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eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data


1 - Foreword ................... 3 2 -General

characteristics ................ 4 3 - Standard Aircraft

Definition ......................... 11 4 -Optional

e !ipment ....................... 13 5"ncompati#ility #etween of optional

e !ipment ........................ $% 6 - &ain

performance .................... $' 7 - C!stomer Ser(ice

O(er(iew ........................ 4'

Manufacturer s notice Attenti on ! E u r o c o p t e r ' s p o l i c y i s o n e o f o n g o i n g p r o d u c t e n h a n c

e m e n t w h i c h m e a n s t h a t a l t e r a t i o n s i n d e f i n i t i o n , p i c t u r e s , w e i g h t s , d

i m e n s i o n s o r p e r f o r m a n c e m a y b e m a d e a t a n y t i m e w i t h o u t n o t i c e b e i n g

i n c l u d e d i n t h o s e d o c u m e n t s t h a t h a v e a l r e a d y b e e n i s s u e d . T h i s d o c u m e

n t c a n n o t t h u s b e t a k e n a s a n o f f e r o r s e r v e a s a n a p p e n d i x t o a c o n t r

a c t w i t h o u t a p r i o r c h e c k a s t o i t s v a l i d i t y a n d p r i o r w r i t t e n a g r e e m e

n t o f E ! " # " $ T E ! . T h e o p e r a t i o n a l o r c e r t i f i c a t i o n r e g u l a t i o n s , a s d e f

i n e d b y t h e l o c a l a u t h o r i t i e s , c a n m a k e c o m p u l s o r y t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f

s o m e o f t h e e % u i p m e n t a n d r e c o m m e n d e d s o l u t i o n s , l i s t e d i n t h i s d o c u m

e n t . T h i s l i s t d o e s n o t c l a i m t o c o v e r t h e w h o l e o f t h e w o r l d w i d e o p e r

a t i o n a l r e % u i r e m e n t s n o r t h e e % u i p m e n t n o t s p e c i f i c a l l y r e l a t e d t o t h e

h e l i c o p t e r & f o r e x a m p l e ' l i f e ( a c k e t ) o r n e c e s s a r y f o r p a r t i c u l a r m i

s s i o n s & f o r e x a m p l e ' s u p p l e m e n t a l o x y g e n ) . T h e o p e r a t o r i s r e s p o n s i b l

e f o r a s c e r t a i n i n g w i t h h i s l o c a l a u t h o r i t i e s t h a t t h e p l a n n e d c o n f i g u

r a t i o n o f t h e h e l i c o p t e r c o m p l i e s w i t h r e g u l a t o r y r e % u i r e m e n t s f o r t h e

a r e a & s ) o f o p e r a t i o n s a n d t h e t y p e & s ) o f m i s s i o n & s ) c o n s i d e r e d .

The data set forth in this document are

general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons,ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 1 This document is the property of EUROCOPTE R no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTE R and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPT ER

eurocopter an EADS Company Data



The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 2

This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company 1- Fore or!

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

The *+ ,-- . twin engin e versio n of the E# ! E /0 family is power ed with 1 T !2 "3E #* *!!/ + 4* engin es of -15

s h p & , 6 6 k 7 ) e a c h . / t b e n e f i t s f r o m t h e 8 * D E # s

ystem &8ull *utho rity Digital Engin e #ontr ol) which make s pilotin g easier and safer it is the most afford able twinengin e helico pter in the marke t. Thank s to its two engin es and its redun dant syste ms, the *+ ,-- . is able to perfor

m m i s s i o n s s u c h a s f l i g h t s o v e r w a t e r , o r h o s t i

le enviro nment s by day and night. E%uip ped with option s re%uir ed by the local regula tion, it is compli ant with the 9*! "$+ , regula tion re%uir ement s for operat ions in perfor manc e class 4. 3ore partic ularly, it is totally suited for police and

3 E D E : * # o p e r a t i o n s o v e r l a r g e c i t i e s , a e r i a l w o

rk and offsho re suppo rt operat ions. /t is fully #ateg ory * and /8! certifi ed. /t can also be e%uip ped with a , axis autopi lot. Thank s to its single engin e flight perfor manc e, the *+ ,-- . is able to operat e from buildin g roofto ps, to work near power lines

o r t o e n s u r e s a f e h a r b o u r p i l o t t r a n s p o r t a t i o n .

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 3 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company 2-

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

G e n e r a l

C " a r a c t e r i s t i c

t . 1

# a y $ u t %as sen &ertran spor t - 1 pilot .% pass en/e rs in stan dard (ersi on - 1 pilot .4 or % pass en/e rs in 0com fort0 (ersi on 1 p i l o

p a s s e n / e r s i n 0 h i / h d e n s i t y 0 ( e r s i o n C a s u a ' t y e (

a c u a t i o n 1 p i l o t . 1 o r $ s t r e t c h e r p a t i e n t s . $ d o c t o Therm o d y n a m

r s C a r & o c a r r y i n & - 1 pilot . 3 m3 21*%.' ft33 load in ca#in


5& '- .ote ' Empty weight 144 accuracy' within ;1 < 341 * Empty ei&"t+ 35 16 stan!ar! aircraft ,inc'u!in& en&ine oi' an! unusa-'e fue'. * /sefu' 'oa! * Ma0imum a''-up ei&"t * Ma0imum car&o-s in& 'oa! * Ma0imum a''-up ei&"t in e0terna %o er p'ant 2 1/23$MECA A224/S 1A t!r#ine en/ines En&ine ratin&s 5) c" s" 36 %$ p 6 6

i c $ o w e r , i n s t a n d a r d a t m o s p h e r e , a t s e a l e v e l M a 0

i m u m e m e r & e n c y p o e r , $ E 4 2

6 2 t n i n . . * 4nterme!iate emer&ency po er , * 1a5e-off po er * Ma0imum continuous po er /sa-'e Fue' capacities S t a n ! a r ! o n . ' 4 i 5 t % r e s 5 3 *

1 1


1 4 $ 5 $ 6 $ 5

T he data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,ref erence must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 4 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

e!rocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

Main !imensions * 1*.1' m 3%.*5 ft * 1 61 m

1* .' 3 m 3 % . 6 1 ft 1 $ ' 4 m 4 $ 4 % ft $ . $

3 . * % m 1 * f t

6 r 5 . 4 6 f t Dimensions it" -'a!es fo'!e!

ofEUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation ofEUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

1 79 m 8.1:

35.78 ft T he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons,ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E % This document is the property

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data


Standard lay-o!t

C!stomi7ed lay-o!t

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 1 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the

e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTE R and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPT ER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data Dimensions of compartments an! accesses Ca#in main dimensions

2,00 m *44$ 4----r^t------ 3415 14%1 *4'3 14*% *41* m m ft 3415 ft m. 143% 1435 %- - m

* 4 6 % m 8? $ 4 5 6 ft ;<-=>>>>>

CA+") S!rfa ce A 9ol!me $.1* m$ $5.'6 3.*** m3

:; ;O:D *.43 S!rface m$ *.$3% 9ol!me m3

<; ;O:D *.3% S!rface m$ *.$** 9ol!me m3

<EA< ;O:D *.%% S!rface m$ *.4'1 9ol!me m3

he data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations.refe rence must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 5 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

=O=A: ;O:DS 1.33 S!rface m$ *.'31 9ol!me m3 3$.6% Ca#in floor

- %i'ot@s safety -e't attac"ment an! frei&"t-tie!o n rin&s

%assen&er safety -e't or frei&"t tie!o n rin&s T

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

$t"er c"aracteristics =><+O&ECA A<<">S 1A t!r#ine en/ines

%$* shp 2366 ,?3 ma@im!m contin/ency power Optimi7ed en/ine ratin/s accordin/ to o!tside operations conditions than,s to electronic /o(ernin/ system 2FADEC3 &od!lar desi/n F!lly pro(en and relia#le en/ine "F< coc,pit lay-o!t 2on option3

Standard red!ndant hydra!lic and electrical systems Sin/le-pilot or two-pilot possi#le confi/!rations 3 a@is a!topilot with fli/ht director co!pler

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating

limitati ons.ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 6 This document is the property of EUROCOPTE R no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTE R and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPT ER

eurocopter an EADS Company TCChnlCSl Data


Criteria for Cate/ory * or AA< OBS 3 operations =he twin-en/ined helicopters that are C - certified accordin/ to FA< Bart $5 - compliant with the FA< Bart $' re !irements for CA= .A en/ine ins!lation - compliant with the AA< Bart $' re !irements4 as clarified in "E& OBS 346* ha(e the Cate/ory A e !i(alence. =he EC><E>": AS3%%) complies with the a#o(e-mentioned re !irements and th!s has the Cate/ory A e !i(alence4 which is mandatory for AA< OBS 3 operations in performance class 1 and $. All the conditions relatin/ to the helicopter that are re !ired for the AA< OBS 3 Berformance Class 1 operations are met #y the EC><E>": AS3%%) as soon as C 1. the aircraft is e !ipped with the 0En/ines fire-e@tin/!ishin/ system0. =his installation is a(aila#le as an optional item on new helicopter 2commercial reference *%-$$**4-**-C"3 or it can #e installed after deli(ery accordin/ to the Ser(ice +!lletin nD $1-*1. $. the wei/ht conditions for the proced!re on helipad are respected. =hese are descri#ed in the Fli/ht &an!el S!pplement nD $ 0Broced!res and performance data on clear airfield and helipad with one en/ine inoperati(e - )ormal mode and =rainin/ mode0. 3 All other e !ipment items4 re !ired #y the local fli/ht re/!lations of the co!ntry concerned4 are installed and ser(icea#le.

