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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

TNSEA 1-13



Tennessee Structural Engineers Association P.O. Box 40711 Nash ille! TN 37"04

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee 1 2 3 , 5 . ) 2 / 1! 11 12 13 1, 15 1. 1) 12 1/ 2! 21 22 23 2, 25 2. 2) 22 2/ 3! 31 32 33 3, 35 3. 3) 32 3/ ,! ,1 ,2

T"e Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee #SIGT$% is intended to be an introduction to and &uide for t"e i'ple'entation of Special Inspections as defined in ("apter 1) of t"e International *uildin& (ode+ Since t"ere is a ran&e of adopted buildin& codes in Tennessee t"e co''ittee "as written t"e docu'ent to 'eet t"e re-uire'ents of t"e 2!!. 2!!/ and 2!12 editions+ In t"e event of a conflict t"e adopted buildin& code s"all &overn+ T"e SIGT$ lists individual parties0 responsibilities in t"e Special Inspection process+ T"e parties include owners1 arc"itects1 structural en&ineers1 'ec"anical electrical and plu'bin& en&ineers1 ot"er desi&n professionals1 buildin& officials1 contractors1 and special inspectors+ T"e SIGT$ was created by t"e (ode 3dvisory (o''ittee of t"e 4iddle Tennessee Structural 5n&ineers 3ssociation #4T$S53%+ (ode 3dvisory (o''ittee6 7on 8arbrou&" ("air Jason Perry Secretary Steve 3nderson (Deceased) 9ir: ;od&e <ilburn ;oneycutt Ji' Par:er Stanley Paseur ("arles Rat"s T"e (ode 3dvisory (o''ittee would li:e to t"an: everyone involved in t"e develop'ent and creation of t"is docu'ent+ In particular t"e (ode 3dvisory co''ittee would li:e to specifically t"an: t"e followin& individuals for t"eir ti'e and effort6 Jo"n 3&ee Ji' *eaudoin *oyd Jo"nson 7an (al"oun Ted 9isselovic" P"illip (a'eron Ric: 4ote P"il (ollins 7rew =nderwood T"e (ode 3dvisory (o''ittee would also li:e to t"an: t"e (ode 3dvisory (o''ittee of t"e <est Tennessee Structural 5n&ineers 3ssociation #<T$S53% and 5ast Tennessee Structural 5n&ineers 3ssociation #5T$S53% for t"eir review and co''ents t"rou&"out t"e creation of t"e &uide+ T"e 'e'bers of t"e <T$S53 and 5T$S53 (o''ittees include6 <T$S53 5T$S53 Julie >urr (o?("air 5u&ene 3da's ("air Jere'y Scallion (o?("air ("ris 4yers *ob Paullus 9yle 4a@well 8utian S"ao

Public Review January 25 2!13


Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

,3 ,, ,5 ,. ,) ,2 ,/ 5! 51 52 53 5, 55 5. 5)

$isclai%er an& Notice

<"ile it is believed to be accurate t"is infor'ation s"ould not be used or relied upon for any specific application wit"out co'petent professional e@a'ination and verification of its accuracy suitability and applicability by a licensed professional en&ineer or arc"itect+ T"e publication of t"e 'aterial contained "erein is not intended as a representation or warranty on t"e part of t"e Tennessee Structural 5n&ineers 3ssociation or of any ot"er person na'ed "erein t"at t"is infor'ation is suitable for any &eneral or particular use or of freedo' fro' infrin&e'ent of any patent or patents+ 3nyone 'a:in& use of t"is infor'ation assu'es all liability arisin& fro' suc" use+ (aution 'ust be e@ercised w"en relyin& upon ot"er specifications and codes developed by ot"er bodies and incorporated by reference "erein since suc" 'aterial 'ay be 'odified or a'ended fro' ti'e to ti'e subse-uent to t"e printin& of t"is edition+ T"e T$S53 bears no responsibility for suc" 'aterial ot"er t"an to refer to it and incorporate it by reference at t"e ti'e of t"e initial publication of t"is edition+

Public Review January 25 2!13


Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

52 5/ .! .1


.2 .3 ., .5 .. .)

T"e 'e'bers of t"e (ode 3dvisory (o''ittee respectfully dedicate t"is &uide in 'e'ory of Steven ("arles 3nderson P+5+ S+5+ w"o passed away une@pectedly on 3pril 22 2!11 at t"e a&e of 33+ T"rou&" "is tec"nical ability leaders"ip and &reat sense of "u'or Steve contributed &reatly to t"e creation of t"is &uide+ ;is advice "u'or and :nowled&e will be sorely 'issed+

Public Review January 25 2!13


Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee .2 ./ )! )1 )2 )3 ), )5 ). )) )2 )/ 2! 21 22 23 2, 25 2. 2) 22 2/ /! /1 /2 /3 /, /5

Ta'le o# (ontents
Pre#ace ..............................................................................................................................................ii $isclai%er an& Notice ....................................................................................................................... iii $e&ication ........................................................................................................................................ i Part 1 ) *lossar+ ................................................................................................................................1 Part " ) S,ecial -ns,ection .e/uire%ents ...........................................................................................4 Introduction ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5 Awner Responsibilities +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5 Re&istered 7esi&n Professional in Responsible ("ar&e Responsibilities ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ . 3rc"itect Tas:s ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ . Structural 5n&ineer Tas:s++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ) 4ec"anical 5lectrical and Plu'bin& Syste's 5n&ineer Tas:s +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 *uildin& Afficial Responsibilities +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 (ontractor Responsibilities +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ / Special Inspector#s% Responsibilities +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ / Part 3 ) S,ecial -ns,ections 0uic1 .e#erence .................................................................................... 10 Part 4 ) Suggeste& Mini%u% S,ecial -ns,ector 0uali#ications ........................................................... 1" Part 2 ) Sa%,le $ocu%ents.............................................................................................................. "0 Sa'ple 7ocu'ent Introduction++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 21 State'ent of Special Inspections and Special Inspection Sc"edules++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 22 Structural Abservations $otification Better++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 31 (ontractor0s State'ent of Responsibilities ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 32 7aily Special Inspection Report ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 33 <ee:ly Special Inspection Report ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3, Special Inspection 7iscrepancy $otice +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 35 >inal Structural Abservation Better+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. >inal Special Inspection Report +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3)

