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Author: ATG Educational

Copyright ATG Educational London office, 2008. This material may be distributed
freely or sold only in its current 40 page form bearing the ATG Educational seal.


Leadership skills are used throughout ones life in a variety of forms. Sharpening
these skills is a continual process. The goal of this manual is to help Triangle members
develop and sharpen leadership skills that will carry over into other areas not only of
chapter leadership, but also academic and community leadership.


This manual will focus on several areas to help you as you lead the chapter including:

What leadership is
Understanding the difference between leadership and management
Defining characteristics of good leaders


There has been an ongoing debate on the difference between leading and
managing. The words management and leadership have been given numerous
definitions. As the definitions continue to evolve, leadership has been most often defined
by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus in Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge.

Leadership is doing the right thing. Management is doing this right.

Bennis and Nanus also point out several common traits among leaders in their
book that include:

1. All leaders face the challenge of overcoming resistance to change. Some try to do this
by the simple exercise of power and control, but effective leaders learn that there are
better ways to overcome resistance to change. This involves the achievement of voluntary
commitment to shared values.

2. A leader often must broker the needs of constituencies both within and outside the
organization. The brokering function requires sensitivity to the needs of many
stakeholders and a clear sense of the organizations position.

3. The leader is responsible for the set of ethics or norms that govern the behavior of
people in the organization. Leaders can establish a set of ethics in several ways. One is to
demonstrate by their own behavior their commitment to the set of ethics that they are
trying to institutionalize. Many fraternity leaders have found something important
missing in these definitions. Our behavioral guideposts and inspiring visions come from
our ritual and our organizational values. As you read through this manual, consider the
following quote on leadership:

Leaders must begin by setting aside that culturally conditioned natural instinct to
lead by push, particularly when times are tough. Leaders must instead adopt the
unnatural behavior of always leading by the pull of inspiring values. The difficulty
lies in that imperative always.James OToole: Leading Change

Throughout literature you can find a variety of quotes that help define leadership.
Following are quotes that help define the term leadership or the role of a leader.

All men dream, but not equally; those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their
minds awake to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of day are dangerous men, that
they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible.
T.E. Lawrence

I have a dream
Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you can dream it, you can do it
Walt Disney

Fail to honor people - they fail to honor you; but of a good leader, who talks little, when
his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say, We did this ourselves.
Lao Tzu

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with great talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
From a plaque on the wall of Ray Kroc

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1. Leadership is a rare skill. Nothing can be further from the truth. While great leaders
may be rare, everyone has leadership potential. More important, people may be leaders in
one organization and have quite ordinary roles in another. The truth is that leadership
opportunities are plentiful and within reach of most people.

2. Leaders are born, not made. Dont believe it. The truth is that major capacities and
competencies of leadership can be learned, and we are all educatable, at least if the basic
desire to learn is there. This is not to suggest that it is easy to be a leader. There is no
simple formula, no rigorous science, no cookbook that leads inexorably to successful
leadership. Instead, it is a deeply human process, full of trial and error, victories and
defeats, timing and happenstance, intuition and insight.

3. Leaders are charismatic. Some are, most arent. Charisma is the result of effective
leadership, not the other way around, and that those who are good at it are granted a

certain amount of respect and even awe by their followers, which increases the bond of
attraction between them.

4. Leadership exists only at the top of the organization or Leaders populate the entire
organization. In fact, the larger the organization, the more leadership roles it is likely to

5. The leader controls, directs, prods, manipulates. This is perhaps the most damaging
myth of all. Leadership is not so much the exercise of power itself as the empowerment
of others. Leaders are able to translate intentions into reality by aligning the energies to
the organization behind an attractive goal. Leaders lead by pulling rather than pushing; by
inspiring rather than ordering; by enabling people to use their own initiative and
experiences rather than by denying or constraining their experiences and actions.

Once these myths are cleared away, the question becomes not one of how to
become a leader, but rather how to improve ones effectiveness at leadershiphow to
take charge of the leadership in an organization. This brings us back to the topic of
leadership and management.

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Management: Allocation and control of resources in an effective manner and
coordination of activities and resources (people, equipment, facilities, etc.) to reach goals.

Leadership: The process or ability to motivate and mobilize others to unite and to work
toward achieving a common goal.

Managing for Excellence

1. What is management?
A. Management is the process involving efforts to bring about an effective utilization of
B. Management is the process of working with and through people to achieve
organizational goals.

2. Steps to successful management.
A. Set goals
B. Plan
C. Organize
D. Motivate
E. Coordinate
F. Evaluate

3. Stages in management.
A. Where are we?
B. Where do we want to be?
C. How do we get there?

4. Seven elements to success
Short-range goals
Financial budget
Assistant officers
Effective chapter advisor and alumni board
Adequate communications
Recognition devices
Effective chapter meetings

Now that we have looked closely at what is involved in management, lets look
more in-depth at what is needed to be an effective leader. A leader not only manages
people and the work that needs to be accomplished, but also works as a motivator to unite
those working with him to reach their goals. Effective leadership comes in many forms
and contains a variety of characteristics.

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Situational Leadership

The reality is we need to provide leadership and delegate responsibility on the
basis of each persons maturity in the tasks they are undertaking. Hersey and Blanchard
(two organizational theorists) have identified a maturity scale that has been found useful
in helping people understand how to delegate effectively. Picture it on this continuum:

When we take on a new task, we all begin on the dependent end of the continuum.
Then, each of us will move up the maturity scale at different speeds, depending on our
experience, our abilities, our sense of self-worth, and the responses we get from our
At the first stage (the directing stage), people need to be told specifically what
to do. They need to be told regularly what to do and need constant positive and negative
feedback about whether they are accomplishing their tasks correctly. Some people will
stay in that spot for a long time, because they need to or because the job requires them to.
This kind of person gets bitter, hostile, or subversive when he is not getting regular orders

and feedback, which means that a pure delegation style of leadership simply wont work
for that person.
The second stage (the coaching stage) is a step up the maturity ladder. This
person needs to be sold on an idea or plan and then will be able to proceed on the tasks
required by the idea or plan without close direction. He will need regular positive and
negative feedback also. Because he will need to develop new ideas and plans as time goes
on he does not have the whole picture and is not able to reshape or build and develop
ideas. People at this level of job maturity benefit most from a leader who is constantly
able to recharge them with the next steps in a plan.
The third stage is the supporting stage. People at this stage are more confident
of their ability to decide on what tasks need to be done and what elements are needed to
develop plans and ideas for the future. But they also need to be able to participate in
decision-making with their leader. They need to try out ideas with the leader and have
their ideas expanded and developed in concert with the authority. If the leader assumes
that they know what theyre doing and doesnt take the time to help them develop their
plans, these people will feel uncertain and insecure - which sometimes will cause them to
fall back to the coaching stages or go off on a tangent and do their own thing.
The fourth stage is pure delegation - the ideal for most of us as leaders. We really
prefer to be able to say go to it, and be constantly and pleasantly surprised by the
persons ideas and follow-through. These people need only to be given a sense of what
the leader expects them to accomplish in broad strokes and they can take it from there.
They dont need much ongoing feedback, but they do need to touch base occasionally to
be sure theyre on the right track.

