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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC A.M. No.


PER CURIAM# In the election of the national officers of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (hereafter "IBP") held on June ! "#$# at the Philippine International Con%ention Center (or PICC)! the follo&ing &ere elected b' the (ouse of )elegates (co*posed of "+, chapter presidents or their alternates) and proclai*ed as officers-

NAME Att'1 2ioleta )rilon Att'1 Bella 0iro Att'1 /al%ador 5ao Att'1 Renato 61 Ron7uillo Att'1 0eodoro 8uico' Att'1 .scar Badelles Att'1 Justiniano Cortes Att'1 Ciriaco Atien;a Att'1 Mario Jalandoni President


E3ecuti%e 2ice4President Chair*an! (ouse of )elegates /ecretar'! (ouse of )elegates 0reasurer! (ouse of )elegates /ergeant at Ar*s! (ouse of )elegates 9o%ernor : 2ice4President for Northern 5u;on 9o%ernor : 2ice4President for Central 5u;on 9o%ernor : 2ice4President for Metro Manila

Att'1 Jose Aguilar 9rapilon Att'1 0eodoro Al*ine Att'1 Porfirio /i'angco Att'1 Ricardo 0eruel Att'1 9lad's 0iongco Att'1 /i*eon )atu*anong

9o%ernor : 2ice4President for /outhern 5u;on 9o%ernor : 2ice4President for Bicolandia 9o%ernor : 2ice4President for Eastern 2isa'as 9o%ernor : 2ice4President for <estern 2isa'as 9o%ernor : 2ice4President for Eastern Mindanao 9o%ernor : 2ice4President for <estern Mindanao

0he ne&l'4elected officers &ere set to ta=e the their oath of office on Jul' >!"#$#! before the /upre*e Court en banc1 (o&e%er!disturbed b' the &idespread reports recei%ed b' so*e *e*bers of the Court fro* la&'ers &ho had &itnessed or participated in the proceedings and the ad%erse co**ents published in the colu*ns of so*e ne&spapers about the intensi%e electioneering and o%erspending b' the candidates! led b' the *ain protagonists for the office of president of the association! na*el'! Attorne's Nereo Paculdo! Ra*on Nisce! and 2ioleta C1 )rilon! the alleged use of go%ern*ent planes! and the officious inter%ention of certain public officials to influence the %oting! all of &hich &ere done in %iolation of the IBP B'45a&s &hich prohibit such acti%ities1 0he /upre*e Court en banc! e3ercising its po&er of super%ision o%er the Integrated Bar! resol%ed to suspend the oath4 ta=ing of the IBP officers4elect and to in7uire into the %eracit' of the reports1 It should be stated at the outset that the election process itself (i1e1 the %oting and the can%assing of %otes on June ! "#$#) &hich &as conducted b' the "IBP Co*elec!" headed b' Justice Re'nato Puno of the Court of Appeals! &as unani*ousl' ad?udged b' the participants and obser%ers to be abo%e board1 6or Justice Puno too= it upon hi*self to de%ice safeguards to pre%ent ta*pering &ith! and *ar=ing of! the ballots1 <hat the Court %ie&ed &ith considerable concern &as the reported electioneering and e3tra%agance that characteri;ed the ca*paign conducted b' the three candidates for president of the IBP1 I1 ME)IA ACC.@N0 .6 0(E E5EC0I.N CAMPAI9N1 E*il Jurado! in his colu*n "IBP 9roup 8uestions )rilon Election" (Manila /tandard! /unda'! June "A! "#$#)! 5uis Mauricio! in t&o successi%e colu*ns- "0he In%ertebrated Bar" (Mala'a! June ",! "#$#) and "0he )isintegrating Bar" (Mala'a! June +,! "#$#)! and 0eodoro 5ocsin Jr1 in an article! entitled "Pa*4Pa*" (0he Philippines 6ree Press! Jul' $!"#$#)! and the editorial! entitled B<rong 6oru*" of the )ail' 9lobe (June $! "#$#)! &ere unani*ousl' critical of the "%ote4bu'ing and pressure tactics" allegedl' e*plo'ed in the ca*paign b' the three principal candidates- Att's1 2ioleta C1 )rilon! Nereo Paculdo and Ra*on Nisce &ho reportedl' "poured heart! soul! *one' and influence to &in o%er the "+, IBP delegates1"

Mr1 Jurado *entioned the resent*ent of Att'1 )rilonBs ri%als &ho felt at a disad%antage because Att'1 )rilon allegedl' used PNB helicopters to %isit far4flung IBP chapters on the prete3t of distributing Biga' Puso donations! and she had the added ad%antage of ha%ing regional directors and labor arbiters of the )epart*ent of 5abor and E*plo'*ent (&ho had been granted lea%es of absence b' her husband! the 5abor /ecretar') ca*paigning for her1 JuradoBs infor*ants alleged that there &as ra*pant %ote4bu'ing b' so*e *e*bers of the @1P1 /ig*a Rho 6raternit' (/ecretar' )rilonBs fraternit')! as &ell as b' so*e la&'ers of ACCRA (Angara! Concepcion! Cru;! Regala and Abello 5a& .ffice) &here Mrs1 )rilon is e*plo'ed! and that go%ern*ent positions &ere pro*ised to others b' the office of the 5abor /ecretar'1 Mr1 Mauricio in his colu*n &rote about the sa*e *atters and! in addition! *entioned "tal= of personnel of the )epart*ent of 5abor! especiall' conciliators and e*plo'ers! notabl' Chinese 6ilipinos! gi%ing aid and co*fort to her (Att'1 )rilonBs) candidac'!" the billeting of out4of4to&n delegates in plush hotels &here the' &ere reportedl' "&ined and dined continuousl'! &o*ened and sub?ected to endless haggling o%er the price of their %otes 3 3 3" &hich allegedl' "ranged fro* PlC!,,, to P+,!,,,! and! on the da' of the election! so*e t&el%e to t&ent' %otes &hich &ere belie%ed crucial! appreciated to PC,!,,,1" In his second colu*n! Mr1 Mauricio *entioned "ho& a top official of the ?udiciar' allegedl' in%ol%ed hi*self in IBP politics on election da' b' closeting hi*self &ith ca*paigners as the' plotted their election strateg' in a roo* of the PICC (the Philippine International Con%ention Center &here the con%entionDelection &ere held) during a recess 3 3 31" Mr1 5ocsin in his colu*n and editorial substantiall' re4echoed MauricioBs reports &ith so*e e*bellish*ents1 II1 0(E C.@R0B/ )ECI/I.N 0. IN2E/0I9A0E1 Responding to the critical reports! the Court! in its en banc resolution dated June "C! "#$#! directed the outgoing and inco*ing *e*bers of the IBP Board of 9o%ernors! the principal officers and Chair*an of the (ouse of )elegates to appear before it on 0uesda'! June +,! "#$#! at +-,, oBcloc= p1*1! and there to infor* the Court on the %eracit' of the afore*entioned reports and to reco**end! for the consideration of the Court! appropriate approaches to the proble* of confir*ing and strengthening adherence to the funda*ental principles of the IBP1 In that resolution the Court "callEedF to *ind that a basic postulate of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP)! hea%il' stressed at the ti*e of its organi;ation and co**ence*ent of e3istence! is that the IBP shall be non4political in character and that there shall be no lobb'ing nor ca*paigning in the choice of *e*bers of the Board of 9o%ernors and of the (ouse of )elegates! and of the IBP officers! national! or regional! or chapter1 0he funda*ental assu*ption &as that officers! delegates and go%ernors &ould be chosen on the basis of professional *erit and &illingness and abilit' to ser%e1" 0he resolution &ent on to sa' that the "Court is deepl' disturbed to note that in connection &ith the election of *e*bers of the Board of 9o%ernors and of the (ouse of )elegates! there is a &idespread belief! based on reports carried b' *edia and trans*itted as &ell b' &ord of *outh! that there &as e3tensi%e and intensi%e ca*paigning b' candidates for IBP positions as &ell as e3penditure of considerable su*s of *one' b' candidates! including %ote4bu'ing! direct or indirect1"