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations .reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E ' This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company Data



The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 10

This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

3- AS 355 N EC/2E/4# Stan!ar! Aircraft Definition =he helicopter in the definition4 presented hereafter4 is appro(ed #y the followin/ airworthiness a!thorities C DGAC4 :+A4 E)AC4 CAA4 FAA. =his list is not restricti(e and the stat!s of appro(al #y other airworthiness a!thorities m!st #e chec,ed. Accordin/ to the type of operations considered 2day or ni/ht 9F<4 sin/le or twopilot "F<34 this definition m!st #e s!pplemented in a/reement with the local re/!lation in force. GE)E<A: F!sela/e comprisin / the ca#in and 3 l!//a/e holds with floor4 tiedown nets and access doors =ail #oom with sta#ili7er4 antitor !e rotor and fin S,id landin/ /ear capa#le of ta,in/ handlin/ wheels :iftin/ points >pper moorin/ fi@t!res E@ternal paint C f!sela/e accordin/ to standard paint schemes. >nless modified #y optional item4 the main rotor head co(er and the s,id landin/ /ear are painted in /rey. "nternal paint C /rey.

CA+") Ca#in floor in li/ht-alloy sheetmetal with tie-down rin/s $ pilot and copilot hi/h-#ac, seats4 adE!sta#l e in reach4 remo(a#l e4 complete with c!shions4 safety #elts and d!alstrap sho!ld er harnes ses $ twoplace rear #enchseats4 folda#l e separa tely4 comple te with c!shio ns4 safety #elts a n d si n / l e s tr a p s h o ! l d e r

harn esse s $ pilot and copil ot Eettis ona# le door s each fitted with a slidin / wind ow

$ rea r do ore@t en sio ns for pa ss en /er s an d car /o $ tint ed !p per pa ne s 1 do !#l ewa ll cei lin / ho !si n/ the (e ntil ati on co ndi tio nin / d! cts Fi@ ed pa rts for pil ot an d co pil ot wi nd shi eld wi pe rs 1 pil ot ma p ca se De mi sti n/ sy ste m for pil ot an d

c o p i l o t f r o n t p a n e s 1 f i r e e @ t i n / ! i s h e r 1 F l i / h t & a n ! a l .



")S=<>&E)=S 1 airspeed indicator 1 altimeter 1 rateof-clim# indicator 1 tor !em eter 2$ needles3 1 triple tachome ter 2) rotor free t!r#ines 1 F $3 8 en/ine o!tlet temperat !re d!al indicator 9e n/i ne oil te m pe rat !r e ind ica tor s$ en /in e oil pr es s! re ind ica tor s $ al ph an! m eri cal )/ in dic at or s 1 A )/ in dic at or $ f!e l co nte nts /a !/ es $ f!e l pr es s!r e ind ica tor s 1 a m m et er 1 (ol tm et er 1 clo ck 1 wa rni n/ pa nel 1 O A= ind ica tor on ca no py 1 m a/ ne tic co m pa ss 1 he at ed pit ot he ad .

BO?E< B:A)= $ =!r#omec

a A<<" >S 1A t!r#i ne en/in es4 de(el oppin / 366 ,? 2%$6 ch %$* shp3 ma@. emer /enc y powe r 2one en/in e inope rati(e 34 comp lete with starti n/4 f!el s!ppl y4 f!el rehe atin/4 di/ita l en/in e contr ol 2DEC 3 with man !al #ac,!p /o(e rnin/ 4 o(ers peed prote ction4 infli/ht resta rt syste ms and fitted with $ chip detec tors.

$ f!el syste ms incl! din/ $ indep ende nt tan,s of 53* litres 21'3 >S /al.3 total capa city $ en/in e l!#ric ation and oil cooli n/ syste ms 4 fire detec tion syste ms $ airinta, e prote cti(e /rids $ tor ! emeas !rem ent pic,!ps.

document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations .reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1**.*1 E 11 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

he data set forth in this

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

=<A)S&"SS"O) SGS=E& 1 main /ear#o@4 anti(i#ration mo!nted4 with oil si/ht /a!/e4 chip detector4 oil temperat! re and press!re switches4 port for endoscop e and selfsealin/ (al(e for oil samplin/ and drainin/ 1 com#inati on #o@ 10 mai n /ear#o@ oil coolin/ system 11 en /ine to main /ear#o@ co!plin/ shafts 1 rotor #ra,e 1 main rotor r.p.m. sensor and hi/h and low r.p.m. warnin/ de(ice 1 tail dri(e carried #y si@ #all #earin/s 1 tail /ear#o@ with oil si/ht /a!/e4 chip detector and port for endoscopi c inspection .

<O=O<S A)D F:G")G CO)=<O:S 1 main rotor with 3 compositematerial #lades aro!nd a Starfle@ head fitted with spherical thr!st #earin/s 12 anti -tor !e rotor with $ compositematerial #lades 13 hyd ra!lic /eneration systems 3 d!al#ody main rotor hydra!lic ser(o !nits 1 tail rotor hydra!lic ser(o!nit and a load compens ator Flyin/ controls with pro(ision s for the a!topilot.

E:EC=<"CA: ")S=A::A="O) $ 4.% ,?4

$6 9 DC start er/ene rator s4 inde pend ant #!s #ars 1 1 % a m p. hr c a d m i! m ni c, el # at te ry 1 /r o ! n d p o w er re c e pt a cl e 3 positi on li/hts

14 flash in/ anticolli sion li/ht 1 5 f i @ e d l a n d i n / l i / h t s $ c a # i n d o m e l i / h t s "nstr !me ntpan el4 ceili n/pan el and con sole li/hti n/ 1 $6 9 DC ca#i n pow er o!tl et.

18 lif tin/ rin/ 19 ! pper moorin/ rin/s 20 m ain#lade soc,s 1 tail rotor loc,in/ de(ice 1 doc!me nt

ho ld er 1 air #o rn e ,it st o w a/ e #a /.

2I3 2wei/ht not incl!ded in standard aircraft empty wei/ht3

A"<+O<)E H"= 2I3 $ p i t o t h e a d 1 6 1 7 $

Th e data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations.refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1**.*1 E 1$ This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data : -

$ p t i o n a '

e A u i p m e n t

: 1

M i s

s i o n

=his pac,a/e m!st #e re/arded as a whole and its contents cannot #e modified nor sold separately. =he ca#in layo!t offers transportation a#ility for one pilot and one passen/er at the front and for 3 passen/ers at the rear. An optional transformation ,it allows transportin/ 4 rear passen/ers. All the optional items listed in chapter 4-$ can #e installed as e !ipment complementary to this pac,a/e4 in coherence with the ta#le of incompati#ility presented in chapter %.

p a c 5 a & e E!rocopter proposes one mission pac,a/e4 specially desi/ned for passen/er transport4 offerin/ an hi/h le(el of finishin/.

