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English Certificate

- 2012 -

1. Introduction . 3 2. Beauty of Future Airplanes is More than Skin Deep 3. A Select Fe! " 3.1 #he Dou$le Bu$$le D" ... " 3.2 S%all $ut Mi&hty . '

3.3 Business as (sual) ' . Su$sonic (ltra *reen Aircraft +esearch . 10 ,. *reen Supersonic Machine . 11 -. An Iconic Idea . 12 .. /onclusion .. 12 ". Bi$lio&raphy 1

1. Introduction
In late 20100 1ASA a!arded contracts to three tea%s 2 3ockheed Martin0 1orthrop *ru%%an0 #he Boein& /o%pany 2 to study ad4anced concept desi&ns for aircraft that could take to the skies in the year 202,. At the ti%e of the a!ard0 the tea% &a4e 1ASA a sneak peek of the particular desi&n they plan to pursue. 5ach desi&n looks 4ery different0 $ut all final desi&ns ha4e to %eet 1ASA6s &oals for less noise0 cleaner e7haust and lo!er fuel consu%ption. 5ach aircraft has to $e a$le to do all of those thin&s at the sa%e ti%e0 !hich re8uires a co%ple7 dance of tradeoffs $et!een all of the ne! ad4anced technolo&ies that !ill $e on these 4ehicles. #he proposed aircraft !ill also ha4e to operate safely in a %ore %oderni9ed air traffic %ana&e%ent syste%. And each desi&n has to fly up to ", percent of the speed of sound: co4er a ran&e of appro7i%ately .0000 %iles: and carry $et!een ,00000 and 1000000 pounds of payload0 either passen&ers or car&o. For the rest of this year0 each tea% !ill $e e7plorin&0 testin&0 si%ulatin&0 keepin& and discardin& inno4ations and technolo&ies to %ake their desi&n a !inner.

2. Beauty of Future Airplanes is More than Skin Deep

An 1"-%onth 1ASA research effort to 4isuali9e the passen&er airplanes of the future has produced so%e ideas that at first &lance %ay appear to $e old fashioned. Instead of e7otic ne! desi&ns see%in&ly $orro!ed fro% science fiction0 fa%iliar shapes do%inate the pa&es of ad4anced concept studies !hich four industry tea%s co%pleted for 1ASA6s Funda%ental Aeronautics ;ro&ra% in April 2010. 3ook %ore closely at these concepts for airplanes that %ay enter ser4ice 20 to 2, years fro% no! and you6ll see thin&s that are 8uite different fro% the aircraft of today. <ust $eneath the skin of these concepts lie $reakthrou&h airfra%e and propulsion technolo&ies desi&ned to help the co%%ercial aircraft of to%orro! fly si&nificantly 8uieter0 cleaner0 and %ore fuel-efficiently0 !ith %ore passen&er co%fort0 and to %ore of A%erica6s airports. =ou %ay see ultra%odern shape %e%ory alloys0 cera%ic or fi$er co%posites0 car$on nanotu$e or fi$er optic ca$lin&0 self-healin& skin0 hy$rid electric en&ines0 foldin& !in&s0 dou$le fusela&es and 4irtual reality !indo!s. >Standin& ne7t to the airplane0 you %ay not $e a$le to tell the difference0 $ut the i%pro4e%ents !ill $e re4olutionary0> said +ichard ?ahls0 pro@ect scientist for the Funda%ental Aeronautics ;ro&ra%6s Su$sonic Fi7ed ?in& ;ro@ect at 1ASA6s 3an&ley +esearch /enter in Aa%pton0 Ba. >#echnolo&ical $eauty is %ore than skin deep.> In Ccto$er 200"0 1ASA asked industry and acade%ia to i%a&ine !hat the future %i&ht $rin& and de4elop ad4anced concepts for aircraft that can satisfy anticipated co%%ercial air transportation needs !hile %eetin& specific ener&y efficiency0 en4iron%ental and operational &oals in 2030 and $eyond. #he studies !ere intended to identify key technolo&y de4elop%ent needs to ena$le the en4isioned ad4anced airfra%es and propulsion syste%s. 1ASA6s &oals for a 2030-era aircraft0 co%pared !ith an aircraft enterin& ser4ice today0 areD A .1-deci$el reduction $elo! current Federal A4iation Ad%inistration noise standards0 !hich ai% to contain o$@ectiona$le noise !ithin airport $oundaries. A &reater than ., percent reduction on the International /i4il A4iation Cr&ani9ation6s /o%%ittee on A4iation 5n4iron%ental ;rotection Si7th Meetin&0 or /A5;E-0 standard for nitro&en o7ide e%issions0 !hich ai%s to i%pro4e air 8uality around airports. A &reater than .0 percent reduction in fuel $urn perfor%ance0 !hich could reduce &reenhouse &as e%issions and the cost of air tra4el. 4

