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Certified Return Mail # _________________________ John Doe 8484 Whatever st., apt #0 Nowheresville, !.

"#$8" Colle%tion &ervi%e, 'NC or %redit %ard %o. #### (a)e Rd, &*+ ,00 M'(W-.!'+, R #$$$$ /e0ruar1 2, ,00# RE: CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE FOR PROOF OF CLAIM UPON COMPANY OR CREDIT CARD -NAME IT HERE -COMPANY'S (CCC) CONTRACT, FOR DETERMINATION OF 'MEETING OF THE MINDS,' 'FRAUD ON THE CONTRACT,' AND OR AN 'UNCONSCIONABLE CONTRACT' AND/OR AGREEMENT FOR COMMERCIAL DISCHARGE, Accou ! " ############# Dear Mr. _____________ ' a3 in re%eipt of and %onditionall1 a%%ept for value 4honor5 1our letter entitled 6De3and /or 7a13ent f De0t8, o$ ___________________, Referen%e No. 9999999 :IF ANY', dated ______________, ,00$. - %op% of 1our letter;do%u3ent is en%losed. 't has %o3e to 31 attention that as applied to the a0ove 3atter, that there 3a1 not have 0een a true <ualified :&''!( ) o* !+' &( ,-: that there 3a1 0e fraud or 3isrepresentation on the %ontra%t and;or the %ontra%t itself 3a1 0e an un%ons%iona0le %ontra%t, or other %ontroversies that 3a1 e=ist within this %ontra%t;transa%tion. -s ' want to resolve this 3atter as soon as possi0le, ' a3 initiatin> this private?ad3inistrative re3ed1 to deter3ine su%h 3atters and ' a>ree to %ontinue 3a)in> pa13ents predi%ated upon 1our '.$oo* o* c/0(&1' *he ne%essar1 'P$oo*- o* C/0(&' are set out 0elow, to wit@ A . PROOF OF CLAIM that CCC >ave FULL DISCLOSURE to all 3atters dealin> with said %ontra%t as to the .& Ban)rupt%1, for3 of pa13ent, what was loaned, et%. ,. PROOF OF CLAIM that the a>ent 4Mr. CCCC ? -ttorne1 D or EEEE5 in sendin> the undersi>ned the DEMAND FOR PAYMENT OF DEBT letter via the .& Mail, does not %onstitute a 3ailin> a fraudulent %lai3, and;or %o33ittin> 3ail fraud 4*itle A2, &e% A22A .&C5. 2. PROOF OF CLAIM that CCC as an '0$!(*(c(0/ ' !(!%/c$'0!u$',' %reated under the laws of the &tate of _________________ and doin> 0usiness in the &tate of _________________, 01 and throu>h its ffi%ers, Board of Dire%tors and e3plo1ees, and a>ents are not 0ound to support -rti%le ', F 9, as a 'S!0!' c$'0!', ' !(!%,' in that 2No S!0!' -+0// 3 &04' 0 % T+( ) 5u! )o/, 0 , -(/6'$ co( 0- L')0/ T' ,'$ ( P0%&' ! o* D'5!-,7 and that an1 su%h thin> as >old and silver %oin e=ists as le>al tender in pa13ent of de0ts. 4. PROOF OF CLAIM that of the value 4su0stan%e5 de3anded in the D+M-ND / R 7-GM+N* / D+B* is in the nature of Halua0le Consideration %alled '&o '%' and is in %o3plian%e with *itle 2A .N'*+D &*-*+& C D+ F 2$A and A, .N'*+D &*-*+& C D+ F AI,.

