )gb 8 "a# ;ani%a has just gone to loherte%, "b# Recentl$ he has visited the national <oo, "c# I have alred$ started m$ privet, "d# Have $ou ever been to America ' "e# Fahad has gone to mar%et just no), Rule -= 8 Kvb sentence G )w% pest point of time A(/vC AZ+Z wb%/kK )ord ev phrase, )gb 8 $esterda$* ago* long ago* long since* last morning > afternoon > evening > night > )ee% > month > $ear > era " )yM# > center Zvw% ee<Z !q Zv!j mv:vibZ 2ast indefinite tense G sentence MVb KiZ !q| )gb 8 "a# I )ant to see m$ friend $esterda$ "b# His mother died a fe) da$s ago, "c# 8onsur 1is)as established the 1is)as 1ari high school long Since, "d# 6hampa came to school last )ee%, "e# ?ast hight I dreamt a good dream, Rule -1. 8 2ast indefinite tense Gi A12M/Z Kvb affirmative sentence K Interrogative sentence G cwieZ/b KiZ !j sentence w#i c"(g A(/vC subject Gi c.e/ did em Ge; g.j verb Gi present indefinite tense !q| Avevi Abyi3cfve negative sentence i3cv12ii mgq g.j verb Gi present indefinite tense !q Ge; Zvi c.e/ did not em|

)gb 8 "a# Affirmative@ 8onisha prepared her lessons )ell "b# egative@ 8onisha did not prepared her lessons )ell "c# Interrogative@ &id 8onisha prepared her lessons )ell' "a# Affirmative@ ahida did her home)or% $esterda$ "b# egative@ ahida did not do her home)or% $esterda$ "c# Interrogative@ &id ahida do her home)or% $esterda$' Rule -11 8 since )w% conjunction i3c %yw# clause ev sentence K )yD Ki Ge; since Gi c"(g A;k )w% present indefinite tense A(ev present perfect tense G MwVZ !q Zv!j since Gi cieZ/+ A;k past indefinite tense G MVb KiZ !q| Avevi Gi c"(g A;k )w% G !q Ze since Gi cieZ/+ A;k past perfect tense G MVb KiZ !q| )gb 8 "a# It is about Fort$ t)o $ears since 1angladesh became Independent "b# Fort$ t)o $ears have passed since 1angladesh became Independent "c# Fort$ t)o $ears passed since 1angladesh had became Independent "d# It is man$ $ears since $ou left home "e# It has passed man$ $ears since $ou left home "f# It )as man$ $ears since $ou had left home

Rule -1( 8 2resent perfect A(ev 2resent perfect continues tense G A preod of the time! A(/vC wK,EKvj evwcqv mgq ev'vZ y!mF eve<Z !q| )gb 8 "a# 8onir has been pla$ing cric%et for an hour, "b#Sonet has been )or%ing since afternoon, "c# The$ have pla$ed football since noon, "d# 8irjan has been ma%ing sheet for t)o months, Rule -1/ 8 4hen A(ev after *viv %yw# clause ev sentence )yD !j Ge; )hen ev after Gi c.e/eZ/+ clause w# present indefinite A(ev

