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Impact of TV serials on working women in electronic media is very huge in India.

In every house one or the other member likes to watch these serials. Serials have a wide impact on the mind. Today the Indian television has come up with number of channels. Serials like Satyamev Jayte are great initiative and are making people of India think and act in the best interest of the society. Some creative, dancing, singing shows provide a platform to perform and show their talent. But in the race of T !, serials have doubled their number "ust to win the T !. This is because few people have surely had great impact in their mind. Some channels are showing the Saas# bahoo serials on large scale which sometimes makes no sense. $ach and every area has its own good and bad impact. TV serial has effect on one%s mind. But our mind decides what we want to see and what not. $ven one is not interested in watching those bad and boring serials which shows conspiracy among family members. &e do have wide choice now' one can go as per his choice. T ! of serials is increasing day by day with the voting of public only, if everyone understands that these serials are only for entertainment not a part of our life and sometimes spoils the environment of the family as few people also applied the conspiracies in their personal life also. &e should be conscious on what we are watching that might impact the ne(t generation and this can only bring revolution in the serial industry which will help the industry to bring forth new and innovative things which will not only help the adult but the children to develop the mind. The Television impact on us) T.V the electronic machine is considered as a big revolution in our life , which can easily go around the world by changing or "ust by clicking the remote control there is no daut that nobody have TV in this days not only one in the house but one in each room. I agree that TV is a good resources to get information but not everything TV gives us is good. Today we are going to speak about the negative impact of TV on us specially children in our age and below. *irst the TV impact on our bo( I mean our brain , the brain which is controlling all your body activities. The study shows that watching TV may hamper development of the pre# frontal corte(. The area of brain responsible for + , !lanning. , , Se/uencing. *or self control , moral "udgment and attention. The second negative impact is on our health) &e can effected by obesity easily when you watching TV watching more eating more gaining weight more So desisess can easily enter our body like kids sugar which more popular now between children . The third impact on our social life so it impact on our in said social life and out said social life) So we preferred to watching TV than to set with our families on chatting with them or asking

them about their health or career and we also preferred to watch TV or playing games than to visit our grandmother our to meet our friends in a mall. By this bad habit we losing our social life and gaining more bad habit which will effect on our behavior with our family and friends. The last impact is on school) &e mean on your performance in school and on your ability to learn become less because of your brain is stop consternating and has being interrupted by TV so it stopped thinking properly so in this case you are losing again . So our I advice to you can%t stop watching TV but you can manage your time between watching TV 0nd other duties.

Should children be permitted to watch TV on school nights1 There are couples of factors to be considered' will this affect a students% academics performance1 &ill the student be able to maintain his2her physical stamina throughout the day1 The problem lies in the over usage of television by children and students alike. Students who have poor school performances, physically inactive and act violently towards others are dealing with conse/uences for e(cessive amounts of television. Too much TV viewing definitely reduces school performance. That interferes with study, reading, and thinking time. If children do not get enough sleep because they are watching TV, they will not be alert enough to learn well on the following day. TV also replaces active types of recreation. 0s well as decreases time spent playing with peers. 0 child has less time for daydreaming and thinking. Television takes away time for participating in sports, music, art, or other activities that re/uire practice to achieve competence. TV discourages reading and e(ercise. eading re/uires much more thinking than television. eading improves a child3s vocabulary. 0 decrease in reading scores may be related to too much time in front of the TV. 0n inactive lifestyle leads to poor physical fitness. If accompanied by numerous snacking, watching TV may contribute to weight problems. TV violence can affect how a child feels toward life and other people. Viewing e(cessive violence may cause a child to be overly fearful about personal safety and the future. TV hostility may numb the sympathy a child normally feels towards victims of human suffering. 4oung children may be more aggressive in their play after seeing violent television shows. &hile TV violence does not increase hostile behavior towards people in most children, it may do in impulsive children. Television has a tremendous influence on how children view our world.

