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RFID card is a special type wireless card which has inbuilt embedded chip along with loop antenna. Inbuilt chip represent a 12 digit card number. Every medicine has a RFID card. RFID reader interfaced with microcontroller Here the microcontroller is flash type of reprogrammable microcontroller which already programmed with card number. hen the medicine shown on RFID reader. !he reader will read the card number and get e"pire date from that card number then it chec# with the database. If the $edicine is recogni%ed it gives on beep sound through alarm. &hec# e"pire date and it gives voice command according to test result through '(R)*++ with spea#er. !he ,&D is used to display the medicine information. 2.INTRODUCTION !he ob-ective of this pro-ect is to ma#e smart cards for medicine to find the e"piry date and medicine information. .owadays so many healthcare center and pharmacy are available. !heir medicine information/s are chec#ed by manually 0li#e e"piry dates1. !hey might give e"pired medicine to patient due to man made errors2 so patient get lot of troubles. !his pro-ect is used to chec# an e"piry date automatically to prevent the man made errors.


Fig.1.Rfid Based Medicine E !i"# Da$e Finde"

%. BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRI&TION %.1 RFID TAG AND COB DE'ELO&MENT GUIDE ' passive RFID tag contains an RFID integrated circuit 0I&12 resonant capacitor 0&12 and antenna 0,12 as shown in Figure 1. !he antenna and capacitor form a parallel ,& resonant circuit. !he ,& circuit must be tuned to the reader/s carrier fre3uency for ma"imum performance0read range1. 'fter the antenna type is chosen2 the ne"t step is to attach the silicon device to the antenna. !here are two basic methods for the device attachment4 0a1 using a chip5on5board 0&671 or 0b1 direct die attachment to the antenna. !he &67 is commonly used for wire5wound antennas and the direct die attachment is for the etched 0printed8stamped1 antenna type. %.2 REAL TIME CLOCK ' Real5!ime &loc# 0R!&1 is a computer cloc# 0most often in the form of an integrated circuit1 that #eeps trac# of the current time. 'lthough the term often refers to the devices in personal computers2 servers and embedded systems2 R!&s are present in almost any electronic device which needs to #eep accurate time.

%.3 TERMINOLOG( !he term is used to avoid confusion with ordinary hardware cloc#s which are only signals that govern digital2 and do not count time in human units. R!& should not be confused with real5time computing2 which shares its three5letter acronym2 but does not directly relate to time of day

%.% &O)ER *OUSE R!&s often have an alternate source of power2 so they can continue to #eep time while the primary source of power is off or unavailable. !his alternate source of power is normally a lithium battery in older systems2 but some newer systems use a super capacitor2 because they are rechargeable and can be soldered. !he alternate power source can also supply power to battery bac#ed R'$.

%.+ TIMING $ost R!&s use a crystal oscillator2 but some use the fre3uency. In many cases the oscillator:s fre3uency is 92.;*< #H%. !his is the same fre3uency used in 3uart% cloc#s and watches2 and for the same reasons2 namely that the fre3uency is e"actly 21= cycles per second2 which is a convenient rate to use with simple binary counter circuits.

%., S&EAKER ' loudspea#er 0or >spea#er>1 is an electroacoustic transducer that

produces sound in response to an electrical audio signal input. .on5electrical loudspea#ers were developed as accessories to telephone systems2 but electronic amplification by vacuum tube made loudspea#ers more generally useful. !he most common form of loudspea#er uses a paper cone supporting a voice coil electromagnetacting on a permanent magnet2 but many other types e"ist. here accurate reproduction of sound is re3uired2 multiple loudspea#ers may be used2 each reproducing a part of the audible fre3uency range.

$iniature loudspea#ers are found in devices such as radio and !@ receivers2 and many forms of music players. ,arger loudspea#er systems are used for music2 sound reinforcement in theatres and concerts2 and in public address systems. +. MICROCONTORLLER +.1 INTRODUCTION $icrocontrollers are destined to play an increasingly important role in revolutioni%ing various industries and influencing our day to day life more strongly than one can imagine. Aince its emergence in the early 1)<+:s the microcontroller has been recogni%ed as a general purpose building bloc# for intelligent digital systems. It is finding using diverse area2 starting from simple children:s toys to highly comple" spacecraft. 7ecause of its versatility and many advantages2 the application domain has spread in all conceivable directions2 ma#ing it ubi3uitous. 's a conse3uence2 it has generate a great deal of interest and enthusiasm among students2 teachers and practicing engineers2 creating an acute education need for imparting the #nowledge of microcontroller based system design and development. It identifies the vital features responsible for their tremendous impact2 the acute educational need created by them and provides a glimpse of the ma-or application area. ' microcontroller is a complete microprocessor system built on a single I&. $icrocontrollers were developed to meet a need for microprocessors to be put into low cost products. 7uilding a complete microprocessor system on a single chip substantially reduces the cost of building simple products2 which use the

