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What is your Sign S N Rao When a man says to an attractive woman at a party Im a Leo, Whats your sign?

, he is not only using an opening conversational gambit (and behaving just li e Leo!, he is also tal ing about "un signs# What is a "un sign? $rom our viewpoint here on %arth, the "un travels around the %arth once each year# Within the space o& that year the "un moves through all twelve signs o& the 'odiac, spending appro(imately one month in each sign# )he sign that the "un was traveling through at the time o& your birth is your "un sign# )he "un is our most power&ul planet# (In astrological terms, the "un is re&erred to as a planet# It gives us li&e, warmth, energy, &ood# It is the &orce that sustains us on %arth# )he "un is also the most important and pervasive in*uence in the horoscope, and in many ways determines how others see you# )he position o& the "un in your birth chart governs your individuality, your distinctive style, and your drive to &ul+ll your goals in li&e# "un sign can be compared to the role youve been given in your li&e# ,our "un sign delineates your general character# -re you introspective? .o you ma e &riends easily? /ow do you cope with responsibility? -re you high0strung or easygoing? )he answers may be &ound in a study o& your "un sign# ,et a typical remar o&ten made to astrologers goes something li e this1 Im a 2apricorn, but when I read those descriptions o& 2apricorn, they dont describe me very accurately# 3emember, the "un sign is just the start o& your portrait, the broad stro es# ,ou also have a 4oon in your birth chart, and its probably in a di&&erent sign &rom the one the "un is in# ,ou have planets in your birth chart, and each may be in a di&&erent sign# ,ou are a comple( and uni5ue combination, unli e anyone else# -ny attempt to give an accurate description &rom only a "un sign &alls into the ind o& error# 6nly by studying the entire birth chart can an astrologer begin to get a complete picture o& a personality# %ven then, there is a certain latitude &or error simply because human beings are not carved in stone# We change a little every day and with every person we meet# Love, tragedy, success each circumstance o& li&e alters us# /owever, the essential person remains# -nd the "un sign is the outline o& that essence# )he position o& the 4oon in your horoscope is just as important as the position o& the "un# )he "un sign is the part o& you that is most apparent on the sur&ace7 it is what others see# )he 4oon sign is the part o& you that you see# In astrology the 4oon stands &or emotions, instincts, the unconscious# Whereas the "un represents your will, the 4oon represents your instinctive reactions# )he "uns in&luence is a vital &orce and the 4oon as an unconscious &orce# In essence, the 4oon represents the side o& you that reacts be&ore you have time to thin # In many ways your 4oon personality is the one you eep hidden# /uman beings tend to disapprove o& instinctive behavior# We call it uncivili'ed, primitive, animalistic# )hus, in certain respects, your 4oon personality is a part o& yoursel& that you &ind disturbing# It is your inner core, which &eels hate and jealousy, broods and is &ear&ul, and has &antasies that you o&ten deny even to yoursel&# 6& course, this is not the complete picture o& the 4oons in&luence on your personality# It is also your 4oon side that can spontaneously &eel and e(press joy and pleasure, the side that reacts to emotional stimuli# It is the part o& you that enjoys the little sensualities o& li&e8the per&umed aroma o& &lowers, the smell o& the grass a&ter it rains, the delight o& a long, hot shower# )he 4oon is ine(tricably lin ed to what might be called your reaction to your environment, &or the 4oon has rulership over the &ive senses8sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch# In astrology, the meaning o& the 4oon can become very esoteric# )he 4oon also stands &or in&ancy, childhood, your dreams, memory, and your past# -ll these words might be summed up as your inner psyche# 9ecause the 4oon holds dominion over the emotional sphere, it in&luences your receptivity to others and also how others &eel about you# 6bviously, there&ore, the 4oon is an e(tremely important &actor in love relationships# - strong and lasting bond is indicated in a relationship when the woman has her 4oon in the same sign in which a man has his "un# $or e(ample, i& he is a "corpio "un sign and she has her 4oon in "corpio, they have an e(cellent chance o& a long relationship because each will have a deep understanding o& the other# )he 4oon in your horoscope modi&ies your "un sign7 it brings new &orces, di&&erent motivations, and special elements to the character o& your "un sign# ,our "un sign personality and 4oon sign personality