The Impact of TV on Today%s 4outh In today%s society our access to different kinds of information is broadening. The media, especially television, has become a key source to valuable information. The /uestion that arises in many parents and other adult viewers is can TV shows become a negative source of information1 There are two shows that I found that really might be sending out negative sources of information to our youth. 5id you know that, according to the *BI, there is a burglary every fifteen point four seconds 6crimedoctor71 This could be an interesting fact for those who like to watch the first show I found. 8It takes a thief9 is a daytime series on the 5iscovery :hannel. This particular show is meant to inform home owners of how unsecured their homes are from theft. This reality show is hosted by two reformed e(#convicts. 5uring one episode the homeowner was made aware that most people leave their outdoor tool sheds unlocked. 0 thief could use this information to help them break into houses. ;ow is this helping the homeowners1 &hile this show is trying to help inform homeowners of possible dangers, very well, have a negative effect.6It Takes 0 Thief7 6crimedoctor71 &hile the producers were looking for two co#host of the hit show 8It takes a thief9, they knew they needed someone with actual e(perience. They needed someone who had actually committed a burglary, and knew the ins and outs of the operation. $ventually, they found the perfect candidates, Jon 5ouglas ainey and <att Johnston' both haven%t really committed any ma"or crimes but had enough e(perience to land the "ob. &hile both of them committed many different types of crimes, each of them had and interesting first attempt. *or John, his first crime was stealing a =>? :amaro and for <att it was helping some of his friend%s burglari.e a person%s home. Their lives of crime never ended smoothly, and eventually, both of them ended up serving some time behind bars.

@owadays, televasion plays a significant role in social and political life, acting as a tool for spreading information and forming people%s mentality. &e cannot even imagine a life without TV, yet we should be fully aware the fact that on the whole TV e(erts a negative influence on our society. *irst and foremost , TV is behind the rise of crime rate in modern society. Violence and se( shown on television encourage antisocial behavior and result in higher crime rate. <any crimals confess that their violent actions or attitudes to women were encourged by TV. The rate of such crimes is constantly growing and more and more often they are committed y teenagers. They are especially vulnerable67 to the violence and various sfereotypes promoted by TV, because the mentality of young people is still in the process of formation. Television%s impact on the morality of the younger generation can affect the future of our society negatively, and this is becoming a great problem. <oreover, nowadays television is greatly abused for commercial purposes. 0dvertisers try to convince the audience that the solution to a problem or the fulfillment of a desire can only be achieved through the purchase of a product. 0dvertisements are designed towards blind acceptance by the viewer. Thus TV negatively affects the human mind, by limiting the possibilities of conscious choices, and promoting an outrageous consumer society. Besides, aiming to cultural value of its programs. TV has become a temple of mass production, shallow values and stereotypes. This negative effect spreads with the growing popularity of TV. It defiantly changes our society for the worse, culture and making us all conform to a bland 8;ollywood9 model of entertainment in which regional traditions and diversity are lost. *inally, many people spend lots of free time watching TV. TV programs reduce the /uality of real life by narrowing people%s outlook, limiting the variety of free time activities,

The @egative Impacts on :hildren%s Behavior from <edia Such as Television and <ovies, ock <usic and <usic Videos, 0dvertising, Video and :omputer games 0cademic !reparation AB Banin Sripraserth I@T- Cniversity of South *lorida

<ar DEth, >FDD

Introduction <edia have become more important to our lives than it used to be. I admit that I consume many kinds of media everyday such as newspaper, maga.ine, television, computer and even radio when we are driving a car. <oreover, our children, especially preteens and teenagers, are easily influenced by every kind of media. This is because they are all in developmental stage of life, which are susceptible and most likely to learn by their personal observation. This research paper e(plores four articles from te(t books 6electronic books7 and two articles from an internet which demonstrate the negative conse/uential outcomes of children behavior from media, for e(ample, Television and movies, rock music and music videos, advertising, video and computer games. Background Information <any recent studies have shown a relationship between media and children%s behavior. <ichael Suman, coordinator of The :enter for :ommunications !olicy at the Cniversity of :alifornia at Gos 0ngeles, who has been observing negative effect of violence on TV for three years, asserts that there are three kinds of negative impacts on people, increase violence, desensiti.ation and callousness, fear, >FFD7. Similarly, Victor :. Strasburger 6>FFE7 determines seven negative media effects on children, violence, se(, drugs, obesity, eating disorder, school performance and early language development. Victor also specifies what every parent and

