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DIOCTYLSULFOSUCCINATE- MANNITOL- SAFRANINE SYSTEM K.M. Gangotri, an Pra!i"a D#$art!#nt o% C&#!i'tr(, )ai Narain V(a' Uni*#r'it( )o &$+r , -./001 2Ra3a't&an4, INDIA A5STRACT A Photogalvanic cell could, in principle, give products of the photochemical reaction which transfer electrons to a metallic electrode and thus become stabilized before the products have a chance to recombine chemically. Under these conditions, the electrons going through a wire from the electrode surrounded by an excess of electrons to the electron deficient electrode can do useful work more effectively. he photogalvanic cell containing !ioctylsulfosuccinate micellar species, "annitol as an electron donar and #afranine as photosensitizer has been used for solar energy conversion and storage. he electrical output of the cell was $%&.& m' as Photopotential ()&.& A as photocurrent and *+&.) , as power at power point of the cell. he current-voltage

characteristics of the cell have been studied and observed conversion efficiency was &.%.&+/ and determined fill factor was &.)&. performance of the cell in dark was 0&.& minutes. he

KEY 6ORDS7 !ioctylsulfosuccinate, "annitol, #afranine, 1ill factor, Power point, conversion efficiency, cell performance. 284 INTRODUCTION7- #ince the ancient time energy has played a vital role in order to improve global civilization. he rate of depletion of sources of conventional energy has compelled the scientific world to attract their attention to search the renewable energy sources having remarkable extent of availability and promising nature to fulfil the energy demand of the world with hazard free system. (n this light, the solar energy on the earth is worth appreciating and must be utilised for the benefit of the mankind. 2ostello and 3appaport 4*5, 6olton and 7all 485, "erriam 4+5, 6rown 405, have nicely reviewed the renewable energy sources. 1irst of all 3ideal and williams 4)5 reported the photogalvanic cell but systematic investigated by 3abinowitch 4.,%5, 3abinowitch and #tockmayer 4$5. 9ater on, :aneko and ;amada 4<5, 3ohatgi "ukher=ee et al 4*&5, "urthy et al 4**5, Ameta et al 4*8-*+5 and >angotri et al 4*0-*)5 have reported some interesting photogalvanic system. 7offman and 9ichtin 4*.5 have discussed various problems encountered in the development of this field. 9iterature survey 4*%-+&5 reveals that different reductants and

Photosensitizers have been used in Photogalvanic cells but a Photo galvanic cell containing !ioctylsulfosuccinate- "annitol #afranine

system has been prepared to increase the storage capacity and conversion efficiency of the cell. /. E9PERIMENTATION 7- A mixture of solutions of !ioctylsulfosuccinate 4#(>"A5, "annitol 4A#?#5, #afranine 49@6A5, and #odium 7ydroxide was taken in an 7-shaped cell. A platinum electrode 4*.& A *.& cm 85 was immersed in one arm and saturated calomel electrode 4#2?5 was kept in the other arm. he whole apparatus was placed in dark till a stable

potential was obtained, then the arm containing the #2? was kept in dark, and the platinum electrode was exposed to a 8&& , tungsten lamp 4?2?5. A water filter was placed to cut off infrared radiations and neutralize the thermal effect. A digital p7 meter 4systronics "odel ++)5 and microammeter 4@#A,, (ndia5 were used to measure the potential and current generated by the system, respectively.


+.* ?ffect of variation of B!ioctylsulfosuccinateC concentration. he

micellar species B!ioctylsulfosuccinateC shows its maximum electrical output around its critical micelle concentration due to two reasons 4*5 At this concentration dye solubilisation power is highest. 485 (t provides stability to the system . he observations are reported, in table *. TA5LE 8 EFFECT OF VARIATION OF :DIOCTYLSULFOSUCCINATE ; CONCENTRATION

B"annitolC D 8.& x *&-+" B#afranineC D 0.& x *&-. " p7 D *8.$

9ight (ntensity D *&.0m,cm-8 emp. D+&+:

: Dio<t(" '+"%o'+<<inat#; = 80.M /.0 Photopotential 4m'5 Photocurrent 4 A5 Power 4 ,5 +&&.& +$.& **.0 /.> 0+).& )$.& 8).8 ..> $%&.& *)&.& *+&.) ?.> )<&.& <*.& )+.. >.> 0)).& )<.& 8..$

