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- Tahiaritmii feb 2012

Semnifica!ie manifest"ri clinice
datorate !DC
cerebral: vertij-lipotimii " sincopa (# sd. Adams-Stokes)
cardiace: angina pectorala
renale: respira!ie acidotic" " com"
musculare: astenie fizic" / fatigabilitate
datorate stazei
de DC!
de staz"

NB!: manifest"rile clinice depind de mecanismul
tahidicardiei #i de substratul pe care apar
NB!: simptomele se pot datora #i bradiaritmiilor
induse de tahiaritmii
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
EGM intracavitare: EPS
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Mecanismele TSV sustinute
in NSA
la nivelul caii lente-
cale rapida: TRNAV
la nivelul atriului =
FiA, Fl A
pe cale accesorie: TRAV
Aritmii atriale automatice
Aritmii jonctionale
TJNP pura
TJNP cu bloc
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tahicardia sinusala
Unda P prezenta; morfologie constanta; frecventa > 100 / min
Conditii fiziologice: efort, emotii, cafea, fumat
latrogen: betamimetice, xantine (amfetamine, cocaina, etc)
Conditii patologice:
Boala ischemica
Colaps, hipoTA
Boli acute febrile, boli pulmonare cronice, hipertiroidia, lR, AVC, etc
Se trateaza cauza
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Aritmia sinusala respiratorie
Variatie fazica a frecventei sinusale cu mai mult de 120 msec
Unda P de morfologie constanta, normala
P-P se scurteaza in inspir profund, ! tonus vagal
Varianta de normal la tineri = hipertonie vagala
Dispare la efort sau la cresterea tonusului simpatic
Poate fi produsa de supradozaj digitalic
Dispare cu varsta, la diabetici (TS fixa)
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Extrasistolia atriala
Automatism anormal
P precoce de morfologie diferita de a P sinusal
De obicei PR lung
PR scurt in WPW sau in ESA din NAV
Uneori P extrasistolic blocat si pauza necompensatorie (decaleaza ritmul cardiac)
QRS inguste (majoritatea cazurilor)
Uneori interpolate, fara decalarea RS
Daca sunt f. frecvente = risc FA
Cauze: fumat, alcool, cofeina, stress, miocardite, ischemie atriala, hipoxie cronica, etc.
Cand sunt simptomatice
Cand sunt frecvente, chiar asimptomatice, prin risc de FA, FlA
beta blocante, Ca-blocante, eventual digitala, rareori AA lc
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tahicardia atriala multifocala
! automatism anormal
! tahiaritmie neregulata cu QRS inguste
! P de morfologie variabila (cp. 3 morfologii) 100-140/min
! PR variabil (RP lung/PR scurt)
! PP complet neregulat
! apare in boli cardiace organice: BPOC cu CPC si lC severa
! Poate evolua spre FA; clinic se aseamana cu FA
! Tratament: beta-blocante, verapamil, amiodaron
! Trat hipoxemiei, diselectrolitemiilor (magneziu, potasiu)
" raspunde greu la tratament
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tahicardia jonctionala neparoxistica
Automatism anormal
Tahiaritmie regulata cu QRS inguste, 70-130/min
Mecanism: automatism crescut in NAV-His
Debut - intrerupere progresive
P variabil: absent; negativ Dll, Dlll, aVF, inainte sau dupa QRS)
Supradozaj digitalic
Miocardita, RAA cu cardita
lMA inferior
Chirurgia valvei mitrale
Tratament: in functie de cauza
Context clinic sugestiv: regularizarea frecventei
cardiace la pt cu FA cronica tratat cu digitala
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tahicardia prin reintrare in NAV
(TRNAV): mecanism
" Conducere anterograda = pe calea lenta in AD posteroseptal
" Conducere retrograda = pe calea rapida in AD anteroseptal
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012










R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tratamentul TRNAV
SEE daca exista deteriorare hemodinamica
Adenozina 6-12 mg lV
Verapamil 5-10 mg lV
Metoprolol 5 mg iv
Cronic, profilactic:
Beta blocante
Calciu blocante
??? Digoxin
Alte AA (f.rar)
DE ELECTlE: studiu electrofiziologic si ablatie prin RF a caii lente
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Sdr. de preexcitatie
Cale accesorie de conducere intre atrii si ventriculi:
lntre AD si VD
lntre AS si VS
Cai multiple
Formata din tesut miocardic embrionar:
Nu este intotdeauna manifesta = nu conduce intotdeauna
Conducere f. rapida
Conducere atrio-ventriculara sau ventriculo-atriala
ln cazul conducerii pe cale accesorie complexul QRS este
rezultatul fuziunii intre depolarizarea prin NAV si cea pe CA
lnterval PR scurt < 0.12 sec
Aparitia undei delta
QRS larg > 0.12 sec
Unda T negativa
Pre-excita!ie + tahiaritmii prin reintrare = SlNDROM WPW
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Situatii clinice posibile in prezenta
caii accesorii atrio - ventriculare
Sd de preexcita!ie = conducerea anterograd pe calea
accesorie in RS
Constant - unda delta permanenta (uneori variabil - efect de
Conducere intermitenta (unda delta intermitent)
Aparent absent - posibila pentru perioade indelungate ??