clinician needs to know about media effects. In addition, Sandra G. ;offerth, 5epartment of *amily Science, School of !ublic ;ealth, Cniversity of <aryland, studies four children behavior theories, centering on the effect of watching television, using. T;$ @$H0TIV$ $**$:TS -* T$G$VIS-@ 6Violence in television programs and movies and its impact on children and families is not a new topic. 0lmost IF years ago the C.S. Surgeon Heneral warned 0mericans about the negative effect of television have on the emotions and behaviours of children.7 I "ust want to continue viewing our standpoints regarding the negative effect it has on society Talkshows J;usband Sees !rostitute,J J<istress <eets &ife,J JHirl Sleeps with -ver DFF <en,J J<y Hirlfriend is a Huy,J JTeenage !rostitution,J J<aid#of#;onor Slept with Hirl -ne &eek Before &edding,J :ommonly Jerry Springer topicsK &hy are people fascinated with such topics1 &hat says it of our society1 The biggest problem is that the behaviours are depicted are common, sensible, and, perhaps, even worth copying. 0ppro(imately si( percent of daytime talk show viewers are under DD. Shows like Springer3s according to a @ew 4ork Times "ournalist cause violence in society and argued that the source of the problem lies in the insatiable lust of the audience for more and more gory violence. The only way to stop violence on television###either on the news or on Springer#type shows##is to cut the demand for it, thereby removing the profit. Television news, due primarily to its obsession with crime and violence, definitely has a negative impact upon our society. TV news broadcasts use dramatic, usually violent stories and images to capture and maintain an audience, under the pretence of keeping it informed. This overabundance of crime and violence on TV news inflate the public3s fears for personal safety. !eople, for the most part, believe that TV news is an accurate reflection of reality. They become frightened of the cities they live in, and fear that criminals will harm them or their loved ones. Hraphic coverage of wars, bombings, murders and natural disasters can /uite possibly lead to nightmares or even depression.

The $ffect of Television on *emale Hender Identity and Body Image 0ccording to the @ational Institute on <edia and the *amily, the average child watches between two to four hours of television per day. Cnfortunately, television often pro"ects an unrealistic impression of how women should look and behave. &hile watching commercials and many TV shows, girls become increasingly aware of what society3s standards are for the Jideal body.J This essay will e(plore the negative effects of television on female body image and what can be done to counter these effects. Since &orld &ar II, the media%s ideal female body image has become thinner and thinner. 0 DEEL study found that the amount of time an adolescent watches soap operas, movies, and music videos is directly linked with their degree of body dissatisfaction and desire to be thin 6Tiggemann M !ickering, DEEL7. This fact is not surprising when watching "ust a few minutes of a celebrity#gossip channel' e(tremely thin stars such as Gindsay Gohan, @icole itchie, and Bate <oss are applauded by the public for their figures, and teenage girls watching this likely want to have the same affirmation of their own beauty. They are bombarded with images of skinny women on television, giving the impression that being thin is the key to beauty. 0nother study reported that teenage girls who viewed commercials depicting unrealistically thin models caused them to feel less confident, angrier, and more dissatisfied with their weight and appearance 6;argreaves, >FF>7. -ne author reports that at age thirteen, AIN of 0merican girls are Junhappy with their bodies.J This grows to O?N by the time girls reach seventeen 6Brumberg, DEEO7. To see evidence of how women are portrayed on television, it is enough to watch one episode of a show like 8*riends.9 0ll the women portrayed on the program are thin. &hy is it that these programs, and the media in general, promote these unbelievable skinny images of women1 @ormal female...