Problems develop when we as leaders have not accurately diagnosed what
people need by way of direction. We tend to make decisions on leadership style based
on how we like to be led, instead of how the person needs to be led.
Choosing different leadership styles or tactics can be understood by asking two
questions: Can he do the job? And will he do the job?
First, can he do the job? This question is best understood in terms of experience in
the task and education to do the task. Is the person able to do the taskcould he do it
even if his life depended on it? If the answer is no, then a leadership style with a lot of
directing and coaching is appropriate.
Once you know a person can do a job, the question becomes will he do it? To
answer this question, consider first his ability (as above) to do the work,as well as his
willingness to put forth the effort and handle the job. Here we move into the second
consideration: the self-motivation of the person. Some people, due to circumstance or
temperament, are able to keep themselves interested and motivated in a task. They do not
require supervision or motivation to keep them going. For these people, (assuming they
know how to do a job), participative management is useful in the beginning with a full
delegation style effective as an on-going style. We mention the coaching style as a
beginning style because you would want to share expectations and goals to be sure you
are operating on the same standards and values.
If a person is willing and able to take responsibility for a job, and is motivated to
do it, he would be higher on the scale of job maturity. Simply remember that a person
may be motivated and eager, but still not know how. CAN THEY? and WILL THEY?

are two questions to be considered together when diagnosing what style will be needed to
help them to do the job.
The reality is that the diagnosis may demonstrate the need for a style of
supervision that the leader is very uncomfortable using. In that case, its probably going
to be necessary to find someone else to oversee that persons work.


Leaders share many common characteristics. Among these are being a visionary,
an effective communicator, a motivator, and a perpetual learner. Each of these
characteristics contain actions or skills that help the leaders in their quest. For example,
when we talk about being a visionary, we will talk about goal setting. When we talk
about being an effective communicator, we will talk about developing conflict and
confrontation skills. When we talk about being a motivator, we will talk about
empowering others and positioning oneself as a leader. When we talk about being a
perpetual learner, we will talk about being open to new ideas.

Be a Visionary

The effective leader must assemble a vision of a desired future state for the organization.
While this task may be shared and developed with other key members of the
organization, it remains the leaders core responsibility and cannot be delegated.

Management of attention through vision is the creating of focus. Leaders are the most
results-oriented individuals in the world, and results get attention. Their visions or
intentions are compelling and pull people toward them. Intensity coupled with
commitment is magnetic. And these intense personalities do not have to coerce people to
pay attention; they are so intent on what they are doing that they draw others in. Vision
grabs.from Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge

I. Visualizing

1. Primary Components of Visualizing

A. Challenge the process
1. Accept a mindset of change and innovation
2. Think about radical departures from the past
3. Consider doing things no one has ever done before
4. See yourself as a change agent, acting as a catalyst to move the
organization forward
5. Be prepared to take risks

B. Imagine the future
1. Free your mind of rigid constraints
2. See, feel, and sense the future in as much detail as possible

3. Be creative/be unique

C. Articulate the future
1. Be passionate and clear about the vision
2. See yourself as a person who focuses the projector; no matter how
much input others have in shaping the vision, the leader must articulate it
3. Create slogans/themes that capture your vision

D. Enlist others in the vision
1. Foster commitment from the group by pulling others into the dream
2. Seek input and innovation from others - listen!
3. Utilize key people to promote change
4. Make work valuable and do-able

2. Analyzing a Change

A. Briefly describe a change you would like to see initiated in your organization
or on your campus.

B. What are the forces which could help you make that change?

C. What alternative strategies could you follow to increase the strength of these

D. What are the forces blocking the change you desire?

E. What alternative strategies could you follow to decrease the strength of these

3. Reducing Resistance to Change

A. Be prompt. Announce an impending change as quickly as possible. Dont give
the rumor mill a chance to grind out stories that arent true but are hard to deny.

B. Explain the reasons. Tell members why the change is important and how it
affects them. Will it help do work better and faster? Why is it better than the old
way? Will it help the organization and members prosper? If you distort the
reasons, members will be doubly antagonistic when they learn the truth.

C. Explain what the change means to the individual. Try to let each member know
how the change will affect him. Explain the benefits and pledge to protect your
people against losses.

D. Ask for advice. Many experts overlook the good first-hand experience they can
get from people who do jobs. Your members can often point out the real pitfalls in
a plan that looks perfect on paper.

E. Invite participation. Get your members into the act whenever you can.

F. Dont change for the sake of change. Some leaders try to prove their own worth
by making frequent shake-ups in routines. Members know this and resist every
change, even the worthwhile ones.

G. Avoid trivial changes. It might seem wise to move a file cabinet, but if it
causes a fight, why bother? Save your energy for more important changes.

H. Avoid surprise. Lay the groundwork carefully. Discuss the problems caused by
the old method and then suggest, Lets try it this way and see how it works.

I. Be careful of status. Every group has status symbols that are zealously sought
and jealously guarded. Dont let a change build one members status at the
expense of anothers.

J. Keep out the ruts. A good way to pave the way for progress: have members
alternate duties as much as possible. A planned program of job movement wont
let people become firmly entrenched in private little procedures. Two extra
benefits: it cuts down boredom and makes your work force more flexible.

K. Avoid chain reactions. Dont unsettle your members by springing a batch of
changes, one right after the other. Try to space them out or make one big change.

L. Sweeten one change with another. If youve got to make a change that wont
be popular, try adding some benefits that make it more palatable.

M. Dont accuse members of resisting change. It may be true, but most people
dont realize it or wont admit it. Youll only force them to try all the harder to
prove that a new method wont work.

N. Allow plenty of time. Dont expect any new procedure, idea, equipment, or
layout to be an instant success. It takes a while for people to adjust.