Tahiaritmii dependente/asociate = SlNDROM WPW:
Reintrare atrioventriculara ortodromica
NB!: (uneori prin CA ,,oculte - conducere doar retrograd V-A)
Reintrare atrioventriculara antidromica
FA ,,preexcitat
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Preexcitatie permanenta
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Efectul de acordeon:
unda delta de durata variabila
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tahicardia reintranta atrioventriculara (TRAV)
Tahiaritmie regulata cu QRS inguste
Frecventa 180-200 / min (orientativ in dg$TRNAV)
A doua cauza de TSV sustinuta
Conducerea anterograda prin NAV
Conducere retrograda VA ascunsa
Complexe QRS sunt inguste
Pre-excitatia nu este evidenta
Nu (???) se asociaza cu risc de moarte subita cardiaca
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
TRAV cu conducere
" tahiaritmie regulata cu QRS largi prin
prezenta undei delta
" raspuns ventricular rapid > 180-200/min
" mecanism:
" Conducere anterograda pe calea accesorie
" Conducere retrograda prin NAV
" dg diferential cu TV monomorfa sustinuta
" Risc crescut de moarte subita cardiaca in
caz de aparitia FA " FV
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
TSV in sdr. WPW cu conducere antidromica
! Tahiaritmie regulata cu QRS largi; P ne-evidentiabil; dg dif TV monomorfa
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Sdr. WPW cu fibrilatie atriala
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Evaluarea riscului vital in WPW
Neinvaziv ????:
Preexcitatia intermitenta = risc redus (??)
Disparitia preexcitatiei cu procainamida = risc redus (?)
Test de effort (????)
lntervalul RR in FA
Cu cat RR este mai scurt risc vital mare (<250 ms)
lnvaziv = EPS:
Determinarea perioadei refractare a caii accesorii
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tratamentul in sdr. WPW
Sdr de preexcitatie fara tahiaritmii (unda delta in RS): supraveghere ?
Sdr WPW (preexcitatia cu tahiaritmii) acut (conversie la RS):
SEE daca exista deteriorare hemodinamica (!!FA cu pre-ex.)
Tahiaritmia ortodromica, QRS inguste:
Adenozina lV
Tahiaritmia antidromica, QRS largi:
Antiaritmice de clasa la, lc, lll
Profilactic, cronic:
Antiaritmice de clasa la, lc, lll
ABLATlE prin RF a caii / cailor accesorii
Blocantele de calciu
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tahicardiile atriale focale
Automatism anormal/microreintrare
Tahiaritmie regulata cu QRS inguste
frecventa 150 - 200/min
P de morfologie nesinusala
PR normal sau prelungit (BAV de = gr)
Dg dif ECG: flutter atrial atipic (uneori
exista P blocate)
Neinfluentata de manevrele vagale
Nu poate fi initiata prin stimulare atriala
ln general nu poate fi oprita prin overdrive
Uneori asociat cu:
TahiCMP (10%)
Disf(x) NSA
de obicei rezistenta la tratament
Stop digitala; fenitoina
%-blocante, potasiu, Ca-blocante
in BPOC = O2
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Fibrilatia atriala
Absenta undelor P
Unde f 450-600 / min; pot lipsi
FA cu unde mici
FA cu unde mari
QRS complet neregulate
Frecventa ventriculara
F. rapida > 150/min
Rapida > 100 / min
Medie 60 100 / min
Joasa < 60 / min
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Epidemiologia FA
Cea mai frecventa
aritmie sustinuta:
0.4% din populatia totala
lncidenta creste cu varsta
50-59 ani = 0.5-0.9%
> 65 ani = 6%
80-85 ani = 10%
25% din pacientii cu lC
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Etiologia FA
Valvulopatii RAA
Boala coronariana
asociata cu WPW
Boala de nod sinusal
Prolapsul valvular mitral
Cardiopatia hipertensiva
Pneumopatii cronice
Etilism acut
FA IDIOPATICA: pana la 30% din cazuri !
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
FA depistata prima oara
ESC Practice Guidelines. EHJ 2010
Leadless implantable loop recorders provide continu-
ous AF monitoring over a 2 year period with automatic AF detec-
tion based on RR interval analysis. Preliminary clinical data indicate
good sensitivity but less specicity for AF detection.
No data
exist on the implementation of such devices in the clinical
routine of AF monitoring.
3.5 Types of atrial brillation
Clinically, it is reasonable to distinguish ve types of AF based on
the presentation and duration of the arrhythmia: rst diagnosed,
paroxysmal, persistent, long-standing persistent, and permanent
AF (Figure 2).
(1) Every patient who presents with AF for the rst time is con-
sidered a patient with rst diagnosed AF, irrespective of
the duration of the arrhythmia or the presence and severity
of AF-related symptoms.
(2) Paroxysmal AF is self-terminating, usually within 48 h.
Although AF paroxysms may continue for up to 7 days, the
48 h time point is clinically importantafter this the likelihood
of spontaneous conversion is low and anticoagulation must be
considered (see Section 4.1).
(3) Persistent AF is present when an AF episode either lasts
longer than 7 days or requires termination by cardioversion,
either with drugs or by direct current cardioversion (DCC).
(4) Long-standing persistent AF has lasted for 1 year when
it is decided to adopt a rhythm control strategy.
(5) Permanent AF is said to exist when the presence of the
arrhythmia is accepted by the patient (and physician). Hence,
rhythm control interventions are, by denition, not pursued
in patients with permanent AF. Should a rhythm control
strategy be adopted, the arrhythmia is redesignated as long-
standing persistent AF.
This classication is useful for clinical management of AF patients
(Figure 2), especially when AF-related symptoms are also con-
sidered. Many therapeutic decisions require careful consideration
of additional individual factors and co-morbidities.
Silent AF (asymptomatic) may manifest as an AF-related com-
plication (ischaemic stroke or tachycardiomyopathy) or may be
diagnosed by an opportunistic ECG. Silent AF may present as
any of the temporal forms of AF.
3.6 Initial management
A thorough medical history should be obtained from the patient
with suspected or known AF (Table 5). The acute management
of AF patients should concentrate on relief of symptoms and
assessment of AF-associated risk. Clinical evaluation should
include determination of the EHRA score (Table 6
), estimation
of stroke risk (see Section 4.1), and search for conditions that pre-
dispose to AF (see Section 2.1.2) and for complications of the
arrhythmia (see Section 2.1.1). The 12-lead ECG should be
First diagnosed episode of atrial brillation
(usually <48 h)
(>7 days or requires CV)
Persistent (>1 year)
Figure 2 Different types of AF. AF atrial brillation; CV
cardioversion. The arrhythmia tends to progress from paroxysmal
(self-terminating, usually ,48 h) to persistent [non-self-terminating
or requiring cardioversion (CV)], long-standing persistent (lasting
longer than 1 year) and eventually to permanent (accepted) AF.