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations .reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 13 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be

disclosed. EUROCOPT ER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data Document Commercia' )ame reference reference 55-551 1-* **%**$ $-**C" Style nce J pac, a/e 1

, E@tra char/e for c!stomi7ed e@ternal paint le(el $ 4 =inted windows Ca#in heatin/ installation Air conditionin/ system :ow s,id landin/ /ear with $ short footsteps :ayo!t Stylence J4 incl!din/ mainly :i/ht /rey internal paint Ener/y a#sor#in/ front seats !pholstered in leather4 with casin/ made of car#on fi#er and leather stora/e po!ch 3-place rear #ench seats !pholstered in leather with fairin/ of the lower part "nte/rated door case co(ered with li/ht /rey leather on lar/e <; front door :eft rear slidin/ door Ca#in carpet with one set of o(ercarpets Carpet ed/e protection >pholstery panels on ca#in ceilin/ and rear partition with so!ndproofin/ :eather insert on

rear partition Carpet #a//a/ e #ay floor co(erin / Brotecti on co(ers for seats Br otecti on co(er for carp et 9F< day and ni/ht sol!ti on =hales ; 3$1 E;& Gyrohori7on ;oneyw ell HCS %% A Gyro Compa ss with ;oneyw ell Hl %$% A ;ori7on tal Sit!atio n "ndicato r >l '%1* - =!rn and +an, indicato r ;oneyw ell HK11%A 9;FALO <L:OCL GS Garmin

G)S 43* 9;FL9O<L:OCLG SLGBS Garmin G=K 3$5 - =ransponder 2mode A.C3 Shadin 66** = Altit!de Encoder Hannad 1$1 AF; - Emer/ency :ocator =ransmitter Garmin G&A34*; - "CS The +T=0E.#E > layout is available in ? colour schemes ' 2rick M *ubergine M #amel @raphite M #hocolate M 3arine AS 3%% ) Stylence J confi/!ration empty wei/htC Specific optiona' item 55--5511-* **-%**$$*1-C" Stylence J 4 rear places layo!t transformatio n ,it =he aircraft e !ipped empty wei/ht is correct to N $ O. Accordin/ to aircraft e !ipmen t4 #allast 1 1* * ,/ -3 %6 1 l#

may #e re !ired to accommodate (ario!s mission confi/!rations. 1 +ophisticated paint scheme with finishing of superior %uality, possibility of varnished finishing. T he data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refe rence must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 14 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

1* ,/ -$$ l#

e!rocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data :-2 #ist of optiona' eAuipment .ote ' value of the weight breakdown is given for information and shall not be considered as contractual. @eneral e !ipment

Docu 5--5454?-* 0505-21004-005-ment 01018-01-C4 refere 1455ACI 05-22004* 00-CI 5-- 05- 055--5454B-* 01019-00-C4 1155A23002-00-CI * 05-24003-005-5--5155A-* 051,551CI 05-24004* 5-- 0500-CI 1A55,25004-00-CI * 5-05-25006-001A55ACI 05-25007* 5-- 0500-CI 1-55A28001-00-CI * 5-05-31003-001-55?CI 05-31004* 5-- 0501-CI 1-55B31004-02-CI

C o m m e r c i a ' ) a m e r e f e r e n c e C.A. A. 9.F. <. certi ficati on ,it 4 C.A. A. ".F.< . 2sin /le pilot or two

pilot3 certificat ion ,it 1 E@trachar/e for c!stomi 7ed e@ternal paint le(el 1 , E@trachar/e for c!stomi 7ed e@ternal paint le(el $ A E@trachar/e for c!stomi 7ed e@ternal paint4 apart from le(els 1 and $ ?ire stri,e protecti on system

? E n / i n e f i r e e @ t i n / ! i s h i n / s y s t e m 5 E n / i n e f l ! s h i

n/ de(ice witho!t remo(al of cowlin/s ;i/h (isi#ility main rotor #lades =ail rotor arch Sandpre(ention filters4 dynamic type <einforced sanderosion protection strip on main rotor #lades <einforced sanderosion protection strip on tail rotor #lades Brotecti(e lower cowlin/s =inted window for standard and optional confi/!rati on +!l/ed window on copilot front door 2:; side3 +!l/ed

window on ri/ht rear door +!l/ed window on left rear door

BilotPs windshi eld wiper 6 CopilotPs windshi eld wiper 8 '5&

1: 33 .5 :. 0 :. 0 $ n B. B 8. 2 0. 9 0. 1 1. 5 28 .: 0. 2 0. 1 $ n 0. 0 0. 1 0. 1 2. 8 2.

32.0 93.B 7.7 7.7 reAue st 21.7 13.9 1.5 0.2 3.3 57.2 0.: 0.2 reAue st 0.0 -1.1 0.2 0.2 5.9 5.9


Thes e extra s cove r in parti cular the follo wing items of optio nal e%ui pme nt' Engi ne fireextin guish ing syste m, !C landi nglight &swiv elling in eleva tion)

and 0C landing-light &swivelling in elevation and aDimuth). 22 These extras cover in particular the following items of optional e%uipment' Engine fireextinguishing system, !C landing-light &swivelling in elevation), 0C landing-light &swivelling in elevation and aDimuth), 1nd battery E 1nd altimeter. 23 $aint scheme comprising a basic shade and 1 or , additional shades, with straight separation lines, apart from standard paint schemes. 24 $aint scheme comprising a basic shade and up to , additional shades, with separation lines not straight or tangled up, with graduated shades or complicated emblem or logo to be hand-painted. 25 +ophisticated paint scheme with numerous shades, complex graduated shades, or complicated emblem or logo. 26 This optional item has to be fitted in production line. 27 3andatory for 9*! "$+ , operations in performance classes 4 and 1. 28 "ptional e%uipment already included in the copilot /8! kit when this configuration is purchased. he data set forth in this document are general in T

natur e and for infor mati on purp oses only. For perfo rman ce data and oper ating limit ation s,refe rence must be made to the appr oved flight manu al and all appr opria te docu ment s. 355 ) 05.101.01 E 15 This document is the property of EUROCOPTE R no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTE R and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPT ER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data @eneral e !ipment 2contin!ed3 D o c u m e n t r e f e r e n c e 5 , B 5 5 6 * 5 A 4 5 5 , * 5 A 1 5 5 A * 5-?455B-* 5-?1551-* 5-B5554-* 5-6154B-* 5-6A551-* 5-6-55,-* 5-F1551-* 5-F,554-* 5-F,551-* )ame C o m m e r c i a l r e f e r e n c e 05-3900700-C4 Dua' controls 1 05-:100300-C4 Ca#in heatin/ i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * '5 & 4.7 2.1 55.0 18.0 4.8 1.7 21.0 0.3 27.6 2 . 0 : . : 1 . 7 : . 0 n o t a p p '

10 4 12 39 10 3 46 0 60

i c a ' e 0 . 8 1 . 8 1 . 0 2 . 2

Specific mission e !ipment 5?-44556-* 08-11007-00C4 S><FA"< S,is F 5?-44541-* 08-11012-00C4 Settlin/ protectors 5?-4454B-* 08-11019-00C4 S,id wearin/ plates 5?-41541-* 08-12012-00C4 :ow s,id landin/ /ear with $ short footsteps 5?-4154,-* 08-12013-*$C" ;i/h s,id landin/ /ear with $ do!#le footsteps 10 5?-4154A-* 08-1201:-02C4 ;i/h s,id landin/ /ear with $ short footsteps 10 5?-4154--* 08-12015-01C"

;i/h s,id landin / /ear with $ lon/ footste ps 10

27.0 4.1 1.3 7.9 10.7 16.0 16.9

59.5 9.0 2.9 17.4 23.6 35.3 37.3

29 "ptional item of e%uipment already included in the copilot /8! kit when this configuration is purchased. 30 "ptional item of e%uipment already included in the singlepilot /8! kit when this configuration is purchased. 31 *vailable ' cycle . $ months. !e%uires the fitting of one of the optional items 5B5555F-55-#/ G#omfort layoutG or 5B55544-55-#/ G#omfort layout with soundproofingG or 5B-55541-55#/ GExecutive lay-outG. 32 !ecommended for start-up in cold weather. 33 3andatory for autopilot. 34 #apable of rough weather conditions. 35 The removable parts are delivered as @round +upport E%uipment. Tool weight H ,1.1 kg - B4 lb. 36 !ecommended for transport by land, air and sea &when not in a container). 37 /ncompatible with the optional item 5?-

4154--54-#/ GCigh skid landing gear with 1 long footstepsG. 38 !eplace s the standard type of landing gear. T he data set forth in this docu ment are gene ral in natur e and for infor mati on purp oses only. For perfo rman ce data and oper ating limit ation s,refe rence must be made to the appr oved flight manu al and all appr opria te docu ment s. 355 ) 05.101.01 E 18 This document is the property of EUROCOPTE R no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation

of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data Specific mission e !ipment 2contin!ed3 D C ) o o c m u m m e e r n c t i a r l e r f e e f r e e r n e c n e c e 0 6-* 5?-1A554-* 6 5?-1-554-* 5?5?2 1?55,-* 1 1B55?-* 0 0 2 5?-,455?-* 5?A155?-* 5?A A155B-* 5?-AB 551-* 5 ? 1 4 5 5 ? * 5?-AB 55,-* 5??455A-* 5?-BA55?-* ' -

5 ? 1 4 5 4

08 21 00 200 F% A" < E Q >" BE & E )= ele ctri cal hoi st 2131 ,/ 3** l#4 4* m - 131 f ca#le3 Fi@ed Barts 1 08 21 00 200 2 % A" < E Q >" BE