microprocessor:s power to implement their function2 because the microprocessor is a natural way to implement many products. !his means the idea of using a microprocessor for low cost products comes up often. 7ut the typical <5bit microprocessor based system2 such as one using a B<+ and <+<= is e"pensive. 7oth <+<= and B<+ system need some additional circuits to ma#e a microprocessor system. Each part carries costs of money. Even though a product design may re3uires only very simple system2 the parts needed to ma#e this system as a low cost product. !o solve this problem microprocessor system is implemented with a single chip microcontroller. !his could be called microcomputer2 as all the ma-or parts are in the I&. $ost fre3uently they are called microcontroller because they are used they are used to perform control functions. !he microcontroller contains full implementation of a standard $I&R6(R6&EAA6R2 R6$2 R'$2 I8+2 &,6&C2 !I$ERA2 and also AERI', (6R!A. $icrocontroller also called >system on a chip> or >single chip microprocessor system> or >computer on a chip>. +.2 E'OLUTION OF MICROCONTROLLER $ar#ets for microcontrollers can run into millions of units per application. 't these volumes of the microcontrollers is a commodity items and must be optimi%ed so that cost is at a minimum. .Aemiconductor manufacturers have produced a mind5numbing array of designs that would seem to meet almost any need. Aome of the chips listed in this section are no longer regular production2 most are current2 and a few are best termed as >smo#e ware>4 the dreams of an aggressive mar#eting department. -

Man/fac$/"e" C0i! Designa$i-n

(ea" N-. -f


RAM ROM O$0e" Fea$/"es

&ins I1O ? 7it $& 1. !e"as Instruments 2. Hitachi H$&A ?+ !$A 1+++ $id 1);+ 5 2< 1+ 92 =12 2< 29 *? 1C ,ED Display 1+ R6$ 9. !oshiba !,&A ?; 5 ?2 9= 12< 2C Aerial bit I86 bit


< 7it &(D optimi%ed for control applications E"tensive 7oolean processing 0Aingle 5 bit ,ogic1 &apabilities. 6n 5 &hip Flash (rogram $emory 6n 5 &hip Data R'$

7i5directional and Individually 'ddressable I86 ,ines $ultiple 1*57it !imer8&ounters Full Duple" D'R! $ultiple Aource 8 @ector 8 (riority Interrupt Atructure 6n 5 &hip 6scillator and &loc# circuitry. 6n 5 &hip EE(R6$ A(I Aerial 7us Interface atch Dog !imer



Fig2 A"c0i$ec$/"e Of 34c+1


7.1 AD'ANTAGES OF MICROCONTROLLERS If a system is developed with a microprocessor2 the designer has to go for e"ternal memory such as R'$2 R6$ or E(R6$ and peripherals and hence the si%e of the (&7 will be large enough to hold all the re3uired peripherals. 7ut2 the micro controller has got all these peripheral facilities on a single chip so development of a similar system with a micro controller reduces (&7 si%e and cost of the design. 6ne of the ma-or differences between a micro controller and a microprocessor is that a controller often deals with bits 2 not bytes as in the real world application2 for e"ample switch contacts can only be open or close2 indicators should be lit or dar# and motors can be either turned on or off and so forth. 7.2 &O)ER MODES OF ATMEL 34C+1 MICROCONTROLER !o e"ploit the power savings available in &$6A circuitry. 'tmel/s Flash micro controllers have two software5invited reduced power modes. 7.3 IDLE MODE !he &(D is turned off while the R'$ and other on 5 chip peripherals continue operating. Inn this mode current draw is reduced to about 1= percent of the current drawn when the device is fully active.


7.% &O)ER DO)N MODE 'll on5chip activities are suspended while the on E chip R'$ continues to hold its data. In this mode2 the device typically draws less than 1= $icro 'mps and can be as low as +.* $icro 'mps 7.+&O)ER ON RESET hen power is turned on2 the circuit holds the RA! pin high for an amount of time that depends on the capacitor value and the rate at which it charges. !o ensure a valid reset2 the RA! pin must be held high long enough to allow the oscillator to start up plus two machine cycles. 6n power up2 @cc should rise within appro"imately 1+ms. !he oscillator start5up time depends on the oscillator fre3uency. For a 1+ $H% crystal2 the start5up time is typically 1ms. ith the given circuit2 reducing @cc 3uic#ly to + causes the RA! pin voltage to momentarily fall below +@. How ever2 this voltage is internally l limited and will not harm the device. 7., ADDRESSING MODES 7.,.1 DIRECT ADDRESSING In direct addressing2 the operand specified by an <5bit address field in the instruction. 6nly internal data R'$ and AFR/s can be directly addressed. 7.,.2 INDIRECT ADDRESSING In Indirect addressing2 the instruction specifies a register that contains the address of the operand. 7oth internal and e"ternal R'$ can indirectly address. !he address register for <5bit addresses can be either the Atac# (ointer or R+ or R1