O. Watch for red flares. Hard-core resistance signals that something is wrong.
When you face it, dont try to bulldoze the change through. First, find out why
people dont like the change, and work from that point to soothe their fears or
even think more about the proposed change.

P. Dont be afraid to say forget it. If a change really isnt any good (and some
of them arent), why not call the whole thing off? You dont gain anything by
forcing your members to adjust to something they know isnt necessary.

4. Making a Vision a Reality

A. Develop a mission statement

1. What is a mission statement?
a. written creed or purpose statement
b. rational description of why the organization exists
c. may include:
What do you want the organization to be?
What do you want the organization to do?
Values and principles upon which your organization is based
d. to an outsider, it makes what the organization is all about
clear, simple and understandable
e. defines integrity of the organization
f. allows for visualization and clarity of focus
g. helps members achieve their potential through the leadership it

2. Questions to consider when developing a mission statement:
a What do we want our organization to be? What do we want our
organization to do?
b. Upon what values and principles is the organization based?

B. Conduct a needs assessment. It is important that you provide the opportunity
for your constituencies to tell you what types of services they need or want. Get their
input on the roles of the chapter. It is important to share your mission statement when
doing this and get the buy-in from your constituencies. Needs assessments can take on
many forms. They can be simple or complex. They can be administered in a variety or
ways: through the mail; in a workshop, retreat, or meeting format; or through personal
conversations. The most important aspect is that results are tallied, discussed, and used as
a basis for determining roles and goals for your chapter.

C. Clarify mission statement by defining roles

D. Define goals of the organization

Vision comes from goals. Setting goals, both short term and long term, is essential
when leading an organization.

What are Goals and Why Do Individuals and Organizations Set Them?


Describe success
Provide challenge
Create common tasks and processes

Create our expectation level of ourselves and others
Give us direction and purpose
Individual and organizational goals have unique properties.

Individual Goals:

1. Established personally

You might ask for feedback from other members, but your goals are not
developed by others.

2. Can be private

You may or may not want to share your goals. They will have personal
significance to you and can relate to your relationships, leadership position, spiritual life,
personal fitness, stress, and other areas of personal growth and development.

3. Are often formed from organizational goals

Organizational Goals are different from personal goals in that they:

1. Are established collectively

The goals are developed by the entire organization and help give the leaders
direction and purpose. They help the members set their own expectation level and create
benchmarks for success.

2. Must be shared by all members

People support what they help create. If members feel as though their voice is
important and other people are listening to them, they will own the goals and help the
organization achieve them. Leaders need to remember to occasionally take out the goals
to remind the organization of its achievements and to see how the group is moving (or not
moving) toward the completion of the goals.

3. Often form the basis for individual goals

As the organization develops goals for the year you might be creating and
changing your personal goals to complement the organizations goals.

The Steps in Goal Setting

I. Brainstorming

In order to hear from all of the members and to get the ideas flowing, ask the
members to talk about what they would like to see the group accomplish. Ask all
organization members to verbally throw out ideas for improving the organization.
Allowing every single member to take part in setting goals is very important for group
morale and team work. Some executive boards develop the goals for the year. They are
setting themselves up for implementation challenges because the members may feel like
they are inheriting the goals of the leaders. Worse yet, they may feel dumped on as the
leaders try to delegate activities, projects, and tasks.

Brainstorming Rules

In setting up a brainstorming session for your group, here are some ground rules
that should be explained to all participants before you begin. Remember: Spontaneity and
outrageous ideas often yield the best solutions!

Think big!
Consider every idea.
Dont evaluate good or bad, just write them down.
Dont let the past (tradition) hold you back.
Quantity of ideas is better than quality of ideas.
Use ideas shared by other members and enhance or add to the ideas.
All participants and ideas should hold equal weight.
Ideas should be placed on a board or flipchart or index cards that are taped to the
Set a time limit.
One specific problem or issue should be dealt with at a time.
Everyone should be encouraged to speak often.
Piggy-backing (building on one anothers ideas) should be encouraged.
Negative and critical remarks should not be allowed.

At this stage of the goal setting process, keep the unrealistic goals too. They can be
adjusted later with incremental and measurable goals.

Narrow Down the Possibilities

Now that you have tons of ideas, its important to examine your list and pick the
best solution or solutions.

Combine two or more ideas to make a great idea and improve on the rough
thoughts thrown out in the brainstorming session.
Discard ideas which are impractical, impossible, not feasible, or illegal.

Choose the three best ideas by having everyone vote for three ideas and taking the
top three vote getters.
Examine each of your top three ideas. Discuss all their possibilities, potential and
problems. Keep in mind your monetary and human resources and the time you
have to complete the proposed project and solve the problem.
Pick the strongest one out of your top three, and go with it.

Questions to Ask:

1. What needs to be done differently to achieve this goal?
2. What steps need to be taken?
3. What old program ideas can we redesign and use again?
4. Who will be involved in carrying out the new programs components?
5. What resources can we use to implement our ideas?
6. Are our ideas something the organization will do?
7. Are they within our budget?
8. Are they too difficult to accomplish?
9. Are they activities that will help achieve the goal?
10. What is the key pattern?

II. Prioritizing

After the organization develops its goals, they need to be put in order of
importance. You can use one of the goal setting techniques to help the chapter prioritize.
This may be the most difficult step in goal setting because each member has his own idea
of what is important to the group. Just as you did in the brainstorming phase, it is
important to include all members of the organization in the prioritizing step of goal
setting so that each member feels some ownership over the final group goals. The
organization should set a few important, achievable goals rather than a huge list of goals
that may or may not be achieved.

III. Developing an Action Plan

First identify the steps needed to accomplish the goal. Put those steps needed to
accomplish the goal in the order that they need to be done. Decide who will be
responsible for each phase of the action plan. This is a good time to match individuals
with tasks they enjoy doing. Mutually set a timeline for the accomplishment of the work.
Continually monitor the goals to check on their progress and to make sure that the
volunteers feel comfortable with the work load. Finally, remember to complete an
evaluation of the goals at the end of the term and the end of the year.


Achievable or Attainable

Means you can realistically accomplish the goal considering the nature of your
abilities/skills and aptitudes.


Suggests that you truly believe you can accomplish the goal and have confidence
in your ability to reach it within an allotted time period. People who achieve their goals
push themselves by setting challenging goals, but their goals are never so difficult that
they lose the self-confidence needed to achieve them.


Stands for your ability to control the factors that affect and influence the outcome
of your goals.


Means that you can express your goal clearly either out loud or in writing. Often
this involves taking a vague feeling and creating plans for specific action toward a goal.