& oist 2$*4 E ,/ - 4%* ) = l#4 %* m 114 ft e ca#le3 l F e i@ed Barts c 1 08t 21008r 00-2% i +<EERE c electrical a hoist 2$*4 - 4%* l ,/ l#4 %* h 114 ft m o ca#le3 i <e s mo t (a #le 2131 ,/ Bar 3** l#4 4* m ts -131 ft 08ca#le3 21017<emo(a#le Barts 00-C4 0 S!pport 8 for 2 +ree7e 1 electrical 0 hoist 2 0 088 - 2:0010 00-C4 0 <appellin F / % installatio n 2witho!t + rope3 3 < E 08E 25001R 00-C4 E Drip t!# e 2sea l resc!e3 A e 08c t 28003r 00-C4 i <; side c a e@ternal l mirror 5h 6

0 8 2 9 0 0 8 0 0 F % C a r / o s w i n / w it h d y n a m o m e t e r 2 1 4 1 3 4 , / $ 4 % * * l # 3

Fi @ e d

"nte/rate d hailers 8 *00-C4 <; landin/ li/ht 2swi(ellin / in ele(ation3 9

B a rt s 9 0 8 2 9 *00-C4 0 0 :; 8 :andin/li/ht 0 0 2swi(ellin / in 2 ele(ation % C and a a7im!th3 r / 0 o 0 s w F in % / w S it p h e d c y t n r a o m l o a m # et e S r K 2 14 1 1 1 3 4 s , e / a r $4 c % h * * l l# i 3 / h <emo(a#le t 0631006 0642006 Barts 06*00C4 F i @ e d B a r

ts 002% Spe ctrol a# SK 11 sear chli/ht <em o(a #le Bart s 08 :9 00 300 -C4 "nf ra <e d filt er for SB E C= < O: A+ SK 11 se ar ch li/ ht 0661004 0661004 10 *00F% Eme r/en cy float atio n /ear Fi@e d Bart

s 2% Emer/ ency floatati on /ear <emo (a#le Barts *00C4 Adapt ation for ni/httime missio ns with

) 9 G

2.6 37.5 3.3 51.8 5.4 3.2 -0.8 2.9 4.5 29.1 1 3 . 2

5.7 82.7 7.3 114.2 11.9 7.1 -1.8 6.4 9.9

9. 18.3 3. 8.7 1 3. 9.5 : 5. 12.1 2B 85.0 2. :.: 0 5. 12.8 89 1:B.0 $ reAue

1 /mplies the fitting of the 2 optional item 5B--555,55-#/ G0eft rear sliding 3 doorG. !e%uires the selection of : the optional item 5?1455?-55-8$ G2!EEIE 5 electrical hoist - 8ixed $artsG. 8 /mplies the fitting of rear 9 sliding door on both sides. 7 The weight figure includes the removal of the cushions of the two standard two-place rear 1 bench-seats 0 and seat belts &bench seats folded). !ecommended for slingEswing work. The optional item 5?A155?-55-#/ G!C swivellable landing lightG is recommended for simultaneous use. /mplies the fitting one type of high skid landing gear' 5?-4154,-51-#/ or5?-4154A-51-#/ or 5?4154--54-#/. #ompatible with coupler +8/3 #D: 6- T ,. /ncompatible with the optional item 5?-?455A55-8$ GEmergency floatation gear - 8ixed $artsG. "ptional items of e%uipment already included in the singlepilot /8! instrument kit when this configuration is purchased. The filter is not remotely controlled retractable.

h e d at a s et fo rt h in th is d o c u m e nt a re g e n e r al in n at u re a n d fo r in fo r m at io n p u r p o s e s o nl y. F o r p e rf o r m a n c e d at a a n d o p e r at in g li m it at io n

s,reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 19 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data "nterior ca#in layo!t Docu )ame ment refere C o m m e r c i a l 5B 155 4* 09 25 00 100 C4 3 pl ac es in st ea d of 4 pl ac es tra ns for m ati on ,it A 5B A5 55 twoplace front #ench seat 2pilot on ri/ht side3 -<emo (a#le Barts

r e f e r e n c e 5B-5555F-* 09-0000B-00-C4 Comfort layo!t 5B-55544-* 09-00011-00-C4 Comfort lay-o!t with so!nd-proofin/ 5B-5554F-* 09-0001B-00-C4 Alternate fa#rics for seats 5B-55515-* 09-00020-00-C4 :eather !pholstery for seats 4 5B-4-545-* 09-15010-00-C4 Ener/y-a#sor#in/ front seats 5B-4-545-* 09-15010-01-C4 :en/thened rails for ener/y-a#sor#in/ front seats 1 5B-1A55A-* 092:00:-00-F% :eft side two-place front #ench seat 2pilot on ri/ht side3 - Fi@ed Barts 3 09-2:00:00-2% :eft side

,-* 09:0003-00-C4 9el(et carpetin/ 4 5B-A555A-* 09-:000:00-C4 ?asha#le floor co(erin/ 5B--5551-* 09-5000201-C4 "mpro(ed side-(isi#ility in <; lar/e front door 5B--5551-* 09-5000202-C4 "mpro(ed side-(isi#ility in :; lar/e front door 5B--555,-* 09-5000300-C4 :eft rear slidin/ door 5B--555--* 09-5000500-C4 <i/ht rear slidin/ door % 5B--555?-* 09-5000800-C4 Slidin/ window4 on rear :; slidin/ door

5 B 5 5 5 B * 0 9 5 0 0 0 9 0 0 C 4 S li d i n / w i n d o w 4 o n r e a r < ;

slidin/ door 5B-B554,-* 09-90013-00-C4 E&S ,it 2AA=3 6 5B-B4554-* 0991001-00F% :ower cas!alty carryin/ installation with stretcher Fi@ed Barts 0991001-002% :ower cas!alty carryin/ installation with stretcher <emo(a#l e Barts 5 5B-B455?-* 0991008-00-F% >pper cas!alty carryin/ installation with stretcher - Fi@ed Barts 8 09-9100800-2% >pper cas!alty carryin/ installation with stretcher <emo(a#l e Barts 5 '- 5& 30.7 67.7

43 .7 96 .3 O n r e ! e s t O n r e ! e s t 3. 0 8. 8 2. 0 :. 0 2. 3 5. 7.1 3. 2

: B.9 O reAue n st O reAue n 3 st 8.8 . 3 8.8 . 3 9.5 . 3 9.5 . 1 2.: . 1 2.: . 2efer to AA= 0.9 0 S -'.' 4 0 0.: . S $ -1.4

5 F 5 5 # / G # o m f o r t l a y o u t G a n d 5 B 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 # / G # o m f o r t l a y o u t w i t h s o u n d


" p t i o n a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e o p t i o n a l i t e m s 5 B 5 5 5


p r o o f i n g G . 40 !e%uire s the selection of the optional item 5B4-545-55-#/ GEnergyabsorbing front seatsG. 41 The twoplace front bench seat is incompatible with the /.8.! version. 42 /ncludin g mainly A arm-rests and a fifth harness. 43 /mprove d side visibility in the correspondin g front door included in the optional e%uipment. *ir *m bul an ce Te ch nol og y &* *T) is res po nsi ble for the co nfo rmi ty, per for ma nc e an



d certifica tion of the ambula nce installati on on the helicopt er. Each weight figure includes the complete removal of one two-place rear bench seat and copilot seat. 7hen the removable parts of lower and upper casualty carrying installations are installed simultaneously, the total weight supplement for both removable parts is 41.6 kg - 16.1 lb. /ncompatible with /.8.!. instrument panel. #ompatibility with the :8! instrument panel to be checked according to the radio communication E navigation configuration.

T he data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refer ence must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 ) 05.101.01 E 16 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the

e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTE R and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPT ER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data A(ionics 9F< day and ni/ht recommended pac,a/e D C ) o o c m u m m e e r n c t i a r ' e f r e e r f e e n r c e e n c e 5655 54 A-* 0700 01 :01C4 CF 2 !a y an ! ni& "t so' uti on "ncl!din/ = h a l e s ; 3 $ ' -

6 1 . 7

1 E;& Gyrohori7on 4 ;oneywe ll HCS %% A - Gyro Compas s with ;oneyw ell Hl %$% A;ori7ont al Sit!ation "ndicator 1 >l '% 1* =! rn an d + an , in di ca tor

de Encoder

H a n n a d 1 $ 1 A F ; E m e r / e n c y : o c a t o r = r a n s m i t t e r A = e a m = + $ 5 " C S -

S h a di n 6 6 * * = Al tit !