of the selected register 7an#. !he address register for 1*5bit addresses can be only the 1*5bit data pointer register2 D(!R. 7.3 INDE8ED ADDRESSING (rogram memory can only be accessed via inde"ed addressing this addressing mode is intended for reading loo#5up tables in program memory. ' 1* bit base register 0Either D(!R or the (rogram &ounter1 points to the base of the table2 and the accumulator is set up with the table entry number. 'dding the 'ccumulator data to the base pointer forms the address of the table entry in program memory. 'nother type of inde"ed addressing is used in theF case -ump G instructions. In this case the destination address of a -ump instruction is computed as the sum of the base pointer and the 'ccumulator data. 7.4 REGISTER INSTRUCTION !he register ban#s2 which contains registers R+ through R;2 can be accessed by instructions whose opcodes carry a 95bit register specification. Instructions that access the registers this way ma#e efficient use of code2 since this mode eliminates an address byte. hen the instruction is e"ecuted2 one of four ban#s is selected at e"ecution time by the row ban# select bits in (A . 7.19 REGISTER 6 S&ECIFIC INSTRUCTION Aome Instructions are specific to a certain register. For e"ample some instruction always operates on the 'ccumulator2 so no address byte is needed to point 6! ir. In these cases2 the opcode itself points to the correct register. Instruction that register to 'ccumulator as ' assemble as 'ccumulator 5 specific 6pcodes.


7.11 IMMEDIATE CONSTANTS !he value of a constant can follow the opcode in program memory For e"ample. $6@ '2 H1++ loads the 'ccumulator with the decimal number 1++. !he same number could be specified in he" digit as *?h. 7.12 &ROGRAM STATUS )ORD (rogram Atatus C( (A (A (A (A ; * = ? AC ord Register in 'tmel Flash $icro controller F9 RS1 RS9 O' 666 & (A + (A (A (A 1 2 9

&S) 9 (arity of 'ccumulator Aet by Hardware to 1 if it contains an 6dd number of 1s2 6therwise it is reset to +. &S)1 Dser Definable Flag &S)2 6verflow Flag Aet 7y 'rithmetic 6perations


&S)3 Register 7an# Aelect &S)% Register 7an# Aelect &S)+ Ieneral (urpose Flag. &S), 'u"iliary &arry Flag Receives &arry 6ut from 7it 1 of 'ddition 6perands &S)7 &arry flag receives carry out from bit 1 of alu operands. !he program status word contains status bits that reflect the current state of the cpu. !he psw shown if fig resides in sfr space. !he psw contains the carry bit2 the au"iliary carry 0for bcd operations1 the two 5 register ban# select bits2 the overflow flag2 a parity bit and two user definable status flags. !he &arry 7it2 in addition to serving as a &arry bit in arithmetic operations also serves the as the F'ccumulatorG for a number of 7oolean 6perations .!he bits RA+ and RA1 select one of the four register ban#s. ' number of instructions register to these R'$ locations as R+ through R;.!he status of the RA+ and time determines which of the four ban#s is selected. RA1 bits at e"ecution

!he (arity bit reflect the .umber of 1s in the 'ccumulator (J1 if the 'ccumulator contains an even number of 1s2 and (J+ if the 'ccumulator contains an even number of 1s. !hus2 the number of 1s in the 'ccumulator plus ( is always even. !wo bits in the (A status flags.

are uncommitted and can be used as general5purpose

3 MEMOR( ORGANI:ATION 'll 'tmel Flash micro controllers have separate address spaces for program and data memory as shown in Fig 1.!he logical separation of program and data hich can be memory allows the data memory to be accessed by < bit addresses . memory addresses can also be generated through the D(!R register. (rogram memory can only be read. !here can be up to *?C bytes of directly addressable program memory. !he read strobe for e"ternal program memory is the (rogram Atore Enable Aignal 0(AE.1 Data memory occupies a separate address space from program memory. Dp to write signals2 RD and *?C bytes of e"ternal memory can be directly addressed in the e"ternal data memory space. !he &(D generates read and R2 during e"ternal data memory accesses. E"ternal program memory and e"ternal data memory can be combined by an applying the RD and (AE. signals to the inputs of '.D gate and using the output of the fate as the read strobe to the e"ternal program8data memory. 3.1 &ROGRAM MEMOR( !he map of the lower part of the program memory2 after reset2 the &(D begins e"ecution from location ++++h. Each interrupt is assigned a fi"ed location in program memory. !he interrupt causes the &(D to -ump to that location2 where it e"ecutes the service routine. E"ternal Interrupt + for e"ample2 is assigned to location +++9h. If e"ternal Interrupt + is used2 its service routine must begin at location +++9h. If the I interrupt in not used its service location is available as general5purpose program memory.