First-onset AF may be the rst of recurrent attacks or already be
deemed permanent.
Table 5 Relevant questions to be put to a patient with
suspected or known AF
Does the heart rhythm during the episode feel regular or irregular?
Is there any precipitating factor such as exercise, emotion, or alcohol
Are symptoms during the episodes moderate or severethe severity
may be expressed using the EHRA score,
which is similar to the
CCS-SAF score.
Are the episodes frequent or infrequent, and are they long or short
Is there a history of concomitant disease such as hypertension,
coronary heart disease, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease,
cerebrovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, or chronic pulmonary disease?
Is there an alcohol abuse habit?
Is there a family history of AF?
AF atrial brillation; CCS-SAF Canadian Cardiovascular Society Severity in
Atrial Fibrillation; EHRA European Heart Rhythm Association.
Table 6 EHRA score of AF-related symptoms
Classication of AF-related symptoms (EHRA score)
EHRA class Explanation
EHRA I No symptoms
EHRA II Mild symptoms; normal daily activity not affected
EHRA III Severe symptoms; normal daily activity affected
Disabling symptoms; normal daily activity
AF atrial brillation; EHRA European Heart Rhythm Association.
ESC Guidelines Page 10 of 61
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Focare ectopice: initiere
Reintrare dezordonata:
Perioade refractare scurte
Sistemul nervos vegetativ:
& vag: dupa masa, somn
& simpatic: stress, efort, isuprel
Functia mecanica atriala dispare
AV mediata de:
"conducerea ascunsa in NAV
Functia NAV: PRE = 0.3 sec
Anularea fronturilor de unda in A
"AF begets AF: cardiomiopatie atriala
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
RR intervals on the 10 s strip (recorded at 25 mm/s) by six. The
risk of AF-related complications is not different between short
AF episodes and sustained forms of the arrhythmia.
It is there-
fore important to detect paroxysmal AF in order to prevent
AF-related complications (e.g. stroke). However, short atrial high-
rate episodes, e.g. detected by pacemakers, debrillators, or other
implanted devices, may not be associated with thrombo-embolic
complications unless their duration exceeds several hours (see
Section 3.4).
AF may manifest initially as an ischaemic stroke or TIA, and it is
reasonable to assume that most patients experience asymptomatic,
often self-terminating, arrhythmia episodes before AF is rst diag-
nosed. The rate of AF recurrence is 10% in the rst year after the
initial diagnosis, and 5% per annum thereafter. Co-morbidities
and age signicantly accelerate both the progression of AF and
the development of complications.
3.3 Natural time course
AF progresses from short, rare episodes, to longer and more fre-
quent attacks. Over time (years), many patients will develop sus-
tained forms of AF (Figure 1). Only a small proportion of
patients without AF-promoting conditions (see Section 2.1.2) will
remain in paroxysmal AF over several decades (23% of AF
The distribution of paroxysmal AF recurrences is not
random, but clustered.
AF burden can vary markedly over
months or even years in individual patients.
Asymptomatic AF is
common even in symptomatic patients, irrespective of whether
the initial presentation was persistent or paroxysmal. This has
important implications for (dis)continuation of therapies aimed at
preventing AF-related complications.
3.4 Electrocardiogram techniques to
diagnose and monitor atrial brillation
The intensity and duration of monitoring should be determined by
the clinical need to establish the diagnosis, and should be driven
mainly by the clinical impact of AF detection. More intense AF
recording is usually necessary in clinical trials than in clinical
Patients with suspected but undiagnosed atrial brillation
In patients with suspected AF, a 12-lead ECG is recommended as
the rst step to establish the diagnosis. Clinical symptoms such as
palpitations or dyspnoea should trigger ECG monitoring to
demonstrate AF, or to correlate symptoms with the underlying
rhythm. There are only limited data comparing the value of differ-
ent monitoring strategies.
More intense and prolonged
monitoring is justied in highly symptomatic patients [European
Heart Rhythm Association IV (EHRA IV)see Section 3.6],
patients with recurrent syncope, and patients with a potential indi-
cation for anticoagulation (especially after cryptogenic stroke).
In selected patients, implantation of a leadless AF monitoring
device may be considered to establish the diagnosis.
Patients with known atrial brillation
Indications for AF monitoring in patients with previously diagnosed
AF differ compared with undiagnosed patients. When arrhythmia-
or therapy-related symptoms are suspected, monitoring using
Holter recordings or external event recorders should be con-
sidered. In patients with rhythm or rate control treatment and
without further arrhythmia- or therapy-related symptoms, a
12-lead ECG should be recorded at regular intervals. In patients
receiving antiarrhythmic drug therapy, the frequency of 12-lead
ECG recording depends on the type of antiarrhythmic drug treat-
ment, the potential side effects, complications, and risks of
Tools for non-continuous ECG monitoring
Available non-continuous ECG methods include scheduled or
symptom-activated standard ECGs, Holter (24 h to 7 days) moni-
toring and transtelephonic recordings, patient- and automatically
activated devices, and external loop recorders. If AF is present at
the time of recording, use of the standard 12-lead ECG is sufcient
to conrm the diagnosis. In paroxysmal AF, prolonged non-
continuous recording will facilitate AF detection. It has been esti-
mated that 7 day Holter ECG recording or daily and
symptom-activated event recordings may document the arrhyth-
mia in 70% of AF patients, and that their negative predictive
value for the absence of AF is between 30 and 50%.
In stroke sur-
vivors, a step-wise addition of ve daily short-term ECGs, one 24 h
Holter ECG, and another 7 day Holter ECG will each increase the
detection rate of AF by a similar extent.
