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History Lesson by A Truth Soldier http://danieltowsey.wordpress.

com/2013/11/23/history lesson by a truth soldier/

"First they ridicule you. Then they violently oppose you. Then they accept the truth"
This Truth Soldier Lesson is an occult knowledge of forbidden truths.. Please see this audio video for the story.

Viewers comments.
!eep "m Strai#ht $ood %ne. e&erythin# you said in the 'irst part o' this clip about the Trudeau boys is bac(ed up in this #reat boo() and they thou#ht he was *ust *o(in#) +ish they would put it bac( in print. , lent my copy to a so called 'riend and he ne&er #a&e it bac(. !="#"$%&&'#$('$"%)set=pb.#''''&#"&(*%*'".+ &&',"&''''.#($"&,&--&.)type=()theate.

http://ca/a! a/s tuat o/s.wo.!'#&/'*/'"/co..upt+ca/a! a/+elect o/s+vote+f 0 /1/"*ayC 2Es http://ca/a! a/s tuat o/s.wo.! s ts+to+ottawas+pa.l ame/t/''c3a!43(E

Once Upon

Time There !as


"reation of first corporation

"Truthers always sound insane. When telling you what the insane are doing"$9qt9Z.09c

The girl who silenced the world for # minutes;m<*=bp/u'

"harlie "haplin final speech in The $reat %ictator;cv7o>Ow//%

President &ohn '. (ennedy)s *Peace Speech*'fk4/fk%k%'

&ohn '. (ennedy Last Speech + ,e -.posed the '/--0 SO1S + 1ow you know why he was shot2!"k%"?#"./2

P/-S3%-1T &O,1 '. (-11-%4 SP--", 31 % LL S T-5 S 1OV-06-/ 77nd 89:;<1#w'$0EetA%Z3I

&'()S *P /(31$ LOT* SP--", 31 'O/T !O/T,< T-5 S =1OV-06-/ 77< 89:;>>C&8 -ublished on Au# 2.) 2013 -resident /ohn 0. !ennedy) less than 'our hours be'ore he was (illed by an assassin1s bullets) #a&e this brie' speech in a rain soa(ed par(in# lot outside the Hotel Te2as in downtown 0ort +orth) Te2as) at .:34 A5 67entral Standard Time8 on the mornin# o' 0riday) 9o&ember 22) 1:;3. This rare audio 'oota#e comes 'rom the archi&es o' 0ort +orth radio station +<A-. A3@O @EE: http://6B4+I/+Bo.t+>'#(/'(/the+last+speeches+of+7oh/+f+ke//e!y.html a peasant has the ner&e to spea( his mind and the truth to one o' our 'ormer emperors. he was not pleased with this blatant show o' 'ree speech.

T,- ? P/U%-/ '3L0 3S S,O!1 O1 *$OO% 13$,T 0-/3" * =0 /", :< 89@#>; -ublished on Sep 1) 2013 This is a se#ment 'rom $eraldo =i&era1s late ni#ht A<7 T> tal( show ?$ood 9i#ht America?) where Abraham @apruder1s 'amous home mo&ie depictin# -resident /ohn 0. !ennedy1s assassination in #raphic detail is shown to an American audience 'or the &ery 'irst time. =obert $roden is one o' =i&era1s #uests. The date o' the pro#ram: 5arch ;) 1:A4. >,B"% S%C=7": ?,ma#e %' An Assassination: A 9ew Loo( At The @apruder 0ilm? 6copyri#ht 1::. 5-, 5edia $roup8 =E3A:EC 3ID4@:'##/'%/ab.aham+<ap.u!e..html http://7fk+assass /at o/+as+ t+happe/e!

The (illing of President (ennedy =very rare 89@A 66" documentary>"U$A -ublished on 5ar 2.) 2013 A/tho/y @umme.s #-,$ !ocume/ta.y o/ the Assass /at o/ of !e/t 4e//e!y s o/e of the best f lms o/ the sub7ectF eve/ f you may /ot w th the ! .ect o/ t takes towa.!s the e/!. Co/ta /s ma/y .a.e /te.v ews w th ! .ect pa.t c pa/tsF /clu! /1 the f .st /te.v ew w th @ lv a O! o a/! /te.v ews w th Callas pol ce ch ef 6esse Cu..yF Ca.los 9. /1u e.F > ll am Aau!etF = cha.! @chwe ke.F = cha.! @p.a1ueF CA > ll am Ale0a/!e.F >a..e/ Comm ss o/ membe. 6oh/ Coope. a/! A/to/ o Gec a/a.