0he %enerable retired /upre*e Court Justice and IBP President E*eritus! Jose B151 Re'es! attended the dialogue! upon in%itation of the Court! to gi%e counsel and ad%ice1 0he *eeting bet&een the Court en banc on the one hand! and the outgoing and in co*ing IBP officers on the other! &as an infor*al one1 0hereafter! the Court resol%ed to conduct a for*al in7uir' to deter*ine &hether the prohibited acts and acti%ities enu*erated in the IBP B'45a&s &ere co**itted before and during the "#$# elections of IBPBs national officers1 0he Court en banc for*ed a co**ittee and designated /enior Associate Justice Andres R1 Nar%asa! as Chair*an! and Associate Justices 0eodoro R1 Padilla! E*ilio A1 9anca'co! Abraha* 61 /ar*iento! and Carolina C1 9riGo4A7uino! as *e*bers! to conduct the in7uir'1 0he Cler= of Court! Att'1 )aniel Martine;! acted as the co**itteeBs Recording /ecretar'1 A total of fort'4nine (>#) &itnesses appeared and testified in response to subpoenas issued b' the Court to shed light on the conduct of the elections1 0he *anagers of three fi%e4star hotels the Philippine Pla;a! the ('att! and the (olida' Inn &here the three protagonists ()rilon! Nisce and Paculdo) allegedl' set up their respecti%e head7uarters and &here the' billeted their supporters &ere su**oned1 0he officer of the Philippine National Ban= and the Air 0ransport .ffice &ere called to enlighten the Court on the charge that an IBP presidential candidate and the *e*bers of her slate used PNB planes to ferr' the* to distant places in their ca*paign to &in the %otes of delegates1 0he Philippine Airlines officials &ere called to testif' on the charge that so*e candidates ga%e free air fares to delegates to the con%ention1 .fficials of the 5abor )epart*ent &ere also called to enable the Court to ascertain the truth of the reports that labor officials openl' ca*paigned or &or=ed for the election of Att'1 )rilon1 0he ne&spaper colu*nists! Messrs1 5uis Mauricio! Jesus Bigornia and E*il Jurado &ere subpoenaed to deter*ine the nature of their sources of infor*ation relati%e to the IBP elections1 0heir stories &ere based! the' said! on letters! phone calls and personal inter%ie&s &ith persons &ho clai*ed to ha%e =no&ledge of the facts! but &ho* the'! in%o=ing the Press 6reedo* 5a&! refused to identif'1 0he Co**ittee has since sub*itted its Report after recei%ing! and anal';ing and assessing e%idence gi%en b' such persons as &ere percei%ed to ha%e direct and personal =no&ledge of the rele%ant factsH and the Court! after deliberating thereon! has Resol%ed to accept and adopt the sa*e1 III1 PR.(IBI0E) AC0/ AN) PRAC0ICE/ @N)ER IBP BI45A</1 Article I! /ection > of the IBP B'45a&s e*phasi;es the "strictl' non4political" character of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines! thus"/EC1 >1 Non4political Bar1 J 0he Integrated Bar is strictl' non4political! and e%er' acti%it' tending to i*pair this basic feature is strictl' prohibited and shall be penali;ed accordingl'1 No la&'er holding an electi%e! ?udicial! 7uasi4 ?udicial! or prosecutor' office in the 9o%ern*ent or an' political subdi%ision or instru*entalit' thereof shall be eligible for election or appoint*ent to an' position in the Integrated Bar or an' Chapter thereof1 A )elegate! 9o%ernor! officer or e*plo'ee of the Integrated Bar! or an officer or e*plo'ee of an' Chapter thereof shall be considered ipso facto resigned fro* his position as of the *o*ent he files his certificate of candidac' for an' electi%e public office or accepts appoint*ent to an' ?udicial! 7uasi4?udicial! or prosecutor' office in the 9o%ern*ent or an' political subdi%ision or instru*entalit' thereof1 "B

/ection "> of the sa*e B'45a&s enu*erates the prohibited acts relati%e to IBP elections/EC1 ">1 Prohibited acts and practices relati%e to elections1 J 0he follo&ing acts and practices relati%e to election are prohibited! &hether co**itted b' a candidate for an' electi%e office in the Integrated Bar or b' an' other *e*ber! directl' or indirectl'! in an' for* or *anner! b' hi*self or through another person(a) )istribution! e3cept on election da'! of election ca*paign *aterialH (b) )istribution! on election da'! of election ca*paign *aterial other than a state*ent of the biodata of a candidate on not *ore than one page of a legal4 si;e sheet of paperH or causing distribution of such state*ent to be done b' persons other than those authori;ed b' the officer presiding at the electionsH (c) Ca*paigning for or against an' candidate! &hile holding an electi%e! ?udicial! 7uasi4?udicial or prosecutor' office in the 9o%ern*ent or an' political subdi%ision! agenc' or instru*entalit' thereofH (d) 6or*ation of tic=ets! single slates! or co*binations of candidates! as &ell as the ad%ertise*ent thereofH (e) 6or the purpose of inducing or influencing a *e*ber to &ithhold his %ote! or to %ote for or against a candidate! (") pa'*ent of the dues or other indebtedness of an' *e*berH (+) gi%ing of food! drin=! entertain*ent! transportation or an' article of %alue! or an' si*ilar consideration to an' personH or ( ) *a=ing a pro*ise or causing an e3penditure to be *ade! offered or pro*ised to an' person1" /ection "+(d) of the B'45a&s prescribes sanctions for %iolations of the abo%e rules(d) An' %iolation of the rules go%erning elections or co**ission of an' of the prohibited acts and practices defined in /ection "> prohibited Acts and Practices relati%e to elections) of the b'4la&s of the Integrated Bar shall be a ground for the dis7ualification of a candidate or his re*o%al fro* office if elected! &ithout pre?udice to the i*position of sanctions upon an' erring *e*ber pursuant to the B'4la&s of the Integrated Bar1 At the for*al in%estigation &hich &as conducted b' the in%estigating co**ittee! the follo&ing %iolations &ere established(") Prohibited campaigning and solicitation of votes by the candidates for president, executive vice-president, the officers of candidate the House of Delegates and Board of Governors. 0he three candidates for IBP President )rilon! Nisce and Paculdo began tra%elling around the countr' to solicit the %otes of delegates as earl' as April "#$#1 @pon the in%itation of IBP President! 5eon 9arcia! Jr1 (t1s1n1! Jul' " !"#$#! p1 >)! the' attended the Bench and Bar dialogues held in Cotabato in April "#$# (t1s1n1! June +#! "#$#! p1 "+ )! in 0aga'ta' Cit'! Pa*panga! and in Baguio Cit' (during the conference of chapter presidents of Northern

5u;on (t1s1n1! Jul' !"#$#! p1 "" H t1s1n1! Jul' ",! p1 >"H t1s1n1! Jul' " ! p1 >A) &here the' announced their candidacies and *et the chapter presidents1 Att'1 Nisce ad*itted that he &ent around the countr' see=ing the help of IBP chapter officers! soliciting their %otes! and securing their &ritten endorse*ents1 (e personall' hand4 carried no*ination for*s and re7uested the chapter presidents and delegates to fill up and sign the for*s to for*ali;e their co**it*ent to his no*ination for IBP President1 (e started ca*paigning and distributing the no*ination for*s in March "#$# after the chapter elections &hich deter*ined the *e*bership of the (ouse of )elegates co*posed of the "+, chapter presidents (t1s1n1! June +#! "#$#! pp1 $+4$K)1 (e obtained fort' (>,) co**it*ents1 (e sub*itted photocopies of his no*ination for*s &hich read"No*ination 6or*

I Join in No*inating RAM.N M1 NI/CE as National President of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines

LLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Chapter /ignature" A*ong those &ho signed the no*ination for*s &ere- .nofre P1 0e?ada! Candido P1 Balbin! Jr1! Coni;ado 21 Posadas! 8uirico 51 8uirico Ernesto /1 /alun4at! 9loria C1 Agunos! .scar B1 Bernardo! 6eliciano 61 <'coco! A*or 51 Ibarra! Jose M1 Atien;a! Jose N1 Contreras! Ro*eo 01 Mendo;a! 5eo C1 Medialdea! Jr1! Paulino 91 Clarin! Julius M1 Neil! Roe* J1 Arbolado )e*ocrito M1 Pere;! Abelardo 6er*in! )iosdado B1 2illarin! Jr1! )aniel C1 Macaraeg! Confesor R1 /ansano )ionisio E1 Bala! Jr1! E*esto A1 A*ores! Ro*eo 21 Pefianco! Augurio C1 Pa*intuan! Atlee 01 2ira'! Ceferino C1 Cabanas! Jose /1 Buban! )iosdado M1 Relo?! Jr1! Cesar C1 2iola! .scar C1 6ernande;! Ricardo B1 0eruel Rodrigo R1 6lores! /i3to Marella! Jr1! Arsenio C1 2illalon! Renato 61 Ron7uillo! Antonio 91 Nalapo Ro*ualdo A1 )in Jr1! Jose P1 Icaonapo Jr1! and Manuel /1 Person1 Att'1 Nisce ad*itted that he reser%ed roo*s at the ('att (otel based on the co**it*ents he had obtained (t1s1n1! June +#! "#$#! pp1 $+4$C)1 @nfortunatel'! despite those for*al co**it*ents! he obtained onl' "> %otes in the election (t1s1n1! June +#! " #$#! p1 $K)1 0he reason! he said! is that1 so*e of those &ho had co**itted their %otes to hi* &ere "*anipulated! inti*idated! pressured! or re*unerated" (t1s1n1! June +#!"#$#! pp1 $K#CH E3hibit "M4>4Nisce!" t1s1n1! Jul' >! "#$#! pp1 ",,4" ,>)1 (+) @se of PNB plane in the ca*paign1

0he records of the Philippine National Ban= (E3hibit C4"4Crudo and E3hibit C4+4Crudo) sho& that /ecretar' 6ulgencio /1 6actoran! Jr1 of the )epart*ent of En%iron*ent : Natural Resources ()ENR) borro&ed a plane fro* the Philippine National Ban= for his Bicol C.R) (Cabinet .fficers for Regional )e%elop*ent) Assistant! @ndersecretar' Antonio 0ria1 0he plane *anifest (E3h1 C4+4Crudo) listed Att'1 2ioleta )rilon! Arturo 0usi (0iu)! Assistant /ecretar' for En%iron*ent and Natural Resources ()ENR) 0on' 0ria! Att'1 9lad's 0iongco! and A*' <ong1 E3cept for 0on' 0ria! the rest of the passengers &ere IBP candidates1 Att'1 )rilon ad*itted that she "hitched" a ride on a PNB plane1 /he said that she &as infor*ed b' Att'1 0iu about the a%ailabilit' of a PNB plane (t1s1n1! Jul' !"#$#! pp1 ""K4""$)1 Att'1 0iu! &ho ran for the position of IBP e3ecuti%e %ice4president in the )rilon tic=et! testified that so*eti*e in Ma' "#$# he failed to obtain boo=ing fro* the Philippine Airlines for the pro?ected trip of his group to Bicol1 (e &ent to the )ENR allegedl' to follo& up so*e papers for a client1 <hile at the )ENR! he learned that Assistant /ecretar' 0ria &as going on an official business in Bicol for /ecretar' 6ulgencio 6actoran and that he &ould be ta=ing a PNB plane1 As Assistant /ecretar' 0ria is his fraternit' brother! he as=ed if he! together &ith the )rilon group! could hitch a ride on the plane to Bicol1 (is re7uest &as granted1 0heir purpose in going to Bicol &as to assess their chances in the IBP elections1 0he )rilon co*pan' tal=ed &ith the IBP chapter presidents in )aet! Naga! and 5egaspi! and as=ed for their support (t1s1n1! Jul' ",! "#$#! pp1 C>#)1 Assistant /ecretar' Antonio /1 0ria confir*ed the use of a PNB plane b' Att'1 )rilon and her group1 (e recalled that on Ma' + !"#$#! )ENR /ecretar' 6actoran instructed hi* to go to Bicol to *onitor certain regional de%elop*ent pro?ects there and to sur%e' the effect of the t'phoon that hit the region in the *iddle of Ma'1 .n the sa*e da'! Att'1 0iu! a fraternit' brother (*eaning that 0iu belongs to the /ig*a Rho fraternit') &ent to the )ENR office and re7uested the /ecretar' (6actoran) if he (0iu) could be allo&ed to hitch a ride on the plane1 Assistant /ecretar' 0ria! together &ith the )rilon group &hich included Attorne's )rilon! 9rapilon! A*' <ong! 9lad's 0iongco! and 0iu! too= off at the )o*estic Airport bound for Naga! )aet and 5egaspi1 In 5egaspi the )rilon group had lunch &ith Att'1 2icente Real! Jr1! an IBP chapter president (t1s1n1! Jul' ",! "#$#! pp1 C>4K#)1 ( ) 6or*ation of tic=ets and single slates1 0he three candidates! Paculdo! Nisce and )rilon! ad*itted ha%ing for*ed their o&n slates for the election of IBP national officers on June ! "#$#1 Att'1 PaculdoBs slate consisted of J hi*self for PresidentH Bella )1 0iro! for E3ecuti%e 2ice4 PresidentH and for 9o%ernors- Justiniano P1 Corte; (Northern 5u;on)! .scar C1 6ernande; (Central 5u;on)! Mario C121 Jalandoni (9reater Manila)! Petronilo A1 de la Cru; (/outhern 5u;on)! 0eodorico C1 Al*ine! Jr1 (Bicolandia)! Ricardo B1 0eruel (<estern 2isa'as)! Porfirio P1 /i'angco (Eastern 2isa'as)! Jesus /1 Anonat (<estern Mindanao)! 9uerrero A1 Ada;a! Jr1 (Eastern Mindanao) (E3hibit M4Nisce)1 0he )rilon tic=et consisted of1 2ioleta C1 )rilon for President! Arturo 0iu for E3ecuti%e 2ice President! /al%ador 5ao for Chair*an of the (ouse of )elegates! and! for 9o%ernors- Basil Rupisan (Northern B5u;on)! Acong Atien;a (Central 5u;on)! A*' <ong (Metro Manila)! Jose 9rapilon (/outhern 0agalog)! 0eodoro Al*ine (Bicolandia)! Baldo*ero Esten;o (Eastern 2isa'as)! Joelito Barrera (<estern 2isa'as)! 9lad's 0iongco (Eastern Mindanao)! /i*eon )atu*anong (<estern Mindanao) (E3hibit M4"4Nisce)1

