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Program Information

Vocational Nursing The ce rtificate in Vocational Nursing program at Dallas Nursing Institute is a four-se me ste r, 51-we e k program that pre pare s the graduate with the skills and information ne ce ssary to pass the NCLEX-PN and practice as a compe te nt vocational nurse . Stude nts will le arn prope r patie nt care , me dical te rminology, me dication administration, body syste ms, body growth and de ve lopme nt, patie nt care asse ssme nt, and nursing proce dure s. Upon attaining the ir Vocational Nursing Lice nse , stude nts can obtain e mployme nt in hospitals, nursing home s, doctors office s, home he alth age ncie s, and corre ctional facilitie s. The conce ptual frame work for the vocational nursing program is base d on the goal of e nabling the individual stude nt to le arn and use skills e sse ntial to the achie ve me nt of a maximum le ve l of he alth and functioning for e ach clie nt. The core curriculum de scribe s and te ache s the basic biological, psychological, and sociological ne e ds of man and progre sse s to the highe r ne e ds of dignity and we ll-be ing de sire d by all individuals. Holistic nursing practice combine s art, skill, and scie nce in utilizing the nursing proce ss to me e t the ne e ds of e ach individual. A syste matic approach involve s the use of asse ssme nt skills, planning care , nursing inte rve ntions, and the e valuation of nursing inte rve ntions. The re sult for the individual is he alth and the ability to function at the highe st le ve l possible .

Upon comple tion of the program, the graduate will: Imple me nt safe nursing skills for common patie nt ne e ds in a varie ty of se ttings. De ve lop an inte re st in pursuit and de ve lopme nt of knowle dge re garding the discipline of nursing. Proce e d with nursing care while maintaining accountability and profe ssionalism within the le gal and e thical standards of the nursing program. Pre dict, plan, and imple me nt compre he nsive care plans utilizing critical thinking skills to care for patie nts as human be ings with common re quire me nts. Discuss the rape utic re lationships through both ve rbal and nonve rbal communication with clie nts, the ir significant othe rs, and the multidisciplinary he althcare te am. Me e t e ligibility re quire me nts of the state lice nsing e xamination. Practice within the de fine d scope of practice .

Program Cost: $27,400 Program Disclosure s PDF

VN Admission Policy
Any student enrolling in a program starting after 12/1/2011 will meet the following criteria:
Admission Statement
Guide d by the mission state me nt of the Dallas Nursing Institute , the Nursing Admission Committe e se le cts applicants for admission to the School who me e t the Spe cific Pre -admission Educational Re quire me nts.

General Pre-Admission Requirements

Applicants are admitte d to the school on a te rm basis. Ge ne ral re quire me nts include : 1. Comple te d application form. 2. Non-re fundable application fe e . 3. Official transcript of all high school cre dits, or, if applicable an official Ge ne ral Education Te st (G.E.D.) ce rtificate . 4. Official transcripts from all post-se condary schools atte nde d. 5. Be at le ast 17 ye ars of age . (In accordance with Te xas laws, if unde r 18, a pare nt or le gal guardian signature is re quire d prior to e nrollme nt)

Specific Pre-Admission Educational Requirements

A. Standardize d Te st Re quire me nts for Admission-All acce pte d applicants must achie ve pe rformance on one of the following: 1. An Ame rican Colle ge Te st (ACT) score within the last five ye ars with a composite score of 19 or above or 2. A Scholastic Aptitude Te st (SAT) score within the last five ye ars with a composite score of 1350 or above ; or 3. The VN Admission Asse ssme nt HESI A2 Exam minimum score take n at DNI within the last two ye ars with a score of 80 on Re ading Compre he nsion and 75 on Math and a maximum of one re take atte mpt of e ithe r or both se ctions. B. Applicant e ssay score d by program dire ctor or de signe e . C. Applicant must pass a drug scre e n (Board of Nursing 213.29 Crite ria and Proce dure Re garding Inte mpe rate Use and Lack of Fitne ss in Eligibility and Disciplinary Matte rs). D. Applicant background che ck must me e t the Board of Nursing 213.28 crite ria re garding Lice nsure of Pe rson with Criminal Offe nse s. Minor criminal offe nse s (Class C misde me anor(s)) will be re vie we d on a case -by-case basis. De cision of the Exe cutive Dire ctor is final.

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