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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2 Brand Loyalty Awareness for Children ...................................................................................................... 2 A study of packages milk brand Dairy Crest .......................................................................................... 3 Objective of the research.......................................................................................................................... 3 Literature Review.......................................................................................................................................... 3 Awareness of brand .................................................................................................................................. 3 Importance of Brand ............................................................................................................................... 4 Brand Awareness and Consumer Loyalty ................................................................................................. 4 Brand Equity /Fairness of Brand ............................................................................................................... 5 Moving beyond the fast moving consumer goods model ........................................................................ 5 Brand image and consumer commitment ................................................................................................ 5 Employee brand commitment and Brand Knowledge.............................................................................. 6 Loyalty Intention ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Customer Satisfaction ............................................................................................................................... 6 Factors moving consumer loyalty ............................................................................................................. 7 Research Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 7 Strategies and Procedure of the Research: .............................................................................................. 7 Methods of Research: ............................................................................................................................... 8 Quantitative Research: ............................................................................................................................. 8 Procedure of Data Collection: ................................................................................................................... 8 Sample: ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 Size: .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Preparation of Data: ................................................................................................................................. 9 Data Coding and Feeding: ......................................................................................................................... 9 Organization of the study ......................................................................................................................... 9 Gantt chart .............................................................................................................................................. 10 Works Cited ................................................................................................................................................ 11

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Impact of Brand Awareness on Consumers Loyalty: A Study of Packages Milk Brands

Loyalty ever occurs in the goods market from consumers point of view, the purpose of this study to analyze the consumers viewpoint on the branded milk packaging company in the foods and beverage markets. The recent research shows that management principles and strategies play an important role to motivate the loyalty of consumers to the specific brand. Principles of management are the basic root to run any business. Efficient designs, marketing, low price and manufacturing of the products attract the consumers attention. (ESHUN RICHARD, 2012) Buyers are very conscious to choose their well well-known and favorite brands. If enterprises wish to beat their competitors in the markets, then they should love to make buyers to buy their desired goods and brands. When buyers want to buy products, then a brand title reaches to their minds for a while, which reveals that products have greater brand awareness. It concludes that the greater the brand assurance, the less cost enterprises to pay. (Hansen, 2013)

Brand Loyalty Awareness for Children

It is common that food marketing run campaigns at children on television, magazines and during movies. Food and beverage trades spend billions of dollars to help and discriminate the specific products for children in the United States. The purpose of building brand loyalty among children is to aware them for begging and nagging to any particular product or brand. Stanford University has examined the effects of greatly advertised fast food brand on preschool children's taste favorites. Which concluded that branding the effect of McDonald's was very strong rather than other brands, because the children were familiar with the McDonalds. Likewise, the children even favored the taste of carrots and milk, healthy foods, when they thought they were from McDonald's.

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A study of packages milk brand Dairy Crest

Dairy Crest Group plc. is the leading company of dairy foods in UK. The responsibilities of Dairy Crest Group are selling and processing of fresh milk and branded dairy products in Europe and UK. There are clear strategies, solid visions strong ethics and good staff in the company.

Objective of the research

To know the consumers perspective according to loyalty in fast moving consumers goods markets. To identify the reasons of strong brand, To examine the factors affecting consumers brand loyalty, To conclude on the basis of consumers behavior according to packaged milk brand are the main objectives of the study. (ESHUN RICHARD, 2012)

Literature Review
This chapter covers the broadly literature review to show the important of consumers brand loyalty on brand. So, the literature review presented in this chapter is focused on brand awareness, customer loyalty, brand equity, role of brand in fast moving goods market, consumer commitment on brand, role of employer in brand loyalty, knowledge of brand etc. in detail.

Awareness of brand

The strength of a brand's existence in the consumer's mind" is called rand awareness. To measure the percentage of the target market that is called awareness of a brand name. Sellers can generate awareness amongst their consumers by repetitive advertising. Awareness of brand can offer

reasonable benefits for the dealer. Such as Brand awareness reduces the brand with a sense of awareness. Name awareness can be a symbol of occurrence, assurance and ingredient. The salient features of any brand will be decided on if it is recalled at purchasing time. (Aaker, 1996). (Osman*, Spring 2011)
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Importance of Brand
The rise of relationship marketing between suppliers and customers is not just a physical product or service, but a relationship that inspires the elements like quality, value, perception, brand, design, efficiency etc. The brands are not considered successful brands which imitate to the following standards: 1. The name, symbol or design of a successful brand which classifies the product of a business as having reasonable advantage, such as Coca Cola, Microsoft, Marks and Spencer. 2. The achievement of brand results in larger revenue and best performance market. 3. A fruitful brand is an asset if it leads to support for economic benefits. 4. A successful brand will lead to invest more for further opportunities and profits. An Advertising Director of Tesco assumed (1992) Self-styled brands are not brands. They are the tags of the producers brand. They have poor positions, poor quality and poor support. Such manufacturers do not understand the demands of consumer and see retailers especially as a passage for distribution. According to De Chematory and McDonald (1998), a successful brand is a classifiable product, service, person or place amplified, which is counterpart of buyers most closely needs in such a way that the buyer or user identifies appropriate, exclusive value added. The results of Its success are being able to endure these value added values against opponents Thus tags on many goods and services do not prevent them from being produces which are categorized by the lack of superficial distinction by consumers between proficient offers. Some goods like mineral, milk, biscuit tin and potatoes come to mind, where procurement verdicts tend to be taken on the basis of expense or obtainability and not on the basis of brand or the producers name.