more 3uic#ly stored and manipulated by an < bit &(D .evertheless 1* 7it data


!he interrupt service locations are spaced at < byte intervals +++9h for E"ternal interrupt +2 +++7h for !imer +2 ++19h for E"ternal interrupt 12++17h for !imer12 and so on. If an Interrupt service routine is short enough 0as is often the case in control applications1 it can reside entirely within that <5byte interval. ,onger service routines can use a -ump instruction to s#ip over subse3uent interrupt locations. If other interrupts are in use. !he lowest addresses of program memory can be either in the on5chip Flash or in an e"ternal memory. !o ma#e this selection2 strap the E"ternal 'ccess 0E'1 pin to either @cc or I.D. For e"ample2 in the '!<)&=1 with ?C bytes of on5chip Flash2 if the E' pin is strapped to @cc2 program fetches to addresses ++++h through +FFFh are directed to internal Flash. (rogram fetches to addresses 1+++h through FFFFh are directed to e"ternal memory. 3.2 DATA MEMOR( !he Internal Data memory is dived into three bloc#s namely2 Refer Fig !he lower 12< 7ytes of Internal R'$. !he Dpper 12< 7ytes of Internal R'$. Apecial Function Register

Internal Data memory 'ddresses are always 1 byte wide2 which implies an address space of only 2=* bytes. However2 the addressing modes for internal R'$ can in fact accommodate 9<? bytes. Direct addresses higher than ;Fh access one memory space and indirect addresses higher than ;Fh access a different $emory Apace. !he lowest 92 bytes are grouped into ? ban#s of < registers. (rogram instructions call out these registers as R+ through R;. !wo bits in the (rogram Atatus ord 0(A 1 Aelect2 which register ban#2 is in use. !his architecture allows

more efficient use of code space2 since register instructions are shorter than instructions that use direct addressing. !he ne"t 1*5bytes above the register ban#s form a bloc# of bit addressable memory space. !he micro controller instruction set includes a wide selection of single 5 bit instructions and this instruction can directly address the 12< bytes in this area. !hese bit addresses are ++h through ;Fh. either direct or indirect addressing can access all of the bytes in lower 12< bytes. Indirect addressing can only access the upper 12<. !he upper 12< bytes of R'$ are only in the devices with 2=* bytes of R'$. 3.3 OSCILLATOR AND CLOCK CIRCUIT K!',1 and K!',2 are the input and output respectively of an inverting amplifier which is intended for use as a crystal oscillator in the pierce configuration2 in the fre3uency range of 1.2 $H% to 12 $H%. K!',2 also the input to the internal cloc# generator. !o drive the chip with an internal oscillator2 one would ground K!',1 and K!',2. Aince the input to the cloc# generator is dividing by two flip flops there are no re3uirements on the duty cycle of the e"ternal oscillator signal. However2 minimum high and low times must be observed. !he cloc# generator divides the oscillator fre3uency by 2 and provides a tow phase cloc# signal to the chip. !he phase 1 signal is active during the first half to each cloc# period and the phase 2 signals are active during the second half of each cloc# period.


3.% C&U TIMING ' machine cycle consists of * states. Each stare is divided into a phase 8 half2 during which the phase 1 cloc# is active and phase 2 half. 'rithmetic and ,ogical operations ta#e place during phase1 and internal register 5 to register transfer ta#e place during phase 2 3.+ TRENDS AND DE'ELO&MENTS IN MICRO CONTROLLER !he manner in which the use of micro controllers is shaping our lives is breathta#ing. !oday2 this versatile device can be found in a variety of control applications. &@!s2 @&Rs2 &D players2 microwave ovens2 and automotive engine systems are some of these. ' micro controller unit 0$&D1 uses the microprocessor as its central processing unit 0&(D1 and incorporates memory2 timing reference2 I86 peripherals2 etc on the same chip. ,imited computational capabilities and enhanced I86 are special features. !he micro controller is the most essential I& for continuous process5 based applications in industries li#e chemical2 refinery2 pharmaceutical automobile2 steel2 and electrical2 employing programmable logic systems 0D&A1. (,& and D&A thrive on the programmability of an $&D. !here are many $&D manufacturers. !o understand and apply general concepts2 it is necessary to study one type in detail. !his specific #nowledge can be used to understand similar features of other $&Ds. $icro controller devices have many similarities. hen you loo# at the differences2 they are not so great either. $ost common and popular $&Ds are considered to be mature and well5 established products2 which have their individual adherents and devotees.