-./ E%%#<t o% Variation o% $H his system is very much sensitive with the p7 values. (t can be observed from table.8 that maxima comes out at p7 *8.$. At lower or higher p7 values, the electrical output decreases in this system. he pka and p7

found to have a relation that the reEuired p7 is higher at optimum conditions. he reason may be the availability of reductants in its anionic form. he results are given in table 8. TA5LE / EFFECT OF VARIATION OF $H B"annitolC D8.& x *&-+ " B#afranineC D 0.& x*&-." B!ioctysulfosuccinateC D 0.$ x*& -0 " 9ight (ntensity D *&.0 m,cm-8 emp.D+&+ :

PH 8/.. Photopotential 4m'5 Photocurrent 4 A5 Power 4,5 8$&.& *8&.& ++.. 8/.? .<).& *8..& $%.) 8/.> $%&.& *)&.& *+&.) 8-.0 .<&.& *+&.& $<.% 8-./ 8%&.& *8%.& +0.8

+.+ E%%#<t o% Variation o% :Mannito"; Con<#ntration . he electrical output of the cell was affected on varying the B"annitolC concentration. he results are shown in able +. "annitol 43eductant5

shows its maximum electrical output at 8.8 x*&

". he possible cause

may be the availability of fewer reducing agent molecule for electron donation to dye molecules and higher concentration may hinder the dye molecule movement towards electrode in desired time limit. are given in table +. Ta@"# -EFFECT OF VARIATION OF :MANNITOL; CONCENTRATION B#afranineC D 0.& x *& . " B!ioctyl#ulfosuccinateC D 0.$ x*& -0 "
pH = 12.8

he results

9ight (ntensity D *&.0 m,cm -8 emp. D +&+ :

:Mannito"; = 80- M; 8.? Photopotential 4m'5 Photocurrent 4A5 Power 4,5 0)&.& .&.& 8%.& 8.> %)&.& *8&.& <&.& /.0 $%&.& *)&.& *+&.) /./ %.&.& *+&.& <$.$ /.. )$&.& $..& 0<.$

+.0 ?ffect of variation of !ye B#afranineC 2oncentration he maximum electrical output was found at 0.& x *& -. " concentration. 9ower concentration of dye resulted into a fall in electrical output because fewer dye molecules are available for the excitation and consecutive donation of the electrons to the platinum electrode. 7igher concentration of dye resulted into a decrease in electrical output as the intensity of light reaching the dye molecule near the electrode decreases due to absorption of the ma=or portion of the light by dye molecules present in path. TA5LE . EFFECT OF VARIATION OF :SAFRANINE; CONCENTRATION B!ioctylsulfosuccinateC D 0.$ x*&-0 " p7 D *8.$ B"annitolC D 8.& x *&-+ " 9ight (ntensity D *&.0 m,cm 8 emp. D +&+ : : Sa% ; = 80?M 8.? Photopotential 4m'5 Photocurrent 4A5 Power 4,5 +.) ?ffect of !iffusion Path length. he effect of variation of diffusion path length was studied and the results are reported in table ). +*&.& +0.& *&.) /.> %*).& **).& $8.8 ..0 $%&.& *)&.& *+&.) 1./ %&&.& **&.& %%.& ?.. +*).& +$.& **.<

TA5LE 1 EFFECT OF DIFFUSION PATH LENGTH B#afranineC D 0.& x*&-. " B!ioctylsulfosuccinateC D 0.$ x*&-0 " p7 D *8.$ Di%%+'ion Pat& Ma=i!+! P&oto<+rr#nt i!a= 2 A4 +).& 0&.& 0).& )&.& )).& 8*&.& 8*%.) 88).& 8+8.) 80&.& "#ngt& DL 2!!4 B"annitolC D 8.& x*&-+ " 9ight (ntensity D *&.0 m,cm-8 emp. D +&+ : EA+i"i@ri+! P&oto<+rr#nt i#A2 A4 *+..) *00.& *)&.& *)..& *.8.& Rat# o% initia" o% g#n#ration <+rr#nt 2 A !in-84 **.. *+.+ *).& *..$ *$.)