Means that you are specific about stating your goals and that you can concentrate
on the steps needed to achieve your goal one at a time.

For Yourself

Indicates that your goals are something you really want to do rather than working
towards a goal others believe is right for you.

Growth Facilitating

Means that your goals are helping you move forward. It will help you create a
more satisfying life rather than being something you settled for.


Means that your goals are expressed in such a way that they can be measurable in
numerical terms (if possible) rather than in broad, general terms. Example: To say, this
week Ill look at occupational alternatives is not enough. Rather, you need to express
your goal in measurable terms such as, this Wednesday I will spend two hours in the

Career Resource Library reading about two of my occupations that have interested me
most based on my interest and skills.

Adapted from Taking Charge of Your Career Direction. R.D. Lock, 1988, Brooks Cole,
Belmont, CA.
a a


What are some of your strengths?

What are some of your weaknesses?

What qualities or characteristics would you like others to associate with you?

Ask 3-5 members to share with you the skills or qualities they think are important to
being a strong leader.

What qualities, characteristics and skills will you need to possess in order to be
successful in your chosen career?

What qualities, characteristics, and skills will you need to possess in order to be
successful in your life?

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WHAT is to be done?

HOW will it be accomplished? (activities or tasks needed)

WHAT are the resources? (personal development opportunities, conferences, money,
materials available)

WHO can support me in my growth? (mentors, coaches)

WHEN will it be accomplished (time period)

RESULTS expected and how will it be measured? (evaluation)


Some guiding principles (adapted from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People by Stephen R. Covey).

1. Be proactive - effective people take responsibility themselves, they
dont place blame.

One cannot just sit back and wait for problems to solve themselves. Further, problems
cannot be wished away. Typically, all waiting does is make the situation worse
frustrations grow, inappropriate behaviors left unchecked suddenly become acceptable,
and eventually something will happen that brings the issue to a head and rather than
being able to deal with it positively and effectively, the individuals involved are only able
to resolve the issue through anger and possible violence.
A better approach is to use personal confrontation techniques in the beginning and try to
resolve the issue in a manner acceptable to both parties. To do this, whoever is concerned
about the situation needs to talk with the individual(s) that they believe to be the cause of
the issue. They need to take them aside and talk with them one on one. They need to
explain why the behavior is inappropriate (i.e. the behavior is against the law)
When you talk to someone personally, you have to be even tempered, and it must
be done in a manner in which you show that you care about him and the other members
of the organization. Do not lose your temper, or get angry with him. Be positive and
constructive and he will listen. If he will not listen, or wants to increase the level of
aggression in the confrontation, walk away.
Once someone has been talked to personally, see if his behavior changes. If it does not, it
is time to move to impersonal confrontation. Bring the issue up in an organization
meeting and discuss it. Enact rules and policies that have stiff penalties and enforce them.
Or perhaps, stage a demonstration.
Theres this story where a company manager arranged to have the police show up
during one of the companys meetings. At this time, the police came in arrested him, read

him his rights and took him outside. The rest of the companys employees were shocked
and did not know what to do. A few minutes later the manager and the police came back
They explained that this was merely a demonstration, but if any member of the
company was caught breaking the law, this is what would happen since the manager has
primary responsibility for the company.

2. Begin with the end in mind - what do you want things to look like in
the future?

Before one confronts another, he needs to know what he wants the outcome to be.
What are your expectations for this confrontation, what do you hope to resolve, what do
you hope to get out of it? If you know these things, you can steer the conversation in this
direction and get the other person to hopefully buy into it.

3. Put first things first - prioritize

Make sure you know what you want to talk about first with the person, especially if
there is more than one problem. Deal with the most important issue first, then go after
smaller issues. And, if there is only one issue, know what you are going to say and how
you are going to say it. Rehearse and make sure it makes sense.

4. Think win/win - both parties have to feel they will get something out
of it

Find a way for the other person to benefit. It may mean that if he gives up the
behavior that you will allow something else, do something for him, or enable him to do
something he wants.

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5. Seek first to understand - know motives of the other party, then wonder
if hell understand you

Why is he doing what he is doing - what is the underlying need or reason? Get to
that level and discuss it. Perhaps he wont need to keep this behavior if his issues are
resolved or he see options. This process requires excellent listening skills.

6. Synergizecreative solutions beyond compromise

Go in with an end in mind, but be an active listener (i.e. listen with your ears and
actions) and look for things that will help achieve a positive outcome.

7. Sharpen the saw - make sure everything is maintained and you are

Know the facts, rehearse your presentationpossibly use someone else as a
sounding board first, and make sure that what you are going to say is accurate and will
constructively confront the situation and produce the desired results. The first three
principles cause you to focus on yourself. They only deal with you and no one else. Lets
examine that aspect of dealing with difficult people further.

Beginning with Yourself:

1. Keep some emotional distance - dont take anything personally. Remain level headed.

2. Dont attack - confrontation isnt always appropriate. Be constructive and show you

3. Make sure your expectations are realistic - do members have the resources and
information to succeed? Do members have the personal skills to do the job? If you have
an outcome in mind, make sure it is achievable.

4. Make sure your expectations are really related to the desired end - let go of a less
important point to salvage something bigger.

Working with Difficult People:

1. Seek first to understand - this was briefly explained earlier, but we can add to it.
Communicate with the other party until you both find something that you like.

2. Offer Active Listening - reflect what the other person says.

3. Give the other person some of what he needs - attention, responsibility, etc.

4. Summarize - focus on common goals and shared values or common ground

5. Summarize - focus on what you can do together. If we cant do them all, can we do

6. Be Patient - things take time

7. Dont be afraid to delegate - we cant always do everything and get through to

8. If all else fails, write it off - dont beat your head into a brick wall. Perhaps you can let
him feel like he won.

9. When possible, defuse a situation before it develops - recognize the warning signs.
Also, when you have come up with an alternative or a solution, float trial balloons for
feedback. This will enable you to determine if you have support and if your ideas will
work or make things worse.


Volunteers have the same responsibility to fulfill assigned responsibilities just as
an employee would at his job. By using good communication skills, you can confront
volunteers in a non-threatening manner that lets you candidly discuss the issue.

General Communication Techniques

Focus on the person
Avoid judging the person
Be aware of the feelings of the individual
Show you understand what is being said

Distinguishing between observations and inferences


Stay with what is observed
Are judgmentally neutral


Go beyond what is observed
Seem to imply judgment
State your observations first, then inferences
Check out your observations with another person

I Statements

I = feeling = behavior = desired state
Example: Im feeling frustrated that you havent organized things better, and I need you
to plan more thoroughly next time. Is that something we can agree on?