!here are a number of variants within each family to satisfy most memory2 I862 data conversion2 and timing needs of endures applications. !he $&D is designed to operate on application5oriented sensor data5for e"ample2 temperature and pressure of a blast furnace in an industrial process that is fed through its serial or operated on under the control of software and stored in R6$. 'ppropriate signals are fed via output ports to control e"ternal devices and systems. 3., &IN DIAGRAM

Fig2 &in Diag"a;


4. &IN DESCRI&TION 'CC Aupply voltage. GND Iround. &ORT 9 (ort + is an <5bit open drain bidirectional I86 port. 's an output port each pin can sin# eight !!, inputs. hen 1s are written to port + pins2 the pins can be (ort + may also be configured to be the used as high impedance inputs.

multiple"ed low order address8data bus during accesses to e"ternal program and data memory. In this mode (+ has internal pull5ups. (ort + also receives the code bytes during Flash programming2 and outputs the code bytes during program verification. E"ternal pull5ups are re3uired during program verification. &ORT 1 (ort 1 is an <5bit bidirectional I86 port with internal pull5ups. !he (ort 1 output buffers can sin#8source four !!, inputs. hen 1s are written to (ort 1 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull5ups and can be used as inputs. 's inputs2 (ort 1 pins that are e"ternally being pulled low will source current 0II,1 because of the internal pull5ups. (ort 1 also receives the low5order address bytes during Flash programming and verification. &ORT 2 (ort 2 is an <5bit bidirectional I86 port with internal pull5ups. !he (ort 2 output buffers can sin#8source four !!, inputs. hen 1s are written to (ort 2 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull5ups and can be used as inputs. 's inputs2


(ort 2 pins that are e"ternally being pulled low will source current 0II,1 because of the internal pull5ups. (ort 2 emits the high5order address byte during fetches from e"ternal program memory and during accesses to e"ternal data memory that use 1*5bit addresses 0$6@K L D(!R1. In this application it uses strong internal pull5 ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to e"ternal data memory that use <5bit addresses 0$6@K L RI12 (ort 2 emits the contents of the (2 Apecial Function Register. (ort 2 also receives the high5order address bits and some control signals during Flash programming and verification. &ORT 3 (ort 9 is an <5bit bidirectional I86 port with internal pull5ups. !he (ort 9 output buffers can sin#8source four !!, inputs. hen 1s are written to (ort 9 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull5ups and can be used as inputs. 's inputs2 (ort 9 pins that are e"ternally being pulled low will source current 0II,1 because of the pull5ups. (ort 9 also serves the functions of various special features of the '!<)&=1 as listed below 4.1 A&&LICATIONS OF MICROCONTROLLERS $icrocontrollers are designed for use in sophisticated real time applications such as 1. Industrial &ontrol 2. Instrumentation and 9. Intelligent computer peripherals


!hey are used in industrial applications to control $otor Robotics Discrete and continuous process control In missile guidance and control In medical instrumentation 6scilloscopes !elecommunication 'utomobiles For Acanning a #eyboard Driving an ,&D For Fre3uency measurements (eriod $easurements

19. *ARD)ARE DESCRI&TION BLOCK DIAGRAM !he ac voltage2 typically 22+@ rms2 is connected to a transformer2 which steps that ac voltage down to the level of the desired dc output. ' diode rectifier then provides a full5wave rectified voltage that is initially filtered by a simple


capacitor filter to produce a dc voltage. !his resulting dc voltage usually has some ripple or ac voltage variation. ' regulator circuit removes the ripples and also remains the same dc value even if the input dc voltage varies2 or the load connected to the output dc voltage changes. !his voltage regulation is usually obtained using one of the popular voltage regulator I& units. 19.1 TRANSFORMER !he transformer will step down the power supply voltage 0+529+@1 to 0+5 *@1 level. !hen the secondary of the potential transformer will be connected to the precision rectifier2 which is constructed with the help of opEamp. !he advantages of using precision rectifier are it will give pea# voltage output as D&M rest of the circuits will give only R$A output. 19.2 BRIDGE RECTIFIER hen four diodes are connected as shown in figure2 the circuit is called as bridge rectifier. !he input to the circuit is applied to the diagonally opposite corners of the networ#2 and the output is ta#en from the remaining two corners. ,et us assume that the transformer is wor#ing properly and there is a positive potential2 at point ' and a negative potential at point 7. the positive potential at point ' will forward bias D9 and reverse bias D?. !he negative potential at point 7 will forward bias D1 and reverse D2. 't this time D9 and D1 are forward biased and will allow current flow to pass through themM D? and D2 are reverse biased and will bloc# current flow. !he path for current flow is from point 7 through D12 up through R,2 through D92 through the