#he a$ility to e7ploit %etrople7 concepts that ena$le opti%al use of run!ays at %ultiple airports !ithin %etropolitan areas0 as a %eans of reducin& air traffic con&estion and delays. #he tea%s !ere led $y *eneral 5lectric0 Massachusetts Institute of #echnolo&y0 1orthrop *ru%%an and #he Boein& /o%pany. Aere are so%e hi&hli&hts fro% their final reportsD #he *5 A4iation tea% conceptuali9es a 20-passen&er aircraft that could reduce con&estion at %a@or %etropolitan hu$s $y usin& co%%unity airports for pointto-point tra4el. #he aircraft has an o4al-shaped fusela&e that seats four across in full-si9ed seats. Cther features include an aircraft shape that s%oothes the flo! of air o4er all surfaces0 and electricity-&eneratin& fuel cells to po!er ad4anced electrical syste%s. #he aircraft6s ad4anced tur$oprop en&ines sport lo!-noise propellers and further %iti&ate noise $y pro4idin& thrust sufficient for short takeoffs and 8uick cli%$s. ?ith its 1"0-passen&er D" >dou$le $u$$le> confi&uration0 the Massachusetts Institute of #echnolo&y tea% strays farthest fro% the fa%iliar0 fusin& t!o aircraft $odies to&ether len&th!ise and %ountin& three tur$ofan @et en&ines on the tail. I%portant co%ponents of the MI# concept are the use of co%posite %aterials for lo!er !ei&ht and tur$ofan en&ines !ith an ultra hi&h $ypass ratio F%eanin& air flo! throu&h the core of the en&ine is e4en s%aller0 !hile air flo! throu&h the duct surroundin& the core is su$stantially lar&er0 than in a con4entional en&ineG for %ore efficient thrust. In a re4ersal of current desi&n trends the MI# concept increases the $ypass ratio $y %ini%i9in& e7pansion of the o4erall dia%eter of the en&ine and shrinkin& the dia%eter of the @et e7haust instead. #he tea% said it desi&ned the D" to do the sa%e !ork as a Boein& .3."00. #he D"6s unusual shape &i4es it a roo%ier coach ca$in than the .3.. #he 1orthrop *ru%%an tea% foresees the &reatest need for a s%aller 120passen&er aircraft that is tailored for shorter run!ays in order to help e7pand capacity and reduce delays. #he tea% descri$es its Silent 5fficient 3o! 5%issions /o%%ercial #ransport0 or S535/#0 concept as >re4olutionary in its perfor%ance0 if not in its appearance.> /era%ic co%posites0 nanotechnolo&y and shape %e%ory alloys fi&ure pro%inently in the airfra%e and ultra hi&h $ypass ratio propulsion syste% construction. #he aircraft deli4ers on en4iron%ental and operational &oals in lar&e part $y usin& s%aller airports0 !ith run!ays as short as ,0000 feet0 for a !ider &eo&raphic distri$ution of air traffic. #he Boein& /o%pany6s Su$sonic (ltra *reen Aircraft +esearch0 or S(*A+0 tea% e7a%ined fi4e concepts. #he tea%6s preferred concept0 the S(*A+ Bolt0 is a t!in-en&ine aircraft !ith hy$rid propulsion technolo&y0 a tu$e-shaped $ody and a truss-$raced !in& %ounted to the top. /o%pared to the typical !in& used today0 the S(*A+ Bolt !in& is lon&er fro% tip to tip0 shorter fro% leadin& ed&e to trailin& ed&e0 and has less s!eep. It also %ay include hin&es to fold the !in&s !hile parked close to&ether at airport &ates. ;ro@ected ad4ances in $attery technolo&y ena$le a uni8ue0 hy$rid tur$o-electric propulsion syste%. #he aircraft6s en&ines could use $oth fuel to $urn in the en&ine6s core0 and electricity to turn the tur$ofan !hen the core is po!ered do!n.