Brand Awareness and Consumer Loyalty

Brand awareness ever affects the consumers loyalty and making final decisions by manipulating the realization and asset of brand relations presented in the image of brand created through the different factors involved to the brand in memory.
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Based on different thoughts of different writers on the importance of brand awareness to the corporation in case of achieving market share conclude that above brand loyalty by consumers is associated with the awareness of brand through different significant brands in competition.

Brand Equity /Fairness of Brand

The success of Brand Loyalty is the result of the Fairness of the Brand which enables the brand more solid and sufficient to be consumed more in the long run over and done with producing profits. The Fairness of Brand is important for plentiful benefits for the corporations that possess brands. Brand equity has positive association with brand loyalty. More specifically, Fairness of Brand upturns the probability of selecting brand, foremost to customer loyalty to a selected brand (Pitta & Katsanis,1995).

Moving beyond the fast moving consumer goods model

There are two cases which demonstrate that how the concept of product branding can be adjusted sensibly for the expansion of successful service brands. According to the research by Brooks in 1996, product brands and service brands can be established through a approximately similar procedure: clearing the objectives of brand setting; Description of perfect positioning; Collection of suitable standards.

Brand image and consumer commitment

An endless discussion is going on the perception of customer assurance theory and its range has been clarified by many of the writers and majority of the writers have stated the concept of

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assurance same as any worker of a business is owning friendliness and participation with that association he is working in similarly. (Weiwei, 2007)

Employee brand commitment and Brand Knowledge

Commitment with the worker to the business has been protected expansively in the literature of administration literature (O Reilly and Chatman, 1986; Meyer and Allen, 1991). Brand commitment has been deliberated as a significant result of the broadcasting of brand awareness and also in the result of managerial efficiency and increase in production (Fiorito et al., 2007, Meyer et al., 1993). Affective dimension describes the sense of identification and contribution with the association.

Loyalty Intention
The progress of loyalty has been positioned over the time, basically the concentration of loyalty expansion was product related service and with reverence to noticeable goods to the focus on loyalty of brand. Cunningham (1961) has extended the range of brand loyalty by using the same measures with Brand loyalty. The combination of loyalty emphasized on two different approaches of loyalty which are known as behavior and attitude. Jacoby and Chestnut (1978) presented a theoretical description of brand loyalty as: biased (i.e. non-random); behavioral response according to buying; conveyed over time; by some policymaking component; with respect to more than one brands out of a customary of such brands; A function of psychosomatic (evaluation in decision-making) procedures.

Customer Satisfaction
The meaning of Satisfaction is to gratify the response of consumer about the provision of service and the product (Oliver 1997). According to Levesque and McDougall (1996) satisfaction is hypothesized as a whole, consumer approach towards the provider of service. Apparently, satisfaction is like a boldness which can be measured by the sum of the satisfactions with the
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numerous characteristics of the product or service (Churchill and Surprenant, 1982) the definition of the Customer satisfaction may be as a belief before buying and awareness about presentation after consumption. The expectation of hypothesis recommends that customers are fulfilled when the performance of the product is better than expectations is called positive disconfirmation, and the when the consumers are not fulfilled because of poor performance of the product which dissatisfies the customers' anticipations is called negative disconfirmation, and unbiased satisfaction when the performance of product meets the expectations is called zero disconfirmation/verification . A positive disconfirmation is front-runners to consumer satisfaction and a negative disconfirmation hints to consumer dissatisfaction. (THAKUR* & SINGH, 5, May 2012,)

Factors moving consumer loyalty

There is a direct link between satisfaction and loyalty: satisfied consumers converted into loyal and dissatisfied consumers move into another wholesaler (Heskett et al., 1994). The power of satisfaction on loyalty has been the most popular subject of studies in these days. Numerous studies have publicized to show the existence of a straightforward linking concerning satisfaction and loyalty

Research Methodology
A research methodology is a logical approach that could be employed to exercise a well-matched policy in order to support to the study under research (Saunder et al., 2003). The purpose of current study is to see the impact of brand image of milk packaging on the consumer loyalty, assurance and repurchases behaviour in order to examine the theoretical model developed in the course of studies discussed in the of literature review. Furthermore for the current study logical approach will be employed as this approach is adequate to observe the requirements of the study (Sekaran, 2004). The empirical approach tributes the self-administered questionnaire to investigate the relationship amongst the four major variables which are brand image, brand loyalty, assurance and repurchase behavior of consumer.