Tools for continuous ECG monitoring
Implantable devices capable of intracardiac atrial electrogram
recording such as dual-chamber pacemakers and debrillators
can detect AF appropriately, particularly when an arrhythmia dur-
ation 5 min is used as a cut-off value. Longer atrial high-rate epi-
sodes (e.g. .5.5 h) may be associated with thrombo-embolic
Upstream therapy of concomitant conditions
Rate control
Antiarrhythmic drugs
silent paroxysmal persistent long-standing


Figure 1 Natural time course of AF. AF atrial brillation.
The dark blue boxes show a typical sequence of periods in AF
against a background of sinus rhythm, and illustrate the pro-
gression of AF from silent and undiagnosed to paroxysmal and
chronic forms, at times symptomatic. The upper bars indicate
therapeutic measures that could be pursued. Light blue boxes
indicate therapies that have proven effects on hard outcomes
in AF, such as stroke or acute heart failure. Red boxes indicate
therapies that are currently used for symptom relief, but may in
the future contribute to reduction of AF-related complications.
Rate control (grey box) is valuable for symptom relief and may
improve cardiovascular outcomes.
ESC Guidelines Page 9 of 61
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Consecintele FA. Implicatii terapeutice
1. Pierderea sistolei atriale = ! DC
2. Scaderea duratei diastolei = ! DC
! SMi, SAo, CMHO
! Boala coronariana
3. Riscul tromboembolic
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Conversia la RS
FA paroxistica cu 'h-d
FA recenta < 6 luni 1 an
AS cu diametru< 45-50 mm
FE VS > 40%
Fara tromboza AS/AAS
Fara tratament digitalic /
Dupa anticoagulare corecta
AS, AD cu diametru > 50 mm
Durata > 6 luni 1 an
Antecedente AVC embolic
Tromboza AS/AAS fara
Boala de nod sinusal
50% din FA paroxistice = conversie spontana in 24-48 ore de la debut
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Conversia la RS: chimica sau electrica
Tratament anticoagulant cu 3-4 sapt inainte
internare la UTlC:
SEE: 260-360 J x 3 (max)

la: CHlNlDlNA: max 2g / 24 ore
Rate de conversie variabile 50-80%; studii comparative putine
Dupa conversie: anticoagulare orala 4 saptamani
Fara dovezi clare de eficienta: sotalol, disopiramida, procainamida, digoxin, beta-
blocante, Ca-blocante
arrest, or atrioventricular block. Repeat oral pharmacological car-
dioversion (pill-in-the-pocket therapy)
may be appropriate for
selected ambulatory patients once the safety of such an interven-
tion has been established (see page 26). Several agents are available
for pharmacological cardioversion (Table 12).
Flecainide given i.v. to patients with AF of short duration
(especially ,24 h) has an established effect (6792% at 6 h) on
restoring sinus rhythm. The usual dose is 2 mg/kg over 10 min.
The majority of patients convert within the rst hour after i.v.
administration. It is rarely effective for termination of atrial
utter or persistent AF.
Oral administration of ecainide may be effective for
recent-onset AF. Recommended doses are 200400 mg (see
also pill-in-the-pocket approach). Flecainide should be avoided
in patients with underlying heart disease involving abnormal LV
function and ischaemia.
Several placebo-controlled randomized studies have demon-
strated the efcacy of propafenone in converting recent-onset
AF to sinus rhythm. Within a few hours, the expected conversion
rate was between 41 and 91% after i.v. use (2 mg/kg over 10
20 min). The corresponding early conversion rates in placebo-
treated patients were 1029%. Propafenone has only a limited
efcacy for conversion of persistent AF and for atrial utter.
Similar to ecainide, propafenone should be avoided in patients
with underlying heart disease involving abnormal LV function
and ischaemia. In addition, owing to its weak b-blocking proper-
ties, propafenone should be avoided in severe obstructive lung
disease. The time to conversion varies from 30 min to 2 h. Pro-
pafenone is also effective if administered orally (conversion
between 2 and 6 h).
Cardioversion with amiodarone occurs several hours later
than with ecainide or propafenone. The approximate conversion
rate at 24 h in placebo-treated patients was 4060%, with an
increase to 8090% after amiodarone treatment. In the short
and medium term, amiodarone does not achieve cardioversion.
At 24 h the drug has demonstrated better effect compared with
control in some but not all randomized studies.
In patients with recent-onset AF, ibutilide in one or two
infusions of 1 mg over 10 min each, with a wait of 10 min
between doses, has demonstrated conversion rates within
90 min of 50% in several well-designed randomized studies,
placebo controlled or with a control group of drugs with
known little effect. The time to conversion is 30 min. The
most important side effect is polymorphic ventricular tachycar-
dia, most often non-sustained, but DCC may be needed, and
the QTc interval is expected to increase by 60 ms. Ibutilide
is, however, more effective for conversion of atrial utter
than AF.
Table 12 Drugs and doses for pharmacological conversion of (recent-onset) AF
Drug Dose Follow-up dose Risks
Amiodarone 5 mg/kg i.v. over 1 h 50 mg/h Phlebitis, hypotension. Will slow the ventricular rate. Delayed
AF conversion to sinus rhythm.
Flecainide 2 mg/kg i.v. over
10 min,
200300 mg p.o.
N/A Not suitable for patients with marked structural heart
disease; may prolong QRS duration, and hence the QT
interval; and may inadvertently increase the ventricular rate
due to conversion to atrial utter and 1:1 conduction to the
Ibutilide 1 mg i.v. over
10 min
1 mg i.v. over 10 min after
waiting for 10 min
Can cause prolongation of the QT interval and torsades de
pointes; watch for abnormal T-U waves or QT prolongation.
Will slow the ventricular rate.
Propafenone 2 mg/kg i.v. over
10 min,
450600 mg p.o.
Not suitable for patients with marked structural heart
disease; may prolong QRS duration; will slightly slow
the ventricular rate, but may inadvertently increase the
ventricular rate due to conversion to atrial utter and 1:1
conduction to the ventricles.
