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CSS Properties
1. background-
Background image for an element is fixed within the viewport or
scrolls along with its containing block
2. background-color Background color of an element
3. background-image Background image for an element
4. background-repeat Repeat background image for an element
5. border Width, line style, and color of the border of a box
6. border-color Color of the border of a box
7. border-radius Rounded corners on the border of a box
8. border-style Line style of the border of a box
9. border-width Border width of a box
10. box-shadow Shadow effects for an element
11. caption-side Position of a table-caption
12. clear Clear floated elements
13. color Foreground color of the text content of an element
14. display Type of rendering box to use for an element
15. float Float an element to either the left or right
16. font
Set the font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size, line-height,
and font-family
17. font-family Prioritized list of font family names to apply to an element
18. font-size Size of the font
19. font-style Style of the font (italic, oblique, normal)
20. font-variant Variant of the font (small-caps, normal)
21. font-weight Weight or boldness of the font
22. height Height of the content area of an element
23. line-height
Height used in the calculation of the line box height for an inline
Minimal height of the line box for a block level element
24. list-style-type Appearance of a list item element
25. margin Margin on all sides of an element
26. margin-bottom Margin on the bottom of an element
27. margin-left Margin on the left side of an element
28. margin-right Margin on the right side of an element
29. margin-top Margin on the top of an element
30. max-height Maximum height of the content area of an element
31. max-width Maximum width of the content area of an element
32. min-height Minimum height of the content area of an element
33. min-width Minimum width of the content area of an element
34. padding Padding space on all sides of an element
35. padding-bottom Padding space on the bottom of an element
36. padding-left Padding space on the left side of an element
37. padding-right Padding space on the right side of an element
38. padding-top Padding space on the top of an element
39. text-align Align text within the parent block element
40. text-decoration
Text formatting of an element such as underline, overline, line-
through and blink
41. text-shadow Shadow effects for the text of an element
42. text-transform
Capitalize the text of an element such as uppercase, lowercase,
43. vertical-align Vertical alignment of an inline element or table cell element
44. width Width of the content area of an element

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