Att'1 Ra*on N1 NisceBs line4up listed hi*self and Confessor B1 /ansano Ben?a*in B1 Bernardino! Antonio 51 Nalapo Renato 61 Ron7uillo! 9loria C1 Agunos! Mario 2alderra*a! Candido P1 Balbin Jr1! .scar C1 6ernande;! Cesar 91 2iola! 5eo C1 Medialdea! Jr1! 2icente P1 0ordilla! Jr1! Jose /1 Buban! Joel A1 5losa! Jesus 01 Albacite and .scar 21 Badelles1 (>) 9i%ing free transportation to out4of4to&n delegates and alternates1 Att'1 Nisce ad*itted ha%ing bought plane tic=ets for so*e delegates to the con%ention1 (e *entioned .scar Badelles to &ho* he ga%e four round4trip tic=ets (&orth about P",!,,,) fro* Iligan Cit' to Manila and bac=1 Badelles &as a %oting delegate1 Nisce! ho&e%er! failed to get a &ritten co**it*ent fro* hi* because Att'1 Medialdea assured hi* (Nisce) "sigurado na B'an! hB&ag *o nang papir*ahin1" Badelles &on as sergeant4at4ar*s! not in NisceBs tic=et! but in that of )rilon1 Badelles ad*itted that Nisce sent hi* three airplane tic=ets! but he Badelles said that he did not use the*! because if he did! he &ould be co**itted to Nisce! and he Badelles did not &ant to be co**itted (t1s1n1! Jul' >!"#$#! pp1 AA4A#! #C4#K)1 Nisce also sent a plane tic=et to Att'1 Atilano! &ho &as his candidate! and another tic=et to Mrs1 5inda 5i* of Ma*boanga1 Records of the Philippine Airlines sho&ed that Att'1 Nisce paid for the plane tic=ets of 2icente Real! Jr1 (E3h1 )4"4Calica)! Ro*eo 6ortes (E3h1 )4"4 Calica)! Cesar Batica (E3h1 )4+4Calica)! Jose Buban of 5e'te (E3h1 )4+4Calica)! )elsanto Resuello (E3h1 )4 4 Calica)! and Ceferino Cabanas (E3h1 )4 4Calica)1 In spite of his efforts and e3pense! onl' one of NisceBs candidates &on- Renato Ron7uillo of Manila >! as /ecretar' of the (ouse of )elegates (t1s1n1 Jul' ! p1 "K")1 (C) 9i%ing free hotel acco**odations! food! drin=s! entertain*ent to delegates1 (a) A00I1 NERE. PAC@5). Att'1 Paculdo alleged that he boo=ed +> regular roo*s and three suites at the (olida' Inn! &hich ser%ed as his head7uarters1 0he +> roo*s &ere to be occupied b' his staff (*ostl' ladies) and the IBP delegates1 0he three suites &ere to be occupied b' hi*self! the officers of the Capitol Bar Association! and Att'1 Mario Jalandoni1 (e paid P"C,!,,, for the hotel bills of his delegates at the (olida' Inn! &here a roo* cost P##, per da' &ith brea=fast1 0hose listed as guests of Att'1 Paculdo at the (olida' Inn &ere- E*esto C1 Pere;! 0olo*eo 5igutan Judge Alfonso Co*bong! Ricardo Cali&ag! Antonio Bisnar! Benedicto Bala?adia! Jesus Castro! Restituto 2illanue%a! /erapio Cribe Juanita /ubia! 0eodorico J1 Al*ine! Rud' 9u*ban! Roe* Arbolado! Ricardo 0eruel! /hirle' Moises! Ra*on Roco! Alberto 0rinidad! 0eodoro 8uico' Manito 5ucero! 6red Cledera 2icente 0ordilla! Julian .ca*po! 6rancisco 6eli;*enio Mar%el Cla%ecilla! A*ador Capiral! Eufronio Maristela! Porfirio /i'angco! <illia* 5lanes! Jr1! Marciano Neri! 9uerrero Ada;a! )iosdado Peralta! 5uis C1 6or*ille;a! Jr1! )e*ocrito Pere;! Bruno 6lores! )ennis Rendon! Judge Ceferino Chan! Mario Jalandoni! Nenneth /iruelo Bella 0iro! Antonio /antos! 0iburcio Edano Ja*es 0an! Cesilo A1 Ada;a! 6rancisco Ro3as! Angelita 9acutan! Jesse Pi*entel! Judge Jai*e (a*o'! Jesus Anonat! Carlos Ega'! Judge Carlito Eis*a! Judge Jesus Carbon! Jo%en Mach! and Ben?a*in Padon1 Noel de 9u;*an! (olida' InnBs credit *anager! testified that Att'1 Paculdo boo=ed C+ (not +>) roo*s! including the presidential suite! &hich &as used as the /ecretariat1 0he group

boo=ings &ere *ade b' Att'1 9loria Paculdo! the &ife of Nereo Paculdo (t1s1n1 June +$! "#$#! pp1 K 4K$)1 0he total su* of P++A!"">1$# &as paid to (olida' Inn for the use of the roo*s1 (b) A00I1 2I.5E0A C1 )RI5.N 0he delegates and supporters of Att'1 )rilon &ere billeted at the Philippine Pla;a (otel &here her ca*paign *anager! Att'1 Renato Callanta! boo=ed >, roo*s! C of &hich &ere suites1 According to Ms1 2illanue%a! Philippine Pla;a ban7uet and con%entions *anager! the contract that Att'1 Callanta signed &ith the Philippine Pla;a &as *ade in the na*e of the "IBP cDo Att'1 Callanta1" Mrs1 5ourdes Juco! a sales *anager of the Philippine Pla;a! recalled that it &as Mr1 Mariano Benedicto &ho first ca*e to boo= roo*s for the IBP delegates1 /he suggested that he obtain a group (or discounted) rate1 (e ga%e her the na*e of Att'1 Callanta &ho &ould *a=e the arrange*ents &ith her1 Mr1 Benedicto turned out to be the Assistant /ecretar' of the )epart*ent of 5abor and E*plo'*ent ().5E)1 0he total su* of P "K!>""1C &as paid b' Att'1 Callanta for the roo*s! food! and be%erages consu*ed b' the )rilon group! &ith an unpaid balance of P ,+!"#A1 ,1 Per Attorne' )aniel Martine;Bs last telephone con%ersation &ith Ms1 2illanue%a! Att'1 Callanta still has an outstanding account of P+ +!A$+1KC at Philippine Pla;a1 Att'1 Callanta ad*itted that he signed the contract for >, roo*s at the Philippine Pla;a1 (e *ade a do&npa'*ent of P"+ !,,,1 (is "&or=ing sheetB sho&ed that the follo&ing persons contributed for that do&n pa'*ent-

(a) Nilo Pena (8uasha 5a& .ffice) (b) Antonio Carpio (c) 0oto 6errer (Carpio 5a& .ffice) (d) Ja' Castro (e) )ann' )een (f) Angangco 0an (Angara 5a& .ffice) (g) Alfonso Re'no (h) Cos*e Rossel

P +C!,,, +,!,,, ",!,,, ",!,,, +,!,,, ",!,,, +,!,,, "C! ,,

(t1s1n1 Jul' >! " #$#! pp1 4>) Att'1 Callanta e3plained that the abo%e listed persons ha%e been contributing *one' e%er' ti*e the IBP e*bar=s on a pro?ect1 0his ti*e! the' contributed so that their partners or associates could attend the legal aid se*inar and the IBP con%ention too1 Att'1 )rilon alleged that she did not =no& that Att'1 Callanta had billeted her delegates at the Philippine Pla;a1 /he allegedl' did not also =no& in &hose na*e the roo* she occupied &as registered1 But she did as= for a roo* &here she could rest during the con%ention1 /he ad*itted! ho&e%er! that she paid for her hotel roo* and *eals to Att'1 Callanta! through Att'1 5oan;on (t1s1n1 Jul' !"#$#)1 0he follo&ing &ere listed as ha%ing occupied the roo*s reser%ed b' Att'1 Callanta at the Philippine Pla;a- 2ioleta )rilon! 2ictoria A1 2erciles! 2ictoria C1 5oan;on! 5eopoldo A1 Consulto Ador 5ao! 2ictoria Borra! Ai*ee <ong! Callanta! Pena! 0iu! 9allardo! Acong Atien;a! )1 Bernardo! A*ores! /ilao Caingat! Manuel Iuson! /i*eon )atu*anong! Manuel Pecson! /i3to Marella! Joselito Barrera! Radon Macalalag! .scar Badelles! Antonio Ac'atan! Ildefonso C1 Puerto! Nestor Atien;a! 9il Batula Arra' Corot! )i*a=uta Corot Ro*eo 6ortes Ir%ing Petilla! 0eodoro Pal*a! 9il Pal*a! )anilo )een! )elsanto! Resuello! Araneta! 2icente Real! /'l%io Casuncad Espina! 9uerrero! Julius Neri! 5inda 5i*! Ben 5i*! C1 Batica! 5uis 6or*ille;a! 6eli3 Macalag Mariano Benedicto! Atilano! Araneta! Renato Callanta1 Att'1 Nilo Pena ad*itted that the 8uasha 5a& .ffice of &hich he is a senior partner! ga%e P+C!,,, to Callanta for roo*s at the Philippine Pla;a so that so*e *e*bers of his la& fir* could ca*paign for the )rilon group (t1s1n1 Jul' C!"#$#! pp1 AKA$) during the legal aid se*inar and the IBP con%ention1 Most of the *e*bers of his la& fir* are fraternit' brothers of /ecretar' )rilon (*eaning! *e*bers of the /ig*a Rho 6raternit')1 (e ad*itted being s'*pathetic to the candidac' of Att'1 )rilon and the *e*bers of her slate! t&o of &ho* Jose 9rapilon and /i*eon )atu*anong J are /ig*a Rhoans1 0he' consider Att'1 )rilon as a "sig*a rho sister!" her husband being a sig*a rhoan1 Att'1 Antonio Carpio! also a /ig*a Rhoan! reser%ed a roo* for the *e*bers of his o&n fir* &ho attended the legal aid se*inar and the con%ention1 (e *ade the reser%ation through Att'1 Callanta to &ho* he paid P+,!,,, (t1s1n1 Jul' K!"#$#! pp1 ,4 >)1 Att'1 Carpio assisted Att'1 )rilon in her ca*paign during the con%ention! b' soliciting the %otes of delegates he =ne&! li=e Att'1 Albacite his for*er teacher (but the latter &as alread' co**itted to Nisce)! and Att'1 Ro*' 6ortes! a class*ate of his in the @1P1 College of 5a& (t1 t1s1n1 Jul' K! "#$#! pp1 ++! +#! #)1 (c) A00I1 RAM.N NI/CE1 Att'1 Nisce! through his brother4in4la&! Ricardo Paras! entered into a contract &ith the ('att (otel for a total of +# roo*s plus one (") se%enth4floor roo*1 (e *ade a do&npa'*ent of P+,!,,, (t1s1n1 June +$! "#$#! p1 C$) on April +,! "#$#! and P A!K +1>C on Ma' ",! or a total of PCA!K +1>C1 Ms1 Cecile 6lores! Ms1 Milagros .ca*po! and Mr1 Ra*on Jacinto! the sales depart*ent *anager! credit *anager! and reser%ation *anager! respecti%el' of the ('att! testified that Att'1 NisceBs bill a*ounted to P+"K!"+A1A> (t1s1n1 June +$! "#$#! pp1 CA4C$H E3hibits E4 6lores! 64Jacinto*po)1