,ith an increase in diffusion path length, i max and rate 4A min-*5 showed an increasing behaviour but ieE showed a decreasing behaviour with the increase is diffusion path 9ength. #o it may be concluded that it is unaffected by changing diffusion path length. @n the basis of present work, it may be concluded that the leuco or semi reduced forms of dye and dye itself are the main electroactive species at the illuminated and the dark chamber. he reductant and its oxidised form are behave as an electron carrier in the cell diffusion through the path. Possible combination for electroactive species are shown in able .. TA5LE ?

POSSI5LE COM5INATIONS FOR ELECTROACTIVE SPECIES In I""+!inat# #af 9euco or #emi #af 4-5 9euco or #emi #af 4-5 C&a!@#r In DarB C&a!@#r @xidized form of 3eductant 43F5 @xidized form of 3eductant 43F5 #af

+.. 2urrent voltage 4i-'5 2haracteristics of the cell G he current voltage characteristics of the preparedphoto galvanic cell has been studied in detail and found that its i-' curve deviate from its ideal regular rectangular shape as given in the 1igure *. he open circuit 4'oc5 was determined by keeping circuit open with the help of a digital p7 meter 4 systronics model ++)5 and short circuit current was determined by microammeter 4@#A, (ndia5 keeping other circuit closed. he values of voltage and current between these two extremes

were observed by putting extra load on circuit with the help of carbon pot log 0%& :. A power point of the prepared photogalvanic cell has been determined by multiplication of current and voltage values. he maximum amount of

product of voltage and current at i-' curve is called as power point of the photogalvanic cell . he corresponding values of voltage and current are known as voltage at power point 4'pp5 and current at power point 4i pp5, respectively.

he 1ill factor 4&.)&5 and conversion efficiency 4&.%.&+/5 were determined with the help of i-' curve and by using the formulae.

1ill 1actor 4n5 D

'pp x ipp 'oc x isc 'pp x ipp D


2onversion efficiency

X 100%

*&.0 4m,Hcm8 5

485 or 4n5

,here 'pp, ipp, voc, isc are the potential at Power point, current at Power point, open 2ircuit voltage and short circuit current respectively. whole system was exposed to sunlight. he

he conversion data for the

photogalvanic cell are compared with the system containing no micelles as results are reported in able %. TA5LE C CONVERSION EFFICIENCY AND SUNLIGHT CONVERSION DATA B#afCD 0.& x*&-. " B!ioctylsulfosuccinateC D 0.$ x*&-0 " p7 D *8.$ Con*#r'ion E%%i<i#n<( D P&oto$ot#ntia" 2!V4 !##- "annitol&.%.&+

B"annitolC D 8.& x*&-+ " 9ight(ntensity D *&.0 m,cm-8 emp. D +&+ : S+n"ig&t <on*#r'ion Data P&oto<+rr#nt 2 A4 0+).&


#af-system ,ithout "icelles &.8*0. .)&.& 8*&.&

+.% 2ell Performance he cell performance was observed by removing light source from Power Point of the cell I the time was noted till cell reached to half the value of Power Point i.e. known as t*H8 of the cell. he cell can be used for 0& minutes in dark which directly indicates the storage capacity of the cell. .. MECHANISM @n the basis of the above study, a mechanism for Photocurrent generation in the Photogalvanic cell can be proposed as followsG ILLUMINATED CHAM5ER #af #afJ F 3 h #af JKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.4*5 #af - F 3 F KKKKKKKKKKKKKK485

A P9A (LU" ?9?2 3@!? #af !A3: 27A"6?3 A 2@UL ?3 ?9?2 3@!? #af F e #af - K..KKKKKKKKKKKKKK...405 #af F e KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.4+5


#af - F 3 F


,here saf, saf -J,saf - , 3 and 3 F are the #afranine, its excited forms, leuco or semi leuco forms, reductant and its oxidized form, respectively. ). CONCLUSION , @n the basis of observations the Photogalvanic cells containing anionic micelles 4!ioctylsulfosuccinate5 not only has increased the conversion efficiency but increased the storage capacity also that too upto a remarkable extent. ACKNO6LEDGEMENT- he authors are thankful to U>2. Lew !elhi for financial assistance.