;oneywe ll HK11% 9;FL9O <L:OCLG S Garmin G)S 43* 9;FL9O <L:OCLG SLGBS , Garmin G=K 3$5 =ranspo nder 2mode A.C3

=eam +A1611 Bassen/ er "nterpho ne E !ipment that can replace an e !ipment in recommende d pac,a/e D oc u m e nt C o m m er ci a' re fe re nc e re fe re n ce 5??B 5, 4-* 0889 03 102C4 ) ' -

5-* 07180:0-02-C4 56-1151--* 07-2202500-C4 56--4546-* 07-5101701-C4

HA) HK 11% )AD 9;FL9O<L:OCLGS 4*1 AF-; -Eme Garmin G&A 34* r/enc ; 6- F-10 instead y of =eam =+ $5 :ocat "CS . or =rans $n reAuest mitter =eam +A 1611 ?- B Bassen/er 0.1 "nterphone 0.2 instea Garmin G=K 33* d of HA) =ransponder )AD 2mode S3 -11 1$1 AF-; 0.8 1.3 Emer /ency instead of :ocat ;oneywell H= 51 A or - =ransponder =rans mitter 2mode A.C3 ;one =hales ; 14*ywell Gyro-hori7on HK11 0.: 0.B %A 9;FL instead of =hales ; 9O<L 3$1 E;& - Gyro:OCL hori7on GS 8 =hales ; 3$1 $n E;&-Stand-#y reAu /yro-hori7on est 3.0 instea 8.8 d of instead of >l '%1* ;one =!rn and +an, ywell indicator 47 7ith slip indicator included when the Turn and 2ank indicator is replaced by the standby gyro-horiDon. 48 7ith a selector switch for .* :4E.* :1 selection. 49 Delivered with E !"$E map. +ubscription to be made by the customer. 50 $ fre%uencies ' 414.- 3CD, 1A, 3CD. #ompliant with ED ?1 and T+" #F4*. 51 L. C. S. compatible only with 0ow level E Cigh impedance headsets. 52 , fre%uencies ' 414.- 3CD, 1A, 3CD,

56--454F-* 56- 07-5101B44 02-C4 55 ?-* 07110 0800C4 564? 5A

A5? 3CD. #ompliant with ED ?1 and T+" #F4*. T h e $ r o g r a m m i n g D a t a + h e e t m u s t b e f i l l e d a n d c o m m u n i c a t e d b y t h e c u s t o

m e r t w o m o n t h s a t t h e l a t e s t b e f o r e t h e h e li c o p t e r' s d e li v e r y . 53 3ay be a mandatory e%uipment, re%uired by local airworthiness authorities. 54 *vailability to be checked. 55 /.#.+. compatible only with Cigh levelECigh impedance headsets. 56 /ncludes the passenger interphone function. 57 The mode + identification must be communicated by the customer two months at the latest before the delivery. he data set T

f o rt h i n t h is d o c u m e n t a r e g e n e r a l i n n a t u r e a n d f o r i n f o r m a ti o n p u r p o s e s o n ly . F o r p e rf o r m a n c e d a t a a n d o p e r a ti

ng limitations,r eference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 ) 05.101.01 E 1B This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

Additional e !ipment that can #e added dependin/ on operational needs or the re !irements of the a!thorities in certain co!ntries if not incl!ded in the recommended pac,a/e Applica#le for day and ni/ht 9F< Certification D C o o ) c m u m m e e r n c t i a ' r e r f e e f r e e n r c e e n c e 56-4555B* 07-1000900-C4 ;oneywell H;F '%* ;FLSS+ 56-41541* 07-1201200-C4 )A= )BK ' -

1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 with fail! passi(at 5

18 2. 5 0. 5 0. 5 0. 2 1. 0 5. 0 3. 5

40.1 5.5 1.1 1.1 0.4 2.2 11.0 7.7

4. 9.5 3 0. 0.9 4 1. 2.2 0 O request n 2. 6.0 7 33 74.1 *.3 *.5

ti fi e d i s * : * 0 E K * 3 + B 5 5 5 . " t h e r m o d e l s c a n b e p r o p o s e d a c c o r d i n g t o c u s t o m e r' s o p e


58 Cigh level E Cigh impedance headset. 59 0ow levelE Cigh impedance headset. 60 /mplies the fitting of 56-?455A-51#/ GC".E=7E0 0 Jl 11F !adio 3agnetic /ndicatorG. T h e m o d e l c u r r e n t l y c e r

r a t i o n a l n e e d s . 62 /mplies the mandatory fitting of the 1-5 :* *# generation system, Thales C4A5 gyro-horiDon. h e d a t a s et f o rt h i n t h is d o c u m e n t a r e g e n e r a l i n n a t u r e a n d f o r i n f o r m a ti T

on purposes only. For performanc e data and operating limitations,r eference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) 05.101.01 E 20 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data "F< sol!tions &inim!m items of e !ipment - sin/le pilot "F< D C ) o o c m u m m e e r n c t i a r e ' f e r e r e f n e c r e e n c e 56545 15* 07010 2000C4 Sin &'epi'o t 4F2 inst a''a tio n "ncl!din/ S p e c i a l " F < i n s t ' -

2 : 2 . 5

=hales ; 14* Fli/ht director /yrohori7on ;oneyw ell HCS %% A Gyro Compas s with

r!ment panel in place of the standard one Second anemo#arometr ic circ!it

G a r m i n G ) S 4 3 * 9 ; F L 9 O < L : O C L G S L G B S 4 ; o n e y w e l l H < 6 5 A D F ; o n e y w e l l H = 5 1 A -

;oneywell H)" %6$ <adio &a/netic "ndicator

;oneywe ll Hl %$% A;ori7ont al Sit!ation "ndicator =hales ; 14* Stand-#y /yrohori7on <ate-ofclim# indicator with setter in place of the standard one

with two needles and twin switchin/ BilotPs windshiel d wiper CopilotPs windshiel d wiper <; landin/ li/ht 2swi(ellin / in ele(ation 3 instead of the standard fi@ed one Ca#in heatin/ installatio n ;oneywe ll HK11% 9;FL9O <L:OCLG S

;oneywell H< $1 &ar,er #eacon recei(er

=ranspon der 2mode A.C3 Shadin 66** = Altit!de Encoder =hales A;9 11 <adio altimeter SF"& 6% = 31 . SF"& CD9 6% = 3 - 3A@is AB . FDC4 9F< F "F<4 with fail!re passi(ati on !nit $%* 9A AC 1st /enerati on system $%* 9A AC $nd /enerati on system Hannad 1$1 AF;Emer/en cy :ocator =ransmitt er 1 =eam =+ 3' 2$ control #o@es3 "CS , =eam +A1611 Bassen/ er "nterpho ne

63 Delivered with E !"$E map. +ubscription to be made by the customer. 64 $ fre%uencies ' 414.- 3CD, 1A, 3CD. #ompliant with ED ?1 and T+" #F4*. 65 L. C. S. compatible only with 0ow level E Cigh impedance headsets. T he data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performanc e data and operating limitations,r eference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 21 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data Additional e !ipment for two pilot "F< D C ) o o c m u m m e e r n c t i a r l e r f e e f r e e r n e c n e c e 5654514-* 070102100-C4 4F2 copi'ot 5it ,for t o pi'ot 4F2 f'i&"t. "ncl!din/ $ n d s e t o f i n s t r ! m e n t s f o r t w o ' -

4 1 . 7

A l t i m e t e r 4

pilot "F< C

561151 --* 07-

Airspeed indicator4 <ate-ofclim# indicator4 <otor tachometer4 A!top ilot indicatin / panel. ;oneyw ell HCS %% A Gyro Compas s with ;oneyw ell Hl %$% A;ori7ont al Sit!ation "ndicator =hales ; 14* Gyrohori7on D!al controls

2202 5-00C4

HA))AD 4*1 AF-; Emer/en cy :ocator =ransmitt er 4 -instead of HA))AD 1$1 AF-; Emer/en cy :ocator =ransmitt er ;one ywell HK11 %A 9;FL 9O<L :OCL GS , instea d of ;one ywell HK 11% 9;FL 9O<L :OCL GS Garmin G=K 3$5 =ranspon der 2mode A.C3 , instead of ;oneywe ll H= 51 A =ranspon der 2mode A.C3 Garmin G=K 33* =ranspon der 2mode S3 1- A instead of ;oneywe ll H= 51 A =ranspon der 2mode

A . C 3

E !ipment that can replace an e !ipment in "F< sol!tion D C ) o o c u m e n t r e f e r e n c e 0.0 5??B 5, 4-* 08890 3 5 ' -

