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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Ninth Judicial Region BRANC !

" Pagadian Cit# CIT$ GO%ERN&ENT O' PAGA(IAN Rep0esented b# &a#o0 )a1uel )* Co Petitione0 %e0sus (IR* GERAR(O '* CONCEPCION2 JR* Regional (i0ecto0 (epa0t1ent of Budget and &anage1ent 4(B&5 Regional Office I6 7a1boanga Cit# Respondent* 8.........................................................9 RESOLUTION Pending befo0e this Cou0t is the &otion fo0 Reconside0ation filed b# 0espondent on the o0de0 of this Cou0t dated Janua0# "-2 !+""2 the dispositi:e po0tion of ;hich 0eads as follo;s2 to ;it< =3he0efo0e2 let the 0eco0ds of these cases be sent to the a0chi:ed 4sic5 and to be 0et0ie:ed the0ef0o1 i11ediatel# ;hen the cou0t shall ha:e legal basis fo0 the 0esolution of the pending incidents and disposition of these cases*> FACTS OF THE CASE< Petitione0 filed its petition on June "?2 !+"+* Petition ;as gi:en due cou0se b# the Cou0t in an o0de0 dated June !@2 !+"+ di0ecting the 0espondent to file its co11ent ;ithin "+ da#s f0o1 0eceipt of the said o0de0* On Jul# "A2 !+"+2 the Cou0t 0ecei:ed a pleading entitled Ad Cautela1 &anifestation ;ith Ent0# of Appea0ance filed b# counsels of the 0espondent* On the sa1e da#2 the Cou0t issued an o0de0 di0ecting the B0anch Cle0B of Cou0t of this Cou0t to fu0nish a cop# of the petition togethe0 ;ith its anne8es to the counsels fo0 the 0espondent as ;ell as to the 0espondent hi1self* On )epte1be0 A2 !+"+2 the Cou0t 0ecei:ed the Co11ent f0o1 the 0espondent* On Octobe0 !+2 !+"+2 the Cou0t issued an o0de02 the pe0tinent p0o:ision of ;hich 0eads as follo;s< =Respondent ha:ing co1plied ;ith the o0de0 to file co11ent2 this case is no; 0ipe fo0 fu0the0 p0oceedings2 i*e* the cou0t 1a# hea0 the case o0 0eCui0e the pa0ties to sub1it )PL* CI%IL CA)E NO* ++,-.!/"+

fo0 &AN(A&U) 3IT (A&AGE)

1e1o0anda pu0suant to )ection @ of Rule ,D of the Rules of Cou0t* o;e:e02 the Cou0t feels that befo0e such p0oceedings shall be unde0taBen2 the Cou0t should fi0st be cla0ified on the issue as to the pa0ties that 1ust be i1pleaded o0 included in this case fo0 the co1plete adEudication of the instant case* On the othe0 hand2 the affi01ati:e defenses that a0e included in its co11ent ;ill be t0eated b# the Cou0t as a 1otion pu0suant to )ection , of Rule ", of the Rules of Cou0t and the Cou0t ;ill hea0 the sa1e* 3 ERE'ORE2 petitione0 is he0eb# gi:en thi0t# 4F+5 da#s f0o1 0eceipt of this o0de0 to file its a1ended petition fu0nishing a cop# the0eof to the 0espondent ;ho is liBe;ise gi:en a pe0iod of thi0t# 4F+5 da#s ;ithin ;hich to file its co11ent the0eto* In the e:ent that 0espondent shall fail to file his co11ent to the a1ended petition2 the co11ent ;hich he had filed shall stand as his co11ent* 888> On Octobe0 !@2 !+"+2 the Cou0t 0ecei:ed a &otion to (is1iss filed b# the 0espondent* On No:e1be0 "+2 !+"+2 petitione0 filed its &anifestation ;ith &otion to )uspend ea0ing and Resolution of RespondentGs &otion to (is1iss* The said 1otions ;e0e then hea0d on (ece1be0 A2 !+"+* Befo0e the Cou0t could 0esol:e the pending 1otions2 this Cou0t 0ecei:ed a pleading entitled )upple1ental &otion to (is1iss ;ith Opposition to Petitione0Gs &anifestation ;ith &otion to )uspend ea0ing and Resolution of &otion to (is1iss dated No:e1be0 +@2 !+"+ filed b# 0espondent * On Janua0# "-2 !+""2 this Cou0t issued an o0de0 2 the pe0tinent po0tion of ;hich 0eads as follo;s< =The0e a0e se:e0al pending incidents in the abo:e. entitled cases2 liBe &otion to (is1iss and othe0 incidents ;hich the cou0t has #et to 0esol:e* The Cou0t2 ho;e:e02 is taBing Eudicial notice of &e1o0andu1 Ci0cula0 No* "" of the Office of the P0esident dated (ece1be0 !!2 !+"+2 0eleased b# on* PaCuito N* Ochoa2 J0*2 b# autho0it# of the P0esident* )ection " the0eof 0eads< =All depa0t1ent bu0eaus and othe0 go:e0n1ent agencies a0e enEoined to suspend the t0ansfe0 of thei0 offices in Region I6 f0o1 7a1boanga Cit# to Pagadian Cit# pending the stud# on the 1atte0 and consulations ;ith 0ele:ant staBeholde0s to be Eointl# conducted b# the P0esidential &anage1ent )taff 4P&)52 (epa0t1ent of the Inte0io0 and Local Go:e0n1ent 4(ILG52 Ci:il )e0:ice Co11ission 4C)C5