Public Review January 25 2!13

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee


Part 1 Glossary

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee &% &, && 00 0 02 0! 01 05 03 0% 0, 0& 0 2 ! 1 5 3 % , & 20 2 22 2! 21 25 23 2% 2, 2& !0 ! !2 !! !1 !5 !3 !% !, !& 10 1 12 "nless ot#erwise noted, all definitions will be as defined by $#apters 2 and % of t#e International 'uildin( $ode )I'$*+ Approved -cceptable to t#e code official or aut#ority #avin( .urisdiction+ Approved Agency -n establis#ed and reco(ni/ed a(ency re(ularly en(a(ed in conductin( tests and0or furnis#in( inspection services, w#en suc# a(ency #as been approved. Building Official T#e officer or ot#er desi(nated aut#ority c#ar(ed wit# t#e ad2inistration and enforce2ent of $ode, or a duly aut#ori/ed representative+ Code T#e adopted buildin( code enforced by t#e 'uildin( 4fficial+ -s pertained to t#is docu2ent, t#e International 'uildin( $ode 2003, 200& or 20 2 5dition+ Construction Documents 6ritten, (rap#ic and pictorial docu2ents prepared or asse2bled for describin( t#e desi(n, location and p#ysical c#aracteristics of t#e ele2ents of a pro.ect necessary for construction+ Contractor T#e entity under a le(al contract to construct t#e facility as s#own in t#e contract docu2ents prepared by t#e Re(istered 7esi(n Professionals+ Designated Seismic System T#ose arc#itectural, electrical and 2ec#anical syste2s and t#eir co2ponents t#at re8uire desi(n in accordance wit# $#apter ! of -S$5 % and for w#ic# t#e co2ponent i2portance factor, Ip, is (reater t#an in accordance wit# Section !+ +! of -S$5 %+ Intumescent Fire-Resistant Coatings T#in fil2 li8uid 2i9ture applied to substrates by brus#, roller, spray or trowel w#ic# e9pands into a protective foa2ed layer to provide fire:resistant protection of t#e substrates w#en e9posed to fla2e or intense #eat+ Jurisdiction T#e (overn2ental unit t#at #as been (iven t#e responsibility of enforcin( t#e buildin( code+ Main indforce-Resisting System -n asse2bla(e of structural ele2ents assi(ned to provide support and stability for t#e overall structure+ T#e syste2 (enerally receives wind loadin( fro2 2ore t#an one surface+ Mastic Fire-Resistant Coatings ;i8uid 2i9ture applied to a substrate by brus#, roller, spray or trowel t#at provides fire:resistant protection of a substrate w#en e9posed to fla2e or intense #eat+ Registered Design !rofessional -n individual w#o is re(istered or licensed to practice t#eir respective desi(n profession as defined by t#e statutory re8uire2ents of t#e professional re(istration laws of t#e state or .urisdiction in w#ic# t#e pro.ect is to be constructed+ Registered Design !rofessional of Record T#e Re(istered 7esi(n Professional w#o is in responsible c#ar(e for t#e desi(n of t#e buildin( or buildin( co2ponent and w#o #as si(ned and sealed t#e $onstruction 7ocu2ents+

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee 1! 11 15 13 1% 1, 1& 50 5 52 5! 51 55 53 5% 5, 5& 30 3 32 3! 31 35 33 3% 3, 3& %0 Registered Design !rofessional in Responsi"le C#arge $RD!RC% & - re(istered desi(n professional en(a(ed by t#e 4wner to review and coordinate certain aspects of t#e pro.ect, as deter2ined by t#e buildin( official, for co2patibility wit# t#e desi(n of t#e buildin( or structure, includin( sub2ittal docu2ents prepared by ot#ers, deferred sub2ittal docu2ents and p#ased sub2ittal docu2ents+ Generally, t#is entity is t#e -rc#itect+ Special Inspection Inspection of construction re8uirin( t#e e9pertise of an approved special inspector in order to ensure co2pliance wit# t#e 'uildin( $ode and t#e approved construction docu2ents+ Special Inspections do not include or waive t#e responsibility for t#e inspections re8uired by t#e $onstruction 7ocu2ents, ot#er sections of t#e 'uildin( $ode, or referenced standards+ Special Inspection' Continuous Special inspection by t#e special inspector w#o is present w#en and w#ere t#e wor< to be inspected is bein( perfor2ed+ Special Inspection' !eriodic Special inspection by t#e special inspector w#o is inter2ittently present w#ere t#e wor< to be inspected #as been or is bein( perfor2ed+ Special Inspector - 8ualified person e2ployed or retained by an approved a(ency and approved by t#e buildin( official as #avin( t#e co2petence necessary to inspect a particular type of construction re8uirin( special inspection+ Sprayed Fire-Resistant Materials $e2entitious or fibrous 2aterials t#at are sprayed to provide fire: resistant protection of t#e substrates+ Structural O"servation T#e visual observation of t#e structural syste2 by a re(istered desi(n professional for (eneral confor2ance to t#e approved construction docu2ents+ Structural observation does not include or waive t#e responsibility for t#e inspection re8uired by $#apter , %, or ot#er sections of t#e 'uildin( $ode+

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

Part 2 Special Inspection Requirements

Public Review January 25, 20 !


Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

"2 "! ""5 "4 "" "7 ": 70 7 72 7! 775 74 7" 77 7: :0 : :2 :! ::5 :4 :" :7 :: 200 20 202 20! 20205 204 20" 207 20: 2 0

T#e International $uildin% &ode 'I$&( &#apter ", Structural Tests and Special Inspections, re)uires Special Inspections for all pro*ects wit# t#e e+ceptions listed below, . /#en e+e0pted by t#e $uildin% 1fficial for wor2 of 0inor nature and not re)uired by t#e Re%istered 3esi%n Professional in Responsible &#ar%e. 2. $uildin% co0ponents t#at do not re)uire t#e services of a licensed Professional 5n%ineer or 6rc#itect. !. 1ccupancy Group R8! 'one and two fa0ily dwellin%s( and 1ccupancy Group 9 structures t#at are accessory to 1ccupancy Group R8! structures. Special Inspections are defined by I$& as ;Inspection<re)uirin% special e+pertise to ensure co0pliance wit# approved construction docu0ents and referenced standards.= T#e Special Inspection process is a >uality 6ssurance pro%ra0 t#at is 0andated by t#e $uildin% &ode for all non8e+e0pted pro*ects, wit# additional re)uire0ents for certain wind and seis0ic conditions. Special Inspections are relatively new to Tennessee, first introduced in t#e International $uildin% &ode, 2000 5dition. T#us, 0any desi%n professionals, owners, contractors and buildin% officials are unaware of t#e re)uire0ents and t#eir co0ple+ity. T#is docu0ent is intended to %uide all parties of t#e intent of &#apter " and to clearly outline t#e basic responsibilities of all parties involved in a pro*ect and provides sa0ple docu0ents t#at can be used to 0eet t#e I$& re)uire0ents. Special Inspections are not intended to alter, replace, or supersede t#e responsibilities of t#e Re%istered 3esi%n Professionals. ?ariations fro0 t#e construction docu0ents or reviewed s#op drawin%s are to be reviewed by t#e Re%istered 3esi%n Professional of Record prior to i0ple0entation.

Owner Responsibilities
I$& &#apter " states t#at t#e 1wner, or t#e Re%istered 3esi%n Professional in Responsible &#ar%e 'R3PR&( actin% as t#e 1wner@s a%ent, s#all e0ploy t#e Special Inspector's( for t#e pro*ect. T#is re0oves t#e inspection services fro0 t#e &ontractor@s scope of services and eli0inates a potential conflict of interest. T#e 1wner is also responsible for contractin% wit# t#e desi%n tea0. T#e &ode 0andates Structural 1bservations be perfor0ed by a structural en%ineer for certain #i%# seis0ic and #i%# wind desi%n conditions t#at are defined in t#e Structural 1bservation section of &#apter ". /#ere Structural 1bservations are re)uired, t#e 1wner is responsible for en%a%in% a Re%istered 3esi%n Professional to perfor0 said observations. T#e Re%istered 3esi%n Professional en%a%ed is to be ade)uately )ualified to perfor0 structural observations. Aote t#at Structural 1bservations 0ay also be perfor0ed by t#e Structural 5n%ineer of Record. T#e 1wner s#all en%a%e a desi%n professional to be t#e R3PR&. T#e R3PR& is often ti0es a 0e0ber of t#e desi%n tea0.

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee 2 2 2 2 ! 2 2 5 2 4 2 " 2 7 2 : 220 22 222 22! 22225 224 22" 227 22: 2!0 2! 2!2 2!! 2!2!5 2!4 2!" 2!7 2!: 2-0 22-2 2-! 2-2-5 2-4 2-" 2-7 2-: 250 25 252 25!

Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge Responsibilities

Typically, t#e entity t#at fits t#e definition of t#e R3PR& is t#e 3esi%n Professional t#at #as t#e pri0ary contract wit# t#e 1wner. It is co00on for t#is entity to be t#e 6rc#itect. Since a Re%istered 3esi%n Professional can only practice in t#eir respective field of e+pertise, t#e tas2s of t#e R3PR& s#all be dele%ated to t#e appropriate desi%n professionals. Per I$& &#apter ", t#e R3PR& s#all prepare a State0ent of Special Inspections. It is reco00ended t#at t#e 6rc#itect of Record, Structural 5n%ineer of Record, and B5P 5n%ineers of Record prepare t#e arc#itectural, structural, and B5P portions of t#e State0ent of Special Inspections, respectively. It is reco00ended t#at t#e State0ent of Special Inspections be included in t#e respective discipline@s drawin%s. /#en included in t#e specifications or as a stand8alone docu0ent, t#ey are often overloo2ed or not presented to t#e appropriate parties. T#e State0ent of Special Inspections 0ust include, . T#e 0aterials, syste0s, co0ponents and wor2 re)uired to #ave special inspections 2. T#e type and e+tent of eac# special inspection !. T#e type and e+tent of eac# test -. T#e additional wind and seis0ic inspections re)uired 5. Identification of t#e special inspection test fre)uency 'periodic or continuous( In addition to preparin% t#e State0ent of Special Inspections, it is su%%ested t#at t#e R3PR& define t#e 0ini0u0 tests and inspections re)uired for t#e pro*ect specific State0ent of Special Inspections. T#is criteria 0ay be included as part of t#e drawin%s, pro*ect specifications or a stand8alone docu0ent. T#e additional seis0ic inspections are not re)uired w#en t#e structure is assi%ned to a Seis0ic 3esi%n &ate%ory 'S3&( of 6 or $. T#e a0ount of seis0ic testin% increases as t#e S3& increases. T#e additional wind inspections are re)uired w#en eit#er, a( t#e 5+posure &ate%ory is & or 3 and t#e wind speed is 0 0p# or %reaterC or b( t#e 5+posure &ate%ory is $ and t#e wind speed is 20 0p# or %reater. T#e wind speeds referenced to deter0ine t#e need for additional inspections differ between t#e versions of t#e &ode. Dor I$& @04 and @0:, t#e $asic /ind Speed as defined in Section 40: of t#e &ode is to be used. Dor I$& @ 2, t#e Ao0inal 3esi%n /ind Speed, ?asd, as defined in Section 40: of t#e &ode is to be used.

Architect Tasks
Prepare a State0ent of Special Inspections and establis# testin% and inspection criterion t#at enco0passes t#e followin% types of 0aterialsEconstruction, . Sprayed Dire8Resistant Baterials 2. Bastic and Intu0escent Dire8Resistant &oatin% !. 5+terior Insulation and Dinis# Syste0s '5IDS( -. Dor pro*ects desi%nated Seis0ic 3esi%n &ate%ory 3, 5 or D, a. 5+terior wall panels and t#eir anc#ora%e b. Suspended ceilin% syste0s and t#eir anc#ora%e c. 6ccess floors and t#eir anc#ora%e

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee 25255 254 25" 257 25: 240 24 242 24! 24245 244 24" 247 24: 2"0 2" 2"2 2"! 2"2"5 2"4 2"" 2"7 2": 270 27 272 27! 27275 274 27" 277 27: 2:0 2: 2:2 2:! 2:2:5 d. Steel stora%e rac2s and t#eir anc#ora%e 'w#en I F .5 in accordance wit# Sec. 5.5.! of 6S&5 "( e. 3esi%nated Seis0ic Syste0s 5. Dor pro*ects re)uirin% additional wind testin%, a. Roof &laddin% b. /all &onnections to Roof and Dloor 3iap#ra%0s and Dra0in% coordinate wit# t#e Structural 5n%ineer of Record c. Dabrication and Installation of I0pact Resistant Syste0sE&o0ponents In addition to preparin% t#e State0ent of Special Inspections, t#e 6rc#itect s#all review t#e Special Inspection Reports and address any indicated discrepancies.