1ASA did not specify future co%%ercial air transportation needs as do%estic or &lo$al. All four tea%s focused on aircraft si9ed for tra4el !ithin a sin&le continent $ecause their $usiness cases sho!ed that s%all- and %ediu%-si9ed planes !ill continue to account for the lar&est percenta&e of the o4erall fleet in the future. Cne tea%0 ho!e4er0 did present a lar&e hy$rid !in& concept for intercontinental transport. All of the tea%s pro4ided >clear paths> for future technolo&y research and de4elop%ent0 said +u$en Del +osario0 principal in4esti&ator for the Su$sonic Fi7ed ?in& ;ro@ect at 1ASA6s *lenn +esearch /enter in /le4eland. >#heir reports !ill %ake a difference in plannin& our research portfolio. ?e !ill identify the co%%on the%es in these studies and use the% to $uild a %ore effecti4e strate&y for the future0> Del +osario said. #hese are so%e of the co%%on the%es fro% the four reportsD Slo!er cruisin& -- at a$out Mach 0..0 or se4en-tenths the speed of sound0 !hich is , percent to 10 percent slo!er than today6s aircraft -- and at hi&her altitudes0 to sa4e fuel. 5n&ines that re8uire less po!er on takeoff0 for 8uieter fli&ht. Shorter run!ays -- a$out ,0000 feet lon&0 on a4era&e -- to increase operatin& capacity and efficiency. S%aller aircraft H in the %ediu%-si9e class of a Boein& .3.0 !ith ca$in acco%%odations for no %ore than 1"0 passen&ers H flyin& shorter and %ore direct routes0 for cost-efficiency. +eliance on pro%ised ad4ance%ents in air traffic %ana&e%ent such as the use of auto%ated decision-%akin& tools for %er&in& and spacin& enroute and durin& departure cli%$s and arri4al descents. #he tea%s reco%%ended a 4ariety of i%pro4e%ents in li&ht!ei&ht co%posite structures0 heat- and stress-tolerant en&ine %aterials0 and aerodyna%ic %odelin& that can help $rin& their ideas to reality. 1ASA is !ei&hin& the reco%%endations a&ainst its o$@ecti4e of de4elopin& aeronautics technolo&ies that can $e applied to a $road ran&e of aircraft and operatin& scenarios for the &reatest pu$lic $enefit. >#his input fro% our custo%ers has pro4ided us !ith !ell thou&ht-out scenarios for our 4ision of the future0 and it !ill help us place our research in4est%ent decisions s8uarely in the %ainstrea%0> said <ai!on Shin0 associate ad%inistrator for aeronautics research at 1ASA Aead8uarters in ?ashin&ton. >Identifyin& those necessary technolo&ies !ill help us esta$lish a research road%ap to follo! in $rin&in& these inno4ations to life durin& the co%in& years0> Shin said. #he ne7t step in 1ASA6s effort to desi&n the aircraft of 2030 is a second phase of studies to $e&in de4elopin& the ne! technolo&ies that !ill $e necessary to %eet the national &oals related to an i%pro4ed air transportation syste% !ith increased ener&y efficiency and reduced en4iron%ental i%pact. #he a&ency 6