Impact of P<edia% on Indian &omen meQdiQa+ 6usually used with a plural verb7 the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and maga.ines, that reach or influence people widely+ The media are covering the speech tonight. <edia has always been creating impacts on our life. &hether based on education, information or entertainment, gaining the latest news on these topics has been made easier nowadays with the help of the media. In India, media is a fourth pillar of the democracy due to its social responsibilities. <edia3s impact on society can be "udged from many perspectives such as social, economic and political. 0ll of these perspectives are merged and e(plained below+# D7 Henerating awareness on various social evils like dowry, female feticide and infanticide, etc. this has led to the decline in the incidence of them. >7 Bringing into focus any atrocities faced by women of the weaker sections of the society. This has brought in a sense of security to the women of the weaker sections. <a"ority groups fear to do any harm to them. In the long run, this will bring peace and tran/uility among communities. I7 Henerating awareness on good practices like health, hygiene, nutrition etc. thereby improving the living standards. R7 <edia is responsible for generating pan India identity and enabling Indian women to loosen their parochial and narrower identity which in turn has led to an increase in the number of Indian women seeking education, going for higher studies and pursuing a "ob. This has led to a decrease in the so called PHender ine/uality system.% A7 <edia has been showing in new employment opportunities that are available in the market. This has enabled a common woman with re/uisite skills to grab them. Thus, today women are matching the men in every step and are coming out on top in whichever profession they are in, be it director of a successful movie or being the :$- of a ma"or multinational corporation and even.

!- T 040G -* I@5I0@ &-<$@ T; -CH; T$G$VISI-@ S$ I0GS Tender and the media is a sub"ect that is being discussed fre/uently. The portrayal of gender as a product and the accompanying body politic in the media is well documented. <edia can either be a accomplice to gender based discrimination by portraying stereotypical sensational images of women or it can provide balanced coverage that empowers women while e(posing acts of gender bias. This essay of mine is specially focused on women%s issues and characters that are covered on television and the manner in which they are portrayed in ;indi television serials. &omen portrayal in television is one of the disputable issues surrounding the media today. The modern images of the more liberated women are not the image of the contemporary Indian women. It sums that gender#stereotyping is more deeply woven into the fabric of television soap operas that does not depict the reality of women%s role in the society, for a variety of different reasons ,including the illusionary characters, the concentration on domestic and personal issues. It has been that women are portrayed in stereotypical, often fashionable way and never as an intelligent, confident and emancipated women. Television serials have undergone huge transformation in the last decade and a half. Serials have moved a great deal from portraying strong women characters like a"ni, Balyani6Cdaan7 of DE?Fs, which inspired middle class women and challenged the mainstream ideology. Today there is indeed an overdose of serials that are currently being aired on television. *rom the endless list of popularly watched B serials on Star !lus S Basauti =indagi Bi, Byuki Saas Bhi Babhi Bahu Thi and so on and also serials from other channels like !avitra ishta and Bya ;ua Tera Vada. <ost of these soaps show 8home9 on the domestic sphere as the core setting and the fundamental theme is centred on women with primary concern on family relationships. In this conte(t ,..

TV Serials and &omenT&hen eel Gife :haracters Become eal Gife *riends By !oo"a Bakshi 5espite the undeniable impact of watching TV, there is little understanding of how it actually influences society. Being a post#graduate student of political science S engaged in /uestions of democracy and the information society S !oo"a Bakshi tries to understand the phenomenon better In a palatial house in a village in a"asthan, a distressed young girl, decked in traditional attire, is arguing with her husband, a medical student in the big city. The girl has stood first in her higher secondary e(amination and her success has not gone down well with the husband and his authoritarian grandmother. ;e accuses her of over#stepping family boundaries. 0s the entire family looks on shell#shocked, the young girl retorts by saying that she was only completing her studies so that he did not feel ashamed of having an illiterate wife and goes on to relay the benefits of education. 0s this high voltage scene from the daily soap, PBalika Vadhu%, airs on national TV, millions of women across India connect emotionally with the young protagonist and wholeheartedly agree with her. Today, television is an integral part of life the world over. 0nd India is no e(ception. TV viewing here has become an increasingly routine activity, and while women watch TV for entertainment, at a deeper level, for many it has become a way of coping with life and is a ma"or sub"ect of daily conversation. I conducted intensive interviews with eight women in 5elhi who had been watching ;indi soaps for the last two to three years. <any interesting glimpses into contemporary life emerged from this e(ercise. 0cross the two groups, women who worked outside the home watched TV for one to two hours every day, while homemakers tended to watch for at least two hours more on an average. -ne woman interviewed # a domestic worker # said she regularly watched serials in one of the two homes she worked. Interestingly, while the class hierarchy was kept intact during these viewing sessions # the Pmemsahib% sat on the bed, while she sat on the carpet # during the ad breaks, I observed that both women discussed the serial almost as e/uals. *or e(ample, whilst watching P!avitra ishta%, both were delighted that lead pair, <anav and 0rchana, finally got married after many difficulties. 5iscussing this, the domestic worker argued that 0rchana should stop working after marriage and devote more time to the home. Intriguingly, although a working woman herself, she believed that this was a woman%s central responsibility. 0s she said this, the upper class2caste housewife nodded in agreement, adding, 8Hirls these days don%t understand the importance of household work.9 In fact, that, unsurprisingly, was also the central theme of P!avitra ishta%. 0ll respondents revealed they en"oyed watching serials that focused on the lives of women and their families. &hile they acknowledged that the characters and situations were partly fictional, they argued that the narratives were socially relevant because they had an element of reality in their depiction of interpersonal relationships. But while viewers from more disadvantaged backgrounds related to the relationships portrayed, they found the opulent backgrounds unrealistic. -thers felt that there was no focus on the lives of working women, perhaps because producers believed such portrayals were not 8entertaining9. 0nd, one respondent from a <uslim background regretted that <uslim women were rarely shown. Viewers across the spectrum said that most serials focused on household relationships because