National Econo1ic (e:elop1ent Autho0it# 4NE(A5 and the (epa0t1ent of Budget and &anage1ent 4(B&5* The Regional Offices that a0e al0ead# in Oagadian Cit# shall continue to ope0ate the0eat*> In the light of &e1o0andu1 Ci0cula0 No* "" the0efo0e2 the cou0t2 at this point in ti1e2 has no basis to 1aBe a p0ope0 disposition of these cases togethe0 ;ith all thei0 pending incidents* Indeed2 this clea0l# falls unde0 OCA Ci0cula0 No* @A.!++-2 fu0the0 i1ple1enting Ad1inist0ati:e Ci0cula0 No* ?. A.A!2 the pe0tinent po0tion of ;hich 0eads< II* CI%IL CA)E) =In ci:il cases2 the cou0t 1a#2 1otu p0op0io o0 upon 1otion2 o0de0 that a ci:il case be a0chi:ed onl# in the follo;ing instances< 688 4b5 3hen an inte0locuto0# o0de0 o0 incident in the ci:il case is ele:ated to and is pending 0esolution9decision fo0 an indefinite pe0iod befo0e a highe0 cou0t ;hich has issued a te1po0a0# 0est0aining o0de0 o0 ;0it of p0eli1ina0# inEunction*> B# analog#2 logicall#2 the said p0o:ision is applicable in these cases* The p0incipal issue in these cases ;as 0efe00ed to the Office of the P0esident2 tanta1ount to a highe0 cou0t insofa0 as the issues in these cases a0e conce0ned* The sa1e is t0ue ;ill all thei0 pending incidents* 3 ERE'ORE2 let the 0eco0ds of these cases be sent to the a0chi:ed 4sic5 and to be 0et0ie:ed the0ef0o1 i11ediatel# ;hen the cou0t shall ha:e legal basis fo0 the 0esolution of the pending incidents and disposition of these cases* )O OR(ERE(*> On 'eb0ua0# !"2 !+""2 this Cou0t 0ecei:ed a &otion fo0 Reconside0ation on the abo:e.Cuoted o0de0 ;hich ;as hea0d b# the Cou0t on &a0ch F+2 !+""* In the fo01al 1otion filed b# the 0espondent.1o:ant2 a1ong othe0s alleged2 to ;it<