are a blend, a marriage# -s in a marriage, disparate elements sometimes wor together to &orm a compatible partnership, each lending the other its strengths# 9ut sometimes there is con&lict in which opposing traits collide with each other# I& you &eel that you are in constant con&lict with yoursel&8i& you &eel you are two di&&erent people torn and pulled by each other8astrology can help you# "tudy both your "un sign and 4oon sign# Learn the positive and negative sides to these signs and try to recogni'e these elements within yoursel&# ,ou may &ind that with a deeper understanding o& the &orces that motivate you, you will learn to be less hard on yoursel& and to reconcile what seems to be a con&using whirl o& contradictions# 6n the other hand, i& your "un and 4oon are in the same sign, you will probably &ind the characteristics o& that sign doubly rein&orced in your personality# ,our -scendant is the sign that was rising over the eastern hori'on at the time o& your birth (hence it is nown as your 3ising sign!# When you were born you le&t the condition o& being a &etus and became a separate, &ully &ormed human being# )here&ore, the sign that was rising at this precise moment denotes your &irst e(perience as a separate human being7 it e(presses the moment in which you began independent e(istence in this world# -s such, it characteri'es the way you deal with others and your distinctive style o& interacting with people# It spea s o& your coping mechanisms and how you react to anything new that li&e throws at you# In many respects, your -scendant is the sign that ma es you &eel most com&ortable psychically# Its behaviors reassure you that you are coping well and will be sa&e as you enter un&amiliar emotional territory# ,our -scendant or 3ising sign is a very important part o& your horoscope# ,our ascendant is the sign that re&lects your outward demeanor and to a great e(tent determines how the outside world loo s at you# )he word outer is signi&icant in de&ining your 3ising sign, &or this is the sign that represents your outer personality# In modern terminology, it is your image# :ery o&ten your -scendant is what the world &irst sees in you, the impression that you &irst ma e on other people# 4any astrologers believe that your 3ising sign is more immediately revealing than your "un sign# ,our 3ising sign has been li ened to the door o& a house, the entranceway that visitors &irst see and must pass through in order to loo into the house itsel&# )he personality you outwardly project is almost always a per&ect blend o& your "un sign and 3ising sign# It is this combination that ma es your uni5ue impact on the world# ,our 4oon sign is a more hidden aspect o& your personality# It is a pervasive in&luence, but it is li ely that other people sense the in&luence o& your 4oon sign in your character rather than see it on the sur&ace# -strology is a &ascinating tool &or the study o& human nature# When you +rst meet someone, that person is a mystery# ,ou see the color o& eyes and hair, the mode o& dress, whether he or she is tall or short# ,ou must wait &or &urther in&ormation to now anything more# I& you now the persons "un sign, you can put a &ew pieces o& the pu''le together# 9ut, just as when you are beginning a comple( jigsaw pu''le, too many pieces are missing# )he "un sign merely gives you an edge, an e(tra insight that you would not otherwise possess# 6& course, nowledge o& "un signs is not only use&ul in casual social meetings# It is invaluable in close relationships# I& your 2ancer husband nags and critici'es, youll now its just his way o& showing how much he is emotional and wanting# /e really cares about you# I& your ten0year0old :irgo daughter acts li e a premature old maid, &ussing about putting every0thing e(actly where she wants it, youll understand why she needs to have her possessions neatly arranged# ;nowing how scattered and &orget&ul a <emini can be, you will +nd it easier to &orgive your <emini lover when your birthday present shows up two days late# 4ost important o& all, an understanding o& your own "un sign will give you an added measure o& sel&0 nowledge, a deeper insight into the stranger that is yoursel&#

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