Future indefinite tense G !j m )hen ev after Gi cieZ/+ clause w# present perfect tense G MVb KiZ !e| )gb 8 "a# I )atch television )hen I have prepared m$ home )or%, "b# He )ill go to school after he has eaten rice, "c# Fahad )ill go to &ha%a )hen he has completed his S,S,6 e5am, "d# I go to pla$ cric%et after I have taught m$ students, Rule -13 8 As if A(ev As though *viv )w% %yw# clause )yD !q Ge; Zv%i c"(g clause w# )w% 2resent Indefinite tense Gi !q Zv!j cii clause w# 2ast Indefinite tense G MVb KiZ !q| Avevi- clause c"(g w# )w% 2ast perfect tense Gi Zv!j cii clause w# G MVb KiZ !q| )gb 8 "a# Ripon act as if he could do ever$thing, "b# Fahad tal%s as though he %ne) nothing, "c# He spo%e as if he had done ever$thing, "d# He tal%s as though he managed them, Rule -17 8 As if* As though* )ish *viv %yw# clause )yD !j - m c"(g clause w# )Kvb tense G MwVZ !vK bv Kb Zv%i cii A;k )w% to be verb *viv MVb KiZ ejv !q Zv!j )Kvb person Gi mv( )ere em| )gb 8 "a# He spea%s as if he )ere a foolish, "b# The bo$ acts as though he )ere a leader, "c# I )ish I )ere a pla$er, Rule -1- 8 Kvb sentence Gi Ai3Z )w% 4ould that (vK Zv!j subject Gi ci could ee<Z !q Ge; could Gi cieZ/+ g.j verb Gi present form em| )gb 8 "a# 4ould that I could become the prime minister of 1angladesh, "b# 4ould that I could be a child again, Rule -19 8 It is time* It is high time* )ish* fanc$ Zvw% 4ord *viv Kvb sentence Ai3 !j m 2ast Indefinite tense G MVb KiZ !q| )gb 8 "a# It is time he pla$ed football, "b# It is high time )e did the )or%,

"c# I )ish I made a good result, "d# I fanc$ I )ent to the moon, Rule -1: 8 Kvb sentence G 4ould better* )ould rather* hade better* must* need* let* dare Zvw% )Kvb GKw# $jL (vKj Zv%i mv( ee<Z verb Gi base form !q| Ge; c"%G verb Gi c.e/ to (vKj $D to $V )vq| )gb 8 "a# Bou better do the )or% "b# He had better die, "c# I must go there, "d# I let him do the )or% "e# Bou need ta%e the mon$, Rule -1= 8 o sooner,,,,,,,,,Than* hardl$ had,,,,,,)hen ev before * scarcel$ had,,,,,,,,)hen ev before Zvw% *viv %yw# 6louse )yD !j- c"(g 6louse w# past perfect tense Gi !e Ge; w*Z+q 6louse w# 2ast indefinite tense Gi !e| )gb 8 "a# o sooner had I gone to school than it began to rain, "b# Hardl$ had Afridi joined the 2a%istan team )hen he became )ee%, "c# Scarcel$ had Rafi+ completed the S,S,6 e5am )hen he felt fresh, Rule -(. 8 )w% Kvb Simple sentence G %yw# g.j verb (vK Zv!j k&i verb w#i c.e/ participle emvZ !q| )gb 8 "a# I sa) the man pla$ing ball, "b# I sa) the man to pla$ ball, "c# I go the )or% completed, we8 %H8 Sentence Gi verb Gi cii object w# ewDev7K !j cieZ/+ verb Gi mv( ing )yD !q A(ev verb w#i c.e/ to em| wK1 Iverb Gi cii object w# )w% e6I ev7K !q Zv!j verb Gi participle form KiZ !q| Rule -(1 8 To be verb A(/vC am* is* are* )as* )ere Zvw%i ci passive voice Gi g.j verb Gi past participle form !q| )gb 8 "a# The )or% is done b$ him "b# The land )as ploughed

"c# The stor$ )as read $esterda$, Rule -(( 8 Kvb Sentence G enjo$* bus$* thin% of* tired of* avoid* )ith out* mind* past* it is no use* it is no good* ris%* finish* stop* go on* )orth* e5cuse* insist on* object to* practice* prevent form* remember* used to* can not help* loo% for)ard to* )ith a vie) to* )ould $ou mind Zvw% verb I phrase 9jvi ci ee<Z g.j verb Gi mv( ing )vM KiZ !q| )gb 8 "a# I object to doing the )or% "b# Bou should stop pla$ing at cards "c# He has finished reading the boo% "d# I )ant to the librar$ )ith a vie) to ba$ing a boo%, "e# 4e enjo$ )atching the game, "f# Bou should practice the game, "g# Bou can not gain it )ithout )or%ing hard, "h# Fahad never thin%s of going to sinema, "i# Rafi+ is third of ma%ing sheets, "j# I can not help pla$ing cric%et, "%# 4ould $ou mind opening the door ' Rule -(/ 8 Have* has* hade* got* get Zvw% verb 9jv )Lb Kvb sentence G causative verb Gi KvR Ki ZLb G mKj verb Gi cieZ/+ g.j verb Gi past participle form !q| )gb 8 "a# I have m$ hair cut, "b# He has his )or% done, "c# I had m$ rice coo%ed, "d# He got the )or% completed, Rule -(3 8 perfect participle Gi sub ordinate clause Gi c.e/ ee<Z having Gi cieZ/+ g.j verb Gi past participle form !q| )gb 8 "a# Having ta%en the mone$* the thief )ent a)a$, "b# Having eaten rice* he joined the part$,

