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A social lab is a multi-stakeholder platform through which a diverse team of stakeholders works together using the heads, hearts, and hands to address a complex challenge.
EXAMPLES OF CHALLENGES REOS HAS WORKED ON USING SOCIAL LABS Creating sustainable food supply chains in Europe and the Americas Reducing child malnutrition in Maharashtra, India Supporting orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa Dealing with local development challenges in the Netherlands Improving aboriginal health in New South Wales, Australia Accelerating the use of renewable electricity in the United States Strengthening early childhood development in Calgary, Canada CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIAL LABS: Addressing structural causesnot only symptoms or effects Involving all key stakeholdersnot only experts or authorities Developing solutions in practicenot only making recommendations on paper Iteratively prototyping, piloting, and managing a portfolio of promising solutionsnot only implementing one chosen solution An ongoing platform that delivers results over timenot only a once-off project

For more information: Read Zaid Hassans The Social Labs Revolution: A New Approach to Solving Our Most Complex Challenges Contact us:

How Reos helps business, government, and civil society organisations address complex social challenges

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