secondary of the transformer bac# to point 7. this path is indicated by the solid arrows. aveforms 011 and 021 can be observed across D1 and D9. 6ne5half cycle later the polarity across the secondary of the transformer reverse2 forward biasing D2 and D? and reverse biasing D1 and D9. &urrent flow will now be from point ' through D?2 up through R,2 through D22 through the secondary of !12 and bac# to point '. !his path is indicated by the bro#en arrows. aveforms 091 and 0?1 can be observed across D2 and D?. !he current flow through R, is always in the same direction. In flowing through R, this current develops a voltage corresponding to that shown waveform 0=1. Aince current flows through the load 0R,1 during both half cycles of the applied voltage2 this bridge rectifier is a full5wave rectifier. 19.3 IC 'OLTAGE REGULATORS @oltage regulators comprise a class of widely used I&s. Regulator I& units contain the circuitry for reference source2 comparator amplifier2 control device2 and overload protection all in a single I&. I& units provide regulation of either a fi"ed positive voltage2 a fi"ed negative voltage2 or an ad-ustably set voltage. !he regulators can be selected for operation with load currents from hundreds of milli amperes to tens of amperes2 corresponding to power ratings from milli watts to tens of watts.


Fig2 Ci"c/i$ diag"a; <&-=e" s/!!.#> ' fi"ed three5terminal voltage regulator has an unregulated dc input voltage2 @i2 applied to one input terminal2 a regulated dc output voltage2 @o2 from a second terminal2 with the third terminal connected to ground. !he series ;< regulators provide fi"ed positive regulated voltages from = to 2? volts. Aimilarly2 the series ;) regulators provide fi"ed negative regulated voltages from = to 2? volts. For I&s2 microcontroller2 ,&D 555555555 = volts For alarm circuit2 op5amp2 relay circuits 5555555555 12 volts


19.% KE(&AD ' numeric #eypad2 or numpad for short2 is the small2 palm5si%ed2 seventeen #ey section of a computer #eyboard2 usually on the very far right. !he numeric #eypad features digits + to )2 addition 0N12 subtraction 0512 multiplication 0O1 and division 081 symbols2 a decimal point 0.1 'nd .um ,oc# and Enter #eys. ,aptop #eyboards often do not have a numpad2 but may provide numpad input by holding a modifier #ey 0typically lapelled >Fn>1 and operating #eys on the standard #eyboard. (articularly large laptops 0typically those with a 1; inch screen or larger1 may have space for a real numpad2 and many companies sell separate numpads which connect to the host laptop by a DA7 connection. .umeric #eypads usually operate in two modes4 when .um ,oc# is off2 #eys <2 *2 22 ? act li#e an arrow #eys and ;2 )2 92 1 act li#e Home2 (gDp2 (gDn and EndM when .um ,oc# is on2 digits #eys produce corresponding digits. !hese2 however2 differ from the numeric #eys at the top of the #eyboard in that2 when combined with the 'lt #ey on a (&2 they are used to enter characters which may not be otherwise available4 for e"ample2 'lt5+1*) produces the copyright symbol. !hese are referred to as 'lt codes. 6n 'pple &omputer $acintosh computers2 which lac# a .um ,oc# #ey2 the numeric #eypad always produces only numbers. !he num loc# #ey is replaced by the clear #ey. .umeric #eypads usually operate in two modes4 when .um ,oc# is off2 #eys <2 *2 22 ? act li#e an arrow #eys and ;2 )2 92 1 act li#e Home2 (gDp2 (gDn and EndM when .um ,oc# is on2 digits #eys produce corresponding digits. !hese2 however2 differ from the numeric #eys at the top of the #eyboard in that2 when combined with the 'lt #ey on a (&2 they are used to enter characters


which may not be otherwise available4 for e"ample2 'lt5+1*) produces the copyright symbol. !hese are referred to as 'lt codes. 19.+ ALARM

Fig2 A.a"; Ci"c/i$ Diag"a; B/??e"

' bu%%er or beeper is a signalling device2 usually electronic2 typically used in automobiles2 household appliances such as a microwave oven2 or game shows. It most commonly consists of a number of switches or sensors connected to a control unit that determines if and which button was pushed or a preset time has lapsed2 and usually illuminates a light on the appropriate button or control panel2 and sounds a warning in the form of a continuous or intermittent bu%%ing or beeping sound. Initially this device was based on an electromechanical system which was