Rule -(7 8 If )yD sub ordinate clause w# present indefinite tense Gi !j principle clause ev main clause w# futer indefinite tense G M#b KiZ !q| G MVbw# !e wbbJ i3c 8K MVb 8 If C present indefinite tense C futer indefinite tense, )gb 8 "a# If $ou come* I shall go, "b# If he goes* I shall go, "c# If $ou )ant* I shall help $ou, "d# If $ou )or% hard* $ou )ill proper in life, "e# I shall go* If $ou come, "f# I shall go* If he goes, "e# I shall go* If $ou come, "f# I shall go* If $ou goes, "g# I shall help $ou* If $ou )ant, "h# Bou )ill proper in life* If $ou )or% hard, Rule -(- 8 If )yD sub Dordinate clause w# )w% past indefinite tense Gi !q- Zv!j main clause w#i subject Gi ci )ould>couid>might Zvw% modal 9jvi )Kvb GKw# ewmq Gi cieZ/+ g.j verb Gi base form wjLZ !q| G MVbw# !e wbbJi3c 8K MVb 8 If C past indefinite tense C main clause Gi subject C )ould>could>might C g.j verb Gi base form, )gb 8 "a# If $ou come* I should go, "b# If he )ent* I )ould go, "c# If $ou )anted* I could help $ou, "d# If $ou )or%ed hard* $ou might prosper in life, "e# I )ould go* If $ou come, "f# I )ould go if he )ent, "g# I could help $ou if $ou )anted, "h# Bou might prosper in life if $ou )or%ed hard, Rule -(9 8 If )yD sub Dordinate clause w# past perfect tense Gi !j- main clause Gi subject Gi ci )ould have>could have>might have G%i )Kvb GKw# ewmq Gi cieZ/+ g.j verb Gi past participle form emvZ !q| G MVbw# !e wbbJi3c 8K

MVb 8 If C past perfect tense C main clause Gi subject C )ould have>could have>might have C v/ )gb 8 "a# If $ou had )or%ed hard* $ou could have prosper in life, "b# If I had seen him* I )ould have told him the matter, Rule -(: 8 Kvb comple5 sentence Gi sub Dordinate clause w# )w% had A(ev )ere *viv MwVZ !q Ge; L,v m.7K Kvb A(/ c"Kvk Ki- Zv!j main clause Gi g.j verb Gi c.e/ )ould A(ev )ould have em| Ze )ould have Gi cieZ/+ g.j verb Gi past participle form !q| )gb 8 "a# Had I been a minister* I )ould have helped the poor, "b# If I )ere a %ing* I )ould have changed m$ countr$, "c# Had I the )ings of a bird* I )ould fl$ in the s%$, A(ev- Hade I the )ings of a bird* I )ould have flo)n the s%$* Rule -(= 8 Kvb )ord ev phrase Gi mv( preposition w!me in* at* of* for* on* )ith* form Zvw% )yD !j G%i cieZ/+ verb mv:vibZ G gerund cwiewZ/Z !q A(/vC verb 9jvi mv( ing )vM KiZ !q| )gb 8 "a# I forbade him from going to cinema, "b# He is ver$ fond of dra)ing, "c# He )as punished for doing so, Rule -/. 8 4hile )w% adverb w!me sentence G KvR Ki Zv!j )hile Gi ci ee<Z verb Gi mv( ing )vM KiZ !q| wK1I 4hile )w% sentence G conjunction w!me KvR Ki Zv!j )hile )yD clause w# me/%v conjunction tense G MwVZ !q| )gb 8 "a# 4ith going to mar%et I sa) Eubear on the )a$, "b# 4hile Sa<id )as )al%ing in the road* a girl proposed him, Rule D /1 8 fwe&Z Kvb wK,E Kivi Intention ev L,v c"Kvki subject Gi ci to be verb ewmq wVK Zvi ci Agoing to! ee!vi Ki sentence w# MVb KiZ !q| )gb 8 "a# Sooma$$a is going to open a ban% account "b# 8arjan is going to establish an Fnglish language club,