recei4ed proposals fro% the four tea%s in late April and e7pects to a!ard one or t!o research contracts for !ork startin& in 2011. 1ASA %ana&ers also !ill reassess the &oals for 2030 aircraft to deter%ine !hether so%e of the crucial technolo&ies !ill need additional ti%e to %o4e fro% la$oratory and field testin& into operational use. #he four tea%s %ana&ed to %eet either the fuel $urn or the noise &oal !ith their concepts0 not $oth. A co%panion research effort looked at concepts for a ne! &eneration of supersonic transport aircraft capa$le of %eetin& 1ASA6s noise0 e%issions and fuel efficiency &oals for 2030. 1ASA en4isions a $roader %arket for supersonic tra4el0 !ith aircraft carryin& %ore passen&ers to i%pro4e econo%ic 4ia$ility !hile %eetin& increasin&ly strin&ent en4iron%ental re8uire%ents. #ea%s led $y #he Boein& /o%pany and 3ockheed Martin e4aluated %arket conditions0 desi&n &oals and constraints0 con4entional and uncon4entional confi&urations0 and ena$lin& technolo&ies to create proposed road%aps for research and de4elop%ent acti4ities. Both tea%s produced concepts for aircraft that can carry %ore than 100 passen&ers at cruise speeds of %ore than 1.- Mach and a ran&e of up to ,0000 %iles.

3. A Select Few
/o%in& up !ith a solution to %eet a 4ariety of challen&es often re8uires startin& !ith %any and narro!in& it do!n to @ust a fe!. #his i%a&e illustrates the kind of process that tea%s of industry and acade%ia researchers used to co%e up !ith their select desi&n concepts to %eet en4iron%ental and perfor%ance &oals set $y 1ASA6s Aeronautics +esearch Mission Directorate for co%%ercial aircraft that could $e flyin& in 20 to 2, years.


he Dou!le Bu!!le D"

#he >dou$le $u$$le> D" Series future aircraft desi&n concept co%es fro% the research tea% led $y the Massachusetts Institute of #echnolo&y. Based on a %odified tu$e and !in& !ith a 4ery !ide fusela&e to pro4ide e7tra lift0 its lo! s!eep !in& reduces dra& and !ei&ht: the e%$edded en&ines sit aft of the !in&s. #he D" series aircraft !ould $e used for do%estic fli&hts and is desi&ned to fly at Mach 0.. carryin& 1"0 passen&ers 30000 nautical %iles in a coach ca$in roo%ier than that of a Boein& .3.-"00. #he D" is a%on& the desi&ns presented in April 2010 to the 1ASA Aeronautics +esearch Mission Directorate for its 1ASA +esearch Announce%ent-funded studies into ad4anced aircraft that could enter ser4ice in the 2030-203, ti%efra%e.

3.2 S#all !ut Mighty

#his future aircraft desi&n concept co%es fro% the research tea% led $y *5 A4iation. Much li&hter and %ore aerodyna%ic than current aircraft !ith the sa%e capacity0 the 20-passen&er aircraft !ould reduce fuel consu%ption and noise and ena$le $usiness @et-like tra4el $et!een %ore than 10300 airports. It features ultra-8uiet tur$oprop en&ines0 4irtual reality !indo!s and is desi&ned to fly at Mach 0.,, for "00 nautical %iles. #his *5 aircraft is a%on& the desi&ns presented in April 2010 to the 1ASA Aeronautics +esearch Mission Directorate for its 1ASA +esearch Announce%ent-funded studies into ad4anced aircraft that could enter ser4ice in the 2030-203, ti%efra%e.

3.3 Business as $sual%

#he Silent 5fficient 3o! 5%issions /o%%ercial #ransport0 or S535/#0 future aircraft desi&n co%es fro% the research tea% led $y 1orthrop *ru%%an Syste%s /orporation. Decepti4ely con4entional-lookin&0 the concept features ad4anced li&ht!ei&ht cera%ic co%posite %aterials and nanotechnolo&y and shape %e%ory alloys. In addition to $ein& ener&y efficient and en4iron%entally friendly0 the S535/# i%pro4es the capacity of the future air transportation syste% $ecause it can $e used at s%aller airports and %ake the% %ore effecti4e. It is desi&ned to fly at Mach 0.., carryin& 120 passen&ers 10-00 nautical %iles. #he S535/# is a%on& the desi&ns presented in April 2010 to the 1ASA Aeronautics +esearch Mission Directorate for its 1ASA +esearch Announce%ent-funded studies into ad4anced aircraft that could enter ser4ice in the 2030-203, ti%efra%e.