*5 !. 2ostello and P. 3appaport, Ann. 3ev. ?nergy ) ,4*<$&5, P. ++). 85 M.3. 6olton and !.@. 7all, Ann. 3ev. ?nergy 0, 4*<%<5, P. +)+. +5 ".1. "erriam, Ann. 3ev. ?nergy +, 4*<%$5, P. 8<. 05 L.9 6rown, Ann, 3ev. ?nergy ) , 4*<$&5, P. +$<. )5 ?. :. 3ideal and !.2. williams. M. 2hem. #oc., 4*<8)5, P. 8)$. .5 ?. 3abinowitch, M. chem. Phys. $ 4 *<0&5, P. ))*. %5 ?. 3abinowitch, M. chem. Phys. $ 4 *<0&5, P. ).&. $5 ?. 3abinowitch and ,. 7. stock mayer G M. Am. 2hem. #oc., .0, 4*<085, P. ++). <5 :aneko I A. ;amada, M. Phys. 2hem., $* 4 *<%%5, P. *8*+.

*&5:. :. 3ohatgi "ukher=ee, ". 3oy and 6.6. 6howmik, solar energy +* 4*<$+5, P. 0*%. **5 A.#.L. "urthy, 7.2.!, and :.#. 3eddy, (nt. M. ?nergy 3es. 0 4*<$&5, P.++<. *85 #uresh 2.Ameta., P.:. Main, A.:. Manu and 3. Ameta, he ?nergy M. 4U:5, )$ 4*<$)5, P. $. *+5 #uresh 2.Ameta, A.:. chittora, :.". >angotri, and #. :hamesra, N.phys. chem. 4 9eipzig5, 8%& 4*<$<5, p. .&%. *05 :.". >angotri, @m Prakash 3egar, 2hahagan lal, :ishna 3am >enwa, Prashant :alla and 3a=ni "eena, (nt. M. ?nergy 3es. 8& 4*<<.5, P. )$*. *)5 :.". >angotri, @m Prakash 3egar, chhagan, :ishna 3am >enwa, Prashant kalla and 3a=ni "eena, Arab M.#c. ?ngg. 88 4*<<%5 P. **). *.5". N. 7offman and L.L. 9ichtin, inG 3.3. 7autala, 3.6. :ing and 2. :utal 2lifton 4eds.5 #olar ?nergy, L. M. Publisher, 4*<%<5, P. *)+. *%5 ". ?isenberg and 7.P silverman, ?lectrochem Acta, ) 4 *<.*5, P. *. *$5A.#.L. "urthy and :.#. 3eddy, (nternational solar ?nergy 2onference, Lew !elhi, 4*<%$5, P. 0%. *<5 . ;amase, photochem photobiol, +0 4*<$*5, P. ***.


8&5 . amilasaran and P. Latara=an, (ndian M, chem., 8&A 4*<$+5, P. 8*+. 8*5A.#.L. "urthy and :.#. 3eddy, solar ?nergy, +& 4*<$+5, P. +<. 885 #.2. Ameta, 3. :hamesra, :.". >angotri and #.#eth, N.phys. 2hem. B9eipzigC, 8%* 4*<<&5, P. 08%. 8+5 #.2. Ameta, #. :hamesra, A.:. 2hittora and :." >angotri, (nt. M. ?nergy 3es., *+ 4 *<$<5, P. .0+. 805#.2 Ameta, #. :hamesra, "an=u 6ala and :.". >angotri, Phillips M of #cience, **< 4*<<&5, P. +%*. 8)5:. ". >angotri and @m Prakash 3egar, (nt. M. ?nergy 3esearch, 8*, 4*<<%5, P.*+0). 8.5 :.". >angotri and @m Prakash 3egar, Arab. M. #c and ?ngg. 80, 4*<<<5, P. .%. 8%5:. " >angotri and #uresh 2. Ameta, M. Power and ?nergy, 2ommunicated, 4*<<$5. 8$5:.". >angotri, 3.2. "eena and 3a=ni "eena, M. Photochem Photobiol. AG 2hem, *8+, 4*<<<5,P. <+. 8<5:.". >angotri and 2hhagan lal G (nt. M. ?nergy 3es. Accepted 4*<<<5. +&5:." >angotri and 2hhagan lal G ?nergy #ources, Accepted 4*<<<5.


