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2012 -2013 A
Consumer Behavior closed 2 hours 2013 6 23 2010
#! $ I II III ! "!

7tudent Num8er ''''''''''''''''''''')$ 'Name)

Notice% 1&Final examination is worth a total of 0 mar!s" 2&#lease record $our answers in the examination answer sheet %rovided" :ar!

I" &rue or False '1 %oints( 1 %oint each) No" 1 2 3 * 6







.xam%les/ Fact 1" 0emo1ra%hics refer to the as%ects of a %erson2s lifest$le and %ersonalit$"
'False3 .as$3 %" 6)

'' ( 'Class)

Application 2" Christina Chian1 has decided to order a wee!4s worth of 1roceries from 5ome6rocer"com" 7he %laces her order and is %leasantl$ sur%rised when she receives her order at her doorste% six hours after the order was %laced" &his transaction would 8e a 1ood exam%le of the exchan1e that ta!es %lace in a 9virtual 8rand communit$"9
'False3 5ard3 %" 11)

#a1e 1 of ,


II" :ulti%le choice 'each ;uestion has onl$ one correct answer( 2 %oints( 1 %oint each) No" 1 2 3 * 6 + , - 10 11 12 13 1* 1
Answer No" Answer 16 1+ 1, 120 21 22 23 2* 2 -

.xam%les/ Fact 1"If a mar!eter were to se1ment a %o%ulation 8$ a1e and 1ender( the mar!eter would 8e utili<in1 a cate1or$ of information called ========" a" demo1ra%hics 8" %s$cho1ra%hics c" roles d"lifest$le 'a3 .as$3 %" 6) Application 2">enn$ ?owlins is a8solutel$ exhausted after her sho%%in1 tri% to %ic! out a %rom dress" &his has 8een one of the most stressful sho%%in1 tri%s she has ever 8een on" >enn$ has @ust faced a series of issues from a consumer4s %ers%ective" Ahich of the followin1 issues4 cate1ories would most accuratel$ descri8e the context in which >enn$4s stressful decision too! %laceB a" #re-%urchase issues 8" #urchase issues c" #ost-%urchase issues d".conomic issues '83 :oderate3 %" 'Fi1" 1"1)


#a1e 2 of ,

III" 7hort Answers '10 %oints(

%oints each)

1" 0efine and %rovide exam%les of the followin1 terms/ addictive consumption( compulsive consumption( and consumed consumers" 'Cha%ter 1) 2" Cutline and ex%lain the %arts of the perceptual process that would allow a sho%%er to reco1ni<e a !etchu% 8ottle in a su%ermar!et" 'Cha%ter 2) 3" 0iscuss what stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination are and %resent an exam%le of each that is relevant to the field of mar!etin1" 'Cha%ter 3) *" Dist the %rimar$ needs dis%la$ed in Maslow's hierarchy of needs" 6ive an exam%le of a %roduct that fits each need form" 'Cha%ter *) " 0iscuss the extended self and demonstrate how each level of the extended self can 8e related to mar!etin1" 'Cha%ter ) 6" Identif$ the elements of balance theory" 0iscuss %ossi8le interaction effects 8etween unit relation and sentiment relation and how the$ can 8e a%%lied to mar!etin1 strate1$" 'Cha%ter +) +" Comment on the various temporal factors that mi1ht affect a consumer and his or her 8u$in1 %rocess" 'Cha%ter 10) ," Ahat characteristics of opinion leaders ma!e them valua8le sources for %roduct informationB 'Cha%ter 11)

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