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0 Journal : An empirical study on the effectiveness of work-life balance in banking industry By Lubna Riz V

Question 1 : What was the aim of the study? What hypothesis did the researchers test? The purpose of this journal is to examine the balance between work and life is of vital importance when it comes to performance of the workforce. This study also discuss about the way to overcome these issues which are directly influencing theperformance of the line workforce. The hypothesis that had been outlined to be tested by the researcher is as follows: Question 2 : Were enough data obtained to reach valid conclusion? The data that had collected are not enough because the researcher only manage to attaind 84% response rate which mean 84 employees from 100 surveys that they are target. That means, in order to get valid results in this study they need 150 participants and above. H1: Intervention of personal over rofessional life and vice versa have any negative impact on the performance of employee H0: Intervension of personal over professional life and vice versa do not have any negative impact over the performance of employee.

Question 3 : Were the outcomes measures (end points) appropriate? The outcomes measures for this study are appropriate. This is because this research is conducted through targeting different employees from different banking institute just to acquire the information that can help in the generation of results and findings from the result. This also appropriate because by using questionnaire it will be easier for researcher to measure the correlation between the hypothesis and the result.

Question 4 : Was the statistical analysis (if used) appropriated for the study? The method that is being used to measure the outcomes is appropriate because they used quantitative data collection technique.The paper has used both the Primary data and secondary data. Primary data was accumulated with the help of questionnaires. Questionnaire was first tested to check the reliability of the variables measured, on the sample. Secondary data was used to develop the literature survey of the study. Survey technique was selected to acquire data within the given span of time. The collected data was then analyzed for the purpose of the current study. They also used validity test andnormality test for this paper. For analyzing the validity of test, linear regression test has been applied on the data. The results of the linear regression analysis suggest that the value of R is close to 1. Normality test are to see whether the data obtained were normal, and they are distributed normally. The significance of this test is to check the importance of data so that we can apply the statistical analysis to it.

Question 5 : Are the results consistent with those other study? Yes, the result from this journal is consistent with other studies because the same was researched by Sparks, Cooper, Fried and Shirom, (1997) find that work life conflict have resulted to poor employee input and performance at his or her job place, because an employee, who finds it difficult to properly balance his or her family life, tends to also have difficulties managing tasks at his or her workplace, therefore resulting in poor employee performance. Another journal Promoting a Work-Life Balance. Write by Joshi, Sunil, Leichne, John, Melanson, Keith emphasize that the banking sector needs to focus on the following practices flextime,Telecommuting/Working from home,Provide special working arrangements for employees who are caring for young children or relatives,Paternity Leave and A No-overtime day and lights out policy.

Question 6 : Have the authors discussed possible limitations of the study? There are no limitation that researcher disscuss of this study. The researcher highlighted that for future research different industries can be taken for the study purpose and more in-depth analysis of work life balance should be studied.

Question 7 : Do the studys findings have practical importance, regardless of whether they have statistical analysis? Yes, this study have a practical importance because it can be concluded that Intervention of personal over professional life and vice versa have a negative impact over performance of the employee. By having this information, researcher can overcome the work life conflict and its impact on performance of employees in banking industry of Pakistan.

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