SODIUM OCTANOATE - MANNITOL - SAFRANINE SYSTEM K.M. Gangotri, an Pra!i"a D#$art!#nt o% C&#!i'tr(, )ai Narain V(a' Uni*#r'it( )o &$+r , -./001 2Ra34, INDIA A5STRACT he Photogalvanic cell containing sodium @ctanoate 4Anionic micelles5 as micellar species, "annitol as an electron donar and #afranine as Photosensitizer have been used for solar energy conversion and storage. he electrical output of the cell was $.0.& m' as photopotential ++&.& A as Photocurrent and 8$).* , as power at Power point of the cell. he current-'oltage characteristics of the cell have been studied and observed conversion efficiency was *.)+0./ and determined 1ill factor was &.00. he performance of the cell in dark was +).& minutes. KEY 6ORDS- #odium @ctanoate, "annitol, #afranine, 1ill factor, 2onversion ?fficiency, Power Point, 2ell Performance. *. INTRODUCTION - he degree of industrial development as well as the prosperity of every nation is known to be directly related to the per capita energy 2onsumption of the nation. (t is now widely accepted that the growth in energy consumption which has been experienced for many years cannot continue indefinitely as there is a limit to our reserves of


fossil fuel. #olar energy is by far the most attractive alternative energy source for the future, as apart from its non-polluting Eualities, the amount of energy which is available for conversion is several orders of magnitude greater than all present world reEuirements. 7oldren, "orris and "intzer 4*5, 7ewett at al. 485, 1laim I 7ertzmark 4+5, "erriam 405, 2ostello I 3appaport 4)5, 6olton I 7all 4.5, 9ovins 4%5, 6rown 4$5 have very nicely reviewed the renewable energy #ources. 6ecEuerel 4<,*&5 first observed in *$+< that the flow of current between two unsymmetrical illuminated metal electrodes in sunlight. 3ideal and ,illiams 4**5 was first of all reported the Photogalvanic effect but it was systematically investigated by 3abinowitch 4*8,*+5, 3abinowitch and #tockmayer 4*05. 9ater on murthy et al 4*)5, 3ohatgi "ukher=ee et al 4*.5, :aneko I ;amada 4*%5, Ameta et al 4*$-*<5, and >angotri et al 48&-8*5 have noted some new interesting photogalvanic systems. 7offman and 9ichtin 4885 have discussed various problems encountered in the development of this field. 9iterature survey 48+-+)5 reveals that different photosensitizers and 3eductants have been used in photogalvanic cells but a photogalvanic cell containing La @ctanoate-"annitol-#afranine #ystem has been prepared to increase the conversion efficiency, and storage capacity of the cell. 485 E9PERIMENTAL - A mixture of #olutions of #odium @ctanoate 4A9!3(275, "annitol 4Ases5, #afranine 49@6A5, and sodium 7ydroxide was taken in an 7-type glass tube. A platinum electrode B*.&x*.& cm 8C was


immersed in one arm and #aturated 2alomel electrode 4#2?5 was kept in other arm. he whole apparatus was placed in dark till a stable potential was obtained, then the arm 2ontaining the #2? was kept in dark, I the platinum electrode was exposed to a 8&& , tungsten lamp 4?2?5. A water filter was placed to cut off infra-red radiations and neutralize the thermal effect. A digital P7 meter 4systronics "odel ++)5 and microammeter 4@#A,, (ndia5 were used to measure the potential and current generated by the system, respectively, B+C RESULT AND DISCUSSION +.* ?ffect of variation of B#odium @ctanoateC 2oncentration. he anionic surfactant 4#odium @ctanoate5 #hows its maximum electrical output around its critical micelle 2oncentration because at this concentration dye solubilising power is highest, and it provides #tability to the #ystem. he observations are summarised in table * with 'arious parameters. TA5LE 8 EFFECT OF VARIATION OF :SODIUM OCTANOATE; CONCENTRATION B"annitolC D 8.& x *&-+" B#afranineC D0.&x*&-. " P7 D*8.$. 9ight (ntensity D *&.0 m,cm-8 emp. D +&+:


:So i+! O<tanoat#; 9 80. M /.0 Photopotential 4m'5 Photocurrent 4A5 Power 4,5 *&&.& .8.& *<&.& *0&.. ++&.& 8$).*8 8&&.& *)&.& **&.& .<.+ .8&.& /.. %0&.& /.> $.0.& -./ %)&.& -.? .+&.&