Vernakalant 3 mg/kg i.v. over
10 min
Second infusion of 2 mg/kg i.v.
over 10 min after15 min rest
So far only evaluated in clinical trials; recently approved.
Vernakalant has recently been recommended for approval by the European Medicines Agency for rapid cardioversion of recent-onset AF to sinus rhythm in adults (7 days for
non-surgical patients; 3 days for surgical patients).
A direct comparison with amiodarone in the AVRO trial (Phase III prospective, randomized, double-blind,
Active-controlled, multi-center, superiority study of Vernakalant injection versus amiodarone in subjects with Recent Onset atrial brillation), vernakalant was more effective than
amiodarone for the rapid conversion of AF to sinus rhythm (51.7% vs. 5.7% at 90 min after the start of treatment; P , 0.0001).
It is to be given as an initial i.v. infusion (3 mg/kg
over 10 min), followed by 15 min of observation and a further i.v. infusion (2 mg/kg over 10 min), if necessary. Vernakalant is contraindicated in patients with systolic blood
pressure ,100 mm Hg, severe aortic stenosis, heart failure (class NYHA III and IV), ACS within the previous 30 days, or QT interval prolongation. Before its use, the patients
should be adequately hydrated. ECG and haemodynamic monitoring should be used, and the infusion can be followed by DCC if necessary. The drug is not contraindicated in
patients with stable coronary artery disease, hypertensive heart disease, or mild heart failure. The clinical positioning of this drug has not yet been determined, but it is likely to be
used for acute termination of recent-onset AF in patients with lone AF or AF associated with hypertension, coronary artery disease, or mild to moderate (NYHA class I II) heart
ACS acute coronary syndrome; AF atrial brillation; DCC direct current cardioversion; i.v. intravenous; N/A not applicable; NYHA, New York Heart Association;
p.o. per os; QRS QRS duration; QT QT interval; T-U abnormal repolarization (T-U) waves.
ESC Guidelines Page 25 of 61
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Profilaxia recurentei: chimica
RS la > 50% din pts convertiti la 1 an
Aceleasi medicamente ca si cele folosite ptr conversie:
lc: PROPAFENONA: 450-600 mg/zi
FLECAlNlDA: 100-200 mg/zi
lll: AMlODARONA: incarcare (1g/10 kgcorp) intretinere 200-400 mg/zi
DOFETlLlDA: 500 mg x 2 PO
Recurenta asimptomatica a FA = frecventa
Beneficiul tratamentului = ! nr. de episoade si a duratei totale a FA
Amiodarona: RS la 1 an = 66%: TOXlClTATE
Efecte proaritmice
Pe cord patologic, in primele zile de tratament
La doze mari de medicamente sau crescute rapid
AA de clasa Ic preferabil asociate cu %B
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Controlul frecventei cardiace
- in FA permanenta sau in caz de contraindicatii de conversie -
1. Acut:
Digoxin lV: de prima
linie in lC
Metoprolol: 5-15 mg lV
Propranolol (1-5 mg)
Blocante de calciu:
Diltiazem 20-25 mg lV
Verapamil 5-15 mg lV
2. Cronic:
! Se prefera %B sau Ca
blocante in afara lC
! %B +/- digoxin in lC; de evitat
! Bronhospasm: Ca-blocante
! Greu de controlat AV la efort
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Riscul de AVC in FA: CHADS

Elemente scorului CHADS2:
Insuficienta cardiaca congestiva: 1 pt
Hipertensiune: 1 pt
Varsta: 1 pt
Diabet: 1 pt
AVC sau AIT: 2 pt
Rockson SG, Albers GW. JACC 2004;43:929.
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Risc AVC in FA: CHA
(range, 2.03.0), unless contraindicated. Such a practice appears to
translate to better outcomes in AF patients in routine care.
As shown in Table 7, there is a clear relationship between
score and stroke rate.
The original validation of this
scheme classied a CHADS
score of 0 as low risk, 12 as mod-
erate risk, and .2 as high risk.
The Stroke in AF Working Group performed a comparison of
12 published risk-stratication schemes to predict stroke in
patients with non-valvular AF, and concluded that there were sub-
stantial, clinically relevant differences among published schemes
designed to stratify stroke risk in patients with AF. Most had
very modest predictive value for stroke (c-statisticsas a
measure of the predictive valueof 0.6); also, the proportion
of patients assigned to individual risk categories varied widely
across the schemes. The CHADS
score categorized most subjects
as moderate risk and had a c-statistic of 0.58 to predict stroke in
the whole cohort.
In the present guidelines, we have tried to de-emphasize the use
of the low, moderate, and high risk categorizations, given the
poor predictive value of such articial categories, and recognize
that risk is a continuum. Thus, we encourage a risk factor-based
approach for more detailed stroke risk assessment, recommending
the use of antithrombotic therapy on the basis of the presence (or
absence) of stroke risk factors.
Support for this approach comes from various published ana-
lyses, where even patients at moderate risk (currently dened
score 1, i.e. one risk factor) still derive signicant
benet from OAC over aspirin use, often with low rates of
major haemorrhage. Importantly, prescription of an antiplatelet
agent was not associated with a lower risk of adverse events.
Also, the CHADS
score does not include many stroke risk
factors, and other stroke risk modiers need to be considered
in a comprehensive stroke risk assessment (Table 8).
Major risk factors (previously referred to as high risk
factors) are prior stroke or TIA, or thrombo-embolism, and
older age (75 years). The presence of some types of valvular
heart disease (mitral stenosis or prosthetic heart valves) would
also categorize such valvular AF patients as high risk.
Clinically relevant non-major risk factors (previously
referred to as moderate risk factors) are heart failure [especially
moderate to severe systolic LV dysfunction, dened arbitrarily as
left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 40%], hypertension, or
diabetes. Other clinically relevant non-major risk factors (pre-
viously referred to as less validated risk factors) include female
sex, age 6574 years, and vascular disease (specically, myocardial
infarction, complex aortic plaque and PAD). Note that risk factors
are cumulative, and the simultaneous presence of two or more
clinically relevant non-major risk factors would justify a stroke
risk that is high enough to require anticoagulation.
