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Set No - 1 Subject Code-: R10105/R10 I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations June - 2012

(Common to All Branches)

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

Max. Marks : 75

1.(a) (b) (c) 2.(a) (b) What is software Engineering ? What is the use of flowchart ? What are the different steps followed in the program development?

[3M + 3M + 9M] What is a function ? What are the different types of functions? Write a function to convert inches into centimeters( 1 inch is 2.54 centimeters) [8M + 7M] 3.(a) Give an example on break and continue statements of loops (b) Write a program using do-while loop for the following format. 1 22 333 4444 55555 [8M + 7M] 4.(a) Write a c program to declaration , accessing and printing one - dimensional array ? (b) Write a program to count the no of character in any given string. [8M + 7M] 5.(a) What is the need for user-defined functions? (b) Write a C program using recursion for finding GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two given numbers? [8M + 7M] 6.(a) Explain the syntax with suitable examples the dynamic memory allocation functions available in C? (b) Write a C function to find the length of a string passed as an argument using pointers? [8M + 7M] 7.(a) What is nested structure? Write aprogram to print the details of employees of aorganization like(Name, DateOfJoin, Salary) using nested structures. (b) Give difference between structure and union. Write a program using union. [8M + 7M] 8.(a) Write the syntax for opening a file with various modes and closing a file . (b) Explain about file handling functions. [8M + 7M]

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Set No - 2 Subject Code-: R10105/R10 I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations June - 2012

(Common to All Branches)

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

Max. Marks : 75

1.(a) (b) (c) 2.(a) (b) 3.(a) (b) 4.(a) (b) 5.(a) (b) 6.(a) (b) What is the purpose of an operating system Define constant. Explain the different types of constants. Draw a flowchart to add two numbers. [5M + 5M + 5M] What are the different standard library functions available in C ? What are the different types of bitwise operators? Explain each with suitable examples. [8M + 7M] Write a function called smallest that, given three integers, returns the smallest value. Write a program to count the no of character in any given string. [8M + 7M] Derive the expression for finding the address of any element of a 1- Dimensional array? Write a program for implementation of matrix multiplication. [8M + 7M] Write briefly about the user defined functions and standard library functions. Give an example on parameter passing and static storage class. Write a program to implement towers of Hanoi using recursive function. [8M + 7M] What is pointer ? Give an example on call by address. List the differences between array and pointer. Write a program to concatenate two strings using pointers. [8M + 7M] Write short notes on (i) Structure and union (ii) Extern , auto and register storage classes. [8M + 7M] What is the primary advantage of using data file ? Describe the different ways in which data files can be categorized in C. [8M + 7M]


8.(a) (b)

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Set No - 3 Subject Code-: R10105/R10 I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations June - 2012

(Common to All Branches)

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

Max. Marks : 75

1.(a) (b) (c) 2.(a) (b) 3.(a) (b) 4.(a) (b) 5.(a) (b) what is difference between whitebox and blackbox testing ? What is an algorithm? Write an algorithm to arrange three integer elements in ascending order. What are the programming development steps? Explain. [3M + 6M + 6M] Explain Bitwise Operators with suitable examples. Write a program to award grades to the students based on average marks. [8M + 7M] Write a function called day_of_year that , given an integer between 1 and 12 ,prints the corresponding month of the year. Explain any three string manipulation functions. [8M + 7M] Give syntax for declaration , accessing and printing one - dimensional Write a program for implementation of matrix addition. [8M + 7M] What is recursion? Write a program to search an element in an array using recursive function. Define function? Explain functions with return type and non-return type with suitable examples. [8M + 7M] What is pointer ? Give an example on call by address. List the differences between array and pointer. Write a program to concatenate two strings using pointers. [8M + 7M] How many possible ways one can access the members of a structure using a structure variable and a pointer to a structure variable? Illustrate with examples. How to copy one structure to another structure of a same datatype.Give an example? [8M + 7M] How the data is searched in sequential files ? Explain about file handling functions. [8M + 7M] Page 1 of 1.

6.(a) (b)

7.(a) (b) 8.(a) (b)

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Set No - 4 Subject Code-: R10105/R10 I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations June - 2012

(Common to All Branches)

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

Max. Marks : 75

1.(a) (b) (c) What are the computer languages? Explain and Draw the flow chart for finding the smallest of three numbers. What are the different types of operators in C programming language? Give an example on each operator. [3M + 6M + 6M] What is difference between if else and nested if statement? Give an example Write a program to print the given number in words using switch statement. [8M + 7M] Write a program to print odd numbers from 1 to 1000 using the following loops (i) for loop (ii) do while loop . Explain any two of the string Input/Output functions. [8M + 7M] Write a c program for addition of two matrices. Write a c program to find out largest element of an array. [8M + 7M] Explain different categories of functions in C with simple illustrative examples? Write a C program using functions to calculate the factorial of a given number? [8M + 7M] What are the advantages of using pointers? Explain static and Dynamic memory allocation Explain need of pointers and its advantage Write a Program to compare two strings using pointers. [5M + 5M + 5M] How can a entire structure be passed to a function? Explain with suitable examples. How many possible ways one can access the members of a structure using a structure variable? [8M + 7M] What is the primary advantage of using data file ? Describe the different ways in which data files can be categorized in C. [8M + 7M]

2.(a) (b) 3.(a) (b) 4.(a) (b) 5.(a) (b) 6.(a) (b) (c)

7.(a) (b)

8.(a) (b)

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