Structural Engineer Tasks

Prepare a State0ent of Special Inspections and establis# testin% and inspection t#at enco0passes t#e followin% types of 0aterialsEconstruction, . Dabricators 2. Soils in con*unction wit# t#e Geotec#nical 5n%ineer !. &ast8In8Place Doundations 5le0ents -. 3riven 3eep Doundation 5le0ents in con*unction wit# t#e Geotec#nical 5n%ineer 5. Gelical Pile Doundations in con*unction wit# t#e Geotec#nical 5n%ineer 4. &ast8In8Place 3eep Doundation 5le0ents ". &oncrete &onstruction 7. Basonry &onstruction :. Structural Steel &onstruction 0. Steel &onstruction 1t#er t#an Structural Steel . /ood &onstruction 2. 6dditional inspections for wind resistance w#en re)uired !. 6dditional inspections for seis0ic resistance for pro*ects desi%nated Seis0ic 3esi%n &ate%ory &, 3, 5 or D Structural Observations as re)uired by t#e buildin% code 'Section "0: of I$& @04, Section " 0 of I$& @0:, or Section "0-.5 of I$& H 2( s#all be perfor0ed. T#e Structural 5n%ineer of Record is not re)uired by t#e &ode to do t#ese observations. Gowever, if t#e Structural 5n%ineer of Record is not contracted to do so, anot#er structural en%ineer s#all be retained to perfor0 t#ese observations. Prior to co00ence0ent of observations, t#e structural en%ineer perfor0in% t#e observations s#all sub0it to t#e $uildin% 1fficial a written state0ent, t#e Statement of Structural Observations, identifyin% t#e fre)uency and e+tent of t#e Structural Observations. 6t t#e conclusion of wor2, t#e structural en%ineer perfor0in% t#e observations s#all sub0it a Final Structural Observation Statement to t#e $uildin% 1fficial t#at states t#at site visits #ave been 0ade and identify any deficiencies t#at to t#e best of #is or #er 2nowled%e #ave not been resolved. In addition to preparin% t#e State0ent of Special Inspections, t#e Structural 5n%ineer s#all review t#e Special Inspection Reports and address any indicated discrepancies.

Public Review January 25, 20 !


Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee 2:4 2:" 2:7 2:: !00 !0 !02 !0! !0!05 !04 !0" !07 !0: ! 0 ! ! 2 ! ! ! ! 5 ! 4 ! " ! 7 ! : !20 !2 !22 !2! !2!25 !24 !2" !27 !2: !!0 !! !!2 !!! !!!!5 !!4

Mechanical Electrical and Plu!bing S"ste!s Engineer Tasks

Prepare a State0ent of Special Inspections and establis# testin% and inspection t#at enco0passes t#e followin% types of 0aterialsEconstruction, . S0o2e &ontrol Syste0s 2. Dor pro*ects desi%nated Seis0ic 3esi%n &ate%ory & or 3, a. G?6& ductwor2 t#at contains #aIardous 0aterials and its anc#ora%e b. Pipin% syste0s and 0ec#anical units containin% fla00able, co0bustible or #i%#ly to+ic 0aterials c. 6nc#ora%e of electrical e)uip0ent used for e0er%ency or standby power syste0s d. ?ibration isolation syste0s w#ere t#e construction docu0ents re)uire a no0inal clearance of J= or less between t#e e)uip0ent support fra0e and t#e restraint e. 3esi%nated Seis0ic Syste0s !. Dor pro*ects desi%nated Seis0ic 3esi%n &ate%ory 5 or D, a. 6ll of t#e syste0s re)uired for Seis0ic 3esi%n &ate%ory & or 3 b. 5lectrical 5)uip0ent In addition to preparin% t#e State0ent of Special Inspections, t#e Bec#anical, 5lectrical and Plu0bin% Syste0s 5n%ineer s#all review t#e Special Inspection Reports and address any indicated discrepancies.

#uilding Official Responsibilities

&#apter " states t#at t#e $uildin% 1fficial #as t#e followin% responsibilities. . 6pprove t#e special inspection a%ency by verifyin% t#e a%ency@s ob*ectivity, co0petence, and independence 2. Keep records of all approvals !. Keep records of re)uired tests, inspections, and certificates of co0pliance for prefabricated asse0blies -. Receive test reports of tests perfor0ed in accordance wit# t#e references listed in &#apter !5 of t#e $uildin% &ode 5. Review t#e Statement of Special Inspections prior to per0it issuance 4. Review t#e Statement of Structural Observations, if re)uired, prior to per0it issuance ". Receive t#e &ontractor@s written Statement of Responsibility, if re)uired 7. Receive t#e Special Inspection Reports :. Review t#e Final Structural Observation Report prior to Certificate of Occupancy issuance 0. Review t#e Final Special Inspection Report fro0 prior to Certificate of Occupancy issuance . 6ccept duly aut#enticated reports fro0 approved a%encies in respect to t#e )uality and 0anner of use of new 0aterials or asse0blies 2. 6pprove fabricators, as re)uired, to perfor0 wor2 wit#out Special Inspections at t#e fabricator@s s#op. To aid t#e $uildin% 1fficial in t#e tas2 of approvin% t#e Special Inspectors, su%%ested 0ini0u0 )ualifications for Special Inspectors #ave been included as Part -. $uildin% 1fficials 0ay elect to adopt t#ese )ualifications or develop t#eir own.