This risk factor-based approach for patients with non-valvular
AF can also be expressed as an acronym, CHA
-VASc [con-
gestive heart failure, hypertension, age 75 (doubled), diabetes,
stroke (doubled), vascular disease, age 6574, and sex category
This scheme is based on a point system in which 2
points are assigned for a history of stroke or TIA, or age 75;
and 1 point each is assigned for age 6574 years, a history of
hypertension, diabetes, recent cardiac failure, vascular disease
(myocardial infarction, complex aortic plaque, and PAD, including
prior revascularization, amputation due to PAD, or angiographic
evidence of PAD, etc.), and female sex (Table 8). Thus, this
acronym extends the CHADS
scheme by considering additional
stroke risk factors that may inuence a decision whether or not
to anticoagulate (see Section 4.1.1).
Table 8 CHA
VASc score and stroke rate
(a) Risk factors for stroke and thrombo-embolism
in non-valvular AF
Major risk factors Clinically relevant non-major
risk factors
Previous stroke, TIA,
or systemic embolism
Age > 75 years
Heart failure or moderate to
severe LV systolic dysfunction
(e.g. LV EF < 40%)
Hypertension - Diabetes mellitus
Female sex - Age 6574 years
Vascular disease
(b) Risk factor-based approach expressed as a point based
scoring system, with the acronym CHA
(Note: maximum score is 9 since age may contribute 0, 1, or 2 points)
Risk factor Score
Congestive heart failure/LV dysfunction 1
Hypertension 1
Age >75 2
Diabetes mellitus 1
Stroke/TIA/thrombo-embolism 2
Vascular disease
Age 6574 1
Sex category (i.e. female sex) 1
Maximum score 9
(c) Adjusted stroke rate according to CHA
-VASc score
Patients (n = 7329) Adjusted stroke
rate (%/year)
0 1 0%
1 422 1.3%
2 1230 2.2%
3 1730 3.2%
4 1718 4.0%
5 1159 6.7%
6 679 9.8%
7 294 9.6%
8 82 6.7%
9 14 15.2%
See text for denitions.
Prior myocardial infarction, peripheral artery disease, aortic plaque. Actual rates
of stroke in contemporary cohorts may vary from these estimates.
Based on Lip et al.
AF atrial brillation; EF ejection fraction (as documented by
echocardiography, radionuclide ventriculography, cardiac catheterization, cardiac
magnetic resonance imaging, etc.); LV left ventricular;
TIA transient ischaemic attack.
ESC Guidelines Page 14 of 61
(range, 2.03.0), unless contraindicated. Such a practice appears to
translate to better outcomes in AF patients in routine care.
As shown in Table 7, there is a clear relationship between
score and stroke rate.
The original validation of this
scheme classied a CHADS
score of 0 as low risk, 12 as mod-
erate risk, and .2 as high risk.
The Stroke in AF Working Group performed a comparison of
12 published risk-stratication schemes to predict stroke in
patients with non-valvular AF, and concluded that there were sub-
stantial, clinically relevant differences among published schemes
designed to stratify stroke risk in patients with AF. Most had
very modest predictive value for stroke (c-statisticsas a
measure of the predictive valueof 0.6); also, the proportion
of patients assigned to individual risk categories varied widely
across the schemes. The CHADS
score categorized most subjects
as moderate risk and had a c-statistic of 0.58 to predict stroke in
the whole cohort.
In the present guidelines, we have tried to de-emphasize the use
of the low, moderate, and high risk categorizations, given the
poor predictive value of such articial categories, and recognize
that risk is a continuum. Thus, we encourage a risk factor-based
approach for more detailed stroke risk assessment, recommending
the use of antithrombotic therapy on the basis of the presence (or
absence) of stroke risk factors.
Support for this approach comes from various published ana-
lyses, where even patients at moderate risk (currently dened
score 1, i.e. one risk factor) still derive signicant
benet from OAC over aspirin use, often with low rates of
major haemorrhage. Importantly, prescription of an antiplatelet
agent was not associated with a lower risk of adverse events.
Also, the CHADS
score does not include many stroke risk
factors, and other stroke risk modiers need to be considered
in a comprehensive stroke risk assessment (Table 8).
Major risk factors (previously referred to as high risk
factors) are prior stroke or TIA, or thrombo-embolism, and
older age (75 years). The presence of some types of valvular
heart disease (mitral stenosis or prosthetic heart valves) would
also categorize such valvular AF patients as high risk.
Clinically relevant non-major risk factors (previously
referred to as moderate risk factors) are heart failure [especially
moderate to severe systolic LV dysfunction, dened arbitrarily as
left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 40%], hypertension, or
diabetes. Other clinically relevant non-major risk factors (pre-
viously referred to as less validated risk factors) include female
sex, age 6574 years, and vascular disease (specically, myocardial
infarction, complex aortic plaque and PAD). Note that risk factors
are cumulative, and the simultaneous presence of two or more
clinically relevant non-major risk factors would justify a stroke
risk that is high enough to require anticoagulation.
This risk factor-based approach for patients with non-valvular
AF can also be expressed as an acronym, CHA
-VASc [con-
gestive heart failure, hypertension, age 75 (doubled), diabetes,
stroke (doubled), vascular disease, age 6574, and sex category
This scheme is based on a point system in which 2
points are assigned for a history of stroke or TIA, or age 75;
and 1 point each is assigned for age 6574 years, a history of
hypertension, diabetes, recent cardiac failure, vascular disease
(myocardial infarction, complex aortic plaque, and PAD, including
prior revascularization, amputation due to PAD, or angiographic
evidence of PAD, etc.), and female sex (Table 8). Thus, this
acronym extends the CHADS
scheme by considering additional
stroke risk factors that may inuence a decision whether or not
to anticoagulate (see Section 4.1.1).