If I hear you correctly, youre saying that...
Let me see if I understand what youve been saying...
From what youve said, it seems that...


Power in organizations is the capacity generated by relationships. - Margaret
Wheatley: Leadership and theNew Science
Empowerment is the process of sharing power so that others have a sense of
autonomy and control. Empowerment only works under two conditions:

1. When people are qualified to do the job and
2. When the transfer of assignments doesnt look like a dumping of responsibilities

One important way to empower others is to give people important work to do on
critical issues. When appointing organization staff, allow them autonomy over their work
by giving them freedom and creativity for their work from beginning to end. Trust them
to do their job, even if it isnt done YOUR way. Its also important for leaders to create
an environment where the members feel that their hard work will be recognized. They
should be appraised publicly and often for their work.

Effective Committee Leadership

Committees are the backbone of an organization. They provide the research,
analysis, momentum, and involvement that allows the organization to make good
decisions, and maintain effective programs. The following list includes tips that a leader
may find useful as the chairperson of a committee.

1. Read over all previous committee reports and jot down any useful ideas.

2. Keep a record of assignments made to members of the committee.

3. Prepare an agenda for every committee meeting.

4. Be sure that the first meeting is well-planned.

5. Remember that formal parliamentary procedure and voting have little place in the
committee meeting.

6. Keep the purpose and goals of the committee in mind.

7. If necessary, appoint a recorder to keep a complete and accurate record of what the
committee decides and works on.

8. Be positive, enthusiastic, and match people to their talents and interests.

9. As chairperson, delegate important responsibilities to all committee members.

10. Be sure that projects and meeting times are coordinated.

11. Give an honest picture of the time and work involved.

Sometimes committees get a bad rap because an organization has too many and
the meaningful work is absorbed by only a few leaders. Permanent committees should be
formed to handle work that is a regular, major part of the organizations function (i.e. risk
management or finance committee). Temporary committees, often called ad hoc
committees or task forces, should be formed for a project or task that is only a one-time
event. Make sure that the job really requires a committee.

Building a Committee

Encourage committee members to feel a sense of ownership.
Share responsibility for the committees functions with the committee members.
Develop a sense of trust and caring among committee members.
Allow and encourage diverse points of view.
Resolve conflicts openly and creatively.
Encourage active conversation and listening in meetings.
Be willing to allow the committee to examine itself.
Be willing to experiment.
Accept new members and help them to become part of the group.
Be sure that each member has a role or a task.
Be supportive of each members efforts.
Encourage members to use each other as resources.
Strive for open and honest communication.
Pay attention to both getting the job done and that the people are having fun.
Remember a chairs job is not to do everything; his job is to make sure everything
is done.
Be available to committee members.
Keep up-to-date with committee members progress.
Make decisions by means of group consensus.
Involve the committee in all stages of the program, from initial goal-setting and
planning to evaluation.
Be positive.
Show that you have confidence in committee members.
When youre wrong or make a mistake, admit it.
Give praise generously and publicly.
Never criticize a member in public.
Be sensitive to peoples feelings.

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The leaders vision for the organization must be clear, attractive, and attainable.
We tend to trust leaders who create these visions, since vision represents the context for
shared beliefs in a common organizational purpose. The leaders positions must be clear.
We tend to trust leaders when we know where they stand in relation to the organization
and how they position the organization relative to their environment.
There are four main strategies that leaders choose (sometimes unwittingly) in
order to position their organization:

1. Reactive. With this approach, the organization waits for change and reacts - after the
fact. Some leaders who operate in this fashion act through default. In other, possibly
more effective cases, a reactive strategy is designed to keep options open and to provide
the necessary flexibility to cope with a wide range of occurrences. A reactive mode is the
least expensive (and often the most shortsighted) strategy; it may occasionally work, but
only in slowly changing environments that allow enough lead time to react.

2. Change the internal environment. Rather than waiting for change to happen to them,
leaders can develop effective forecasting procedures to anticipate change and then
proact rather than react. In the short run, they can reposition the organization by
granting or withholding funds, manpower or facilities to parts of the organization
expected to be affected by the changes.
In the long run, internal environments can be changed in a more enduring way by
altering internal organizational structures; by training and education; by selection; and by
deliberate efforts to design a culture that develops certain values.

3. Change the external environment. This approach requires that the organization
anticipating change act upon the environment itself to make the change congenial to its
needs. This might be done through recruitment efforts, collaboration with other
organizations, creating new recruitment niches, and various other means.

4. Establish a new linkage between the external and internal environments. Using
this new mechanism, an organization anticipating change will attempt to establish a new
relationship between its internal environments and anticipated external environments. In
the short run, this can be done by bargaining and negotiation, where both the internal and
external environments change to accommodate each other more effectively.
Trust implies accountability, predictability, and reliability. Trust is the emotional
glue that binds followers and leaders together. The accumulation of trust is a measure of
the legitimacy of leadership. It cannot be mandated or purchased; it must be earned. Trust
is the basic ingredient of all organizations. Adapted from Leaders: Strategies for Taking

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Keys for Motivation

1. Goals: Goals are for the whole organization as well as for committees and individuals -
give them something to strive for, and hence, goals can be effective, motivating devices.
In general, if we strive for a particular goal, our performance will be higher than if we are
not aware of any specific end result. If an individual can view the total goals of the
organization, including some of his own goals, he is more apt to strive for the total

2. Incentives: To provide effective incentives, you must know your members and
recognize that what is appropriate for one person may not be appropriate for another. In
addition, what may be an effective incentive at one period of time may not be under other
circumstances. Constant evaluation of incentives is necessary. Incentives may include
honors, awards, recognition, or even appointment to special committees or high esteem.

3. Communications: Proper communication is an important factor in motivation. All
members must be aware of the goals of the organization. Direct communication avenues
can be retreats, bulletin boards, newsletters, group discussions, etc.

4. Evaluations: An important motivation factor in any organization is the feedback
from evaluations. Procedures and progress must constantly be evaluated both to and from
the leadership of the organization.

5. Leadership: Leadership means many things, such as organization, coordination, and
management. Leadership itself has a set of keys.

A. The ability to arouse self-involvement. We work more effectively doing a job we want
to do and that we feel is ours as opposed to something someone else wants us to do.

B. The ability to give freedom and keep control. Delegation fosters a feeling of
confidence and gives an opportunity for independent and individual expression.