=888 -* At the outsell2 it 1a# be noted that this ono0able Cou0t a0chi:ed the instant case based on Ite1 II 4b5 of OCA Ci0cula0 No* @A.!++- and Ad1inist0ati:e Ci0cula0 No* ?.A.A! in:oBing that the Office of the P0esident is conside0ed a highe0 Cou0t and that the &*C* No* "" is tanta1ount to a te1po0a0# 0est0aining o0de0 o0 ;0it of p0eli1ina0# inEunction* But a ca0eful pe0usal of OCA Ci0cula0 No* @A.!++- and Ad1inist0ati:e Ci0cula0 No* ?.A.A! sho;s that Ite1 II 4b5 of said ci0cula0s 0eCui0e a te1po0a0# 0est0aining o0de0 o0 a p0eli1ina0# ;0it of inEunction to be issued b# a highe0 cou0t in o0de0 that a 0egional t0ial cou0t 1a# a0chi:e a case* Clea0l#2 based on the e8p0ess p0o:ision of Ite1 II 4b5 of OCA Ci0cula0 No* @A.!++- and Ad1inist0ati:e Ci0cula0 No* ?.).A!2 it is onl# ;hen a highe0 cou0t has issued a te1po0a0# 0est0aining o0de0 o0 a ;0it of p0eli1ina0# inEunction 1a# the 0egional t0ial cou0t p0oceed to a0chi:e a case* D* o;e:e02 ;e 0espectfull# sub1it that the Office of the P0esident cannot be conside0ed a highe0 Cou0t and neithe0 is &*C* No* "" a te1po0a0# 0est0aining o0de0 no0 a ;0it of p0eli1ina0# inEunction fo0 the a0chi:ing of the instant case be Eustified* ,* 3e note that ;hen the abo:e ci0cula0s speaB of a highe0 cou0t2 it onl# 1eans eithe0 the Cou0t of Appeals o0 the )up0e1e Cou0t fo0 cases pending befo0e the 0egional t0ial cou0t* 688 ?* &o0eo:e02 in the sa1e case2 it ;as held that the filling of a petition befo0e a highe0 Cou0t is not sufficient basis fo0 the a0chi:ing of a case* 3hat is 0eCui0ed unde0 Ite1 II 4b5 of OCA Ci0cula0 No* @A.!++- is fo0 the highe0 Cou0t to issue a te1po0a0# 0est0aining o0de0 o0 a ;0it of p0eli1ina0# inEunction* In the case at ba02 &*C* No* "" is NOT a te1po0a0# 0est0aining o0de0 o0 ;0it of p0eli1ina0# inEunction to ;a00ant the a0chi:ing of the instant case* @* In fact2 in the afo0e.cited ad1inist0ati:e case2 the Cou0t Ad1inist0ato0 in its 0epo0t to the )up0e1e Cou0t e8plained that the 0egional t0ial cou0t Eudge should ha:e ;aited fo0 a notice f0o1 the )up0e1e Cou0t that it has issued a te1po0a0# 0est0aining o0de0 befo0e a0chi:ing the case* Absent the sa1e2 the 0egional t0ial cou0t is dut# bound to p0oceed ;ith its t0ial of the case pending befo0e it*

A* Acco0dingl#2 this ono0able Cou0t is ;ithout an# legal autho0it# to conside0 b# analog# the Office of the P0esident as highe0 Cou0t and t0eat &*C* No* "" as a te1po0a0# 0est0aining o0de0 o0 a ;0it of p0eli1ina0# inEunction as 0eCui0ed unde0 Ite1 II 4b5 of OCA Ci0cula0 No* @A.!++and Ad1inist0ati:e Ci0cula0 No* ?.A.A!* The ci0cula0s e8p0essl# li1ited the instances fo0 the a0chi:ing of cases and did not p0o:ide fo0 an# othe0 si1ila0 ci0cu1stances to Eustif# the sa1e* This ono0able Cou0t 1a# not2 the0efo0e2 add si1ila0 o0 analogous ci0cu1stances2 not othe0;ise e8p0essl# p0o:ided in the said Ci0cula0* "+* This ono0able Cou0t is 0espectfull# 0e1inded that e:en befo0e the P0esident issued &*C* No* ""2 the (B& has al0ead# been e8e1pted b# the P0esident f0o1 the enfo0ce1ent of &*C* ?D* And since the instant petition seeBs to co1pel 0espondent to t0ansfe0 the (B&.RO I6 f0o1 7a1boanga Cit# to Pagadian Cit#2 ;ith the e8e1ption of (B& f0o1 t0ansfe00ing its 0egional office f0o1 7a1boanga Cit# to Pagadian Cit#2 the0e is no 1o0e substantial 0elief to ;hich petitione0 1a# be entitled to* &o0e i1po0tantl#2 the0e is no longe0 a legal dut# b# ;hich 0espondent 1a# be co1pelled to pe0fo01 th0ough the issuance of the ;0it of 1anda1us b# this ono0able Cou0t* In fine2 the case has al0ead# beco1e 1oot and acade1ic* 688> Reco0d sho;s that up to this point in ti1e2 no 1e1o0andu1 ;as filed b# an# of the pa0ties*

3 ERE'ORE2 fo0 lacB of 1e0it2 the 1otion fo0 0econside0ation is he0eb# (ENIE(* )O OR(ERE(* Gi:en in cha1be0s this "!th da# of &a0ch !+"! at Pagadian Cit#2 Philippines* ROLAN(O L* GOAN P0esiding Judge

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