Table 8 CHA
VASc score and stroke rate
(a) Risk factors for stroke and thrombo-embolism
in non-valvular AF
Major risk factors Clinically relevant non-major
risk factors
Previous stroke, TIA,
or systemic embolism
Age > 75 years
Heart failure or moderate to
severe LV systolic dysfunction
(e.g. LV EF < 40%)
Hypertension - Diabetes mellitus
Female sex - Age 6574 years
Vascular disease
(b) Risk factor-based approach expressed as a point based
scoring system, with the acronym CHA
(Note: maximum score is 9 since age may contribute 0, 1, or 2 points)
Risk factor Score
Congestive heart failure/LV dysfunction 1
Hypertension 1
Age >75 2
Diabetes mellitus 1
Stroke/TIA/thrombo-embolism 2
Vascular disease
Age 6574 1
Sex category (i.e. female sex) 1
Maximum score 9
(c) Adjusted stroke rate according to CHA
-VASc score
Patients (n = 7329) Adjusted stroke
rate (%/year)
0 1 0%
1 422 1.3%
2 1230 2.2%
3 1730 3.2%
4 1718 4.0%
5 1159 6.7%
6 679 9.8%
7 294 9.6%
8 82 6.7%
9 14 15.2%
See text for denitions.
Prior myocardial infarction, peripheral artery disease, aortic plaque. Actual rates
of stroke in contemporary cohorts may vary from these estimates.
Based on Lip et al.
AF atrial brillation; EF ejection fraction (as documented by
echocardiography, radionuclide ventriculography, cardiac catheterization, cardiac
magnetic resonance imaging, etc.); LV left ventricular;
TIA transient ischaemic attack.
ESC Guidelines Page 14 of 61
-VASc score of 1) may consider aspirin rather than
OAC therapy.
4.1.4. Risk of bleeding
An assessment of bleeding risk should be part of the patient assess-
ment before starting anticoagulation. Despite anticoagulation of
more elderly patients with AF, rates of intracerebral haemorrhage
are considerably lower than in the past, typically between 0.1 and
0.6% in contemporary reports. This may reect lower anticoagula-
tion intensity, more careful dose regulation, or better control of
hypertension. Intracranial bleeding increases with INR values
.3.54.0, and there is no increment in bleeding risk with INR
values between 2.0 and 3.0 compared with lower INR levels.
Various bleeding risk scores have been validated for bleeding
risk in anticoagulated patients, but all have different modalities in
evaluating bleeding risks and categorization into low-, moderate-,
and high-risk strata, usually for major bleeding risk. It is reasonable
to assume that the major bleeding risk with aspirin is similar to that
with VKA, especially in elderly individuals.
The fear of falls may be
overstated, as a patient may need to fall 300 times per year for
the risk of intracranial haemorrhage to outweigh the benet of
OAC in stroke prevention.
Using a real-world cohort of 3978 European subjects with AF
from the EuroHeart Survey, a new simple bleeding risk score,
HAS-BLED (hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke,
bleeding history or predisposition, labile INR, elderly (.65),
drugs/alcohol concomitantly), has been derived (Table 10).
would seem reasonable to use the HAS-BLED score to assess
bleeding risk in AF patients, whereby a score of 3 indicates
high risk, and some caution and regular review of the patient is
needed following the initiation of antithrombotic therapy,
whether with VKA or aspirin.

Congestive heart failure,

Hypertension. Age > 75 years
*Other clinically relevant
non-major risk factors:
age 6574, female sex,
vascular disease
ro rr
score >2

OAC (or aspirin)
Nothing (or aspirin)
Age >75 years
>2 other risk factors*
1 other risk factor*
Consider other risk factors*
Figure 4 Clinical owchart for the use of oral anticoagulation for stroke prevention in AF. AF atrial brillation; OAC oral anticoagulant;
TIA transient ischaemic attack. A full description of the CHADS
can be found on page 13.
Table 10 Clinical characteristics comprising the
HAS-BLED bleeding risk score
Letter Clinical characteristic
Points awarded
H Hypertension 1
Abnormal renal and liver
function (1 point each)
1 or 2
S Stroke 1
B Bleeding 1
L Labile INRs 1
E Elderly (e.g. age >65 years) 1
D Drugs or alcohol (1 point each) 1 or 2
Maximum 9 points
Hypertension is dened as systolic blood pressure .160 mmHg. Abnormal
kidney function is dened as the presence of chronic dialysis or renal
transplantation or serum creatinine 200 mmol/L. Abnormal liver function is
dened as chronic hepatic disease (e.g. cirrhosis) or biochemical evidence of
signicant hepatic derangement (e.g. bilirubin .2 x upper limit of normal, in
association with aspartate aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase/alkaline
phosphatase .3 x upper limit normal, etc.). Bleeding refers to previous bleeding
history and/or predisposition to bleeding, e.g. bleeding diathesis, anaemia, etc.
Labile INRs refers to unstable/high INRs or poor time in therapeutic range (e.g.
,60%). Drugs/alcohol use refers to concomitant use of drugs, such as antiplatelet
agents, non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs, or alcohol abuse, etc.
INR international normalized ratio. Adapted from Pisters et al.