identical to an electric bell without the metal gong 0which ma#es the ringing noise1. 6ften these units were anchored to a wall or ceiling and used the ceiling or wall as a sounding board. 'nother implementation with some '&5connected devices was to implement a circuit to ma#e the '& current into a noise loud enough to drive a loudspea#er and hoo# this circuit up to a cheap <5ohm spea#er. .owadays2 it is more popular to use a ceramic5based pie%oelectric sounder li#e a Aonalert which ma#es a high5pitched tone. Dsually these were hoo#ed up to >driver> circuits which varied the pitch of the sound or pulsed the sound on and off. 11. CIRCUIT DESCRI&TION !he circuit is designed to control the bu%%er. !he bu%%er 6. and 6FF is controlled by the pair of switching transistors 07& =?;1. !he bu%%er is connected in the P2 transistor collector terminal. hen high pulse signal is given to base of the P1 transistors2 the transistor is conducting and close the collector and emitter terminal so %ero signals is given to base of the P2 transistor. Hence P2 transistor and bu%%er is turned 6FF state. hen low pulse is given to base of transistor P1 transistor2 the transistor is turned 6FF. .ow 12v is given to base of P2 transistor so the transistor is conducting and bu%%er is energi%ed and produces the sound signal. 12. ALARM O&ERATION 'n alarm 0French4 Q l:arme 5 >!o the arms>1 gives an audible or visual warning of a problem or condition.


12.1 ALARMS INCLUDE 7urglar alarms2 designed to warn of intrusionsM this is often a silent alarm4 the police or guards are warned without indication to the burglar2 which increases the chances of catching him or her. 'larm cloc#s can produce an alarm at a given time Distributed control manufacturing systems or dcss2 found in nuclear power plants2 refineries and chemical facilities also generate alarms to direct the operator:s attention to an important event that he or she needs to address. 'larms in an 6peration and $aintenance 06R$1 $onitoring system2 which informs the bad wor#ing state of 0a particular part of the1 system under monitoring. ith any #ind of alarm2 the need e"ists to balance between on the one hand the danger of false alarms 0called >false positives>1 the signal going off in the absence of a problem and on the other hand failing to signal an actual problem 0called a >false negative>1. False alarms can waste resources e"pensively and can even be dangerous. For e"ample2 false alarms of a fire can waste firefighter manpower2 ma#ing them unavailable for a real fire2 and ris# in-ury to firefighters and others as the fire engines race to the alleged fire:s location. In addition2 false alarms may acclimatise people to ignore alarm signals2 and thus possibly to ignore an actual emergency4 'esop:s fable of !he 7oy 13. &CB DESIGN Design and Fabrication of (rinted circuit boards 13.1 INTRODUCTION (rinted circuit boards2 or (&7s2 form the core of electronic e3uipment domestic and industrial. Aome of the areas where (&7s are intensively used are computers2 process control2 telecommunications and instrumentation. ho &ried olf e"emplifies this problem.


13.2 MANUFATCURING !he manufacturing process consists of two methodsM print and etch2 and print2 plate and etch. !he single sided (&7s are usually made using the print and etch method. !he double sided plate through E hole 0(!H1 boards are made by the print plate and etch method. !he production of multi layer boards uses both the methods. !he inner layers are printed and etch while the outer layers are produced by print2 plate and etch after pressing the inner layers. 13.3 SOFT)ARE !he software used in our pro-ect to obtain the schematic layout is $I&R6AI$. 13.% &ANELISATION Here the schematic transformed in to the wor#ing positive8negative films. !he circuit is repeated conveniently to accommodate economically as many circuits as possible in a panel2 which can be operated in every se3uence of subse3uent steps in the (&7 process. !his is called penali%ation. For the (!H boards2 the ne"t operation is drilling. 13.+ DRILLING (&7 drilling is a state of the art operation. @ery small holes are drilled with high speed &.& drilling machines2 giving a wall finish with less or no smear or epo"y2 re3uired for void free through hole plating. 13., &LATING !he heart of the (&7 manufacturing process. !he holes drilled in the board are treated both mechanically and chemically before depositing the copper by the electro less copper platting process.

13.7 ETC*ING 6nce a multiplayer board is drilled and electro less copper deposited2 the image available in the form of a film is transferred on to the out side by photo printing using a dry film printing process. !he boards are then electrolytic plated on to the circuit pattern with copper and tin. !he tin5plated deposit serves an etch resist when copper in the unwanted area is removed by the conveyor/s spray etching machines with chemical etch ants. !he etching machines are attached to an automatic dosing e3uipment2 which analyses and controls etch ants concentrations. 13.3 SOLDERMASK Aince a (&7 design may call for very close spacing between conductors2 a solder mas# has to be applied on the both sides of the circuitry to avoid the bridging of conductors. !he solder mas# in# is applied by screening. !he in# is dried2 e"posed to D@2 developed in a mild al#aline solution and finally cured by both D@ and thermal energy. 13.4 *OT AIR LE'ELLING 'fter applying the solder mas#2 the circuit pads are soldered using the hot air leveling process. !he bare bodies flu"ed and dipped in to a molten solder bath. hile removing the board from the solder bath2 hot air is blown on both sides of the board through air #nives in the machines2 leaving the board soldered and leveled. !his is one of the common finishes given to the boards. !hus the double sided plated through whole printed circuit board is manufactured and is now ready for the components to be soldered.