&. Su!sonic $ltra 'reen Aircraft (esearch

#he Su$sonic (ltra *reen Aircraft +esearch0 or S(*A+0 Bolt future aircraft desi&n co%es fro% the research tea% led $y #he Boein& /o%pany. #he Bolt is a t!in-en&ine concept !ith a hy$rid propulsion syste% that co%$ines &as tur$ine and $attery technolo&y0 a tu$e-shaped $ody and a truss$raced !in& %ounted to the top of the aircraft. #his aircraft is desi&ned to fly at Mach 0..' carryin& 1, passen&ers 30,00 nautical %iles. #he S(*A+ Bolt is a%on& the desi&ns presented in April 2010 to the 1ASA Aeronautics +esearch Mission Directorate for its 1ASA +esearch Announce%ent-funded studies into ad4anced aircraft that could enter ser4ice in the 2030-203, ti%efra%e.


). 'reen Supersonic Machine

#his future aircraft desi&n concept for supersonic fli&ht o4er land co%es fro% the tea% led $y the 3ockheed Martin /orporation. #he tea% used si%ulation tools to sho! it !as possi$le to achie4e o4er-land fli&ht $y dra%atically lo!erin& the le4el of sonic $oo%s throu&h the use of an >in4erted-B> en&ine-under !in& confi&uration. Cther re4olutionary technolo&ies help achie4e ran&e0 payload and en4iron%ental &oals.


*. An +conic +,ea
#he >Icon-II> future aircraft desi&n concept for supersonic fli&ht o4er land co%es fro% the tea% led $y #he Boein& /o%pany. A desi&n that achie4es fuel $urn reduction and airport noise &oals0 it also achie4es lar&e reductions in sonic $oo% noise le4els that !ill %eet the tar&et le4el re8uired to %ake supersonic fli&ht o4er land possi$le. #his concept is one of t!o desi&ns presented in April 2010 to the 1ASA Aeronautics +esearch Mission Directorate for its 1ASA +esearch Announce%ent-funded studies into ad4anced supersonic cruise aircraft that could enter ser4ice in the 2030-203, ti%efra%e.

-. Conclusion
In the future Airplanes !ill tra4el !ay faster then the ones here no! $y the year 2030 the airplanes !ill $e %ore efficient and !ill $e a$le to carry people like today $ut %ore and also there !ill $e an alar% syste% that !ill detect terrorists. #he Aelios ;rototype aircraft !as a proof-of-concept solar electric-po!ered flyin& !in& desi&ned to operate at hi&h altitudes for lon& duration fli&ht. ;art of a fa%ily of aircraft under the u%$rella of 5+AS# F5n4iron%ental +esearch Aircraft and Sensor #echnolo&yG0 Aelios !as the cul%ination of the &roupIs solar-po!ered aircraft that0 in Au&ust0 20010 reached an official !orld record altitude for a non-rocket po!ered aircraft0 of '-0"-3 feet durin& a %a7i%u%-altitude fli&ht. 13

Cn 2- <un 2003 the aircraft !as %akin& the second in a series of shakedo!n fli&hts leadin& to!ard a planned 0-hour lon&-endurance %ission0 !hen the aircraft $roke apart in fli&ht. #he li&ht!ei&ht0 hi&hly fle7i$le flyin& !in& took off at 10D0- a.%. local ti%e. A$out 1- %inutes into the fli&ht the aircraft encountered at%ospheric tur$ulence causin& a$nor%ally hi&h !in& dihedral Fup!ard $o!in& of $oth !in&tipsG. (no$ser4ed %ild pitch oscillations $e&an0 $ut 8uickly di%inished.

#hirty %inutes into the fli&ht the aircraft a&ain encountered nor%al tur$ulence and then e7perienced an une7pected0 persistent hi&h !in& dihedral confi&uration. As a result0 the aircraft $eca%e unsta$le as pitch oscillations &re!. Airspeed de4iated fro% the nor%al fli&ht speed0 and the de4iations &re! !ith e4ery cycle of the oscillation0 soon e7ceedin& the aircraftIs desi&n speed. #he resultin& hi&h dyna%ic pressures caused the !in&Is outer !in& panels to fail and the solar cells and skin on the upper surface to rip off.


8. Bibliography
1. 2. 3. . ,. httpDEE!!!.nasa.&o4 httpDEEen.!ikipedia.or&E!ikiEMainJ;a&e httpDEE&tresearchne!s.& httpDEE!!! httpDEE!!!.as.northrop&


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