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee !!" !!7 !!: !-0 !!-2 !-! !-!-5 !-4 !-" !-7 !-: !50 !5 !52 !5! !5!55 !54 !5" !57 !5: !40 !4 !42 !4! !4!45 !44 !4" !47 !4:

Contractor Responsibilities
T#e &ontractor s#all build t#e structure in accordance wit# t#e contract docu0ents. T#e &ontractor s#all notify t#e Special Inspector in a ti0ely 0anner as deter0ined by t#e Special Inspector of t#e wor2 bein% perfor0ed. T#e &ontractor is to coordinate t#e re)uired notice wit# t#e Special Inspector. T#e &ontractor is to 0aintain, on site, a co0plete set of contract docu0ents, includin% all addenda, as well as a co0plete set of final sub0ittals. T#e Special Inspector is to #ave access to t#ese docu0ents. T#e &ontractor s#all 0aintain at t#e *obsite all Special Inspection Reports sub0itted by t#e Special Inspector and provide t#ese records to t#e 1wner, R3PR& and t#e $uildin% 1fficial upon re)uest. Dor pro*ects t#at include additional seis0ic andEor wind inspections, t#e contractor responsible for a co0ponent desi%nated as a seis0ic syste0 or a wind syste0 in t#e State0ent of Special Inspections s#all sub0it a written Statement of Responsibility to t#e $uildin% 1fficial and 1wner. T#e State0ent of Responsibility s#all include t#e ac2nowled%e0ent of awareness of t#e re)uire0ents of t#e Statement of Special Inspections. T#e &ontractor s#all 2eep wor2 re)uirin% special inspections accessible and e+posed for special inspection purposes until t#e co0pletion of t#e re)uired special inspections.

Special Inspector$s% Responsibilities

In addition to perfor0in% all of t#e Special Inspections indicated in t#e State0ent of Special Inspections, t#e Special Inspector #as t#e followin% responsibilities, . 1btain $uildin% 1fficial approval of t#e a%encies to perfor0 Special Inspections. T#e a%ency s#all provide docu0entation de0onstratin% t#e ob*ectivity, co0petency, and independence of t#e inspector for t#e particular type of construction. In addition, any possible conflicts of interest s#all be disclosed to t#e buildin% official 'includin% if t#e 1wner and &ontractor are t#e sa0e entity(. See Part - for su%%ested 0ini0u0 Special Inspector )ualifications 2. Durnis# reports to t#e $uildin% 1fficial, t#e Re%istered 3esi%n Professional in Responsible &#ar%e, and ot#er parties as directed by t#e pro*ect re)uire0ents t#at indicate t#e wor2 inspected confor0s to t#e approved construction docu0ents !. I00ediately brin% any deficiencies found to t#e attention of t#e &ontractor for correction. Aotify t#e $uildin% 1fficial and Re%istered 3esi%n Professional in Responsible &#ar%e of any deficiencies not corrected prior to t#e co0pletion of t#at p#ase of wor2 -. Sub0it t#e Final Special Inspection Report docu0entin% t#e re)uired special inspections and t#e corrections of any discrepancies found

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee


Part 3 Special Inspections Quick Reference

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee !" !"2 !"! !"( !"5 !"* !"" !". !"/ !.0 !. !.2 !.! !.( !.5 !.* !." !.. !./ !/0 !/ !/2 !/! !/( !/5 !/* !/" !/. !// (00 (0 (02 (0! (0( (05 (0* (0" (0. (0/ ( 0 ( ( 2 ( ! ( ( ( 5 ( *

Special Inspections Quick Reference

#ontract wit$ %esi&n Professionals to provide construction ad'inistration services includin& Structural Observations #ontract wit$ a Special Inspection )&ency to provide Special Inspections +erify t$at all %isciplines $ave prepared a Statement of Special Inspections #oordinate said state'ent wit$ t$e ,uildin& -fficial Prepare a Statement of Special Inspections relatin& to t$e arc$itectural co'ponents Review t$e Special Inspection Reports and any indicated discrepancies Prepare a Statement of Special Inspections relatin& to t$e structural co'ponents Perfor' Structural -bservations and sub'it Statement of Structural Observations and Final Structural Observation Report to t$e ,uildin& -fficial as re0uired 1t$is structural en&ineer 'ay not be t$e Structural 2n&ineer of Record3 Review t$e Special Inspection Reports and any indicated discrepancies Prepare a Statement of Special Inspections relatin& to t$e 42P Syste's co'ponents Review t$e Special Inspection Reports and any indicated discrepancies )pprove t$e special inspection a&ency by verifyin& t$e a&ency5s ob6ectivity, co'petence, and independence 7eep records of all approvals 7eep records of re0uired tests, inspections, and certificates of co'pliance for prefabricated asse'blies Receive test reports of tests perfor'ed in accordance wit$ ,uildin& #ode references Review t$e Statement of Special Inspections and Statement of Structural Observations 1if re0uired3 prior to per'it issuance Receive t$e #ontractor5s written Statement of Responsibility, if re0uired Receive Special Inspection Reports Review Final Special Inspection Report and Final Structural Observation Report 1if re0uired3 prior to certificate of aut$ori8ation issuance )ccept reports fro' approved a&encies for t$e 0uality and 'anner of use of new 'aterials or asse'blies )pprove fabricators, as re0uired, to perfor' wor9 wit$out Special Inspections at t$e fabricator5s s$op: )de0uately notify t$e Special Inspector of t$e wor9 bein& perfor'ed Sub'it a written Statement of Responsibility as re0uired ,uild t$e structure in accordance wit$ t$e approved construction docu'ents 7eep wor9 re0uirin& special inspections accessible and e;posed until special inspections are co'pleted -btain ,uildin& -fficial approval of t$e a&ency to perfor' Special Inspections Perfor' t$e re0uired Special Inspections <urnis$ Special Inspection Reports to t$e ,uildin& -fficial and t$e R%PR# ,rin& any deficiencies to t$e attention of t$e #ontractor: =otify ,uildin& -fficial and R%PR# if t$e #ontractor does not correct t$e deficiencies: Sub'it a final report docu'entin& t$e Special Inspections and correction of any discrepancies found:

Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge (Typically the Architect)


Structural Engineer

EP Syste!s Engineers

"uilding Official


Special #nspector

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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