As earlier *entioned! Att'1 Nisce ad*itted that he reser%ed roo*s for those &ho co**itted the*sel%es to his candidac'1 0he hotel guests of Att'1 Nisce &ere- 9loria Agunos )ennis (abanel B1 Batula! John E1 Asuncion! Re'naldo Cortes! 5ourdes /antos! El*er )atuin! Ro*ualdo )in! Antonio Nalapo! Israel )a*asco! Candido Balbin! /errano Balot! Ibarra! Joel 5losa! Eltanal! Ruperto! Asuncion! 81 Pilotin Re'*undo P1 9u;*an! Moilo Aguinaldo! Clarin! R1 Ron7uillo! )o*inador Carillo! 6ilo*eno Balinas! Ernesto /abulan! Iusop Pangadapun! A1 2ira'! Ica*po! Abelardo 6er*in! C1 8uiaoit! Augurio Pa*intuan! )aniel Macaraeg! .nofre 0e?ada1 (K) Ca*paigning b' labor officials for Att'1 2ioleta )rilon In %iolation of the prohibition against "ca*paigning for or against a candidate &hile holding an electi%e! ?udicial! 7uasi4?udicial! or prosecutor' office in the 9o%ern*entB (/ec1 ">EcF! Art1 I! IBP B'45a&s)! Mariano E1 Benedicto II! Assistant /ecretar'! )epart*ent of 5abor and E*plo'*ent! testified that he too= a lea%e of absence fro* his office to attend the IBP con%ention1 (e sta'ed at the Philippine Pla;a &ith the )rilon group ad*ittedl' to gi%e "so*e *oral assistance" to Att'1 2ioleta )rilon1 (e did so because he is a *e*ber of the /ig*a Rho 6raternit'1 <hen as=ed about the significance of /ig*a Rho! /ecretar' Benedicto e3plained- "More than the husband of Mrs1 )rilon being *' boss! the significance there is that the husband is *' brother in the /ig*a Rho1" (e cheered up Mrs1! )rilon &hen her spirits &ere lo&1 (e tal=ed to her i**ediate circle &hich included Art 0iu! 0on' Carpio! Nilo Pena! A*' <ong! Att'1 9rapilon! 2ictor 5a;atin! and Bo' Re'no1 0he' assessed the progress of the ca*paign! and *easured the strengths and &ea=nesses of the other groups 0he group had sessions as earl' as the later part of Ma'1 Roo* "">! the suite listed in the na*e of Assistant /ecretar' Benedicto toted up a bill of P+ !"", during the +4da' IBP con%entionDelection1 A total of "" phone calls (a*ounting to Pl! CK) &ere recorded as e*anating fro* his roo*1 .pposite Roo* "">! &as Roo* ""+! also a suite! listed in the na*es of Mrs1 )rilon! 9lad's 0iongco (candidate for 9o%ernor! Eastern Mindanao) and A*' <ong (candidate for 9o%ernor! Metro Manila)1 0hese t&o roo*s ser%ed as the "action centerB or "&ar roo*" &here ca*paign strategies &ere discussed before and during the con%ention1 It &as in these roo*s &here the supporters of the )rilon group! li=e Att's1 Carpio! Callanta! Benedicto! the 8uasha and the ACCRA la&'ers *et to plot their *o%es1 (A) Pa'ing the dues or other indebtedness of an' nu*ber (/ec1 ">EeF! IBP BI45a&s)1 Att'1 0eresita C1 /ison! IBP 0reasurer! testified that she has heard of candidates pa'ing the IBP dues of la&'ers &ho pro*ised to %ote for or support the*! but she has no &a' of ascertaining &hether it &as a candidate &ho paid the delin7uent dues of another! because the receipts are issued in the na*e of the *e*ber for &ho* pa'*ent is *ade (t1s1n1 June +$! "#$#! pp1 +>4+$)1 /he has noticed! though! that there is an upsurge of pa'*ents in March! April! Ma' during an' election 'ear1 0his 'ear! the collections increased b' P",,!,,, o%er that of last 'ear (a non4election 'ear fro* Pl!>" !>+C to Pl!C+>!$AC (t1s1n1 June +$! "#$#! p1 +C)1

($) )istribution of *aterials other than bio4data of not *ore than one page of legal si;e sheet of paper (/ec1 ">EaF! IBP B'45a&s)1 .n the con%ention floor on the da' of the election! Att'1 Paculdo caused to be distributed his bio4data and copies of a leaflet entitled "M' 8uest!" as &en as! the lists of his slate1 Att's1 )rilon and Nisce si*ilarl' distributed their tic=ets and bio4data1 0he ca*paign *aterials of Att'1 Paculdo cost fro* P"C!,,, to P+,!,,,1 0he' &ere printed b' his o&n printing shop1 (#) Causing distribution of such state*ent to be done b' persons other than those authori;ed b' the officer presiding at the election (/ec1 ">EbF! IBP B'45a&s)1 Att'1 Paculdo e*plo'ed unifor*ed girls to distribute his ca*paign *aterials on the con%ention floor1 Att'1 Carpio noted that there &ere *ore ca*paign *aterials distributed at the con%ention site this 'ear than in pre%ious 'ears1 0he election &as *ore heated and e3pensi%e (t1s1n1 Jul' K!"#$#! p1 #)1 Att'1 Ben?a*in Bernardino! the incu*bent President of the IBP Ri;al Chapter! and a candidate for chair*an of the (ouse of )elegates on NisceBs tic=et! testified that ca*paign *aterials &ere distributed during the con%ention b' girls and b' la&'ers1 (e sa& *e*bers of the ACCRA la& fir* ca*paigning for Att'1 )rilon (t1s1n1 Jul' !"#$#! pp1 ">+4">C)1 (",) Inducing or influencing a *e*ber to &ithhold his %ote! or to %ote for or against a candidate (/ec1 ">EeF! IBP BI45a&s)1 Att'1 Bernardino disclosed that his cousin! Att'1 Ro*eo Capulong! urged hi* to &ithdra& his candidac' for chair*an of the (ouse of )elegates and to run as %ice4chair*an in 2iol' )rilonBs slate! but he declined (t1s1n1 Jul' !"#$#! pp1 " A! ">#)1 Att'1 9loria Agunos personnel director of the ('att 0erraces (otel in Baguio and president of the Baguio4Benguet IBP Chapter! recalled that in the third &ee= of Ma' "#$#! after the 0ripartite *eet of the )epart*ent of 5abor : E*plo'*ent at the 9reen 2alle' Countr' Club in Baguio Cit'! she *et Att'1 )rilon! together &ith t&o labor officers of Region "! Att's1 6ilo*eno Balbin and Att'1 Mansala Att'1 )rilon solicited her (Att'1 AgunosB) %ote and in%ited her to sta' at the Philippine Pla;a &here a roo* &ould be a%ailable for her1 Att'1 Paculdo also tried to enlist her support during the chapter presidentsB *eeting to choose their no*inee for go%ernor for the Northern 5u;on region (t1s1n1 Jul' " !"#$#! pp1 > 4C>)1 Att'1 Nisce testified that a Manila Chapter > delegate! Marcial Magsino! &ho had earlier co**itted his %ote to Nisce changed his *ind &hen he &as offered a ?udgeship (0his state*ent! ho&e%er! is ad*ittedl' hearsa')1 <hen Nisce confronted Magsino about the alleged offer! the latter denied that there &as such an offer1 NisceBs infor*ant &as Antonio 91 Nalapo an IBP candidate &ho also &ithdre&1 Another Nisce candidate! Cesar 2iola! &ithdre& fro* the race and refused to be no*inated (t1s1n1 June +#! "#$#! p1 ",>)1 2icente P1 0ordilla &ho &as NisceBs candidate for 9o%ernor beca*e PaculdoBs candidate instead (t1s1n1 June +#! "#$#! p1 ",>)1 Nisce recalled that during the Bench and Bar )ialogue in Cotabato Cit'! Court Ad*inistrator 0iro &ent around sa'ing! "I a* not ca*paigning! but *' &ife is a candidate1" Nisce said that