1%. SOFT)ARE TOOLS 1%.1 KEIL C COM&ILER Ceil development tools for the <+=1 $icrocontroller 'rchitecture support every level of software developer from the professional applications engineer to the student -ust learning about embedded software development. !he industry5standard Ceil & &ompilers2 $acro 'ssemblers2 Debuggers2 Real5time Cernels2 Aingle5board &omputers2 and Emulators support all <+=1 derivatives and help you get your pro-ects completed on schedule. !he Ceil <+=1 Development !ools are designed to solve the comple" problems facing embedded software developers. hen starting a new pro-ect2 simply select the microcontroller you use from the Device Database and the S@ision IDE sets all compiler2 assembler2 lin#er2 and memory options for you. .umerous e"ample programs are included to help you get started with the most popular embedded <+=1 devices. !he Ceil S@ision Debugger accurately simulates on5chip peripherals 0IT&2 &'.2 D'R!2 A(I2 Interrupts2 I86 (orts2 '8D &onverter2 D8' &onverter2 and ( $ $odules1 of your <+=1 device. Aimulation helps you understand hardware configurations and avoids time wasted on setup problems. 'dditionally2 with simulation2 you can write and test applications before target hardware is available. hen you are ready to begin testing your software application with target hardware2 use the $6.=12 $6.9)+2 $6.'DI2 or Flash$6.=1 !arget $onitors2 the IAD=1 In5Aystem Debugger2 or the D,I.C DA75


U!'I 'dapter to download and test program code on your target system. It:s been suggested that there are now as many embedded systems in everyday use as there are people on planet Earth. Domestic appliances from washing machines to !@s2 video recorders and mobile phones2 now include at least one embedded processor. !hey are also vital components in a huge variety of automotive2 medical2 aerospace and military systems. 's a result2 there is strong demand for programmers with :embedded: s#ills2 and many des#top developers are moving into this area. Embedded & is designed for programmers with des#top e"perience in &2 &N N or Uava who want to learn the s#ills re3uired for the uni3ue challenges of embedded systems. 1%.2 SIMULATOR !he Ceil hardware simulator for the popular <+=1 microcontroller is on the &D5R6$ so that readers can try out e"amples from the boo# 5 and create new ones 5 without re3uiring additional hardware. 'll code is written in &2 so no assembly language is re3uired. Industry5standard & compiler from Ceil software is included on the &D5R6$2 along with copies of code e"amples from the boo# to get you up and running very 3uic#ly. Cey techni3ues re3uired in all embedded systems are covered in detail2 including the control of port pins and the reading of switches. ' complete embedded operating system is presented2 with full source code on the &D5R6$.


'chieve outstanding application performance on Intel processors using IntelV & &ompiler for indowsO2 including support for the latest Intel multi5core processors. For out5of5the5bo" productivity2 Intel & &ompiler plugs into the $icrosoft @isual AtudioO development environment for I'592 and features a preview plug5in to the $icrosoft @isual Atudio ..E! environment !his chapter provides information about the & compiler2 including operating environments2 standards conformance2 organi%ation of the compiler2 and &5related programming tools. 1+. AD'ANTAGES e can access vary easily2

Easy Implementation2 ,ow power consumption2 1,. A&&LICATIONS (harmacy2 Hospital2 Home2 Healthcare center2


17. CONCLUSION AND SCO&E FOR FUTURE !his pro-ect may be implemented in the industries i.e.2 to communicate between the staffs or employees in addition to this we may implement it in the houses where there is a need. In future we can add much more control appliances. It is a beautiful thing to those who are in business or in other activities. It is a less e"pensive one so that all the people can be monitored and implement this in day5 today life. In future we can access the data more and similarly we can increase speed according to the need.


13. REFERENCES $I,, $'. U and H' CIEA &.&. FI.!EIR'!ED E,E&!R6.I&AG $&IR' HI,,2 1);2

R6W &H6DDHDRW D2 AH'I, U'I.2 F ,I.E'R I.!EIR'!ED &IR&DI!G2 .ew 'ge International (ublishers2 .ew Delhi22+++ F!HE <+=1 $I&R6&6.!R6,,ER '.D E$7EDDED AWA!E$G by

$ohammad 'li $a%idi.


A..6 1. 2. 9. ?. =. *. ;.

('R!I&D,'RA $I&R6&6.!R6,,ER (IR AE.A6R 7'!!ERW ,&D ! 6 $6!6R ','R'$ R676!

R'!E 9<+ 12++ *+ <+ *<+ ?*+ =++


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