" #

Part 4 Suggested Minimum Special Inspector Qualifications

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee " # " ( "20 "2 "22 "2! "2" "25 "22 "23 "2# "2( "!0 "! "!2 "!! "!" "!5 "!2 "!3 "!# "!( ""0 "" ""2 ""! """ ""5 ""2 ""3 ""# ""( "50 "5 "52 "5! "5" "55 "52 "53 "5# "5( "20 "2

Suggested Special Inspector Minimum Qualifications

T$e %ode &dvisory %o''ittee $as co'piled a list of inspector certifications and $as deter'ined t$e 'ini'u' )ualification level for eac$ inspection*verification tas+, T$ese 'ini'u' )ualification levels 'ay be enforced by t$e -uildin. /fficial or t$e -uildin. /fficial 'ay create t$eir own )ualification, T$e Re.istered 0esi.n Professional in Responsible %$ar.e 'ay enforce t$ese )ualifications if t$e -uildin. /fficial does not, In t$e event of conflictin. re)uire'ents, t$e 'ore strin.ent would apply, T$e -uildin. /fficial and t$e R0PR% 'ay accept ot$er certifications at t$eir discretion, -elow is a list of or.ani1ations t$at provide certifications t$at $ave been included in t$is .uide alon. wit$ t$eir web site address, T$is list is not all inclusive and does not preclude acceptance of certification by entities not listed, -oard of &rc$itectural and 4n.ineerin. 45a'iners 6www,tn,.ov*co''erce*boards*ae*7 &%I &'erican %oncrete Institute 6www,concrete,or.7 &IS% &'erican Institute of Steel %onstruction 6www,aisc,or.7 &S8T &'erican Society for 8ondestructive Testin. 6www,asnt,or.7 &9S &'erican 9eldin. Society 6www,aws,or.7 -I& -ric+ Industry &ssociation 6www,bia,or.7 I%% International %ode %ouncil 6www,iccsafe,or.7 8%&R- 8ational %ouncil of &rc$itectural Re.istration -oards 6www,ncarb,or.7 8%:& 8ational %oncrete :asonry &ssociation 6www,nc'a,or.7 8I%4T 8ational Institute for %ertification in 4n.ineerin. Tec$nolo.ies 6www,nicet,or.7 P%I Precast*Prestressed %oncrete Institute 6www,pci,or.7 PTI Post;Tensionin. Institute 6www,post;tensionin.,or.7 -elow are t$e acrony's and brief descriptions for eac$ certification used, Professional Engineer Professional 4n.ineer in t$e State of Tennessee & Professional 4n.ineer 6P47 is an en.ineer re.istered as suc$ wit$ t$e State of Tennessee, To beco'e a P4, an en.ineer $as 'et t$e education, e5perience and e5a'ination re)uire'ents as set fort$ by t$e Tennessee -oard of &rc$itectural and 4n.ineerin. 45a'iners, T$e P4 is to $ave relevant e5perience wit$ t$e inspections bein. 'ade, Engineer Intern 4n.ineer Intern &n 4n.ineer Intern is an en.ineer w$o $as 'et t$e education re)uire'ents as set fort$ by t$e Tennessee -oard of &rc$itectural and 4n.ineerin. 45a'iners as well as passed t$e 8%44S <unda'entals of 4n.ineerin. 45a'ination, &n 4n.ineer Intern $as not co'pleted t$e re)uire'ents to beco'e a Professional 4n.ineer, &n 4n.ineerin. Intern is to be re.istered wit$ t$e -oard of &rc$itectural and 4n.ineerin. 45a'iners, T$e 4n.ineerin. Intern is to $ave relevant e5perience wit$ t$e inspections bein. 'ade, Registered Architect Re.istered &rc$itect in t$e State of Tennessee & Re.istered &rc$itect 6R&7 is an arc$itect re.istered as suc$ wit$ t$e State of Tennessee, To beco'e an R&, an arc$itect $as 'et t$e education, e5perience and e5a'ination re)uire'ents as set fort$ by t$e

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee "22 "2! "2" "25 "22 "23 "2# "2( "30 "3 "32 "3! "3" "35 "32 "33 "3# "3( "#0 "# "#2 "#! "#" "#5 "#2 "#3 "## "#( "(0 "( "(2 "(! "(" "(5 "(2 "(3 "(# "(( 500 50 502 50! 50" 505 502 503 Tennessee -oard of &rc$itectural and 4n.ineerin. 45a'iners as well as co'pleted t$e Intern 0evelop'ent Pro.ra' 6I0P7 as re)uired by t$e 8%&R-, T$e R& is to $ave relevant e5perience wit$ t$e inspections bein. 'ade, ACI Grade 1 &%I <ield Testin. Tec$nician Grade & %oncrete <ield Testin. Tec$nician Grade is certified by &'erican %oncrete Institute and $as de'onstrated +nowled.e and ability to perfor' basic field tests on fres$ly 'i5ed concrete, T$is re)uires a wor+in. understandin. of= te'perature of fres$ly 'i5ed concrete> sa'plin. fres$ly 'i5ed concrete> 'easurin. concrete slu'p> deter'inin. unit wei.$t, yield and air content> air content of fres$ concrete by t$e pressure 'et$od> air content of fres$ concrete by t$e volu'etric 'et$od> and, field 'a+in. and curin. concrete test speci'ens, ACI SI &%I Special %oncrete %onstruction Inspector & %oncrete %onstruction Special Inspector is a person )ualified to inspect and record t$e results of concrete construction inspection based on codes and ?ob specifications, T$is inspector re)uires bein. certified by t$e &'erican %oncrete Institute Inspector %ertification Pro.ra' in accordance wit$ its testin., education and wor+ e5perience re)uire'ents, @nowled.e is re)uired of concrete 'aterials, testin. concrete, concrete construction practices, for'wor+, tolerances, reinforce'ents, e'bed'ents, readin. of plans, understandin. t$e &%I ! # -uildin. %ode Re)uire'ents for Structural %oncrete, and ot$er related aspects of concrete and its construction, AISC Certified Erector &IS% %ertification for 4rectors &IS% %ertification for 4rectors verifies t$e erector $as syste's in place for= safety pro.ra' co'pliant wit$ .overn'ental re.ulations> welders are )ualified accordin. to &9S 0 , and follow written procedures> boltin. procedures follow written re)uire'ents co'plyin. wit$ Researc$ %ouncil on Structural %onnection Specifications> written procedures are in place for fall protection> crane operators are certified> and, pro?ect;specific erection plans for $oistin. and erection re)uire'ents are field underta+en, AISC Certified Fabricator &IS% %ertification for <abricators &IS% %ertification <or <abricators verifies t$e fabricator $as syste's in place for= contract docu'ent review> docu'ent control for s$op drawin.s and ot$er re)uire'ents> purc$asin. of 'aterials to co'ply wit$ pro?ect and fabrication specifications> welders are )ualified accordin. to &9S 0 , and follow written procedures> boltin. procedures follow written re)uire'ents co'plyin. wit$ Researc$ %ouncil on Structural %onnection Specifications> and, bot$ inspection and )uality assurance plans are i'ple'ented, AS!" #e$el II &S8T Aevel II Tec$nician &n &S8T Aevel II Tec$nician certified by t$e &S8T %entral %ertification Pro.ra' 6&%%P7 re)uires an &%%P Aevel II, or an &%%P Aevel III for a .iven 80T testin. 'et$od, 80T test 'et$ods specified by &S8T are= :a.netic Particle Testin.> Ai)uid Penetrant Testin.> Radio.rap$ic Testin.> Bltrasonic Testin.> Cisual and /ptical Testin.> and, 4lectro'a.netic Testin., A%S C%I &9S %ertified 9eldin. Inspector & %ertified 9eldin. Inspector certified by &9S re)uires +nowled.e of= all weldin. funda'entals> weldin. )uality re)uire'ents> weldin. 'etallur.y> &9S weldin. standards> procedure )ualifications