the presidents of se%eral IBP chapters infor*ed hi* that labor officials &ere ca*paigning for Mrs1 )rilon (t1s1n1 June +#!"#$#! pp1 ",#4"",)1 (e *entioned Cion' de la Cerna! &ho allegedl' ca*paigned in 5a @nion (t1s1n1 June +#!"#$#!p1""") Att'1 Joel A1 5losa! NisceBs supporter and candidate for go%ernor of the <estern 2isa'as! e3pressed his disappoint*ent o%er the IBP elections because so*e delegates flip4flopped fro* one ca*p to another1 (e testified that &hen he arri%ed at the Manila )o*estic Airport he &as *et b' an assistant regional director of the ).5E &ho offered to bring hi* to the Philippine Pla;a! but he declined the offer1 )uring the legal aid se*inar! Att'1 )rilon in%ited hi* to transfer to the Philippine Pla;a &here a roo* had been reser%ed for hi*1 (e declined the in%itation (t1s1n1 Jul' >!"#$#! pp1 ",+4",K)1 Att'1 5losa said that &hile he &as still in )u*aguete Cit'! he alread' =ne& that the three candidates had their head7uarters in separate hotels- Paculdo! at the (olida' InnH )rilon! at the Philippine Pla;aH and Nisce! at the ('att1 (e =ne& about this because a &ee= before the elections! representati%es of Att'1 )rilon &ent to )u*aguete Cit' to ca*paign1 (e *entioned Att'1 Rodil Montebon of the ACCRA 5a& .ffice! acco*panied b' Att'1 Jul%e the Assistant Regional )irector of the )epart*ent of 5abor in )u*aguete Cit'1 0hese t&o! he said! offered to gi%e hi* t&o PA5 tic=ets and acco**odations at the Philippine Pla;a (t1s1n1 Jul' >!"#$#! pp1 ","4",>)1 But he declined the offer because he &as alread' co**itted to Att'1 Nisce1 Att'1 5losa also re%ealed that before he left for Manila on Ma' "! "#$#! a business*an! (enr' )'! approached hi* to con%ince hi* to %ote for Att'1 Paculdo1 But 5losa told )' that he &as alread' co**itted to Nisce1 (e did not recei%e an' plane tic=ets fro* Att'1 Nisce because he and his t&o co*panions (Att'1 Eltanal and Att'1 Ruperto) had earlier bought their o&n tic=ets for Manila (t1s1n1 Jul' >! "#$#! p1 ",")1 /@MMARI .6 CAMPAI9N EOPEN/E/ INC@RRE) BI 0(E CAN)I)A0E/ Att'1 Paculdo ad*itted ha%ing spent so*e P+C,!,,, during his three &ee=s of ca*paigning1 .f this a*ount! the Capitol Bar Association (of &hich he &as the chapter president) contributed about P"C,!,,,1 0he Capitol Bar Association is a %oluntar' bar association co*posed of 8ue;on Cit' la&'ers1 (e spent about P",,!,,, to defra' the e3penses of his trips to the pro%inces (Bicol pro%inces! Pa*panga! Abra! Mountain Pro%ince and Bulacan) (t1s1n1 June +#!"#$#! pp1 #4 ">)1 Att'1 NisceBs hotel bills at the ('att a*ounted to P+"K!"+A1A>1 0his does not include the e3penses for his ca*paign &hich began se%eral *onths before the June rd election! and his purchases of airplane tic=ets for so*e delegates1 0he records of the Philippine Pla;a (otel! head7uarters of Att'1 )rilonBs ca*p! sho&ed that her ca*paign rang up o%er PK,,!,,, in hotel bills1 Att'1 Callanta paid P "K!>""1C for the roo*s! food! and be%erage consu*ed b' Att'1 )rilonBs supporters! but still left an unpaid bill of P ,+!"#A1 , at con%entionBs end1

6IN)IN9/1 6ro* all the foregoing! it is e%ident that the *anner in &hich the principal candidates for the national positions in the Integrated Bar conducted their ca*paign preparator' to the elections on June ! "#$#! %iolated /ection "> of the IBP B'45a&s and *ade a tra%est' of the idea of a "strictl' non4political" Integrated Bar enshrined in /ection > of the B'45a&s1 0he setting up of ca*paign head7uarters b' the three principal candidates ()rilon! Nisce and Paculdo) in fi%e4star hotels- 0he Philippine Pla;a! the (olida' Inn and 0he ('att the better for the* to corral and entertain the delegates billeted thereinH the island hopping to solicit the %otes of the chapter presidents &ho co*prise the "+,4*e*ber (ouse of )elegates that elects the national officers and regional go%ernorsH the for*ation of tic=ets! slates! or line4ups of candidates for the other electi%e positions aligned &ith! or supporting! either )rilon! Paculdo or NisceH the procure*ent of &ritten co**it*ents and the distribution of no*ination for*s to be filled up b' the delegatesH the reser%ation of roo*s for delegates in three big hotels! at the e3pense of the presidential candidatesH the use of a PNB plane b' )rilon and so*e *e*bers of her tic=et to enable the* to "assess their chances" a*ong the chapter presidents in the Bicol pro%incesH the printing and distribution of tic=ets and bio4data of the candidates &hich in the case of Paculdo ad*ittedl' cost hi* so*e P"C!,,, to P+,!,,,H the e*plo'*ent of unifor*ed girls (b' Paculdo) and la&'ers (b' )rilon) to distribute their ca*paign *aterials on the con%ention floor on the da' of the electionH the gi%ing of assistance b' the @ndersecretar' of 5abor to Mrs1 )rilon and her groupH the use of labor arbiters to *eet delegates at the airport and escort the* to the Philippine Pla;a (otelH the gi%ing of pre4paid plane tic=ets and hotel acco**odations to delegates (and so*e fa*ilies &ho acco*panied the*) in e3change for their supportH the pirating of so*e candidates b' inducing the* to "hop" or "flipflop" fro* one tic=et to another for so*e ru*ored considerationH all these practices *ade a political circus of the proceedings and tainted the &hole election process1 0he candidates and *an' of the participants in that election not onl' %iolated the B'45a&s of the IBP but also the ethics of the legal profession &hich i*poses on all la&'ers! as a corollar' of their obligation to obe' and uphold the constitution and the la&s! the dut' to "pro*ote respect for la& and legal processes" and to abstain fro* Bacti%ities ai*ed at defiance of the la& or at lessening confidence in the legal s'ste*" (Rule "1,+! Canon "! Code of Professional Responsibilit')1 Respect for la& is gra%el' eroded &hen la&'ers the*sel%es! &ho are supposed to be *illions of the la&! engage in unla&ful practices and ca%alierl' brush aside the %er' rules that the IBP for*ulated for their obser%ance1 0he unsee*l' ardor &ith &hich the candidates pursued the presidenc' of the association detracted fro* the dignit' of the legal profession1 0he spectacle of la&'ers bribing or being bribed to %ote one &a' or another! certainl' did not uphold the honor of the profession nor ele%ate it in the publicBs estee*1 0he Court notes &ith gra%e concern &hat appear to be the e%asions! denials and outright pre%arications that tainted the state*ents of the &itnesses! including to*e of the candidates! during the initial hearing conducted b' it before its fact4finding co**ittee &as created1 0he subse7uent in%estigation conducted b' this Co**ittee has re%ealed that those parties had been less than candid &ith the Court and see* to ha%e conspired a*ong the*sel%es to decei%e it or at least &ithhold %ital infor*ation fro* it to conceal the irregularities co**itted during the ca*paign1 C.NC5@/I.N/1