ESC Guidelines Page 17 of 61
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Recomandarile de tratament anti-trombotic in
functie de profilul de risc in FiA (ACCP/VII)
Nivel de risc Indicatorii riscului Tratament
Risc scazut varsta ! 65 ani Aspirina 325 mg/zi
fara FR aditionali
Intermediar Varsta 65-75 ani ACO (INR: 2,0-3,0)
DZ sau ASA
B coronara
Inalt Varsta > 75 ani ACO (INR: 2,0-3,0)
Istoric de AVC, AIT sau ES
Disfunctie VS sau ICC
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tahiaritmii cu QRS larg
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Extrasistolele ventriculare
QRS larg > 120 msec, precoce
neprecedat de unda P, eventual unda P retrograda
Daca nu depolarizeaza retrograd NSA: pauza compensatorie (PP = 2 PP)
Uneori interpolate
Cuplaj fix = reintrare
lncidenta creste cu varsta
Cauze: stress, alcool, ischemie, miocardite, diselectrolitemii, medicamente
(AA, digoxina, etc)
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Clasificare si semnificatie
Clasa 0
Clasa 1: rare < 1 / ora
Clasa 2: putin frecvente
(1-9 / ora)
Clasa 3: intermediare
(10-29 / ora)
Clasa 4: frecvente (>
30 / ora)
Clasa A: monomorfe, monofocale
Clasa B: polimorfe, polifocale
Clasa C: repetitive
Salve (3-5 ESV)
Clasa D: TV-NS (6 ESV " 30
Clasa E: TV-S
Myerburg et al. Am J Cardiol 1984;54:1355-8.
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Clasificare si semnificatie clinica
Morganroth et al. JACC 1986.
Potential maligne
FE>35% FE<35%
Tip aritmie
ESV, cuplete, TVNS TVNS, TVS, FV
Lipsa Moderata
Nu Nu
Sincopa, MSC
Risc MSC
Minim Moderat Mare Major
ECG, Holter Holter
Holter, SEF
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tratamentul ESV
ESV, cuplete, TVNS asimptomatice: %-blocante (FE > 40%)
NU flecainida, encainida, sotalol mai ales pe cord ischemic dupa
studiul CAST
ESV frecvente in lMA: xilina, amiodarona sau betablocant lV
Cuplete sau TVNS pe cord patologic in afara ischemiei acute:
Ablatie prin RF a focarelor endocardice:
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Studiul CAST-I:
cresterea mortalitatii sub AA clasa I la pacienti cu IM in
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
TV: definitie si caractere ECG
Tahiaritmie regulata cu QRS > 120 msec:
C.p. 3 depolarizari ventriculare succesive cu frecventa >120/
Durata variabila: 3 QRS " > 30 sec (ore)
Disociatie atrioventriculara
Activare atriala indepedenta sau conducere VA retrograda
Degradare hemodinamica
Degenerare in FV
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Mecanismele TV
lMA: TV neparoxistica (RlVA)
TV digitalice
Sdr. de QT lung congenital
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
TV monomorfa: diagnostic
tahiaritmie regulata >
QRS larg > 120 msec
Disociatie AV
Batai de fuziune
Capturi ventriculare
Criterii morfologice
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Criterii morfologice
pe baza derivatiilor V1,2 si V6
BRD like
R monofazic
RsR' cu R>R'
BRS like
R ini!ial larg >40 ms
deflexiunea descendenta S
ncep. QRS " nadir S < 60 ms
Q sau QS
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tahicardia ventriculara
neparoxistica (RIVA) =
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
TV polimorfa: torsada varfurilor
TV rapida, degenereaza in FV
produsa prin PDP
cu QT lung sau cu QT normal
sdr. de QT lung
hipo K, hipo Mg
AA Ia si III
Overdrive pacing
isuprel lent
xilina, fenitoina
QT lung: AICD, beta-blocante,
flecainida, stelectomie.
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Dg $ TV vs. TSV cu QRS largi
Tahiaritmii cu QRS largi:
TSV cu QRS largi
TSV + BR pre-existent
TSV cu aberanta de conducere
TSV + TRAV prin mecanism antidromic (WPW)
Dg. dif. posibil pe ECG standard la > 90% din cazuri
Criterii ECG de diferentiere TV TSV cu QRS largi:
1. Batai de fuziune; capturi V
2. Disociatia AV
3. Conducere retrograda VA (P retrograde)
4. QRS > 140 msec (160 msec = TV cert)
5. Morfologie unica a QRS in precordiale = TV
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tratament TV
TV fara decompensare hemodinamica: AA
Xilina, procainamida, amiodaron, %B in anumite situatii
TV digitalice: fenitoina, xilina +/- AC anti-digitalici
TV cu hipoTA, lVS, angina, hipoperfuzie cerebrala:
SEE: sincron > 50 J
Overdrive pacing
thump version
Tratamentul cauzelor corectabile sau producatoare:
lschemia acuta
Hipo K, hipo Mg
BS excesiva
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Oprirea TV prin overdrive pacing
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tratamentul profilactic al TV
TVNS asimptomatica pe cord normal sau patologic: %-
blocante (FE > 40%) sau amiodaron
NU flecainida, encainida, sotalol dupa CAST
TVNS cu deteriorare hemodinamica sau TVS:
Ablatie prin RF a focarelor endocardice: PALEATlVA
Chirurgia AA
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Unde fibrilatorii de amplitudine diferita, in absenta
complexelor QRS
Asistola mecanica urmata de asistola electrica
Colaps, stop respirator si deces in 3-5 minute de la
instalare in absenta CPR
Ischemia acuta din IMA aritmii V spontane
Cardiomiopatii (CMHO !) FA din WPW
CHT cu HVS hipoxia din BPOC
Iatrogen: medicamente, diselectrolitemii, cateterism cardiac
Sdr. de QT lung cu TdP SEE nesincron
Precedata sau nu de TV
SEE 200-300 J CPR, IOT
Bicarbonat EV daca CPR > 60 sec Lidocaina,
bretiliu, amiodaron EV
Corectarea cauzei
Profilactic: DI sau amiodaron
R.V. - Tahiaritmii feb 2012
Tratamentul aritmiilor V maligne:
defibrilatorul implantabil
Proflilaxie secundar
Orice CP structural/electric cu un
eveniment (MSC resuscitat, TV
sustinut, FV) la care nu se deceleaz
o cauz reversibil
Profilaxie primar
BCl FEVS<35-40%
CMD FEVS <30-35% "i NYHA <III
Avantaje tehnice:
Pacing anti-tahi si anti-bradi
Conversie defibrilare cu energie !
Stocarea ECG
! mortalitatea fata de amiodaron in AV
maligne simptomatice

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