C. The ability to identify with others. Some leaders fail to achieve their goals because
they are either low in warmth or inhibited in expressing it. They are too serious to engage
in chit-chat or too busy to give someone a pat on the back. A leader must walk a tightrope
between the best interests of the individual and those of the organization. He must be
interested in the members of the organization as individuals and try to be liked by them,
but he cannot let this hoped-for popularity become an end in itself.


One challenge in the effort to give power to people on the front lines lies in
persuading them to accept the responsibility and autonomy that stem from power. - Sally
Helgesen; The Web of Inclusion

Why Delegate?

For Yourself

1. Helps you gain more time!

By delegating, you will have more time for yourself. Once you free yourself from
the mind set that you have to do everything for the organization, you will gain a great
deal of time for personal pursuits, organization planning, studying, and programming.
Delegation helps distribute the work load.

2. Teaches valuable lesson in how to work with and develop others

Many organizations have someone that the organization considers the most
active active. Its easy to let responsible, involved members take over tasks and
committee work. While this is a quick way to get work done, it can also breed apathy
among non-involved, unmotivated members. You will be keeping the involved members
from burning out and building up the initiative from lesser involved members by helping
them to feel like they are contributing their time in worthwhile ways.

3. Builds trust and self-esteem

Ownership of the task and the organization helps participation. Delegation motivates
members by giving them value and importance.

4. Encourages open communication and motivates

Delegation is important because it allows more people to be actively involved.
Each individual will feel more valued as a member because you will be using his talents
for the betterment of the organization. Sharing your authority with others can be the
greatest single motivator as a leader.

For the organization

1. Promotes leadership development

By effectively delegating, you are allowing for creativity in task completion,
asking for significant contributions from the membership, and developing some depth in
the leadership in the organization. Younger, less experienced members can be delegated
tasks along with older members so they can learn from their expertise. They will become

more self-confident and be ready for more significant responsibilities after they have felt
the rewards of success. They will also learn about resources that will help them complete
projects, programs, and tasks in the future.

2. Opens new avenues of creativity

Delegating is not telling someone what to do, how to do it, and when to complete
it. Delegation involves creative problem solving and different approaches to work. Your
members will surprise you with their new ideas, thoughts, and approaches when they are
given the freedom to do so.

3. Improves overall efficiency/effectiveness

Delegation stimulates initiative in members. Some leaders have the mistaken
belief that delegation is the easy way out. This is not true. By sharing the work load,
everyone will feel like they have a vested interest in the success of the organizations
projects and programs.

Basic Delegation Strategy

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise
you with their ingenuity.-George Patton

l. Explain why he was selected to lead.

2. Explain his responsibility and role.

3. Explain what is expected of him and his task group.

4. Discuss the task.

5. Supply resources- people, materials, examples.

6. Set mutual target dates for getting the task completed.

7. Express your confidence and support of him and the group.

Do Delegate When:

There is a lot of work to be accomplished.
You feel someone else has a particular skill or qualification which would suit a
Someone expresses an interest in a task or committee.
You think a particular member might benefit from the responsibility (i.e. an
emerging leader)

Dont Delegate When:

Its an extremely important matter with serious consequences, emergencies, or
matters of exception to a policy
You wouldnt be willing to do it yourself.
A member may not possess the skill necessary to successfully complete the task.

Principles of Delegation

1. Assigning responsibility to others does not lessen your responsibility. It gives you the
capacity to handle greater responsibility.

2. Never assign tasks to a member solely because this task is unpleasant to you.

3. Delegate only if you have confidence that the member is capable of handling the task

4. When delegating, be sure to back up the member when his authority is called into

5. Delegating entails allowing another to complete a task his way, not necessarily exactly
as you would have it done

6. Even though you may be able to do the task better or faster, delegating allows for the
growth of others

7. Delegating sometimes involves teaching someone how to complete a task.

8. Delegating can be a significant motivator in retaining members as it gives them a sense
of accomplishment when a task is successfully completed.

9. Delegation is most successful when someone expresses an interest in the task, when he
has a specific skill which would suit the task, or when he would benefit from the

Ways to delegate

1. Ask for volunteers in a meeting. (Show of hands or sign-up sheet)

2. Appoint someone (in a meeting or after a meeting)

3. Assign it to a committee (sometimes in a smaller group, people are less intimidated to

4. Break up jobs into logical parts and spread the work to a few people

5. Find out your members interest/skills/time commitment, then find a task to suit them

6. Most of all, let go and let them do the work. Follow up to make sure details are being
taken care of, but dont jump back in and take over. Give feedback to members on their
performance. If the job isnt getting done, seek others to assist.


Its an illusion that you have to put 100% into work. If you cut back even 5 or
10% on your hours, all the successes youve built wont suddenly come crashing down
around you. - Meryl Goldon
One of the most important ways to manage your stress is to manage your time.
Effective time management is important because it helps you to:

1. Meet deadlines

When we feel overwhelmed, we feel like were losing control of our lives.

2. Accomplish more

If you manage your time well, you can achieve more for yourself and for the

3. Have more free time

You need time for recreation, social activities and physical fitness. By managing your
time effectively you can develop healthy habits now before it is too late and healthy
habits are harder to develop.

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Take time to think about all of the things you need to do today and write them in
the right-hand column.

Priority level Things to do today
_____ _________________________________________________________
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Now, use the ABC Priority System developed by Alan Lakein, who authored
the book, How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life.Write a capital letter:

A to the left of the items on your list that have a high value

B for items that have medium value

C to the left of those items that have low value.

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Items marked with an A should be your highest priority, they are probably the
most urgent and important tasks to accomplish.
Now, go through all of your A activities and assign a priority ranking with 1
being the highest priority. Now your list should contain A1, A2, A3 and so on. Do the
same for the B activities. You dont have to do this for the Cs.
Remember, they are the lowest priority, and least important tasks to accomplish.
By focusing your planning and your energy on the activities which are time-
critical and important, you will accomplish a great deal and feel more in control of your
time and your activities.
Remember, your ABCs may change over time. Todays A may become
tomorrows C while todays C becomes tomorrows A. Since you need to
continually readjust your priorities, take some quiet time each day to develop your task
list. (Source How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life pp. 28-29)

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So, what if you can manage your time and youre still feeling overwhelmed? Take
stock of the varying energies in your life.

ENERGY LEAKS: represent a slow drainage of energy, sometimes barely noticeable.

List three energy leaks which you experience:

1. In your organization:

2. In your personal life:

ENERGY SAPPERS: People or situations which drain your energy level.