0.0 $ n re A u es t $ n re A u es t 0.6 1.3

1 , fre%uencies ' 414.- 3CD, 1A, 3CD, A5? 3CD. #ompliant with ED ?1 and T+" #F4*. The $rogramming Data +heet must be filled and communicated by the customer two months at the latest before the helicopter's delivery. 66 3ay be a mandatory e%uipment, re%uired by local airworthiness authorities. 67 *vailability to be checked. 68 The mode + identification must be communicated by the customer two months at the latest before the delivery. T he data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performanc e data and operating limitations,r eference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 ) 05.101.01 E 22 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data Additional e !ipment that can #e added dependin/ on operational needs or the re !irements of the a!thorities in certain co!ntries if not incl!ded in minim!m items pac,a/e D o 56-4555B-* 07-10009-00-C4 ;oneywell - H;F '%* - ;FLSS+ 56-41541-* 07-12012-00-C4 )A= )BK 136 9;FLF& marine 56-4654,-* 07-17013-00-C4 Silec - 444'-1 ;eadset 4 56-4651A-* 07-1702:-00-C4 Electrical e@tension 56-4651--* 07-17025-00-C4 Elno FB;1** ;elmet 56-1454B-* 07-21019-00-C4 $nd indicator ")D$*1 for =hales A;9 11 <adio altimeter 56-1-55,-* 07-25003-00-C4 ;oneywell H) 13 - D&E ' 5 6 1 5 4 B * 0 7 2 5 0 1 9 0 0 C 4 $ n d i n

dicator for ;oneywel l H) 13 D&E 56,451,-* 07-3102300-C4 =elephoni es <D< 14** C Colo!r ?eather <adar 56,451A-* 07-3102:00-C4 ;oneywel l <D< $*** Colo!r ?eather <adar 1 56,655,-* 07-3700300-C4 +FGoodri ch ?K1*** Stormsco pe 1 56F455--* 07-B100500-C4 ;o!rmete r

16 4*.1 $. %.% % *. 1.1 % *. *.4 $ 1. $.$ * *. $.* ' 3. 5.3 3 *. *.' 4 16 4*.6 .% O re !e n st 13.% 1. 1 *. *.5 The radioEcomEnav. e%uipment weight figures included in this chapter are average values. *s the installation of those e%uipment may vary from one aEc to an other, the weight of a complete configuration with multiple items may not be the simple sum of all individual weights.

69 0ow levelE Cigh impedance headset. 70 *vailability to be checked. he data set forth in this document are general T

in n at u re a n d fo r in fo r m at io n p u r p o s e s o nl y. F o r p e rf o r m a n c e d at a a n d o p e r at in g li m it at io n s, re fe re n c e m u st b e m a d e to th e a p p r o v e d fl ig

ht manual and all appropriate documents. 355 ) 05.101.01 E 23 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company Data



The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 2:

This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data 5- 4ncompati-i'ity -et een of optiona' eAuipment S "mpossi#ility of sim!ltaneo!s fitment of the fi@ed parts of $ items of e !ipment T =otal or partial incompati#ility of sim!ltaneo!s fitment of the remo(al parts of two items of e !ipment - Bossi#ility of sim!ltaneo!s fitment on the same aircraft4 #!t impossi#le to !se sim!ltaneo!sly .ote' =his ta#le indicates the compati#ility restrictions e@istin/ #etween the installations. =he cons!ltation of E><OCOB=E < is necessary for the definiti(e E !ipment Compati#ility clearance of a confi/!ration. <eference U : V A.. U U4U. . "nstallation Optional General e !ipment *%-$4**4-**-C" =ail rotor arch *%-3$**3-**-C" CopilotPs windshield *%-35**6-**-C" D!al controls

*%-4$**4-**-C" Air conditionin/ syst

*%-64**$-**-<B Ferryin/ tan, - <emo(a#le parts

*1-11**6-**-C" S><FA"<s,is *1-1$*1$-**-C" :ow s,id landin/ /ear with $ footsteps *1-1$*1%-*1 -C"short ;i/h s,id landin/ /ear with $ lon/ footsteps

nd for information purposes only. For performanc e data and operating limitations, reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E $% This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

T h e d a t a s e t f o r t h i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a r e g e n e r a l i n n a t u r e a

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data <eference W. . Optional U : V A.. U "nstallation

Specific mission e !ipm

08-21002-00-F% A42 ED/4%EMEN1 e'ectrica' "oist ,138 5& - 300 '-+ :0 m -131 ft ca-'e. - Fi0e! parts 08-21002-00-2% A42 ED/4%EMEN1 e'ectrica' "oist ,138 5& - 300 '-+ :0 m -131 ft ca-'e. - 2emo(a-'e parts

08-21008-00-F% 32EEEE e'ectrica' " ,20: 5& - :50 '-+ 50 m -18: ft ca-'e. Fi0e! parts 08-21008-00-2% 32EEEE e'ectrica' " ,20: 5& - :50 '-+ 50 m -18: ft ca-'e. 2emo(a-'e parts

08-2:001-00-C4 2appe''in& insta''at

08-25001-00-C4 Drip tu- ,sea rescu


"nly the stru ctur al sup plies inclu ded in 5?-

1 4 5 5 ? 5 5 8 $ G 2 ! E E I E e l e c t r i c a l h o i s t 8 i x e d p a r t s G a r e c o m p a t i b l e w i t

h 5?145 51558$ G*/! EL /$ E3 E.T elec trica l hois t8ixe d part sG. 72 Coisting remains possible when the floats are folded. 73 /mplies the fitting of rear sliding door on both sides. T he data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performanc e data and operating limitations,r eference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 28 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data <eference U4U. . Optional U : V A.. U "nstallation

Specific mission e !ipm 2contin!ed3

*1-$5**1-**-FB Car/o swin/ with dynamometer 21134 ,/ - $4%** l#3 Fi@ed parts *1-$5**1-**-<B Car/o swin/ with dynamometer 21134 ,/ - $4%** l#3 - <emo(a#le parts

*1-31**1-**-C" "nte/rated hailers *1-45**$-**-<B SBEC=<O:A+ SK 1 searchli/ht - <emo(a#le parts

*1-11**4-**-FB Emer/ency floatation Fi@ed parts *1-11**4-**-<B Emer/ency floatatio <emo(a#le parts

*1-54**1-**-C" Adaptation for ni/ missions with )9G "nterior arran/ement *5-****'-**-C" Comfort lay-o!t

*5-***11 -**-C" Comfort lay-o!t with proofin/ *5-***1$-**-C" 0E@ec!ti(e0 lay-o!t

*5-1%*1*-**-C" Ener/y-a#sor#in/ fro *5-$4**4-**-<B :eft side two-place fr #ench seat 2pilot on <; side3 - <emo( parts

Coisting remains possible when the floats are folded. he data set forth in this document T

a re g e n e r al in n at u re a n d fo r in fo r m at io n p u r p o s e s o nl y. F o r p e rf o r m a n c e d at a a n d o p e r at in g li m it at io n s, re fe re n c e m u st b e m a d e to th e a p

proved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E $5 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data <eference U4U. . Optional U : V A.. U "nstallation

"nterior arran/ement 2c

09-25001-00-C4 3 p'aces instea! of transformation 5it

09-50002-01-C4 4mpro(e! si!e-(isi2F 'ar&e front !oor 09-50002-02-C4 4mpro(e! si!e-(isi #F 'ar&e front !oor

09-50003-00-C4 #eft rear s'i!in& !o 09-50005-00-C4 2i&"t rear s'i!in& ! 09-90013-00-C4 EMS5itAA1

09-91001-00-2% #o er casua'tycarryin& insta''ation it" stretc"er 2emo(a-'e parts

09-91008-00-2% /pper casua'ty-carr insta''ation 1 it" stretc"er 2emo(a-'e parts


07-10009-00-C4 Foney e'' - GFF B5 FF6SS3

1 /ncompatible with /.8.!. instrument panel. #ompatibility with the :8! instrument panel to be checked according to the radio

commun ication E navigati on configur ation. h e d at a s et fo rt h in th is d o c u m e nt a re g e n e r al in n at u re a n d fo r in fo r m at io n p u r p o s e s o nl y. F o r p e rf o r m a n c e d at a a n d o p e T

rating limitations,r eference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 27 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

6- Main performan e =he followin/ performance (al!es and fi/!res refer to an AS 355 )4 e !ipped with ne en&ines. >nless otherwise specified4 the (al!es and fi/!res refer to a c'ean "e'icopter at Sea #e(e' ,S#.+ in 4nternationa' Stan!ar! Atmosp"ere 2"SA3 and Hero in! condition. Performan e on 2 en!ine" Gross ?ei/ht

S &a@im!m speed4 9)E 5m6"r * Fast cr!ise speed 2at &CB3 5m6"r * <ecommended cr!ise speed 5m6"r * F!el cons!mption at recommende cr!ise 5&6"r speed 4-6" * <ate-of-clim# at &CB m6sec * ;o(er ceilin/ "GE 2at =OB4 hei/ht 1 "SA m ft "SA ceilin/ . $*DCOGE 2at =OB3 S ;o(er

"SA m ft "SA . $*DC S Ser(ice ceilin/ 21 mLs4 $** ftLmin3 m S <an/e 5m 2witho!t reser(e4 at recommended cr!ise nm speed3 S End!rance "rC min 2witho!t reser(e4 at 100 5m6" 5:5ts.