I. PROOF OF CLAIM that CCC in<uired or )new that the undersi>ned had, or has a%%ess to :lawful 3one1 of a%%ount: to :pa1: the %ontra%t de0t4s5 at law without 0e%o3in> a tort feasor. ". PROOF OF CLAIM that the undersi>ned had;has a%%ess to :3one1: that %onstitutes 'LA8FUL 4Sufficient5 CONSIDERATION1' $. PROOF OF CLAIM that the use of a 4federal reserve5 'No!',' or instru3ents %ertif1in> %onve1an%e of /ederal Reserve Notes, is not only a pro3ise to pa1. &ee /idelit1 savin>s v Jri3es, A2A 7,d 8#4. 8. PROOF OF CLAIM that (e>al *ender 4federal reserve5 Notes, or instru3ents %ertif1in> %onve1an%e of /ederal Reserve Notes, are >ood and lawful 3one1 of the .nited &tates. &ee Rains v &tate, ,," &.W. A8#. #. PROOF OF CLAIM that /ederal Reserve Notes, or instru3ents %ertif1in> %onve1an%e of /ederal Reserve Notes, are not valueless. &ee 'R& %odes &e%tion A.A00A?A 44"I$5 C.C.K. 4Note@ /ederal Reserve Ban) sa1s 2F','$0/ R'-'$6' No!'-11 3 +06' o 60/u'175 A0. PROOF OF CLAIM that 4/ederal Reserve5 Notes, or instru3ents indi%atin> a %onve1an%e of /ederal reserve Notes, do operate as pa13ent in the a0sen%e of an a>ree3ent that the1 shall %onstitute pa13ent.: &ee Bla%)shear Mf>. Co. v Karrell, A, &.+. ,D $"". AA. PROOF OF CLAIM that the undersi>ned had a :3eetin> of the 3ind4s5: with CCC pursuant to the %ontra%t;a>ree3ent in respe%t to full dis%losure and that said %ontra%t %ontained or %ontains no ele3ents of fraud 01 CCC. A,. PROOF OF CLAIM that CCC did not, in respe%t to their %ontra%t;a>ree3ent was not 3ade 0e1ond the s%ope of its %orporate powers and the %ontra%t is not unlawful and void. 4see for referen%e M%Cor3i%) v Mar)et Natl. Ban), A"I .s I285 A2. PROOF OF CLAIM that the Ne>otia0le 'nstru3ents (aw was not desi>ned to %over %o33er%ial paper, Lwhi%hM IS the %urren%1. (a. &tat. -nn. ?R.&., $A et se<. (&-?C.C, -rt. ,A2# 4see atta%hed A**(,06(! o* 80/4'$ To,,5 A4. PROOF OF CLAIM that CCC did not loan their :%redit: and that the undersi>ned '& N(G B('J-*+D to pa1 0a%) in so3ethin> other than :li)e )ind,: i.e., de0t instru3ents. AI. PROOF OF CLAIM that the ..&. Ban)rupt%1 did not i3pair the o0li>ations and %onsiderations of %ontra%ts throu>h the 6Joint Resolution *o &uspend *he Jold &tandard and -0ro>ate the Jold Clause,8 ? June I, A#22 as it 3a1 operate within the &tate of N......................;&*-*+ / N....................... A". PROOF OF CLAIM that the &tate of N....................; &*-*+ / N....................... did not adopt in so3e %apa%it1 the .nifor3 Co33er%ial Code and that all transa%tions in%luded 0ut not li3ited to %ourts are >overned under the .CC and;or the Ne>otia0le 'nstru3ent (aw as desi>ned, to %over %o33er%ial paper, Lwhi%hM IS %urren%1. (a. &tat. -nn. ?R.&., $A et se<. (&-? C.C, -rt. ,A2# A$ . PROOF OF CLAIM that under the Ne>otia0le 'nstru3ent (aw, :%o33er%ial 7aper,: 0ut not li3ited to Bills of +=%han>e are not :3one1: 4%urren%15 in respe%t to the National +3er>en%1 and the .nifor3 Co33er%ial Code and are not to 0e a%%epted to dis%har>e de0t.