List three energy sappers which you experience:

1. In your organization:

2. In your personal life:

ENERGY BOOSTERS: People or situations which elevate your energy level.

List three energy boosters which you experience:

1. In your organization:

2. In your personal life:

Who experiences YOU as an energy sapper?

Who experiences YOU as an energy booster?

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Look back over the last six months. Have you been noticing changes in yourself
or in the world around you? Think of family.... social situations.... your organization.
Allow 20 seconds for each answer. Then assign it a number from 1 to 5.

1 never 2 rarely 3 sometimes 4 most of the time 5 always

1. Do you tire more easily? Feel fatigued rather than energetic?

2. Are people annoying you by telling you, You dont look so good lately?

3. Are you working harder and harder and accomplishing less and less?

4. Are you increasingly cynical and disenchanted?

5. Are you often invaded by sadness you cant explain?

6. Are you forgetting? (appointments, deadlines, personal possessions)

7. Are you increasingly irritable? More short tempered? More disappointed in the people
around you?

8. Are you seeing close friends and family members less frequently?

9. Are you too busy to do even routine things like make phone calls and send out birthday

10. Are you suffering from physical complaints (aches, pains, headaches, and a cold you
just cant get rid of)?

11. Do you feel disoriented when the activities of the day come to a halt?

12. Do you have dreams about the things on your to do list?

13. Is joy difficult to find?

14. Are you unable to laugh at yourself?

15. Do you have very little to say to people?

Now place your self on the burn-out scale. Dont let a high score alarm you, but
pay attention to it. Burn-out is reversible no matter how far along it is.

The Burn-Out Scale

15-25 Youre doing fine

26-35 There are things you should be watching.

36-50 Youre a candidate

51-65 You are burning out.

over 65 Youre in a dangerous place threatening your physical and mental well being.

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Characteristics of Burn-out (J Morgan Pigg, Indiana University)

Apathy Depression Irritability Frustration Rapid anger Frequent illness
Physical/emotional exhaustion Lack of motivation Inability to relax Inability to laugh

Hints for Staying Balanced

1. Try to keep your work in your office or specified work area.

2. Choose one place to keep all your papers and resources.

3. Take a vacation in your own room by putting a Do Not Disturb sign on your door
and taking your phone off the hook.

4. Dont answer the telephone or door after 10 p.m.

5. Avoid discussing business over lunch or dinner.

6 Learn how to say No and then refer someone else who can do the job.

7. Associate with people who make you feel good about yourself.

8. When you need help, ASK.

9. Give yourself new energy by practicing relaxation techniques or meditation.

10. Attend seminars on relaxation techniques, time management, burn-out, etc.

11. Attend conferences. Talk to others who may have solutions to the problems you are

12. Take time out. Get away from everyone at least once a month.

13. Find outside interests (classes, aerobics, hobbies, clubs, other organizations).

14. Talk to those who work outside the university/college setting. They can help you keep
your perspective by not being as close to your situation.

15. Dont overload your To Do list. Prioritize the items on your list so important and
urgent things are done immediately and unimportant, low urgency things can wait.

16. Whenever you feel down, list all of the things you have to be grateful for.

17.Write helpful reminders and place them in spots where you will read them.

18. Find a quiet place that you can walk to and sit down for uninterrupted blocks of time
during the day.

19. Take care of your health by getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising

20. Balance work, fun, and companionship.

21. Set expectations that are reasonable, not unattainable.

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Values and Ethics Defined:

Values: Internal priority list. What is most important to you.

Ethics: Your personal scale of right and wrong, expectations of proper behavior; the way
people should act.

You are in a position to influence others by virtue of your leadership
position. Jeanie Kaminski

As leaders, what can we do to address values?

1. Create an environment that fosters and values life-long learning. Be a role model.

Model exemplary behavior.
Avoid questionable actions.
Model integrity.
Seek out role models to learn from.
Self-development, raise your own value system.

2. Confront unacceptable behavior.

Dont moralize.
Bring unacceptable behavior to the individuals attention and redirect it.
Unacceptable behavior gives cause for questioning! If you dont confront it, you
may reaffirm their actions.

3. Utilize training experiences

Use case studies with moral implications.
Discuss the chapters code of conduct, honor codes, your creed.
Train members on confrontation skills.

4. Develop expectations and minimum standards

Put it in writing for members and leaders.

6. Lead discussion sessions

Hold discussions year round.
Encourage debates in the organization on difficult ethical issues.
Play the devils advocate and challenge the thinking of the members.

7. Be supportive

Encourage others to address issues and confront others unethical behaviors (only
with proper training)
Promote a caring environment
Publicly thank people when they uphold your ritual

What is an Ethical Decision?

What if youre not sure how to make that tough decision? Do you have a
framework for decision making? How do you know when youre right? This listing
will provide you with some parameters for ethical decisions. This isnt easy! Consider
copying these pages for the total membership for a healthy discussion on ethical

An ethical decision is...

One that is related to a specific context; in the same situation, there may be
business ethics, educational ethics, and personal ethics and sometimes one or
more of these may be in conflict
One that is best for the organization rather than for the leader; one that is not self-
One that is made in the clear and is consistent with full disclosure
One that, even though it relates to a gray area, where there is really no right or
wrong answer, it is one that is more right than wrong
One that is honest and based on facts, but yet is consistent with the spirit of
rightness and fair play
One that is consistent with the values and principles for which the organization
and the institution stand
One that will be the best in both the short and long-term for the organization
One that can be defended and supported by ones peers and superiors
One that is made in good faith

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Learning is the essential fuel for the leader; the source of high-octane energy that
keeps up the momentum by continually sparking new understanding, new ideas, and new
challenges. If the leader is seen as an effective learner from the environment, others will
emulate that model, much as a child emulates a parent or a student emulates a teacher.
While the leader provides the stimulus and focus for innovative learning, some
organizations are learning-handicapped. They just seem to be so rigid and inflexible that
nothing less than a major crisis can change them. Thats the bad news. The good news is
that leaders can redesign organizations to become more receptive to learning. They can
do this by redesigning open organizations that are both participative and anticipative.
Individuals learn as part of their daily activities, particularly as they interact with
each other and the outside world. Groups learn as their members cooperate to accomplish
common goals. What the leader hopes to do is to unite the people in the organization into
a responsible community, a group of interdependent individuals who take responsibility
for the success of the organization and its long-term survival. In doing so, leaders
contribute to the competence of individuals and groups to manage complexity in their
environment. From Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge

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One of the many important responsibilities of an organizational leader is to
become acquainted with and develop relationships with others to help you in your
leadership position.