T he data set forth in this docum ent are genera l in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operat ing limitat ions,re ferenc e must be made to the approv ed flight manua l and all appro priate docum ents. 355 N 05.101.01 29 This document is the property of EUROCOPT ER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPT ER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPT ER

e!rocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

%erformance on 1 en&ine Gross ?ei/ht

S <ate of clim# at intermediate contin/ency mLsec power ftLmin S Ser(ice ceilin/ 21 mLsec4 $** ftLmin "SA m ft "SA . $*DC S &a@im!m =emperat!re for CA= A ta,e-off DC from clear heliport4 a S: S &a@im!m =emperat!re for CA= A ta,e-off DC from helipad4 at S: #1$ &a@im!m wei/ht on helipad CA=. A C $4%4* ,/ 2. $'DC3. $peratin& 'imitations 1"e "e'icopter is c'eare! to -e operate! it"in t"e fo''o in& a'titu!e an! temperature 'imitations ,accor!in& to F'i&"t Manua'.. For comp'ementary information+ refer to F'i&"t Manua'. &a@im !m altit!d eC &a@im !m tempe rat!re &inim !m tempe rat!re For CA= A operations4 14*'1 m $*4*** ft 2BA3 "SA . 3%DC limited to . %*DC -4*DC

the densityaltit!de m!st #e e !al to or less than $4$%% m 544** ft. A--re(iation s AEO "GEC "SAC &C OE" OG All En/ines Operati(e "n Gro!nd Effect "nternational Standard &a@im!m Contin!o!s Bower One En/ine "noperati(e O!t of Gro!nd Effect

hrCm ,/C l#C ,m C

ho!rsCmin! ,ilo/ramm po!nds ,ilometers

/nits nm C ,tsC ftLmi mLse DCC na!tical miles ,nots feet per min!te meters per de/rees

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 3* This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data %erformance c"arts =he performance charts presented hereafter apply to an aircraft as per the standard definition. Ba/e 3$ Ba/e 33 Ba/e 34 Ba/e 3% Ba/e 31 Ba/e 35 Ba/e 36 Ba/e 3' Ba/e 4* = a Ba/e , e -

o f f w e i / h t i n h o ( e r " G E 4 A E O 2 h e i / h t 1 f t 4 & a @ i m ! m = O B 4 n o w i n d 3 = a , e -

o f f w e i / h t i n h o ( e r O G E 4 A E O 2 & a @ i m ! m = O B 4 n o w i n d 3 = a , e o f f w e i / h t i n

h o ( e r " G E 4 O E " 2 & a @ i m ! m c o n t i n / e n c y p o w e r 4 n o w i n d 3 = a , e o f f w e i / h t i

n h o ( e r O G E 4 O E " 2 & a @ i m ! m c o n t i n / e n c y p o w e r 4 n o w i n d 3 = a , e o f f w e i / h t

C A = A 4 c l e a r h e l i p o r t 2 " n t e r m e d i a t e c o n t i n / e n c y p o w e r 3 = a , e o f f w e i / h t

C A = A 4 h e l i p a d 2 & a @ i m ! m c o n t i n / e n c y p o w e r 3 F a s t c r ! i s e s p e e d 2 " S A 3 F a

s t c r ! i s e s p e e d 2 " S A . $ * D C 3 < e c o m m e n d e d c r ! i s e s p e e d 2 " S A 3 < e c o m m e n d e d

c r ! i s e s p e e d 2 " S A . $ * D C 3 < a t e o f c l i m # i n o # l i ! e f l i / h t 2 A E O 4 " S A 4

& C B 3 < a t e o f c l i m # i n o # l i ! e f l i / h t 2 A E O 4 " S A . $ * D C 4 & C B 3 <ate of clim# in o#li !e fli/ht 2OE"4 "SA4 "ntermediate contin/ency power3 <ate of clim# in

o#li !e fli/ht 2OE"4 "SA .$*DC4 "ntermediate contin/ency power3 ; o ! r l y f ! e l c o n s ! m p t i o n a t f a s t c r ! i s e s p e e d 2 " S A 4 " S A . $ * D C 4 "

S A . 3 % D C 3 ; o ! r l y f ! e l c o n s ! m p t i o n a t r e c o m m e n d e d c r ! i s e s p e e d 2 " S A 4 " S A

. $ * D C 4 " S A . 3 % D C 3 BayloadL<an/e 2"SA4 S:4 recommended cr!ise speed4 witho!t reser(e3 The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations.refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 31 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

=AHE-OFF ?E"G;=S ") ;O9E< "GE on t o en&ines at ma0imum 1$% ,Fei&"t 8 ft. 10 20 30 40

10000 $*** 4*** 3000

2ft3 Br es s!r e Alti t!d e 2m %*** X 4 %*** 1***


.ote ' *pproved performance s &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.

R no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

T he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons,ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 3$ This document is the property of EUROCOPTE

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

=AHE-OFF ?E"G;=S ") ;O9E< OGE on t o en&ines at ma0imum 1$%

2ft3 Br es s! re Alt it! de 2m 3 5000 1*** 4*** 1 3*** 1 1000 % * * *


.ote ' *pproved performance s &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.

it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

T he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons,ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 33 This document is the property of EUROCOPTE R no part of

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

=AHE-OFF ?E"G;=S ") ;O9E< "GE on 1 en&ine at ma0imum contin&ency po er ,$.E.4. 2 6 min.
1 2

$% t#



$* 4*

3* %* =2DC3

.ote ' *pproved performances &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.


%*** 15000 4*** 3*** 10000

$*** %*** 1000 * -4* -3* -$* -1* * 1*

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 34 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

=AHE-OFF ?E"G;=S ") ;O9E< OGE on 1 en&ine at ma0imum contin&ency po er ,$.E.4. 2162 min. -40 -30 -20 -10

2ft3 Br es s!r e Alti t!d e 2m 3 1*** %*** 1 5 0 0 0

4 * * * 1 $ * * * % 10 00

" =2DC3

.ote ' *pproved performance s &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.

of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

T he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons,ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% N 05.101.01 E 3% This document is the property

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

=AHE-OFF ?E"G;=S F<O& A C:EA< ;E:"BO<= 2CA=. A3 at interme!iate contin&ency po er ,$.E.4. 30 min.


250 0 7

200 0 8 1500 1000 0 500



.ote ' *pproved performance s &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.

EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

T he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons,ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 31 This document is the property of

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

=AHE-OFF ?E"G;=S F<O& A ;E:"BAD 2CA=. A3 at ma0imum contin&ency po er ,$.E.4. 2162 min.

2 f t 3 B r e s s ! r e A l t i

$ % * * 6 $ * * * 1 1 5 0 0 4 1 0 0

0 $ % * * *

" =

Su-stantiate! "ei&"t6 spee! en(e'ope

.ote ' *pproved performances &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 39 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

FAS= C<>"SE SBEED "SA "SO-?ei/ht 2,/3 2ft3 Bress!re Altit!de 2m3 %***

1*** 10000 4*** $***


15000 16* 1'* $** $1* $$* $3* $4* $%* $1* $5* $6*

=r!e airsp i i i i "..............."................. "....................... 1 1 3 4 1*% 5 5 11% 1$% 2,t3

.ote ' Typical performance with clean standard aircraft.

authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

T he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons.ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 36 This document is the property of EUROCOPTE R no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data


"SA . $*DC

2ft 3 Br es s! re Al tit ! d e 2 m %*** 3 $*** 4*** 10000 300o 1*** 1 5


r ........... 10 5 1 1 5 ...........4 i i i 1 2 5 1 3 5 14 5


.ote ' Typical performance with clean standard aircraft.

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations.refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 3' This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

<E C O & & E) DE D C< >" SE SB EE D "SA $*** 3***

1 0 Bress! 0 re 0 Altit!d 180 e 1000 0 %*** 2m3 % 1 * * * * * * 4*** 15000



" i/ht S2,/3 O $ =r ? e!e Air i'i ii ii 1 0 0 1

s p e e d 2

, m L h 3

................ I ................ iiii 1 1 1 4 0 $kt#

flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 4* This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

.ote ' Typical performance with clean standard aircraft.

he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons.ref erence must be made to the approv ed

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

<E C O & & E) DE D C< >" SE SB EE D

4SA J 20IC 3***

1 0 Bress! 0 0 re Altit!d 180 e 1*** 0 %*** 2m3 % 1 * * * * * * 4*** 15000



" i/ht S2,/3 O $ =r ? e!e Air

s p e e d 2

, m L h 3


0 2,t3

....................................... i...................................... i...................................... 1 0 0 1 1 1 0

.ote ' Typical performance with clean standard aircraft.