Public Review January 25, 20 !


Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee 50# 50( 5 0 5 5 2 5 ! 5 " 5 5 5 2 5 3 5 # 5 ( 520 52 522 52! 52" 525 522 523 52# 52( 5!0 5! 5!2 5!! 5!" 5!5 5!2 5!3 5!# 5!( 5"0 5" 5"2 5"! 5"" 5"5 5"2 5"3 5"# 5"( 550 55 552 55! 6e)uip'ent, ?oint preparation and .eo'etry7> welder perfor'ance )ualifications and co'pliance wit$ standards and codes> perfor' inspections 6visual and provide nondestructive e5a'ination 68047 inspection plannin. and verifyin. i'ple'entation7> and, perfor' )uality assurance surveillance, A%S CA%I &9S %ertified &ssociate 9eldin. Inspector & %ertified &ssociate 9eldin. Inspector certified by &9S re)uires +nowled.e of= basic weldin. funda'entals> verify standard co'pliance for base and filler 'aterials> verify 'aterial co'patibility> verify weldin. e)uip'ent appropriateness, ed.e preparation and ?oint .eo'etry> provide visual inspections> and provide nondestructive e5a'ination 68047 plannin., ICC SI& Masonr' I%% Structural :asonry Special Inspector &n inspector re)uirin. 'asonry +nowled.e of= 'aterials> 'asonry place'ent and practices> reinforce'ent and connector place'ent> .rout place'ent> code interpretation> plan readin.> International Building Code> &ST: :asonry Standards> &%I 5!0 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures; and, &%I 5!0, Specification for Masonry Structures, ICC SI& Prestressed I%% Prestressed %oncrete Special Inspector &n inspector re)uired to be certified as a Reinforced %oncrete Special Inspector and re)uires overall concrete +nowled.e of= concrete )uality> reinforce'ent> prestressin. and .routin.> for'wor+> ?oints> e'beds> concrete place'ent, protection and curin.> code interpretation> plan readin.> t$e International Building Code> &%I ! # Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary> P%I :8A ; 2 Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Structural Precast Concrete Products> appropriate &ST: prestressin. steel standards> and, PTI post;tensionin. standards for field procedures6: 0,!;007, unbonded tendons 6:55, ;0!7, and roc+ and soil anc$ors 60%!5, ;0"7, ICC SI& Reinforced Concrete I%% Reinforced %oncrete Special Inspector &n inspector re)uired to be certified by &%I as an %oncrete <ield Testin. Tec$nician ; Grade , ac$ieve certification as an I%% Reinforced %oncrete Special Inspector &ssociate 6&ssociate lac+s needed wor+ e5perience to )ualify as a Reinforced %oncrete Special Inspector7, 'eet &%I education and wor+ e5perience re)uire'ents, and $ave overall concrete +nowled.e of= concrete )uality> reinforce'ent> for'wor+> ?oints> e'beds> concrete place'ent, protection and curin.> code interpretation> plan readin.> t$e international Building Code, &%I ! # Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary> appropriate &ST: Standards> and, I%% Concrete Manual, ICC SI& Fireproofing I%% Spray;applied <ireproofin. Special Inspector & certified inspector re)uirin. fire;proofin. +nowled.e of= 'aterials> application preparation, application procedures> testin. of installed product> International Building Code> &ssociation of t$e 9all and %eilin. Industry 6&9%I7 Tec$nical :anual 2;& for testin. and inspection for sprayed;on 'aterials> and &9%I Tec$nical :anual 2;- for testin. and inspection for applied t$in;fil'ed 'aterials, ICC SI& Soils I%% Soils Special Inspector & certified inspector re)uirin. soils +nowled.e of= sa'plin.> classification> evaluatin. laboratory test results> readin. .radin. plans> site preparation> fill 'onitorin. and testin.> t$e International -uildin. %ode> and all applicable &ST: Standards,