It has been *entioned &ith no little insistence that the pro%ision in the "#$A Constitution (/ee1 $! Art1 2III) pro%iding for a Judicial and Bar Council co*posed of se%en (A) *e*bers a*ong &ho* is "a representati%e of the Integrated Bar!" tas=ed to participate in the selection of no*inees for appoint*ent to %acant positions in the ?udiciar'! *a' be the reason &h' the position of IBP president has attracted so *uch interest a*ong the la&'ers1 0he *uch co%eted "po&er" erroneousl' percei%ed to be inherent in that office *ight ha%e caused the corruption of the IBP elections1 0o i*press upon the participants in that electoral e3ercise the seriousness of the *isconduct &hich attended it and the stern disappro%al &ith &hich it is %ie&ed b' this Court! and to restore the non4political character of the IBP and reduce! if not entirel' eli*inate! e3pensi%e electioneering for the top positions in the organi;ation &hich! as the recentl' concluded elections re%ealed! spa&ned unethical practices &hich seriousl' di*inished the stature of the IBP as an association of the practitioners of a noble and honored profession! the Court hereb' .R)ER/"1 0he IBP elections held on June !"#$# should be as the' are hereb' annulled1 +1 0he pro%isions of the IBP B'45a&s for the direct election b' the (ouse of )elegates (appro%ed b' this Court in its resolution of Jul' #! "#$C in Bar Matter No1 +$A) of the follo&ing national officers(a) the officers of the (ouse of )elegatesH (b) the IBP presidentH and (c) the e3ecuti%e %ice4president! be repealed! this Court being e*po&ered to a*end! *odif' or repeal the B'45a&s of the IBP under /ection AA! Art1 OI of said B'45a&s1 1 0he for*er s'ste* of ha%ing the IBP President and E3ecuti%e 2ice4President elected b' the Board of 9o%ernors (co*posed of the go%ernors of the nine E#" IBP regions) fro* a*ong the*sel%es (as pro%ided in /ec1 >A! Art1 2II! .riginal IBP B'45a&s) should be restored1 0he right of auto*atic succession b' the E3ecuti%e 2ice4President to the presidenc' upon the e3piration of their t&o4'ear ter* (&hich &as abolished b' this CourtBs resolution dated Jul' #!"#$C in Bar Matter No1 +$A) should be as it is hereb' restored1 >1 At the end of the PresidentBs t&o4'ear ter*! the E3ecuti%e 2ice4President shall auto*aticall' succeed to the office of president1 0he inco*ing board of go%ernors shall then elect an E3ecuti%e 2ice4President fro* a*ong the*sel%es1 0he position of E3ecuti%e 2ice4 President shall be rotated a*ong the nine (#) IBP regions1 .ne &ho has ser%ed as president *a' not run for election as E3ecuti%e 2ice4President in a succeeding election until after the rotation of the presidenc' a*ong the nine (#) regions shall ha%e been co*pletedH &hereupon! the rotation shall begin ane&1 C1 /ection >A of Article 2II is hereb' a*ended to read as follo&s/ection >A1 National .fficers1 J 0he Integrated Bar of the Philippines shall ha%e a President and E3ecuti%e 2ice4President to be chosen b' the Board of 9o%ernors fro* a*ong nine (#) regional go%ernors! as *uch as practicable! on a rotation basis1 0he go%ernors shall be ex oficio 2ice4President for their respecti%e regions1 0here shall also be a /ecretar' and 0reasurer of the

Board of 9o%ernors to be appointed b' the President &ith the consent of the Board1 K1 /ection (b)! Art1 2! IBP B'45a&s! is hereb' a*ended as follo&s(b) 0he President and E3ecuti%e 2ice President of the IBP shall be the Chair*an and 2ice4Chair*an! respecti%el'! of the (ouse of )elegates1 0he /ecretar'! 0reasurer! and /ergeant4at4Ar*s shall be appointed b' the President &ith the consent of the (ouse of )elegates1B A1 /ection (g) of Article 2 pro%iding for the positions of Chair*an! 2ice4Chair*an! /ecretar'40reasurer and /ergeant4at4 Ar*s of the (ouse of )elegates is hereb' repealed $1 /ection A! Article 2I is hereb' a*ended to read as follo&s/ection A1 Co*position of the Board1 J 0he Integrated Bar of the Philippines shall be go%erned b' a Board of 9o%ernors consisting of nine (#) 9o%ernors fro* the nine (#) regions as delineated in /ection of the Integration Rule! on the representation basis of one (") 9o%ernor for each region to be elected b' the *e*bers of the (ouse of )elegates fro* that region onl'1 0he position of 9o%ernor should be rotated a*ong the different Chapters in the region1 #1 /ection #! Article 2 is hereb' a*ended as follo&s/ection #1 No*ination and election of the 9o%ernors at least one (") *onth before the national con%ention the delegates fro* each region shall elect the go%ernor for their region! the choice of &hich shall as *uch as possible be rotated a*ong the chapters in the region1 ",1 /ection (a)! Article 2 hereb' is a*ended b' addingthe follo&ing pro%ision as part of the first paragraphNo con%ention of the (ouse of )elegates nor of the general *e*bership shall be held prior to an' election in an election 'ear1 ""1 /ection #! (a)! (b)! (")! (+)! ( )! (>)! (C)! (K)! and (A) of Article 2I should be as the' are hereb' deleted1 All other pro%isions of the B'45a&s including its a*end*ent b' the Resolution en banc of this Court of Jul' #! "#$C (Bar Matter No1 +$A) that are inconsistent here&ith are hereb' repealed or *odified1 "+1 /pecial elections for the Board of 9o%ernors shall be held in the nine (#) IBP regions &ithin three ( ) *onths! after the pro*ulgation of the CourtBs resolution in this case1 <ithin thirt' ( ,) da's thereafter! the Board of 9o%ernors shall *eet at the IBP Central .ffice in Manila to elect fro* a*ong the*sel%es the IBP national president and e3ecuti%e %ice4 president1 In these special elections! the candidates in the election of the national officers held on June !"#$#! particularl' identified in /ub4(ead of this Resolution entitled "6or*ation of 0ic=ets and /ingle /lates!" as &ell as those identified in this Resolution as

connected &ith an' of the irregularities attendant upon that election! are ineligible and *a' not present the*sel%es as candidate for an' position1 " 1 Pending such special elections! a careta=er board shall be appointed b' the Court to ad*inister the affairs of the IBP1 0he Court *a=es clear that the dispositions here *ade are &ithout pre?udice to its adoption in due ti*e of such further and other *easures as are &arranted in the pre*ises1 /. .R)ERE)1 Narvasa, elencio-Herrera, !ru", Paras, #eliciano, Gancayco, Padilla. Bidin, $armiento, !ortes, Gri%o-&'uino and (egalado, ))., concur. #ernan, !.). and edialdea, )., too* no part.

Gutierre", )r., )., is on leave.

Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC July 30, 196 !"R" No" #$%&&3' ROSAURO PARAGAS, petitione(, )s" FERNANDO A. CRUZ, Judge of the Court of First I st! "e of C!#oo"! Cit$% T&E CIT' FISCA( OF CA(OOCAN CIT' ! d E(PO )E( POR*ENIR RU++ER PRODUCTS, INC.,, (espon*ents RESO(UTION RE'ES, J.+.(., J.: +n as,in- fo( (econsi*e(ation of this Cou(t.s *is/issal of his petition fo( certiorari in the abo)e$entitle* case, Atty" Je(e/ias 0" 1ebastian, actin- as counsel de parte fo( petitione( Rosau(o Pa(a-as, state* the follo2in- in his 2(itten /otion, file* on May %%, 196 3

40he petitione( (espectfully p(ays fo( a (econsi*e(ation of the (esolution of this 5ono(able Cou(t *ate* Ap(il %0, 196 on the -(oun* that it constitutes a )iolation of 1ection 1& of Rule 11% of the Rules, of Cou(t p(o/ul-ate* by this )e(y 5on" 1up(e/e Cou(t, an* on the fu(the( -(oun* that it is li,e2ise a violation of the most important right in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the Philippines, a culpable violation which is a ground for impeachment "4 """ " 0he (ule of la2 in a *e/oc(acy shoul* al2ays be uphel* an* p(otecte* by all /eans, because the (ule of la2 c(eates an* p(ese()es peace an* o(*e( an* -i)es satisfaction an* content/ent to all conce(ne*" But when the laws and the rules are violated, the victims resort, sometimes, to armed force and to the ways of the cave-men! We do not want Verzosa and Reyes repeated a-ain an* a-ain, killed in the premises of the upreme !ourt and in those of the !ity "all of #anila" E*ucate* people shoul* ,eep thei( te/pe( un*e( cont(ol at all ti/es6 But 7ustice shoul* be *one to all conce(ne* to pe(petuate the )e(y life of 8e/oc(acy on the face of the ea(th"4 Consi*e(in- the fo(e-oin- e9p(essions to be *e(o-ato(y to its *i-nity, this Cou(t, by Resolution of June %, 196 , afte( :uotin- sai* state/ents (e:ui(e* Atty" 1ebastian to sho2 cause 2hy a*/inist(ati)e action shoul* not be ta,en a-ainst hi/" ;n June 1', 196 , counsel file* an 4e9planato(y /e/o(an*u/,4 statin-3 <hen 2e sai* that the sai* )iolation is a -(oun* fo( i/peach/ent, the un*e(si-ne* *i* not say that he 2oul* file i/peach/ent p(ocee*in-s a-ainst the Justices 2ho suppo(te* the (esolution" <e sai* only 2hat 2e sai*" 0he tas, of i/peachin- the hi-hest Justices in this count(y is ob)iously not the tas, fo( a co//on /an, li,e the un*e(si-ne*= it is a he(culean tas, 2hich only e9ceptional /en, li,e >loo( #ea*e( Jose #au(el J(", can *o" +n a**ition to this, 2e *o not ha)e the ti/e, the /eans an* the st(en-th fo( this pu(pose" 0he asse(tion that $But when the laws and the rules are violated, the victims resort, sometimes, to armed force and to the ways of the cave-men! We do not want Verzosa and Reyes repeated again and again, killed in the premises of the

upreme !ourt and in those of the !ity "all of #anila,$ is only a state/ent of fact an* of ou( 2ish" <e lea(n f(o/ obse()ation that 2hen the la2s an* the (ules a(e )iolate*, the )icti/s, so/eti/es, (eso(t to a(/e* fo(ce an* to the 2ays of the ca)e/en, as sho2n in the case of #uis M" 0a(uc an* in the case of Jesus #a)a, both of 2ho/ 2ent to the /ountains 2hen they 2e(e not allo2e* to ta,e thei( seats in the 5ouse of Rep(esentati)es an*, acco(*in- to the ne2spape(s, one 2as cha(-e* 2ith /u(*e( an* 2as foun* -uilty" +t 2as only (ecently that Jesus #a)a su((en*e(e* to the autho(ities" <e ha* this sa* (ecollection 2hen 2e 2(ote the un*e(line* passa-e /entione* in this pa(a-(aph" <hile 2(itin- that BR+E> M;0+;N >;R REC;N1+8ERA0+;N, the thou-ht of ?e(@osa an* Reyes flashe* ac(oss the /in* of the un*e(si-ne* as the shootin- of those t2o -o)e(n/ent e/ployees /ust ha)e (esulte* f(o/ so/e ,in* of *issatisfaction 2ith thei( actuations 2hile in office" <e state* o( the un*e(si-ne* state* that 2e a(e a-ainst the (epetition of these abo/inable acts that su(ely *istu(be* the peace an* o(*e( of the co//unity" 1hall the un*e(si-ne* be punishe* by this 5ono(able 1up(e/e Cou(t only fo( tellinthe t(uth, fo( tellin- 2hat happene* befo(e in this Count(yA ;u( state/ent is clea( an* un/ista,able, because 2e state* 4<e *o not 2ant ?e(@osa an* Reyes (epeate* """4 0he intention of the un*e(si-ne* is li,e2ise clea( an* un/ista,able= he is a-ainst the (epetition of these acts of sub)e(sion an* hate6 <e fin* the e9planations sub/itte* to be unsatisfacto(y" 0he e9p(essions containe* in the /otion fo( (econsi*e(ation, p(e)iously :uote*, a(e plainly conte/ptuous an* *is(espectful, an* (efe(ence to the (ecent ,illin- of t2o e/ployees is but a co)e(t th(eat upon the /e/be(s of the Cou(t" 0hat such th(eats an* *is(espectful lan-ua-e containe* in a plea*in- file* in Cou(ts a(e constituti)e of *i(ect conte/pt has been (epeate*ly *eci*e* B1alce*o )s" 5e(nan*e@, 61 Phil. 724= People )s" ?a(tu(an@a % ;ff" !a@" C693 Me*ina )s" Ri)e(a, 66 Phil. 151= 8e Joya )s" Cou(t of >i(st +nstance of Ri@al, #$ 9C' , 1ept" 19, 19 6= 1ison )s" 1an*e7as, #$9%C0, Ap(il %9, 19 9= #ualhati )s" Albe(t, 57 Phil. 86D" <hat /a,es the p(esent case /o(e *eplo(able is that the

-uilty pa(ty is a /e/be( of the ba(= fo(, as (e/a(,e* in %eople vs& !arillo, CC Phil" '0 E Counsel shoul* con*uct hi/self to2a(*s the 7u*-es 2ho t(y his cases 2ith that cou(tesy all ha)e a (i-ht to e9pect" As an office( of the cou(t, it is his s2o(n an* /o(al *uty to help buil* an* not *est(oy unnecessa(ily that hi-h estee/ an* (e-a(* to2a(*s the cou(ts so essential to the p(ope( a*/inist(ation of 7ustice" +t is (i-ht an* plausible that an atto(ney, in *efen*in- the cause an* (i-hts of his client, shoul* *o so 2ith all the fe()o( an* ene(-y of 2hich he is capable, but it is not, an* ne)e( 2ill be so, fo( hi/ to e9e(cise sai* (i-ht by (eso(tin- to inti/i*ation o( p(ocee*in- 2ithout the p(op(iety an* (espect 2hich the *i-nity of the cou(ts (e:ui(e" B1alce*o )s" 5e(nan*e@, F+n (e >(anciscoG, 61 Phil" C%9D Counsel.s *isa)o2al of any offensi)e intent is of no a)ail, fo( it is a 2ell$ ,no2n an* establishe* (ule that *efa/ato(y 2o(*s a(e to be ta,en in the o(*ina(y /eanin- attache* to the/ by i/pa(tial obse()e(s" A /e(e *isclai/e( of any intentional *is(espect by appellant is no -(oun* fo( e9one(ation" 5is intent /ust be *ete(/ine* by a fai( inte(p(etation of the lan-ua-es by hi/ e/ploye*" 5e cannot escape (esponsibility by clai/in- that his 2o(*s *i* not /ean 2hat any (ea*e( /ust ha)e un*e(stoo* the/ as /eanin-" B+n (e >(anco, 6C Phil" 313D <5ERE>;RE, Atty" Je(e/ias 0" 1ebastian is he(eby foun* -uilty of *i(ect conte/pt, an* sentence* to pay a fine of P%00"00 2ithin ten *ays f(o/ notice he(eof, o(, in case of *efault, to suffe( i/p(ison/ent not e9cee*in- ten B10D *ays" An* he is 2a(ne* that a subse:uent (epetition of the offense 2ill be /o(e *(astically *ealt 2ith" Bengzon, !&'&, Bautista (ngelo, !oncepcion, %aredes, )izon, Regala, #akalintal, Bengzon, '&%&, and *aldivar, ''&, concur& Barrera, '&, is on leave&

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