A8. PROOF OF CLAIM that the undersi>ned %annot a%%ept for value an1 pu0li% or private present3ent;invoi%e;Bill, et%., for fine, fee, ta=, de0t or Oud>3ent and dis%har>e the sa3e with a Bill of e=%han>e or other %o33er%ial paper as ne%essar1 to %arr1 on %o33er%e. A#. PROOF OF CLAIM that CCC 01 and throu>h its e3plo1ees, )new or did not )now, that this transa%tion was 0e1ond the s%ope of its Charter and that CCC and did not intend to 0ind the undersi>ned to an un%ons%iona0le %ontra%t. ,0. PROOF OF CLAIM that CCC 01 and throu>h its e3plo1ees and a>ents, did not %o33it fraud on the %ontra%t in respe%t to the a%%ount;%ontra%t referen%ed a0ove in an1 %apa%it1. ,A. PROOF OF CLAIM that 1our DEMAND FOR PAYMENT OF DEBT letter does not therefore %onstitute an atte3pt 01 CCC at unOust enri%h3ent. ,,. PROOF OF CLAIM that the %o33er%ial instru3ent or Bill of +=%han>e tendered was not refused and returned within three da1s pursuant to N1>aard v Continental Resour%es, 'n%., I#8 N.W. ,D 8IA 4A##A5, 2# ..C.C. ,D 8IA... 6*he %ourt held the under ,?IAA4,5, tender of pa13ent is suffi%ient when it is 3ade 01 3eans %urrent in the ordinar1 %ourse of 0usiness, unless the seller de3ands pa13ent in le>al tender. Kere, N1>aard spo)e to Continental several ti3es after re%eipt of the si>ht draft and never re<uestesd pa13ent in le>al tender. 7a13ent to e=tend the lease was due 01 Januar1 4th, A#88 and the reOe%tion of the si>ht draft did not o%%ur until Januar1 8, A##8. N1>aard reOe%tion was thus unti3el1 and tender of si>ht draft was suffi%ient to e=tend the lease.8 ,2. PROOF OF CLAIM that undersi>ned, as the authoriPed representative of the De0tor does not have the standin> or %apa%it1 to a%%ept for value the offer;%ontra%t;present3ent and dis%har>e the sa3e via Bill of +=%han>e or other appropriate %o33er%ial paper for dis%har>e via the re3ed1 provided 01 Con>ress D A#, D of June I, A#22. Jeneral a%<uies%en%e, or non?response 01 CC& to provide the a0ove 'P$oo*- o* C/0(&' will %onstitute 1our a>ree3ent and for3al a%%eptan%e. Gou will have 01 1our non?response to state a %lai3 upon whi%h relief %an 0e >ranted otherwise shall operate as >eneral a%<uies%en%e relative to this present3ent. Gou will have ad3itted there is no valid Clai3 of -%tion arisin> via %ontra%t and;or %o3pellin> the undersi>ned into an un%ons%iona0le %ontra%t and that there was no 3eetin> of the 3inds in respe%t to the alle>ed %ontra%t. Gou will have for3all1 a%%epted ea%h and ever1 fa%t herein as the1 operate in favor of the undersi>ned, due to 1our silen%e and estoppels is in effe%t. Gou ad3it to 1our non?response to 0rin> forth 9P$oo* o* C/0(&: in support of a 9c/'0 +0 ,,oc!$( ',: 9*u// ,(-c/o-u$',: 9)oo, *0(!+ ,'0/( ),: and as to the FAIR DEBT COLLECTIONS PRACTICES ACT, as it 3a1 appl1 to 1our present3ent in re>ards to this alle>ed transa%tion;%ontra%t / as referen%ed a0ove. *herein, presu3ption will 0e ta)en in re>ards to 1our refusal, failure, default, and dishonor, ad3ission, and %onfession of inOur1 and da3a>e and failure to state a %lai3, that 1ou, CC&, this 9Co ,(!(o 0/ Acc'.!0 c': 0e%o3es the se%urit1 a>ree3ent under %o33er%ial law, or in the alternative, 1ou a>ree and stipulate that the undersi>ned %an onl1 dis%har>e the de3and pa13ent letter;0ill;present3ent, et%., with a Bill of +=%han>e, or other %o33er%ial paper, or the present3ent Q-%%epted for Halue and Returned for Dis%har>eR and that 1ou or CCC will a%%ept said Qinstru3entR as

tendered or Qa%%eptan%eR to dis%har>e the de0t under ne%essit1. O$ (* !+' .$'6(ou- 9( -!$u&' !: (B(// o* E;c+0 )') <0- !' ,'$', 0 , o! 0cc'.!',, %ou 0)$'' !+0! !+' &0!!'$/0ccou !/,'5! (- ,(-c+0$)', 0- 0 o.'$0!(o o* /0< ( !' ,'$ o* .0%&' ! 0 ,/o$ 50 4$u.!c%1 4re3ove this 0olded senten%e if it does not appl1 to 1our 3atterS5 Due to the ti3e sensitive nature of this private 3atter, under ne%essit1, 1ou are to respond with 9P$oo* o* C/0(&: within => da1s, plus three (?) da1s >ra%e >ranted 01 return servi%e 01 %ertified?priorit1?return?3ail to the undersi>nedRs address and a %op1 to the *hird 7art1 or Notar1 as addressed 0elow. &hould 1ou fail or refuse 01 non?response to provide 9P$oo* o* C/0(&: within the ti3e spe%ified in this private 3atter, >eneral a%<uies%en%e and a%%eptan%e will 0e ta)en on 1our part as for3all1 e=er%ised 4perfor3ed5 pursuant to 1our silen%e. *his a>ree3ent shall have the effe%t of an instru3ent under seal. &in%erel1, Without 7redOudi%e ______________________________________ Na3e NNNNNNN.. D &e%ured 7art1 Creditor, -uthoriPed Representative, -ttorne1?'n?/a%t, in 0ehalf of N-M+ / D+B* R 'N C-7&, +ns le>is


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