0UST S-- + &esse Ventura /eveals Shocking 1ew &'( 3nfo'2H;/ZE#2 -ublished on Sep 2.) 2013 /esse >entura brin#s you the ultimate compendium that co&ers e&ery an#leD'rom the plot to the murder o' /0!. http://www. / lle! !e/t?p?##'(.htmlI

&'()s Secret Service gents 6reak Their SilenceB 3nterview + &ohn '. (ennedy ssassination =7C8C>;U+=EHwe2 -ublished on %ct 1:) 2013 S#t. Ba&is) o' the Ballas -olice Bepartment) belie&ed he had prepared strin#ent security precautions) in an attempt to pre&ent demonstrations li(e those mar(in# the Adlai Ste&enson &isit 'rom happenin# a#ain. The pre&ious month) Ste&enson) the Cnited States Ambassador to the Cnited 9ations) was assaulted by an anti C9 demonstrator. <ut +inston Lawson o' the Secret Ser&ice) who was in char#e o' the plannin#) told the Ballas -olice not to assi#n its usual sEuad o' e2perienced homicide detecti&es to 'ollow immediately behind the -resident1s car. This police protection was routine 'or both &isitin# presidents and 'or motorcades o' other &isitin# di#nitaries. -olice 7hie' /esse 7urry later testi'ied that had his men been in place) they mi#ht ha&e been able to stop the assassin be'ore he 'ired a second shot) because they carried submachine #uns and ri'les.F103G An in&esti#ation by the House Select 7ommittee on Assassinations 6HS7A8 in 1:A: concluded that ?the Secret Ser&ice was de'icient in the per'ormance o' its duties.?F104G The HS7A stated: That -resident !ennedy had not recei&ed adeEuate protection in Ballas. That the Secret Ser&ice possessed in'ormation that was not properly analyHed) in&esti#ated) or used by the Secret Ser&ice in connection with the -resident1s trip to Ballas. That the Secret Ser&ice a#ents in the motorcade were inadeEuately prepared to protect the -resident 'rom a sniper.F10;G The HS7A speci'ically noted: 9o actions were ta(en by the a#ent in the ri#ht 'ront seat o' the -residential limousine F =oy !ellerman G to co&er the -resident with his body) althou#h it would ha&e been consistent with Secret Ser&ice procedure 'or him to ha&e done so. The primary 'unction o' the a#ent was to remain at all times in close pro2imity to the -resident in the e&ent o' such emer#encies. http://en.wi(ipedia.or#/wi(i/AssassinationIo'I/ohnI0.I!ennedy 7linton /. Hill 6born 1:328 is a 'ormer Cnited States Secret Ser&ice a#ent who was in the presidential motorcade durin# the assassination o' /ohn 0. !ennedy on 9o&ember 22) 1:;3) in Ballas) Te2as. A'ter !ennedy was 'atally shot) Hill ran 'rom the car immediately behind the presidential limousine and leapt onto the bac( o' it) holdin# on while the car raced to -ar(land 5emorial Hospital. This action was documented in the 'amous @apruder 'ilm. Hill is the last sur&i&in# passen#er o' the presidential limousine which arri&ed at -ar(land Hospital. Hill was born and raised in 9orth Ba(ota.F1G His birth parents homesteaded near =ose#len and he was born in Larimore) 9orth Ba(ota) then placed in an orphana#e in 0ar#o where he was adopted by 7hris and /ennie Hill at three months o' a#e. F1G Hill1s new 'amily too( him to +ashburn where he e&entually #raduated 'rom +ashburn Hi#h School.F1G He also attended 7oncordia 7olle#e in 5oorhead) 5innesota)F1G where he played 'ootball) studied history) and was a 1:43 #raduate. A'ter colle#e) Hill was assi#ned to the Ben&er o''ice o' Secret Ser&ice in 1:4. and ser&ed on the detail 'or -resident Bwi#ht B. "isenhower. F2G A'ter /ohn 0. !ennedy was elected -resident o' the Cnited States) Hill was assi#ned to protect the 0irst Lady) /acEueline !ennedy. -resident !ennedy was assassinated on 9o&ember 22) 1:;3) in Ballas) Te2as) durin# a motorcade throu#h the city) en route to a luncheon at the Ballas Trade 5art. The -resident and 5rs. !ennedy were ridin# in an open limousine containin# three rows o' seats. The !ennedys were in the rear seat o' the car) and the $o&ernor o' Te2as) /ohn 7onnally) and his wi'e) 9ellie 7onnally) were in the middle row. Secret Ser&ice a#ent +illiam $reer was dri&in# and the president1s body#uard. =oy !ellerman) was also in the 'ront seat. Hill was ridin# in the car immediately behind the presidential limousine. As soon as the shootin# be#an) Hill *umped out and be#an runnin# to o&erta(e the mo&in# car in 'ront o' him. He climbed 'rom the rear bumper) crawlin# o&er the trun( to the bac( seat where the -resident and 0irst Lady were located. Hill #rabbed a small handrail on the le't rear o' the trun() normally used by body#uards to stabiliHe themsel&es while standin# on small plat'orms on the rear bumper. Accordin# to the +arren 7ommission1s 'indin#s) there were

