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Chapter 8 Leader: Alyssia Harper Support Staff: Nikolette Edge, Beth Franks, Stephanie Garcia, and Jason Henderson

Website: Nikolette Edge P. 148 It is really important to deliver material in different ways in order to reach as many students as possible , but also to give them several ways to access that information later. Figure 8.2 made it easy to see the difference, my way would be a calendar, so I can see it in relation to other dates and plan accordingly. P. 149 Students often have trouble with longer projects. I like the idea of scaffolding the lower-level skill so they can grow toward the higher- level skills. I give tips by telling students how I would break the project down into manageable pieces or pace myself, but I need to be more systematic. P.157 I like the idea of handheld items for students to use in order to focus. I too have been known to wonder if a student is paying attention when they are fiddling with something, but so many students need to move it just may help. Also a master list with test accommodations for students and the ability to add to it sounds like a great tool. Beth Franks P. 144 Definition: Universal Design is differentiation hopped up on caffeine. It is the classroom environment and instruction carefully organized to meet the needs of every student in the class. It is the flexibility to reach and engage each student. For some students, the support needed is high and for others, the level of support is lower. But overall, each student receives what he/she needs in order to be successful. P. 145 Rationale: UDL is not reactive, but proactive. The purpose of UDL is not to be a reaction to a deficit, which suggests that some students are thought of first and then the rest of the students are compared and retrofitted into a curriculum plan but rather a purposeful, proactive design created to help each student not only receive content and make the grade, but to succeed and excel in their thinking and learning. It is designed with each student in mind individually. UDL validates and celebrates each student and his/her abilities and intelligences. P. 148 I have always known that different people perceive things in different ways. But I confess, I have not always presented things in multiple ways. I am a very visual learner. I have to see something to learn it. Looking at the three ways the information is presented on page 148, I picked the calendar grid on the bottom. Whenever I send scheduling information home with students, I make a calendar grid. But I see that I need to present this information in different ways, both with schedules and in my instructional supplements. This is the essence of Universal Design.

Stephanie Garcia P. 149 Comprehension. This is why we teach, so that our students can comprehend things. But I liked the phrasing, "Comprehension occurs when a student takes new information and translates it into usable knowledge." I recently had a post-observation conference with an administrator, and she reminded me that I need to take comprehension one step further. And this seems to be a major focus with Common Core Standards. Yes, the students may seem to understand the concept on the surface, but push their comprehension a little more and make them use their knowledge to a further extent. "What if we changed the problem to this?... What if the author used this word?... What is a way you would change it? ...Create your own." P. 151 Relevance. This seems to be a hot word that teachers have been using lately. We need to make the things we are teaching relevant to our students. It first and foremost keeps them engaged. The example of division using worksheets and cake is a prime example. Filling out a worksheet is not engaging to students (for the most part). But having to figure out how to divide the cake into enough equal parts for each student in the class is relevant to them because, hey, who doesn't love cake? Keep them engaged with activities that are relevant to their lives. P. 152 To build on Jason's statement about students being aware of their strengths: when students are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, it help them and us to know their extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. I find this to be one of my hardest factors. I know that if a student works hard, his/her grades will get better. But sometimes that's not the only thing that motivates a student. So helping students identify those extrinsic (outside) and intrinsic (inside) motivators, the students will have a better strive to succeed. Alyssia Harper P. 149 I just finished subbing for an ESL classroom. So it helped show me how important it is to have the material available to students in their language. Most of these students are extremely bright, but struggle at first with the reading. P. 151 The different options for engaging students were really helpful. I'm always trying to think about ways that students can have so much fun that they are forgetting that they are learning. P. 154 In the world of technology, we have so many free resources at our fingertips. We are able to use free games, "Pinterest" ideas, or Google different teaching techniques. While some things cost money, there are so many free things we can focus on and utilize.

Jason Henderson P.147 The optical illusion provides an example of how some people perceive something and how others perceive a different interpretation. Until we can understand how someone might interpret a concept differently than us, we will not be able to reach out to these individuals. P.150 Knowing where our students are in the scaffolding process will help to determine what goals are attainable. Patience, I suppose, will help us in not being too critical of students who seem like they are not where we would like them to be. P.151 Making students aware of their strengths is important for teachers to do. I've found that most students have no idea how to repeat, or continue a pattern, of success. If we can reach out to them in this aspect, we can create a more positive and conducive learning environment.

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