they were indeed the most important. -ne woman put it this way, 8I used to work before I got married, but gave up. So if TV depicts this, how is it wrong19 The portrayal of the female body was another big source of interest to everybody. They noticed that most protagonists were pro"ected as beautiful, fair, thin, with long hair' wearing elaborate garments, heavy makeup and "ewellery. They agreed that this pressurised young, and even older, women to adopt the same look. 0ll respondents revealed they felt attached to some characters more than others. If the Pgood% characters suffered, they told themselves that it was only a temporary phenomenon. Said one woman, reflecting her religious driven world view, 80che karam ka fal meetha hota hai 6good deeds yield good fruit7.9 *or all respondents, Pgood% women were those who dressed up Pproperly% 6wearing the markers of traditional ;indu upper caste society, including bindi, bangles, and sindoor and mangalsutra in the case of married women7. They could reel out the names of the Pgood% women+ Ichha in PCttaran%, Siya in P@a 0ana)%, 0nandi in PBalika Vadhu%, and so on. The Pbad% women were those who were self centred and violated established social norms. 0s for the Pgood% men, they were e(pected to provide for the family and protect the vulnerable within and even selectively beyond the household. In contrast, Pbad% men indulged in substance abuse and behaved violently with women. <any respondents believed that the repeated depiction of abusive behaviour resulted in normalising it for viewers. Some even remarked that such abuse was often depicted in a value# neutral manner S the viewer could empathise with the abuser almost as much as with the person being abused. The upper caste Tapasya%s abusive behaviour towards Ichha 6the domestic helper%s daughter7 in PCttaran%, was cited as an e(ample. espondents generally approved of the Pprogressive% outlook of some men in the serials. *or e(ample, Veer%s character in PCttaran% is very protective of Ichha, the woman he loves. ;e stands up for her in front of his parents and Tapasya. These responses indicate an un/uestioning acceptance of patriarchy and the general agreement that men and women play differing roles in society, with the woman%s primary duty being to her household. Viewers used their own belief systems to interpret what they saw on TV. *or instance, if a woman character leaves her "ob to take care of a family member or to get married S like Ichha does in PCttaran% or Siya in P@a 0nna)% S she is considered virtuous. :learly, we have here limited self awareness coupled with a hegemonic common sense that accepts patriarchal norms. It is hegemonic because the patriarchal logic behind the narratives and the patriarchal values that mark viewers% everyday life, overlap without leaving any scope for critical engagement. 4et, not everything was uncritically accepted. <any viewers /uestioned the opulence shown and the pro"ection of the female body. 0s one respondent e(claimed, PIf we wear such short blouses, obviously the men will stare.9 The fact that respondents connected the serials to their own lives is significant. *or them television was not "ust a way to pass time, but a platform to make links between the fictitious characters and their real life family and friends. The passionate manner in which all the respondents spoke about their favourite characters underlined this. Television also seemed to help women counter the alienating aspects of modern life. *or e(ample, many mentioned that they kept the TV set on whilst doing household chores because it made them feel someone they could relate to was around.

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