no body#uards stationed on the bumper that day because ...the -resident had 'reEuently stated that he did not want a#ents to ride on these steps durin# a motorcade e2cept when necessary. He had repeated this wish only a 'ew days be'ore) durin# his &isit to Tampa) 0lorida. .F3G The notion that the -resident1s instructions in Tampa *eopardiHed his security in Ballas has since been denied by Hill and other a#ents. =e#ardless o' !ennedy1s statement) photos ta(en o' the motorcade alon# earlier se#ments o' the route show Hill ridin# on the step at the bac( o' the car. http://en.wi(ipedia.or#/wi(i/7lintIHillIJ2.SecretISer&iceJ2:

&'( "onspiracy nd "over UpB The 0agic 6ullet Theory Proven 'alse
Jyoutube=')w="*')h=(#"K -ublished on Apr 2) 2013 A leadin# authority on the death o' /0! e2plains why the ?ma#ic bullet? theory) which is the 'oundation 'or TH" +A=="9 ="-%=T 61:;38) TH" HS7A 0,9AL ="-%=T 61:A:8) and $erald -osner1s 7AS" 7L%S"B 61::38) has to be re*ected. Csin# documents that ha&e been recently declassi'ied by the Assassination =ecords =e&iew <oard as well as more 'amiliar e&idence) 0etHer demonstrates that the ?ma#ic bullet? theory is not only 'alse but pro&ably 'alse and) in 'act) not e&en anatomically possible. As a conseEuence) it is necessary to account 'or the wound to /0!1s throat and one or more wounds o' Te2as $o&ernor /ohn 7onnally on the basis o' other shots and other shooters. %nce the authentic e&idence has been separated 'rom the inauthentic) the outline o' an elaborate conspiracy and co&er up becomes clear. -lease #i&e us you thou#ht on this and subscribe to our channel where you can see more &ideos on /0! such as his last speech in Ballas:<2T1hCw %ther /0! related &ideos;*SO0'!3$s96#E/I"72Z54ph1?U

&'( 1-! -V3%-1"- &ohn "onnally)s gun flash in high Duality ,% ?apruder film yw&:vA2!ko -ublished on /ul 21) 2013 /ohn 7onnally1s #un 'lash in hi#h Euality hd Hapruder 'ilm. /0!S ASSASS,9AT,%9 9"+ 7%9S-,=A7M ">,B"97". TH" 7%9S-,=A7M %0 ALL 7%9S-,=A7,"S) TH" /0! ASSASS,9AT,%9. 0=%5 /0!S$C90LASH.

&'( ssassination strange photo 3 cant e.plain itE'a<.DA-1o -ublished on Apr 21) 2013 /'( Assassination photo) stran#e as it doesnt seem to tie in with the Hapruder 'ilm at all) can anyone e2plainK

,it List B !ho (illed !itnesses to The &'( ssassination;7<h+41 -ublished on Apr 1A) 2013 ,n' 0or li&e continued co&era#e 0ollow ,n'o+ars Li&e : http://tw>a.s3 ve 0ollow and Support ,n'o+ars :''


utistic $irl -.presses Unimaginable 3ntelligence cc1

ncient Pyramid %iscovered 8F<CCC 'eet underwater>?q#5/A

%on)t believe in ncient liensE !atch this 3 %are 4ou. Si. parts
Cploaded on /an 1;) 2012 4laus Bonna shows some o' the absolutely amaHin# arti'acts that he has 'ound across the world , do not own this in'ormation but am distributin# it 'or education purposes.$IOhoB?792<h:=tc<q17'$''76fl4oCc!,h<A$<CEpC2#1>wA

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