+.8 ?ffect of 'ariation of p7 his #ystem is very much sensitive with the p7 'alues. (t can be found from table -8 that maximum value occur at p7 *8.$. At lower or higher p7 'alues, the electrical output decreases. he p:a and p7 found to have a relation that the desired p7 is higher at optimum conditions. he reason may be the availability of reductants in its anionic form. given in table 8. TA5LE / EFFECT OF VARIATION OF $H B"annitolC D 8.&x*&-+" B#afranineCD0.&x*&-." 9ight (ntensity D *&.0 m,cm-8 emp.D+&+ : he results are

B#odium @ctanoateC D 8.$x*&-0"

$H 8/.. Photopotential 4m'5 8$).& 8/.? )<&.& 8/.> $.0.& 8-.0 .*&.& 8-./ +&&.&


Photocurrent 4A5 Power 4,5

**).& +8.%

88&.& *8<.$

++&.& 8$).*8

88..& *+%.$

*8&.& +..&

+.+ ?ffect of 'ariation of B"annitolC 2oncentration. (t was found that reductant 4"annitol5 #hows its maximum electrical output at 8.& x *&-+" 2oncentration. he possible reason may be the availability of fewer reducing agent molecule for electron donation to dye molecules and higher 2oncentration may hinder the dye molecule movement towards electrode in desired time limit. he results are summarised in table+. TA5LE-EFFECT OF VARIATION OF :MANNITOL; CONCENTRATION B#afranineCD0.&x*&-." B#odium @ctanoateC D 8.$x*&-0" p7D*8.$ 9ight (ntensityD*&.0 m,cm-8 emp. D +&+:

:Mannito";=80-M 8.? Photopotential 4m'5 Photocurrent 44A55 Power 4w5 8<&.& **$.& +0.8 8.> )$&.& 88&.& *8%.. /.0 $.0.& ++&.& 8$).*8 /./ )<&.& 880.& *+8.* /.. +&&.& *88.& +...


+.0 ?ffect of 'ariation of !ye B#afranineC 2oncentration Photosensitizer 4#afranine5 #hows it maximum electrical output at

0.&x*&-."2oncentration. 9ower concentration of dye resulted into a fall in electrical output because fewer dye molecules are available for the excitation and consecutive donation of the electrons to the Platinum electrode. 7igher 2oncentration of dye resulted into a fall in electrical output as the intensity of light reaching the dye molecule near the electrode decreases due to absorption of the ma=or portion of the light by dye molecules present in path. TA5LE-. EFFECT OF VARIATION OF :SAFRANINE; CONCENTRATION B"annitolCD8.&x*&-+" B#odium @ctanoateCD 8.$ x *&-0" p7 D *8.$ 9ight (ntensityD*&.0 m,cm-8 emp.D+&+ :

:Sa%;=80? M 8.? Photopotential 4m'5 Photocurrent 4A5 Power 44,5 **&.& +*.. 88&.& *8..% ++&.& 8$).*8 880.& *+&.$ **0.& ++.8 8$$.& /.> )%..& ..0 $.0.& 1./ )$0.& ?.. 8<8.&

+.) ?ffect of !iffusion path length


he effect of 'ariation of diffusion path length was studied and the observations are summarised in table ). TA5LE 1 EFFECT OF DIFFUSION PATH LENGTH B#afranineCD0.&x*&-. " B#odium @ctanoateCD8.$x*&-0" p7D*8.$ B"annitolCD8.& x *&-+" 9ight (ntensityD*&.0m,cm-8 emp. D+&+ :


$at& Ma=i!+!




initia" o%

"#ngt& DL 2!!4

$&oto<+rr#nt i!a= $&oto<+rr#nt 2 A4 2 A4

i#A g#n#ration C+rr#nt 2 A !in-84

+).& 0&.& 0).& )&.& )).&

8%8.& +**.& +)&.& +<&.& 0+&.&

8)..& 8<8.& ++&.& +...& 0&0.&

*8.& *+.$ *).. *%.0 *<.)

