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Martial law in the Philippines (Tagalog: Batas Militar sa Pilipinas; Spanish: ley marcial en Filipinas) refers to several intermittent

periods in Philippine history wherein the Philippine head of state (such as the President) proclaims that an area is placed under the control of the rmed Forces of the Philippines! Martial law is declared either when there is near" violent civil unrest or in cases of ma#or natural disasters$ however most countries use a different legal construct li%e &state of emergency&! Typically$ the imposition of martial law accompanies curfews$ the suspension of civil law$ civil rights$ ha'eas corpus$ and the application or e(tension of military law or military #ustice to civilians! )ivilians defying martial law may 'e su'#ected to military tri'unals (court"martial) History of martial law proclamations

Ramn Blanco- *ostilities that 'egan the Philippine +evolution of ,-./ started on the evening of 0. ugust ,-./$ when hundreds of re'els attac%ed the )ivil 1uard garrison in Pasig$ #ust as hundreds of other re'els personally led 'y ndr2s Bonifacio were massing in San 3uan del Monte$ which they attac%ed hours later on the 45th! Bonifacio planned to capture the San 3uan del Monte powder maga6ine along with a water station supplying Manila! The defending Spaniards were outnum'ered$ and fought off re'els until reinforcements arrived! 7nce reinforced$ the Spaniards drove Bonifacio8s forces 'ac% with heavy casualties! 9lsewhere re'els attac%ed Mandaluyong$ Sampaloc$ Santa na$ Pandacan$ Pateros$ Mari%ina$ and )aloocan$:,; as well as Ma%ati and Taguig!:0; Balintawa% in )aloocan saw intense fighting! +e'el troops tended to gravitate towards fighting in San 3uan del Monte and Sampaloc! South of Manila$ a thousand"strong re'el force attac%ed a small force of civil guards! <n Pandacan =atipuneros attac%ed the parish church$ ma%ing the parish priest run for his life! :0; Emilio Aguinaldo- fter the out'rea% of Spanish> merican ?ar$ 9milio guinaldo$ who succeeded Bonifacio as the paramount leader of the revolution$ returned to the Philippines from his e(ile in *ong =ong on ,. May ,-.-$ with ,4 of his staff! *e was encouraged to return 'y the mericans$ who saw in him as an opportunity in their war against Spain!:@; fter five days$ on May 04$ guinaldo issued a proclamation in which he assumed command of all Philippine military forces and esta'lished a dictatorial government with himself as dictator!:-; 7n ,0 3une$ at guinaldo8s ancestral home in )avite$ Philippine independence was proclaimed and The ct of Aeclaration of Philippine <ndependence was read! The act had 'een prepared and written in Spanish 'y m'rosio +ian6ares Bautista$ who also read its proclamation!:.; 7n ,- 3une$ guinaldo issued a decree formally esta'lishing his dictatorial government!:,5; 7n 04 3une another

decree signed 'y guinaldo was issued$ replacing the Aictatorial 1overnment with a +evolutionary 1overnment$ with himself as President!:,,;:,0; Jos Laurel- President 3os2 P! Baurel of the wartime Second Philippine +epu'lic (puppet"government under 3apan) placed the Philippines under martial law in ,.CC through Proclamation Do! 0.$ dated Septem'er 0,! Martial law came into effect on Septem'er 00$ ,.CC!Proclamation Do! 45 was issued the ne(t day$ declaring the e(istence of a state of war 'etween the Philippines and the ES and 1reat Britain! This too% effect on Septem'er 04$ ,.CC! Ferdinand Marcos- Main article: *istory of the Philippines (,./F>,.-/) See also: Proclamation G ,5-, <n a privilege speech 'efore Senate$ Benigno Huino$ 3r! warned the pu'lic of the possi'le esta'lishment of a Igarrison stateJ 'y President Ferdinand Marcos! President Marcos imposed martial law on the nation from ,.@0 to ,.-, to suppress increasing civil strife and the threat of a communist ta%eover following a series of 'om'ings in Manila!:citation needed; 7n 0, ugust ,.@,$ while the opposition (Bi'eral Party) was having their miting de avance in Pla6a Miranda$ two fragmentation grenades e(ploded!:citation needed; <t too% . lives and left more than ,55 people seriously wounded!:citation needed; Some Bi'eral Party candidates were seriously in#ured including 3ovito Salonga$ who nearly died and was visually impaired! Suspicion of responsi'ility for the 'last initially fell upon Marcos$ whom the Bi'erals 'lamed for the 'om'ing; however$ in later years$ prominent personalities associated with the event have laid the 'lame on the )ommunist Party of the Philippines under 3os2 MarKa Sison!:,4; <n his auto'iography$ Salonga states his 'elief that Sison and the )PP were responsi'le!:,C; A mont of !terrorist "om"ing# of pu"lic facilities in Manila and $ue%on &ity culminated on '' (eptem"er wit a staged)citation needed* assassination attempt on +efense (ecretary Juan ,once Enrile&laiming c aos and lawlessness was near. Marcos declared martial law. t ere"y suspending t e /012 &onstitution. dissol3ing &ongress. and assuming a"solute power- (i4 ours after t e Enrile assassination attempt. Marcos responded wit t e imposition of martial law- ,roclamation G ,5-, which imposed martial law was dated 0, Septem'er ,.@0$ 'ut it was actually signed on ,@ Septem'er! The formal announcement of the proclamation was made only at seven"thirty in the evening of 04 Septem'er$ a'out twenty"two hours after he had commanded his military colla'orators to start arresting his political opponents and close down all media and retail (fashion$ food$ religious$ sports) esta'lishments!:,F;

The declaration of martial law was initially well received 'y some segments of the people 'ut 'ecame unpopular as e(cesses and human rights a'uses 'y the military emerged! Torture was used in e(tracting information from their enemies! 5loria Macapagal Arroyo- President 1loria Macapagal" rroyo was planning to impose martial law to put an end to military coup plots$ general civilian dissatisfaction$ and criticism of the legitimacy of her presidency due to du'ious election results! <nstead$ a &State of Dational 9mergency& was imposed to crush a coup plot and to tac%le protesters which lasted from Fe'ruary 0C$ 055/ until March 4 of the same year! 7n Aecem'er C$ 055.$ through Proclamation Do! ,.F.$ President Macapagal" rroyo has officially placed Maguindanao province under a state of martial law! :,@; The declaration also suspended the writ of ha'eas corpus in the province! :,-; The announcement was made days after hundreds of government troops were sent to the province$ which would later raid armories of the powerful mpatuan clan! The mpatuan family was implicated in the massacre that saw the murder of F@ persons$ including women mem'ers of the rival Mangudadatu clan$ human rights lawyers$ and 4, media wor%ers$ in the worst incident of political violence in the nation8s history! <t has also 'een condemned worldwide as the worst loss of life of media professionals in one day in the history of #ournalism!:,@; President Macapagal" rroyo lifted the state of martial law in Maguindanao last Aecem'er ,0 of the same year

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