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee 55" 555 552 553 55# 55( 520 52 522 52! 52" 525 522 523 52# 52( 530 53 532 53! 53" 535 532 533 53# 53( 5#0 5# 5#2 5#! 5#" 5#5 5#2 5#3 5## 5#( 5(0 5( 5(2 5(! 5(" 5(5 5(2 5(3 5(# 5(( ICC SI& Steel and (olts I%% Structural Steel and -oltin. Special Inspector & certified inspector re)uirin. structural steel +nowled.e of= 'aterial sa'plin., testin. and verification> $i.$;stren.t$ boltin.> steel fra'in. observations> code interpretation> plan readin.> t$e International -uildin. %ode> and, &IS% Steel %onstruction :anual includin. Specification for Structural Joints Bsin. &ST: &!25 or &"(0 -olts, ICC SI& %elding International %ode %ouncil Structural 9eldin. Special Inspector &n inspector re)uired to be certified a Structural Steel and -oltin. Special Inspector and re)uires weld +nowled.e of= 'aterial sa'plin., testin. and verification> structural steel, rebar reinforce'ent and s$eet steel weldin.> t$e I%% International Building Code> &9S Structural 9eldin. %odes 0 , , 0 ,! and 0 ,"> and, &8SI*&9S &2,";(# or &2,";2003 Standard Symbols for Welding, Bra ing, and !ondestructi"e #$amination% !CMA)(IA Inspector 8%:&*-I& :asonry Inspectors T$is inspector is be +nowled.eable and fa'iliar wit$ 8%:& T4@ tec$nical publications includin. T4@ !; #& 6%oncrete :asonry %onstruction7 and #;!- 6%oncrete :asonry Inspection7, and -I& Tec$nical 8otes includin. 8otes ! 6/verview of -uildin. %ode Re)uire'ents for :asonry Structures7, 3& 6Reinforced -ric+ :asonry ; :aterials and %onstruction7, and !(- 6Testin. for 4n.ineered -ric+ :asonry ; Duality %ontrol7, !ICE" Soils #e$el II 8I%4T Soils Inspector Aevel II T$is 8I%4T certified inspector re)uires at least two years of e5perience wit$ at least one year in soils )uality assurance and )uality control, T$e ot$er year of e5perience 'ay be in related activities, or in construction inspection and*or 'aterials testin., !ICE" Soils #e$el III 8I%4T Soils Inspector Aevel III T$is 8I%4T certified inspector re)uires Aevel II wor+ e5perience plus t$ree additional years involvin. soils )uality assurance and )uality control as t$e pri'ary activity, T$e ot$er two years of e5perience 'ay be in construction and*or 'aterials testin., !ICE" Concrete #e$el II 8I%4T %oncrete Inspector Aevel II T$is 8I%4T certified inspector re)uires two years of construction e5perience wit$ at least one year involvin. concrete testin., concrete )uality assurance and concrete )uality control, T$e ot$er year of e5perience 'ay be in related activities or ot$er specialties suc$ as construction inspection and*or ot$er 'aterials testin., PCI Inspector P%I %oncrete Inspector P%I plant personnel certification $as t$ree distinct levels, Aevel I re)uires si5 'ont$s of precast concrete e5perience> understandin. of basic plant )uality control aspects> and certification by &%I in %oncrete <ield Testin. Tec$nician Pro.ra' Aevel , Aevel II re)uires Aevel certification> at least one; year of precast concrete e5perience> +nowled.e of strand tensionin.*elon.ation re)uire'ents> co'pre$ension of accelerated curin.> understandin. of 'aterial control tests> and, weldin. basics, Aevel III re)uire two years of precast concrete industry e5perience> attendance at a special four;day P%I sc$ool> and, P%I Aevel II certification,

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee 200 20 202 20! 20" 205 202 203 20# 20( 2 0 2 P"I #e$el * (onded PTI Aevel 2 -onded Inspector & Aevel 2 -onded inspector is re)uired to be certified by PTI and re)uires +nowled.e of= Post;Tensionin. syste's and co'ponents> 'aterial properties and testin.> installation procedures> tendon stressin. operations> .routin. of syste'> inspection procedures and record +eepin.> construction docu'ents> tendon corrosion protection> and, field safety, 9or+ e5perience for a Aevel 2 -onded inspector re)uires a total of 500 $ours in Post;Tensionin. 6500 in placin., 500 in stressin. and 500 in .routin.7, P"I #e$el * +nbonded PTI Aevel 2 Bnbonded Inspector & Aevel 2 Bnbonded inspector is re)uired to be certified by PTI and re)uires +nowled.e of= Post; Tensionin. syste's and co'ponents> installation procedures> tendon stressin. operations> inspection procedures and record +eepin.> construction docu'ents> tendon corrosion protection> and, field safety, 9or+ e5perience for a Aevel 2 Bnbonded inspector re)uires a total of 500 $ours in Post;Tensionin.,

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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

2 2

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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

2 !

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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

" #

Part 5 Sample Documents

Public Review January 25, 20 !


Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee " 5 " " " ( " , " "20 "2 "22 "2! "22 "25

Sample Document Introduction

T#e followin$ sa%ple docu%ents provide a %eans to present t#e infor%ation re&uired by '#apter () *s wit# %any t#in$s, t#ere are %ultiple ways to acco%plis# t#e various re&uire%ents of '#apter () T#ese docu%ents present +ust one %et#od and are not intended to preclude t#e use of ot#er for%s) T#ere are t#ree %et#ods to present t#e Statement of Special Inspections. on t#e contract drawin$s, in t#e specifications, or as a stand/alone docu%ent) In order to eli%inate lost docu%ents, it is not reco%%ended t#at t#e Statement of Special Inspections be a separate docu%ent) Instead it is reco%%ended t#at it be included eit#er on t#e contract drawin$s or in t#e specifications) T#e e0a%ple Statement of Special Inspections was created utili1in$ t#at i%ple%entation %et#od) If t#e for%s are to be used as a stand/alone docu%ent, t#e R3PR' s#all si$n and seal t#e Statement of Special Inspections)

Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee "2"

Statement of Special Inspections and Special Inspection Schedules

"2( Edit form as required for the appropriate discipline. It is recommended that this be placed in the contract drawings. Public Review January 25, 20 !

Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

"2"!0 Public Review January 25, 20 !


Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee

"! "!2 Public Review January 25, 20 !


Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee "!,

Structural Observations Notification Letter


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee "#0

Contractors Statement of Responsibilities


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee "#2

Daily Special Inspection Report


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee "##

Weekly Special Inspection Report


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee "#"

Special Inspection Discrepancy Notice


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee "#$

Final Structural Observation Letter


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Special Inspections Guide for Tennessee #50

Final Special Inspection Report


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