Strategies and Procedure of the Research:

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The data was collected through an online survey methodology in order to test the theoretical model for the existing study. For this purpose the technique of questionnaire was developed which was uploaded on a legal URL which is selected by well-known research corporation the survey monkey. The link of the survey was sent to the selected respondents for the requirement of survey from the university email and face book was allowed in order to get the response from the customers about the impact of packaged milk brand image on the customer loyalty, assurance and customer satisfaction. But the purpose of the study was told to the respondents and they were guaranteed that the shared information would be kept confidential and anonymous.

Methods of Research:
The most broadly methods assumed to investigate a research include of quantitative research and qualitative research. Both of these methods posses unique characteristics but at the same time contain certain experts and shafts which differentiate the two methods in respect of scope and degree of suitability. Conversely on the basis of nature and degree of suitability for the current study quantitative method of research is assumed in order to yield more precise and exact results.

Quantitative Research:
According to shah and Corley ((2006) quantitative research could be defined as: Statistical analysis is used for quantitative study to order its sample results to yield forecasts of the upcoming behaviour of a related sample group. Quantitative research is assumed by means of forming a hypothesis, collecting data, which is then ordered and analysed. Finally the conclusion will recognize whether the initial hypothesis is supported by the evidence (data) (Shah and Corley, 2006). In order to carry out quantitative research a self-administered questionnaire survey will be directed in order to collect data to test the projected hypothesis.

Procedure of Data Collection:

For the existing study in order to collect data both primary and secondary sources were employed to get better indulgent of the research under study and to gain inclusive results.

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The model for the current study is comprised of the consumers of packaged milk brand Dairy Crest. The method of non- random or non-probability sampling is adopted. According to Trochim (2008), Non-random is an secondary kind of sampling which is designed at making obvious choices on self-judgment basis about what should be added to the sample accurately. Other reason of adopting non random sampling was the time constraint and inadequate resources as non-random sampling is suitable to employ (Saunders et. al 2007).

The sample size for the existing study was set at 100. And this was comprised of 100 surveys forms which were occupied by both male and female respondents online. This sample size was selected for the reason of round statistics more for the reason as a large sample size is good for computing more comprehensive results. The sample size of 100 was additional handled appropriately and was understood easily as well (Flyvjberg, 2006),

Preparation of Data:
For the purpose of saving time and tiresomeness later on the questionnaires were accurately evaluated once filled by the respondents. It was on-going task during collection of the data. This greatly helped the researcher in broadcasting of questionnaires and this way the uncertain and incomplete questionnaire were not measured. Conversely more questionnaires were filled to reach the sample size (Sekaran, 2004).

Data Coding and Feeding:

After collecting the survey forms all the answers from the questionnaire were fed into computer software SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), the most commonly used software for directing quantitative research. The options were implied from 1 to 5 on the liker scale. 5 for strongly agree and 1 for strongly disagree and ANOVA and correlation analysis were employed for the valuation of association or differences of variables.

Organization of the study

The entire study will be divided among five chapters. First of all the introduction and background of the study will be illustrate in chapter 1 which will also cover the objectives of the study, the

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significance of the study. Further the chapter 2 will illustrate the past studies which will help us find the dimensions of the study along with hypothesis and theoretical framework for the study. Chapter 3 will cover the methodology for the study that will illustrate the approaches, data collection methods, research sample and sample size. In chapter 4 the findings of the study will be discussed in the light of literature. The final chapter, chapter 5, will conclude the entire study along with recommendations and limitations.

Gantt chart
14-01-13 Research proposal Proposal changes Detailed literature Research design Data collection analysis Report writing 20-01-13 15-02-13 25-02-13 15-03-13 25-03-13 15-04-13

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Works Cited Chermetony, M. M. (n.d.). Corporate Marketing and Service brands:. Dairy Crest Group plc Annual Report. (2012). UK. ESHUN RICHARD, A. K. ( 2012). THE IMPACT OF BRAND LOYALTY WITHIN THE FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS (FMCG) IN GHANA. Hansen, T. (2013). Laurens M. Sloot a, . P. (2005). The impact of brand equity and the hedonic level of products on consumer stock-out reactions. Journal of Retailing 81 (1, 2005) 1534. Osman*, M. S. (Spring 2011). A Study on the Association between Brand Awareness and Consumer/Brand Loyalty for the Packaged Milk Industry in Pakistan. South Asian Journal of Management Sciences. Prof. Jayesh Patel, P. D. (January-June, 2011). Measuring Employees Brand Commitment in Universities Settings:An Empirical Study in India. GFJMR Vol. 2. Sawant, M. R. (Nov. - Dec. 2012). Impact of Advertising on Brand Awareness and Consumer, 8. THAKUR*, S., & SINGH, D. A. (5, May 2012,). BRAND IMAGE, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY INTENTION: A STUDY IN THE CONTEXT OF COSMETIC PRODUCT AMONG THE PEOPLE OF CENTRAL INDIA. EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies,Vol.2 Issue 5, May 2012, ISSN 2249 8834. Waheed Akhter, A. S. (18 February, 2011). Factors affecting customer loyalty in Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5(4), pp. 1167-1174,. Weiwei, T. (2007). Impact of corporate image and corporate reputation on customer loyalty: a review, Management Science and Engineering, 11(2). (n.d.).

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