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations.refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 41 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

<A=E OF C:"&+ ") O+:"Q>E F:"G;= on 2 en&ines at MC% 4SA

2ft3 Br es s!r e Alti t!d e 2m %*** %*** 10000 4*** 1 5 0 0 0 3000

97 2mLs3 iii i ii ii 4 i i 4.........

% * *

1 * * *

1 % * *

$ * * *

$ % * * 2ftLmn3

4$ This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

.ote ' *pproved performance s &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.

T he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons,ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

<A=E OF C:"&+ ") O+:"Q>E F:"G;= on $ en/ines at &CB "SA . $*DC


2ft3 Br es s!r e Alti t!d e %*** 2m3 4*** 1*** 1 5 0 0 0 3*** $*** 1 0

97 2mLs3 ............. ............. M.............. 4............. 4 44 44 % * * 1 * * * 1 5 0 0 $ * * * $ % * * 2ftLmn3

flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 43 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

.ote ' *pproved performance s &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.

he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons,ref erence must be made to the approv ed

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

< A = E


C : " & +

" )

O + : " Q > E

F : " G ; = on 1 en&ine

at interme!iate contin&ency po er ,$.E.4. 30 min. 4SA 2 %*** 1* ** 1 10000 4*** $***

S %** 10 00

O 1%* * 2ftLmn3


.ote ' *pproved performances &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% N 05.101.01 E :: This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its

contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPT ER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

< A = E


C : " & +

" )

O + : " Q > E

F : " G ; = o

n1 en/ine at intermed iate contin/e ncy power 2O.E.". 3* min3 "SA . $*DC 2 %*** 1* ** 1 4*** 1 3*** 1000 %

S %** 10 00 150 0


.ote ' *pproved performances &as long as the engines meet the power check criteria), as defined in the 8light 3anual.

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 4% This document is the

property of EUROCOPTE R no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTE R and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPT ER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

;O><:G F>E: CO)S>&B="O) at fast cruise spee! 4SA+ 4SA J 20IC+ 4SA J 35IC ,ft. 1**** 15000 %*** $*** %ressure A'titu!e ,m. 8000


r((0.....0000 C




;o!rly F!e

.ote ' Typical consumption with clean standard aircraft and new engines.

T he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons.ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 41 This document is the property of EUROCOPTE R no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTE R and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPT ER

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

;O><:G F>E: CO)S>&B="O) at recommended cr!ise speed "SA4 "SA . $*DC4 "SA . 3%DC 10000 15000 5000 2000 ) P r e s s u r e A l t i t u d e ( m ) 6 0 0 0 0 $** 0 100 120 140 160 180 3



;o!rly F!el Cons!mption 2,/Lh3

.ote ' Typical consumption with clean standard aircraft and new engines.

!ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

T he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons.ref erence must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp riate docum ents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 45 This document is the property of EUROCOPTE R no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted

eurocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

,i -.

BAG:OAD L <A)GE 4SA 2ecommen!e! cruise spee! Empty ei&"t

eAuippe! a6c J 1 pi'otK 1+5:5 5& 3+:08 4- 1 (kg)

2 0 0 1000 0 0 5 0 800 0 1 5 0 0 600

400 1 0 0



1 *ircraft e%uipped and approved for :8! day and night operations &avionics included in empty weight). A. " The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,refere nce must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% N 05.101.01 E :7 " This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

L> Y A : C

>' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 " 1 1

11 1 111111 ............. 200 400 600 800 Range (km) .. . . I .. . . I .. . . I .. . . I .. . . 4 0 0

1 0 0


.ote ' Typical mission without reserve, with dean aircraft and new engines.

eurocopter an EADS Company TCChnlCSl Data


9- Customer Ser(ice $(er(ie Assets - Bossi#ility to perform ma@im!m of maintenance tas,s #y operators thro!/h mod!lar e@chan/e4 - :ow re !ired manho!r on the sched!led maintenance4 - &aintenance simple and easy to perform than,s to optimi7ed accessi#ility to dynamic components and e !ipment that is confirmed #y Ec!re!il lar/e e@perience 2more than 13 millions fli/ht ho!rs34 - :imited n!m#er of tools4 - )o test #ench4 - Amon/ technical p!#lications4 &aster Ser(icin/ <ecommendation has #een written in s!ch a manner that it can #e directly !sed as a maintenance tas,s repertory in the wor,shop4 - C!stomer Ser(ices networ, thro!/h n!mero!s and e@perienced ser(ice stations than,s to lar/e Ec!re!il fleet 2nearly 4*** ALC3 flyin/ all o(er the world.

Main%enan e an& main%aina'i(i%) &a%a 0Sched!led0 and 0!nsched!led0 maintenance are considered in manho!r fi/!res /i(en hereafter.

Sc"e!u'e! maintenance S Bossi#ility to perform maintenance tas,s accordin/ to each operator needs C - -'oc5e! "o'e inspection 2helicopter !na(aila#le d!rin/ all the

inspection d!ration34 or - ;sp'itte!; inspection 2helicopter a(aila#le for fli/ht since the inspection is performed in se(eral #atches of maintenance operations4 in respect with the limitations and periodicities defined in the &aster Ser(icin/ <ecommendation3.

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations .reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E 4' This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

e!rocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data

Estimate! Mean Man Four per F'yin& Four ,MMF6FF. ,stan!ar! aircraft - 300 F'yin& "our6year - 2 f'i&"ts per !ay. 0.70 MMF6FF 1 2Sched!le d. !nsched!l ed . S+ implement ation3

Detai' * 3asic S Daily chec,s C S 1** fli/ht hrs periodicity tas,s "ncl!din/ a(era/e 0correcti(e0 wor,s S %** fli/ht hrs or $4 months periodicity tas,s "ncl!din/ a(era/e 0correcti(e0 wor,s /n 0 sc "e !u' e! ,re 'ia -i'i ty ca us e.

S 12 years inspectio ns reAuirin& 335 MMF

riate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 50 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

74 33CE8 C ' 3ean 3an Cour per 8light Cour. 75 33C ' 3ean 3an Cour. he data set forth in this docum ent are general in nature and for inform ation purpos es only. For perfor mance data and operati ng limitati ons .refere nce must be made to the approv ed flight manual and all approp T

e!rocopter an EADS Company

ECUREUIL AS 355 N Technical Data 1ime 3et een $(er"au' ,13$.6Ser(ice #ife #imit ,5##. MaMor assem-'ies &ain +lade <ear +lade &G+

Epicyclic re # <ed!ction / Oil p!mp

Complete en/ine =G+ &ain ser(o-!nit 2=<? type32=<? =ail ser(o-!nit type3 Documentation E!rocopter AS 3%% ) technical doc!mentation4 pleasant and easy to cons!lt4 is #asically s!pplied C * $n an 4nteracti(e E'ectronic Support ,CD-2$M $%EN 355.+ pro(i!e! free of c"ar&e+ it" a t ice a year up!ate+ that incl!des the whole doc!mentation C Operatin/ 2e@cept Fli/ht &an!al34 &aintenance4 "dentification and Specific doc!ments. =he CD-<O& prod!ct presents /reat ad(anta/es s!ch as C Z &ore efficiency in maintenance than,s to C

D i r e c t a n d i n s t a n t a n e o ! s a c c e s s t o m a n ! a l s a n d d a t a # y

0hyperte@ t0 na(i/atio n - Easy search #y ,eywords and m!ltiple criteria - ;i/hly porta#le technical p!#licatio ns in an e@tremely compact format Z Q ! i c , ! p d a t i n / w i t h o ! t i n s e r

t i o n m i s t a , e r i s , . a n ! * On paper Fli/ht &an!a l Other doc!m ents C &aster Ser(ici n/ <ecom menda tion4 Ser(ic e +!lletin s. .ote ' 4. *s an option , the whole documentatio n is available on paper. 1. Turbom eca *rrius

4* engine documentation is available both under #D-!"3 and paper format.

The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations .reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 3%% ) *%.1*1.*1 E %1 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall he reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. EUROCOPTER

eurocopter an EADS Company Data



The data set forth in this document are general in nature and for information purposes only. For performance data and operating limitations,reference must be made to the approved flight manual and all appropriate documents. 355 N 05.101.01 E 52 This document is the property of EUROCOPTER no part of it shall be reproduced or transmitted !ithout the e"press prior !ritten authori#ation of EUROCOPTER and its contents shall not be disclosed. $ EUROCOPTER

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