Your Resource Pool

Yourself -

You are your best resource. Draw on your inner strength and peace when times
get difficult and busy. You are the only person who knows what energizes and what
drains you. Surround yourself with good people but take time for yourself to re-energize,
reflect, nap, and work. Take it upon yourself to seek out literature, courses, seminars, and
other training on effective leadership.

Close friends-

Just because you are a leader doesnt mean you have to sacrifice your
relationships. Create specified times to spend with friends. Try to avoid talking about the
organization and the work you need to do on behalf of the organization. Spending time
with good friends in the organization will remind you why you joined it.


These are individuals who will help you grow as a leader and as an individual.
They will help you by providing constructive feedback to strengthen your skills. Pick
people you trust to steer you back in the right direction if you feel a little off balance.
Choose individuals that you will listen to when they challenge your thinking or disagree
with you. This is a healthy relationship to have...they will help keep you honest with

Helpers and Referral Agents-

These are people who can be depended upon in a crisis to provide assistance. These
individuals are often experts in solving particular kinds of problems and may not be the
type with whom one would choose to have a close or personal relationship. These staff
members may be able to assist with program development and issue resolution.


Leadership development is an on-going process. Continuous personal
improvement will not only benefit each leader, it will also strengthen the organization.
New leaders should develop a list of potential follow-up programs. Some suggestions

Skill development
Conflict management
Time management
Stress management
Academic achievement
Leadership vs. management
Media training

Make a record of these programs to leave as a legacy for future leaders.
Encourage them to constantly update and refresh these programs with the latest thinking.


Certification for this course is available through ATG Educational London

The package includes: 1 x Diploma + 2 x official Transcript of Records + 5 x
Recommendation letters from ATG Educational. All documents will bear the
ATG Educational London Office official stamp and will be signed in
hand writing.

A 20 question exam will have to be completed for verification purposes (dont
worry, you can find the questions and the answers below). Your exam will appear
in the secure section of the ATG Educational website, Former students area.
Access to that area is done by using a password that we provide in the
Recommendation letters. The idea behind this practice is for your employer to
be able to see that you are actually registered with us, that you have
completed the course and that you have attended the exam personally (as you
will see, we require that you complete the answers to the 20 questions in your
hand writing, sign the exam, scan it and e-mail it to us so we can make it
available to your employer).

Your records will remain with us for unlimited time and the ATG site will be
updated periodically with news, projects, courses, seminars, new offices around
the world.

The price of the whole package is 135 USD if you prefer your documents shipped
by regular mail (10 working days usually) or 185 USD if you prefer shipping by
DHL (2 working days). We ship anywhere in the world and we provide a tracking
number for any of the above shipping methods. We accept payment by Pay-Pal.

Logon to the secure area of the ATG Educational website

by using password example01 so you can see what the whole service looks like.

Print the following pages, complete the answers in your hand writing, scan them
and e-mail them to together with your shipping address,
your choice of shipping and desired graduation date. You will then receive an
invoice from us. Once the invoice is paid well provide you with a tracking
number for your documents. Thank you for your business.

If you want to see how your diploma and other documents look like, download
the package at

First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
City of residence

Page 1 of 2

1. Give 3 (three) main areas of Human Resources Management

2. Define the following term: the organizations mission

3. What are the key issues to take into account when considering salaries?

4. What are the 4 (four) steps that need to be taken in order to set a salary for a
particular job?

5. What other issues have to be taken into account when identifying salaries?

6. Name 4 (four) benefits an organization may provide to its staff

7. Name 3 (three) types of leave

8. What is an employment contract?

9. What is a staff handbook?

10. What information should a job advertisement include?

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11. What needs to be included in the letters inviting candidates to an interview?

12. What do we try to find out in the interviews?

13. What is performance management and what does it involve?

14. What are the 3 (three) main types of appraisals?

15. What is leadership?

16. What are the steps in goal setting?

17. What are the 4 (four) main strategies that leaders choose in order to position their

18. What are the keys for motivation?

19. Why is effective time management important?

20. What do committees provide?



ANSWERS (write them on the exam sheet below each question, exactly as they appear
on this page)

1. Recruitment; Performance management; Staff development.

2. The organizations mission is what the organization commits itself to do and
identifies the people the organization serves, where they are and how they are

3. Salaries should be consistent with the organizations grading structure, salaries
should be fair and the grading and salary system should be transparent and easy to

4. Write a job profile; Evaluate job; Assign a grade; Set salary.

5. Local labor legislation and employment practice; Local common practice on
salaries; Allowances and other benefits; Location of the job; Budget available to
pay salaries.

6. Medical cover; Accomodation; Flexible working hours; Learning opportunities.

7. Annual leave; National holidays; Short term sick leave.

8. An employment contract is a legal agreement between an employer and a staff
member stating the business relationship between them, including what
compensation the staff member will receive for the work they do and outlining the
terms and conditions of employment.

9. A staff handbook is a reference tool for managers and staff containing useful
information about the organization, the terms and conditions of employment and
the outlining policies that the organization has.

10. Brief description of the organization; How the role fits into the work of the
organization; Location of the job; What the role involves; What kind of person the
organization is looking for; Salary; Start date; Closing date for applications; How
to apply.

11. The date and location of the interview, with a map; Details about any tests and
presentations that they will be expected to carry out as part of the interview
together with the length of time these will take; Documentation that they will
need to bring with them, such as a passport, work visa and education certificates.

12. Gaps in employment; Experience relevant to the job; Reasons for leaving a
particular job; Personal abilities; Relevant academic qualifications.

13. Performance management is the process of looking both to the future and to the
past with a member of staff and it involves: Setting clear, agreed objectives;
Assessing and evaluating performance against those objectives; Providing
feedback on performance; Planning, prioritizing and agreeing the way forward.

14. Instant (could occur at any time during the day); Regular (weekly, fortnightly or
monthly meetings), Formal (every six or twelve months).

15. Leadership is the process or ability to motivate and mobilize others to unite and to
work toward achieving a common goal.

16. Brainstorming; Prioritizing; Developing an action plan.

17. Reactive; Change the internal environment; Change the external environment;
Establishing a new linkage between the external and internal environments.

18. Goals; Incentives; Communications; Evaluations; Leadership organization,
coordination and management.

19. It helps you to meet deadlines, to accomplish more and to have more free time.

20. Committees provide the research, analysis, momentum and involvement that
allows the organization to make good decisions and maintain effective programs.

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