,ith increasing diffusion length, i max and rate 4A min-*5 showed an increasing behaviour but i eE showed a decreasing behaviour with the


increase in diffusion path length. #o it is concluded that it is unaffected by change in diffusion path length. @n the basis of present study, it may be concluded that the leuco or semi reduced forms of dye and dye itself are the main electroactive species at the illuminated and the dark chamber. he reductant and its oxidised form are behave as an electron carrier in the cell diffusion through the path. Possible 2ombination for electroactive able .. TA5LE ? POSSI5LE COM5INATIONS FOR ELECTROACTIVE SPECIES In i""+!inat# <&a!@#r #af 9euco or semi #af 9euco or #emi #af In DarB C&a!@#r @xidized form of reductant 43F5 @xidized form of reductant 43F5 #af species are summarised in

+.. 2urrent 'oltage 4i-'5 characteristics of the cell he i-' curve of the prepared photogalvanic cell deviate from its ideal regular rectangular shape as given in the figure *. he @pen circuit 4'oc5 was studied by keeping circuit open with digital p7 meter 4#ystronics "odel ++)5 and #hort circuit current was determined by microammeter 4@#A, (ndia5 keeping other circuit closed. he values of


voltage and current between there two extremes were observed by putting extra load on circuit with the help of carbon pot log 0%& :. A power point of the cell has been determined by multiplication of current and voltage 'alues. he maximum amount of product of voltage and

current at i-' curve is called as power point of the prepared photogalvanic cell. he 1ill factor 4&.005 and 2onversion efficiency 4*.)+0.5 were determined with the help of i-' curve and by using the formulae.

1illfactor n =


'pp x 'oc x

ipp isc

2onversion efficiency

'ppJipp A *&&/ *&.0 4mwHcm85


,here 'PP, ipp, 'oc, isc are the potential at power point, 2urrent at Power point, open circuit 'oltage and #hort circuit current respectively. he whole #ystem was exposed to #unlight. he 2onversion data of the photogalvanic cell are compared with the system containing no micelles as results are reported in able- %. Ta@"# - C 2onversion efficiency I sunlight conversion !ata


B#afC D 0.& x *&-.m B#odium @ctanoateC D8.$x*&-0m P7 D *8.$

B"annitolC D 8.& x *&-+m 9ight (ntensity D*&.0 m,cm-8 emp. D +&+ k

2onversion ?fficiency /

#unlight 2onversion !ata Photopotential 4mv5 Photo 2urrent 4A5

La @ctanoate - *.)+0. "annitol #af-#ystem without micelles +.% Performance of the cell. he cell performance was found by rencoving light source from power point of the cell I the time noted till cell reached to half the value of power point i.e. known as t*H8 of the cell. he cell can be used for +) minutes in dark which shows its storage 2apacity of the cell. 40& "echanism - @n the basis of the above #tudy, a mechanism for Photo 2urrent generation in the photogalvanic cell can be proposed as follows. illuminated chamber #af hv #af J OOOOOOOOO4*5


#afJ F3

#af - F 3F OOOOOO485

At platinum electrode #af#af F e-OOOOOOOO4+5

!ark 2hamber At counter electrode #af Fe#af - F 3F #af- OOOOOO405 #afF3 OOO4)5

,here #af, #af -, 3 I 3F are the 9euco or #emi leuco form of safranine, reductant I oxidised form, respectively. 4)5 2onclusion - @n the basis of above observation the photogalvanic cells 2ontaining sodium-@ctanoate not only enhanced the 2onversion efficiency but also increases the storage capacity to a remarkable extent. AcknowledgementG financial assistance. he authors are thankful to U>2 Lew !elhi for


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Use of anionic micelles in Photo al!anic cells fo" sola" ene" # con!e"sion an$ sto"a e %a&'( )annitol('af"anine '#stem. *". +.).,an ot"i an$ P"amila Photo al!anic cells containin 'o$i-m &a-"#l '-lphate as micella" 'pecies. )annitol as "e$-ctant an$ 'af"anine as photosensiti/e" 0e"e -se$ to st-$# photo al!anic effect. 1he Photopotential an$ photo( c-""ent ene"ate$ 0e"e 844.0m2 an$ 75.03 "especti!el#. 1he o4se"!e$ con!e"sion efficienc# 0as 0.2228% an$ ma5im-m po0e" of cell 0as 63.306. 1he

sto"a e capacit# of photo al!anic cell 0as 102 min-tes in $a"7 an$ the fill facto" 0.31 0as also $ete"mine$. 1he effects of !a"iation of $iffe"ent pa"amete"s on elect"ical o-tp-t alon 0ith i(! cha"acte"istic of the cell 0e"e o4se"!e$. P"opose$ mechanism has 4een i!en 4elo08 h 9 'af : ; < 'af

: 'af : ;:

:; 'af : ; e



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