"c# Rafi+ is going to bu$ a computer, Rule D /( 8 ) mKj verb *viv gvbyw&K Ae6Mv ev'vbv !q m mKj verb Gi KLbv continuous tence !q bv| )gb 8 have* has* feel* )ant* %no)* love* hope* matter* )ish* live* o)n* coast* remember* understand Zvw%| )gb 8 Inc, He is )anting a car, cor, He )ants a car, Inc, 4e are %no)ing the matter cor, 4e %no) the matter, Inc, I am hopping that $ou are )ell cor, I am hope that $ou are )ell Inc, She is loving me cor, She is loves me Inc, Fver$da$ is )ishing to be happ$ cor, Fver$da$ is )ishes to be happ$ Rule D // 8 Kvb sentence Gi subject w!me )w% There ee<Z !q Ge; Zvi cieZ/+ number )w% singular !q Zv!j There Gi ci singular verb em| wK1IThere Gi cieZ/+ number )w% plural !q Zv!j There Gi ci plural verb em| )gb 8 "a# There is a public librar$ in our village, "b# There are t)o public libraries in our village, Rule - /3 8 Kvb sentence Gi subject )w% singular !q Zv!j verb I singular verb !e| Avevi sentence Gi subject )w% plural !q Zv!j verb I plural verb !e| )gb 8 "a# the color of her e$es blue, Gnot areH "b# The bo$s of that village are active, Gnot isH

Rule D/7 8 Ggb KZ9jv subject Av, )v%iK %LZ plural gb !jI Zv%i cieZ/+ verb me/%v singular !q| )gb 8 "a# Five thousand dollars is needed to bu$ the car, "b# Fight$ miles is a long )a$, we 8 %H 8 $cii sentence %yw#i c"(gw#Z Five thousand dollars *viv GKw# wbw%/N A;Ki #vKv ev'vbv !q,| Avevi w*Z+q sentence w#Z Fight$ miles *viv GKw# wbw%/N j4Ov %.iZPi c( ev'vbv !q,| Zv %yw# subject Gi ci verb singular !q,| Rule D/- 8 Kvb ewDK Kvb bvg FvKZ call ee<Z !q| )gb 8 "a# 4e call him a lo)er "Av bR+e+# "b# The$ called the bo$ a scientist, Rule D /9 8 Kvb MQ ejvi tell ee<Z !q| )gb 8 "a# He told me a stor$ "b# I told a stor$ to m$ brother Rule - /: 8 c"v(/bv ev bvgvR cRv ev'vZ sa$ ee<Z !q| )gb 8 Eubear sa$s his pra$ers five times, Rule - /= 8 Kvb Kvb fvjKvR AvmD ev'vZ devoted toee<Z !q Ge; Kvb Kvb LvivcKvR AvmD ev'vZ addicted to ee<Z !q| )gb 8 "a# Ahamadullah devoted himself to reading his te5t boo%, "b# The bo$ is addicted to smo%ing, Rule - 3. 8

Sgb Kiv ev'vj ma%e a journe$ ee<Z !q| )gb 8 "a# 4e made a journe$ b$ boat, "b# The$ )ill ma%e a journe$ to S$lhet,

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